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of TECH?

By: Corrie D.
A Storybird
What are the benefits of TECH?

By: Corrie D.

Illustrated by

Published on
September 06, 2019

© Storybird 2019 All rights reserved

The ISTE standard: When students are creative communicators, they are able to
"communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the
platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals". (, 2019).
How does this ISTE standard of
becoming a "creative communicator"
align directly with the "Triple E"

Let's start with the first "E" for

Students are engaged by using
digital technologies to create
original work with others and
are able to share this work by
choosing a platform or tool
that best suits them.
Students are able to
enhance their work
by utilizing digital
technologies to
communicate their
complex ideas by
using a variety of
visualizations, or
digital objects.
Students are able to extend their
learning by using digital
technologies to publish and
present their intricate ideas for
specific audiences.
How can you tell when students
move from being passive to
active, social learners?
Author Liz Kolb (2017) describes
student engagement as something
that "includes students being hands-
on in knowledge gathering and
dissemination" (pg.40). This means
that students are "active" in the
learning process and are also
engaging in social situations when
learning with a piece of technology.
When students become "active,
social learners" they are involved
with the instructional process and
they are receiving consistent
feedback/monitoring from the
teacher. Students become social
when technology has been
integrated for "co-use"
opportunities so engagement can
be enhanced as well.
The end goal when teaching is to have students that are able to collaborate with their peers, use technology for
hands-on investigating, and are able to stay focused on the learning goals at hand. Once students are engaged and
motivated in their work and focused on their assignments, they are well on their way to in becoming productive
active social learners!
How does gamification help
students persist in learning?
Gamification is a new term in many classrooms. Game-based learning is a new
educational practice which incorporates gaming mechanics such as challenges,
point scoring, competition tactics, and rewards in a non-gaming context.
Gamification can help students
persist in their learning because it
ties in with the engagement
activities students have outside of
school. The gaming experience
motivates student achievement by
having them become critical thinkers
in a type of "digital arena".
Authors Schrum and Sumerfield
(2018) describe such experiences
as players having to "learn the
rules of a game, which are
oftentimes not fully explained at
the beginning of the game, and
maneuver their way through
complex narratives to attain a
preset goal, or in many cases, an
unknown resolution to an
authentic problem.
Gamification in essence drives
student success because it allows
students to challenge themselves
and others, it teaches them multiple
ways to solve for solutions, and
allows them to interact with forms of
visual media that is familiar to them!

(2019). ISTE Standards for Students.

Retrieved from

Schrum, L., & Sumerfield, S. (2018).

Learning supercharged: digital age
strategies and insights from the
edtech frontier. Portland, OR:
International Society for Technology
in Education.
Thanks for reading! A quote by author Liz Kolb (2017) to leave you with:

"Technology alone will not automatically create truly engaged learners; teachers need to integrate good instructional
strategies to help create authentic engagement" (Kolb, 2017, p.41).
Chapter Reflection Question: What is one way YOU think you could
incorporate gamification into your classroom community?

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