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Unbelievable stories - part 2

1. Read the text. There is one unnecessary word in each line.

1. T he ne w t e rrori st w e apon
A pile of jelly left beside a road in Germany caused by a
major security alert after it was mistaken for toxic waste. A large
area near to Halle was cordoned off and fire inspectors in
protective suits spent for two hours inspecting the “flabby red,
orange and green substance” before concluding as it was jelly.
The spillage has since been traced to some a flood-fight at a

2. Read the text. Decide which word is

2. Off-screen hero
Keanu Reeves is a hero off-screen, as (1)
go/well/should as on. The Hollywood actor was in a
supermarket (2) recently//during/shopping when he
noticed two yobs picking (3) up/on/at a female
cashier, pointing at her name tag and (4)
yawning/sleeping/sneering : “Ukee? What kinda name
is Ukee? Who gave you that name?” They (5) hold/kept/make bullying her until
Reeves (6) stepped/enter/interrupt in. “Hey, show the lady some respect,” he
yelled. “Now! You get your kicks trying to push (7) down/around/at a lady?”
One of the youths gawped as he (8) recognised/looked/starring the star. “Hey,
it’s the Matrix guy. Whoa!” “That’s right,” Reeves replied, ushering them out,”
and if you guys don’t beat it, you’ll (9) have/be/would dealing with me!”
3. Read the 1st text again and collect the verbs from it.
Try to summarize the 1st text using the verbs.

4. Find the missing words from the text

 a ………… of jelly
 ………… a road
 it was mistaken ……….. toxic waste
 a large area ………. cordoned off
 inspectors in …………. Suits

5. Read the 2nd text and collect the words with ... ing
Try to write sentences with these words.

6. Read the 2nd text and try to find the words to the following
…………. hero
………….. cashier
deal ……….
one …….. the youths
keep ……… her
7. Write another ending to the 2 stories.

8. Give another title to the 2 stories.


1. by to for as some

well, recently, on, sneering, kept, stepped, around, recognised, be

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