!"#$ % !#&$'% ! % 8051microcontroller, RS485communication Protocol, Pressure Sensors, Wireless Transceiver

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*8051microcontroller,RS485communication protocol, pressure sensors, wireless transceiver.
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Railways are the world's second-largest railway, with 6,853 stations, 63,028 kilometers of track, 37,840 passenger
coaches and 222,147 freight cars. Annually it carries some 4.83 billion passengers and 492 million tons of freight.
Of the 11 million passengers who climb aboard one of 8,520 trains each day, about 550,000 have reserved
Safe transportation of passengers is the key business objective of any transportation system. Railways are
recognized as the safest mode of mass transportation and Safety has been recognized as the key issue for the
railways and one of its special attributes. All business strategies emanate from this theme and strive to achieve
Accident Free System. Safety is, therefore, the key performance index which the top managements need to monitor
and take preventive steps based on trends of accidents which are the manifestations of some of the unsafe practices
on the system.

Collisions are the most dreaded accidents. It is very difficult to stop such collisions because of speed of moving
trains, which need a lead distance to stop. Collisions happen due to human errors and/or faulty equipment.
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A head-on collision is one where the front ends of two ships, trains, planes or vehicles hit each other, as opposed to a
side-collision or rear-end collision.. With rail, a head-on collision often implies a collision on a single line railway.
ISSN: 0975-5462 4832
Sandhya Gautam et. al. /International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4832-4837
Figure-1.1 Head- on- Collision
Figure-1.2 Rear-end- Collision



*The Anti-Collision Device (ACD) is a self-acting
microprocessor-based data communication device designed and developed by Konkan Railway [5].
The system consists of Loco ACD with a console (message display) for the driver (in each Loco Engine), Guard
ACD with remote (fitted in Guard Van), Station ACD with console (fitted in Station Masters' Cabin), Manned and
Unmanned Gates ACD with hooters and flashers (in each location) and Repeater ACDs (fitted at locations having
obstructions in radio communication such as hilly areas) which work in concert to prevent the following kinds of
collisions and accidents like-Head on collisions ,Rear end collisions ,Collisions due to derailment, Collisions at the
level crossing gates .

*It is impossible to entirely avoid situations that nobody has ever
thought of, but which could develop onto catastrophes. So for the safety purpose, anti collision system for railways
has been planned and developed. An Anti-Collision system developed for safety purpose consists of and uses the
following technologies like:
RS 485 Communication protocol,Load cell,8051 microcontroller,FSK Transmitter,Encoding and Decoding unit
In this system we have considered 8 km track separated by 1km zones (total seven zones) as a block. Each zone
containing load cell as a pressure sensor, the load cell used is compression type load cell .The threshold of load cell
is set to six tones. Whenever a train or any object passes over the load cell, the load cell crosses its threshold and it
gives analog signal to the load cell processing unit. The load cell processing unit consists of buffer IC 74 LS 245,
ISSN: 0975-5462 4833
Sandhya Gautam et. al. /International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4832-4837
A/D Converter which convert analog signal which are coming from load cell into digital signal. Now these digitized
signals are sent to RS 485 communication protocol. Here the RS 485 communication protocol provides the
communication interfacing with 8051 microcontroller. 8051 Microcontroller communicates with RS 485 and fetches
the original status (0 or 1) of each Load cell .The main function of 8051 based logic signal processing unit is to
identify the error from the received data.
In present work simulation of the whole system is undertaken and the design is based on software implementation.
On the basis of the design the necessary hardware can be chosen and implemented. The scope of the work has been
on mathematical modeling and simulation of the whole system so that the design can be optimized and then the
hardware part can be implemented accordingly.
Traditionally circuit simulation has been a non ±interactive affair. In the early days net list were prepared by hand,
and output considered of reams of numbers.

Proteus Virtual System Modeling (VSM) combines mixed mode SPICE circuit simulation, animated components
and microprocessor models to facilitate co simulation of complete microcontroller based designs. For the first time
ever, it is possible to develop and test such designs before a physical prototype is constructed. This is possible
because one can interact with the design using on screen indicators such as LED and LCD displays and actuators
such as switches and buttons. The simulation takes place in real time (or near enough to it): a 300 MHz Pentium II
can simulate a basic 8051 system clocking at over 12MHz. Proteus VSM also provides extensive debugging
facilities including breakpoints, single stepping and variable display for both assembly code and high level language

*The core of any embedded system design is the microcontroller and the
completeness of the model as well as its accuracy are therefore of primary importance. It should always be ensured
that simulation models for microcontrollers not only support a peripheral that one wants to use but support the mode
in which one wants to use the peripheral and to a satisfactory level of detail.
$ 4  

*For this particular system it has been assumed that
1km is a minimum safest distance to maintain safety between two trains 8 km track separated by 1km zones (total
seven zones) as a block have been considered. Each zone contains load cell, (Please refer the data sheet for load cell
specification) placed under the track. The threshold of load cell is set to 6 tones. Whenever a train passes over the
load cell then the load cell crosses its threshold and it gives analog signal to the load cell processing unit.
ISSN: 0975-5462 4834
Sandhya Gautam et. al. /International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4832-4837
$' 4 

In load cell signal processing unit we have used compression type load cell which gives analog voltages. Whenever
the output voltage crosses 0.8 volt (which is equivalent to the 6 tones load) then the buffer IC 74 LS 245 gives µlogic
1¶.we have used eight digital voltmeter for each load cell for analysis and calibration purpose which will not be used
in final products. We have used seven NAND gates (two ICs 74S00 each containing 4 NAND gates).
In this system we have used RS485 because it is the only of the interface which is capable of internetworking
multiple transmitters and receivers in the same network. The outputs of RS 485 communication module are fed to
port 3.0 to port 3.6 of 8051 microcontroller. We have used two 8-bit ports that is port0 (P0.1 to P0.7) and port3
(P3.1 to P3.7)of 8051 microcontroller. Output of RS485 communication protocol is connected to the Pin 3.0to 3.1of
port 3 microcontrollers and output of the 8051 that is 7- bit parallel data in the form of error signal related to
different zones in the track is connected to the pin no P1.0 to P1.6 .
Output of the microcontroller which is 7-bir parallel data goes to the transmitter FSK communication section. FSK
communication section is a combination of parallel to serial encoder with a unique address and FSK transmitter. The
7-bit parallel data which comes from the microcontroller based logic processing unit converted into serial form with
the help of parallel to serial encoder. At the receiving end, this serial data fed to the microcontroller cum supervisory
unit which consist of serial converter and FSK transmitter convert the 7-bit serial data into parallel form and then the
parallel data which is actually the status of trains in different zones of the railway track are transmitted through
wireless transmission. According to the error information the control signals are generated to the railway control
room, station, sub-station, and grid control station to take the best possible preventive measure against these types of
massive accidents.
Because of the hardware component such as RS485 communication protocol, load cell (pressure sensor), FSK
transmitter, 8051 microcontroller the output gives alarm to railway control room, near-by stations, substations, and
grid control unit. Thereby facilitating avoidance of direct collision (head-on and rear-end) when the carriage on the
same track.
5 *In this model we have considered 8 km track separated by 1km zones because we have
assumed that 1 km is a minimum safest distance to avoid collision between two trains. Here each of the 1 km zones
contains pressure sensors placed under the track. In our system we use compression type pressure sensors. The
minimum pressure to be sensed by a load cell or pressure sensor is 6 tones, because 6 tones is the minimum carriage
weight of an empty carriage of goods and passenger trains as per Indian Railway norms. The minimum voltage
sensed by pressure sensor is as µhigh¶ as 0.8 volt.
The different conditions under which the two trains run on the track with different relative position with
respect to each other are considered in this work. Then each different condition has been simulated in software.
Results of these cases are displayed below.
5' '
In the graph(1.4)shown below, the yellow line represents the presence of train in zone 1,blue line represents the
presence of train in zone 2 and the green line signifies the output of the anti-collision system. In this case the two
train coming on same track (zone 1 and zone 2) at the same time. The pressure sensors which are placed under the
track detect the presence of train within 1 km distance in zone 1 and zone 2 at the same time. It shows that there is
possibility of collision in zone 1 and zone 2. So that immediately an alarming signal has been generated to the
railway control room, station, substation and grid control station to prevent this massive accident.
ISSN: 0975-5462 4835
Sandhya Gautam et. al. /International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4832-4837
Figure6.1Two Trains coming on same track (zone 1&zone 2) at the same time.
5- 2


In the graph (5.10), the yellow line represents the presence of train in zone 2, blue line represents the presence of
train in zone 4and the green line signifies the output whether the collision occurs or not. From the graph it is clear
that the two trains running on track but the distance between the trains is far greater than the minimum permissible
distance (1km). So at the output there is no possibility of collision, because the distance between two trains are
running on track alternate zones. That¶s why no alarming signal has been issued to the near-by station, substation,
railway control room and grid control unit.
Figure-6.2 Two Trains running on the track (zone 2 and4) but not the same time.
The simulation model result show that whenever there is a chance of collision the system gives an output
signal and gives proper alarming to the near-by station, substation, railway control room and grid control unit. This
helps in avoiding collision by appropriate steps to be undertaken by the respective railway station. Whenever there is
ISSN: 0975-5462 4836
Sandhya Gautam et. al. /International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4832-4837
a no chance of collision due to the train being on different track. There is no output from the simulated system

While rail continues to be one of the safest modes of transportation, the overall safety has not significantly improved
since the Railway Safety
Continuous improvement is important to achieving a better safety record. Certain accident
categories have seen little improvement in accident rates over time, while others are worsening and have the
potential to negatively affect public confidence in the railway system. Nonetheless, we also observed stronger safety
records in certain areas and believe they are the result of sustained efforts to improve safety. Through this innovative
technique of early sensing of any possible collision scenario and avoiding it thereof, we demonstrate that it is
possible to improve the overall safety of the railway system in India. We believe that success depends on both the



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