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January 1, 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

I have the great pleasure to recommend Ivory Osborn for admission to your program. She is one of the
most exceptional students I have had the pleasure to encounter in my 12 years of teaching. She has dynamic
insights into the world around her, a calm and thoughtful approach to challenging issues and has consistently
excelled at the top level of course work. I have watched Ivory challenge herself to evolve into a highly
analytical, refreshingly honest student. I am honored to be writing a letter of recommendation for Ivory as she
has inspired me to be a better, more thoughtful and more conscientious educator.
When I met Ivory, as a 9th grader, she was just as dynamic and engaged as she is now as a senior in
high school. Ivory has always been a calm and critically engaged member of the classroom community. She is an
active and outgoing presence in the classroom and is one to both lead a group project and sit back and facilitate
others' participation. Ivory's confident and ambitious nature along with her openness to feedback show she is
always open to learning and growing from those around her; qualities I know will serve her well in her future
academic and professional endeavors. She is a connected leader with her peers and is mature enough to talk
through topics with her teachers. She is the model for others on how to be prepared, and equally important, an
example of how to take intellectual risks. She is also unapologetic about her drive for academic success.
Ivory is insightful and hard-working. She has also taken advantage of multiple conferences and
volunteering opportunities within the PreMed program. Ivory's more unique community service experience was
in her participation in the PreMed Academy's sponsored "Music and Memory" program with a local care home
for the elderly. Ivory attended monthly meetups with a resident at the local home, created playlists of music her
resident would identify with, and spent the monthly hour, sharing stories and spending time. The health care
focus of this volunteer experience called on all of Ivory's skills of compassion, attentiveness, adaptability, and
creativity. I was lucky to witness the very connected relationship Ivory established with her resident over the
year-long program and was impressed with her level of investment. Ivory has been a competitive wrestler for the
last 10 years. She is honored as the youngest CIF qualifier in school history, 3 years the team captain and MVP
for 2 years. Her drive and focus as an athlete Ivory's community engagement reflects her belief that hard work
and self-reflection she can change the course of her own life.
Ivory has excelled in my English class and has made clear and distinct connections between her studies
of literature and her emerging role as a public servant in the field of health care. I am grateful to have been given
the chance to meet her and would extend the highest recommendation to your college, university or program to
which she is applying. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Kate Fitzgerald
Pre-Med Core and Exercise Science Academy -English Teacher 707.837.7767 x 2139

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