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to Urban Spaces

21 respondents
13 students
1 student / sales assistant
1 student / usher / bar staff
1 researcher
1 unemployed
1 learning technology officer
1 counsellor
1 mathematician
1 barista

Player areas

«Too close to school»
Sauchiehall street
West end
Near Kelvingrove park
Garnet Hill
City centre x2
Woodlands road
St George’s Cross / Woodlands
East side
Glasgow central
Outer Glasgow
Ways of com
m uting

5 5
Personal bike Bus

14 2

Walking 4 3 Subway

Train Uber / Taxi


e r t a i n m e n t
Indoors related :
9 - Listening to music
8 - Reading
10 - Watching movies / Netflix
8 - Creative activities
(drawing, improv, knitting, cooking, playing music, making zines, embroidery)
4 - Watching youtube
4 - Watching TV
1 - Sleeping
1 - Exercising
2 - Playing videogames
1 - Making drinks Outdoors related :
2 - Walking
City related : 3 - outdoor sport (running, hillwalking, hiking)
5 - Going to the cinema
3 - Live music / Gigs Other :
2 - Pubs & clubs 4 - Socialising / Time with friends
1 - Thrift shopping 1 - Dancing
( s ) t o g o o u t s i d e

Being aware of the
time of day
Fresh air


Connection to people
(people watching, chatting, being near
others) 5

Health, wellbeing,

Clearing head
(bringing back to 1
reality, taking the
mind off things) Walking the dog

Exploring, finding new things

Feels like home

3 3
Change of scenery Sights
Deterrents /
negative asp

Bad location
Dampness, cold, rain


Don’t know the area
well enough
Lack of time

No particular connection to the


3 1
Ugly, unwelcoming Dodgy

People smoking,

No outdoor seating &
u r i t e p l a c e ( s)

15 Library


10 1 1 1
Double decker Gym Streets
Coffee shop

1 1 1
Local shops Cinema/theatre Waterstones

1 1 1
Pub Comic book shop Riverside

-Player 2

Entertainment :
going to the cinema, reading books, drawing, doing improv, watching youtube videos

Commute :

Connection to the city :

cause fresh air is necessary! sun as well :))) socialisation is also nice...!

Connection to the area they live in :

Close to shops, to school, to everything, but not green enough.

Favourite part of the city experience :

Coffee shop, to pretend I’m working but chilling at the same time.

Necessary part of the city experience : Supermarket

-Player 3
«too close to school»

Entertainment :
cinema, knitting socks, netflix, experimental cooking, learning British Sign Language

Commute :

Connection to the city :

«to keep track of the time of day, to get ‘fresh’ air, to see a tiny bit of green or
sunshine or feel a bit of rain and hope it turns into snow»
Connection to the area they live in :
I like to randomly walk around in cities and try to take different routes to the same destination
to get a better sense of place. There is a lot I don’t know however and I had once the fortunate
experience to meet an old guy who showed me around a part in London and had lots of random
spots and stories to show and tell so that was really cool, so yeah I would like to know more
about a place. but to be honest
the part I live in right now is not very stimulating so it is hard to imagine there
is much more to know. I’d rather make up my own stories about it relying on
imagination than facts.
Since I’ll only live there for less than a year I already have a passing mindset. I don’t feel
ownership and I also don’t feel like I want to invest in it. I’m still looking for a place that I
want to invest in to get a proper sense of place by knowing it very well. I don’t like the current
place because there are too many ugly buildings and that’s all you see from the window as
well (although I have to say I’ve grown quite attached to the car park across the
street, it looks like it could be a film set at night). I was quite fortunate to grow up
next to a lake with mountains in the distance that allowed you to see a storm coming and see
the colour of the water and the sky changing. I miss the water, rain doesn’t make up for it.

Favourite part of the city experience :

I like the 10th floor corner window spot in the GU library a lot because you can
see the hills in the distance and the edges of the city which is quite calming.
There is also a pillar behind you so no one can see you. I like parks if they are
big enough that you forget you’re in a city like Pollok County Park. Coffee Shops
are difficult because they have to have the right amount of people, if it’s too noisy I get stressed
out that I might be taking up someone else’s spot and if it is too empty I feel under surveillance.
So I mostly avoid those. I like to go to friend’s houses. Fairly empty trains are quite nice too
especially for long journeys through the country sides.

The top and the front of a doubledecker bus is pretty cool too because you can
observe the people without being seen.

Necessary part of the city experience :

the studio is probably where I spent most time which is semipublic in away. It can be very
pleasant, I like how the vibe changes from quiet and calm in the morning and to busier during
the day talking to people and to quiet again in the evening and on the weekends. Supermarkets
are also quite common, again it depends on how many people are around. I like to browse and
buy thingsI don’t know but I only do that if it is not too busy.
I often have headphones in in the shop, which creates sort of a personal
sphere. I hate underground trains, they’re too loud and the humid air is awful, so headphones
don’t help there.

-Player 6

Entertainment :
netflix, music, reading, hiking, cycling

Commute : Personal bike

Connection to the city : Rather positive

«brings me back to reality. clears my head. not as good as getting out of the
city though.»

Connection to the area they live in : half and half. I have good knowledge of
the places which are easy and accessible. I would like to know more about the
places that I feel less confident to explore / i dont know exist.
I like the southside. It feels very friendly with lots of people who are similar to
me. but it is also very diverse which i think is important. I feel ownership, but
only in the areas I frequent.

Favourite part of the city experience :

The park is great. i have never been to the library but have been thinking of going. there are
many good cafes, but i wouldn’t consider these as public - they only attract a certain crowd so
are not very inclusive.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

«the park - to walk the dog! It is always a pleasant experience, even in the

-Player 7
Sauchiehall street

Entertainment :

Commute : Walking

Connection to the city : Mixed bag

«I really enjoy it if it is shared, but being around on my own... I tend to avoid it.
I guess it is a bit stressful. And pointless to be outside in the cold rain if it is not
to hang out or do something specific.»

Connection to the area they live in : I think I know my neighbourhood well. It is

convenient because I know what is there around me if I ever need it. I like my area because is
convenient and I really like opening my door and feeling the city, crowded and loud. But it is
a terrible area, pukes at the door, random people buzzing at night, people having sex in the
close, burglaries...

Favourite part of the city experience :

Park, I like being outdoors with friends when it is sunny. It is the closest to nature you get in
the city.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

«Supermarket. I like it because I like cooking and finding new ingredients.
But when I don’t have time I don’t enjoy it, I like to go relaxed, listening to the

-Player 9
West end

Entertainment :
Watching movies and, reading books, listening to music, travelling

Commute : Walking

Connection to the city : Positive

Because I need to feel fresh air (even if it’s windy, raining, snowy...), I even regret
to have the flat next to uni as I don’t have enough time to spend outside/in
another place other than home or uni.

Connection to the area they live in :

I know the streets and the shops of the neighborhood, but I miss to know the people that
live nearby or work in shops nearby. There’s a community space nearby but it’s only
usable by renting it, so it’s likely to be used from people that already know
each others
I think that the area where I live is too close to the highway, so it feels like it’s a place of
transition (it’s too close to the “edge”) between the center and the actual West End

Favourite part of the city experience :

Coffee shops, libraries, local shops

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Supermarket, which I generally like and sometimes local shops, which I like a lot cause I
can poke around and find new things

-Player 11

Entertainment :
Listen to music, spend time with friends, watch movies, youtube

Commute :
Personal bike, walking

Connection to the city :

Mixed bag
«I really value being outside and in nature. I think the city is great but I really prefer being by
the sea or out away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the quiet life.»

Connection to the area they live in :

I feel I know the area I live pretty well, but in terms of navigating through it. I don’t have
much of a clue about the history or what’s going on in the area however. It is
quite easy to turn a blind eye to my area as I see it everyday. I always try to remind myself
to look up and take my time to see new things but its easier to say than do. I take most notice
I think when I am stationary, having a cigarette, and without my phone. I do like my area,
however, I don’t feel connected to it besides the fact that I live there. I feel more
connected and a sense of ownership of back home where I grew up. I think it’s
because I feel part of a community back home, I know a lot of people and it is more social. in
my area, the people that know me most is the Sainsbury’s ladies.

Favourite part of the city experience :

The pub is maybe the place I enjoy the most. There is several of them so I can’t really specify
but it is a welcoming space, where it isn’t so rude or intrusive to get chatting to
people. The many parks are also a great space to enjoy, when the weather is good.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Probably the local Sainsbury’s. I am a slave to convenience. It is right around the corner,
the prices are a lot higher and there are fewer options. I know I should go to Lidl or somewhere
else but it is just too easy going to Sainsbury’s. Plus the girls that work there are great
chat and have come to know what I tend to buy, eg. not getting ID’d for alcohol, or asking me
«No cigarettes today then?» They probably make a somewhat mundane experience
very pleasant.

-Player 12
«near the park in the west end»

Entertainment :
Films, TV, playing music practising and in orchestra, walking outside, running

Commute :
Subway, Uber/taxi, Walking

Connection to the city :

It clears my head to spend time outside.

Connection to the area they live in :

Yes I think so, to a certain extent, i know the places i like to go, i spend a lot of time there and i
like exploring.
Yes, I like how it feels like its kind of a small town area but within the city,
everything feels local and safe but is still really quite central.

Favourite part of the city experience :

The park definitely - I take a detour when walking to uni to go through it when I
have the time.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Subway stations i guess- it’s not a negative experience but they do get so steamy and damp
when its raining.

-Player 13
Garnet Hill

Entertainment :
sleep, hang out with friends, read, go to gft

Commute :

Connection to the city :

i have to get out of the house daily, but sometimes I go to places with not as many people as
e.g. Sauchiehall St
I love nature and movement and I can’t just sit in a building all day long

Connection to the area they live in :

I am good with neighbour awareness. I talk to random people a lot and I get lost
on purpose/ explore my surroundings a lot. I also walk everywhere. The benefit
of awareness is awareness. And i guess belonging. You have to make some effort to
understand where you live and not to be so detached. I’d compare it to going on
holidays to Egypt and instead of visiting places and learning about the culture, going to the
beach to ‘consume’ leisure
I like my area because I made it mine. I also move flats a lot and currently I am in love
with my area as it had many trees and birds. (I used to live on Sauchiehall before they planted
trees and it was awful)

Favourite part of the city experience :

library, Waterstones (in between), coffee shop, park, gym, cinema/theatre

Most necessary part of the city experience :

supermarket- its a necessity but i have my routines so it is fine. gym- cool, I’m indifferent, it’d
say roads are the most common, and i like to pick the ones with trees and birds

-Player 15
City centre

Entertainment :
Walking, watching youtube vids

Commute :

Connection to the city :

Mixed bag

Connection to the area they live in :

I know where the nearest store is, gym, and around the neighbourhood/quickest walking
I like the area. I’m renting so I don’t feel a total sense of ownership but I definitely feel
comfortable enough. Would be nice if people recycled better though.

Favourite part of the city experience :

There’s a lot of nice cafes in merchant city. I like to mix it up but I particularly like going to the
new single end on sunny days because they have a conservatory area.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Probably the gsa studio space. I like that I have my own space and desk but it gets way too
noisy. I tend to work there on the weekends to avoid that issue.

-Player 17
Student & usher + bar staff at theatre
St George’s Cross/Woodlands

Entertainment :
watch Major League Baseball, attend small live music events, make zines, listen to music, read

Commute :

Connection to the city :

I like the city, it’s friendly, I think it’s beautiful, it connects me with people even
by just being around them, it makes me feel happier.

Connection to the area they live in :

I do like my area, it’s beautiful and rather calm, it’s got a lot of amenities and it’s close to
school and work, as well as venues and parks. However I feel like my stretch of Great Western
Road is mostly soulless, with the motorway making it inhospitable and every retail space
being a kitchen fitting store. It’s unwelcoming.
I’m pretty knowledgeable of my wider area but Woodlands has a very active community with a
garden and cleanup crews, and I feel like I could get more involved in communal life,
which could be fulfilling, rather than watching from afar, which already feels
pretty good, just knowing it’s there happening.

Favourite part of the city experience :

I really love the parks, even in bad weather. I like walking through them, it regenerates me.
I also like my local comic book shop.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Mostly the supermarket. I like wandering through the aisles trying to figure out
meal plans and new recipes.

-Player 18

Entertainment :
TV, Gigs, socialising

Commute :

Connection to the city :

I like living near the city centre, access to coffee shops, pubs etc

Connection to the area they live in :

Been here for a year. Seems quite quiet and people I’ve met seem alright.

Favourite part of the city experience :

Coffee shop.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Local library

-Player 22
Learning Technology Officer

Entertainment :
Going to the cinema, hillwalking, reading books, listening to music.

Commute :
Bus, Personal bike

Connection to the city :

A change of scene is always a good thing. No matter how short it may be. Just
getting away from where you live makes you appreciate where you live but also allows you to
see other ways of life that you can take something from.

Connection to the area they live in :

I do feel like I know it. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of time off over the
summer that I spend exploring the local area. Just knowing the area a bit
better makes life a bit more enjoyable.
I do like my area. I am not sure how I feel about a sense of ownership. I think I should take more
ownership over the area and improve it. I don’t have a lot of free time at the moment, so I think
that is keeping me back from having more ownership over my local area.

Favourite part of the city experience :

I use the local park a lot. It is good for running around also because it is quite a big park it
feels like you can escape from the urban pressures. Also you get a great view
from the flagpole all around Glasgow. I also go to the local library a lot. It’s just nice to have
somewhere quiet to sit and be surrounded by books. Coffee shops are good too just to get
out the house and get a nice coffee.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

the bus stop. They aren’t the best but I am not sure how you can improve them. I hate it
when someone is smoking in the bus stop. Or vaping! If it is busy and raining you
can get stuck outside it.

-Player 26
Glasgow, UK

Entertainment :
Netflix, music, seeing friends, dancing

Commute :
Bus, Uber/Taxi, Walking, Train

Connection to the city :

It’s great for my wellbeing even when it is grey and really helps my mood.

Connection to the area they live in :

Knows their surroundings. «Often there isn’t a sense of ownership as for years the council
have done away with things like outdoor seating and toilets and often corporate
needs take priority over those of people.»

Favourite part of the city experience :

Park, as you can simply sit and be when the weather’s nice.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Pavement - mixed bag.

-Player 30
East side

Entertainment :
Netflix, out with friends to pubs clubs

Commute :
Uber/Taxi, Walking, Train

Connection to the city :


Connection to the area they live in :

Know them (surroundings) well enough but could know more. (I) find out information
through Facebook groups.
I like my area, good community with new independant restaurants and cafe’s opening up.
Makes it feel current.

Favourite part of the city experience :

Coffee shops , parks

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Supermarket, lidl, usually yes- the staff are nice. Train from bell grove to queen street. Staff
are nice but the construction on the station is a bit annoying

-Player 31

Entertainment :
music, sports, netflix, thrift shopping

Commute :
Personal Bike, Walking

Connection to the city :

It’s nice to see what’s going on in the city (when it’s not raining)

Connection to the area they live in :

I know how to navigate my neighborhood, but I’m not sure I’m completely aware of all the local
businesses / activities going on around me. I do (like it). It’s calm, quiet and lets me have
time away from the busy city center. The proximity to Kelvingrove park, the
river Clyde and West End are especially nice

Favourite part of the city experience :

Parks, coffee shops, riverside

Most necessary part of the city experience :

supermarket, bike paths. it’s usually pleasant when there’s no rain

-Player 32
Glasgow Central

Entertainment :
watch netflix, play playstation 4, core exercises, kick around a football, make myself a nice

Commute : Walking

Connection to the city :

it’s always important to be outside. i’ll go crazy if i stay inside for too long. being
outside, fresh air and exercise are so good for my mental health and happiness.

Connection to the area they live in :

I do feel like I know my surroundings. I know the quickest route to anywhere in the city by now.
although I wish there was more greenery around me as I live very close to the city
centre. I do (like it). it’s so close to everything i can walk everywhere, which is great. although
like i said, i wish I was closer to more greenery. it’s a bit of a walk to the nearest park or
public space where i can chill out

Favourite part of the city experience :

park definitely

Most necessary part of the city experience :

probably the supermarket. i’m there a few times a week. it’s a nice enough shop so i’m happy
there’s a good selection

-Player 33
Student / Sales assistant
Outer Glasgow

Entertainment :
Gym, Reading, Watching films, embroidery

Commute :
Car, Bus

Connection to the city :

I enjoy walking about the city, especially if its nice, feels like home

Connection to the area they live in :

I know where to go if i need certain things and i know my way about.
I feel a sense of ownership both to Glasgow and the village i live in, I just wish other
people would care more

Favourite part of the city experience :

I like cafes and parks

Most necessary part of the city experience :

I use bus stops a lot and go to university, apart from it being quite cold at the bus stop I dont
mind the experience

-Player 34

Entertainment :
Reading, watching movies, playing videogames, listening to music and radio podcasts

Commute :

Connection to the city :

Nature gives me a break from everyday routine.

Connection to the area they live in :

I explored my surroundings when I moved, to make sure I had awareness of what was
happening around me and what chances I had close to me. I don’t feel part of the community
but I do feel like I have my place in this space. I like my area because it has many green spaces,
even if I’d like more of them to be open to the public, for walks or breaks.

Favourite part of the city experience :

The library and the local park.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Definitely the bus stop. I wish there was more space to sit.

-Player 35

Entertainment :
Netflix, music, going out

Commute :

Connection to the city :

It’s a nice part of my day.
I feel like I get trapped inside the studio for too long I like going outside.

Connection to the area they live in :

I can find my way around/ know where not to go. No [I don’t like it] it’s fairly rundown, I don’t
feel much ownership over my street, it’s just very familiar.

Favourite part of the city experience :

Bookshops in Glasgow where [you] can get coffee, they don’t have them in Greenock.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Glasgow Central Station, I go through their almost every day.

-Player 36
Central Glasgow

Entertainment :
Netflix, board games, cinema, reading, sports

Commute :
Bus, bike, train

Connection to the city :

[necessary to spend some time outside] Otherwise I get too angry

Connection to the area they live in :

I dislike the noise, I like the proximity to the train station

Favourite part of the city experience :

Park for walking

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Train stations. They are not the best - echoes, delays, noise, no seating

-Player 37
Glasgow (no detail ?)

Entertainment :
Go to gigs, draw, watch friends and love island

Commute :
Subway, walking

Connection to the city :

Have [to] be outside in natural light, have to experience my city’s imagery and
weather every day to feel calm.

Connection to the area they live in :

When I run I always find more spaces and streets I don’t recognise, this makes
me feel very connected to the environment I live in.
I love it, gorgeous old buildings, very busy, lots of activity day and night, keeps
me from feeling lonely.

Favourite part of the city experience :

Do streets count? I like to walk or run around the streets.

Most necessary part of the city experience :

Subways and train stations, the cafe where I work, the supermarket. If it’s busy I like it.


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