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What is the title of this PE class?

Team Sports
What grade level is this course? (Circle one) Fresh/Soph ​Junior/ Senior​ Fr/So/Jr/Sr
1.Does this class have leaders?
2.What are the leaders names?

3.Are leaders dressed in proper PE uniform? (Leader shirt or spirit wear, shorts or sweats, gym
Yes the leaders are dressed properly
4.If not dressed in proper uniform, what is missing from the correct uniform?
What is the primary focus of this particular course? (Over the course of the semester what are the
main concepts the teacher is trying to teach?)
The primary focus for this class is to make workouts for the different sport they are doing and
also learning to be a team player.

If the class you are observing does not have leaders, please skip to Question 11.
5.What does the leader do at the beginning of class? ​Give examples
For this unit they did not do anything since all the volleyball net were up and volleyball
were out.
6.What does the leader do in the middle of the class? ​Give examples
Today they played volleyball with the students
7.What does the leader do at the end of class? ​Give examples
They cleaned up the volleyball’s, and then were done.
8.. How do the leaders interact with the teacher? ​ Give examples
They talked with her in the beginning of the class but the rest of the period they did not
interact much because the leaders were playing volleyball.
9.. How do the leaders interact with the students? ​Give examples
They encouraged them while they were playing together. They also played as team sports.
10. If you were the leader in this class, what would you have done differently to make the make
the class better? ​Give an example.
For this unit, I would have not changed anything the leaders have done.
Answer the following 3 questions only if there are no leaders in this class:
11. If there is no leader, what can a leader do to assist at the beginning of class? ​Give examples
12.. If there is no leader, what can a leader do to assist in the middle of class? ​Give examples
13. If there is no leader, what can a leader do to assist at the end of class? ​Give examples

Final Question:​ Can you see yourself being a leader in this class? Why or why not?
Yes I could see myself being a leader for this class, I very much like the aspect of playing as
teams and working together.

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