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We are students of the sena’s modality at Enrique Olaya Herrera High School in

Guateque. We chose this modality because that we have seens in previous years has
pleased us so much that we are driven to deepen the specialty of electronics, because
throughut we can create or improve some type of machine that can seve humananity it
satisfies some daily life needs, solve problems and facilitate some tasks That is
complicated by them persons, it which inspires us highlight in our projects of tenth grade
and eleventh grade. We have always wanted sable how do they work the home
appliances? Why do they work by way of specifically? And, is achieved schedule them
so that they comply its function one of the objectives that we have It will show to other
people the impressive that it is use your imagination and create everything you can.

The syllabus that follow, has three stages, these are analysis, planning and execution,
In each one of tis, we learn about institutional context, technological management,
pedagogical structure, metrology, measurement units and measurement
instrumentation in whitch identifies the various sistens of measure. Applies and to carry
exercise of converging of unitis, circuit analysis, circuits with SCRS relays and diodes in
this we will implement a rectifier circuit, digital electronic in protoboard here to searches
differentiates logic gates. Permanently resize your life project according to the
circumstances of the context and with a prospective vision. Understand the main idea in
short, clear and simple notices and messages in technical English, identifies the
engineering units of each variable and make measurement conversions.studestudents

secondly planning where are where are we going to establish the maintenance plan, the
ideal interaction in labor and social contexts, understands texts in English in a written
and auditory way, executes maintenance of industrial instrumentation with metrological
applications. Activities that develops; sensors: identifies the different types of sensors,
correctly uses the sensors in your implementation; lader systems: understand what a
lader system and its applications, recognizes the instrumentation plans, embedded
systems: differentiates the types of control, applies control to closed loop and open
loop, develops creativity to solve the problems raised, executes preventive and
corrective maintenance to process control systems in accordance with technical
specifications configures pressure, flow, level and temperature transmitters.
Thirdly executes maintenance preventive and corrective systems to control of
processes, systems of control and logic wired (congnitive, procedure, attitudinal),
systems electropneumatics and hydraulics, control systems PLC, flat interpretation all
these incorporates aspects cognitive procedural attitudinal, interactes in the contexts
productive and socials in function of them principles and values universal, generates
processes autonomous and of communicative work permanent strengthening the
equilibrium of the rational components and emotional oriented toward the development
integral human, communicate in chores simple and regulars that require a simple and
direct exchange of daily and technical information, understand phrase and usual
vocabulary about on topics of personal and technical interest.

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