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616 Chapter Sixteen
female par:s wthout va!!lina and btrsa. (3 genera:Cosm<J!·
nathia, Haplognatfua, and Pterognathia)
monociliated cells are concentrated in the head region.
Gnathostomulid specialists have attached a formidable
ORDER BURSOVAGINOIDEA Body usia: y not array of names to these structures, which are of major
extremely eongate relativeto wdth; head wth taxonomic significance.
shorterrostrum and often a constncton in the neck
area; jaws compex; maJe partswith penis. wth orwthout Reproduction and Development
a stylet;spemcells aflage late, either dwa,f eels or giant Gnathostomulids are hermaphrodites. The male repro-
conuli; femae parts w th bursaand usLBlly a vagina. (23 ductive system includes one or two testes generally
genera, n c udng Austr•g nathatia, Gnathostomu!a, and located in the posterior part of the trunk and tail; the
female system consists of a single large ovary (Figure
16.2). Members of the order Bursovaginoidea possess
a vaginal orifice and a sperm-storage bursa, both as-
The Gnathostomulid Body Plan sociated with the female gonopore, and a penis in the
male system; members of the order Filosperrnoidea
Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion lack these structures.
Each outer epithelial cell bears a single cilium by which Mating has been only superficially studied in gna-
the animal moves in a gliding motion. Movement is thostomulids Although the method of sperm transfer
aided by body contortions produced by the contraction is not certain, suggestions include filiforrn sperm of fi-
of thin strands of subepidermal (cross striated) muscle lospermoid gnathostomu lids boring through the body
fibers- 1hese actions, plus reversible ciliary beating, wall. Among some bursovaginoid gnathostomulids,
facilitate twisting, turning, and crawling among sand sperm is transferred directly to the mating partner's
grains, and allow limited swimming in some species. bursa by hypodermic impregnation of the sclerotized
Mucous gland cells occur in the epidermis of at least penis stylet. In any case) these animals appear to be gre
some species The body is supported by its more or less garious, to rely on internal fertilization, and to deposit
solid construction, with a loose mesenchyme filling the zygotes singly in their habitat. Cleavage is reported as
area between the internal organs. spiral and development is direct, but details on embry-
onic and juvenile development are generally scarce.
Nutrition, Circulation, Excretion,
and Gas Exchange
The mouth is located on the ventral surface at the
"head-trunk" junction and leads mward to a complex
Phylum Rotifera:
muscular pharynx armed with pincerlike jaws and in The Free-Living Rotifers
some species an unpaired anterior basal plate (Figure The phylum Rotifera (Latin rota, "wheel";fera, "to
16.2). Curiously, the two known species of the genus bear") includes more than 2,000 described species of
Agnaihiet!« have no jaws at all. Gnathostomulids in- microscopic (about 100 to 1000 urn long), generally
gest bacteria and fungi by snapping actions made by free living animals. Furthermore, the parasitic, mac-
the jaws or scraping with the basal plate. The pharynx roscopic acanthocephalan worms actually represent a
connects with a simple, elongate, saclike gut. A per ma rotifer in group as well, but due to their considerable
nent, functional anus is not present, but in a few gna- differences in biology and morphology, they will be
thostomulids a tissue connection between the posterior discussed separately- Thus) in this section the name Ro
end of the gut and the overlying epidermis has been tifera refers to the microscopic, free-living rot.fers only
observed. This enigrnatic feature has been variously The name "Synderrnata" was proposed some time ago
interpreted as either a temporary anal connection to for a clade of Rotifera + Acanthocephala, but with the
the exterior, as the remnant of an anus that has been current understanding that these are not sister groups
evolutionarily lost, or as an incipient anus that has yet (the latter arose as a clade from within the former), that
to fully develop- name is no longer useful.
1hese anirnals depend largely on diffusion forcircu Rotifers were discovered by the early rrucrosco-
lation a ndgas exchange. The excretory system is com- pists, such as Antony van Leeuwenhoek in the late
posed of serially arranged protonephridia that stretch seventeenth century; at that time they were lumped
from the pharyngeal region to the terminal end of the with the protists as "animalcules" (mainly because
body. Like the epithelial cells, the protonephridial ter of their small size). Besides the 2,050 or so known,
minal cells are monociliated. morphologically recognizable species, complexes of
cryptic speciation have been demonstrated for several
Nervous System
morphospecies. For example, the species Brachionus
The nervous system is intimately associated with the plicatilis has been subject to intensive studies, and at
epidermis and as yet is incompletely described. Vari least 22 cryptic species have been identified within this
ous sensory organs, such as sensory ciliary pits and species group.
stiff sensoria formed by groups of joined cilia from
ephridio u t
618 Chapter Sixteen

were historically called "wheel animalcules." Members (!Ir nding}. (20 genera, e.g .. Admeta, Embete
of this phylum are further characterized by being bias
cha, Philod1na. Rotaria)
tocoelomate, havmg an mtegument without an outer
cuticle, but instead with a supportive intracellular pro- SUBCLASSSEISONIDEA (F gure 16 3A} Epizoic on the
tein lamina. They have a complete gut (usually), proto- mar ne leptostrecan crustacean Nebalia; corona reduced
nepluidia, show a tendency to eutely, and often have to bristtes: trophi fu crate (piercng); males fully developed
syncytial tissues or organs (Box 168). The pharynx is and cons dered to have d plod chromosome numbers;
modified as a mas tax comprising sets of internal jaws sexual fema es produce en y mictic ova. (2 genera:
called trephi. The morphology of the trophi is of great Para seison and Se,sen)
systematic importance and often the main character to
ident.Iy species and genera.
A highly surprising discovery about rotifers was CLASS EUROTATORIA
made in 2008, when it was found that bdelloid roti- SUBCLASS MONOGONONTA (Figure 16.3C F} Pre-
fers have incorporated large numbers of genes from dominately freshwater. some are marine; swimmers.
diverse foreign sources into their genomes, including creepers, er sessile; corona and trophi vaiab e; rra es
bacteria, fungi, and plants. These foreign genes have typical y short lived, h~loid, and reduced in size and
accumulated mainly in the telomeric regions at the complexity; sexual reproduction probably occurs at
ends of chromosomes, and at least most of them seem some po nt n the life history of all species; mictic and
to retain their functional integrity. amict c •va produced in many species; single germo-
vtellarium. (121 genera. e.g .. Asplanchna Brachionus
1 1

ccsotrece. acranophorus Encentrum, Ep1phanes,

CLASS HEMlROTATORIA Endcoaresites, ectoparas tes. or chlanis Roscularia. Lecsne, Notommata. Proa/es, S~
free-I \ling; th s gro~ is rea:>gnizedon y by mo ecu a data chaeta Testud1nella)
paras tes: see chapter sect rn below. The Rotifer Body Plan
SUBCLASS BDELLOiDEA (Figure 16.38) Found in Body Wall, General External Anatomy, and
freshwater. moist so s, a1Cl fo age (also marine. a1Cl ter- Detai Is of the Corona
restriaO; corona typically wef developed; trophi ramate
Most rotifers possess a soft, gelatinous glycocalyx
outside their epidermis, but unlike many other inver-
tebrates, they have no external cuticle. Instead they
have an inn acellular protein lamina located inside the
BOX 168 Characteristics of the epidermis, for protection and stabilization of the body.
Phylum Rotifera This protein lamina may vary considerably in thickness
1. Trip obtast c. bi ateral, uns11gm11nted and flexibility among the genera and families. Species
blastocoe amates with a very thin protein lamina are called "illoricate ro-
2. Gut compete and reg anal y spec a zed tifers," and they often appear as very f.exlble and hya-
3. Phar vnx mod f'ed as a mastax, oonta ning jaw line animals that contract completely when disturbed.
ike elements called "traphi" In other species, the intracellular protein lamina is
4. Anterior end bears variab e ciiated f elds as a
much thicker and forms a body-armor, called a lorica,
corona and these species are referred to as "loricate rotifers."
Another special condition of the rotifer epidermis re
5. Poster or end often bears toes and adnes ve
glands gards the absence of walls between the epidermal cells,
6 Ep dermis syncyt a, w th fixed number of nuc et: meaning that the epidermis is a syncyt.urn with about
secretes extracellu ar glya.calyx and mtracet utar 900 to LOOO nuclei.
ske etal lam re {the att .. r rorrn ng a lortca in lhe body surface of many illoricate rotifers is annu-
some sp .. c es) lated, allowing flexibility. lhe surface of loricate spe
7. Wrth protanephrda, but no spec a crcu atary or cies often bears spines, tubercles, or other sculpturing
gas exchange structures (Figure 16 3E). Many rotifers bear single dorsal and
~ With unique retrocerebral organ paired lateral sensory antennae arising from various
9 Ma es generally reduced or absent parthenogen regions of the body. A foot is not present in all species,
esis common but when present it is often elongate, with cuticular
10 With mod fed sp ral c eavage annuli that permit a telescoping action. The distal por-
11. lnhab t mar ne, freshwater, or sernrterrestna envi tion of the foot often bears spines, or a pair of "toes"
ronments: sessi e or free swimming through which the ducts from pedal glands pass. The
secretion from the pedal glands enables the rotifer to
attach temporarily to the substratum The foot is absent
Car{"uf er muscles

Dorsal retractors
Stomach waU
"Feeding tub "

624 Chapter Sixteen

Bdelloids are prone to infection by an aggressive Aspianchua (both are rotifers), are stimulated to devel-
fungus, Rotiferophthora angustispora, that eats them op into larger bodied adults with an extra long anterior
from the msideout. Experiments have recently shown spine, thus rendering them more difficult to eat.
that the longer the rotifersremaindry and in a state of
dormancy., the more likely they are to avoid infection
by R angustispora, suggesting that their adaptation for Phylum Rotifera,
quiescence may also be an adaptation to avoid fungal Subclass Acanthocephala:
Only a few studies have been conducted on the em- The Acanthocephalans
bryogeny of rotifers (see especially Pray 1,65). In spite As adults, the L200 or so described species of acan-
of the paucity of data, and some conflicting interpreta- thocephalans are obligate intestinal parasites in ver-
tions in the literature, it is generaHy thought that roti- tebrates, particularly in birds and freshwater fishes.
fers have modified spiral cleavage. However, detailed l arvaJ development takes place in intermediate arthro-
analyses of cell lineages are still needed to deiermine if pod hosts. The name AcanthocephaJa (Greek ncanthios,
the typical spiral pattern persists past the first couple of "prickly";cephalo, "head") derives from the presence of
cell divisions in rotifers, especially with regard to the recurved hooks located man eversibJe proboscis at the
origin of the mesoderm. The isolecithal ova undergo anterior end. The rest of the body forms a cylindrical
unequal ho1ob1astic early cleavage to produce a stereo- or flattened trunk, often bearing rings of sma11 spines.
blastula. Gastrulation is by epiboly of the presumptive Most acanthocephalans are Jess than 20 cm long, al-
ectoderm and involution of the endoderm and rneso- though a few species exceed 60 cm in length; females
derm; the gastrula graduaHy hollows to produce the are genera11y larger than males. The digestive tract has
blastocoel, which persists as the adult body cavity. The been completely lost, and, except for the reproductive
mouth forms in the area of the bJastopore. Definitive organs, there is significant structural and functional
nuclear numbers are reached early in development for reduction of most other systems,a condition related to
those organs and tissues displaying cutely. the parasitic lifestyles of these worms (Box 16C). The
Errant rotifers undergo direct development. hatch- persisting organs lie within an open b1astocoe1om, par-
ing as mature or nearly mature individuals. Sessile tia11y partitioned by mesentery-like ligaments.
forms pass through a short dispersal phase, sometimes The acanthocephalans are usua11y divided into
called a Jarva, which resembles a typical swimming three groups based upon the arrangement of probos-
rotifer. The "larva" eventually settles and attaches to cis hooks, the nature of the epidermal nuclei, spma-
the substratum. In a11 cases, there is a total absence of tion patterns on the trunk, and nature of the reproduc-
cell division during postembryonic life (i.e., they are tive organs: Palaeacanthocephala (e.g., Polymorph us,
eutelic). Corsmosoma, Plagtornwncuu», Acanthocephalusi, Ar chi
Many rotifers exhibit developmental polymor- acanthocephaJa (e.g., Monil~formis), and Eoacantho-
phism, a phenomenon also seen in some protists, in- cephaJa (e.g, Neoechinorlrfnchus, Octospiniferotdes) (see
sects, and primitive crustaceans. It is the expression Figure 16.11).
of alternative morphotypes under different ecological
conditions, by organisms of a given genetic cons ti tu
tion (the differentiation of certain castes in social in-
sects is one of the most remarkable examples of deve1
The Acanthocephalan Body Plan
opmenta1 polymorphism). In all such animals studied Body Wall, Support, Attachment, and Nutrition
to date, the alternative adult morphotypes appear to Adult acanthocephaJans attach to their host's intesti
be products of flexible developmental pathways, trig- nal wa11 by their proboscis hooks, which are retractable
gered by environmental cues and often mediated by into pockets, like the claws of a cat (Figure 16.11). The
internal mechanisms such as hormonal activities. In chemica] nature ofthe hooks is not yet known. In nearly
one well studied genus of rotifers (Asplanclma), the a11 species, the proboscis itself is retractable into a deep
environmental stimulus regulating which of several proboscis receptacle, enabling the body to be pulled
adult morphologies is produced is the presence of a dose to the host's intestinal mucosa. Nutrients are ab
specific molecular form of vitamin E «-tocopherol. sorbed through the body wall, and a gut is absent. The
Aspianchna obtains tocopheroJ from its diet of algae outer body wall is a multilayered, syncytial, living tegu
or other plant material, or when it preys on other her- ment, which overlies sheets of circular and longitudinal
bivores (animals do not synthesize tocopheroJ). The muscles. The tegument includes layers of dense fibers
chemical acts directly on the rotifer's developing tis- as we11 as what appear to be sheets of plasma mem-
sues, where it stimulates differential growth of the brane, and an intrace11u1arprotein lamina, such as the
syncytial hypodermis after cell division has ceased. one found in free living rotifers. The tegument is per
Predator-induced morphologies also occur among roti- forated by numerous canals that connect to a complex
fers. Keraiella siacki eggs, in the presence of the predator set of unique circulatory channels called the lacunar

I j

626 Chapter Sixteen

proboscis, although the actual function of the lemnisci connected to the gonopore. This gonopore is often
is not known. cal1ed a doacaI pore, because the bursa appears to be
One or two large sacs lined with connective tissue a remnant ofthe hindgut.
arise from the rear wan of the proboscis receptacle and In females, a single mass of ovarian tissue forms
extend posteriorly in the body. These structures sup- within a ligament sac. Clumps of immature ova are
port the reproductive organs and divide the body into released from this transient ovary and enter the body
dorsal and ventral ligament sacs in the archiacantho- cavity, where they mature and are eventually fertil-
cephalans and eoacanthocephalans., or produce a sin- ized. The female reproductive system comprises a
g]e ligament sac down the center of the body cavity in gonopore, a vagina, and an elongate uterus that te r
the palaeacanthocephalans (Figure 16.llD,E). Within minates internally in a complex open funnel called the
the walls of these sacs are strands of fibrous tissue uterine bell (Figure 16.1 'lE), During mating the male
the ligaments-that may represent rernnanjs of the gut. everts the copulatory bursa and attaches it to the fe-
The space between these internal organs is presumably male gonopore. The penis is inserted mto the vagina,
a blastocoelom. sperm are transferred, and the vagina neatly capped
The body is supported by the fibrous tegument and with cement. Sperm then travel up the female system,
the hydrostatic qualities of the blastocoelom and Iacu- enter the body cavity through the uterine bell, and
nar system. The muscles and ligament sacs add some fertilize the eggs.
structural integrity to this support system and canals of Much of the early development of acanthocepha-
the ]acunar system penetrate most of the muscles lans takes place within the body cavity of the female.
Cleavage is holoblastic. unequal, and likened to a
Circu1ation,Gas Exchange, and Excretion
highly modified spiral pattern. A stereoblastula is pro-
Exchanges of nutrients, gases, and waste products duced, at which time the cell membranes break down
occur by diffusion across the bodywa11 (some Archia- to yield a syncytia] condition. Eventually, a shelled
canthocepha]a possess a pair of protonephridia and a acanthor Jarva is formed (Figure 16.12). The embryo
small bladder). Internal transport is by diffusion within leaves the mother's body at this {or an earlier) stage.
the body cavity and by the lacunar system, the ]atter Remarkably, the uterine bell "sorjs" through the devel-
functioning as a unique sort of circulatory system, oping embryos by manipulating them with i"- muscu-
which permeates most body tissues. The lacunar fluid lar funnel; it accepts only the appropriate embryos into
is moved about by action of the body wa11 muscles. the uterus. Embryos in earlier stages are rejected and
Ne1vous System pushed back mto the body cavity, where they continue
development, The selected embryos pass through the
As in many obligate endoparasites, the nervous system
uterus and out the genital pore and are eventually re
and the sense organs of acanthocephalans are greatly
leased with the host's feces.
reduced. A cerebral ganglion lies within the proboscis Once outside the definitive host, the developing
receptacle (Figure 16.11C) and gives rise to nerves to acanthocephalan must be ingested by an arthropod
the body wa11 muscles, the proboscis, and the genital intermediate host usua11y an insect or a crusta-
regions. Males possess a pair of genital ganglia. The cean to continue its life cycle. The acanthor larva
proboscis bears several structures that are presumed penetrates the gut wall of the intermediate host and
to be tactile receptors, and small sensory pores occur enters the body cavity, where it develops into an
at the tip and base of the proboscis- Males have what acanthella and then into an encapsulated form ca11ed
appear tobesense organs in the genital area, especially a cystacanth (Figure 16.12)_ When the intermediate
on the penis. host is eaten by an appropriate definitive host, the
Reproduction and Deve]opment cystacanth attaches to the intestinal wan of the host
and matures into an adult.
Acanthocephalans are gonochoristic and females are
generally somewhat Jarger than males- In both sexes,
the reproductive systems are associated with the
ligament sacs (Figure 16.11 E). In males, paired testes
Phylum Micrognathozoa:
(usual1y arranged in tandem) He within a ligament The Micrognathozoans
sac and are drained by sperm ducts to a common A new microscopic animal, Limnognathia
seminal vesicle. Entering the seminal vesicle or the maerski. was described in 2000 by Reinhardt
sperm ducts are six or eight cement glands, whose Kristensen and Peter Punch from a cold spring at
secretions serve to plug the female genita] pore fol- Disko Island, West Creenland. Due to the numerous
lowing copulation. When nephridia are present, they unique features of this new microscopic animal, a
also drain into this system. The seminal vesicle leads new monotypic class, Micrognathozoa (Greek, micro,
to an eversible penis, which lies within a genital bursa
"small," gnathos, "jaw": z,a, "animal") was erected.
Though L. maerski shows
Ventral jaw

- Pharyngeal lamella

Dorsal jaw

Main jaw
Basal plate


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