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Work Instruction WI, QuantaX 100 installation Revision B

Part Number 4022 190 71134 FEI Confidential Page 1 of 33 Date 20-Oct-2008
The information and materials contained herein are confidential and proprietary to FEI Company. They are
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QuantaX 100 installation (360 minutes)

Purpose: This procedure describes the installation procedure of the Bruker QuantaX 100 EDS
detector for Inspect tools. The detectors to be mounted, installed, calibrated in FEI production
plant. The mounted system will be shipped to the end user place. It is related to the option
FP2355/08 (9432 023 55081), FP2354/96 (9432 023 54961), FP2354/98 (9432 023 54981),
FP2354/97 (9432 023 54971), FP2354/99 (9432 023 54991),
Tools / Materials:
• See BOM of FP2355/08, FP2354/96, FP2354/97, FP2354/98, FP2354/99.
Hazard Warnings:
The following hazard(s) are associated with these operations:
• Electrical shock
Do not perform any of these operations without proper safety training specific to the
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Part Number 4022 190 71134 FEI Confidential Page 2 of 33 Date 20-Oct-2008

Brief procedure:
1. Mechanical Installation ......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Unpacking the EDS detectors ....................................................................................... 3
1.2 Detector installation ....................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Signal control unit installation (XFLASH MINI SVE) ...................................................... 3
1.4 IO Scan board installation ............................................................................................. 4
1.5 System connection ........................................................................................................ 4
1.6 EDS detector grounding ................................................................................................ 6
2. Esprit SW installation, system startup................................................................................... 6
2.1 Normal font setting ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Esprit SW installation .................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Licensing the Bruker SW ............................................................................................... 9
2.4 License Update ........................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Load detector data ...................................................................................................... 10
3. Setting the scanning generator and image acquisition........................................................ 14
3.1 Bruker Scan IO setting tool.......................................................................................... 14
3.2 Image scanning setting ............................................................................................... 15
3.3 Black and white level setting in the Bruker .................................................................. 16
3.4 Setting of X-Y scan size .............................................................................................. 17
3.5 Adjustment of X&Y image position .............................................................................. 19
3.6 Save image of IOScan card setting ............................................................................. 19
4. Esprit imaging Setting ........................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Magnification setting.................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Pixel size setting ......................................................................................................... 21
5. EDS Calibration .................................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Positioning of the EDS detectors ................................................................................. 22
5.2 EDS spectra calibration ............................................................................................... 25
5.3 EDS resolution measurement Manganese sample ...................................................... 26
5.4 EDS resolution measurement Copper sample (Only if no Mn sample) ........................ 27
6. Transport setting ................................................................................................................ 27
6.1 Cable labeling ............................................................................................................. 27
6.2 System disconnecting – Signal control unit in the vacuum console ............................. 29
6.3 Fixing the detector transport position ........................................................................... 29
7. Field Service installation ..................................................................................................... 30
7.1 System connection – signal control unit integrated in vacuum console........................ 30
7.2 Set the detector working position................................................................................. 30
7.3 EDS Calibration........................................................................................................... 31
7.4 Bruker communication check ...................................................................................... 31
7.5 Bruker imaging check .................................................................................................. 31
7.6 Trouble shooting ......................................................................................................... 32
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Detailed procedure:
1. Mechanical Installation
1.1 Unpacking the EDS detector
- Unpack the detector(s) carefully to avoid any damage of super-ultrathin window (SUTW)
- The collimator is already mounted to the EDS detector from the production
- Make sure that the collimator cap is shielding the window from the top-site

1.2 Detector installation

- Vent the chamber.
- For single detector dismount the X-port cover and mount the EDS to this port. For dual
version use X-port and W-port (for Inspect S use relocation kit FP 2307/00). Make sure
that all sealing surfaces are clean without any damage.
- Detector stays mounted for transportation.


1.3 Signal control unit installation (XFLASH MINI SVE)

- The signal control unit of EDS is mounted to the front door of the vacuum console.
Mount the signal control unit holder and signal control unit according to the picture
The signal control unit is mounted always to the vacuum system for Inspect S/F
systems. For Quanta W/FEG systems the unit is preferably installed inside the
vacuum console. In case of not enough space (because of some options) in the
vacuum console controller stays out of the console.
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Inspect F Inspect S

- For dual version place the signal control units at proper place out of the console.

1.4 IO Scan board installation

- Shut down the Support PC, unplug from the power supply.
- Open the PC case and install the Bruker IO scan board to free PCI slot.
- Close the PC.

1.5 Megalink Splitter installation (skip this step for single detector version)
- Connect the hardware as shown below.

IO Scan Card

- Signal Processing units has unique connection to Megalink splitter so they are marked
accordind their serial numbers on units and can not be swapped !

1.6 System connection

- Make sure that the Support PC is correctly connected to the Support network
- Connect the system according to drawing below.
- Lead the cables in the cable holders in the microscope. Megalink cable or detector cable
with power supply cable are lead in bundle with Microscope PC cables.
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1.7 EDS detector grounding

The detector can cause the interferences. These interferences are most visible in Low vacuum
mode (LFD). Some interferences at fastest dwell times can be visible even after grounding the
- Use grounding cable to connect detector(s) to chamber grounding point. Screw the
ground cable to front face of the detector.

2. Esprit SW installation, system startup

2.1 Normal font setting
- Right click on Support PC desktop. Go to Display properties/Setting/Advanced. In
geleral settings select DPI Setting – Normal Size. Click OK, OK

2.2 Esprit SW installation

- Restart the computer. Confirm change of the HW configuration during boot sequence
- Login as user with administrator rights.
- Skip all Found new hardware wizard windows
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- Insert Esprit SW installation CD to the drive. The installation will start automatically. If
not, run Install.exe from CD root.
- Select English for installation

- Follow the SW installation wizard – Click Next. Leave the default destination folder Click

- Keep default data folder – Click Next. Select component Measure system – Click Next.

- Check Start Esprit… and Install SEM Link – Click Next. Click Finish

- Follow SEM Link install wizard – Click Next. Select you Microscope Model – Click Next
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- Finish the installation wizard

- Exit Esprit SW and restart the Support PC. Login with administrator rights after computer
- Click No this time in found new hardware wizard, click Next. Select install SW
automatically for new PCI device – Click Next.

- System will install Bruker AXS IO Scan drivers. Confirm installation by click Finish
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2.3 Licensing the Bruker SW

- Insert Bruker CD labeled Licence to the Support PC drive
- Startup the Esprit SW
User name: edx
Password: edx
- The license error message occurs. Click OK

- Select license file from the CD. Click Open (Only one PDF file should be on your License

- Make sure that the loaded license file match the printed version of the license. Click
System and Product registration – Show
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2.4 License Update

- In case of need it is possible to update the license file. Click System and Product
registration – Update. Open the correct license file

2.5 Load detector data

- Make sure that the EDS system is powered on (Signal control unit LEDs are shinning)
- Select System in Esprit SW. Click Auto button in Devices section.
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- Confirm that the device is ON - Click Yes

- Make sure the appropriate number of Spectrometers is assigned within the list.
- Search Megalink ports only. Click OK. System starts to search connected EDS device.

- After search confirm System Update - Click OK. Restart Esprit SW.
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- In the device menu there should be one Spectrometer found for a single detector or two
for a dual version.
- Insert Bruker CD labeled Detector Data to Support PC drive.
- Click Data button next to the found spectrometer

- In the Detector Data window, Click Load button

- Load detector file from the CD – Click Open

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- Check the geometry data and serial number of loaded Data file. It should match the
serial number of the detector. As soon as all data are correct click OK
Elevation angle = 35deg
Azimuth angle = 45deg
Detector angle = 0deg

- Repeat the same procedure also for second detector - if applicable.

2.6 Setting of the dual detector configuration (skip this step for single detector)
- Select both spectrometers by clicking into the desired spectrometers while holding
CTRL button pressed. The selected spectrometers will turn yellow.
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- In the menu Spectra select the acquisition options (find the button

- Select single spectra

3. Setting the scanning generator and image acquisition

3.1 Bruker Scan IO setting tool
4. Copy all files from folder \\Brno801f\fei\Production\Product Engineering\Common\Working
Instructions\Files\Bruker Files\Scan setting tool to USB stick or burn to the CD (it is working
properly only form the external media like a CD or USB)
5. Add later all these files to MPC Data Disk folder …\Bruker\IO setting tool
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6. Close Esprit SW.

7. Run IOScan-Service-Light.exe on the BPC

Go to SEM-Typs page. Choose FEI tool and Model for your machine (For Inspect tools
select Quanta 200/200FEG) from the database. Click Write into IOScan to save

7.1 Image scanning setting

8. Load into chamber the sample – 200um or 500um aperture.
9. Run beam on the microscope. 25kV, 512x442 spot size 6, WD = 10mm, BSD in the
first Quad (z-contrast), Optimize image of the aperture in the image center. Go to
External Scan. Make sure that dwell time in the external mode is 3-10us. 512x442
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10. Go to SPC, Select the Adjust IOScan page

11. Set the Image properties like following:
512x512, 1:1, Image ch 1 checked, Pixel averaging 8 Line averaging 1

12. Press start to collect the image (you will see distorted image)

NOTE: If there is no video signal, check connection between IO scan card and

12.1 Black and white level setting in the Bruker

13. Make the image of the edge of the aperture in the Quanta SW. Adjust Contrast and
Brightness using the videoscope to be black level just above the black level and white
just below the white limit (Make sure that all digital processing are reset – digital
contras and digital brightness). Go to External Scan.
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14. Go to SPC, Start image collection. Check Oszilloskope and adjust White and Black
level to be with the oscilloscope just above the black level and just below the white
level same as on the Quanta SW. If the image is too noisy, you can increase the Pixel
average to 16.

14.1 Setting of X-Y scan size

15. Go to Quanta SW and adjust image of the aperture to fit one edge just on the left
site of the image region and the other site just on the right side of the image. Go to
External scan.
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16. Go to SPC. Check Calibr. Circle to view the circle on the scanning field and the
cross. Set pixel averaging to 8.
17. If you see the mirroring on the left site of the image, stop the scan and increase
Line return time per 5us. Than click Save adjustments to Flash and check again. If still
mirroring increase Line time again (maximum aprox 40us). If still mirroring, than
increase a left border to 5. After each change of these values you need to click Save
adjustments to Flash. If there is still mirroring contact PE.

18. Adjust the left and right voltage of Horizontal deflection to adjust the aperture in X-
direction as on microscope image. Do not center the porthole by moving the stage.

19. Using buttons Radius + and – adjust the size of the red circle to fit the porthole
diameter in X direction.
20. Adjust top and bottom voltage of vertical deflection to porthole perfectly fits the
red circle. You can use Y-movement of the stage in this setting.
TIP: If you select deflection slider by mouse you can make a fine setting of the slider by
pressing UP and DOWN arrows on your keyboard
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20.1 Adjustment of X&Y image position

21. In Quanta SW bring any recognizable feature under the center cross.
22. Go to SPC. Make the image and using middle slider in vertical and horizontal
deflection adjust the same feature under the cross (offset the image).

Stop scanning and click button Save adjustments to Flash.

23. Close IOScan-Service-Light.exe

23.1 Save image of IOScan card setting
24. Make the print screen of the IOScan-Card light window as soon as all settings
done and checked. Press Alt+Print Screen
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26. Run mspaint and paste printed screen.

Save the image as file IOScan setting.png. Archive this file to the MPC data disk.
27. Esprit imaging Setting
27.1 Magnification setting
28. Go to Quanta SW. Set magnification 500x in single quad mode
29. Open the ESPRIT SW. Go to page System/SEM.
30. Check the Produced - FEI, Type – QuantaX00, Driver Quanta(DCOM), Interface -
DCOM and IP –
31. Set MagCal value (typically aprox 297.5 – tenths can be use). This value influences
the display magnification value in Esprit SW. It needs to be set properly to match
microscope magnification and Bruker displayed magnification. To adjust this value
enter new value and press Initialize. Repeat until the readout of magnification match
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the magnification value of Quanta UI.

31.1 Pixel size setting

32. Go to Quanta SW and make any image in the first quad.
33. Add Horizontal field width to the databar of in Quanta/Inspect UI
34. Adjust microscope magnification to get HFW about 0.5mm (For some systems
press Crtl+H to control HFW directly)
35. Go to Esprit SW. Click System and choose Imaging.
36. Grab the image by click New
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37. Drag the green measuring line across the whole image from top left corner to
bottom right one (exactly).
TIP: For more precise setting click green corner to enlarge the image (in the picture below
shown by blue arrow)

39. Edit length of line in the dialog

(for HWF = 0.5mm: Edit lenght = 707.106/m)

40. Press Accept button

41. EDS Calibration

41.1 Positioning of the EDS detectors
42. Vent the chamber and open the stage doors
43. Insert or retract (using detector slide knob) EDS detectors to be just above the
horizontal plain given by end of the polepiece.
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Detector must not

be below this plane

44. Adjust the position of the EDS detectors to be as close as possible to the
polepiece using as shown in the following image. After it is set, check if the EDS is not
below the polepiece plane.
EDS must not touch the polepiece!
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1. Release four
3. Tight screws

2. Adjust

45. Run the microscope and get an image (25kV, spot 6.5, magnification 10000x,
46. Go to Esprit SW and check the input count rate of both EDS detectors. It should be
the same. If not, retract one of them a bit to get the same count rate.
47. Make sure that EDS detectors are pointing to WD=10mm. (Increase the sample Z
from the WD aprox. 8mm to 14 in step by 0.5mm and check that the maximum
incoming kcps is at 10mm). If not repeat steps above. (The maximum of the count rate
can be at WD slightly bigger then WD=10mm in some cases.)
48. Fix an end stop to the final detector position
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48.1 EDS spectra calibration

49. Insert the sample Mn (Cu also possible). Pump to HiVac, 25kV, set Spot size to get
1kcps for detector
50. Go to Esprit SW, System\System
51. Select one Spectrometer in device menu

52. Click button Spectrometer. In periodical table select Manganese (or copper
depending on your sample type). In calibration setting click All, and in calibration click
Start. Wait few minutes to finish the calibration.
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53. Accept the results

53.1 EDS resolution measurement Manganese sample

Resolution check with Manganese sample
54. Sample Mn, HiVac, 25kV, set Spot size to get 60kcps for detector
55. Go to System, Spectrometer Select Mn and Press Test button in Current Values

56. Wait 2-3 minutes until FWHM value is stabilized. This value must be below 133eV.
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Value here must

be smaller then

57. Click Cancel

57.1 EDS resolution measurement Copper sample (Only if no Mn sample)

58. Sample Cu, HiVac, 25kV, set Spot size to get 60kcps for detector
59. Go to Spectra and collect 120s Real time spectrum (To set 120s Real time spectra
acquisition click small triangle next to Acquire button). Click Acquire.
60. After spectrum is acquired double click the spectrum in the list and go to tab
61. Select Mn as Element 1 and Cu as Element 2. SW will calculate the resolution of Mn
Peak based on Cu resolution.
62. FWHM Mn value must be below 133eV.
63. Click OK

64. Transport setting

64.1 Cable labeling
65. Print and stick labels to Bruker cables according to table below
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Cable Label text Cable connector Image

Megalink IO Scan Board

Megalink MIN SVE


Megalink (RJ45)

Scan Image IO Scan board


Scanning 3rd Party interface

3rd PARTY board

Scanning Imaging

Imaging 3rd Party interface

3rd PARTY board
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EDS Xflash detector unit



Xflash Detector MIN SVE

65.1 System disconnecting – Signal control unit in the vacuum console

66. The EDS system including signal control unit is mounted to the microscope for
67. Unplug Megalink cable from the IOScan Board for transportation
68. Unplug Scanning/Imaging cable from both sides IOScan Board and 3Rd Party
interface board

If the signal control unit is not integrated in vacuum console then also
69. Unplug the Megalink cable from Signal control unit
70. Unplug Detector and Power supply cables from Signal control unit. Then pack the
Signal control unit.

70.1 Fixing the detector transport position

71. Retract the detector for 10mm to transport position
72. Fix an End stop properly to this transport position. Make sure that the End stop is
not moving.
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73. Field Service installation

The system is preinstalled from FEI factory. The control SW is installed on Support PC. The
name of the control SW is Esprit. Field installation consist of system connection, detector
calibration and basic functionality check.

73.1 System connection – signal control unit integrated in vacuum console

74. Connect the Megalink cable to the IO Scan Board (Blue RJ45 cable)
75. Connect Scanning/Imaging cable to IO Scan Board and 3rd Party interface board.

If the signal control unit is not integrated in vacuum console then also
76. Place the Signal control unit (MIN SVE) to place close to the Support/Microscope
77. Connect the Megalink cable to the Signal control unit (Blue RJ45 cable)
78. Connect Scanning/Imaging cable to IO Scan Board and 3rd Party interface board.
79. Connect detector cable and power supply cable to Signal control unit (both should
be in the Microscope PC cable bundle)

For more details about the system connection refer chapter 1.

79.1 Set the detector working position

80. Loose two screws holding End stop of the detector unit.
81. Insert carefully the detector 10mm. Make sure that the detector unit is not touching
the polepiece.
82. Fix the End Stop to this working position.
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For details about the detector position setting refer chapter 41.1.

82.1 EDS Calibration

83. Start the Esprit SW on Support PC
User name: edx
Password: edx
84. The calibration of the Bruker EDS is very fast. Follow the chapter 48.1
85. Check the resolution of EDS. Follow chapter 53.1

85.1 Bruker communication check

Check that the Esprit SW is communicated with the Microscope server
86. Run Esprit SW and make sure that it reads Microscope settings (HT, Magnification
[single quad mode], WD)

86.1 Bruker imaging check

87. Get image at 30kV, Spot 5 in the Quanta/Inspect SW (Tin Balls, Grid, Porthole, etc.)
88. Go to Esprit / Imaging - Image scan - New
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89. Make sure that the image contrast and brightness match the Microscope setting
(images looks the same)
90. Make sure that the image in X-dimension match the image of Microscope

90.1 Trouble shooting

91. Communication problems:
91.1 Check the connection of the Support PC to the Support network
91.2 Check that the DCOM client is set correctly and DCOM test application pass
91.3 Make sure that the setting according to chapter 27.1 are done correctly
91.4 Make sure that the SEM Link is installed (chapter 2.1). SEM Link installation file is
located on Bruker Esprit SW installation CD.

92. Imaging problems:

92.1 No Image: Make sure that the Scanning and imaging cable is connected properly. Make
sure that there is video output signal on Video connector of 3rd Party interface board.
92.2 No Image or asynchronous image: Make sure that the Microscope switch to External
scan during the Bruker imaging scan. If not there is problem with Esprit SW
Microscope PC communication.
92.3 Bruker image C&B does not match microscope image: Follow the chapter 12.1
92.4 Bruker Image X/Y ration is not correct: Follow chapter 14.1
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93. Spectra problems:

93.1 There is a peak between 0.12keV and 0.3keV even if HT is off. This peak is bigger then
Zero peak: The CCD camera and chamber illumination is switched on during the Spectra

In case of problem with the detector contact local Bruker AXS office. You can find the nearest
Bruker Office on web

[Work Instruction Complete]

Revision History
Revision Date TT CR Description of changes Name
A 01-Oct-2008 Initial release. Geryk
B 20-Oct-2008 Minor changes in grounding and mag Geryk

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