DPP-4 (Electric Flux and Gauss' Law)

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DPP–4 [Electric Flux and Gauss' Law]


1. 
Is the electric field in Gauss’ law   E.dA  Qencl /  0 created only by charge enclosed? Can we use Gauss’ law to
find filed of an electric dipole ?
2. Consider a disc of radius 0.1 m exists inside a region of an uniform electric field with magnitude 2 × 103 N/C. Disc is
located in the field such that its one of dismeters is perpendicular to direction of the field.
If the disc is rotated about its diameter, sketch a graph of resulting electric flux with angle turned for one complete
3. Define gravitational flux in analogy to electric flux. How gravitational flux is different from electric flux? What would
be Gauss’ law for gravitational flux?
4. Let a spherical surface S encloses charge q. How electric flux changes in following cases?
(i) Surface area of S is increases to twice.
(ii) Charge is shifted from centre to a point near the surface.
(iii) Sphere S is removed by a cubical surface.
(iv) Another charge is placed just outside the surface.


5. Flux through an elemental area ds of the Gauss’ surface is given by –

  
Kq( r  r1).ds Kq.ds Kq r .ds Kq.ds
(a)     (b)     2 (c)    (d)     2
| r  r1 |3 | r  r1 | | r |3 | r  r1 |
6. Flux through the rectangular piece of area 10 cm by 20 cm, when placed (as shown) in an uniform electric field of 200
N/C is –

(a) 4.0 Nm2/C (b) 3.5 Nm2/C (c) 2.5 Nm2/C (d) zero
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7. A uniform field E is parallel to axis of a hoallow hemisphere of radius r –

Electric flux through the hemispherical surface is –

(a) 4r2E (b) 3/8 r3E (c) r2E (d) 2r2E
8. Consider a triangular area with vertices at (2m, 0, 0) (0, 1m, 0) and (0, 0, 1m) is placed in region of an uniform electric
field of 3 × 103 î N/C. Flux passing through the area is –
(a) 3.0 × 103 Nm2/C (b) 1.5 × 103 Nm2/C (c) 6.0 × 103 Nm2/C (d) 4.5 × 103 Nm2/C
9. A uniform electric field of magnitude 5.8 × 102 N/C passes through a circular disc of radius 10 cm. Ratio of electric flux
through the disc when its face is perpendicular to the field lines and when its face is at 45° to the field lines, is –
(a) 1 (b) (c) 2 (d) 2
10. In a certain region of space, the electric field always pointing in X-direction but its magnitude decreases from E = 560 N/C
at x = 0 to E = 410 N/C at x = 25 m. If a cubial box of side length l = 25 m is oriented, such that its four sides are parallel
to the field lines, then charge enclosed by the box is –

(a) 8.3 × 10–7 C (b) 8.3 × 105 C (c) –8.3 × 10–5 C (d) –8.3 × 10–7 C
Q encl
11. In the Gauss’ law  E.dA  0
Then –

(a) Electric field in the expression is created only by enclosed charge

(b) Electric field in the expression is created only by outside charge
(c) Electric field in the expression is created by both outside and inside charges
(d) Electric field created only by the net charge value (outside and inside)

12. Consider a system of charges given as for the Gaussian surface, Gauss’ law states, q
 E.dA   0

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Which of the following statement(s) is true?
(a) LHS of above equation will have a contribution of q1 and q2 and RHS will have a contribution from q3, q4 and q5
(b) LHS of above equation will have a contribution from q1, q2, q3, q4 and q5 and RHS of above equation will have a
contribution from q3, q4 and q5
(c) LHS of above equation will have a contribution from q3, q4 and q5 and RHS of above equation will have a contribution
from q1, q2, q3, q4 and q5
(d) Both RHS and LHS have contribution from q3, q4 and q5
13. A point charge q is placed at centre of a hemisphere –

Flux linked with the curved surface is –

(a)  (b) r2E (c) 2r2E (d) zero

14. A charge q is enclosed by an imaginary Gaussian surface. If radius of surface is increasing at a rate  K , then –

(a) Flux linked with surface is increasing at a rate K
(b) Flux linked with surface is decreasing at r rate  K
d 1
(c) Flux linked with surface is increasing at a rate of 
dt K
(d) Flux linked with surface is 

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15. Consider a cubical surface of side 1m and let a long wire of linear charge density C/m3 passes through the cube. The,
correct options are –
(a) Maximum flux through the cube is 2 /  0 (b) Minimum flux through the cube is zero
(c) Maximum flux through the cube is 3 / 0 (d) Minimum flux through the cube is  / 0
16. An imaginary cube of side a is in region of uniform electric field E.

The cube is then turned by angle  about a vertical axis. Correct options are –

(a) Flux through surface 1 E1 = –Ea2 cos  (b) Flux through surface 2 E2 = Ea2 cos 
(c) Flux through surface 3 E3 = 0 (d) Flux through surface 4 E4 = Ea2 cos 
17. A non-uniform electric field E  (5 x î  3ˆj) N / C goes through a cube of side length 2.0 m, oriented as shown.Then –

Nm 2 Nm 2
(a) Flux through face CDEF = 60 (b) Flux through face ABCD = 60
Nm 2 Nm 2
(c) Flux through face ABGH = 20 (d) Flux through face EFGH = 12

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18. A small charged sphere with charge q mounted over one of the vertices of the cube as shown. Then,

q q
(a) Flux through the shaded face of cube is (b) Flux through shaded face of cube is
60 24 0

q q
(c) Flux through complete cube is (d) Flux through complete cube is
8 0 0
19. Which of the following statements is/are correct –
(a) If the electric field due to a point charge varies as r–2.5 instead of r–2, then the Gauss’ law will still be valid
(b) The Gauss law can be used to calculate the field distrubution around an electric dipole
(c) If the electric field between two point charges is zero somewhere, then the sign of the two charges is same
(d) The work done by the external force in moving a unit positiive charge from point A at potential VA to point B at
potential VB is (VB – VA)
20. A cubical region of side a has its centre at the origin. It encloses three fixed point charges, –q at (0, –a/4, 0), +3q at (0,
0, 0) and –q at (0, +a/4, 0). Choose the correct options –

(a) The net electric flux crossing the plane x = +a/2 is equal to the net electric flux crossing the plane x = –a/2
(b) The net electric flux crossing the plane y = +a/2 is more than the net electric flux crossing the plane y = –a/2
(c) The net electric flux crossing the entire region is
(d) The net electric flux crossing the plane z = +a/2 is equal to the net electric flux crossing the plane x = +a/2

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21. Following figure shows for Gaussian surface S1, S2, S3 and S4.

Now, match the following columns.

Column I Column II
(i) S1 (p) +Q/0
(ii) S2 (q) 0
(iii) S3 (r) –Q/0
(iv) S4 (s) –2Q/0
Codes :
i ii iii iv
(a) s q r p
(b) p q r s
(c) s r q p
(d) p r q s


22. A linear charge having linear charge density , penetrates a cube diagonally and then it penetrates a sphere diametrically

If ratio of flux through cube and through sphere is r then value of is.
23. Consider a uniform charge distribution with charge density of 2 C/m3 throughout in space. If a Gaussian sphere has a
variable radius which changes at the rate of 2 m/s, then value of rate of change of flux is proportional to rk, (r = radius
of sphere). Then, find the value of k.
24. A point charge q is located inside a cube but not at its centre.

q / 0 q / 0
If flux through face 1 is more than and flux through face 2 is less than . Then, find the value of k.
k k
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25. S1 and S2 are two hollow concentric spheres with charges q and 2q. Space between S1 and S2 is filled with a dielectric
of dielectric constants.

The ratio of flux through S2 and flux through S1 is K. Then, find the value of .
26. A charge q is placed just a distance above a square sheet of size a × a as shown below.

q K
If flux through the square is K find .
0 6

2 q 
27. Flux through the cone when a charge q is placed h distance from the base of centre cone is     .
3  0 

1 q 
If charge is placed h distance above the base on the centre line, flux through the cone is   . Find the value of n.
n  0 

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Passage : I
In more general cases of finding flux, where the electric field is not uniform and the surface is not flat, we divide the
choosen surface into n smal areas A1, A2, A3,...........An. We choose Ai such that it is small enough to be flat
and electric field is constant for this area.

Then, electric flux through the entire surface is approximately.

E   E .A   E.dA
i 1
i i

28. Flux associated with the cap of the sphere having semi-vertical (semi-vertex) angle  and let charge Q is placed at
centre, is –
(a) 2 (b)  (c)  (1  cos ) (d) 2 (1  cos )
0 0 0 0

29. Flux associated with a disc subtending semi-vertex (semi-vertical) angle  at a charge Q is –
Q Q Q 2   Q 2  
(a) 2 (1  cos ) (b)  (1  cos 2) (c)  sin  2  (d)  . cos  2 
0 0 0   0  
30. Two point charges q and –q are place 2 distance apart. Consider a circle of radius R placed perpendicular to line
joining charges, at its mid-point. Electric flux through this circle is –

2 2q q q  2  1  q  2  1 
(a) ( 2  1) (b)  (1  cos 60) (c)    (d)  
0 0 0  2 1 0  2 
31. Consider a very long plastic wire with charge density . Flux passing through a circle of radius R having centre at one
of ends of wire is –
2R R 4R
(a) 0 (b)  (c) zero (d)
0 

Q. 1
A. (i) Flux remains same (ii) Flux remains same (iii) Flux remains same (iv) Flux does not change
Q. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
A. a b c b c d c b c d c,d a,b,d a,c,d b,c c,d
Q. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
A. a,b,c a 1 2 6 9 24 3 d c d c

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