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Introduction to HIV/AIDS


Course Code: BSWE-005

Total marks 100

Note: (i) Answer all the five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

(iii) Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 500 words each.

1. Discuss various theories regarding the origin of HIV. 20

Answer –


Describe the work place policy on HIV and AIDS. 20

2. Explain the role of a caregiver with terminally ill HIV patients. 20


Discuss the ethical issues involved in working with HIV vulnerable population especially Homosexuals,
CSWs and MSMs 20

3. Answer any two of the following in about 250 words each:

a) What is palliative care? Differentiate between traditional palliative care and AIDS palliative care. 10

b) Discuss the implications of HIV/AIDS for the community. 10

c) Briefly describe the history of HIV/AIDS in India. 10

d) Why is mandatory testing of HIV generally opposed? 10

Answer –
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:

a) Enlist various components of continuum of care. 5

Answer –

b) What are the three ways of HIV transmission from mother to child? 5

Answer –

c) Explain the preventive measures for STDs. 5

Answer –

d) What is hospice care? 5

e) Mention the steps for planning HIV/AIDS education. 5

f) Discuss the laws in India to protect the rights of people living with HIV. 5

Answer -

5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:

a) Crisis counselling 4

b) Opportunistic infection 4

Answer –
c) Risk Group 4

Answer –

d) ELISA test 4

Answer –

e) Window period 4

Answer –

f) Vulnerability of substance abusers 4

Answer -

g) Thallassemia 4

h) Information, Education, Communication (IEC). 4

Answer -

BSWE-005 Introduction to HIV/AIDS

Block- 1 Basic Facts about HIV/AIDS

Unit-1 Global and National Scenario of HIV/AIDS
Unit-2 HIV/AIDS Disease Profile
Unit-3 Misconceptions of HIV/AIDS/STDs
Unit-4 History of HIV/AIDS
Block- 2 HIV Transmission and Testing
Unit-1 Transmission of HIV through Sex
Unit-2 Transmission of HIV through Blood
Unit-3 Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
Unit-4 HIV Testing and Issues Involved
Unit-5 Moral Issues on HIV Testing

Block- 3 HIV/AIDS Prevention: Socio-Ethical Issues

Unit-1 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control: Government Initiatives
Unit-2 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control: Personal Aspects
Unit-3 Continum of Care
Unit-4 Societal Influences on HIV/AIDS Transmission and Prevention
Unit-5 HIV/AIDS and Ethical Issues
Unit-6 Life Skills in the Context of Adolescent Education

Block- 4 HIV/AIDS and Vulerable Population

Unit-1 HIV/AIDS and Women
Unit-2 HIV/AIDS and Children
Unit-3 HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse
Unit-4 STDs and their Management
Unit-5 HIV/AIDS and the Workplace

Block- 5 HIV/AIDS Education and Care

Unit-1 HIV/AIDS and it's Implication for Individual, Family and Community
Unit-2 HIV/AIDS Education and Behaviour Modification
Unit-3 Care of the Person with HIV/AIDS
Unit-4 Care of the Terminally III

Block- 6 AIDS, Law and Human Rights

Unit-1 HIV/AIDS and Law
Unit-2 Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PHLAs)
Unit-3 HIV/AIDS Related International Legislations

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