Uso de Quantifiers Many Much Some Any A Lot of Lots of

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Universidad Católica de Honduras – Campus Santa Clara

Using QUANTIFIERS ( pg. 53 top notch 2)

Name: ________________________________ Mr. Alemán

A) Usamos a lot of / lots of ( bastante, bastantes ) ya sea con sustantivos
contables o no contables en cualquier oración y pregunta:
I sold a lot of (lots of) hand gloves last week. But I didn´t sell a lot of
(lots of) baby powder.

B) Usamos many ( muchos/muchas ) en oraciones negativas con

sustantivos plurales.
That store doesn´t have many types of cosmetics.

C) Usamos much ( mucho/mucha ) en oraciones negativas con

sustantivos no contables.
Don´t put much toothpaste to your toothbrush.
II part of grammar
D) Usamos some (unos/unas) con ambos tipos de sustantivos pero en
oraciones afirmativas.
I need you to go to the convinience store and buy some shampoo and
some soaps.
E) Usamos any …….algo de/nada/ningún(a)/ningunos(as)….. para
ambos tipos de sustantivos en oraciones negativas y preguntas.
She doesn´t have any makeup anymore.
Do you have any aftershave?

*El uso de estos temas puede confundir un poco, pero para objetivos de evaluación, los temas son
tratados por separado y nunca compiten cuando tengan usos similares es decir:

I don´t have ( any / many ) hair combs. X

I don´t have ( any / some )toothbrush
Exercise: Underline the correct choice:

1. They don´t have ( much / many ) money.

2. We need ( some / any ) bananas.

3. You can't buy ( some / any ) posters in this shop.

4. Karla is drinking ( many / lots of ) water.

5. There aren´t ( much / many ) stores in our town.

6. My father bought ( many / a lot of ) shampoo for us.

7. She always takes ( some / any ) sugar with her coffee.

8. Dou you drink ( much / many ) tea?

9. Were there ( much / many ) people at the party?

10. I have ( some / many ) magazines for you.

11. Pam does not have ( much / any ) pencils on her desk.

12. Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have (many /any ).

13. We had to wait for ( much / many ) minutes.

14. They didn't sing ( much / any ) songs.

15. There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get ( some / many ).

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