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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore Campus

Course: Irrigation&Drainage Engineering

Course Code: CV413
Program: BS(Civil Engineering) Semester: Spring2018
Duration: 60 Minutes Total Marks: 60
Paper Date: 28-Feb-17 Weight 15%
Section: A&B Page(s): 2
Exam: MidTerm-1 No:&Section
Instructions: Answer all Questions on Answer Sheet. Maximum marks are written in
brackets against each question.
Question 1 (Marks20)

a. Soil samples were collected at the site of a field to be planted in grass. Laboratory measurements
showed the average field capacity, Wfc, to be 24%, while the average value of the permanent
wilting point measurements was Wwp = 11%. Three field measurements of the bulk density were
made, with the results being 1.42, 1.51 and 1.45. If the grass that will be planted is estimated to
have a potential effective rooting depth of 21 inches, what would you estimate the total available
water to be in the root zone in millimeters? At what soil moisture content, W, would an irrigation
event be scheduled if MAD/TAW = 0.55 ? (SLO 3.4) (Marks 15)
b. List the water balance parameters for a surface irrigated field. (SLO3.1) (Marks 5)

Questions 2 (Marks 20)

a. What are the different methods of determining ET? Which is the most accurate method and
why? (SLO 3.1) (Marks 5)
b. Determine the volume of water required to be diverted from the headworks to irrigate an area of
5000 ha using the data given in Table below. Assume 80% as the effective rainfall to take care of
the consumptive use of the crop. Also assume 50% efficiency of water application in the field and
75% as the conveyance efficiency of canal. (SLO 3.3) (Marks 15)

Month Monthly Mean Daily Percentage Rainfall in cms Crop factor, k

Temp, t,(degree F) of day time hrs.
computed from
sunshine tables, p
June 70.8 0.33 1.7 0.70
July 74.4 0.33 1.42 0.80
August 72.8 0.31 3.01 0.85
September 71.6 0.28 2.25 0.85

Blaney Criddle Equation: ET = k. f in cm where f = (p/40)*t(degree F)

School of Civil Engineering Page 1

Question 3. (Marks 20)

a. Find the volume of water required if culturable area is 65,000 ha, from the following data. Water
losses may be taken as 16%. SLO (3.2) (Marks 8)

b. Find the discharge required during Rabi and Kharif in part ‘a’ of this question? SLO 3.4(Marks 7)

School of Civil Engineering Page 2

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