Evidence - Consolidation - Activity

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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación

Stage 1: “A summary of my day” / Etapa 1: "Un resumen de mi día"

Morning Afternoon Evening

From Monday to Friday, I always get up at 5:00am. I take a shower at
5:10am. Then, I have a breakfast at 5:40 am and I brush my teeth before
leaving my house at about 6:10 a.m. I arrive at the university at 7:00 a.m. In
the afternoon I have lunch at 1:30am with my friends. Later, I go to my
house I get my home at around 1:00pm. Then, I seldom do a short routine
of exercise, I like do this routine at home. I do my homework at 3:00pm. In
the evening, sometimes I read, after, I wash my face and take off my
makeup. I have dinner at 7:00 pm. Finally, I brush my teeth at 8:15 pm and I
go to bed at 9:30 pm.

Stage 2: “My last vacation” / Etapa 2: "Mis últimas vacaciones"

My last vacation

My name is Laura Bernal and in this

opportunity I’m going to talk about my
last vacations. In this photo we are at
the beach in Santa Marta, beautiful city
of Colombia, where the weather is
always very warm and sunny.
The people in the photo are my friends,
we are all wearing sunglasses and
Santi wearing a hat and beige short.
My friend Paula wearing a white bikini
and I wearing a blue bikini. Finally,
Camilo is taking the photo and wearing
a blue short.

Stage 3: Submitting my evidence / Etapa 3: Envío de mi evidencia

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