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Social networking is a tool used by people all around the world as its purpose is to promote and
aid communication. Social networking is not for everyone nevertheless, it is now such a massive
part of every ones’ lives, whether one embrace or reject the notion, that it can no longer be
ignored [ CITATION Soc15 \l 1033 ]. The popularity of social networking sites for example, Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, Skype, and Flicker have grown phenomenally in the
last five years facilitating creation exchange of ideas so quickly and widely than the conventional
media. The success of social networking services can be seen in their dominance in society
today, with Facebook having massive 2.13 billion active monthly users and average of 1.4 billion
daily active users in 2017 [ CITATION FuX17 \l 1033 ]. This paper shows the choices,
communication, feeling comfort, time saving and effects of social media among the people. It is
well known by everyone how social networking enormously makes peoples’ lives lot easier as
compare to the live without social networking [CITATION Idr14 \p 41-58 \l 1033 ] . Social network
serves good purpose to like with the use of social network people can do their any task easily,
hastily and independently within short period of time. Therefore, social network plays a vital role
in this 21th century in each and every fields of education system, business, sharing information
and communication.

In the present era social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple opportunities
to improve learning methods. Students can benefit from online tutorials and resources that are
shared through social networks. There is valuable knowledge to be gained through social media
such as analytics and insights on various topics or issues for study purposes [ CITATION Soc15 \l
1033 ]. Social media is also a medium where students can establish beneficial connections for
their careers. As an educational institution, it is crucial to be active in many social platforms
possible, this helps create better student training strategies and shapes student culture. Social
media offers audience and subject monitoring tools that are useful and it is one of the best
platforms to extract data. Institutions can share supportive and positive posts that reach all
students that are connected to the networks and pages [ CITATION Mar16 \l 1033 ] . One can initiate
hashtags on social media to engage students and online discussions that are helpful. Therefore,

social networking helps students in the field of providing better knowledge related to their
subjects empowering them to produce great results.

Social network can be a powerful tool if used wisely providing many benefits and opportunities
to the owner of the business. The most obvious opportunity is to generate revenue wherein the
owners can advertise his products or services in social media without having a channel, the ads
can link back to the business’ social media page. Using social media allows the customers of the
business to connect and interact with the business on a personal level and at the same time if the
business already has an established brand, social media might be an opportunity to further
develop the business’ brand [ CITATION WuJ14 \l 1033 ]. Social media can also be a good way to
attract new customers for example, when considering social media campaigns, the owner can try
to attract followers with promotions or giveaways. With the help of social media it is an easy
way to get information about what the competitors are doing? And also the customers’ feedbacks
regarding their business so that they can improve that deficiencies [ CITATION FuX17 \l 1033 ].
Some organizations uses social media to advertise vacant positions so that it can help the
organizations to attract skilled people. Consequently, it has become essential for all types of
businesses to incorporate social media marketing in their organizations.

In recent years, social media has become not only a place to store biographical information, but
also a place to share all types of knowledge-from news article to popular restaurants [ CITATION
Soc15 \l 1033 ]. People always don’t have to depend on television, radio and newspaper. A new
study from Pew Research claims that 62 percent of people get their news from social media, with
18 percent doing so very often. The ability to share knowledge through social media has been
made possible through features such as the Facebook “like” system, the “dig” effect, tweeting (of
course), the ability to “like” websites on StumbleUpon and many other features of social media
sites [ CITATION FuX17 \l 1033 ]. According to a study in 2015, 63% of the users of Facebook or
Twitter in the USA consider these networks to be their main source of news, with entertainment
news being the most seen. Thus, any kinds of information can be extracted as it is freely
available all over social media without any hindrances.

Social media has made communication easier than ever as people no longer have to pick up the
phone or write a letter. In modern times, people are interacting in many different ways, some by
telephone, some by E-mail and some by chatting networks [CITATION Idr14 \p 41-58 \l 1033 ] .
Facebook, one of the largest social networks in the world, has been very important in letting
people communicate with one another easier. For the reason that society is communicating over
the internet, it is much easier to develop and build old and new relationships [ CITATION Idr14 \l
1033 ]. It is the cheapest way to connect with one’s closed one like one can even have video chat
which not only makes one feel as if the person is right there in front of him/her, it also reduces
one’s loneliness. Hence, people can communicate with their known and unknown ones
conveniently and effectively all around the world with the use of social network.

So as to conclude the essay, social networking website is a revolutionary idea with a very bright
future with further scope for advancements. Wikis can be used for academic purpose, it can
greatly enhance the way people learn. People can watch videos to understand a topic better or
look at photos which might help them to visualize a concept, after all “a picture speaks a
thousand words”. The opportunities provided from this medium are immense and many
organizations are making use of this medium to better their practices [ CITATION WuJ14 \l 1033 ].
Similarly people don’t have to rely on newspapers or TV to get their daily dose of news it can all
be obtained from a social networking site. The information comes to users rather than users have
to make effort to get the information. The social networks can be extended to other media.
People can follow or get information from any part of the world. The world is getting closer
every day by communicating over the internet as everyone wants to be connected even if they are
far from one another. Hence, social network makes every ones’ lives very easy and contented in
the fields such as education system, business, sharing information and communication without
any difficulties.


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