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Diversity and Distributions (2003) 9, 123– 140


Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian

Blackwell Science, Ltd

population declines
AUDREY C. HATCH 1 1Department of Zoology, 3029 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Oregon 97331–2914, U.S.A., e-mail: and 2Department of Biology,
Pennsylvania State University, 208 Mueller Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A.

Abstract. As part of an overall ‘biodiversity kill amphibians and induce sublethal affects in
crisis’, many amphibian populations are in decline embryos, larvae and adults. Moreover, UV radi-
throughout the world. Numerous factors have ation and contaminants may interact with one
contributed to these declines, including habitat another synergistically. Synergistic interactions of
destruction, pathogens, increasing ultraviolet UV radiation with contaminants can enhance the
(UV) radiation, introduced non-native species detrimental effects of the contaminant and UV
and contaminants. In this paper we review the radiation.
contribution of increasing UV radiation and
environmental contamination to the global Key words. Amphibian population declines,
decline of amphibian populations. Both UV biodiversity, chytridiomycosis ozone depletion,
radiation and environmental contaminants can contaminants, fertilizers, heavy metals, PAHs,
affect amphibians at all life stages. Exposure to pathogens, pesticides Saprolegnia, toxic chemicals,
UV radiation and to certain contaminants can UV-B radiation.

species, contaminants, habitat destruction and

global environmental changes are contributing to
Global biodiversity loss is currently a major population declines in amphibians (recently
international concern, with some estimates sug- reviewed in Alford & Richards, 1999; Blaustein &
gesting that the current rate of extinction is Kiesecker, 2002).
greater than any known in the last 100 000 years Concern about amphibians is due in part to
(Eldridge, 1998). As part of the global loss of their value as indicators of environmental stress
species, amphibian populations are declining (Blaustein & Wake, 1995). Many are in close
throughout the world (Wake, 1991; Alford & contact with water as larvae, and most have
Richards, 1999; Houlahan et al., 2000; Blaustein some contact with land as adults. Therefore, they
& Kiesecker, 2002). More than 500 populations experience both aquatic and terrestrial stressors.
of frogs and salamanders are in decline and Amphibians have moist, permeable skin and
many are listed as of special conservation con- unshelled eggs that are directly exposed to soil,
cern (Alford & Richards, 1999). In some regions, water and sunlight and that can readily absorb
declines of amphibian populations appear to be toxic substances. Moreover, amphibians are im-
greater than declines in other taxonomic groups portant components of many ecosystems, acting
(e.g. Pounds et al., 1999). Numerous factors, as prey, predators or herbivores (Blaustein et al.,
including pathogens, introduced non-native 1994a). Because of their contribution to trophic
dynamics, loss of amphibian populations will
probably affect other organisms (Blaustein et al.,
* Corresponding author 1994a).

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124 A. R. Blaustein et al.

Numerous recent studies have been conducted that deplete stratospheric ozone continuously,
to document causes of amphibian population resulting in long-term increases in UV-B radia-
losses and declines. These studies reveal that tion at the surface of the earth. Decreases in
mechanisms underlying amphibian population stratospheric ozone, climate warming and lake
declines are complex, involving interactions among acidification, leading to decreases in dissolved
abiotic and biotic components (Blaustein & organic carbon concentrations (e.g. Schindler
Kiesecker, 2002). In this paper we review briefly et al., 1996), all result in increasing levels of UV
effects and implications of two contributing radiation. Data from several sources indicate that
factors: increasing ultraviolet radiation (primarily levels of UV-B radiation recently have risen sig-
UV-B radiation) and environmental contamina- nificantly (especially since 1979) in the tropics
tion. We emphasize on research on UV radiation and in temperate regions (Kerr & McElroy, 1993;
and interactions between UV radiation and Herman et al., 1996; Middleton et al., 2001).
contaminants, because there have been several UV-B radiation can kill amphibians directly,
recent extensive reviews on effects of contaminants cause sublethal effects or act in concert with con-
on amphibians (Sparling et al., 2000; Boone & taminants, pathogens or with changes in climate
Bridges, 2003). to adversely affect amphibians, as we describe in
more detail below. The effects of UV-B radiation
may vary with species, between populations of
the same species, with weather conditions, geo-
UV-B (280–315 nm) radiation is the most signi- graphy and water chemistry (Blaustein et al.,
ficant biologically damaging radiation at the 1998; Blaustein & Kiesecker, 2002).
terrestrial surface. At the organismal level, UV-B
radiation can slow growth rates, cause immune
dysfunction and result in sublethal damage (Tevini,
1993). Living organisms absorb UV-B radiation
efficiently. Critical biomolecules do not absorb When hatching rates are compared between
light of higher wavelength (UV-A; 315 – 400 nm) as groups of embryos exposed to ambient UV-B
efficiently, and stratospheric ozone absorbs most radiation with those shielded from UV-B in field
light of lower wavelengths (UV-C; 200 –280 nm) experiments, the embryos of many species dis-
(Cockell & Blaustein, 2001). UV-B radiation played greater hatching rates in shielded regimes
can lead to mutations and cell death. However, (reviewed recently in Blaustein et al., 1998,
increasing evidence suggests that UV-A radiation, Blaustein et al., 2001; Table 1). This is true for
especially in combination with other stressors, is frogs, toads and salamanders from a wide variety
also damaging to living organisms (see below). of sites, elevations and habitats in North Amer-
Over evolutionary time, UV radiation has ica, Europe and Australia (Blaustein et al., 1998,
been an important stressor on living organisms 2001; Table 1). However, hatching success of
(Cockell, 2001). Natural events, including impacts other amphibian species was not affected by UV-
from comets and asteroids, volcanic activity, B radiation (Blaustein et al., 1998). Even in the
supernova explosions and solar flares, can cause same experiments, conducted at the same time
large-scale ozone depletion with accompanying and at the same sites, hatching success of some
increases in UV radiation (Cockell & Blaustein, amphibians is greatly reduced by UV-B radiation,
2000; Cockell, 2001). However, these natural whereas hatching success of other species is not
events are transient, and may only cause signifi- affected. For example, in Oregon hatching suc-
cant ozone damage for a few years (Cockell & cess of Cascades frogs (Rana cascadae) and west-
Blaustein, 2000). Moreover, the amount of ozone ern toads (Bufo boreas) was lower when exposed
damage due to natural events depends upon a to ambient UV-B radiation than when eggs were
number of variables, including the magnitude of shielded from UV-B (Blaustein et al., 1994b).
the event (e.g. size of the asteroid making impact; However, hatching success of Pacific tree frogs
Cockell & Blaustein, 2000). This is different (Hyla regilla) was not significantly different
from modern-day human-induced production of between UV shielded and UV exposed treatments
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other chemicals (Blaustein et al., 1994b). Similarly, in Spain

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140

Table 1 Examples of studies showing lethal and sublethal effects of ultraviolet radiation alone or in synergism with other factors on amphibians
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140
Species Effect of UV Synergistic effects with UV References

Frogs and toads

Bufo boreas Increases embryo mortality; With Saprolegnia (fungus) Worrest & Kimeldorf (1976);
developmental abnormalities; increases embryo mortality Blaustein et al. (1994a); Kats et al.
hampers antipredator behaviour (2000); Kiesecker & Blaustein (1995);
Kiesecker et al. (2001)

Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines

Bufo bufo Increases embryo mortality; reduces Lizana & Pedraza (1998);
tadpole survival Häkkinen et al. (2001)
Crineria signifera Increases embryo mortality Broomhall et al. (2000)
Hyla arborea Causes skin darkening Langhelle et al. (1999)
Hyla cadaverina Increases embryo mortality Anzalone et al. (1998)
Hyla chrysoscelis Embryonic deformities Starnes et al. (2000)
Hyla regilla Developmental and physiological With nitrates reduces survival Hays et al. (1996);
abnormalities; reduces larval survival Ovaska et al. (1997);
Hatch & Blaustein (2003)
Hyla versicolor Causes skin darkening; With carbaryl decreases Zaga et al. (1998)
decreases swimming activity swimming activity
Litoria aurea Behavioural avoidance of UV van de Mortel & Buttemer (1998)
Littoria peronii Behavioural avoidance of UV van de Mortel & Buttemer (1998)
Litoria verreauxii Increases embryo mortality Broomhall et al. (2000)
Pseudacris triseriata Embryonic deformities Starnes et al. (2000)
Rana aurora Inhibits growth Belden & Blaustein (2002a)
Rana arvalis Increases embryo mortality Häkkinen et al. (2001)
Rana catesbeiana With fluoranthene causes skin Walker et al. (1998)
damage and hyperactivity
Rana clamitans Increases larval mortality; delayed Grant & Licht (1997);
development; morphological Tietge et al. (2001)
Rana cascadae Increases embryo mortality; With nitrate and low pH, Blaustein et al. (1994a);
retinal damage; developmental reduces survival and alters Hays et al. (1996);
and physiological abnormalities; behaviour Fite et al. (1998); Kats et al. (2000);
hampers antipredator behaviour Hatch & Blaustein (2000)

A. R. Blaustein et al.
Table 1 continued

Species Effect of UV Synergistic effects with UV References

Rana pipiens Increases larval mortality; causes With low pH reduces hatching Long et al. (1995); Ankley et al. (1998);
deformities in larvae and juveniles; success; with fluoranthene Hatch & Burton (1998); Monson
slows growth and development causes deformities et al. (1999); Smith et al. (2000);
Tietge et al. (2001)
Rana sylvatica Morphological and behavioural Grant & Licht (1997)
Rana septentrionalis Increases larval mortality Tietge et al. (2001)
Rana temporaria Delayed growth Pahkala et al. (2001)
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140

Xenopus laevis Causes skin darkening; decreases With fluoranthene causes Bruggeman et al. (1998);
swimming activity; reduces growth deformities; with carbaryl Hatch & Burton (1998);
changes swimming behaviour Zaga et al. (1998)
Ambystoma gracile Increases embryo mortality Blaustein et al. (1995)
Ambystoma. macrodactylum Increases embryo mortality; causes With nitrates affects growth Blaustein et al. (1997a); Belden et al.
deformities; slows growth; skin darkening (2000); Belden & Blaustein (2002b);
Hatch & Blaustein (2003)
Pleurodeles waltii UV-A enhances toxicity of PAHs Fernandez & L’Haridon (1992, 1994)
Taricha granulosa Increases activity; alters antipredator Blaustein et al. (2000);
behaviour; skin darkening Kats et al. (2000);
Belden & Blaustein (2002c)
Taricha torosa Increases embryo mortality Anzalone et al. (1998)
Triturus alpestris Skin damage; causes erratic swimming Nagl & Hofer (1997)
Triturus cristatus Skin damage; causes erratic swimming Langhelle et al. (1999)
Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines 127

hatching success of common toads (Bufo bufo) distinctive outer retinal abnormalities in the infe-
was lower in UV-B exposed eggs than in those rior retina that include the abnormal distribution
shielded from UV-B, whereas there was no effect of retinal pigment, damaged photoreceptors and
of UV-B on the hatching success of the natter- the presence of large pigment filled macrophages.
jack toad (B. calamita) (Lizana & Pedraza, 1998). These abnormalities were consistent with damage
These studies and others suggest that the due to basking in sunlight (Fite et al., 1998) and
embryos of certain species use various defences may impair vision significantly.
against the harmful effects of UV-B radiation Several experimental studies illustrated that
better than others (discussed below). Even within early exposure to UV-B radiation causes delayed
a species, there may be variation between popu- effects in later stages. For example, UV-B radia-
lations in their ability to cope with UV-B radia- tion did not alter the hatching success of plains
tion (e.g. Belden & Blaustein, 2002a,b). leopard frogs (Rana blairi). However, growth and
development were slower in tadpoles when they
were exposed to UV-B radiation only as embryos
Sublethal effects
(Smith et al., 2000). Hatching success in the com-
Mortality, as measured by hatching success, is mon frog (Rana temporaria) was unaffected when
the most extreme effect of UV-B radiation embryos were exposed to UV-B radiation
observed in field experiments such as those (Pahkala et al., 2001). However, larvae exposed
described above. However, even though hatching to UV-B radiation as embryos displayed an
rates of some species are unaffected by ambient increased frequency of developmental anomalies,
UV radiation, an increasing number of studies metamorphosed later and were smaller at similar
illustrate a variety of sublethal effects that are stages than larvae shielded from UV-B as
induced after exposure to UV-B radiation. These embryos (Pahkala et al., 2001). Similarly, UV-B
effects may appear in embryos, larvae or in radiation had no effects on hatching success in
adults. For example, exposure to UV-B radiation red-legged frogs (R. aurora) (Blaustein et al.,
can alter the behaviour of amphibians (Nagl & 1996; Ovaska et al., 1997). However, red-legged
Hofer, 1997; Blaustein et al., 2000; Kats et al., frog tadpoles exposed to UV-B radiation as
2000) slow growth and development (e.g. Belden embryos were smaller and less developed than
et al., 2000; Pahkala et al., 2000, 2001; Smith tadpoles shielded from UV-B radiation as
et al., 2000; Belden & Blaustein, 2002a), or embryos (Belden & Blaustein, 2002a).
induce developmental and physiological malfor- Changes in behaviour after exposure to UV-B
mations (e.g. Worrest & Kimeldorf, 1976; Hays radiation have been reported in a number of
et al., 1996; Blaustein et al., 1997a; Fite et al., studies. For example, exposure of roughskin
1998; Ankley et al., 2002). newts (Taricha granulosa) to UV-B radiation in
Low-level exposure to simulated ambient UV- the laboratory caused them to increase activity
B radiation in the laboratory causes a number (Blaustein et al., 2000). Changes in activity levels
of developmental and physiological deformities after exposure to UV-B radiation have been
in frogs and toads (Worrest & Kimeldorf, observed in a number of other species as well
1976; Hays et al., 1996) (Table 1). These include (e.g. Nagl & Hofer, 1997; Zaga et al., 1998;
oedema, skeletal anomalies and eye damage. Table 1). Antipredator behaviours may also be
In field experiments, long-toed salamander affected by exposure to UV-B radiation. For
(Ambystoma macrodactylum) embryos exposed example, Cascades frog tadpoles and juvenile
to ambient levels of UV-B radiation not only western toads (Bufo boreas) exposed to low levels
hatched at a significantly much lower frequency of UV radiation did not respond to the chemical
(14.5%) than those shielded from UV-B (95%) cues of predators as quickly as those that were
but also displayed a much higher proportion of not exposed (Kats et al., 2000).
deformities (Blaustein et al., 1997a). Moreover,
more than 90% of the survivors exposed to UV-
Defences against UV-B exposure
B radiation were deformed, compared with only
0.5% that were deformed under UV blocking Selection pressures associated with exposure
shields. Adult Cascades frogs from Oregon had to solar radiation over evolutionary time have

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128 A. R. Blaustein et al.

resulted in molecular, physiological and behav- as strong as in the Northwest studies (van de
ioural mechanisms that limit amphibian exposure Mortel et al., 1998). There is also a general cor-
to UV-B radiation or help repair UV-B-induced relation between the amount of photolyase activ-
damage after exposure (Epel et al., 1999; Hofer, ity, exposure of eggs to solar radiation in nature
2000; Cockell, 2001; Blaustein & Belden, 2003). and, based on limited data, population status
Thus amphibians may avoid sunlight, possess (Blaustein et al., 1998). The embryos of amphib-
pigmentations that absorb UV light, surround ian species whose populations are in decline have
their eggs in UV-protective jelly, wrap their eggs less photolyase activity than embryos of species
in leaves or use a variety of molecular mecha- whose populations are not declining (Blaustein
nisms to repair UV damage (discussed in detail et al., 2001).
in Blaustein & Belden, 2003; see also Belden & Within a species, individuals from one popula-
Blaustein, 2002c). tion may differ from members of another popu-
Repair of UV-induced DNA damage seems to lation in their sensitivity to UV-B radiation. This
be especially important in amphibians exposed to has recently been shown experimentally in long-
solar radiation (Blaustein et al., 1994b). Expo- toed salamanders (A. macrodactylum) (Belden &
sure to UV can induce formation of photoprod- Blaustein, 2002b). The larvae of long-toed sala-
ucts such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers manders living at low elevations were more sen-
(CPDs) that damage DNA. Formation of CPDs sitive to UV-B radiation than larvae from higher
inhibits proper transcription and translation, and elevation sites. Inter-populational differences in
can lead to mutation and cell death (Sancar & sensitivity to UV-B radiation may be due to dif-
Tang, 1993; Hearst, 1995). Amphibian species ferences in the ability to repair DNA damage,
may be relatively resistant to UV-B if they can pigmentations, jelly coats or in behaviour and
remove or repair UV damaged DNA efficiently may reflect local adaptations.
(Blaustein et al., 1994b). The major process by
which this is performed in amphibians is through
enzymatic photoreactivation, using the enzyme
CPD-photolyase (Friedberg et al., 1995). A sec- A wide array of contaminants affects amphibians,
ond related enzyme, [6-4]-photolyase, similarly including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, ferti-
uses light energy to reverse pyrimidine-[6-4′]- lizers and numerous other pollutants (Blaustein
pyrimidone photoproducts ([6-4] photoproducts). et al., 1997b; Bonin et al., 1997; Sparling et al.,
Moreover, multiprotein broad specificity excision 2000; Boone & Bridges, 2003). Contaminants
repair processes can remove CPDs and [6-4] pho- may be spread globally or act on a local scale.
toproducts (discussed in Blaustein et al., 2001). Contaminants transported atmospherically have
Both mechanisms may be used simultaneously the potential to affect amphibians in remote, rel-
but CPD-photolyase appears to be the first level atively undisturbed environments. Even low levels
of defence against CPDs for many organisms of contaminants from atmospheric deposition are
exposed to solar radiation (Pang & Hays, 1991; potentially harmful to amphibians.
Blaustein et al., 1994b; Friedberg et al., 1995). There is a relatively large literature on the
Research on embryonic amphibians in the effects of contaminants on amphibians (reviewed
Pacific Northwest, United States demonstrated a in Sparling et al., 2000; Boone & Bridges, 2003),
strong correlation between photolyase activity yet little is known about how contaminants affect
and resistance to UV-B exposure (e.g. Hays et al., amphibians at the population level (Alford &
1996; Blaustein et al., 1994a; Blaustein et al., Richards, 1999). In this section, we provide some
1996; Blaustein et al., 1999). For example, eggs of examples of how contaminants affect amphibians.
the most UV-resistant species in field experiments
(e.g. H. regilla, R. aurora, R. pretiosa and R.
luteiventris) have higher CPD-photolyase activity
than eggs of more susceptible species (e.g. R. cas- Numerous pesticides have permeated the land-
cadae, B. boreas, A. macrodactylum, A. gracile) scape, including many ‘new’ postchlorinated
(Table 1; Blaustein et al., 1998). A similar trend hydrocarbons such as organophosphates, car-
exists for Australian tree frogs, although it is not bamates, pyrethoids, herbicides and fungicides.

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Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines 129

According to Cowman & Mazanti (2000), more (Hg), silver (Ag), copper (Cu), arsenic (As), man-
than 100 types of carbamates and organophos- ganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and antimony
phates alone are applied at a rate of about 200 (Sb) have a number of effects on amphibians.
million acre treatments per year in the United They can be lethal or induce sublethal effects
States. In combination, the effects herbicides, such as slowing growth and development and
fungicides and chlorinated hydrocarbons have on altering behaviour (e.g. Blaustein et al., 1997b
amphibians are probably dramatic. Although we and references therein; Lefcort et al., 1998, 1999;
do not have information on how all pesticides Raimondo et al., 1998).
affect amphibians, accumulating evidence from Several studies have shown damaging effects
laboratory studies have demonstrated the lethal of heavy metals on amphibians from coal com-
effects of many of them (e.g. reviews by Cooke, bustion and other sources which contain heavy
1981; Blaustein et al., 1997b; Bridges & Semlitsch, metals. For example, Rowe et al. (1996) found a
2000; Sparling et al., 2000; Boone & Bridges, higher incidence of oral deformities in bullfrog
2003; and references therein). Sublethal effects (Rana catesbeiana) larvae at a site polluted with
after exposure to pesticides are also common. coal ash compared with larvae from sites without
For example, pesticides may hamper growth and coal ash. Rowe et al. (1998a) introduced R. cat-
development, and they may cause developmental esbeiana embryos to a site polluted by coal com-
and behavioural abnormalities in amphibians bustion waste and an unpolluted site. Larval
(see References in Blaustein et al., 1997b; Bridges survival was lower and the incidence of oral
& Semlitsch, 2000; Sparling et al., 2000; Boone & deformities in larvae was higher at the polluted
Bridges, 2003). site compared with larvae at the unpolluted site.
Although few studies have documented effects Moreover, larvae collected from a polluted site
of pesticide exposure under natural conditions, had higher metabolic rates than those collected
DDT spraying in Oregon forests may have at an unpolluted site. Larvae introduced to a pol-
caused mortality in a population of western spot- luted site had higher metabolic rates than those
ted frogs, Rana pretiosa (Kirk, 1988). In Califor- introduced to another unpolluted site (Rowe
nia atmospheric deposition of organophosphate et al., 1998b). Higher metabolic rates could
pesticides from the highly agricultural Central indicate a physiological cost of exposure to
Valley may have contributed to declines of frogs contaminants.
(Aston & Seiber, 1997; Sparling et al., 2001). Rowe et al. (2001) transplanted larvae of
Davidson et al. (2001) concluded that patterns of southern toads (Bufo terrestris) collected from a
decline in red-legged frogs in California were clean site to one polluted with heavy metals from
caused most probably by pesticides carried upwind coal combustion waste and to a reference site.
from the Central Valley. Russell et al. (1995) Throughout the early larval period, survival of
found residues of several pesticides in tissue of southern toads transplanted to polluted sites was
spring peepers, Pseudacris crucifer from a Cana- lower than those at unpolluted sites. Midway
dian National Park 26 years after the application through the larval period, surviving larvae from
of pesticides had ceased. This suggests that pes- the polluted site were transplanted to the refer-
ticides can have long-term effects on amphibians. ence site, or replaced at the polluted site. All
The effects of pesticides and their interactions those reintroduced to the polluted site died
with other contaminants on amphibians are dis- before metamorphosis, while survival to meta-
cussed in more detail in sections below. morphosis was significantly greater for those
transplanted from the polluted to the reference
Heavy metals and acidification
Acidification may contribute to local extinc-
Intensive agricultural and industrial production tions of amphibians. For example, Harte &
and pollution from mines has increased the prev- Hoffman (1989) suggested that episodic acidifi-
alence of heavy metals (and other pollutants) in cation might have contributed to declines in tiger
surface waters that may ultimately affect amphi- salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) populations in
bian populations. Metals such as aluminium (Al), Colorado. Acid pollution seems to have played a
lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury role in the decline of natterjack toads (Bufo

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130 A. R. Blaustein et al.

calamita) in Britain (Beebee et al., 1990). Acidi- may alter their feeding behaviour in the presence
fication alone, or in combination with other of nitrogenous fertilizers (e.g. Hatch et al., 2001).
factors can have a number of adverse effects on
amphibians (Dunson et al., 1992).
In many cases the effects that heavy metals
have on amphibian survival are linked closely to
acidification, because heavy metals may leach One hypothesis for the decline of amphibian
from soils in contact with acidic water. For populations is that endocrine disruptors, including
example, the solubility of aluminium, an abundant several pesticides and their degradation products,
element in soils, increases as water pH drops. have altered reproductive systems (Colborn &
Inorganic monomeric aluminium often acts syn- Clement, 1992; Stebbins & Cohen, 1995; Hayes,
ergistically with pH to cause embryo mortality 2000). Indeed, evidence is accumulating showing
in amphibians (Clark & Hall, 1985; Clark & that certain contaminants do affect reproductive
LaZerte, 1985; Freda & McDonald, 1990; Freda and endocrine systems in amphibians.
et al., 1990). Laboratory experiments have shown Recently, Hayes et al. (2002) showed that the
that aluminium levels as low as 10–20 µg per litre herbicide atrazine, used commonly in the United
at pH 4.7 can cause reduced hatching success of States, induced hermaphroditism and demascu-
B. americanus and R. sylvatica eggs (Clark & lanized the larynges of exposed African clawed
LaZerte, 1987). Experiments with embryos and frog (Xenopus laevis) males. Hayes et al. (2002)
larvae of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens demon- hypothesized that atrazine disrupted steroid-
strated that aluminium alleviated the toxic effects ogenesis resulting in demasculanization and
of low pH (4.2– 4.4), while becoming toxic at hermaphroditism.
higher pH levels (4.6 – 4.8) (Freda & McDonald, Contaminants may provoke a stress response
1990). Exposure of amphibian embryos and resulting in increased production of corticosterone,
larvae to heavy metals also can have sublethal which can interfere with reproductive–hormonal
effects such as reduced growth and development systems (see Hayes, 2000 for details). For example,
and changes in behaviour (Clark & Hall, 1985; Hopkins et al. (1997) found that adult southern
Clark & LaZerte, 1985; Clark & LaZerte, 1987; toads (Bufo terrestris) at a site contaminated
Perez-Coll et al., 1988; Freda & McDonald, with coal ash displayed higher corticosterone
1990; Freda et al., 1990; Herkovits & Perez-Coll, and testosterone levels than those at a non-
1990; Herkovits & Perez-Coll, 1993; Jung & polluted site, suggesting that coal ash stimulated
Jagoe, 1995). production of corticosterone and testosterone. In
a field experiment they transplanted toads to
both sites, and toads at the polluted site had
higher corticosterone levels after both 10 days
and after 12 weeks than toads at the unpolluted
Nitrogen pollution from anthropogenic sources site (Hopkins et al., 1997). Hopkins et al. (1999)
enters aquatic systems via agricultural runoff or injected toads with adrenocorticotropic hormone
percolation associated with nitrogen fertilization, (ACTH), and measured the increase in circulat-
livestock, precipitation and effluents from indus- ing corticosterone levels. Toads from a reference
trial and human wastes (Rouse et al., 1999). site exhibited an increase in corticosterone levels,
There are well-documented effects on susceptibil- while toads from a polluted site showed no
ity of amphibian species to nitrogenous fertilizers increase. Because toads from a polluted site with
(e.g. Hecnar, 1995; Marco et al., 1999; Rouse coal ash already have elevated corticosterone
et al., 1999). For example, recent experimental levels, they may be unable to exhibit a normal
studies demonstrated that in the presence of stress response.
nitrogenous fertilizers, the larvae of some species Gendron et al. (1997) found evidence for hor-
reduce feeding activity, swim less vigorously, dis- monal disruption in the mudpuppy (Necturus
play disequilibrium, develop malformations of maculosus) exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons
the body and die (e.g. Marco et al., 1999). Even in the St Lawrence and Ottawa rivers (Canada). At
after metamorphosis, amphibians of some species sites contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls

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Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines 131

and organochlorine pesticides, changes in the long-toed salamanders in both high and low ele-
secretion of corticosterone were observed. Gen- vation populations for each species. They found
dron et al. (1997) suggested that these hormonal that UV-B and nitrate together reduced the mass
changes could hinder reproductive performance. of larval H. regilla. In the high elevation experi-
Park et al. (2001) studied effects of endo- ment, they found that UV-B and nitrate together
sulfan, a cyclodiene organochlorine insecticide, on reduced the survival of larval H. regilla. In
reproductive biology of red-spotted newt (Noto- both the low-elevation and the high-elevation
phthalamus viridescens). In laboratory tests male experiment, nitrate increased the mass of larval
newts preferred to associate with females that A. macrodactylum. However, in the high elevation
were unexposed to endosulfan in preference to experiment, this result occurred only when UV-B
females that had been exposed to low levels of was blocked. This result indicates that the effects
endosulfan. In addition, endosulfan altered the of nitrate addition could depend upon the pres-
morphology of pheromonal glands in females ence of other factors such as UV-B.
and interfered with hormonal signalling and mat- A synergistic toxic effect may occur when a
ing success (Park et al., 2001). contaminant (or one of its breakdown products
or metabolites) absorbs UV radiation and the
contaminant is altered to a more toxic form.
For example, some PAHs are phototoxic when
UV-A (320 – 400 nm) radiation is present. In the
presence of UV-A, PAHs can be highly toxic to
Contaminants including pesticides, polycyclic amphibians (Hatch & Burton, 1998; Walker
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; multiple-ringed et al., 1998; Monson et al., 1999).
hydrocarbons that contaminate ponds or streams UV-A enhanced the toxicity of the PAHs
via road runoff, direct industrial discharge, or anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene and 1,12-benz(a)-
atmospheric deposition), fertilizers and low pH anthraquinone to larval newts (Pleurodeles
all interact with UV-B in a manner that dam- waltl ) exposed in the laboratory for 6 days
ages developing amphibians. Contaminants trans- (Fernandez & L’Haridon, 1992). Concurrent
ported atmospherically are probably exposed to exposure to UV-A and sunlight enhanced the
UV radiation, which can increase their toxicity. toxicity of benzo(a)pyrene to newts (Fernandez
Furthermore, atmospheric processes could alter & L’Haridon, 1994). Similarly, exposure to UV-A
nutrient dynamics or increase water clarity, after newts were exposed to benzo(a)pyrene
allowing for greater penetration of ultraviolet resulted in greater toxicity than did exposure to
radiation (Wright & Schindler, 1995). Some stud- benzo(a)pyrene alone without UV-A; presumably,
ies have concluded that UV-B is an additional these animals had accumulated benzo(a)pyrene
stressor that overwhelms an animal’s defences during exposure (Fernandez & L’Haridon, 1994).
and makes it more susceptible to other anthro- In another study, northern leopard frog embryos
pogenic stressors (Tevini, 1993). were exposed to the anthracene and either 30 min
Long et al. (1995) found reduced larval sur- or 5 h of sunlight, resulting in an LC50 of 65 or
vival when leopard frogs were exposed to both 25 µg/L, respectively, with the end point being
UV-B and low pH, when UV intensity was mortality (Kagan et al., 1984).
increased to levels expected at high elevations Hatch & Burton (1998) exposed three amphib-
and pH lowered to 5.0 or 4.5. No significant ian species, Xenopus laevis, Rana pipiens and the
effects were attributed to either pH or UV-B spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum, to
alone. Hatch & Blaustein (2000) showed that the PAH fluoranthene and UV in the laboratory
survival and activity levels of Cascades frog and in controlled outdoor exposures. In the lab-
larvae were significantly reduced when exposed oratory, X. laevis exhibited the most deformities
to low pH, high nitrate levels and UV-B radiation due to the combination of UV and fluoranthene,
together. while A. maculatum exhibited no deformities due
Moreover, Hatch & Blaustein (2003) tested the to the treatments. Outdoor experiments demon-
combined effects of UV-B and nitrate on larval strated that newly hatched larvae were more sen-
survival, mass and length in Pacific treefrogs and sitive than embryos to phototoxic fluoranthene.

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140

132 A. R. Blaustein et al.

In a similar study, Monson et al. (1999) investi- its wide use in a variety of systems carbaryl can
gated the response of larval R. pipiens to fluoran- enter amphibian breeding habitats, such as ponds
thene with and without a constant (24 h) UV or wetlands, via aerial spraying of nearby fields,
(298–370 nm) exposure. Animals were exposed to runoff from local application, or potentially via
fluoranthene for 48 h and then either analysed atmospheric deposition (Boone & Semlitsch,
for fluoranthene bioaccumulation, placed in 2001; Davidson et al., 2001; Relyea & Mills,
clean water without UV or placed in clean water 2001).
with UV (wavelengths stated above). Within 2 Carbaryl alone can be lethal to amphibians or
days, 80% of the chemical was metabolized by induce a variety of sublethal effects (e.g. Bridges,
larvae; animals exposed to higher levels of 1997; Bridges & Semlitsch, 2000). Carbaryl can
fluoranthene were able to metabolize the com- also interact with UV radiation. For example,
pound more rapidly. Another study found that Zaga et al. (1998) investigated the interactions
fluoranthene in the presence of UV causes behav- between carbaryl and UV-B on X. laevis and
ioural and histological effects in bullfrogs over a Hyla versicolor embryos and larvae. Approxi-
4-day exposure (Walker et al., 1998). Two-day mately 1.5% of ambient UV-B intensity was suf-
exposure to 10 µg/L fluoranthene in the presence ficient to photoactivate carbaryl and result in a
of UV caused microscopic alterations in the skin. 10-fold increase in toxicity. Swimming activity
Hyperactivity was noted at an exposure concen- was decreased by UV-B alone and by UV-B in
tration of 60 µg fluoranthene/L after 2 and 4 combination with carbaryl. Additionally, X. lae-
days, and at 40 µg/L after 4 days of exposure. vis demonstrated increased swimming distance
Overall swimming speed did not change; how- with increasing carbaryl concentration; this
ever, the distance travelled and activity levels response was reversed with concurrent exposure
were significantly increased in these treatments. to UV-B, whereby larvae reduced their activity.
Under certain circumstances UV-B radiation The photosensitization experiment exposed X.
and exogenous chemicals, acting alone or laevis to non-irradiated carbaryl without UV and
together, may cause limb malformations in then transferred animals to clean water with UV
amphibians that have been the subject of numer- exposure. Greater mortality was observed at the
ous recent reports (e.g. Ouellet et al., 1997; various carbaryl concentrations tested with
Gardiner & Hoppe, 1999; Bidges, 2000; Ankley increasing levels of UV-B. Zaga et al. (1998)
et al., 2002; Johnson et al., 2002). Investigating investigated further the photoactivation of
causes for limb deformities, LaClair et al. (1998) carbaryl. Mortality increased significantly when
studied the breakdown products of the insect the chemical was irradiated, suggesting that the
growth inhibitor methoprene in combination with mechanism of toxicity involved photoproducts of
sunlight, water and microorganisms in a 4-day carbaryl.
exposure in the laboratory. They found that
deformities of the body (e.g. curvature, oedema)
were caused by some of the purified, extracted
and sunlight-exposed breakdown products of
methoprene. Ankley et al. (1998) exposed eggs of
Rana pipiens to UV-A and UV-B alone and in Diseases probably play an important role in
combination with methoprene concentrations amphibian population declines (discussed in
ranging from 2 to 500 µg/L. They concluded that Alford & Richards, 1999; Daszak et al., 1999 and
methoprene exposure did not cause limb deform- references therein; Kiesecker et al., 2001;
ities, but UV alone caused delayed development, Blaustein & Kiesecker, 2002). It is possible that
lower weight and deformities at metamorphosis. diseases, such as ‘emerging infectious diseases’
Carbaryl is an insecticide with a peak UV (EIDs as defined in Daszak et al., 1999) are the
absorbance at approximately 300 nm. It has result of environmental changes and could be
widespread use and is applied to croplands, triggered by various co-factors. For example,
rangelands, forests, wetlands, oceans and sewage a complex combination of El Niño/Southern
treatment plants to control animal pests (Relyea Oscillation (ENSO) events with accompanying
& Mills, 2001 and references therein). Because of changes in precipitation, reduced water levels and

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140

Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines 133

increased exposure to UV-B radiation appears to feed on different foods and react differently to
be responsible for outbreaks of the pathogenic abiotic components of the environment.
oomycete, Saprolegnia, killing amphibian embryos Low pH can change the strength of intra- and
in Oregon (Kiesecker et al., 2001). Environmental interspecific competition among anuran larvae
changes and contaminants may also play a role (Warner et al., 1991, 1993; Pehek, 1995) and can
in outbreaks of chytridiomycosis (chytrid; dis- influence predatory interactions between sala-
cussed in detail in Blaustein & Kiesecker, 2002), mander larvae and anuran prey (e.g. Sadinski &
a fungal disease found on amphibians from Dunson, 1992; Kiesecker, 1996).
several continents (Daszak et al., 1999; Longcore Kiesecker (1996) raised western chorus frog
et al., 1999). For example, chytrid outbreaks in (Psuedacris triseriata) and A. tigrinum larvae in
Costa Rica may be triggered not only by envi- the laboratory at a range of naturally occurring
ronmental changes, such as changes in precipita- pH and found that low pH decreased growth and
tion and temperature (Lips, 1998; Pounds et al., increased time to metamorphosis in A. tigrinum
1999; Pounds, 2001), but also by environmental but did not affect growth and development in
contamination. Pounds & Crump (1994) suggests P. triseriata. In a second laboratory experiment, low
that atmospheric scavenging of contaminants by pH decreased A. tigrinum predation on P. trise-
clouds might concentrate contaminants and riata, possibly by reducing growth and therefore
release them in remote areas such as in Mon- gape in Ambystoma, thereby reducing their abil-
teverde, Costa Rica where numerous amphibian ity to capture prey (Kiesecker, 1996).
populations have declined (Pounds et al., 1999). Boone & Semlitsch (2001) exposed amphibians
Moreover, increasing levels of UV-B radiation in to carbaryl in a multi-factorial design incorpo-
regions where amphibian populations have rating three species of competing anuran larvae,
declined in tropical America may also play an at high and low densities, and predators, Notop-
important role in triggering disease outbreaks thalamus viridescens. Carbaryl levels were low,
(Blaustein & Kiesecker, 2002). Recent evidence high and absent. Species examined were Bufo
implicates changes in water pH triggering chytrid woodhouseii, Hyla versicolor and Rana clamitans
outbreaks in Spain (Bosch et al., 2001). (green frog). Survival to metamorphosis of B.
Although few studies have shown direct effects woodhouseii larvae increased under low carbaryl
of contaminants increasing susceptibility of levels, when total anuran density was low. Car-
amphibians to disease, Taylor et al. (1999) found baryl interacted with predators to affect
that low doses (0.011 and 0.0011 mg/g body H. versicolor larvae. In carbaryl-absent and low
weight) of the pesticide malathion were high carbaryl treatments, predators reduced H. versi-
enough to increase the susceptibility of Wood- color mass at metamorphosis. However, in high
house toads (Bufo woodhousii) to lethal infections carbaryl treatments, H. versicolor had greater
from injections of the bacterium, Aeromonas mass at metamorphosis in predator treatments
hydrophila, that causes ‘red-leg’ disease. Used compared to predator-absent treatments, possibly
crankcase oil in combination with silt may make because of reduced predator activity or effective-
amphibians more susceptible to Saprolegnia ness. In addition, an interaction between carbaryl
infection (Lefcort et al., 1997). and anuran density affected H. versicolor. Under
conditions of low or high carbaryl levels, survival
to metamorphosis of H. versicolor was greater in
high-density treatments compared to low-density
UV radiation and contaminants may affect treatments. The authors suggest this was caused
community structure by altering competition and by an indirect effect of carbaryl on food web
predation. Thus, UV-sensitive amphibian species dynamics. They noted that carbaryl-treated
may disappear in certain communities and UV ponds experienced zooplankton die-offs and
tolerant species may increase in numbers algal blooms, and hypothesized that increased
(Blaustein & Belden, 2003). Such changes in spe- algal food resources released H. versicolor from
cies composition may result in drastic changes competition with other amphibians.
within ecological communities because different Relyea & Mills (2001) showed that in the
species of amphibians have different predators, presence of predator chemical cues, low levels of

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140

134 A. R. Blaustein et al.

Fig. 1 Complex interactions among abiotic and biotic factors affect amphibian populations. Amphibian
populations are subjected simultaneously to numerous stressors that interact in a dynamic fashion. For
example, contaminants and ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation may kill amphibians or induce sublethal effects.
Moreover, these factors may interact with one another and with other agents. Certain abiotic stressors may
hamper the immune system of amphibians, making them more susceptible to pathogenic infection. Climate
change (left box) also plays a role in amphibian population declines. For example, climate-driven dry events
increases the amount of exposure to UV-B radiation and lower water levels may lead to a greater
concentration of contaminants. Amphibian eggs and larvae may be especially vulnerable to such events.

carbaryl become highly toxic to larval amphibians.

This study is unique in that synergism occurred
between predator cues, a common biotic factor Amphibians, like other organisms, encounter a
and the pesticide. Relyea & Mills (2001) suggest mixture of contaminants and increasing levels of
that, in general, predator-induced stress in animals UV radiation, with resulting effects that are often
may induce similar interactions among stressed complex (Fig. 1). Both abiotic and biotic factors
animals and other pesticides. The mechanism can interact with one another to impact amphi-
underlying the pesticide–predator interaction is bians severely at various stages of development.
unknown. Although some populations of amphibians are
Alterations of nutrient input could have sig- undoubtedly affected by such interactions, there
nificant consequences for amphibians. Nitrate are no clearly documented cases of how these
concentrations in some North American water- interactions affect long-term population dynam-
sheds are probably high enough to cause death ics. In fact, UV-B radiation and contaminants
and developmental anomalies in amphibians and may have different effects on populations as they
impact other animals in aquatic ecosystems impact different life stages (Biek et al., 2002;
(Rouse et al., 1999), which could significantly Vonesh & De la Cruz, 2002). This depends upon
affect overall community structure. Moreover, the life history characteristics of the species. For
nitrogen-based fertilizer pollution affects amphi- example, species especially prone to damage at the
bian prey, such as insects, and their predators egg stage may be more affected at the population
such as fish (Rouse et al., 1999). level if they lay relatively few eggs compared with

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diversity and Distributions, 9, 123 – 140

Ultraviolet radiation, toxic chemicals and amphibian population declines 135

species that lay more eggs. What is clear though, in the northern leopard frog. Environmental Sci-
is that studies of single stressors alone or studies ence and Technology 36, 2853–2858.
of a single life history stage may not provide an Ankley, G.T., Tietge, J.E., DeFoe, D.L., Jensen, K.M.,
Holcombe, G.W., Durham, J.E. & Diamond, S.A.
overall understanding of how amphibians are
(1998) Effects of ultraviolet light and methoprene
impacted by environmental stressors in complex on survival and development of Rana pipiens.
environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17,
Besides differential effects on different life 2530–2542.
stages, effects of UV radiation and chemical con- Anzalone, C.R., Kats, L.B. & Gordon, M.S. (1998)
tamination on amphibian populations depend Effects of solar UV-B radiation on embryonic
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numerous ecological factors, all of which vary time airborne organophosphate pesticide residues
between populations, species and region. Moreo- in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Journal of Envi-
ver, effects may be specific to the field context in ronmental Quality 26, 1483 –1492.
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populations. However, there are few studies tion. Biological Conservation 53, 1–20.
documenting population changes due to exposure Belden, L.K. & Blaustein, A.R. (2002a) Exposure of
to UV radiation and contaminants. Long-term red-legged frog embryos to ambient UV-B in the
field negatively affects larval growth and develop-
studies, preferably with experimental compo-
ment. Oecologia 130, 551–554.
nents, on the effects of multiple stressors are nec- Belden, L.K. & Blaustein, A.R. (2002b) Population
essary to understand more fully how amphibian differences in sensitivity to UV-B radiation in larval
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problem. tion causes skin darkening in larval salamanders.
Copeia 2002, 48 –54.
Belden, L.K., Wildy, E.L. & Blaustein, A.R. (2000)
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Growth, survival, and behaviour of larval long-
toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum)
Discussions with Leo G. Carroll, Matt Hastings, exposed to ambient levels of UV-B radiation.
Steve Clayton, Jack Andrews, Andrew Storfer, Journal of Zoology London 251, 473 – 479.
Gerald Deemers, Joe Burch, John Hays and Pete Biek, R., Funk, C.W., Maxell, B.A. & Mills, S.L.
Hoffman were very helpful. Editorial assistance by (2002) What is missing in amphibian decline
research: insights from ecological sensitivity anal-
Barbara Han was greatly appreciated. Research ysis. Conservation Biology 16, 728 –734.
support was provided by grants from the National Blaustein, A.R. & Belden, L.K. (2003) Amphibian
Science Foundation (IBN-9904012 and IBN- defenses against UV-B radiation. Evolution and
9977063 to ARB) and Katherine Bisbee II Fund Development 5, 81–97.
of the Oregon Community Foundation (to ARB). Blaustein, A.R., Belden, L.K., Hatch, A.C.,
Kats, L.B., Hoffman, P.D., Hays, J.B., Marco, A.,
Chivers, D.P. & Kiesecker, J.M. (2001) Ultraviolet
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