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Locate Creature Sunbeam

Mordenkainen’s True Seeing

Sp e l l D e s c r i p t i o n s
Faithful Hound T h e sp ells are presen ted in alphabetical order.
Wall o f Ice
7t h Le v e l A c id Sp l a s h
Private Sanctum
Delayed Blast Fireball Conjuration cantrip
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
Etherealness Casting Time: 1 action
Phantasmal Killer
Finger of Death Range: 6 0 feet
Forcecage Components: V, S
Stone Shape
Mirage Arcane Duration: Instantaneous
Mordenkainen's You hurl a bubble o f acid. C h oose on e creature w ithin
Wall of Fire
Magnificent Mansion range, or c h o o s e tw o creatu res w ithin range that are
5t h L e v e l Mordenkainen’s Sword w ithin 5 feet o f each other. A target m ust su c ce e d on a
Animate Objects Plane Shift D exterity saving th row or take 1d6 acid dam age.
Bigby’s Hand Prismatic Spray T h is sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d6 w hen you reach
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
CloudkilI Project Image
Cone o f Cold Reverse Gravity A id
Conjure Elemental Sequester 2 nd-level abjuration
Contact Other Plane Simulacrum
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Creation Symbol
Range: 30 feet
Dominate Person Teleport Components: V, S, M (a tiny strip o f w hite cloth)
Dream Duration: 8 hours
8t h Lev el
Antimagic Field Your spell bolsters your allies w ith tou ghn ess and
Hold Monster
Antipathy/Sympathy resolve. C h oose up to three creatu res w ithin range.
Legend Lore
Each target’s hit point m axim u m and current hit points
Mislead in crease by 5 for the duration.
Control Weather
Modify Memory A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using
Passwall a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, a target’s hit points
Dominate Monster
Planar Binding in crease by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.
Rary’s Telepathic Bond
Incendiary Cloud A l a r m
Maze 1st-level abjuration (ritual)
Mind Blank Casting Tim e: 1 minute
Power Word Stun Range: 30 feet
Teleportation Circle
Sunburst Components: V, S, M (a tiny bell and a p iece o f
Wall of Force
Telepathy fine silver w ire)
Wall of Stone
Trap the Soul Duration: 8 hours
6 t h Le v e l You set an alarm against unw anted intrusion. C h oose
9t h Lev el
Arcane Gate a door, a w indow , or an area w ithin range that is no
Astral Projection
Chain Lightning larger than a 20 -foot cube. Until the sp ell ends, an alarm
Foresight alerts you w henever a T iny or larger creature touches
Circle o f Death
Gate or enters the w arded area. W h en you cast the spell, you
Imprisonment can designate creatu res that w o n ’t set off the alarm. You
Create Undead
Meteor Swarm also c h o o s e w hether the alarm is m ental or audible.
Power Word Kill A m ental alarm alerts you with a ping in your m ind
Drawmij’s Instant
Prismatic Wall if you are w ithin 1 m ile o f the w arded area. T h is ping
Shapechange aw akens you if you are sleeping.
Eyebite A n audible alarm p rod u ces the sou n d o f a hand bell
Time Stop
Flesh to Stone for 10 se co n d s w ithin 60 feet.
True Polymorph
Globe o f Invulnerability
Weird A l t e r Se l f
Guards and Wards
Wish 2 nd-level transmutation
Magic Jar
Mass Suggestion Casting Tim e: 1 action
Move Earth Range: S e lf
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere Components: V, S
Otto’s Irresistible Dance Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Programmed Illusion You assu m e a different form . W h en you cast the spell,
c h o o s e on e o f the follow in g options, the effects o f w hich
last for the duration o f the spell. W h ile the spell lasts,
you can end on e option as an action to gain the benefits location, coverin g about 50 m iles per 24 h ours for a
o f a different one. flying m essenger, or 25 m iles for other anim als.
Aquatic Adaptation. You adapt your b od y to an W h en the m essen ger arrives, it delivers your m essa ge
aquatic environm ent, sprouting gills and grow in g to the creature that you d escribed , replicating the sou n d
w ebb in g b etw een your fingers. You can breathe o f your voice. The m essen ger sp eak s only to a creature
underw ater and gain a sw im m in g sp eed equal to your m atching the description you gave. If the m essen ger
w alkin g speed. d oesn ’t reach its destination before the spell ends, the
Change Appearance. You transform your appearance. m essa ge is lost, and the beast m akes its w ay ba ck to
You decide w hat you lo o k like, including your height, w h ere you cast this spell.
weight, facial features, sou n d o f your voice, hair length, At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. slot o f 3nd level or higher, the duration o f the spell
You can m ake y ou rself appear as a m em ber o f another in creases by 4 8 hours for each slot level above 2nd.
race, though n one o f your statistics change. You also
ca n ’t appear as a creature o f a different size than you, A n im a l Sh a pe s

and your basic sh ape stays the sam e; if you're bipedal, 8 th-level transmutation
you ca n ’t use this spell to b e c o m e quadrupedal, for Casting Tim e: 1 action
instance. At any tim e for the duration o f the spell, you Range: 30 feet
can u se your action to change your ap pearan ce in Components: V, S
this w ay again. Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours
Natural Weapons. You g row claw s, fangs, spines,
Your m a gic turns others into beasts. C h oose any
horns, or a different natural w eap on o f your ch oice. Your
num ber o f w illing creatu res that you ca n see within
unarm ed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or
range. You transform each target into the form o f a
slashing dam age, as appropriate to the natural w eap on
Large or sm aller beast w ith a challen ge rating o f 4 or
you ch ose, and you are proficient w ith y ou r unarm ed
lower. On subsequent turns, you can u se your action to
strikes. Finally, the natural w eap on is m a gic and you
transform affected creatu res into n ew form s.
have a +1 b on u s to the attack and dam age rolls you
The transform ation lasts for the duration for each
m ake usin g it.
target, or until the target d rop s to 0 hit points or dies.
A n im a l Fr ie n d s h ip You can c h o o s e a different form for each target. A
1st-level enchantment target’s gam e statistics are replaced by the statistics o f
the ch osen beast, though the target retains its alignm ent
Casting Tim e: 1 action
and Intelligence, W isd om , and C harism a scores. T h e
Range: 30 feet
target a ssu m es the hit points o f its n ew form , and w hen
Components: V, S, M (a m orsel o f food )
it reverts to its n orm al form , it returns to the num ber
Duration: 24 hours
o f hit points it had before it transform ed. If it reverts as
Th is spell lets you con v in ce a beast that you m ean it no a result o f droppin g to 0 hit points, any e x ce s s dam age
harm. C h oose a beast that you can see w ithin range. carries over to its norm al form . A s long as the ex cess
It must see and hear you. If the b ea st’s Intelligence is dam age d oesn ’t redu ce the creatu re’s n orm al form to 0
4 or higher, the spell fails. O therw ise, the beast m ust hit points, it isn’t k n ock ed u n con sciou s. T h e creature is
su cce e d on a W isd om saving th row or be charm ed lim ited in the actions it can perform by the nature o f its
by you for the spell’s duration. If you or on e o f your n ew form , and it ca n ’t sp eak or cast spells.
com p a n ion s harm s the target, the spells ends. The target’s gear m elds into the n ew form . T h e target
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using ca n ’t activate, w ield, or oth erw ise benefit from any o f
a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can affect one its equipm ent.
additional beast for each slot level above 1st.
A n im a t e D e a d
A n im a l M e sse n g e r 3rd-level necromancy
2 nd-level enchantment (ritual) Casting Time: 1 m inute
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10 feet
Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a drop o f blood , a piece o f flesh,
Components: V, S , M (a m orsel o f food) and a pinch o f bon e dust)
Duration: 24 hours Duration: Instantaneous
By m eans o f this spell, you u se an anim al to deliver a Th is spell creates an undead servant. C h oose a pile
m essage. C h o o se a Tiny beast you can see w ithin range, o f b on es or a c o rp s e o f a M edium or S m all hum anoid
such as a squirrel, a blue jay, or a bat. You s p ecify a w ithin range. Your spell im bu es the target w ith a foul
location, w h ich you m ust have visited, and a recipient m im icry o f life, raising it as an undead creature. The
w h o m atches a general description, such as “a m an or target b e c o m e s a skeleton if you c h ose b on es or a
w om a n d ressed in the uniform o f the tow n guard” or “a zom bie if you c h o s e a c o rp s e (the DM has the creatu re’s
red-haired dw arf w earin g a pointed hat.” You also sp eak gam e statistics).
a m essa ge o f up to twenty-five w ords. T h e target beast On each o f your turns, you ca n use a bon u s action
travels for the duration o f the spell tow ard the sp ecified to m entally c om m a n d any creature you m ade with
this spell if the creature is w ithin 6 0 feet o f you (if you
con trol m ultiple creatures, you can com m a n d any or all are 3, and its C harism a is 1. Its sp eed is 30 feet; if the
o f them at the sa m e tim e, issuing the sam e com m a n d to object lack s legs or other appendages it can u se for
each one). You d ecide w hat action the creature w ill take locom otion , it instead has a flying sp eed o f 3 0 feet and
and w here it w ill m ove during its next turn, or you can can hover. If the object is secu rely attached to a surface
issu e a general com m a n d , such as to guard a particular or a larger object, such as a chain bolted to a w all, its
ch a m ber or corridor. If you issue no com m a n d s, the sp eed is 0. It has blindsight w ith a radius o f 30 feet and
creature only d efends itself against hostile creatures. is blind beyon d that distance. W h en the anim ated object
O n ce given an order, the creature continu es to follow it d rops to 0 hit points, it reverts to its original object
until its task is com plete. form , and any rem aining dam age carries over to its
T h e creature is under your con trol for 24 hours, original ob ject form .
after w hich it stop s obeyin g any c om m a n d y ou ’ve given If you com m a n d an object to attack, it can m ake a
it. To m aintain control o f the creature for another single m elee attack against a creature w ithin 5 feet
24 hours, you m ust cast this spell on the creature o f it. It m ak es a slam attack w ith an attack bon u s and
again b efore the current 24-hou r p eriod ends. This bludgeon ing dam age determ ined by its size. T h e DM
u se o f the spell reasserts your con trol over up to four might rule that a sp ecific object inflicts slashing or
creatures you have anim ated w ith this spell, rather than piercing dam age ba sed on its form .
anim ating a n ew one. A t H igher Levels. If you cast this spell using a
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a spell slot o f 6th level or higher, you can anim ate tw o
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, you anim ate or reassert additional ob jects for each slot level above 5th.
con trol over tw o additional undead creatu res for each
slot level above 3rd. E ach o f the creatures m ust com e A n t il if e Sh e l l

from a different c o rp s e or pile o f b on es. 5th-level abjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
A n im a t e O bj e c t s
Range: S e lf (10-foot radius)
5th-level transmutation Components: V, S
Casting Tim e: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Range: 120 feet
A sh im m ering barrier extends out from you in a 10-foot
Components: V, S
radius and m oves w ith you, rem ainin g centered on
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
you and h edging out creatures other than undead and
O bjects c om e to life at your com m a n d . C h oose up to constructs. T h e barrier lasts for the duration.
ten n onm agical ob jects w ithin range that are not being The barrier prevents an affected creature from
w orn or carried. M edium targets coun t as tw o objects, passing or reachin g through. A n affected creature
Large targets coun t as four objects, H uge targets can cast sp ells or m ake attacks w ith ranged or reach
coun t as eight objects. You can ’t anim ate any object w ea p on s through the barrier.
larger than H uge. E ach target anim ates and b e c o m e s a If you m ove s o that an affected creature is forced to
creature under your con trol until the spell ends or until pass through the barrier, the sp ell ends.
redu ced to 0 hit points.
A s a bon u s action, you ca n mentally com m a n d any A n t im a g ic Fie l d

creature you m ade w ith this spell if the creature is 8 th-level abjuration

w ithin 5 0 0 feet o f you (if you control multiple creatures, Casting Tim e: 1 action
you can com m a n d any or all o f them at the sam e time, Range: S e lf (10-foot-radius sphere)
issu in g the sam e com m a n d to each one). You decide Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f p ow d ered iron or
w hat action the creature w ill take and w here it w ill iron filings)
m ove during its next turn, or you can issue a general Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
com m a n d , such as to guard a particular ch a m ber or
A 10-foot-radius invisible sphere o f antim agic surrounds
corridor. If you issue n o com m a n d s, the creature only
you. T his area is divorced from the m agical en ergy that
defen ds itself against hostile creatures. O nce given
su ffu ses the multiverse. W ithin the sphere, sp ells ca n ’t
an order, the creature continu es to follow it until its
b e cast, su m m on ed creatu res disappear, and even m agic
task is com plete.
item s b e c o m e m undane. Until the spell ends, the sphere
m oves w ith you, centered on you.
A n ima t e d O bj ec t St a t is t ic s
S p ells and other m agical effects, except th ose created
Size HP AC Attack Str Dex
by an artifact or a deity, are su p p ressed in the sphere
Tiny 20 18 +8 to hit, 1d4 + 4 damage 4 18 and ca n ’t protrude into it. A slot expen ded to cast
Small 25 16 +6 to hit, 1d8 + 2 damage 6 14 a su ppressed spell is con su m ed. W h ile an effect is
Medium 40 13 +5 to hit, 2d6 + 1 damage 10 12 su ppressed, it d oesn ’t function, but the tim e it spends
Large 50 10 +6 to hit, 2d10 + 2 damage 14 10 su ppressed coun ts against its duration.
Huge 80 10 +8 to hit, 2d12 + 4 damage 18 6 Targeted E ffects. S p ells and other m agical effects,
such as magic m issile and charm person , that target
A n anim ated object is a construct w ith AC, hit points, a creature or an object in the sphere have no effect
attacks, Strength, and D exterity determ ined by its size. on that target.
Its Constitution is 10 and its Intelligence and W isd om
Areas o f Magic. T h e area o f another spell or m agical m ove to the nearest safe spot from w hich it ca n ’t see
effect, su ch as fireball, ca n ’t extend into the sphere. the target. If the creature m oves m ore than 60 feet from
If the sphere overlaps an area o f m agic, the part o f the target and c a n ’t see it, the creature is no longer
the area that is covered by the sphere is suppressed. frightened, but the creature b e c o m e s frightened again if
For exam ple, the flam es created by a wall o f fire are it regains sight o f the target or m oves w ithin 60 feet o f it.
su ppressed w ithin the sphere, creating a gap in the w all Sympathy. T h e enchantm ent ca u ses the sp ecified
if the overlap is large enough. creatu res to feel an intense urge to approach the target
Spells. Any active spell or other m agical effect on a w hile w ithin 60 feet o f it or able to see it. W h en such a
creature or an object in the sphere is su ppressed w hile creature can see the target or c o m e s w ithin 6 0 feet o f it,
the creature or object is in it. the creature m ust s u cce e d on a W isd om saving th row or
Magic Items. T h e properties and p ow ers o f use its m ovem ent on each o f its turns to enter the area
m a gic item s are su p p ressed in the sphere. For or m ove w ithin reach o f the target. W h en the creature
exam ple, a + 1 longsword in the sphere functions as a has don e so, it ca n ’t w illingly m ove away from the target.
n onm agical longsw ord. If the target dam ages or oth erw ise harm s an affected
A m a gic w ea p on ’s properties and p ow ers are creature, the affected creature can m ake a W isd om
su ppressed if it is u sed against a target in the sphere or saving th row to end the effect, as d escrib ed below.
w ielded by an attacker in the sphere. If a m agic w eapon Ending the Effect. If an affected creature ends its
or a p iece o f m agic am m unition fully leaves the sphere turn w hile not w ithin 60 feet o f the target or able to see
(for exam ple, if you fire a m a gic arrow or th row a m agic it, the creature m akes a W isd om saving throw. On a
sp ear at a target outside the sphere), the m a gic o f the su ccessfu l save, the creature is no lon ger affected by
item ce a s e s to b e su ppressed as s o o n as it exits. the target and reco g n ize s the feeling o f rep u gn an ce or
Magical Travel. Teleportation and planar travel attraction as m agical. In addition, a creature affected by
fail to w ork in the sphere, w hether the sphere is the the spell is allow ed another W isd om saving th row every
destination or the departure point for such m agical 24 h ours w hile the spell persists.
travel. A portal to another location, w orld, or plane o f A creature that su ccessfu lly saves against this effect
existence, as w ell as an open in g to an extradim ensional is im m u ne to it for 1 minute, after w hich tim e it can be
sp ace such as that created by the rope trick spell, affected again.
tem porarily c lo se s w hile in the sphere.
Creatures and Objects. A creature or object A r c a n e Ey e

su m m on ed or created by m agic tem porarily w in ks out 4th-level divination

o f existence in the sphere. S u ch a creature instantly Casting Tim e: 1 action
reappears on ce the sp ace the creature occu p ied is no Range: 3 0 feet
lon ger w ithin the sphere. Components: V, S, M (a bit o f bat fur)
Dispel Magic. S p ells and m agical effects such as Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
dispel magic have no effect on the sphere. Likew ise, the
You create an invisible, m agical eye w ithin range that
spheres created by different antimagic field spells d on ’t
hovers in the air for the duration.
nullify each other.
You m entally receive visual inform ation from the eye,
A n t ipa t h y /S y m p a t h y w hich has n orm al vision and darkvision out to 30 feet.
8 th-level enchantment T h e eye can lo o k in every direction.
A s an action, you can m ove the eye up to 30 feet in
Casting Tim e: 1 hour
any direction. T h ere is no lim it to h ow far away from
Range: 6 0 feet
you the eye can m ove, but it ca n ’t enter another plane
Components: V, S, M (either a lump o f alum soa k ed in
o f existence. A solid barrier b lock s the eye’s m ovem ent,
vinegar for the antipathy effect or a d rop o f honey for
but the eye can pa ss through an open in g as sm all as 1
the sympathy effect)
inch in diameter.
Duration: 10 days

This spell attracts or repels creatu res o f you r choice. A r c a n e G a t e

You target som eth in g within range, either a H uge or 6 th-level conjuration
sm aller ob ject or creature or an area that is no larger Casting Tim e: 1 action
than a 2 0 0 -foot cube. Then sp ecify a kind o f intelligent Range: 5 0 0 feet
creature, such as red dragons, goblins, or vam pires. Components: V, S
You invest the target w ith an aura that either attracts or Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
repels the sp ecified creatu res for the duration. C h oose
You create linked teleportation portals that rem ain open
antipathy or sym pathy as the aura’s effect.
for the duration. C h o o se tw o points on the grou nd that
Antipathy. T h e enchantm ent cau ses creatu res o f the
you can see, one point w ithin 10 feet o f you and one
kind you designated to feel an intense urge to leave the
point within 5 0 0 feet o f you. A circu lar portal, 10 feet
area and avoid the target. W h en such a creature can
in diameter, op en s over each point. If the portal w ou ld
s e e the target or c o m e s w ithin 60 feet o f it, the creature
open in the sp ace occu p ied by a creature, the spell fails,
m ust s u cce e d on a W isd om saving th row or b e c o m e
and the casting is lost.
frightened. T h e creature rem ains frightened w hile it can
T he portals are tw o-dim ensional glowing rings
see the target or is w ithin 60 feet o f it. W h ile frightened
filled with mist, hovering inches from the grou nd and
by the target, the creature m ust use its m ovem ent to
perpend icu lar to it at the poin ts you c h oose. A ring is A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
visible only from on e side (your choice), w hich is the side spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
that fu nction s as a portal. 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
A ny creature or object entering the portal exits from
the other portal as if the tw o w ere adjacent to each A s t r a l Pr o j e c t io n

other; passin g through a portal from the nonportal side 9th-level necromancy
has n o effect. T h e m ist that fills each portal is opaque Casting Tim e: 1 hour
and b lo ck s vision through it. On your turn, you can Range: 10 feet
rotate the rings as a b on u s action s o that the active side Components: V, S , M (for each creature you affect with
faces in a different direction. this spell, you must provide one jacinth w orth at least
1,000 gp and on e ornately carved bar o f silver w orth
A r c a n e L o c k
at least 100 gp, all o f w h ich the spell con su m es)
2 nd-level abjuration
Duration: S p ecia l
Casting Tim e: 1 action
You and up to eight w illing creatu res w ithin range
Range: Touch
project your astral b o d ie s into the A stral Plane (the
Com ponents: V, S, M (gold dust w orth at least 25 gp,
spell fails and the casting is w asted if you are already
w h ich the sp ell con su m es)
on that plane). The m aterial b od y you leave beh in d is
Duration: Until dispelled
u n con sciou s and in a state o f su sp ended anim ation; it
You touch a c lo se d door, w indow , gate, chest, or other d oesn ’t n eed fo o d or air and d oesn ’t age.
entryway, and it b e c o m e s lock ed for the duration. You Y our astral b od y resem b les your m ortal form in
and the creatu res you designate w hen you cast this alm ost every way, replicating your gam e statistics and
spell can open the object norm ally. You can also set a p os se ss io n s. T h e principal difference is the addition o f
p a ssw ord that, w hen sp oken w ithin 5 feet o f the object, a silvery cord that extends from b etw een your shoulder
su p p resses this spell for 1 minute. O therw ise, it is blades and trails behind you, fading to invisibility after
im passable until it is broken or the spell is dispelled or 1 foot. T h is co rd is your tether to your m aterial body. As
su ppressed. C asting knock on the ob ject su p presses lon g as the tether rem ains intact, you can find your w ay
arcane lock for 10 minutes. h om e. If the co rd is cut—som eth in g that can happen
W h ile affected by this spell, the object is m ore difficult only w hen an effect sp ecifically states that it d o e s —your
to break or force open; the D C to break it or pick any sou l and b od y are separated, killing you instantly.
lock s on it in crea ses by 10. Your astral form can freely travel through the Astral
P lane and can pass through portals there leading to any
A r m o r o f A g a t h y s other plane. If you enter a n ew plane or return to the
1st-level abjuration plane you w ere on w hen casting this spell, your b od y and
Casting Tim e: 1 action possession s are transported along the silver cord, allowing
Range: S e lf you to re-enter your b od y as you enter the n ew plane.
Components: V, S, M (a cup o f water) Your astral form is a separate incarnation. Any dam age
Duration: 1 hour or other effects that apply to it have no effect on your
physical body, nor do they persist w hen you return to it.
A protective m agical force su rrou nds you, m anifesting
The spell ends for you and your com p a n ion s w hen
as a spectral frost that covers you and your gear.
you use your action to dism iss it. W h en the spell ends,
You gain 5 tem porary hit points for the duration. If a
the affected creature returns to its physical body,
creature hits you w ith a m elee attack w hile you have
and it awakens.
th ese hit points, the creature takes 5 cold dam age.
The spell m ight also end early for you or on e o f your
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell u sing a
com pan ion s. A su ccessfu l dispel magic spell u sed
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, both the tem porary hit
against an astral or physical b od y ends the spell for that
points and the cold dam age in crease by 5 for each slot
creature. If a creatu re’s original b od y or its astral form
level above 1st.
d rops to 0 hit points, the spell en ds for that creature. If
the spell ends and the silver cord is intact, the co rd pulls
A r ms o f H a d a r
the creatu re’s astral form ba ck to its body, ending its
1st-level conjuration
state o f su sp en ded anim ation.
Casting Tim e: 1 action If you are returned to your b od y prematurely, your
Range: S e lf (10-foot radius) com p a n ion s rem ain in their astral form s and m ust find
Components: V, S their ow n w ay ba ck to their b od ies, usually by droppin g
Duration: Instantaneous to 0 hit points.
You invoke the p ow er o f Hadar, the D ark Hunger.
A u g u r y
Tendrils o f dark en ergy erupt from you and batter all
creatu res w ithin 10 feet o f you. E ach creature in that 2 nd-level divination (ritual)
area m ust m ake a Strength saving throw. O n a failed Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
save, a target takes 2d6 n ecrotic dam age and can ’t take Range: S elf
reaction s until its next turn. O n a su ccessfu l save, the Components: V, S, M (specially m arked sticks, bon es,
creature takes h alf dam age, but suffers no other effect. or sim ilar tokens w orth at least 25 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
By casting gem -inlaid sticks, rolling dragon bones, A w a k e n
laying out ornate cards, or em ploying so m e other 5th-level transmutation
divining tool, you receive an om en from an otherw orldly
Casting Tim e: 8 hours
entity about the results o f a sp ecific co u rse o f action that
Range: Touch
you plan to take w ithin the next 30 m inutes. The DM
Components: V, S, M (an agate w orth at least 1,000 gp,
c h o o s e s from the follow in g p ossib le om ens:
w h ich the spell con su m es)
• Weal, for g o o d results Duration: Instantaneous
• Woe, for bad results
After spending the castin g tim e tracing m agical
• Weal and w oe, for both g o o d and bad results
pathways w ithin a preciou s gem stone, you touch a Huge
• Nothing, for results that aren’t esp ecially g o o d or bad
or sm aller beast or plant. T h e target m ust have either
T he spell d oesn ’t take into accou n t any p ossib le no Intelligence sc o r e or an Intelligence o f 3 or less. The
circu m stan ces that m ight change the ou tcom e, such target gains an Intelligence o f 10. The target also gains
as the casting o f additional sp ells or the loss or gain the ability to sp eak on e language you know. If the target
o f a com panion . is a plant, it gains the ability to m ove its lim bs, roots,
If you cast the spell tw o or m ore tim es before vines, creep ers, and s o forth, and it gains se n se s sim ilar
com pletin g your next lon g rest, there is a cum ulative 25 to a hum an’s. Y our D M c h o o s e s statistics appropriate
percent ch a n ce for each castin g after the first that you for the aw akened plant, such as the statistics for the
get a random reading. The DM m a kes this roll in secret. aw akened shrub or the aw akened tree.
The aw akened beast or plant is ch arm ed by you for
A u r a o f L if e
30 days or until you or your com p a n ion s do anything
4th-level abjuration harm ful to it. W h en the ch arm ed condition ends,
Casting Time: 1 action the aw akened creature c h o o s e s w hether to rem ain
Range: S e lf (30-foot radius) friendly to you, based on h ow you treated it w hile
Components: V it w as charm ed.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
Ba n e
Life-preserving en ergy radiates from you in an aura with
1st-level enchantment
a 30 -foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura m oves
w ith you, centered on you. E ach n onh ostile creature Casting Tim e: 1 action
in the aura (including you) has resistan ce to n ecrotic Range: 30 feet
dam age, and its hit point m axim u m can't be reduced. In Components: V, S, M (a drop o f blood )
addition, a nonhostile, living creature regains 1 hit point Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
w hen it starts its turn in the aura with 0 hit points. Up to three creatu res o f your ch oice that you ca n see
w ithin range m ust m ake C harism a saving throw s.
A u r a o f Pu r it y
W h enever a target that fails this saving th row m akes
4th-level abjuration an attack roll or a saving th row before the spell ends,
Casting Tim e: 1 action the target m ust roll a d4 and subtract the num ber rolled
Range: S e lf (30-foot radius) from the attack roll or saving throw.
Components: V A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 minutes a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
P urifying en ergy radiates from you in an aura w ith a
30 -foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura m oves Ba n is h in g Sm it e
w ith you, centered on you. E ach n onh ostile creature
5th-level abjuration
in the aura (including you) ca n ’t b e c o m e diseased,
has resistan ce to p oison dam age, and has advantage Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
on saving th row s against effects that cau se any o f the Range: S e lf
follow in g condition s: blinded, charm ed, deafened, Components: V
frightened, paralyzed, poison ed , and stunned. Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute

T h e next time you hit a creature with a w ea p on attack

A u r a o f V it a l it y
before this spell ends, your w ea p on cra ck les with force,
3rd-level evocation and the attack deals an extra 5 d10 force dam age to the
Casting Tim e: 1 action target. Additionally, if this attack redu ces the target
Range: S e lf (30-foot radius) to 50 hit points or fewer, you banish it. If the target is
Components: V native to a different plane o f existence than the one
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute you ’re on, the target disappears, returning to its h om e
plane. If the target is native to the plane y ou ’re on, the
H ealing en ergy radiates from you in an aura w ith a
creature vanishes into a h arm less dem iplane. W h ile
30 -foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura m oves with
there, the target is incapacitated. It rem ains there until
you, centered on you. You can use a b on u s action to
the spell ends, at w h ich point the target reappears in the
cau se on e creature in the aura (including you) to regain
sp ace it left or in the nearest u n occu p ied sp ace if that
2d 6 hit points.
sp ace is occu pied.
Ba n is h m e n t
4th-level abjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (an item distasteful to the target)
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute

Y ou attempt to sen d on e creature that you ca n see

w ithin range to another plane o f existence. The
target m ust su cce e d on a C harism a saving throw
or b e banished.
If the target is native to the plane o f existence y ou ’re
on, you banish the target to a h arm less dem iplane.
W h ile there, the target is incapacitated. The target
rem ains there until the spell ends, at w hich point the
target reappears in the sp ace it left or in the nearest
u n occu p ied sp ace if that sp ace is occu pied.
If the target is native to a different plane o f existence
than the one you ’re on, the target is banish ed with
a faint pop p in g n oise, returning to its h om e plane.
If the spell ends before 1 m inute has passed, the
target reappears in the sp ace it left or in the nearest
u n occu p ied sp ace if that sp a ce is occu pied. O therw ise,
the target doesn't return.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using
a spell slot o f 5th level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 4th.

Ba r k s k in
2 nd-level transmutation
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a handful o f oak bark)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a w illing creature. Until the spell ends, the

target’s skin has a rough, bark-like appearance, and the
target’s AC ca n ’t b e less than 16, regardless o f w hat kind
o f arm or it is w earing.

Be a c o n o f H o pe
3rd-level abjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute

T h is sp ell b estow s h ope and vitality. C h oose any

num ber o f creatu res w ithin range. F or the duration,
each target has advantage on W isd om saving throw s
and death saving throw s, and regains the m axim um
num ber o f hit points p ossib le from any healing.

Be a s t Se n se
2 nd-level divination (ritual)
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: Touch
Com ponents: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a w illing beast. For the duration o f the spell,

you can use your action to see through the b e a st’s eyes
and hear w hat it hears, and continue to do s o until
you u se your action to return to your n orm al sen ses.
W h ile perceivin g through the b ea st’s sen ses, you gain the hand using your gam e statistics. O n a hit, the target
the benefits o f any sp ecia l sen ses p o s se ss e d by that takes 4d 8 force dam age.
creature, though you are blinded and deafened to your Forceful Hand. T h e hand attem pts to push a creature
ow n surroundings. within 5 feet o f it in a direction you c h oose. M ake
a ch eck with the h and’s Strength con tested by the
Be s t o w C u r se Strength (Athletics) ch eck o f the target. If the target is
3rd-level necromancy M edium or sm aller, you have advantage on the check. If
Casting Tim e: 1 action you su cceed , the hand pu sh es the target up to 5 feet plus
Range: Touch a num ber o f feet equal to five tim es your spellcastin g
Components: V, S ability m odifier. T h e hand m oves w ith the target to
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute rem ain w ithin 5 feet o f it.
Grasping Hand. T h e hand attempts to grapple a H uge
You touch a creature, and that creature must su cceed
or sm aller creature w ithin 5 feet o f it. You use the h and’s
on a W isd om saving th row or b e c o m e cu rsed for the
S trength sco re to resolve the grapple. If the target is
duration o f the spell. W h en you cast this spell, c h o o s e
M edium or sm aller, you have advantage on the check.
the nature o f the cu rse from the follow in g options:
W h ile the hand is grappling the target, you can use a
• C h oose on e ability score. W h ile cursed, the target bon u s action to have the hand cru sh it. W h en you do
has disadvantage on ability ch eck s and saving throw s so, the target takes bludgeon ing dam age equal to 2d6 +
m ade with that ability score. your spellcastin g ability m odifier.
• W h ile cursed, the target has disadvantage on attack Interposing Hand. T he hand in terposes itself
rolls against you. b etw een you and a creature you c h o o s e until you give
• W h ile cursed, the target must m ake a W isd om sav the hand a different com m a n d . T h e hand m oves to stay
ing th row at the start o f each o f its turns. If it fails, it b etw een you and the target, providing you with half
w astes its action that turn doing nothing. cover against the target. The target can't m ove through
• W h ile the target is cursed, your attacks and spells the h and’s sp ace if its Strength sc o r e is less than or
deal an extra 1d8 n ecrotic dam age to the target. equal to the h and’s Strength score. If its Strength sco re
A rem ove curse spell ends this effect. At the D M ’s is higher than the h and’s Strength score, the target can
m ove tow ard you through the h and’s sp ace, but that
option, you m ay c h o o s e an alternative cu rse effect, but
sp ace is difficult terrain for the target.
it sh ou ld b e no m ore pow erfu l than th ose d escribed
above. T h e DM h as final say on such a cu rse ’s effect.
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell u sing a
spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the dam age from the
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell usin g a spell
clench ed fist option in creases by 2d8 and the dam age
slot o f 4th level or higher, the duration is concentration,
from the grasping hand in creases by 2d6 for each slot
up to 10 minutes. If you u se a spell slot o f 5th level or
level above 5th.
higher, the duration is 8 hours. If you u se a spell slot o f
7th level or higher, the duration is 24 hours. If you use
Bl a d e Ba r r ie r
a 9th level spell slot, the spell lasts until it is dispelled.
6 th-level evocation
U sing a spell slot o f 5th level or higher grants a duration
that d oesn ’t require concentration. Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 9 0 feet
Big b y ’s H a n d Components: V, S
5th-level evocation Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
Casting Tim e: 1 action You create a vertical w all o f w hirling, razor-sh arp blades
Range: 120 feet m ade o f m agical energy. T h e w all appears w ithin range
Components: V, S, M (an eggshell and a and lasts for the duration. You can m ake a straight w all
snakeskin glove) up to 100 feet long, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick, or a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute ringed w all up to 60 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and
5 feet thick. The w all provides three-quarters cover to
You create a Large hand o f sh im m ering, translucent
creatu res beh in d it, and its sp ace is difficult terrain.
force in an u n occu p ied sp ace that you can see within
range. The hand lasts for the sp ell’s duration, and it W h en a creature enters the w a ll’s area for the first
tim e on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature m ust
m oves at you r com m and , m im ick in g the m ovem ents o f
your ow n hand. m ake a D exterity saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature takes 6 d10 slashing dam age. On a su ccessfu l
Th e hand is an ob ject that has AC 20 and hit points
save, the creature takes h alf as m uch dam age.
equal to your hit point m axim um . If it d rop s to 0 hit
points, the spell ends. It has a Strength o f 26 (+8) and a
Bl a d e Wa r d
D exterity o f 10 (+0). T h e hand d oesn ’t fill its space.
Abjuration cantrip
W h en you cast the spell and as a bon u s action on your
subsequent turns, you can m ove the hand up to 60 feet Casting Tim e: 1 action
and then cau se on e o f the follow in g effects w ith it. Range: S e lf
Clenched Fist. Th e hand strikes one creature or Components: V, S
object w ithin 5 feet o f it. M ake a m elee spell attack for Duration: 1 round
You extend your hand and trace a sigil o f w ardin g in the Bl in d n e s s /D e a f n e ss
air. Until the end o f your next turn, you have resistance 2 nd-level necrom ancy
against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing dam age
Casting Tim e: 1 action
dealt by w eap on attacks.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V
Bl e ss
Duration: 1 m inute
1st-level enchantment
You can blind or deafen a foe. C h oose one creature that
Casting Tim e: 1 action
you can see w ithin range to m ake a Constitution saving
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a sp rinkling o f holy water) throw. If it fails, the target is either blinded or deafened
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute (your ch oice) for the duration. At the end o f each o f its
turns, the target can m ake a Constitution saving throw.
You b less up to three creatures o f your ch oice w ithin On a su ccess, the spell ends.
range. W h enever a target m akes an attack roll or a A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
saving th row before the spell ends, the target can roll a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, you can target one
a d4 and add the num ber rolled to the attack roll or additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.
saving throw.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using Bl in k
a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can target one 3rd-level transmutation
additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: S e lf
Bl ig h t
Components: V, S
4th-level necromancy
Duration: 1 m inute
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 30 feet R oll a d20 at the end o f each o f your turns for the
Components: V, S duration o f the spell. O n a roll o f 11 or higher, you
Duration: Instantaneous vanish from your current plane o f existence and appear
in the E thereal P lane (the spell fails and the casting is
N ecrom an tic energy w a sh es over a creature o f your w asted if you w ere already on that plane). At the start o f
ch oice that you can see w ithin range, draining m oisture your next turn, and w hen the spell en ds if you are on the
and vitality from it. T h e target m ust m ake a Constitution Ethereal Plane, you return to an u n occu pied sp ace o f
saving throw. T h e target takes 8 d 8 n ecrotic dam age on your ch oice that you can see w ithin 10 feet o f the sp ace
a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l you vanished from . If no u n occu pied sp ace is available
one. T h is spell has no effect on undead or constructs. w ithin that range, you appear in the nearest u n occu pied
If you target a plant creature or a m agical plant, it sp ace (ch osen at random if m ore than one sp ace is
m a kes the saving th row w ith disadvantage, and the spell equally near). You can dism iss this spell as an action.
deals m axim u m dam age to it. W h ile on the Ethereal Plane, you can s e e and hear
If you target a n on m agica l plant that isn’t a creature, the plane you originated from , w h ich is cast in shades
such as a tree or shrub, it d oesn ’t m ake a saving throw; o f gray, and you ca n ’t see anything there m ore than 60
it sim ply w ithers and dies. feet away. You can only affect and be affected by other
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell usin g a creatures on the Ethereal P lane. Creatures that aren’t
sp ell slot o f 5th level or higher, the dam age in creases by there ca n ’t perceive you or interact w ith you, u n less they
1d8 for each slot level above 4th. have the ability to do so.

Bl in d in g Sm it e
Bl u r
3rd-level evocation 2 nd-level illusion
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: S e lf Range: S e lf
Com ponents: V Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
T h e next tim e you hit a creature w ith a m elee w eapon Y our b od y b e c o m e s blurred, shifting and w avering to
attack during this sp ell’s duration, your w eap on flares all w h o can see you. F or the duration, any creature has
w ith bright light, and the attack deals an extra 3d8 disadvantage on attack rolls against you. A n attacker
radiant dam age to the target. Additionally, the target is im m une to this effect if it d oesn ’t rely on sight,
m ust su cce e d on a Constitution saving th row o r be as w ith blindsight, or can see through illusions, as
blin ded until the spell ends. with truesight.
A creature blin ded by this spell m a kes another
C onstitution saving th row at the end o f each o f its turns. Br a n d in g Sm it e
O n a su ccessfu l save, it is n o lon ger blinded. 2 nd-level evocation

Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action

Range: S elf
Components: V
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute

The next tim e you hit a creature w ith a w eap on attack

before this spell ends, the w ea p on gleam s with astral
radiance as you strike. The attack deals an extra 2d6
radiant dam age to the target, w h ich b e c o m e s visible if
it’s invisible, and the target sh eds dim light in a 5-foot
radius and can ’t b e c o m e invisible until the spell ends.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the extra dam age
in creases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Bu r n in g H a n d s
1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: S e lf (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A s you hold your hands w ith thum bs tou chin g and

fingers spread, a thin sheet o f flam es sh oots forth from
your outstretched fingertips. Each creature in a 15-foot
con e m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw. A creature
takes 3d 6 fire dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch
dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
T h e fire ignites any flam m able ob jects in the area that
aren’t being w orn or carried.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by
1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Ca l l L ig h t n in g
3rd-level conjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes

A storm cloud appears in the shape o f a cylinder that

is 10 feet tall w ith a 60 -foot radius, centered on a point
you can see 100 feet directly above you. The spell fails
if you can ’t see a point in the air w here the storm cloud
cou ld appear (for exam ple, if you are in a r oom that ca n ’t
accom m od a te the cloud).
W h en you cast the spell, c h o o s e a point you can see
w ithin range. A bolt o f lightning flashes dow n from the
cloud to that point. E ach creature within 5 feet o f that
point m ust m ake a Dexterity saving throw. A creature
takes 3 d10 lightning dam age on a failed save, or half
as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one. O n each o f your
turns until the spell ends, you can u se your action to call
dow n lightning in this w ay again, targeting the sam e
point or a different one.
If you are ou td oors in storm y condition s w hen you
cast this spell, the spell gives you control over the
existing storm instead o f creating a n ew one. Under
such condition s, the sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d10.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 4th or higher level, the dam age in creases by
1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.
C a l m Em o t io n s additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The
2 nd-level enchantment creatu res m ust be w ithin 30 feet o f each other w hen
you target them.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 6 0 feet C h il l To u c h
Components: V, S
Necromancy cantrip
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
Casting Tim e: 1 action
You attempt to su ppress stron g em otion s in a group Range: 120 feet
o f p eople. E ach h um anoid in a 20-foot-radius sphere Components: V, S
centered on a point you c h o o s e within range m ust m ake Duration: 1 round
a C harism a saving throw ; a creature can c h o o s e to
fail this saving th row if it w ish es. If a creature fails its You create a ghostly, skeletal hand in the sp ace o f a
saving throw, c h o o s e on e o f the follow in g tw o effects. creature w ithin range. M ake a ranged spell attack
Y ou can su ppress any effect cau sin g a target to be against the creature to assail it w ith the chill o f the
ch arm ed or frightened. W h en this spell ends, any grave. O n a hit, the target takes 1d8 n ecrotic dam age,
su ppressed effect resu m es, provided that its duration and it ca n ’t regain hit points until the start o f your next
has not expired in the m eantim e. turn. Until then, the hand clings to the target.
Alternatively, you can m ake a target indifferent about If you hit an undead target, it also has disadvantage on
creatu res o f your ch oice that it is h ostile tow ard. This attack rolls against you until the end o f your next turn.
indifference ends if the target is attacked or h arm ed by This sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d8 w hen you reach
a spell or if it w itn esses any o f its friends being harm ed. 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
W h en the spell ends, the creature b e c o m e s hostile
C h r o m a t ic O r b
again, unless the D M rules oth erw ise.
1st-level evocation
C h a in L ig h t n in g Casting Time: 1 action
6 th-level evocation Range: 9 0 feet
Casting Tim e: 1 action Components: V, S, M (a diam on d w orth at least 50 gp)
Range: 150 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fur; a p ie ce o f amber, You hurl a 4-inch-diam eter sphere o f energy at a
glass, or a crystal rod; and three silver pins) creature that you can s e e w ithin range. You c h o o s e
Duration: Instantaneous acid, cold, fire, lightning, p oison , or thunder for the type
You create a bolt o f lightning that arcs tow ard a target o f o f orb you create, and then m ake a ranged spell attack
your ch oice that you can see w ithin range. T h ree bolts against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes
then leap from that target to as m any as three other 3d8 dam age o f the type you chose.
targets, each o f w h ich m ust b e w ithin 30 feet o f the first A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
target. A target can be a creature or an object and can spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
b e targeted by only one o f the bolts. 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
A target m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw. T h e
C ir c l e o f D e a t h
target takes 10d8 lightning dam age on a failed save, or
6 th-level necromancy
h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using Casting Tim e: 1 action
a spell slot o f 7th level or higher, on e additional bolt Range: 150 feet
leaps from the first target to another target for each slot Components: V, S , M (the p ow der o f a cru sh ed black
level above 6th. pearl w orth at least 50 0 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
C h a r m Pe r s o n
A sphere o f negative en ergy ripples out in a 60-foot-
1st-level enchantment
radius sphere from a point w ithin range. E ach creature
Casting Tim e: 1 action in that area m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. A
Range: 30 feet target takes 8d 6 n ecrotic dam age on a failed save, or
Components: V, S half as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
Duration: 1 hour A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
You attempt to ch a rm a h um anoid you can see w ithin spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the dam age in creases by
range. It m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw, and d oes 2d6 for each slot level above 6th.
so w ith advantage if you or your com p a n ion s are fighting
C ir c l e o f Po w e r
it. If it fails the saving throw, it is ch a rm ed by you until
5th-level abjuration
the spell en ds or until you or your com p a n ion s do
anything harm ful to it. T h e ch a rm ed creature regards Casting Tim e: 1 action
you as a friendly acquaintance. W h en the spell ends, the Range: S e lf (30-foot radius)
creature k n ow s it w as charm ed by you. Components: V
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 minutes
a sp ell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can target one
D ivine energy radiates from you, distorting and C l o u d o f Da g g e r s
diffusing m agical en ergy w ithin 30 feet o f you. Until 2 nd-level conjuration
the spell ends, the sphere m oves w ith you, centered on
Casting Tim e: 1 action
you. For the duration, each friendly creature in the area
Range: 6 0 feet
(including you) has advantage on saving throw s against
Components: V, S, M (a sliver o f glass)
sp ells and other m agical effects. Additionally, w hen
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
an affected creature su cce e d s on a saving throw m ade
against a spell or m agical effect that allow s it to m ake a You fill the air with spinning daggers in a cu b e 5 feet on
saving th row to take only h alf dam age, it instead takes each side, centered on a point you c h o o s e w ithin range.
n o dam age if it s u c ce e d s on the saving throw. A creature takes 4 d 4 slashing dam age w hen it enters
the sp ell’s area for the first tim e on a turn or starts
C l a ir v o y a n c e its turn there.
3rd-level divination A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 10 m inutes spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
Range: 1 mile 2d4 for each slot level above 2nd.
Components: V, S, M (a focu s w orth at least 100
C l o u d k il l
gp, either a jew eled horn for h earing or a glass
5th-level conjuration
eye for seeing)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
You create an invisible sen sor w ithin range in a location
Components: V, S
fam iliar to you (a place you have visited or seen before)
Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 m inutes
or in an obviou s location that is unfam iliar to you (such
as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove o f trees). You create a 20-foot-radius sphere o f poison ou s, yellow -
T h e sen sor rem ains in place for the duration, and it green fog centered on a point you c h o o s e w ithin range.
ca n ’t be attacked or oth erw ise interacted with. T h e fog spreads around corn ers. It lasts for the duration
W h en you cast the spell, you c h o o s e seein g or or until stron g w in d disp erses the fog, ending the spell.
hearing. You can u se the ch osen sen se through the Its area is heavily o b scu red.
sen sor as if you w ere in its sp ace. A s your action, you W h en a creature enters the sp ell’s area for the first
can sw itch b etw een seein g and hearing. tim e on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must
A creature that can see the sen sor (such as a creature m ake a Constitution saving throw. T h e creature takes
benefiting from s e e invisibility or truesight) s e e s a 5d8 p o iso n dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch
lum inous, intangible orb about the size o f your fist. dam age on a su ccessfu l one. Creatures are affected
even if they hold their breath or d on ’t n eed to breathe.
C l o n e T h e fog m oves 10 feet away from you at the start
8 th-level necromancy o f each o f your turns, rollin g along the su rface o f the
Casting Tim e: 1 hour ground. T h e vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the
Range: Touch low est level o f the land, even pou rin g dow n open in gs.
Components: V, S, M (a diam on d w orth at least 1,000 A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this sp ell using a
gp and at least 1 cu bic inch o f flesh o f the creature spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the dam age in creases by
that is to be cloned, w h ich the spell con su m es, and a 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
v essel w orth at least 2 ,0 0 0 gp that has a sealable lid
C o l o r Sp r a y
and is large en ough to hold a M edium creature, such
1st-level illusion
as a huge urn, coffin, mud-filled cyst in the ground, or
crystal container filled w ith salt water) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: S e lf (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f pow der or sand that is
T h is spell grow s an inert duplicate o f a living creature
c olored red, yellow, and blue)
as a safeguard against death. This clon e form s inside
Duration: 1 round
a sealed v essel and g row s to full size and maturity
after 120 days; you can also c h o o s e to have the clone A dazzling array o f flashing, c olored light sp rings from
b e a youn ger version o f the sa m e creature. It rem ains your hand. R oll 6 d 1 0 ; the total is h ow m any hit points
inert and en dures indefinitely, as long as its v essel o f creatu res this spell can effect. Creatures in a 15-foot
rem ains undisturbed. co n e originating from you are affected in ascen din g
At any tim e after the clon e m atures, if the original order o f their current hit points (ignoring u n con sciou s
creature dies, its sou l transfers to the clone, provided creatu res and creatu res that c a n ’t see).
that the sou l is free and w illing to return. T h e clon e is Starting with the creature that has the low est current
physically identical to the original and has the sam e hit points, each creature affected by this spell is blinded
personality, m em ories, and abilities, but n one o f the until the spell ends. Subtract each creatu re’s hit points
original’s equipm ent. The original creatu re’s physical from the total before m ovin g on to the creature with
rem ains, if they still exist, b e c o m e inert and ca n ’t the next low est hit points. A creatu re’s hit points must
thereafter be restored to life, sin ce the creatu re’s sou l be equal to or less than the rem ainin g total for that
is elsew here. creature to be affected.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, roll an additional 2 d10
for each slot level above 1st.

C o m m a n d
1st-level enchantment
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: 1 round

You sp eak a on e-w ord com m a n d to a creature you can

see w ithin range. T h e target m ust s u cce e d on a W isd om
saving th row or follow the com m a n d on its next turn.
T h e spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it
d oesn ’t understand your language, or if your com m a n d
is directly h arm ful to it.
S o m e typical com m a n d s and their effects follow. You
m ight issue a com m a n d other than on e d escrib ed here.
If you do so, the D M determ ines h ow the target behaves.
If the target ca n ’t follow your com m a n d , the spell ends.
Approach. T h e target m oves tow ard you by the
shortest and m ost direct route, en din g its turn if it
m ov es w ithin 5 feet o f you.
D rop. T h e target d rops w hatever it is h oldin g and then
ends its turn.
F lee. The target sp en ds its turn m oving away from
you by the fastest available m eans.
Grovel. T h e target falls prone and then ends its turn.
Halt. T h e target d oesn ’t m ove and takes no actions.
A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to
do so. If it m ust m ove to stay aloft, it flies the m inim um
distance n eeded to rem ain in the air.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using
a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can affect one
additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The
creatu res m ust be w ithin 30 feet o f each other w hen
you target them.

C o m m u n e

5th-level divination (ritual)

Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
Range: S e lf
Com ponents: V, S, M (in cen se and a vial o f holy or
unholy water)
Duration: 1 m inute

You contact y ou r deity or a divine proxy and ask up to

three questions that can be an sw ered w ith a yes or no.
You m ust ask your qu estion s b efore the spell ends. You
receive a correct an sw er for each question.
D ivine beings aren’t n ecessarily om niscient, so you
m ight receive “u n clear” as an answ er if a question
pertains to inform ation that lies beyon d the deity’s
kn ow ledge. In a ca se w h ere a on e-w ord an sw er cou ld be
m isleadin g or contrary to the deity’s interests, the DM
m ight offer a short ph rase as an an sw er instead.
If you cast the spell tw o or m ore tim es b efore finishing
your next lon g rest, there is a cum ulative 25 percent
ch a n ce for each casting after the first that you get no
answer. T h e D M m akes this roll in secret.
C o m m u n e w it h Na t u r e T h is spell d oesn ’t d e co d e secret m essa g es in a text
5th-level divination (ritual) or a glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn’t part o f a
written language.
Casting Tim e: 1 minute
Range: S e lf C o m pu l s io n
Components: V, S
4th-level enchantment
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You briefly b e c o m e on e with nature and gain kn ow ledge Range: 30 feet
o f the su rrou nding territory. In the outdoors, the spell Components: V, S
gives you kn ow led ge o f the land w ithin 3 m iles o f you. Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
In caves and other natural u nderground settings, the
radius is lim ited to 3 0 0 feet. T h e spell d oesn ’t function Creatures o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin range
w here nature has been replaced by construction , such and that ca n hear you m ust m ake a W isd om saving
as in du ngeon s and tow ns. throw. A target autom atically s u c ce e d s on this saving
You instantly gain kn ow led ge o f up to three facts of th row if it ca n ’t b e charm ed. On a failed save, a target
your ch oice about any o f the follow in g subjects as they is affected by this spell. Until the spell ends, you can
relate to the area: u se a bonus action on each o f your turns to designate a
direction that is h orizontal to you. E ach affected target
• terrain and b o d ie s o f water m ust u se as m uch o f its m ovem ent as p ossib le to m ove
• prevalent plants, m inerals, anim als, or p eop les in that direction on its next turn. It can take its action
• pow erfu l celestials, fey, fiends, elem entals, or undead b efore it m oves. A fter m oving in this way, it can m ake
• influence from other planes o f existence another W isd om saving to try to end the effect.
• buildings A target isn’t com p elled to m ove into an obviously
For exam ple, you cou ld determ ine the location o f deadly hazard, such as a fire or pit, but it w ill provoke
pow erfu l undead in the area, the location o f m ajor opportunity attacks to m ove in the designated direction.
sou rces o f safe drinking water, and the location o f any
nearby tow ns. C o n e o f C o l d
5th-level evocation
C o mpe l l e d D u e l
Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level enchantment Range: S e lf (60-foot cone)
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action Components: V, S, M (a sm all crystal or glass cone)
Range: 30 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V A blast o f cold air erupts from your hands. Each
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute creature in a 60 -foot con e m ust m ake a Constitution
You attempt to com p el a creature into a duel. One saving throw. A creature takes 8 d 8 cold dam age on a
creature that you can see w ithin range m ust m ake a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
W isd om saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is A creature killed by this spell b e c o m e s a frozen statue
draw n to you, com p elled by your divine dem and. For until it thaws.
the duration, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell u sin g a
creatu res other than you, and m ust m ake a W isd om spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by
saving th row each tim e it attem pts to m ove to a sp ace 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
that is m ore than 30 feet away from you; if it su cceed s
on this saving throw, this spell d oesn ’t restrict the C o n f u s io n

target’s m ovem ent for that turn. 4th-level enchantment

The spell ends if you attack any other creature, if you Casting Time: 1 action
cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the Range: 90 feet
target, if a creature friendly to you dam ages the target or Components: V, S, M (three nut shells)
casts a harm ful spell on it, or if you end your turn m ore Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
than 30 feet away from the target.
This spell assaults and tw ists creatu res' m inds,
C o m pr e h e n d La n g u a g e s
spaw ning delusions and provok in g u n controlled action.
Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on
1st-level divination (ritual)
a point you c h o o s e w ithin range m ust su cce e d on a
Casting Time: 1 action W isd om saving th row w hen you cast this spell or be
Range: S elf affected by it.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f so o t and salt) An affected target ca n ’t take reaction s and m ust roll
Duration: 1 hour a d 10 at the start o f each o f its turns to determ ine its
For the duration, you understand the literal m ean in g o f behavior for that turn.
any sp oken language that you hear. You also understand
any written language that you see, but you must be
touching the su rface on w hich the w ord s are w ritten. It
takes about 1 m inute to read on e page o f text.
o f identical w eap on s that sh oot forw ard and then
d10 Behavior
disappear. Each creature in a 60 -foot c o n e m ust su cceed
1 The creature uses all its movement to move in a
on a D exterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d8
random direction. To determine the direction, roll
dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a
a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The su ccessfu l one. The dam age type is the sam e as that o f
creature doesn’t take an action this turn. the w eap on or am m unition u sed as a com pon ent.
2-6 The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.
7-8 The creature uses its action to make a melee attack C o n j u r e C e l e s t ia l

against a randomly determined creature within its 7th-level conjuration

reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the Casting Time: 1 minute
creature does nothing this turn. Range: 90 feet
9-10 The creature can act and move normally. Components: V, S
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
At the end o f each o f its turns, an affected target can You su m m on a celestial o f challenge rating 4 or lower,
m ake a W isd om saving throw. If it su cceed s, this effect w h ich appears in an u n occu p ied sp ace that you can see
en ds for that target. w ithin range. The celestial disappears w hen it d rops to
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a 0 hit points or w hen the spell ends.
spell slot o f 5th level or higher, the radius o f the sphere The celestial is friendly to you and your com pa n ion s
in creases by 5 feet for each slot level above 4th. for the duration. Roll initiative for the celestial, w hich
has its ow n turns. It obeys any verbal com m a n d s that
C o n j u r e A n im a l s
you issue to it (no action required by you), as lon g as
3rd-level conjuration they d on ’t violate its alignm ent. If you d on ’t issu e any
Casting Tim e: 1 action com m a n d s to the celestial, it defends itself from hostile
Range: 60 feet creatures but oth erw ise takes no actions.
Components: V, S T h e DM has the celestial’s statistics.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
9th-level spell slot, you su m m on a celestial o f challenge
You su m m on fey spirits that take the form o f beasts and
rating 5 or lower.
appear in u n occu pied sp a ces that you can see within
range. C h oose on e o f the follow in g options for what
C o n j u r e El e m e n t a l
5th-level conjuration
• O ne beast o f challen ge rating 2 or low er
Casting Tim e: 1 minute
• Tw o beasts o f challen ge rating 1 or low er
Range: 90 feet
• Four beasts o f challen ge rating 1/2 or low er
Components: V, S, M (burning in cen se for air, soft clay
• Eight beasts o f challen ge rating 1/4 or low er for earth, sulfur and p h osph oru s for fire, or w ater and
E ach beast is also con sid ered fey, and it disappears sand for water)
w hen it d rops to 0 hit points or w hen the spell ends. Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
T h e su m m on ed creatu res are friendly to you and your
You call forth an elem ental servant. C h oose an area o f air,
com pa n ion s. Roll initiative for the su m m on ed creatures earth, fire, or water that fills a 10-foot cu b e w ithin range.
as a group, w hich has its ow n turns. They ob ey any
A n elem ental o f challenge rating 5 or low er appropriate
verbal com m a n d s that you issue to them (no action to the area you ch ose appears in an u n occu pied space
required by you). If you d on ’t issue any com m a n d s to
within 10 feet o f it. F or exam ple, a fire elem ental
them , they defend them selves from hostile creatures,
em erges from a bonfire, and an earth elem ental rises
but oth erw ise take no actions.
up from the ground. The elem ental disappears w hen it
The D M has the creatu res’ statistics. d rop s to 0 hit points or w hen the spell ends.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using T h e elem ental is friendly to you and your com pa n ion s
certain higher-level spell slots, you c h o o s e on e o f the
for the duration. R oll initiative for the elem ental, w hich
su m m on in g options above, and m ore creatu res appear:
has its ow n turns. It ob ey s any verbal com m a n d s that
tw ice as m any with a 5th-level slot, three tim es as m any you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don ’t
with a 7th-level slot, and four tim es as m any w ith a
issue any com m a n d s to the elem ental, it defends itself
9th-level slot.
from h ostile creatu res but oth erw ise takes n o actions.
If your concentration is broken, the elem ental d oesn ’t
C o n j u r e Ba r r a g e
disappear. Instead, you lose control o f the elem ental,
3rd-level conjuration
it b e c o m e s h ostile tow ard you and your com panion s,
Casting Tim e: 1 action and it might attack. An u n controlled elem ental ca n ’t
Range: S e lf (60 -foot cone) be dism issed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after
Components: V, S, M (one p iece o f am m unition or a you su m m on ed it.
throw n w eapon ) T h e DM has the elem ental’s statistics.
Duration: Instantaneous A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
You th row a n onm agical w eap on or fire a p iece of a spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the challenge rating
n onm agical am m unition into the air to create a con e in creases by 1 for each slot level above 5th.
C o n j u r e Fe y C o n j u r e Vo l l e y
6 th-level conjuration 5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 m inute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S , M (one p iece o f am m unition or one
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour throw n w eapon)
Duration: Instantaneous
You su m m on a fey creature o f challenge rating 6 or
lower, or a fey spirit that takes the form o f a beast of Y ou fire a p iece o f n onm agical am m unition from a
challen ge rating 6 or lower. It appears in an u n occu pied ranged w eap on or th row a n onm agical w eap on into
sp ace that you can see w ithin range. T h e fey creature the air and c h o o s e a point w ithin range. H undreds o f
disappears w hen it d rops to 0 hit points or w hen duplicates o f the am m unition or w ea p on fall in a volley
the spell ends. from above and then disappear. Each creature in a
The fey creature is friendly to you and your 40-foot-radius. 20-foot-high cylinder centered on that
com p a n ion s for the duration. R oll initiative for the point m ust m ake a Dexterity saving throw. A creature
creature, w hich h as its ow n turns. It obeys any verbal takes 8d 8 dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch
com m a n d s that you issue to it (no action required dam age on a su ccessfu l one. The dam age type is the
by you), as long as they don't violate its alignm ent. If sam e as that o f the am m unition or w eapon.
you don ’t issue any com m a n d s to the fey creature, it
defends itself from hostile creatu res but oth erw ise C o n j u r e W o o d l a n d Be in g s

takes n o actions. 4th-level conjuration

If your concentration is broken, the fey creature Casting Time: 1 action
d oesn ’t disappear. Instead, you lose con trol o f the Range: 60 feet
fey creature, it b e c o m e s hostile tow ard you and your Components: V, S, M (one holly b erry per
com pa n ion s, and it m ight attack. A n uncontrolled fey creature su m m on ed )
creature can't be dism issed by you, and it disappears 1 Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
hour after you su m m on ed it.
You su m m on fey creatures that appear in u n occu pied
The DM has the fey creatu re’s statistics.
sp aces that you can see w ithin range. C h oose one o f the
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
follow in g options for w hat appears:
a spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the challenge rating
in creases by 1 for each slot level above 6th. • One fey creature o f challenge rating 2 or low er
• Two fey creatu res o f challenge rating 1 or low er
C o n j u r e M in o r El e me n t a l s • Four fey creatu res o f challen ge rating 1/2 or low er
4th-level conjuration • Eight fey creatu res o f challenge rating 1/4 or low er
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute A su m m on ed creature disappears w hen it d rops to 0 hit
Range: 90 feet points or w hen the spell ends.
Components: V, S The su m m on ed creatu res are friendly to you and your
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour com pan ion s. Roll initiative for the su m m oned creatures
You su m m on elem entals that appear in u n occu pied as a group, w hich have their ow n turns. Th ey obey any
sp a ces that you can see w ithin range. You c h o o s e one verbal com m a n d s that you issue to them (no action
the follow in g options for w hat appears: required by you). If you don't issue any com m a n d s to
them, they defend them selves from hostile creatures,
• One elem ental o f challen ge rating 2 or low er
but oth erw ise take no actions.
• Two elem entals o f challen ge rating 1 or low er
The D M has the crea tu res’ statistics.
• Four elem entals o f challen ge rating 1/2 or low er
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
• Eight elem entals o f challenge rating 1/4 or lower.
certain higher-level spell slots, you c h o o s e on e o f the
An elem ental su m m oned by this spell disappears w hen su m m on in g options above, and m ore creatures appear:
it d rops to 0 hit points or w hen the spell ends. tw ice as m any with a 6th-level slot and three tim es as
T h e su m m on ed creatures are friendly to you and your m any w ith an 8th-level slot.
com pa n ion s. Roll initiative for the su m m on ed creatures
as a group, w hich has its ow n turns. Th ey o b ey any C o n t a c t O t h e r Pl a n e

verbal com m a n d s that you issue to them (no action 5th-level divination (ritual)
required by you). If you don ’t issue any com m a n d s to Casting Time: 1 m inute
them , they defend them selves from hostile creatures, Range: S e lf
but oth erw ise take no actions. Components: V
T h e DM has the creatures' statistics. Duration: 1 minute
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
You m entally contact a dem igod, the spirit o f a long-dead
certain higher-level spell slots, you c h o o s e on e o f the
sage, or som e other m ysterious entity from another
su m m on in g options above, and m ore creatures appear:
plane. C ontacting this extraplanar intelligence can
tw ice as m any with a 6th-level slot and three tim es as
strain or even break your mind. W h en you cast this
m any w ith an 8th-level slot.
spell, m ake a D C 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a
failure, you take 6d 6 psychic dam age and are insane Components: V, S, M (a statuette o f y ou rself carved
until you finish a long rest. W h ile insane, you c a n ’t take from ivory and decorated w ith gem s w orth at
actions, ca n ’t understand what other creatu res say, c a n ’t least 1,500 gp)
read, and speak only in gibberish. A greater restoration Duration: 10 days
spell cast on you ends this effect.
C h oose a spell o f 5th level or low er that you can cast, that
O n a su ccessfu l save, you can ask the entity up to five
has a casting tim e o f 1 action, and that can target you.
questions. You must ask your questions before the spell
You cast that spell—called the contingent spell—as part
ends. T h e DM an sw ers each question with on e w ord,
o f casting contingency, expending spell slots for both, but
such as “yes,” “no,” “m aybe,” “never,” “irrelevant,” or
the contingent spell doesn't c om e into effect. Instead, it
“u n clear” (if the entity d oesn ’t kn ow the an sw er to the
takes effect w hen a certain circu m stan ce occu rs. You
question). If a on e-w ord answ er w ou ld b e m isleading,
describe that circu m stan ce w hen you cast the tw o spells.
the DM might instead offer a short phrase as an answer.
For exam ple, a contingency cast with water breathing
m ight stipulate that water breathing co m e s into effect
C o n t a g io n
w hen you are engulfed in water or a sim ilar liquid.
5th-level necromancy
The contingent spell takes effect im m ediately after the
Casting Tim e: 1 action circu m stan ce is met for the first time, w hether or not you
Range: Touch want it to. and then contingency ends.
Component: V, S T h e contingent spell takes effect only on you, even
Duration: 7 days if it can norm ally target others. You can use only one
Your touch inflicts disease. M ake a m elee spell attack contingency spell at a time. If you cast this spell again,
against a creature w ithin your reach. On a hit, you afflict the effect o f another contingency spell on you ends. A lso,
the creature with a d isease o f your ch oice from any o f contingency en ds on you if its m aterial com p on en t is
the on es d escrib ed below. ever not on your person.
At the end o f each o f the target’s turns, it m ust m ake
C o n t in u a l Fl a me
a Constitution saving throw. After failing three o f
2 nd-level evocation
th ese saving throw s, the d isea se’s effects last for the
duration, and the creature stops m akin g these saves. Casting Time: 1 action
After su cceed in g on three o f these saving throw s, the Range: Touch
creature recov ers from the disease, and the spell ends. Components: V, S, M (ruby dust w orth 50 gp, w hich the
S in ce this spell in du ces a natural d isease in its spell con su m es)
target, any effect that rem oves a d isease or oth erw ise Duration: Until dispelled
am eliorates a d isea se’s effects apply to it.
A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs
Blinding S ickness. Pain grips the creatu re’s mind,
forth from an object that you touch. T h e effect look s like
and its eyes turn m ilky white. The creature has
a regular flame, but it creates no heat and d oesn ’t use
disadvantage on W isd om ch eck s and W isd om saving
oxygen. A continual flame can be covered or hidden but
th row s and is blinded.
not sm othered or quenched.
Filth Fever. A raging fever sw eep s through the
creatu re’s body. The creature has disadvantage on C o n t r o l Wa t e r
Strength checks, Strength saving throw s, and attack 4th-level transmutation
rolls that use Strength.
Casting Time: 1 action
Flesh R ot. T h e creatu re’s flesh decays. T h e creature
Range: 3 0 0 feet
has disadvantage on C harism a ch eck s and vulnerability
Components: V, S , M (a drop o f water and a
to all dam age.
pinch o f dust)
Mindfire. T h e creatu re’s m ind b e c o m e s feverish. The
Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 minutes
creature has disadvantage on Intelligence ch eck s and
Intelligence saving throw s, and the creature behaves as Until the spell ends, you control any freestanding water
if under the effects o f the confusion spell during com bat. inside an area you c h o o s e that is a cu b e up to 100 feet
Seizure. The creature is ov ercom e with shaking. on a side. You can c h o o s e from any o f the follow in g
The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity c h e c k s , effects w hen you cast this spell. As an action on your
Dexterity saving throw s, and attack rolls that turn, you can repeat the sam e effect or c h o o s e a
u se Dexterity. different one.
Slim y D oom . T h e creature beg in s to bleed Flood. You cause the water level o f all standing water in
uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on the area to rise by as m uch as 20 feet. If the area includes
Constitution ch eck s and Constitution saving throw s. a shore, the flood in g w ater spills over onto dry land.
In addition, w hen ever the creature takes dam age, it is If you c h o o s e an area in a large b od y o f water, you
stunned until the end o f its next turn. instead create a 20 -foot tall wave that travels from one
side o f the area to the other and then crash es dow n. Any
C o n t in g e n c y H uge or sm aller vehicles in the w ave’s path are carried
6 th-level evocation with it to the other side. A ny Huge or sm aller vehicles
Casting Time: 10 m inutes struck by the w ave have a 25 percent cha n ce o f capsizing.
Range: S elf T h e water level rem ains elevated until the spell ends
or you c h o o s e a different effect. If this effect produ ced
a wave, the w ave repeats on the start o f your next turn Pr e c ip it a t io n
w hile the flood effect lasts.
Stage Condition
Part Water. You cau se w ater in the area to m ove
1 Clear
apart and create a trench. The trench extends across
the sp ell’s area, and the separated water form s a w all to 2 Light clouds
either side. T h e trench rem ains until the spell ends or 3 Overcast or ground fog
you c h o o s e a different effect. The water then slow ly fills 4 Rain, hail, or snow
in the trench over the co u rse o f the next round until the 5 Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard
norm al w ater level is restored.
R ed irect Flow. You cau se flow in g water in the area
Te mp er a t u r e W in d
to m ove in a direction you ch oose, even if the water has
to flow over obstacles, up w alls, or in other unlikely Stage Condition Stage Condition

direction s. The water in the area m oves as you direct 1 Unbearable heat 1 Calm
it, but on ce it m oves beyon d the sp ell’s area, it resu m es 2 Hot 2 Moderate wind
its flow ba sed on the terrain condition s. The water 3 Warm 3 Strong wind
continu es to m ove in the direction you c h ose until the 4 Cool 4 Gale
spell en ds or you c h o o s e a different effect. 5 Cold 5 Storm
W hirlpool. This effect requ ires a b od y o f water 6 Arctic cold
at least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep. You cause
a w hirlpool to form in the center o f the area. The
C o r d o n o f A r r o w s
w h irlpool form s a vortex that is 5 feet w id e at the
2nd-level transmutation
base, up to 50 feet w id e at the top, and 25 feet tall. Any
creature or object in the w ater and w ithin 25 feet o f the Casting Time: 1 action
vortex is pulled 10 feet tow ard it. A creature can sw im Range: 5 feet
away from the vortex by m akin g a Strength (Athletics) Components: V, S, M (four or m ore arrow s or bolts)
ch eck against your spell save DC. Duration: 8 hours
W h en a creature enters the vortex for the first tim e on You plant four p ieces o f n onm agical am m unition—
a turn or starts its turn there, it must m ake a Strength arrow s or cro s s b o w bolts—in the ground w ithin range
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 and lay m agic upon them to protect an area. Until the
bludgeon ing dam age and is caught in the vortex until spell ends, w hen ever a creature other than you co m e s
the spell ends. On a su ccessfu l save, the creature takes w ithin 30 feet o f the am m unition for the first tim e on a
h alf dam age, and isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature turn or en ds its turn there, one p iece o f am m unition flies
caught in the vortex can u se its action to try to sw im up to strike it. The creature m ust su cce e d on a Dexterity
away from the vortex as d escrib ed above, but has saving th row or take 1d6 piercing dam age. The piece o f
disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) ch eck to do so. am m unition is then destroyed. The spell ends w hen no
The first tim e each turn that an object enters the am m unition rem ains.
vortex, the object takes 2d8 bludgeon ing dam age; this W h en you cast this spell, you can designate any
dam age o c cu rs each round it rem ains in the vortex. creatu res you ch o o s e , and the spell ig n ores them.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
C o n t r o l W e a t h e r
a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the am ount o f
8 th-Ievel transmutation
am m unition that can be affected in creases by tw o for
Casting Time: 10 m inutes each slot level above 2nd.
Range: S e lf (5-m ile radius)
Components: V, S, M (burning in cen se and bits o f earth C o u n t e r s pe l l

and w o o d m ixed in water) 3rd-level abjuration

Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours Casting Tim e: 1 reaction, w h ich you take w hen you see
You take control o f the w eather w ithin 5 m iles o f you a creature w ithin 60 feet o f you casting a spell
for the duration. You must be ou tdoors to cast this spell. Range: 60 feet
M oving to a place w here you d on ’t have a clear path to Components: S
the sky en ds the spell early. Duration: Instantaneous
W h en you cast the spell, you change the current You attempt to interrupt a creature in the p r o ce s s o f
w eather condition s, w hich are determ ined by the DM casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell o f 3rd
ba sed on the clim ate and sea son . You can change level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is
precipitation, tem perature, and wind. It takes 1d4 x 10 casting a spell o f 4th level or higher, m ake an ability
m inutes for the new con dition s to take effect. O nce they ch eck using your sp ellcastin g ability. T h e D C equals 10
d o so, you can change the condition s again. W h en the + the sp ell’s level. On a su ccess, the creatu re’s spell fails
spell ends, the w eather gradually returns to norm al. and has no effect.
W h en you change the w eather condition s, find a A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
current condition on the follow in g tables and change its spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the interrupted spell has
stage by one, up or dow n. W h en changin g the w ind, you no effect if its level is less than or equal to the level o f the
can change its direction. spell slot you used.
C r e a t e Fo o d a n d Wa t e r 24 hours, you m ust cast this spell on the creature
3rd-level conjuration before the current 24-hou r p eriod ends. This use
o f the spell reasserts your con trol over up to three
Casting Tim e: 1 action
creatures you have anim ated with this spell, rather than
Range: 30 feet
anim ating n ew ones.
Components: V, S
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Duration: Instantaneous
7th-level spell slot, you can anim ate or reassert control
You create 45 pou n d s o f food and 30 gallons o f water over four ghouls. W h en you cast this spell u sing an
on the ground or in contain ers w ithin range, en ough 8th-level spell slot, you can anim ate or reassert control
to sustain up to fifteen hum anoids or five steeds for over five ghouls or tw o ghasts or w ights. W h en you cast
24 hours. The food is bland but nourishing, and sp oils this spell using a 9th-level spell slot, you can anim ate or
if uneaten after 24 hours. The water is clean and reassert control over six ghouls, three ghasts or w ights,
d oesn ’t go bad. or tw o m u m m ies.

C r e a t e o r D e s t r o y Wa t e r C r e a t io n
1st-level transmutation 5th-level illusion
Casting Tim e: 1 action Casting Time: 1 m inute
Range: 3 0 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a drop o f w ater if creating water Components: V, S, M (a tiny p iece o f m atter o f the sam e
or a few grains o f sand if destroying it) type o f the item you plan to create)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: S p ecia l
You either create or destroy water. You pull w isp s o f sh adow m aterial from the Sh adow fell
C reate Water. You create up to 10 gallons o f clean to create a nonliving object o f vegetable m atter w ithin
w ater w ithin range in an op en container. Alternatively, range: soft g ood s, rope, w ood , or som eth in g similar. You
the w ater falls as rain in a 30 -foot cu b e w ithin range, can also use this spell to create m ineral objects such as
extinguishing e x p osed flam es in the area. stone, crystal, or metal. T h e object created must b e no
D estroy Water. You destroy up to 10 gallons o f water larger than a 5-foot cube, and the object m ust be o f a
in an op en container w ithin range. Alternatively, you form and material that you have seen before.
destroy fog in a 30 -foot cu b e w ithin range. T h e duration depen ds on the o b je ct’s material. If
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a the object is co m p o s e d o f multiple m aterials, use the
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you create or destroy shortest duration.
10 additional gallons o f water, or the size o f the cube
Material Duration
in creases by 5 feet, for each slot level above 1st.
Vegetable matter 1 day
C r e a t e U n d e a d Stone or crystal 12 hours
6 th-level necromancy Precious metals 1 hour
Gems 10 minutes
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
Range: 10 feet Adamantine or mithral 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (one clay pot filled w ith grave dirt,
on e clay pot filled with brackish water, and on e 150 gp U sing any material created by this spell as another
black onyx stone for each corpse) spell’s m aterial com pon en t ca u ses that spell to fail.
Duration: Instantaneous A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the cu b e in creases by 5
You can cast this spell only at night. C h oose up to three
feet for each slot level above 5th.
c o rp s e s o f M edium or S m all hum anoids w ithin range.
E ach co rp s e b e c o m e s a ghoul under your control. (The C r o w n o f M a d n e ss
DM has gam e statistics for these creatures.) 2 nd-level enchantment
A s a bon u s action on each o f your turns, you can
Casting Tim e: 1 action
m entally com m a n d any creature you anim ated with
Range: 120 feet
this spell if the creature is w ithin 120 feet o f you (if you
Components: V, S
con trol multiple creatures, you can com m a n d any or all
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
o f them at the sa m e time, issuing the sam e com m a n d to
each one). You d ecide w hat action the creature w ill take O ne hum anoid o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin
and w h ere it w ill m ove during its next turn, or you can range m ust su cce e d on a W isd om saving throw or
issue a general com m a n d , such as to guard a particular b e c o m e ch arm ed by you for the duration. W hile
ch a m ber or corridor. If you issue n o com m a n d s, the the target is charm ed in this way, a tw isted crow n
creature only d efen ds itself against hostile creatures. o f ja gg ed iron appears on its head, and a m adn ess
O n ce given an order, the creature continu es to follow it g low s in its eyes.
until its task is com plete. T h e ch arm ed target m ust use its action b efore m oving
T h e creature is under your control for 24 hours, on each o f its turns to m ake a m elee attack against a
after w h ich it stops ob eyin g any c om m a n d you have creature other than itself that you mentally c h oose.
given it. To m aintain con trol o f the creature for another
The target can act n orm ally on its turn if you c h o o s e no duration. T h e darkn ess spreads around corn ers.
creature or if n one are w ithin its reach. A creature with darkvision ca n ’t see through this
On your subsequent turns, you must u se your action to darkness, and n onm agical light ca n ’t illum inate it.
m aintain control over the target, or the spell ends. A lso, If the point you c h o o s e is on an object you are holding
the target can m ake a W isd om saving th row at the end or on e that isn’t bein g w orn or carried, the darkness
o f each o f its turns. On a su ccess, the spell ends. em anates from the object and m oves w ith it. Com pletely
coverin g the sou rce o f the darkn ess w ith an opaque
C r u s a d e r ’s M a n t l e
object, such as a b ow l or a helm , b lock s the darkness.
3rd-level evocation If any o f this sp ell’s area overlaps with an area o f light
Casting Tim e: 1 action created by a spell o f 2nd level or lower, the spell that
Range: S e lf created the light is dispelled.
Components: V
Da r k v is io n
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
2 nd-level transmutation
Holy p ow er radiates from you in an aura with a 30-foot
Casting Tim e: 1 action
radius, aw akening bold n ess in friendly creatures. Until
Range: Touch
the spell ends, the aura m oves w ith you, centered on
Components: V, S, M (either a pinch o f dried
you. W h ile in the aura, each n onh ostile creature in the
carrot or an agate)
aura (including you) deals an extra 1d4 radiant dam age
Duration: 8 hours
w hen it hits w ith a w eap on attack.
You touch a w illing creature to grant it the ability to
C u r e W o u n d s see in the dark. For the duration, that creature has
1st-level evocation darkvision out to a range o f 6 0 feet.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Da y l ig h t
Range: Touch
Components: V, S 3rd-level evocation
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 6 0 feet
A creature you touch regains a num ber o f hit points
Components: V, S
equal to 1d8 + your sp ellcastin g ability m odifier. This
Duration: 1 hour
sp ell has no effect on undead or constructs.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a A 60-foot-radius sphere o f light spreads out from a point
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the healing in creases by you c h o o s e w ithin range. The sphere is bright light and
1d8 for each slot level above 1st. sh eds dim light for an additional 6 0 feet.
If you c h ose a point on an object you are h olding or
Da n c in g Lig h t s on e that isn’t being w orn or carried, the light shines
Evocation cantrip from the ob ject and m oves with it. Com pletely coverin g
Casting Tim e: 1 action the affected object w ith an opaque object, such as a bow l
Range: 120 feet or a helm, block s the light.
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f ph osph oru s or w ych w ood , If any o f this sp ell’s area overlaps w ith an area o f
or a glow w orm ) dark n ess created by a spell o f 3rd level or lower, the
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute spell that created the darkn ess is dispelled.

You create up to fou r torch-sized lights w ithin range, D e a t h Wa r d

m aking them appear as torches, lanterns, or glow ing 4th-level abjuration
orbs that hover in the air for the duration. You can
Casting Time: 1 action
also com bin e the four lights into one g low in g vaguely
Range: Touch
h um anoid form o f M edium size. W h ichever form you
Components: V, S
c h oose , each light sh eds dim light in a 10-foot radius.
Duration: 8 hours
A s a bon u s action on your turn, you can m ove the
lights up to 60 feet to a n ew spot w ithin range. A light You touch a creature and grant it a m easu re o f
m ust be w ithin 20 feet o f another light created by this protection from death.
spell, and a light w in k s out if it ex ceed s the sp ell’s range. The first time the target w ou ld drop to 0 hit points as a
result o f taking dam age, the target instead d rops to 1 hit
Da r k n e s s point, and the spell ends.
2 nd-level evocation If the spell is still in effect w hen the target is subjected
Casting Time: 1 action to an effect that w ou ld kill it instantaneously without
Range: 60 feet dealing dam age, that effect is instead negated against
Components: V, M (bat fur and a drop o f pitch or the target, and the spell ends.
p iece o f coal)
D e l a y e d Bl a s t Fir e b a l l
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
7th-level evocation
M agical darkness spreads from a point you c h o o s e
Casting Tim e: 1 action
w ithin range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the
Range: 150 feet You strike the ground, creating a burst o f divine
Components: V, S, M (a tiny ball o f bat energy that ripples outw ard from you. E ach creature
guano and sulfur) you c h o o s e w ithin 30 feet o f you must su cce e d on a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute Constitution saving th row or take 5d 6 thunder dam age,
as w ell as 5d 6 radiant or n ecrotic dam age (your choice),
A b ea m o f yellow light flashes from your pointing finger,
and be k n ock ed prone. A creature that su cce e d s on
then con d en ses to linger at a ch osen point w ithin range
its saving th row takes h alf as m uch dam age and isn’t
as a glow ing bead for the duration. W h en the spell
kn ock ed prone.
ends, either b eca u se your concentration is broken or
b eca u se you d ecide to end it, the bea d b lo ss o m s w ith a D e t e c t Ev il a n d G o o d
low roar into an explosion o f flam e that spreads around
1st-level divination
corn ers. E ach creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
centered on that point m ust m ake a D exterity saving Casting Time: 1 action
throw. A creature takes fire dam age equal to the total Range: S e lf
accum ulated dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch Components: V, S
dam age on a su ccessfu l one. Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 minutes
The spell’s ba se dam age is 12d6. If at the end o f F or the duration, you k n ow if there is an aberration,
your turn the bead has not yet detonated, the dam age celestial, elem ental, fey, fiend, or undead w ithin 30
in crea ses by 1d6. feet o f you, as w ell as w here the creature is located.
If the g low in g b ea d is tou ched before the interval Similarly, you kn ow if there is a place or object w ithin
has expired, the creature touching it m ust m ake a 30 feet o f you that has been m agically con secrated
D exterity saving throw. O n a failed save, the spell ends or desecrated.
im mediately, cau sin g the bead to erupt in flame. On a The spell can penetrate m ost barriers, but it is block ed
su ccessfu l save, the creature can th row the bea d up to by 1 foot o f stone, 1 inch o f co m m o n metal, a thin sheet
4 0 feet. W h en it strikes a creature or a solid object, the o f lead, or 3 feet o f w o o d or dirt.
spell ends, and the bead explodes.
T h e fire d a m ages ob jects in the area and ignites D e t e c t M a g ic

flam m able ob jects that aren’t bein g w orn or carried. 1st-level divination (ritual)
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using Casting Time: 1 action
a spell slot o f 8th level or higher, the base dam age Range: S elf
in creases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
D e mipl a n e
8 th-level conjuration F or the duration, you sen se the p resen ce o f m agic
w ithin 30 feet o f you. If you sen se m agic in this way, you
Casting Time: 1 action
can u se y ou r action to see a faint aura around any visible
Range: 6 0 feet
creature or object in the area that b ea rs m agic, and you
Components: S
learn its sch o o l o f m agic, if any.
Duration: 1 hour
The spell can penetrate m ost barriers, but it is block ed
Y ou create a sh ad ow y d oor on a flat solid su rface that by 1 foot o f stone, 1 inch o f co m m o n metal, a thin sheet
you can see w ithin range. T h e d oor is large en ough to o f lead, or 3 feet o f w o o d or dirt.
allow M edium creatures to pass through unhindered.
W h en open ed, the d oor leads to a dem iplane that D e t e c t Po is o n a n d D is e a s e

appears to be an em pty r oom 30 feet in each dim ension, 1st-level divination (ritual)
m ade o f w o o d or stone. W h en the spell ends, the d oor Casting Time: 1 action
disappears, and any creatu res or ob jects inside the Range: S elf
dem iplane rem ain trapped there, as the d oor also Components: V, S, M (a y ew leaf)
disappears from the other side. Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 m inutes
E ach tim e you cast this spell, you ca n create a new
dem iplane, or have the sh ad ow y d oor con n ect to a For the duration, you can sen se the p resen ce and
dem iplane you created w ith a previous casting o f this location o f poison s, p oison ou s creatures, and diseases
spell. Additionally, if you k n ow the nature and contents w ithin 30 feet o f you. You also identify the kind o f
o f a dem iplane created by a casting o f this spell by p oison , p oison ou s creature, or d isease in each case.
another creature, you can have the sh ad ow y door T h e spell can penetrate m ost barriers, but it is blocked
con n ect to its dem iplane instead. by 1 foot o f stone, 1 inch o f com m on metal, a thin sheet
o f lead, or 3 feet o f w o o d or dirt.
D e s t r u c t iv e W a v e
D e t e c t T h o u g h t s
5th-level evocation
2 nd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: S e lf (30-foot radius) Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V Range: S elf
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M (a co p p e r p iece)
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
F or the duration, you can read the thoughts o f certain D is g u is e Se l f
creatures. W h en you cast the spell and as your action on 1st-level illusion
each turn until the spell ends, you ca n focu s your m ind
Casting Tim e: 1 action
on any on e creature that you can see w ithin 30 feet o f
Range: S elf
you. If the creature you c h o o s e has an Intelligence o f
Components: V, S
3 or low er or d oesn ’t sp eak any language, the creature
Duration: 1 hour
is unaffected.
You initially learn the su rface thoughts o f the You m ake yourself—including your clothing, armor,
creatu re—w hat is m ost on its m ind in that m om ent. As w eapon s, and other belon gin gs on your p erson —look
an action, you can either shift your attention to another different until the spell ends or until you u se your action
creatu re’s thoughts or attempt to probe deep er into the to d ism iss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and
sa m e creatu re’s mind. If you probe deeper, the target can appear thin, fat, or in betw een . You ca n ’t change
m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw. If it fails, you gain your b od y type, so you must adopt a form that has the
insight into its reason in g (if any), its em otional state, sa m e ba sic arrangem ent o f lim bs. O therw ise, the extent
and som eth in g that loom s large in its m ind (such as o f the illusion is up to you.
som eth in g it w orries over, loves, or hates). If it su cceed s, T h e ch a n g es w rou gh t by this spell fail to hold up to
the spell ends. Either way, the target k n ow s that you are physical in spection. For exam ple, if you use this spell
probin g into its mind, and unless you shift your attention to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat,
to another creatu re’s thoughts, the creature can use and anyone w h o tou ches it w ou ld feel nothing or w ould
its action on its turn to m ake an Intelligence ch eck feel your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear
contested by your Intelligence check; if it su cceed s, thinner than you are, the hand o f so m e o n e w ho reaches
the spell ends. out to touch you w ould bum p into you w hile it w as
Q uestion s verbally directed at the target creature seem in gly still in midair.
naturally shape the co u rse o f its thoughts, s o this spell To discern that you are disguised, a creature can u se
is particularly effective as part o f an interrogation. its action to in spect your ap pearan ce and m ust su cceed
You can also use this spell to detect the p resen ce o f on an Intelligence (Investigation) ch eck against your
thinking creatu res you ca n ’t see. W h en you cast the spell save DC.
spell or as your action during the duration, you can
D is in t e g r a t e
sea rch for thoughts w ithin 30 feet o f you. The spell can
6 th-level transmutation
penetrate barriers, but 2 feet o f rock, 2 in ch es o f any
m etal other than lead, or a thin sheet o f lead b lock s you. Casting Time: 1 action
Y ou ca n ’t detect a creature with an Intelligence o f 3 or Range: 60 feet
low er or one that d oesn ’t sp eak any language. Components: V, S, M (a lodeston e and a pinch o f dust)
O n ce you detect the p resen ce o f a creature in this way, Duration: Instantaneous
you can read its thoughts for the rest o f the duration as
A thin green ray springs from your pointing finger to a
d escrib ed above, even if you ca n ’t se e it, but it m ust still
target that you can see w ithin range. T h e target can be a
b e w ithin range.
creature, an object, or a creation o f m agical force, such
D im e n s io n D o o r
as the w all created by wall o f force.
A creature targeted by this spell m ust m ake a
4th-level conjuration
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
Casting Tim e: 1 action 10d6 + 4 0 force dam age. If this dam age redu ces the
Range: 5 0 0 feet target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated.
Com ponents: V A disintegrated creature and everything it is w earin g
Duration: Instantaneous and carrying, except m agic items, are reduced to a pile
You teleport y ou rself from your current location to any o f fine gray dust. The creature can b e restored to life
other spot w ithin range. You arrive at exactly the spot only by m eans o f a true resurrection or a wish spell.
desired. It can be a place you can see, one you can This spell autom atically disintegrates a Large or
visualize, or on e you can d escrib e by stating distance sm aller n onm agical object or a creation o f m agical
and direction, such as “ 20 0 feet straight dow n w ard” or force. If the target is a H uge or larger object or creation
“upward to the northw est at a 45-degree angle, 3 0 0 feet.” o f force, this spell disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion o f
You can bring along ob jects as long as their w eight it. A m agic item is unaffected by this spell.
d oesn ’t ex ce ed w hat you can carry. You can a lso bring A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
on e w illing creature o f your size or sm aller w h o is spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the dam age in creases by
carryin g gear up to its carryin g capacity. T h e creature 3d 6 for each slot level above 6th.
m ust be w ithin 5 feet o f you w hen you cast this spell.
D is pe l Ev il a n d G o o d
If you w ou ld arrive in a place already occu p ied by an
object or a creature, you and any creature traveling with 5th-level abjuration
you each take 4d 6 fo rce dam age, and the spell fails to Casting Time: 1 action
teleport you. Range: S elf
Components: V, S, M (holy water or pow dered D iv in a t io n
silver and iron) 4th-level divination (ritual)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
Casting Tim e: 1 action
S h im m erin g en ergy su rrou nd s and protects you from Range: S e lf
fey, undead, and creatures originating from beyon d the Components: V, S, M (in cen se and a sacrificial offering
M aterial Plane. For the duration, celestials, elem entals, appropriate to your religion, together w orth at least 25
fey, fiends, and undead have disadvantage on attack gp, w h ich the spell con su m es)
rolls against you. Duration: Instantaneous
You can end the spell early by using either o f the
Your m agic and an offering put you in contact with
follow in g sp ecia l functions.
a god or a g o d ’s servants. You ask a single question
B reak Enchantm ent. A s your action, you touch a
con cern in g a sp ecific goal, event, or activity to o c cu r
creature you can reach that is charm ed, frightened, or
w ithin 7 days. The DM offers a truthful reply. T h e reply
p o s s e s s e d by a celestial, an elem ental, a fey, a fiend,
m ight be a short phrase, a cryptic rhyme, or an om en.
or an undead. The creature you touch is no longer
T h e spell d oesn ’t take into accou n t any possible
charm ed, frightened, or p o s s e s s e d by such creatures.
circu m stan ces that m ight change the ou tcom e, such
Dismissal. A s your action, m ake a m elee spell attack
as the casting o f additional sp ells or the loss or gain
against a celestial, an elem ental, a fey, a fiend, or an
o f a com panion .
undead you can reach. On a hit, you attempt to drive
If you cast the spell tw o or m ore tim es before finishing
the creature ba ck to its h om e plane. The creature must
your next long rest, there is a cum ulative 25 percent
su cceed on a C harism a saving throw or be sent back to
cha n ce for each casting after the first that you get a
its h om e plane (if it isn't there already). If they aren’t on
random reading. T h e DM m akes this roll in secret.
their h om e plane, undead are sent to the Shadow fell,
and fey are sent to the Feywild. D iv in e Fa v o r

1st-level evocation
D is pe l M a g ic
3rd-level abjuration Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
Range: S elf
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: 120 feet
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Your prayer em p ow ers you w ith divine radiance. Until
the spell ends, y ou r w eap on attacks deal an extra 1d4
C h oose on e creature, object, or m agical effect within
radiant dam age on a hit.
range. Any spell o f 3rd level or low er on the target ends.
For each spell o f 4th level or higher on the target, m ake D iv in e W o r d
an ability ch eck using your spellcastin g ability. The
7th-level evocation
D C equ als 10 + the spell’s level. On a su ccessfu l check,
the spell ends. Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a Range: 3 0 feet
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, you autom atically end Components: V
the effects o f a spell on the target if the sp ell’s level is Duration: Instantaneous
equal to or less than the level o f the spell slot you used. You utter a divine w ord, im bu ed with the pow er that
shaped the w orld at the daw n o f creation. C h oose any
D is s o n a n t W h is pe r s
num ber o f creatu res you can s e e w ithin range. Each
1st-level enchantment creature that can hear you m ust m ake a C harism a
Casting Tim e: 1 action saving throw. On a failed save, a creature suffers an
Range: 60 feet effect ba sed on its current hit points:
Components: V
• 50 hit points or fewer: deafened for 1 m inute
Duration: Instantaneous
• 40 hit points or few er: deafened and blinded for 10
You w hisper a discordant m elody that only on e creature m inutes
o f your ch oice w ithin range can hear, w rackin g it with • 30 hit points or few er: blinded, deafened, and stunned
terrible pain. T h e target m ust m ake a W isd om saving for 1 hour
throw. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic dam age and • 20 hit points or few er: killed instantly
must im m ediately u se its reaction, if available, to m ove R eg ardless o f its current hit points, a celestial, an
as far as its sp eed allow s away from you. T h e creature
elem ental, a fey, or a fiend that fails its save is forced
d oesn ’t m ove into obviously dangerou s ground, such back to its plane o f origin (if it isn’t there already) and
as a fire or a pit. O n a su ccessfu l save, the target takes ca n ’t return to your current plane for 24 h ours by any
half as m uch dam age and d oesn ’t have to m ove away. A m eans short o f a wish spell.
deafened creature autom atically su cce e d s on the save.
A t H igher Levels. W h en y ou cast this spell usin g a D o m in a t e Be a s t
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by 4th-level enchantment
1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 6 0 feet E ach tim e the target takes dam age, it m akes a new
Components: V, S W isd om saving throw against the spell. If the saving
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute th row su cceed s, the spell ends.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell with
You attempt to begu ile a beast that you can see w ithin
a 9th-level spell slot, the duration is concentration,
range. It m ust su cce e d on a W isd om saving th row or be
up to 8 hours.
ch a rm ed by you for the duration. If you or creatures that
are friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the D o m in a t e Pe r s o n
saving throw.
5th-level enchantment
W h ile the beast is charm ed, you have a telepathic link
w ith it as long as the tw o o f you are on the sam e plane Casting Tim e: 1 action
o f existence. You can u se this telepathic link to issue Range: 60 feet
com m a n d s to the creature w hile you are co n s cio u s (no Components: V, S
action required), w hich it d o e s its best to obey. You can Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
sp ecify a sim ple and general co u rse o f action, such as You attempt to begu ile a hum anoid that you can see
“Attack that creature,” “Run over there,” or “Fetch that w ithin range. It must su c ce e d on a W isd om saving
object.” If the creature com pletes the order and d oesn ’t th row o r b e ch arm ed by you for the duration. If you or
receive further direction from you, it defends and creatures that are friendly to you are fighting it, it has
p reserves itself to the best o f its ability. advantage on the saving throw.
You ca n u se your action to take total and precise W h ile the target is charm ed, you have a telepathic link
con trol o f the target. Until the end o f your next turn, the w ith it as lon g as the tw o o f you are on the sam e plane
creature takes only the actions you c h oose, and d oesn ’t o f existence. You can u se this telepathic link to issue
do anything that you don ’t allow it to do. D uring this com m a n d s to the creature w hile you are co n s cio u s (no
time, you can also cau se the creature to use a reaction, action required), w hich it d oes its best to obey. You can
but this requires you to u se your ow n reaction as well. sp ecify a sim ple and general co u rse o f action, such as
E ach tim e the target takes dam age, it m akes a new “A ttack that creature,” “R un over there,” or “Fetch that
W isd om saving th row against the spell. If the saving object.” If the creature com pletes the order and d oesn ’t
th row su cceed s, the spell ends. receive further direction from you, it defends and
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell w ith a p reserves itself to the best o f its ability.
5th-level spell slot, the duration is concentration, up You can u se your action to take total and precise
to 10 minutes. W h en you u se a 6th-level spell slot, control o f the target. Until the end o f your next turn, the
the duration is concentration, up to 1 hour. W h en you creature takes only the actions you ch o o s e , and d oesn ’t
u se a spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the duration is do anything that you don ’t allow it to do. D urin g this
concentration, up to 8 hours. tim e you can also cau se the creature to use a reaction,
but this requ ires you to u se your ow n reaction as well.
D o m in a t e M o n s t e r
Each tim e the target takes dam age, it m akes a new
8 th-level enchantment W isd om saving th row against the spell. If the saving
Casting Tim e: 1 action th row su cceed s, the spell ends.
Range: 60 feet A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using
Components: V, S a 6th-level spell slot, the duration is concentration,
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour up to 10 m inutes. W h en you u se a 7th-level spell slot,
the duration is concentration, up to 1 hour. W h en you
You attempt to begu ile a creature that you can see
u se a spell slot o f 8th level or higher, the duration is
w ithin range. It m ust su cce e d on a W isd om saving
concentration, up to 8 hours.
th row o r be charm ed by you for the duration. If you or
creatu res that are friendly to you are fighting it, it has
D r a w m i j ’s In s t a n t Su m m o n s
advantage on the saving throw.
6 th-level conjuration (ritual)
W h ile the creature is charm ed, you have a telepathic
link w ith it as lon g as the tw o o f you are on the sam e Casting Tim e: 1 minute
plane o f existence. You can u se this telepathic link to Range: Touch
issu e com m a n d s to the creature w hile you are con sciou s Components: V, S, M (a sapphire w orth 1,0 00 gp)
(no action required), w h ich it d oes its best to obey. You Duration: Until dispelled
can sp ecify a sim ple and general co u rse o f action, such You touch an object w eigh in g 10 pou n d s or less w h ose
as “A ttack that creature,” “Run over there,” or “Fetch lon gest dim ension is 6 feet or less. T h e spell leaves an
that object.” If the creature com pletes the order and invisible m ark on its su rface and invisibly in scribes the
d oesn ’t receive further direction from you, it defends n am e o f the item on the sapphire you use as the material
and p reserves itself to the best o f its ability. com pon ent. E ach tim e you cast this spell, you must u se
You can u se your action to take total and p recise a different sapphire.
con trol o f the target. Until the end o f your next turn, the At any tim e thereafter, you can u se your action to
creature takes only the actions you ch o o s e , and d oesn ’t sp ea k the item’s nam e and crush the sapphire. The item
do anything that you d on ’t allow it to do. D uring this instantly appears in your hand rega rdless o f physical or
time, you can also cau se the creature to u se a reaction, planar distances, and the spell ends.
but this requ ires you to u se your ow n reaction as well.
If another creature is h olding or carryin g the item, for clear skies, a cloud for rain, falling sn ow flakes for
cru sh in g the sapphire d oesn ’t transport the item to you, snow, and s o on. T h is effect persists for 1 round.
but instead you learn w ho the creature p o s se ss in g the • You instantly m ake a flow er blossom , a seed p od open,
object is and roughly w here that creature is located or a lea f bud bloom .
at that m om ent. • You create an instantaneous, h arm less sen sory effect,
Dispel magic or a sim ilar effect su ccessfu lly applied to such as falling leaves, a pu ff o f w ind, the sou n d o f a
the sapphire ends this sp ell’s effect. sm all anim al, or the faint o d or o f skunk. The effect
m ust fit in a 5-foot cube.
D r e a m
• You instantly light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a
5th-level illusion sm all cam pfire.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Ea r t h q u a k e
Range: S p ecia l
Components: V, S, M (a handful o f sand, a dab o f ink, 8 th-level evocation
and a w riting quill plucked from a sleepin g bird) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 8 hours Range: 5 0 0 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f dirt, a piece o f rock,
T h is spell sh apes a creatu re’s dream s. C h oose a
and a lump o f clay)
creature kn ow n to you as the target o f this spell. The
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
target m ust be on the sam e plane o f existence as you.
Creatures that d on ’t sleep, such as elves, ca n ’t be You create a seism ic disturbance at a point on the
contacted by this spell. You, or a w illing creature you ground that you can see w ithin range. For the duration,
touch, enters a trance state, acting as a m essenger. an intense trem or rips through the grou nd in a
W h ile in the trance, the m essen ger is aw are o f his or 100-foot-radius circle centered on that point and shakes
her surroundings, but c a n ’t take actions or m ove. creatures and structures in contact w ith the ground
If the target is asleep, the m essen ger appears in the in that area.
target’s dream s and can con verse with the target as T he grou nd in the area b e c o m e s difficult terrain.
lon g as it rem ains asleep, through the duration o f the Each creature on the ground that is concentratin g must
spell. The m essen ger can also shape the environm ent m ake a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
o f the dream , creating landscapes, objects, and other creatu re’s concentration is broken.
im ages. T h e m essen ger can em erge from the trance at W h en you cast this spell and at the end o f each turn
any tim e, ending the effect o f the spell early. T h e target you spend concentrating on it, each creature on the
reca lls the dream perfectly upon w aking. If the target is ground in the area m ust m ake a Dexterity saving throw.
aw ake w hen you cast the spell, the m essen ger k n ow s it, On a failed save, the creature is kn ock ed prone.
and can either end the trance (and the spell) or wait for This spell can have additional effects depen din g on
the target to fall asleep, at w hich point the m essen ger the terrain in the area, as determ ined by the DM.
appears in the target’s dream s. Fissures. F issu res open throughout the sp ell’s area at
You can m ake the m essen ger appear m on strou s the start o f your next turn after you cast the spell. A total
and terrifying to the target. If you do, the m essen ger o f 1d6 such fissures open in location s ch osen by the DM.
can deliver a m essa ge o f no m ore than ten w ord s and Each is 1d10 x 10 feet deep, 10 feet w ide, and extends
then the target must m ake a W isd om saving throw. On from one edge o f the spell’s area to the opposite side.
a failed save, e c h o e s o f the phantasm al m onstrosity A creature standing on a spot w h ere a fissure open s
spaw n a nightm are that lasts the duration o f the target’s m ust s u cce e d on a Dexterity saving th row or fall in. A
sleep and prevents the target from gaining any benefit creature that su ccessfu lly saves m oves w ith the fissu re’s
from that rest. In addition, w hen the target w ak es up, it edge as it opens.
takes 3d 6 psychic dam age. A fissure that op en s beneath a structure ca u ses it to
If you have a b od y part, lo ck o f hair, clipping from a autom atically colla p se (see below ).
nail, or sim ilar portion o f the target’s body, the target Structures. The trem or deals 50 bludgeon ing dam age
m akes its saving th row with disadvantage. to any structure in contact with the ground in the area
w hen you cast the spell and at the start o f each o f your
D r u id c r a f t turns until the spell ends. If a structure d rops to 0 hit
Transmutation cantrip points, it colla p ses and potentially d am ages nearby
Casting Tim e: 1 action creatures. A creature w ithin h alf the distance o f a
Range: 30 feet stru ctu re’s height m ust m ake a Dexterity saving throw.
Components: V, S On a failed save, the creature takes 5d 6 bludgeon ing
Duration: Instantaneous dam age, is k n ock ed prone, and is buried in the rubble,
requiring a D C 20 Strength (Athletics) ch eck as an
W h isp erin g to the spirits o f nature, you create one o f the
action to escap e. The DM can adjust the D C higher
follow in g effects w ithin range:
or lower, depen din g on the nature o f the rubble. On
• You create a tiny, h arm less sen sory effect that predicts a su ccessfu l save, the creature takes half as m uch
what the w eather w ill be at your location for the next dam age and d oesn ’t fall prone or b e c o m e buried.
24 hours. T h e effect m ight m anifest as a golden orb
El d r it c h Bl a s t En l a r g e /R e d u c e
Evocation cantrip 2 nd-level transmutation
Casting Tim e: 1 action Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Range: 3 0 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f p ow d ered iron)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute

A b ea m o f crackling en ergy streaks tow ard a creature You cau se a creature or an object you can see w ithin
w ithin range. M ake a ran ged spell attack against the range to g row larger or sm aller for the duration. C h oose
target. On a hit, the target takes 1dlO force dam age. either a creature or an object that is neither w orn
T h e spell creates m ore than one b ea m w hen you reach n or carried. If the target is unw illing, it can m ake a
higher levels: tw o b ea m s at 5th level, three b ea m s at Constitution saving throw. On a su cce s s, the spell
11th level, and four b ea m s at 17th level. You can direct has no effect.
the b ea m s at the sam e target or at different ones. M ake If the target is a creature, everything it is w earin g and
a separate attack roll for each beam . carryin g changes size w ith it. A ny item d ropped by an
affected creature returns to n orm al size at on ce.
El e m e n t a l W e a po n Enlarge. The target’s size doubles in all dim ensions,
3rd-level transmutation and its w eight is m ultiplied by eight. T his grow th
Casting Tim e: 1 action in crea ses its size by one category—from M edium to
Range: Touch Large, for exam ple. If there isn’t en ough room for the
Components: V, S target to double its size, the creature or object attains
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour the m axim u m p ossib le size in the sp ace available.
Until the spell ends, the target also has advantage on
A n onm agical w ea p on you touch b e c o m e s a m agic
Strength ch eck s and Strength saving throw s. The
w eapon . C h oose one o f the follow in g dam age types:
target’s w ea p on s also g row to match its n ew size. W h ile
acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For the duration,
these w eap on s are enlarged, the target’s attacks with
the w eap on has a +1 bon u s to attack rolls and deals an
them deal 1d4 extra dam age.
extra 1d4 dam age o f the ch osen type w hen it hits.
Reduce. T h e target’s size is halved in all dim ension s,
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
and its w eight is redu ced to one-eighth o f norm al. This
spell slot o f 5th or 6th level, the bon u s to attack rolls
reduction d ecrea ses its size by on e category—from
in creases to +2 and the extra dam age in creases to
M edium to Sm all, for exam ple. Until the spell ends,
2d4. W h en you use a spell slot o f 7th level or higher,
the target also has disadvantage on Strength ch eck s
the bon u s in creases to +3 and the extra dam age
and Strength saving throw s. The target’s w eap on s also
in creases to 3d4.
shrink to m atch its n ew size. W h ile th ese w ea p on s are
En h a n c e A b il it y
reduced, the target’s attacks w ith them deal 1d4 less
dam age (this ca n ’t reduce the dam age below 1).
2 nd-level transmutation
Casting Tim e: 1 action En s n a r in g St r ik e
Range: Touch 1st-level conjuration
Components: V, S, M (fur or a feather from a beast)
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.
Range: S elf
You touch a creature and bestow u pon it a m agical Components: V
enhancem ent. C h oose on e o f the follow in g effects; the Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
target gains that effect until the spell ends.
The next tim e you hit a creature w ith a w ea p on attack
Bear’s Endurance. T h e target has advantage on
before this spell ends, a w rithing m a ss o f thorny vines
Constitution ch eck s. It also gains 2d 6 tem porary hit
appears at the point o f im pact, and the target must
points, w hich are lost w hen the spell ends.
s u cce e d on a Strength saving th row or be restrained by
Bull’s Strength. T he target has advantage
the m agical vines until the spell ends. A L arge or larger
on Strength checks, and his or her carryin g
creature has advantage on this saving throw. If the
capacity doubles.
target s u c ce e d s on the save, the vines shrivel away.
Cat’s Grace. T h e target has advantage on Dexterity
W h ile restrained by this spell, the target takes 1d6
check s. It also d oesn ’t take dam age from falling 20 feet
piercing damage at the start o f each o f its turns. A creature
or less if it isn’t incapacitated.
restrained by the vines or one that can touch the creature
Eagle’s Splendor. T h e target has advantage on
can use its action to m ake a Strength ch eck against your
C harism a checks.
spell save DC. On a su ccess, the target is freed.
Fox’s Cunning. The target has advantage on
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
Intelligence checks.
slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by 1d6
Owl’s Wisdom. T h e target has advantage on
for each slot level above 1st.
W isd om ch ecks.
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.
En t a n g l e W h en the spell ends, you im m ediately return to the
1st-level conjuration plane you originated from in the spot you currently
occupy. If you occu p y the sam e spot as a solid object
Casting Tim e: 1 action
or creature w hen this happens, you are im m ediately
Range: 90 feet
shunted to the nearest u n occu p ied sp ace that you
Components: V, S
can occu p y and take force dam age equal to tw ice the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
num ber o f feet you are m oved.
G rasping w eed s and vines sprout from the grou nd in a T h is spell has no effect if you cast it w hile you are on
20-foot square starting from a point w ithin range. For the E thereal P lane or a plane that d oesn ’t border it, such
the duration, th ese plants turn the ground in the area as on e o f the Outer Planes.
into difficult terrain. A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using
A creature in the area w hen you cast the spell must a spell slot o f 8th level or higher, you can target up to
su cce e d on a Strength saving throw or b e restrained three w illing creatu res (including you) for each slot level
by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature above 7th. The creatu res m ust be w ithin 10 feet o f you
restrained by the plants can u se its action to m ake w hen you cast the spell.
a Strength ch eck against you r spell save DC. On a
su ccess, it frees itself. Ev a r d ’s Bl a c k T e n t a c l e s

W h en the spell ends, the conjured plants w ilt away. 4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
En t h r a l l
Range: 90 feet
2 nd-level enchantment
Components: V, S, M (a p iece o f tentacle from a giant
Casting Time: 1 action octop u s or a giant squid)
Range: 60 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S
Squirm ing, ebon y tentacles fill a 20 -foot square on
Duration: 1 minute
ground that you can see w ithin range. F or the duration,
You w eave a distracting string o f w ords, causing these tentacles turn the ground in the area into
creatures o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin range difficult terrain.
and that can hear you to m ake a W isd om saving W h en a creature enters the affected area for the first
throw. A ny creature that ca n ’t b e ch arm ed su cce e d s tim e on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature
on this saving th row automatically, and if you or your must su cce e d on a D exterity saving th row or take 3d6
com p a n ion s are fighting a creature, it has advantage on bludgeon ing dam age and be restrained by the tentacles
the save. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage until the spell ends. A creature that starts its turn in the
on W isd om (P erception ) ch eck s m ade to perceive any area and is already restrained by the tentacles takes 3d6
creature other than you until the spell ends or until the bludgeon ing dam age.
target can no longer h ear you. The spell en ds if you are A creature restrained by the tentacles can use its
incapacitated or can n o longer speak. action to m ake a Strength or Dexterity ch eck (its choice)
against your spell save DC. O n a su ccess, it frees itself.
Et h e r e a l n e s s
7th-level transmutation Ex pe d it io u s R e t r e a t

Casting Tim e: 1 action 1st-level transmutation

Range: S e lf Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
Components: V, S Range: S elf
Duration: Up to 8 hours Components: V, S
You step into the bord er region s o f the Ethereal Plane, Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
in the area w here it overlaps with your current plane. Th is spell allow s you to m ove at an incredible pace.
You rem ain in the B order E thereal for the duration or W h en you cast this spell, and then as a bon u s action
until you use your action to d ism iss the spell. D uring on each o f your turns until the spell ends, you can take
this tim e, you can m ove in any direction. If you m ove the D ash action.
up or dow n, every foot o f m ovem ent costs an extra foot.
You can see and hear the plane you originated from , but Ey e b it e

everything there look s gray, and you ca n ’t see anything 6 th-level necromancy
m ore than 60 feet away. Casting Tim e: 1 action
W h ile on the E thereal P lane, you can only affect and Range: S e lf
be affected by other creatu res on that plane. C reatures Components: V, S
that aren't on the Ethereal Plane ca n ’t perceive you and Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
ca n ’t interact with you, u nless a sp ecia l ability or m agic
has given them the ability to d o so. For the sp ell’s duration, your eyes b e c o m e an inky void
You ignore all ob jects and effects that aren’t on the im bu ed w ith dread pow er. O ne creature o f your ch oice
Ethereal Plane, allow ing you to m ove through objects w ithin 6 0 feet o f you that you can see m ust su cceed
you perceive on the plane you originated from . on a W isd om saving th row or be affected by o n e o f the
follow in g effects o f your ch oice for the duration. On
each o f your turns until the spell ends, you can use Fa l s e L if e
your action to target another creature but can ’t target 1st-level necromancy
a creature again if it has su cceed ed on a saving throw
Casting Time: 1 action
against this casting o f eyebite.
Range: S elf
A sleep. The target falls u n con sciou s. It w a k es up if it
Components: V, S, M (a sm all am ount o f alcoh ol or
takes any dam age or if another creature u ses its action
distilled spirits)
to shake the sleep er awake.
Duration: 1 hour
Panicked. The target is frightened o f you. On each
o f its turns, the frightened creature must take the B olsterin g y ou rself w ith a n ecrom antic facsim ile o f life,
D ash action and m ove away from you by the safest and you gain 1d4 + 4 tem porary hit points for the duration.
shortest available route, unless there is n ow h ere to A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
m ove. If the target m oves to a place at least 60 feet away spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you gain 5 additional
from you w here it can no longer see you, this effect ends. tem porary hit points for each slot level above 1st.
Sickened. T h e target has disadvantage on attack rolls
and ability check s. At the end o f each o f its turns, it can Fe a r

m ake another W isd om saving throw. If it su cceed s, 3rd-level illusion

the effect ends. Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: S e lf (30-foot cone)
Fa b r ic a t e
Components: V, S, M (a white feather or the
4th-level transmutation heart o f a hen)
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 120 feet
You project a phantasm al im age o f a creatu re’s w orst
Components: V, S
fears. E ach creature in a 30 -foot con e m ust su cceed on
Duration: Instantaneous a W isd om saving th row or drop w hatever it is holding
You convert raw m aterials into products o f the sam e and b e c o m e frightened for the duration.
material. For exam ple, you can fabricate a w ood en W h ile frightened by this spell, a creature m ust take
bridge from a clum p o f trees, a rope from a patch of the D ash action and m ove away from you by the safest
hem p, and cloth es from flax or w ool. available route on each o f its turns, unless there is
C h o o se raw m aterials that you can see w ithin range. now h ere to m ove. If the creature en ds its turn in a
You can fabricate a Large or sm aller object (contained location w here it d oesn ’t have line o f sight to you,
w ithin a 10-foot cube, or eight con n ected 5 -foot cubes), the creature can m ake a W isd om saving throw. On a
given a sufficient quantity o f raw m aterial. If you su ccessfu l save, the spell ends for that creature.
are w orkin g with metal, stone, or another m ineral
substance, however, the fabricated object can be no Fe a t h e r Fa l l

larger than M edium (contained w ithin a single 5-foot 1st-level transmutation

cube). The quality o f ob jects m ade by the spell is Casting Time: 1 reaction, w hich you take w hen you or a
com m en su rate with the quality o f the raw materials. creature w ithin 60 feet o f you falls
Creatures or m agic item s ca n ’t b e created or Range: 6 0 feet
transm uted by this spell. You also ca n ’t u se it to Components: V, M (a sm all feather or p iece o f dow n)
create item s that ordinarily require a high degree of Duration: 1 minute
craftsm anship, such as jew elry, w eapon s, glass, or
C h oose up to five falling creatures w ithin range. A
armor, u nless you have proficiency with the type o f
falling creature's rate o f descen t slow s to 60 feet per
artisan’s tools u sed to craft such objects.
round until the spell ends. If the creature lands before
Fa e r ie Fir e the spell ends, it takes no falling dam age and can land
1st-level evocation on its feet, and the spell ends for that creature.

Casting Tim e: 1 action Fe e b l e min d

Range: 60 feet 8 th-level enchantment
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 150 feet
E ach object in a 20 -foot cu b e within range is outlined in Components: V, S, M (a handful o f clay, crystal, glass,
blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in or m ineral spheres)
the area w hen the spell is cast is also outlined in light if Duration: Instantaneous
it fails a Dexterity saving throw. F or the duration, objects
You blast the m ind o f a creature that you can see within
and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.
range, attem pting to shatter its intellect and personality.
A ny attack roll against an affected creature or object
The target takes 4d 6 psych ic dam age and must m ake an
has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected
Intelligence saving throw.
creature or object ca n ’t benefit from being invisible.
On a failed save, the creatu re’s Intelligence and
Charism a s c o r e s b e c o m e 1. The creature ca n ’t cast
spells, activate m agic items, understand language, or
com m u n icate in any intelligible way. The creature can, you can cau se it to reappear in any u n occu pied sp ace
however, identify its friends, follow them, and even w ithin 30 feet o f you.
protect them. You c a n ’t have m ore than on e fam iliar at a time. If you
At the end o f every 30 days, the creature can repeat cast this spell w hile you already have a familiar, you
its saving throw against this spell. If it su cce e d s on its instead cau se it to adopt a n ew form . C h oose on e o f the
saving throw, the sp ell ends. form s from the above list. Your fam iliar transform s into
T h e spell can also b e ended by greater restoration, the ch osen creature.
heal, or wish. Finally, w hen you cast a spell w ith a range o f touch,
your fam iliar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the
Fe ig n D e a t h spell. Your fam iliar must be w ithin 100 feet o f you, and
3rd-level necrom ancy (ritual) it must u se its reaction to deliver the spell w hen you cast
Casting Tim e: 1 action it. If the spell requ ires an attack roll, you u se your attack
Range: Touch m odifier for the roll.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f graveyard dirt)
Fin d St e e d
Duration: 1 hour
2 nd-level conjuration
You touch a w illing creature and put it into a cataleptic
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes
state that is indistinguishable from death.
Range: 30 feet
For the sp ell’s duration, or until you use an action
Components: V, S
to touch the target and d ism iss the spell, the target
Duration: Instantaneous
appears dead to all outw ard in spection and to spells
u sed to determ ine the target’s status. T h e target is You su m m on a spirit that a ssu m es the form o f an
blinded and incapacitated, and its sp eed d rops to 0. unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed, creating a
T h e target has resistan ce to all dam age except psychic long-lasting bon d w ith it. A ppearing in an u n occu pied
dam age. If the target is diseased or p oison ed w hen you sp ace w ithin range, the steed takes on a form that you
cast the spell, or b e c o m e s diseased or p oison ed w hile ch oose, such as a w arhorse, a pony, a cam el, an elk, or
u nder the sp ell’s effect, the d isease and p oison have no a mastiff. (Your DM m ight allow other anim als to be
effect until the spell ends. su m m on ed as steeds.) T h e steed has the statistics o f the
ch osen form , though it is a celestial, fey, or fiend (your
Fi n d Fa m il ia r choice) instead o f its norm al type. Additionally, if your
1st-level conjuration (ritual) steed has an Intelligence o f 5 or less, its Intelligence
Casting Tim e: 1 hour b e c o m e s 6, and it gains the ability to understand one
Range: 10 feet language o f your ch oice that you speak.
Components: V, S, M (10 gp w orth o f charcoal, Your steed serves you as a m ount, both in com bat and
in cen se, and herbs that m ust be con su m ed by fire in a out, and you have an instinctive bon d with it that allow s
brass brazier) you to fight as a sea m less unit. W h ile m ounted on your
Duration: Instantaneous steed, you can m ake any spell you cast that targets only
you also target your steed.
You gain the serv ice o f a familiar, a spirit that takes an
W h en the steed d rops to 0 hit points, it disappears,
anim al form you ch oose: bat, cat, crab, frog (toad), hawk,
leaving beh in d no physical form . You can also
lizard, octopu s, ow l, p oison ou s snake, fish (quipper),
dism iss your steed at any time as an action, causing
rat, raven, sea horse, spider, or w easel. A pp earin g in
it to disappear. In either case, castin g this spell
an u n occu pied sp ace w ithin range, the fam iliar has the
again su m m on s the sam e steed, restored to its hit
statistics o f the ch osen form , though it is a celestial, fey,
point m axim um .
or fiend (your choice) instead o f a beast.
W h ile your steed is w ithin 1 m ile o f you, you can
Your fam iliar acts independently o f you, but it always
com m u n icate w ith it telepathically.
obeys your com m a n d s. In com bat, it rolls its ow n
You c a n ’t have m ore than on e steed b on d ed by this
initiative and acts on its ow n turn. A fam iliar ca n ’t
spell at a tim e. A s an action, you can release the steed
attack, but it can take other actions as norm al.
from its bon d at any tim e, cau sin g it to disappear.
W h en the fam iliar d rop s to 0 hit points, it disappears,
leaving behind no physical form . It reappears after you Fin d t h e Pa t h
cast this spell again 6 th-level divination
W h ile your fam iliar is w ithin 100 feet o f you, you
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
can com m u n icate with it telepathically. Additionally,
Range: S e lf
as an action, you can see through your fam iliar’s eyes
Components: V, S, M (a set o f divinatory tools—such
and hear w hat it hears until the start o f your next turn,
as b on es, ivory sticks, cards, teeth, or carved run es—
gaining the benefits o f any sp ecia l sen ses that the
w orth 100 gp and an object from the location you
fam iliar has. D urin g this time, you are d ea f and blind
w ish to find)
with regard to your ow n sen ses.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 day
A s an action, you can tem porarily dism iss your
familiar. It disappears into a pock et dim ension w here it T h is spell allow s you to find the shortest, m ost direct
awaits your su m m on s. Alternatively, you can dism iss it physical route to a sp ecific fixed location that you are
forever. A s an action w hile it is tem porarily dism issed, fam iliar with on the sam e plane o f existence. If you
nam e a destination on another plane o f existence, a
destination that m oves (such as a m obile fortress), or a
destination that isn’t sp ecific (such as “a green dragon ’s
lair”), the spell fails.
For the duration, as lon g as you are on the sam e plane
o f existence as the destination, you k n ow h ow far it is
and in w hat direction it lies. W h ile you are traveling
there, w henever you are presen ted w ith a ch oice o f
paths along the way, you autom atically determ ine w hich
path is the shortest and m ost direct route (but not
n ecessarily the safest route) to the destination.

Fin d T r a ps
2 nd-level divination

Casting Tim e: 1 action

Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You sen se the p resen ce o f any trap w ithin range that

is w ithin line o f sight. A trap, for the p u rp ose o f this
spell, in cludes anything that w ou ld inflict a sudden or
u n expected effect you con sid er h arm ful or undesirable,
w h ich w as sp ecifically intended as su ch by its creator.
Thus, the spell w ou ld sen se an area affected by the
alarm spell, a glyph o f warding, or a m ech an ica l pit trap,
but it w ou ld not reveal a natural w ea k n ess in the floor,
an unstable ceiling, or a hidden sinkhole.
This spell m erely reveals that a trap is present. You
don ’t learn the location o f each trap, but you do learn the
general nature o f the danger p osed by a trap you sen se.

Fin g e r o f D e a t h

7th-level necromancy
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 6 0 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You sen d negative en ergy cou rsin g through a creature

that you can see w ithin range, causing it sea rin g pain.
The target m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. It
takes 7d8 + 30 n ecrotic dam age on a failed save, or half
as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
A hum anoid killed by this spell rises at the start o f
your next turn as a zom bie that is perm anently under
your com m a n d , follow in g your verbal orders to the best
o f its ability.

Fir e b a l l
3rd-level evocation
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S , M (a tiny ball o f bat
guano and sulfur)
Duration: Instantaneous

A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a

point you c h o o s e w ithin range and then b lo ss o m s with
a low roar into an explosion o f flame. E ach creature
in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must
m ake a D exterity saving throw. A target takes 8 d 6 fire
d a m age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch da m age on a Fl a me Bl a d e
s u c ce s sfu l one. 2 nd-level evocation
T he fire spreads around corn ers. It ignites flam m able
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
ob jects in the area that aren't bein g w orn or carried.
Range: S elf
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell u sing a
Components: V, S , M (leaf o f sum ac)
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age in creases by
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
You evoke a fiery blade in your free hand. The blade is
Fir e Bo l t sim ilar in size and shape to a scim itar, and it lasts for
Evocation cantrip the duration. If you let go o f the blade, it disappears, but
Casting Tim e: 1 action you can evoke the blade again as a bon u s action.
Range: 120 feet You can use your action to m ake a m elee spell
Components: V, S attack w ith the fiery blade. On a hit, the target takes
Duration: Instantaneous 3d6 fire dam age.
The flam ing blade sheds bright light in a 10-foot
You hurl a m ote o f fire at a creature or object w ithin radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
range. M ake a ranged spell attack against the A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire dam age. A spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age in creases by
flam m able object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being 1d6 for every tw o slot levels above 2nd.
w orn or carried.
This sp ell’s dam age in crea ses by 1d10 w hen you reach Fl a m e St r ik e
5th level (2 d10), 11th level (3 d10), and 17th level (4 d10). 5th-level evocation

Fir e Sh ie l d
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 6 0 feet
4th-level evocation
Components: V, S, M (pinch o f sulfur)
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: S e lf
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f ph osph oru s or a firefly) A vertical colu m n o f divine fire roars dow n from the
Duration: 10 m inutes heavens in a location you specify. E ach creature in
a 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-h igh cylinder centered on a
Thin and w ispy flam es w reathe your b od y for the point w ithin range m ust m ake a Dexterity saving throw.
duration, sh edding bright light in a 10-foot radius and A creature takes 4 d 6 fire dam age and 4 d 6 radiant
dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end the spell dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a
early by using an action to dism iss it. su ccessfu l one.
T he flam es p rovide you with a w arm shield or a chill A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
shield, as you c h oose. The w arm shield grants you spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the fire dam age or the
resistan ce to cold dam age, and the chill shield grants radiant dam age (your ch oice) in creases by 1d6 for each
you resistan ce to fire dam age. slot level above 5th.
In addition, w henever a creature w ithin 5 feet o f you
hits you with a m elee attack, the shield erupts with Fl a m in g Sp h e r e
flame. T h e attacker takes 2d8 fire dam age from a w arm 2 nd-level conjuration
shield, or 2d8 cold dam age from a cold shield.
Casting Time: 1 action
Fir e St o r m
Range: 6 0 feet
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f tallow, a pinch o f
7th-level evocation
brim stone, and a dusting o f p ow dered iron)
Casting Tim e: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S A 5-foot-diam eter sphere o f fire appears in an
Duration: Instantaneous u n occu p ied sp ace o f your ch oice w ithin range and lasts
for the duration. Any creature that ends its turn w ithin 5
A storm m ade up o f sheets o f roaring flam e appears feet o f the sphere m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw.
in a location you c h o o s e w ithin range. The area o f the T h e creature takes 2d6 fire dam age on a failed save, or
storm con sists o f up to ten 10-foot cubes, w hich you can h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
arrange as you w ish. Each cube must have at least one A s a bon u s action, you can m ove the sphere up to 30
face adjacent to the face o f another cube. E ach creature feet. If you ram the sphere into a creature, that creature
in the area must m ake a D exterity saving throw. It m ust m ake the saving th row against the sp here’s
takes 7d10 fire dam age on a failed save, or h alf as much dam age, and the sphere stops m ovin g this turn.
dam age on a su ccessfu l one. W h en you m ove the sphere, you can direct it over
The fire dam ages objects in the area and ignites barriers up to 5 feet tall and ju m p it a cro ss pits up to
flam m able objects that aren't being w orn or carried. 10 feet w ide. The sphere ignites flam m able ob jects not
If you c h oose, plant life in the area is unaffected being w orn or carried, and it sh eds bright light in a
by this spell. 20 -foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a Fo r b id d a n c e
spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age in creases by 6 th-level abjuration (ritual)
1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.
Casting Tim e: 10 minutes
Fl e sh t o St o n e Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a sp rinkling o f holy water, rare
6 th-level transmutation
in cen se, and p ow d ered ruby w orth at least 1,000 gp)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 day
Range: 60 feet
Com ponents: V, S , M (a pinch o f lim e, water, and earth) You create a w ard against m agical travel that protects
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute up to 4 0 ,0 0 0 square feet o f floor sp ace to a height o f 30
feet above the floor. F or the duration, creatu res ca n ’t
You attempt to turn on e creature that you can see within teleport into the area or u se portals, such as th ose
range into stone. If the target’s b od y is m ade o f flesh, the
created by the gate spell, to enter the area. T h e spell
creature m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. On a p roofs the area against planar travel, and therefore
failed save, it is restrained as its flesh begins to harden. prevents creatu res from a ccessin g the area by w ay o f
On a su ccessfu l save, the creature isn’t affected.
the Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, Feywild, Shadow fell,
A creature restrained by this sp ell must m ake another or the plane shift spell.
Constitution saving th row at the end o f each o f its turns. In addition, the spell dam ages types o f creatu res that
If it su ccessfu lly saves against this spell three tim es, the
you c h o o s e w hen you cast it. C h oose one or m ore o f the
spell ends. If it fails its saves three tim es, it is turned
follow ing: celestials, elem entals, fey, fiends, and undead.
to stone and su bjected to the petrified condition for the W h en a ch osen creature enters the sp ell’s area for the
duration. T h e su cce s se s and failures don’t need to be
first tim e on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature
consecutive; keep track o f both until the target collects
takes 5 d10 radiant or n ecrotic dam age (your ch oice
three o f a kind.
w hen you cast this spell).
If the creature is physically broken w hile petrified,
W h en you cast this spell, you can designate a
it suffers from sim ilar deform ities if it reverts to its passw ord. A creature that sp eak s the pa ssw ord as it
original state.
enters the area takes no dam age from the spell.
If you m aintain your concentration on this spell for the The sp ell’s area can't overlap w ith the area o f another
entire p ossib le duration, the creature is turned to stone
forbiddance spell. If you cast forbiddance every day for
until the effect is rem oved.
30 days in the sam e location, the spell lasts until it is
dispelled, and the m aterial com pon en ts are con su m ed
Fl y
on the last casting.
3rd-level transmutation
Casting Tim e: 1 action Fo r c e c a g e
Range: Touch 7th-level evocation
Components: V, S, M (a w in g feather from any bird)
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes Range: 100 feet
You touch a w illin g creature. The target gains a flying Components: V, S, M (ruby dust w orth 1,500 gp)
sp eed o f 60 feet for the duration. W h en the spell ends, Duration: 1 hour
the target falls if it is still aloft, u n less it ca n stop the fall.
An im m obile, invisible, cu b e-sh aped prison co m p o s e d o f
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using m agical force sprin gs into existence around an area you
a sp ell slot o f 4th level or higher, you can target one
c h o o s e within range. The prison can be a cage or a solid
additional creature for each slot level above 3rd. box, as you ch oose.
A prison in the sh ape o f a cage can b e up to 20 feet on
Fo g C l o u d
a side and is m ade from 1/2-inch diam eter bars sp aced
1st-level conjuration
1/2 inch apart.
Casting Tim e: 1 action A prison in the sh ape o f a b ox can be up to 10 feet on
Range: 120 feet a side, creating a solid barrier that prevents any matter
Com ponents: V, S from passing through it and block in g any sp ells cast into
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour or out from the area.
You create a 20-foot-radius sphere o f fog centered on a W h en you cast the spell, any creature that is
point w ithin range. The sphere sp rea ds around corn ers, com pletely inside the cag e's area is trapped. Creatures
and its area is heavily obscu red . It lasts for the duration only partially w ithin the area, or th ose too large to fit
or until a w in d o f m oderate or greater sp eed (at least 10 inside the area, are pushed away from the center o f the
m iles per hour) d isp erses it. area until they are com pletely outside the area.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a A creature inside the cage c a n ’t leave it by n onm agical
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the radius o f the fog m eans. If the creature tries to use teleportation or
in creases by 20 feet for each slot level above 1st. interplanar travel to leave the cage, it m ust first m ake a
C harism a saving throw. On a su ccess, the creature can
use that m agic to exit the cage. On a failure, the creature Components: V, S, M (a bit o f gauze and a
can't exit the cage and w astes the u se o f the spell or w isp o f sm oke)
effect. The cage also extends into the E thereal Plane, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
block in g ethereal travel.
You transform a w illing creature you touch, along with
This spell ca n ’t be dispelled by dispel magic.
everything it’s w earin g and carrying, into a m isty cloud
Fo r e s ig h t
for the duration. The spell ends if the creature d rop s to
0 hit points. An in corp orea l creature isn’t affected.
9th-level divination
W h ile in this form , the target’s only m ethod of
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute m ovem ent is a flying sp eed o f 10 feet. T h e target can
Range: Touch enter and occu p y the sp ace o f another creature. The
Components: V, S, M (a h um m ingbird feather) target has resistan ce to n onm agical dam age, and it has
Duration: 8 hours advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
You touch a w illing creature and bestow a lim ited ability saving throw s. T h e target can pa ss through sm all holes,
to see into the im m ediate future. For the duration, the n arrow open in gs, and even m ere cracks, though it treats
target ca n ’t be su rprised and has advantage on attack liquids as though they w ere solid su rfaces. T h e target
rolls, ability ch ecks, and saving throw s. Additionally, can't fall and rem ains h overing in the air even w hen
other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls stunned or oth erw ise incapacitated.
against the target for the duration. W h ile in the form o f a m isty cloud, the target ca n ’t talk
T h is spell im m ediately ends if you cast it again before or m anipulate objects, and any objects it w as carryin g or
its duration ends. h olding ca n ’t be dropped, used, or oth erw ise interacted
with. The target can ’t attack or cast spells.
Fr e e d o m o f M o v e m e n t
4th-level abjuration Ga t e
9th-level conjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: Touch Casting Tim e: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a leather strap, bou n d around the Range: 60 feet
arm or a sim ilar appendage) Components: V, S, M (a diam ond w orth at least 5,0 0 0 gp)
Duration: 1 hour Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute

You touch a w illing creature. For the duration, the You conjure a portal linking an u n occu p ied sp ace you
target’s m ovem ent is unaffected by difficult terrain, and can see w ithin range to a p recise location on a different
sp ells and other m agical effects can neither reduce plane o f existence. The portal is a circu lar opening,
the target’s sp eed nor cau se the target to b e paralyzed w h ich you can m ake 5 to 20 feet in diameter. You can
or restrained. orient the portal in any d irection you ch o o s e . T h e portal
The target can also sp en d 5 feet o f m ovem ent to lasts for the duration.
autom atically esca p e from n onm agical restraints, such The portal has a front and a ba ck on each plane w here
as m anacles or a creature that has it grappled. Finally, it appears. Travel through the portal is p ossib le only
bein g underw ater im p oses no penalties on the target's by m ovin g through its front. A nything that d o e s so is
m ovem ent or attacks. instantly transported to the other plane, appearing in
the u n occu p ied sp ace nearest to the portal.
Fr ie n d s D eities and other planar rulers can prevent portals
Enchantment cantrip created by this spell from open in g in their p resen ce or
Casting Tim e: 1 action anyw here w ithin their dom ains.
Range: S e lf W h en you cast this spell, you can sp eak the nam e
Components: S, M (a sm all am ount o f m akeup applied o f a sp ecific creature (a pseudonym , title, or nicknam e
to the face as this spell is cast) d oesn ’t w ork). If that creature is on a plane other than
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the on e you are on, the portal op en s in the nam ed
creatu re’s im m ediate vicinity and draw s the creature
F or the duration, you have advantage on all Charism a through it to the nearest u n occu p ied sp ace on your side
ch eck s directed at on e creature o f your ch oice that isn’t o f the portal. You gain no special p ow er over the creature,
hostile tow ard you. W h en the spell ends, the creature and it is free to act as the DM deem s appropriate. It
realizes that you u sed m agic to influence its m o o d m ight leave, attack you, or help you.
and b e c o m e s hostile tow ard you. A creature prone
to violen ce m ight attack you. A n oth er creature might G e as
seek retribution in other w ays (at the D M ’s discretion), 5th-level enchantment
depen din g on the nature o f your interaction w ith it.
Casting Tim e: 1 minute
G a s e o u s Fo r m
Range: 6 0 feet
Components: V
3rd-level transmutation
Duration: 30 days
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch You place a m agical com m a n d on a creature that you
ca n see w ithin range, forcin g it to ca rry out som e
serv ice or refrain from som e action or co u rse o f activity G l ib n e s s
as you decide. If the creature can understand you, it 8 th-level transmutation
m ust su cce e d on a W isd om saving th row o r b e c o m e
Casting Tim e: 1 action
ch arm ed by you for the duration. W h ile the creature
Range: S elf
is charm ed by you, it takes 5 d10 psychic dam age
Components: V
each tim e it acts in a m ann er d irectly coun ter to your
Duration: 1 hour
instructions, but no m ore than on ce each day. A creature
that can't understand you is unaffected by the spell. Until the spell ends, w hen you m ake a C harism a
You can issue any c om m a n d you ch oose, sh ort o f an check, you can replace the num ber you roll w ith a 15.
activity that w ou ld result in certain death. S h ou ld you Additionally, no m atter w hat you say, m agic that w ould
issu e a suicidal com m a n d , the spell ends. determ ine if you are telling the truth indicates that you
You can end the spell early by usin g an action to are being truthful.
d ism iss it. A rem ove curse, greater restoration, or wish
sp ell also ends it. G l o b e o f In v u l n e r a b il it y

A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using 6 th-level abjuration

a spell slot o f 7th or 8th level, the duration is 1 year. Casting Tim e: 1 action
W h en you cast this spell using a spell slot o f 9th level, Range: S e lf (10-foot radius)
the spell lasts until it is ended by on e o f the spells Components: V, S, M (a glass or crystal bead that
m entioned above. shatters w hen the spell ends)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
G e n t l e R e po se
A n im m obile, faintly sh im m erin g barrier springs into
2 nd-level necrom ancy (ritual)
existence in a 10-foot radius around you and rem ains for
Casting Tim e: 1 action the duration.
Range: Touch A ny spell o f 5th level or low er cast from outside the
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f salt and on e cop p er barrier can't affect creatu res or ob jects w ithin it, even
p iece p la ced on each o f the c o r p s e ’s eyes, w h ich must if the spell is cast using a h igher level spell slot. S u ch a
rem ain there for the duration) spell can target creatu res and objects w ithin the barrier,
Duration: 10 days
but the spell has no effect on them. Similarly, the area
You touch a c o rp s e or other rem ains. For the w ithin the barrier is exclu ded from the areas affected
duration, the target is protected from decay and ca n ’t by such spells.
b e c o m e undead. A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
The spell also effectively extends the tim e lim it on sp ell slot o f 7th level or higher, the barrier block s spells
raising the target from the dead, sin ce days spent under o f on e level higher for each slot level above 6th.
the influence o f this spell d on ’t coun t against the time
limit o f spells such as raise dead. G l y ph o f Wa r d in g
3rd-level abjuration
G ia n t In s e c t
Casting Tim e: 1 hour
4th-level transmutation Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (in cen se and p ow d ered diam ond
Range: 30 feet w orth at least 2 0 0 gp, w h ich the spell con su m es)
Components: V, S Duration: Until dispelled or triggered
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes W h en you cast this spell, you in scribe a glyph that
You transform up to ten centipedes, three spiders, five harm s other creatures, either upon a su rface (such as
w asps, or on e scorp ion w ithin range into giant versions a table or a section o f floor or w all) or w ithin an object
o f their natural form s for the duration. A centipede that can b e c lo s e d (such as a book, a scroll, or a treasure
b e c o m e s a giant centipede, a spider b e c o m e s a giant chest) to con cea l the glyph. If you c h o o s e a surface, the
spider, a w asp b e c o m e s a giant w asp, and a scorp ion glyph can cover an area o f the su rface no larger than
b e c o m e s a giant scorpion . 10 feet in diameter. If you c h o o s e an object, that object
E ach creature obey s your verbal com m a n d s, and m ust rem ain in its place; if the ob ject is m oved m ore
in com bat, they act on your turn each round. The DM than 10 feet from w here you cast this spell, the glyph is
has the statistics for th ese creatu res and resolves their broken, and the spell en ds w ithout being triggered.
actions and m ovem ent. T he glyph is nearly invisible and requ ires a su ccessfu l
A creature rem ains in its giant size for the duration, Intelligence (Investigation) ch e ck against your spell save
until it d rops to 0 hit points, or until you u se an action to D C to be found.
dism iss the effect on it. You decide w hat triggers the glyph w h en you cast
The DM m ight allow you to c h o o s e different targets. the spell. For glyphs in scribed on a surface, the m ost
F or exam ple, if you tran sform a bee, its giant version typical triggers include touching or standing on the
m ight have the sam e statistics as a giant w asp. glyph, rem oving another object coverin g the glyph,
approach in g w ithin a certain distance o f the glyph, or
m anipulating the object on w h ich the glyph is in scribed.
For glyphs in scribed w ithin an object, the m ost com m on
triggers include open in g that object, approaching w ithin You conjure a vine that sprouts from the grou nd in an
a certain distance o f the object, or seein g or readin g the u n occu p ied sp ace o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin
glyph. O n ce a glyph is triggered, this spell ends. range. W h en you cast this spell, you can direct the vine
You can further refine the trigger s o the spell activates to lash out at a creature w ithin 30 feet o f it that you can
only under certain circu m stan ces or a ccord in g to see. That creature m ust s u cce e d on a Dexterity saving
physical characteristics (such as height or weight), th row o r b e pulled 20 feet directly tow ard the vine.
creature kind (for exam ple, the w ard cou ld be set to Until the spell ends, you can direct the vine to lash out
affect aberrations or drow), or alignm ent. You can also at the sam e creature or another on e as a bon u s action
set condition s for creatu res that don ’t trigger the glyph, on each o f your turns.
such as th ose w h o say a certain passw ord.
W h en you in scribe the glyph, c h o o s e explosive runes G r e a se

or a spell glyph. 1st-level conjuration

E xplosive R unes. W h en triggered, the glyph erupts Casting Time: 1 action
with m agical energy in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered Range: 60 feet
on the glyph. T h e sphere spreads around corn ers. Each Components: V, S, M (a bit o f pork rind or butter)
creature in the area must m ake a Dexterity saving Duration: 1 m inute
throw. A creature takes 5d8 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
Slick grease covers the ground in a 10-foot square
thunder dam age on a failed saving throw (your ch oice
centered on a point w ithin range and turns it into
w hen you create the glyph), or h alf as m uch dam age on a
difficult terrain for the duration.
su ccessfu l one.
W h en the grea se appears, each creature standing in
S pell Glyph. You can store a prepared spell o f
its area must su cce e d on a D exterity saving th row or fall
3rd level or low er in the glyph by castin g it as part
prone. A creature that enters the area or ends its turn
o f creating the glyph. The spell must target a single
there must also su cce e d on a D exterity saving throw
creature or an area. The spell b ein g stored has no
or fall prone.
im m ediate effect w hen cast in this way. W h en the glyph
is triggered, the stored spell is cast. If the spell has a
G r e a t e r In v is ib il it y
target, it targets the creature that triggered the glyph.
4th-level illusion
If the spell affects an area, the area is centered on
that creature. If the spell su m m on s h ostile creatures Casting Tim e: 1 action
or creates harm ful objects or traps, they appear as Range: Touch
clo se as p ossib le to the intruder and attack it. If the Components: V, S
spell requ ires concentration, it lasts until the end o f its Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
full duration. Y ou or a creature you touch b e c o m e s invisible until the
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using spell ends. A nything the target is w earin g or carryin g is
a spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age o f an invisible as long as it is on the target’s person .
explosive runes glyph in creases by 1d8 for each slot
level above 3rd. If you create a spell glyph, you can store G r e a t e r R e s t o r a t io n
any spell o f up to the sam e level as the slot you use for 5th-level abjuration
the glyph o f warding.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: Touch
G o o d b e r r y
Components: V, S, M (diam ond dust w orth at least 100
1st-level transmutation
gp, w hich the spell con su m es)
Casting Tim e: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
You im bue a creature you touch w ith positive energy to
Components: V, S, M (a sprig o f m istletoe)
undo a debilitating effect. You can reduce the target’s
Duration: Instantaneous
exhaustion level by one, or en d one o f the follow in g
Up to ten berries appear in your hand and are infused effects on the target:
with m agic for the duration. A creature can u se its
• One effect that charm ed or petrified the target
action to eat on e berry. Eating a berry restores 1 hit
• One curse, including the target’s attunem ent to a
point, and the berry provides en ough nourishm ent to
cu rsed m agic item
sustain a creature for on e day.
• Any reduction to on e o f the target’s ability s c o r e s
T he berries lose their potency if they have not been
• O ne effect reducing the target’s hit point m axim um
con su m ed w ithin 24 hours o f the casting o f this spell.

G u a r d ia n o f Fa it h
G r a s pin g V in e
4th-level conjuration
4th-level conjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
Range: 30 feet
Range: 30 feet
Components: V
Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
A Large spectral guardian appears and h overs for the
duration in an u n occu p ied sp ace o f your ch oice that you
can see w ithin range. The guardian occu p ies that sp ace • P la ce a suggestion in on e location. You select an area
and is indistinct except for a gleam ing sw ord and shield o f up to 5 feet square, and any creature that enters
em b lazon ed with the sym bol o f your deity. or p a sses through the area receives the su ggestion
Any creature hostile to you that m oves to a sp ace mentally.
within 10 feet o f the guardian for the first tim e on a
T h e w hole w arded area radiates m agic. A dispel
turn m ust su cce e d on a D exterity saving throw. The
magic cast on a sp ecific effect, if su ccessfu l, rem oves
creature takes 20 radiant dam age on a failed save, or
only that effect.
h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one. The guardian
You can create a perm anently guarded and w arded
vanishes w hen it has dealt a total o f 60 dam age.
structure by casting this spell there every day
for one year.
G u a r d s a n d Wa r d s
6 th-level abjuration
G u id a n c e
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes Divination cantrip
Range: Touch
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (burning in cen se, a sm all
Range: Touch
m easu re o f brim ston e and oil, a knotted string, a
Components: V, S
sm all am ount o f um ber hulk blood, and a sm all silver
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
rod w orth at least 10 gp)
Duration: 24 hours You touch one w illin g creature. O n ce b efore the spell
ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the num ber rolled
You create a w ard that protects up to 2 ,5 0 0 square feet
to one ability ch eck o f its ch oice. It can roll the die before
o f floor sp a ce (an area 50 feet square, or on e hundred
or after m aking the ability check. T h e spell then ends.
5-foot squares or twenty-five 10-foot squares). The
w arded area can be up to 20 feet tall, and shaped as you G u id in g Bo l t
desire. You can w ard several stories o f a stron ghold by 1st-level evocation
dividing the area am ong them, as long as you can w alk
Casting Time: 1 action
into each contigu ou s area w hile you are casting the spell.
Range: 120 feet
W h en you cast this spell, you can sp ecify individuals
Components: V, S
that are unaffected by any or all o f the effects that
Duration: 1 round
you ch o o s e . You can also sp ecify a pa ssw ord that,
w hen sp oken aloud, m akes the speaker im m une to A flash o f light streaks tow ard a creature o f your ch oice
these effects. w ithin range. M ake a ranged spell attack against the
Guards and wards creates the follow in g effects w ithin target. On a hit, the target takes 4d 6 radiant dam age,
the w arded area. and the next attack roll m ade against this target before
Corridors. F og fills all the w arded corridors, m aking the end o f your next turn has advantage, thanks to the
them heavily ob scu red. In addition, at each intersection m ystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
or bran chin g p a ssa ge offering a ch oice o f direction, A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
there is a 50 percen t ch a n ce that a creature other than spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
you w ill believe it is going in the opposite direction from 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
the on e it ch ooses.
D oors. A ll d oors in the w arded area are m agically G u s t o f W in d

locked, as if sealed by an arcane lock spell. In addition, 2 nd-level evocation

you can cover up to ten d oors with an illusion (equivalent Casting Time: 1 action
to the illusory object function o f the minor illusion spell) Range: S e lf (60-foot line)
to m ake them appear as plain section s o f wall. Components: V, S, M (a legum e seed )
Stairs. W eb s fill all stairs in the w arded area from top Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
to bottom , as the web spell. T h ese strands regrow in 10
A line o f stron g w in d 60 feet long and 10 feet w ide
m inutes if they are burned or torn away w hile guards
blasts from you in a direction you c h o o s e for the sp ell’s
and wards lasts.
duration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line
O ther S pell E ffect. You can place your ch oice o f one
must s u cce e d on a Strength saving th row or be pushed
o f the follow in g m agical effects w ithin the w arded area
15 feet away from you in a direction follow in g the line.
o f the stronghold.
A ny creature in the line must sp end 2 feet o f
• P la ce dancing lights in four corridors. You can desig m ovem ent for every 1 foot it m oves w hen m oving
nate a sim ple program that the lights repeat as long as c loser to you.
guards and wards lasts. The gust d isp erses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes
• P la ce magic mouth in tw o locations. can dles, torches, and sim ilar u nprotected flam es in
• P la ce stinking cloud in tw o locations. T h e vapors the area. It cau ses protected flam es, such as th ose o f
appear in the p la ces you designate; they return w ithin lanterns, to dance w ildly and has a 50 percent ch a n ce to
10 m inutes if disp ersed by w in d w hile guards and extinguish them.
wards lasts. A s a bon u s action on each o f your turns before the
• P la ce a constant gust o f wind in on e corrid or or room . spell ends, you can change the direction in w hich the
line blasts from you.
H a il o f T h o r n s Energy Vulnerability. A ffected creatures in the area
1st-level conjuration have vulnerability to one dam age type o f your choice,
except for bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
Everlasting Rest. D ead b o d ie s interred in the area
Range: S e lf
c a n ’t be turned into undead.
Components: V
Extradimensional Interference. A ffected creatures
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
ca n ’t m ove or travel using teleportation or by
T h e next tim e you hit a creature w ith a ranged w eapon extradim ensional or interplanar m eans.
attack before the spell ends, this spell creates a rain Fear. A ffected creatures are frightened
o f thorns that sprouts from your ranged w eap on or w hile in the area.
am m unition. In addition to the n orm al effect o f the Silence. N o sou n d ca n em anate from w ithin the area,
attack, the target o f the attack and each creature w ithin and no sou n d can reach into it.
5 feet o f it m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw. A Tongues. A ffected creatures can com m u n icate with
creature takes 1dlO piercin g dam age on a failed save, or any other creature in the area, even if they d on ’t share a
h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one. c o m m o n language.
A t Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by 1d10 H a l l u c in a t o r y T e r r a in

for each slot level above 1st (to a m axim um o f 6 d10). 4th-level illusion
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes
H a l l o w
Range: 3 0 0 feet
5th-level evocation
Components: V, S, M (a stone, a tw ig, and a bit
Casting Tim e: 24 hours o f green plant)
Range: Touch Duration: 24 hours
Com ponents: V, S, M (herbs, oils, and in cen se w orth at
You m ake natural terrain in a 150-foot cube in range
least 1,0 00 gp, w hich the spell con su m es)
look, sound, and sm ell like som e other sort o f natural
Duration: Until dispelled
terrain. Thus, open fields or a road can be m ade to
You touch a point and infuse an area around it w ith holy resem b le a sw am p, hill, crevasse, or som e other difficult
(or unholy) pow er. The area can have a radius up to 60 or im passable terrain. A p on d can be m ade to seem
feet, and the spell fails if the radius includes an area like a grassy m eadow , a p recipice like a gentle slope,
already under the effect a hallow spell. T h e affected area or a rock-strew n gully like a w ide and sm ooth road.
is su bject to the follow in g effects. M anufactured structures, equipm ent, and creatures
First, celestials, elem entals, fey, fiends, and undead w ithin the area aren’t changed in appearance.
ca n ’t enter the area, nor can such creatures charm , Th e tactile characteristics o f the terrain are
frighten, or p o s s e s s creatu res w ithin it. Any creature u nchanged, s o creatures entering the area are likely to
charm ed, frightened, or p o s s e s s e d by such a creature s ee through the illusion. If the difference isn’t obviou s
is no longer charm ed, frightened, or p o s se ss e d upon by touch, a creature carefully exam inin g the illusion can
entering the area. You can exclude on e or m ore o f those attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) ch eck against
types o f creatu res from this effect. your spell save D C to disbelieve it. A creature w ho
S econ d , you can bind an extra effect to the area. discern s the illusion for w hat it is, s e e s it as a vague
C h o o se the effect from the follow in g list, or c h o o s e an im age su p erim p osed on the terrain.
effect offered by the DM. S o m e o f these effects apply to
creatu res in the area; you can designate w hether the H a r m

effect applies to all creatures, creatures that follow a 6 th-level necromancy

sp ecific deity or leader, or creatures o f a sp ecific sort, Casting Tim e: 1 action
such as ores or trolls. W h en a creature that w ou ld be Range: 60 feet
affected enters the sp ell’s area for the first tim e on a Components: V, S
turn or starts its turn there, it can m ake a Charism a Duration: Instantaneous
saving throw. O n a su cce s s, the creature ignores the
extra effect until it leaves the area. You unleash a virulent d isease on a creature that
Courage. A ffected creatu res ca n ’t be frightened you can see w ithin range. The target must m ake a
w hile in the area. Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes
Darkness. D arkness fills the area. N orm al light, 14d6 n ecrotic dam age, or h alf as m uch dam age on a
as w ell as m agical light created by spells o f a low er su ccessfu l save. The dam age ca n ’t reduce the target’s
hit points below 1. If the target fails the saving throw,
level than the slot you u sed to cast this spell, ca n ’t
illum inate the area. its hit point m axim um is reduced for 1 hour by an
Daylight. Bright light fills the area. M agical darkness am ount equal to the n ecrotic dam age it took. Any effect
created by sp ells o f a low er level than the slot you used that rem oves a d isease allow s a creatu re’s hit point
to cast this spell ca n ’t extinguish the light. m axim um to return to n orm al b efore that tim e pa sses.
Energy Protection. A ffected creatu res in the area
have resistan ce to on e dam age type o f your choice,
except for bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
H a s t e If a creature is h oldin g or w earin g the object and
3rd-level transmutation takes the dam age from it, the creature m ust s u cce e d on
a Constitution saving th row or drop the object if it can. If
Casting Tim e: 1 action
it d oesn ’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack
Range: 30 feet
rolls and ability ch eck s until the start o f your next turn.
Components: V, S, M (a shaving o f licorice root)
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
C h oose a w illing creature that you can see w ithin range. 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
Until the spell ends, the target’s sp eed is doubled, it
gains a +2 bon u s to AC, it h as advantage on Dexterity H e l l is h R e b u k e

saving throw s, and it gains an additional action on each 1st-level evocation

o f its turns. That action can b e u sed only to take the Casting Tim e: 1 reaction, w hich you take in resp on se
A ttack (one w eap on attack only), Dash, D isengage, Hide, to being dam aged by a creature w ithin 60 feet o f you
or U se an O bject action. that you can see
W h en the spell ends, the target ca n ’t m ove or take Range: 60 feet
actions until after its next turn, as a wave o f lethargy Components: V, S
sw eep s over it. Duration: Instantaneous

H e a l You point your finger, and the creature that dam aged
6 th-level evocation you is m om entarily su rrou nded by hellish flam es. The
creature must m ake a D exterity saving throw. It takes
Casting Tim e: 1 action
2 d10 fire dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch
Range: 6 0 feet
dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
Components: V, S
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Duration: Instantaneous
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
C h o o se a creature that you can see within range. A 1dlO for each slot level above 1st.
surge o f positive en ergy w ash es through the creature,
causing it to regain 70 hit points. This spell also ends H e r o e s ’ Fe a s t
blin dness, deafness, and any d iseases affecting the 6 th-level conjuration
target. T h is spell has no effect on con stru cts or undead. Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a Range: 30 feet
spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the am ount o f healing Components: V, S , M (a gem -en crusted bow l w orth at
in creases by 10 for each slot level above 6th. least 1,0 00 gp, w h ich the spell con su m es)
Duration: Instantaneous
H e a l in g W o r d
1st-level evocation You bring forth a great feast, including m agnificent
fo o d and drink. T h e feast takes 1 hour to con su m e and
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
disappears at the end o f that time, and the beneficial
Range: 6 0 feet
effects d on ’t set in until this hour is over. Up to twelve
Components: V
other creatu res can partake o f the feast.
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature that partakes o f the feast gains several
A creature o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin range benefits. The creature is cu red o f all d isea ses and
regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting p oison , b e c o m e s im m une to p oison and being
ability m odifier. T h is spell h as no effect on undead frightened, and m akes all W isd om saving throw s with
or constructs. advantage. Its hit point m axim u m also in creases by
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a 2d 1 0 , and it gains the sam e num ber o f hit points. T h ese
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the healing in crea ses by benefits last for 24 hours.
1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
H e r o is m
H e a t M e t a l 1st-level enchantment
2 nd-level transmutation
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Casting Tim e: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: 6 0 feet Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M (a p iece o f iron and a flame) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
A w illing creature you touch is im bued with bravery.
C h o ose a m anufactured m etal object, such as a metal Until the spell ends, the creature is im m une to being
w eap on or a suit o f heavy or m edium m etal armor, that frightened and gains tem porary hit points equal to
you can see w ithin range. You cau se the object to glow your sp ellcastin g ability m odifier at the start o f each
red-hot. A ny creature in physical contact w ith the object o f its turns. W h en the spell ends, the target loses any
takes 2d 8 fire dam age w hen you cast the spell. Until the rem ainin g tem porary hit points from this spell.
spell ends, you can use a bon u s action on each o f your
subsequent turns to cau se this dam age again.
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using H o l y A u r a
a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can target one 8 th-level abjuration
additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
H e x
Range: S e lf
Components: V, S, M (a tiny reliquary w orth at least
1st-level enchantment
1,0 00 gp contain in g a sa cred relic, such as a scrap o f
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action cloth from a saint’s robe or a p iece o f parchm ent from
Range: 9 0 feet a religious text)
Components: V, S, M (the petrified eye o f a newt) Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
D ivine light w ash es out from you and c o a le s ce s
You place a cu rse on a creature that you can see w ithin in a soft radiance in a 30 -foot radius around you.
range. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 Creatures o f your ch oice in that radius w hen you cast
n ecrotic dam age to the target w hen ever you hit it with this spell shed dim light in a 5-foot radius and have
an attack. A lso, c h o o s e on e ability w h en you cast the advantage on all saving throw s, and other creatures
spell. The target has disadvantage on ability ch eck s have disadvantage on attack rolls against them until
m ade w ith the ch osen ability. the spell ends. In addition, w hen a fiend or an undead
If the target d rop s to 0 hit points b efore this spell hits an affected creature w ith a m elee attack, the aura
ends, y ou ca n u se a bon u s action on a subsequent turn flashes w ith brilliant light. The attacker m ust s u cce e d
o f yours to cu rse a n ew creature. on a Constitution saving th row or be blinded until
A rem ove curse cast on the target ends this spell early. the spell ends.
A t Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
a spell slot o f 3rd or 4th level, you can m aintain your H u n g e r o f H a d a r
concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. W h en you 3rd-level conjuration
u se a spell slot o f 5th level or higher, you can maintain
Casting Time: 1 action
your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.
Range: 150 feet
H o l d M o n s t e r
Components: V, S, M (a pickled octop u s tentacle)
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
5th-level enchantment
Casting Tim e: 1 action You open a gateway to the dark b etw een the stars, a
Range: 90 feet region infested w ith u nkn ow n h orrors. A 20-foot-radius
Com ponents: V, S, M (a sm all, straight piece o f iron) sphere o f black n ess and bitter cold appears, centered
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute on a point w ith range and lasting for the duration. This
void is filled with a ca cop h on y o f soft w h ispers and
C h o o se a creature that you can see w ithin range. The slurping n oises that can b e heard up to 30 feet away. No
target m ust s u cce e d on a W isd om saving th row or be light, m agical or oth erw ise, can illum inate the area, and
paralyzed for the duration. T h is spell has no effect on creatures fully w ithin the area are blinded.
undead. At the end o f each o f its turns, the target can The void creates a w arp in the fabric o f space, and the
m ake another W isd om saving throw. O n a su ccess, the area is difficult terrain. A ny creature that starts its turn
spell ends on the target. in the area takes 2d6 cold dam age. A ny creature that
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using en ds its turn in the area m ust s u c ce e d on a Dexterity
a spell slot o f 6th level or higher, you can target one saving th row or take 2d 6 acid dam age as milky,
additional creature for each slot level above 5th. T h e oth erw orldly tentacles rub against it.
creatu res m ust be w ithin 30 feet o f each other w hen
you target them. H u n t e r ’s M a r k
1st-level divination
H o l d Pe r s o n
Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
2 nd-level enchantment
Range: 90 feet
Casting Tim e: 1 action Components: V
Range: 60 feet Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (a sm all, straight p iece o f iron)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute You c h o o s e a creature you can see w ithin range and
m ystically m ark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends,
C h o o se a hum anoid that you can see w ithin range. you deal an extra 1d6 dam age to the target w henever
T h e target m ust s u cce e d on a W isd om saving throw you hit it w ith a w eap on attack, and you have advantage
or b e paralyzed for the duration. At the end o f each o f on any W isd om (P erception ) or W isd om (Survival)
its turns, the target can m ake another W isd om saving ch eck you m ake to find it. If the target d rops to 0 hit
throw. On a su ccess, the spell ends on the target. poin ts before this spell ends, you can use a bon u s action
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using on a subsequent turn o f yours to m ark a n ew creature.
a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, you can target one At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
additional h um anoid for each slot level above 2nd. The a spell slot o f 3rd or 4th level, you can m aintain your
hum an oids m ust be w ithin 30 feet o f each other w hen concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. W h en you
you target them. use a spell slot o f 5th level or higher, you can maintain
your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.
Hy pn o t ic Pa t t e r n Components: S , M (a lead-based ink w orth at least 10
3rd-level illusion gp, w hich the spell con su m es)
Duration: 10 days
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet You w rite on parchm ent, paper, or som e other suitable
Components: S, M (a glow ing stick o f in cen se or a w riting material and im bue it with a potent illusion that
crystal vial filled w ith p h osph orescen t material) lasts for the duration.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute To you and any creatu res you designate w hen you
cast the spell, the w riting appears norm al, written in
You create a tw isting pattern o f colors that w eaves
your hand, and conveys w hatever m eaning you intended
through the air inside a 30 -foot cu b e w ithin range.
w hen you w rote the text. To all others, the w riting
Th e pattern appears for a m om ent and vanishes. E ach
appears as if it w ere w ritten in an u nkn ow n or m agical
creature in the area w h o se e s the pattern m ust m ake
script that is unintelligible. Alternatively, you can cau se
a W isd om saving throw. O n a failed save, the creature
the w riting to appear to be an entirely different m essage,
b e c o m e s charm ed for the duration. W h ile charm ed
written in a different hand and language, though the
by this spell, the creature is incapacitated and has
language must b e on e you know.
a sp eed o f 0.
Sh ou ld the spell b e dispelled, the original script and
Th e spell ends for an affected creature if it takes any
the illusion both disappear.
dam age or if som eon e else u ses an action to shake the
A creature with truesight can read the
creature out o f its stupor.
hidden m essage.
Ic e St o r m
Im pr is o n m e n t
4th-level evocation
9th-level abjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
Range: 3 0 0 feet
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f dust and a few
Components: V, S, M (a vellum depiction or a carved
drops o f water)
statuette in the lik en ess o f the target, and a sp ecia l
Duration: Instantaneous
com p on en t that varies accord in g to the version o f the
A hail o f rock-hard ice pou n d s to the ground in a spell you ch oose, w orth at least 5 0 0 gp per Hit D ie
20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a o f the target)
point w ithin range. E ach creature in the cylinder must Duration: Until dispelled
m ake a D exterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d8
You create a m agical restraint to hold a creature that
bludgeon ing dam age and 4 d 6 cold dam age on a failed
you can see w ithin range. T h e target m ust su cce e d on
save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
a W isd om saving th row or be bou n d by the spell; if it
H ailstones turn the storm 's area o f effect into difficult
su cceed s, it is im m u ne to this spell if you cast it again.
terrain until the end o f your next turn.
W h ile affected by this spell, the creature doesn't need
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
to breathe, eat, or drink, and it d oesn ’t age. Divination
spell slot o f 5th level or higher, the bludgeon ing dam age
spells ca n ’t locate or p erceive the target.
in creases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
W h en you cast the spell, you c h o o s e on e o f the
Id e n t if y follow in g form s o f im prisonm ent.
1st-level divination (ritual) Burial. The target is en tom bed far beneath the earth
in a sphere o f m agical force that is ju st large en ough to
Casting Time: 1 m inute
contain the target. N othing can pass through the sphere,
Range: Touch
nor can any creature teleport or u se planar travel to get
Components: V, S, M (a pearl w orth at least 100 gp and
into or out o f it.
an ow l feather)
The sp ecia l com pon en t for this version o f the spell is a
Duration: Instantaneous
sm all mithral orb.
You c h o o s e one ob ject that you must touch throughout Chaining. H eavy chains, firm ly rooted in the ground,
the castin g o f the spell. If it is a m agic item or som e hold the target in place. T h e target is restrained until
other m agic-im bu ed object, you learn its properties the spell ends, and it ca n ’t m ove or be m oved by any
and h ow to use them , w hether it requ ires attunem ent m eans until then.
to use, and h ow m any ch arges it has, if any. You learn Th e sp ecia l com p on en t for this version o f the spell is a
w hether any sp ells are affecting the item and what they fine chain o f preciou s metal.
are. If the item w as created by a spell, you learn w hich H edged Prison. The spell transports the target into
spell created it. a tiny d em iplane that is w arded against teleportation
If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, and planar travel. The dem iplane can be a labyrinth, a
you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it. cage, a tower, or any sim ilar con fin ed structure or area
o f your ch oice.
Il l u s o r y Sc r ipt The sp ecia l com pon en t for this version o f the spell is a
1st-level illusion (ritual) miniature representation o f the prison m ade from jade.
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute M inimus Containm ent. The target sh rin ks to a height
Range: Touch o f 1 inch and is im prison ed inside a gem stone or sim ilar
object. Light can pass through the gem stone norm ally
(allow ing the target to se e out and other creatu res to see
in), but nothing else can pass through, even by m eans o f
teleportation or planar travel. The gem stone ca n ’t be cut
or broken w hile the spell rem ains in effect.
The sp ecial com p on en t for this version o f the spell
is a large, transparent gem stone, such as a corundum ,
diam ond, or ruby.
Slumber. T h e target falls asleep and can ’t be awoken.
T h e sp ecia l com p on en t for this version o f the spell
con sists o f rare sop orific herbs.
Ending the Spell. D uring the casting o f the spell,
in any o f its versions, you can sp ecify a condition that
w ill cau se the spell to end and release the target. The
condition can b e as sp ecific or as elaborate as you
ch oose, but the D M m ust agree that the condition is
reason able and has a likelih ood o f com in g to pass. The
condition s can be ba sed on a creatu re’s nam e, identity,
or deity but oth erw ise m ust be ba sed on observable
actions or qualities and not ba sed on intangibles such as
level, class, or hit points.
A dispel magic spell can end the spell only if it is cast
as a 9th-level spell, targeting either the prison or the
sp ecial com pon en t u sed to create it.
You can use a particular sp ecia l com pon en t to create
only on e prison at a time. If you cast the spell again
using the sam e com pon ent, the target o f the first casting
is im m ediately freed from its binding.

In c e n d ia r y C l o u d
8 th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

A sw irlin g cloud o f sm ok e shot through w ith w hite-hot

em b ers appears in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on
a point w ithin range. T h e cloud spreads around corn ers
and is heavily obscu red . It lasts for the duration or until
a w in d o f m oderate or greater sp eed (at least 10 m iles
per hour) disp erses it.
W h en the cloud appears, each creature in it must
m ake a D exterity saving throw. A creature takes 10d8
fire dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on
a su ccessfu l one. A creature must also m ake this saving
th row w hen it enters the sp ell’s area for the first tim e on
a turn or ends its turn there.
The cloud m oves 10 feet directly away from you
in a direction that you c h o o s e at the start o f each
o f your turns.

In f l ic t W o u n d s
1st-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

M ake a m elee spell attack against a creature you can

reach. On a hit, the target takes 3 d10 n ecrotic dam age.
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell usin g a
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
1d10 for each slot level above 1st.
In s e c t Pl a g u e unbarred. If the object has multiple locks, only one o f
5th-level conjuration them is u nlocked.
If you c h o o s e a target that is held shut w ith arcane
Casting Tim e: 1 action
lock, that spell is su ppressed for 10 m inutes, during
Range: 3 0 0 feet
w h ich tim e the target ca n b e op en ed and shut normally.
Components: V, S, M (a few grains o f sugar, som e
W h en you cast the spell, a loud knock, audible from as
kernels o f grain, and a sm ear o f fat)
far away as 3 0 0 feet, em anates from the target object.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes

Sw arm ing, biting locu sts fill a 20-foot-radius sphere L e g e n d L o r e

centered on a point you c h o o s e w ithin range. T h e sphere 5th-level divination

spreads around corn ers. T h e sphere rem ains for the Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes
duration, and its area is lightly o b scu red. T h e sp h ere’s Range: S e lf
area is difficult terrain. Components: V, S, M (in cen se w orth at least 2 5 0 gp,
W h en the area appears, each creature in it must w hich the spell con su m es, and four ivory strips w orth
m ake a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes at least 50 gp each)
4 d10 piercing dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch Duration: Instantaneous
dam age on a su ccessfu l one. A creature m ust also m ake
this saving th row w hen it enters the sp ell’s area for the N am e or d escrib e a person, place, or object. The spell
first tim e on a turn or ends its turn there. brin gs to your m ind a brief su m m ary o f the significant
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a lore about the thing you nam ed. The lore m ight con sist
spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by o f current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore
1d10 for each slot level above 5th. that has never b een w idely k now n. If the thing you
nam ed isn’t o f legendary im portance, you gain no
In v is ib il it y inform ation. T h e m ore inform ation you already have
2 nd-level illusion about the thing, the m ore p recise and detailed the
inform ation you receive is.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
The inform ation you learn is accurate but m ight be
Range: Touch
cou ch ed in figurative language. F or exam ple, if you
Components: V, S, M (an eyelash en ca sed
have a m ysterious m agic axe on hand, the spell m ight
in gum arabic)
yield this inform ation: “W oe to the evildoer w h o s e hand
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
tou ches the axe, for even the haft slices the hand o f the
A creature you touch b e c o m e s invisible until the spell evil ones. Only a true Child o f Stone, lover and beloved
ends. A nything the target is w earin g or carryin g is o f M oradin, m ay aw aken the true p ow ers o f the axe, and
invisible as long as it is on the target’s person . T h e spell only w ith the sa cred w ord Rudnogg on the lips.”
ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using L e o m u n d ’s Se c r e t C h e s t

a spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, you can target one 4th-level conjuration
additional creature for each slot level above 2nd. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Ju mp
Components: V, S, M (an exquisite chest, 3 feet by 2 feet
1st-level transmutation
by 2 feet, constructed from rare m aterials w orth at
Casting Tim e: 1 action least 5 ,0 0 0 gp, and a Tiny replica m ade from the sam e
Range: Touch m aterials w orth at least 50 gp)
Components: V, S, M (a grassh op p er’s hind leg) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 m inute
You hide a chest, and all its contents, on the E thereal
You touch a creature. The creatu re’s ju m p distance is Plane. You must touch the chest and the m iniature
tripled until the spell ends. replica that serves as a m aterial com pon en t for the spell.
The chest can contain up to 12 cu b ic feet o f nonliving
K n o c k
material (3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet).
2 nd-level transmutation W h ile the chest rem ains on the Ethereal P lane, you
Casting Tim e: 1 action can use an action and touch the replica to recall the
Range: 60 feet chest. It appears in an u n occu p ied sp ace on the ground
Components: V within 5 feet o f you. You can sen d the chest ba ck to the
Duration: Instantaneous Ethereal Plane by using an action and tou chin g both the
chest and the replica.
C h oose an object that you can see w ithin range. The
A fter 60 days, there is a cum ulative 5 percen t ch a n ce
object can be a door, a box, a chest, a set o f m anacles, a
per day that the spell's effect ends. T h is effect en ds if
padlock, or another object that contain s a m undane or
you cast this spell again, if the sm aller replica chest is
m agical m eans that prevents a ccess.
destroyed, or if you c h o o s e to end the spell as an action.
A target that is held shut by a m undane lo ck o r that
If the spell ends and the larger chest is on the Ethereal
is stuck or barred b e c o m e s u nlocked, unstuck, or
Plane, it is irretrievably lost.
Le o m u n d ’s T in y H u t L ig h t
3rd-level evocation (ritual) Evocation cantrip
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: S e lf (10-foot-radius hem isphere) Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a sm all crystal bead) Components: V, M (a firefly or ph osp h orescen t m oss)
Duration: 8 hours Duration: 1 hour

A 10-foot-radius im m obile dom e o f force sprin gs into You touch on e object that is no larger than 10 feet in any
existen ce arou nd and above you and rem ains stationary dim ension. Until the spell ends, the object sh eds bright
for the duration. The spell ends if you leave its area. light in a 20 -foot radius and dim light for an additional
Nine creatures o f M edium size or sm aller can fit inside 20 feet. T h e light can be c olored as you like. Com pletely
the dom e w ith you. T h e spell fails if its area includes a coverin g the object w ith som eth in g opaque b lock s the
larger creature or m ore than nine creatures. Creatures light. T h e spell ends if you cast it again or dism iss it
and objects within the dom e w hen you cast this spell as an action.
can m ove through it freely. A ll other creatures and If you target an ob ject held or w orn by a hostile
objects are barred from passing through it. Sp ells and creature, that creature m ust su cce e d on a Dexterity
other m agical effects ca n ’t extend through the dom e or saving th row to avoid the spell.
be cast through it. The atm osphere inside the sp ace is
com fortable and dry, regardless o f the w eather outside. Lig h t n in g A r r o w

Until the sp ell ends, you can com m a n d the interior to 3rd-level transmutation
b e c o m e dim ly lit or dark. T h e d om e is opaque from the Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
outside, o f any c o lo r you c h oose, but it is transparent Range: S e lf
from the inside. Components: V, S
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
L e sse r R e s t o r a t io n
2 nd-level abjuration T he next tim e you m ake a ranged w ea p on attack during
the sp ell’s duration, the w ea p on ’s am m unition, or the
Casting Tim e: 1 action
w ea p on itself if it’s a throw n w eapon , transform s into
Range: Touch
a bolt o f lightning. M ake the attack roll as norm al. The
Components: V, S
target takes 4d 8 lightning dam age on a hit, or h alf
Duration: Instantaneous
as m uch dam age on a m iss, instead o f the w ea p on ’s
You touch a creature and can end either one d isease or n orm al dam age.
one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, W h eth er you hit or m iss, each creature w ithin 10 feet
deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. o f the target m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw. Each
o f these creatu res takes 2d8 lightning dam age on a
L e v it a t e
failed save, or half as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
2 nd-level transmutation T h e p iece o f am m unition or w ea p on then returns to
Casting Tim e: 1 action its norm al form .
Range: 6 0 feet A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S, M (either a sm all leather loop or a sp ell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age for both
p iece o f golden w ire bent into a cup shape w ith a long effects o f the spell in crea ses by 1d8 for each slot
shank on on e end) level above 3rd.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Lig h t n in g Bo l t
O ne creature or ob ject o f your ch oice that you ca n see 3rd-level evocation
w ithin range rises vertically, up to 20 feet, and rem ains
Casting Tim e: 1 action
su sp ended there for the duration. T he spell can levitate
Range: S e lf (100-foot line)
a target that w eigh s up to 5 0 0 pou nds. A n unw illing
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fur and a rod o f amber,
creature that su c ce e d s on a Constitution saving throw
crystal, or glass)
is unaffected.
Duration: Instantaneous
T he target can m ove only by pu sh in g or pulling
against a fixed object or su rface w ithin reach (such as A stroke o f lightning form in g a line 100 feet lon g and 5
a w all or a ceiling), w h ich allow s it to m ove as if it w ere feet w id e blasts out from you in a direction you c h oose.
clim bing. You can change the target’s altitude by up to E ach creature in the line must m ake a D exterity saving
2 0 feet in either direction on your turn. If you are the throw. A creature takes 8 d 6 lightning dam age on a
target, you can m ove up or dow n as part o f your move. failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
O therw ise, you can u se your action to m ove the target, T h e lightning ignites flam m able ob jects in the area
w h ich m ust rem ain w ithin the sp ell’s range. that aren’t being w orn or carried.
W h en the sp ell ends, the target floats gently to the A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
grou nd if it is still aloft. spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by
1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
L o c a t e A n im a l s o r Pl a n t s A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this sp ell using
2 nd-level divination (ritual) a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: S elf
M a g e A r mo r
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fur from a b loodh ou n d)
1st-level abjuration
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Tim e: 1 action
D e scrib e or nam e a sp ecific kind o f beast or plant. Range: Touch
Concentrating on the v oice o f nature in your
Components: V, S, M (a piece o f cured leather)
su rrou ndings, you learn the direction and distance to Duration: 8 hours
the closest creature or plant o f that kind w ithin 5 m iles,
if any are present. You touch a w illing creature w h o isn’t w earin g armor,
and a protective m agical force su rrou nd s it until the
L o c a t e C r e a t u r e spell ends. T h e target’s b a se AC b e c o m e s 13 + its
4th-level divination Dexterity modifier. T h e spell en ds if the target don s
arm or or if you d ism iss the spell as an action.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: S elf
M a g e H a n d
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fur from a bloodh ou n d)
Conjuration cantrip
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Casting Tim e: 1 action
D escrib e or nam e a creature that is fam iliar to you. You Range: 30 feet
sen se the direction to the creatu re’s location, as lon g as Components: V, S
that creature is w ithin 1,000 feet o f you. If the creature Duration: 1 m inute
is m oving, you k n ow the direction o f its m ovem ent.
The spell can locate a sp ecific creature kn ow n to A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you c h o o s e
you, or the nearest creature o f a sp ecific kind (such as w ithin range. T h e hand lasts for the duration or until
a hum an or a unicorn), s o long as you have seen such a you d ism iss it as an action. The hand van ish es if it is
creature up c lo s e —within 30 feet—at least on ce. If the ever m ore than 30 feet away from you or if you cast
creature you d escrib ed or nam ed is in a different form , this spell again.
such as being under the effects o f a polymorph spell, You can u se your action to con trol the hand. You can
this spell d oesn ’t locate the creature. u se the hand to m anipulate an object, open an u nlock ed
This spell ca n ’t locate a creature if running w ater at d oor or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open
least 10 feet w ide block s a direct path betw een you and container, or pou r the contents out o f a vial. You can
the creature. m ove the hand up to 30 feet each tim e you use it.
The hand ca n ’t attack, activate m agic item s, or carry
L o c a t e O bj e c t m ore than 10 pounds.
2 nd-level divination
M a g ic C ir c l e
Casting Tim e: 1 action
3rd-level abjuration
Range: S elf
Components: V, S, M (a forked tw ig) Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (holy water or p ow dered
D escrib e or nam e an object that is fam iliar to you. You silver and iron w orth at least 100 gp, w hich the
sen se the direction to the o b je ct’s location, as lon g as spell con su m es)
that object is w ithin 1,000 feet o f you. If the object is in Duration: 1 hour
m otion, you k n ow the direction o f its m ovem ent.
The spell can locate a sp ecific object kn ow n to you, You create a 10-foot-radius, 20-foot-tall cylinder o f
as lon g as you have seen it up clo s e —within 30 feet—at m agical energy centered on a point on the ground
least on ce. Alternatively, the spell can locate the nearest that you can see w ithin range. G low ing runes appear
object o f a particular kind, such as a certain kind of w herever the cylinder intersects with the floor or
apparel, jew elry, furniture, tool, or w eapon . other surface.
T h is spell c a n ’t locate an object if any th ickness o f C h oose one or m ore o f the follow in g types o f
lead, even a thin sheet, b lock s a direct path b etw een you creatures: celestials, elem entals, fey, fiends, or undead.
and the object. T h e circle affects a creature o f the ch osen type in the
follow in g ways:
Lo n g s t r id e r
• The creature c a n ’t w illingly enter the cylinder by
1st-level transmutation n onm agical m eans. If the creature tries to u se tele
Casting Tim e: 1 action portation or interplanar travel to do so, it m ust first
Range: Touch s u cce e d on a C harism a saving throw.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f dirt) • The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against
Duration: 1 hour targets w ithin the cylinder.
• Targets w ithin the cylinder c a n ’t be charm ed, fright
You touch a creature. T h e target’s sp eed in creases by 10
ened, or p o s se ss e d by the creature.
feet until the spell ends.
W h en you cast this spell, you can elect to cau se its M a g ic M is s il e
m agic to operate in the reverse direction, preventing a 1st-level evocation
creature o f the sp ecified type from leaving the cylinder
Casting Tim e: 1 action
and protecting targets outside it.
Range: 120 feet
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the duration in creases by
Duration: Instantaneous
1 hour for each slot level above 3rd.
You create three glow ing darts o f m agical force. Each
M a g ic Ja r dart hits a creature o f your ch oice that you can see
6 th-level necromancy within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force dam age to its
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute target. The darts all strike sim ultaneously, and you can
Range: S elf direct them to hit one creature or several.
Components: V, S, M (a gem , crystal, reliquary, or som e A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
other ornam ental contain er w orth at least 5 0 0 gp) spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one
Duration: Until dispelled m ore dart for each slot level above 1st.

Your body falls into a catatonic state as your sou l leaves M a g ic M o u t h

it and enters the contain er you u sed for the sp ell’s 2 nd-level illusion (ritual)
material com pon ent. W h ile your sou l inhabits the
Casting Tim e: 1 minute
container, you are aw are o f your su rrou ndings as if you
Range: 30 feet
w ere in the con tain er’s space. You ca n ’t m ove or u se
Components: V, S, M (a sm all bit o f honeycom b
reactions. T h e only action you can take is to project your
and ja de dust w orth at least 10 gp, w hich the
soul up to 100 feet out o f the container, either returning
spell con su m es)
to your living b od y (and ending the spell) or attempting
Duration: Until dispelled
to p o s s e s s a hum anoids body.
You can attempt to p o s s e s s any hum anoid w ithin You implant a m essa ge w ithin an object in range, a
100 feet o f you that you can see (creatures w arded by a m essa ge that is uttered w hen a trigger condition is met.
protection from evil and good or magic circle spell ca n ’t C h oose an object that you can see and that isn’t being
be p ossessed ). T h e target must m ake a C harism a saving w orn or carried by another creature. Then sp ea k the
throw. On a failure, your sou l m oves into the target’s m essage, w hich m ust be 25 w ord s or less, though it
body, and the target’s sou l b e c o m e s trapped in the can be delivered over as lon g as 10 minutes. Finally,
container. On a su ccess, the target resists your efforts determ ine the circu m stan ce that w ill trigger the spell to
to p o s s e s s it, and you ca n ’t attempt to p o s s e s s it again deliver your m essage.
for 24 hours. W h en that circu m stan ce occu rs, a m agical m outh
O nce you p o s s e s s a creatu re’s body, you con trol it. appears on the object and recites the m essa ge in your
Your gam e statistics are replaced by the statistics o f the v oice and at the sam e volum e you spoke. If the object
creature, though you retain your alignm ent and your you c h ose has a m outh or som eth in g that look s like a
Intelligence, W isdom , and C harism a scores. You retain m outh (for exam ple, the m outh o f a statue), the m agical
the benefit o f your ow n class features. If the target has m outh appears there so that the w ord s appear to com e
any class levels, you ca n ’t u se any o f its class features. from the o b ject’s m outh. W h en you cast this spell, you
M eanw hile, the p o s s e s s e d creatu re’s soul can can have the spell end after it delivers its m essage, or
perceive from the contain er using its ow n sen ses, but it it can rem ain and repeat its m essa ge w henever the
ca n ’t m ove or take actions at all. trigger occu rs.
W h ile p o s se ss in g a body, you can u se your action to The triggering circu m stan ce can be as general or as
return from the host b od y to the container if it is w ithin detailed as you like, though it m ust be based on visual
100 feet o f you, returning the h ost creatu re’s sou l to or audible condition s that o c cu r w ithin 30 feet o f the
its body. If the h ost b od y dies w hile y ou ’re in it, the object. For exam ple, you cou ld instruct the m outh to
creature dies, and you m ust m ake a C harism a saving sp eak w hen any creature m oves w ithin 30 feet o f the
th row against your ow n sp ellcastin g DC. On a su ccess, object or w h en a silver bell rings w ithin 30 feet o f it.
you return to the container if it is within 100 feet o f you.
M a g ic W e a po n
O therw ise, you die.
If the contain er is destroyed or the spell ends, your 2 nd-level transmutation
sou l im m ediately returns to your body. If your b od y is Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
m ore than 100 feet away from you or if your b od y is Range: Touch
dead w hen you attempt to return to it, you die. If another Components: V, S
creatu re’s sou l is in the contain er w hen it is destroyed, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
the creatu re’s sou l returns to its b od y if the b od y is alive
You touch a nonm agical w eapon . Until the spell ends,
and w ithin 100 feet. O therw ise, that creature dies.
that w eap on b e c o m e s a m agic w eapon with a +1 bonus
W h en the spell ends, the container is destroyed.
to attack rolls and dam age rolls.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the bon u s in creases to
+2. W h en you use a spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the
bon u s in creases to +3.
M a j o r Im a g e A flood o f healing en ergy flow s from you into injured
3rd-level illusion creatu res around you. You restore up to 70 0 hit points,
divided as you c h o o s e am ong any n um ber o f creatures
Casting Tim e: 1 action
that you can see w ithin range. Creatures h ealed by
Range: 120 feet
this spell are also cured o f all d isea ses and any effect
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fleece)
m aking them blin ded or deafened. T h is spell has no
Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 m inutes
effect on undead or constructs.
You create the im age o f an object, a creature, or som e
other visible p h en om en on that is no larger than a M a ss H e a l in g W o r d

20-foot cube. The im age appears at a spot that you 3rd-level evocation
can see w ithin range and lasts for the duration. It Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
seem s com pletely real, including sou n ds, sm ells, and Range: 6 0 feet
tem perature appropriate to the thing depicted. You Components: V
ca n ’t create sufficient heat or cold to cau se dam age, a Duration: Instantaneous
sou n d loud en ough to deal thunder dam age or deafen a
creature, or a sm ell that m ight sicken a creature (like a A s you call out w ord s o f restoration, up to six creatures
troglodyte’s stench). o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin range regain hit
A s lon g as you are w ithin range o f the illusion, you points equal to 1d4 + your spellcastin g ability modifier.
can u se your action to cau se the im age to m ove to T his spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
any other spot w ithin range. A s the im age changes A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell usin g a
location, you can alter its appearan ce so that its spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the healing in crea ses by
m ovem ents appear natural for the im age. F or exam ple, 1d4 for each slot level above 3rd.
if you create an im age o f a creature and m ove it, you
M a ss Su g g e s t io n
can alter the im age so that it appears to b e w alking.
6 th-level enchantment
Similarly, you can cau se the illusion to m ake different
sou n d s at different tim es, even m aking it carry on a Casting Time: 1 action
conversation, for exam ple. Range: 60 feet
P hysical interaction w ith the im age reveals it to be an Components: V, M (a sn ake’s tongue and either a bit o f
illusion, b eca u se things can pass through it. A creature h on eycom b or a drop o f sw eet oil)
that u ses its action to exam ine the im age can determ ine Duration: 24 hours
that it is an illusion with a su ccessfu l Intelligence You su ggest a co u rse o f activity (lim ited to a sen ten ce
(Investigation) ch eck against your spell save DC. If a or tw o) and m agically influence up to tw elve creatures
creature discern s the illusion for what it is, the creature o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin range and that
can see through the im age, and its other sen sory can hear and understand you. Creatures that ca n ’t be
qualities b e c o m e faint to the creature. ch arm ed are im m une to this effect. T h e su ggestion must
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using b e w ord ed in such a m anner as to m ake the co u rse o f
a spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the spell lasts until action sou n d reasonable. A skin g the creature to stab
dispelled, without requiring your concentration. itself, th row itself onto a spear, im m olate itself, or do
som e other obviously h arm ful act autom atically negates
M a ss C u r e W o u n d s
the effect o f the spell.
5th-level conjuration
Each target m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw. O n a
Casting Tim e: 1 action failed save, it pu rsu es the co u rse o f action you d escrib ed
Range: 60 feet to the best o f its ability. T h e su ggested cou rse o f action
Components: V, S can continue for the entire duration. If the su ggested
Duration: Instantaneous activity can be com pleted in a shorter tim e, the spell
A w ave o f healing energy w ash es out from a point o f ends w h en the su bject finishes w hat it w as asked to do.
your ch oice w ithin range. C h o o se up to six creatures You can also sp ecify con dition s that w ill trigger a
in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each sp ecia l activity during the duration. For exam ple, you
target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting might suggest that a group o f soldiers give all their
ability m odifier. This spell has no effect on undead m on ey to the first beggar they m eet. If the con dition isn’t
or constructs. met b efore the spell ends, the activity isn’t perform ed.
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a If you or any o f your com p a n ion s dam age a creature
spell slot o f 6th level or higher, the healing in creases by affected by this spell, the spell en ds for that creature.
1d8 for each slot level above 5th. A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
a 7th-level spell slot, the duration is 10 days. W h en
M a ss H e a l you u se an 8th-level spell slot, the duration is 30 days.
9th-level conjuration W h en you use a 9th-level spell slot, the duration is a
year and a day.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 60 feet M a ze
Com ponents: V, S
8 th-level conjuration
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 6 0 feet
Com ponents: V, S M e n d in g
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes Transmutation cantrip
You banish a creature that you can see w ithin range into Casting Tim e: 1 minute
a labyrinthine dem iplane. The target rem ains there for Range: Touch
the duration or until it e sca p e s the m aze. Components: V, S, M (two lodeston es)
T h e target can use its action to attempt to escap e. Duration: Instantaneous
W h en it d oes so, it m akes a D C 20 Intelligence check. If
This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object
it su cceed s, it escap es, and the spell ends (a m inotaur or
you touch, such as a broken chain link, tw o halves o f
goristro dem on autom atically su cceeds).
a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking w ineskin. As
W h en the spell ends, the target reappears in the
lon g as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in
sp ace it left or, if that sp a ce is occu p ied , in the nearest
any dim ension, you m end it. leaving no trace o f the
u n occu p ied space.
form er dam age.
M e l d in t o St o n e T h is spell can physically repair a m agic item
3rd-level transmutation (ritual) or construct, but the spell ca n ’t restore m agic to
such an object.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch M e ssag e
Components: V, S Transmutation cantrip
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Tim e: 1 action
You step into a stone object or su rface large en ough to Range: 120 feet
fully contain your body, m elding y ou rself and all the Components: V, S, M (a short piece o f cop p er w ire)
equipm ent you carry w ith the stone for the duration. Duration: 1 round
U sing your m ovem ent, you step into the stone at a point
You point your finger tow ard a creature w ithin range
you can touch. N othing o f your p resen ce rem ains visible
and w h isp er a m essage. The target (and only the target)
or oth erw ise detectable by n onm agical sen ses.
h ears the m essa ge and can reply in a w h isper that only
W h ile m erged w ith the stone, you ca n ’t see what
you can hear.
oc cu rs outside it, and any W isd om (P erception ) ch eck s
You can cast this spell through solid objects if you
you m ake to hear sou n d s outside it are m ade with
are fam iliar w ith the target and k n ow it is beyond
disadvantage. You rem ain aw are o f the pa ssage of
the barrier. M agical silence. 1 foot o f stone, 1 inch o f
tim e and can cast sp ells on y ou rself w hile m erged in
co m m o n metal, a thin sheet o f lead, or 3 feet o f w o o d
the stone. You can u se your m ovem ent to leave the
block s the spell. The spell d oesn ’t have to follow a
stone w here you entered it, w h ich ends the spell. You
straight line and can travel freely around corn ers or
oth erw ise ca n ’t m ove.
through open in gs.
M inor physical dam age to the stone d oesn ’t harm
you, but its partial destruction or a change in its shape M e t e o r Sw a r m
(to the extent that you no longer fit w ithin it) expels you
9th-level evocation
and deals 6 d 6 bludgeon ing dam age to you. The ston e’s
com plete destruction (or transm utation into a different Casting Time: 1 action
substance) expels you and deals 50 bludgeon ing dam age Range: 1 m ile
to you. If expelled, you fall prone in an u n occu pied space Components: V, S
closest to w here you first entered. Duration: Instantaneous

B lazing orbs o f fire plum m et to the grou nd at four

M e l f ’s A c id A r r o w
different points you can see w ithin range. Each creature
2 nd-level evocation in a 40-foot-radius sphere centered on each point you
Casting Tim e: 1 action c h o o s e must m ake a Dexterity saving throw. T h e sphere
Range: 90 feet spreads around corn ers. A creature takes 2 0 d 6 fire
Components: V, S, M (p ow d ered rhubarb lea f and an dam age and 2 0 d 6 bludgeon ing dam age on a failed
ad der’s stom ach) save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one. A
Duration: Instantaneous creature in the area o f m ore than on e fiery burst is
affected only once.
A sh im m erin g green arrow streaks tow ard a target
T h e spell dam ages objects in the area and ignites
w ithin range and bursts in a spray o f acid. M ake a
flam m able objects that aren’t being w orn or carried.
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the
target takes 4d 4 acid dam age im m ediately and 2d4 acid M in d Bl a n k
dam age at the end o f its next turn. On a m iss, the arrow
8 th-level abjuration
splashes the target w ith acid for h alf as m uch o f the
initial dam age and no dam age at the end o f its next turn. Casting Tim e: 1 action
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a Range: Touch
spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age (both initial Components: V, S
Duration: 24 hours
and later) in creases by 1d4 for each slot level above 2nd.
Until the spell ends, on e w illing creature you touch is
im m une to psychic dam age, any effect that w ou ld sen se
its em otion s or read its thoughts, divination spells, and the illusion’s p resen ce, the creature can still physically
the ch a rm ed condition. T h e spell even foils wish spells interact w ith the illusion.
and spells or effects o f sim ilar p ow er u sed to affect the
target’s m ind or to gain inform ation about the target. M ir r o r Im a g e
2nd-level illusion
M in o r Il l u s io n
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Illusion cantrip Range: S e lf
Casting Tim e: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet Duration: 1 minute
Components: S, M (a bit o f fleece)
T h ree illusory duplicates o f y ou rself appear in your
Duration: 1 minute
space. Until the spell ends, the duplicates m ove with
You create a sou n d or an im age o f an object w ithin you and m im ic your actions, shifting position so it’s
range that lasts for the duration. T h e illusion also ends if im possible to track w h ich im age is real. You can use
you dism iss it as an action or cast this spell again. your action to dism iss the illusory duplicates.
If you create a sou n d, its volum e can range from a Each time a creature targets you with an attack during
w h isper to a scream . It can be your voice, som eon e the sp ell’s duration, roll a d2 0 to determ ine w hether the
else’s voice, a lion’s roar, a beating o f drum s, or any attack instead targets on e o f your duplicates.
other sou n d you c h oose. T h e sou n d continu es unabated If you have three duplicates, you must roll a 6 or
throughout the duration, or you can m ake discrete higher to change the attack’s target to a duplicate. W ith
sou n d s at different tim es before the spell ends. tw o duplicates, you must roll an 8 or higher. W ith one
If you create an im age o f an object—such as a chair, duplicate, you must roll an 11 or higher.
m uddy footprints, or a sm all chest—it m ust be no larger A duplicate’s AC equals 10 + your Dexterity m odifier.
than a 5-foot cube. T h e im age ca n ’t create sou n d, light, If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A
sm ell, or any other sen sory effect. P hysical interaction duplicate can b e destroyed only by an attack that hits it.
w ith the im age reveals it to be an illusion, b eca u se It ignores all other dam age and effects. T h e spell ends
things can pass through it. w hen all three duplicates are destroyed.
If a creature u ses its action to exam ine the sou n d or A creature is unaffected by this spell if it ca n ’t see, if it
im age, the creature can determ ine that it is an illusion relies on se n se s other than sight, such as blindsight, or
with a su ccessfu l Intelligence (Investigation) ch eck if it can perceive illusions as false, as with truesight.
against your spell save DC. If a creature discern s the
illusion for w hat it is, the illusion b e c o m e s faint to M is l e a d

the creature. 5th-level illusion

Casting Tim e: 1 action
M ir a g e A r c a n e
Range: S e lf
7th-level illusion Components: S
Casting Tim e: 10 minutes Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
Range: Sight
You b e c o m e invisible at the sam e tim e that an illusory
Components: V, S
double o f you appears w here you are standing. The
Duration: 10 days
double lasts for the duration, but the invisibility ends if
You m ake terrain in an area up to 1 m ile square you attack or cast a spell.
look, sound, sm ell, and even feel like som e other sort You can use your action to m ove your illusory double
o f terrain. T h e terrain’s general shape rem ains the up to tw ice your sp eed and m ake it gesture, speak, and
sam e, however. O pen fields or a road cou ld be m ade to behave in w hatever w ay you ch oose.
resem b le a sw am p, hill, crevasse, or som e other difficult You ca n see through its eyes and hear through its ears
or im passable terrain. A p on d can be m ade to seem like as if you w ere located w here it is. O n each o f your turns
a grassy m eadow , a precipice like a gentle slope, or a as a bon u s action, you can sw itch from using its sen ses
rock-strew n gully like a w ide and sm ooth road. to using your ow n, or back again. W h ile you are usin g its
Similarly, you can alter the ap pearan ce o f structures, sen ses, you are blin ded and deafened in regard to your
or add them w here n one are present. T h e spell d oesn ’t ow n surroundings.
disguise, con ceal, or add creatures.
T h e illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and M is t y St e p

olfactory elem ents, s o it can turn clear ground into 2nd-level conjuration
difficult terrain (or v ice versa) or oth erw ise im pede Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
m ovem ent through the area. A ny p iece o f the illusory Range: S e lf
terrain (such as a rock or stick) that is rem oved from the Components: V
sp ell’s area disappears immediately. Duration: Instantaneous
Creatures w ith truesight can see through the illusion
Briefly su rrou nded by silvery m ist, you teleport up to 30
to the terrain’s true form ; however, all other elem ents
feet to an u n occu p ied sp ace that you can see.
o f the illusion rem ain, s o w hile the creature is aw are o f
M o d if y M e m o r y d am age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a
5th-level enchantment su ccessfu l one.
A sh apech an ger m akes its saving th row with
Casting Tim e: 1 action
disadvantage. If it fails, it also instantly reverts to its
Range: 30 feet
original form and can ’t assu m e a different form until it
Components: V, S
leaves the sp ell’s light.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
On each o f your turns after you cast this spell, you can
You attempt to resh ape another creatu re’s m em ories. u se an action to m ove the bea m 60 feet in any direction.
O ne creature that you can see m ust m ake a W isd om A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
saving throw. If you are fighting the creature, it has spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
advantage on the saving throw. O n a failed save, the 1dlO for each slot level above 2nd.
target b e c o m e s ch a rm ed by you for the duration. The
ch arm ed target is incapacitated and unaw are o f its M o r d e n k a i n e n ’s Fa it h f u l H o u n d

surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it takes any 4th-level conjuration
dam age or is targeted by another spell, this spell ends, Casting Tim e: 1 action
and n one o f the target’s m em ories are m odified. Range: 30 feet
W h ile this charm lasts, you can affect the target’s Components: V, S, M (a tiny silver w histle, a p iece o f
m em ory o f an event that it experien ced w ithin the last b on e, and a thread)
24 h ours and that lasted n o m ore than 10 m inutes. You Duration: 8 hours
can perm anently elim inate all m em ory o f the event,
allow the target to recall the event w ith perfect clarity You conjure a phantom w atch dog in an u n occu pied
sp a ce that you can see w ithin range, w h ere it rem ains
and exactin g detail, change its m em ory o f the details of
for the duration, until you d ism iss it as an action, or until
the event, or create a m em ory o f som e other event.
you m ove m ore than 100 feet away from it.
You m ust sp eak to the target to d escrib e h ow
The h ound is invisible to all creatures except you
its m em ories are affected, and it must b e able to
understand your language for the m odified m em ories to and can't be harm ed. W h en a S m all or larger creature
take root. Its m ind fills in any gaps in the details o f your c o m e s w ithin 30 feet o f it w ithout first sp eak in g the
p a ssw ord that you sp ecify w hen you cast this spell, the
description. If the spell ends before you have finished
d escribin g the m od ified m em ories, the creatu re’s h ound starts barking loudly. The h ound s e e s invisible
m em ory isn’t altered. O th erw ise, the m odified m em ories creatures and can see into the Ethereal Plane. It
take hold w hen the spell ends. ignores illusions.
At the start o f each o f your turns, the hound attempts
A m od ified m em ory d oesn ’t n ecessarily affect h ow a
to bite on e creature w ithin 5 feet o f it that is hostile
creature behaves, particularly if the m em ory contradicts
to you. The h oun d’s attack bon u s is equal to your
the creatu re’s natural inclinations, alignm ent, or beliefs.
A n illogical m od ified m em ory, such as im planting a spellcastin g ability m odifier + your proficiency bonus.
m em ory o f h ow m uch the creature enjoyed dou sin g On a hit, it deals 4d8 piercin g dam age.
itself in acid, is dism issed, perhaps as a bad dream . T he
M o r d e n k a i n e n ’s M a g n if ic e n t M a n s io n
DM m ight deem a m odified m em ory too n onsensical to
7th-level conjuration
affect a creature in a significant manner.
A rem ove curse or greater restoration spell cast on the Casting Time: 1 minute
target restores the creatu re’s true m em ory. Range: 3 0 0 feet
A t H igher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell Components: V, S, M (a m iniature portal carved from
slot o f 6th level or higher, you can alter the target’s ivory, a sm all p iece o f polish ed m arble, and a tiny
m em ories o f an event that took place up to 7 days ago silver sp oon , each item w orth at least 5 gp)
(6th level), 30 days ago (7th level), 1 year ago (8th level), Duration: 24 hours
or any tim e in the creatu re’s past (9th level). You conjure an extradim ensional dw elling in range
that lasts for the duration. You c h o o s e w h ere its one
M o o n b e a m
entrance is located. The entrance sh im m ers faintly
2nd-level evocation
and is 5 feet w id e and 10 feet tall. You and any creature
Casting Tim e: 1 action you designate w hen you cast the spell can enter the
Range: 120 feet extradim ensional dw elling as long as the portal rem ains
Components: V, S, M (several seed s o f any m oo n se e d open. You can open or clo se the portal if you are w ithin
plant and a p iece o f opalescen t feldspar) 30 feet o f it. W h ile closed , the portal is invisible.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute B eyond the portal is a m agnificent foyer with
A silvery b ea m o f pale light sh in es dow n in a 5-foot- num erou s ch a m bers beyond. T h e atm osphere is clean,
radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point w ithin fresh, and w arm .
You can create any floor plan you like, but the space
range. Until the spell ends, dim light fills the cylinder.
W h en a creature enters the spell’s area for the first c a n ’t ex ceed 50 cubes, each cu b e being 10 feet on
each side. The place is furnished and decorated as
tim e on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed
you c h oose. It contain s sufficient food to serve a nine-
in ghostly flam es that cau se sea rin g pain, and it must
co u rse banquet for up to 100 people. A staff o f 100
m ake a Constitution saving throw. It takes 2 d10 radiant
near-transparent servants attends all w h o enter. You
decide the visual appearan ce o f th ese servants and their
attire. They are com pletely obedient to your orders.
Each servant can perform any task a n orm al hum an
servant cou ld perform , but they ca n ’t attack or take
any action that w ou ld directly harm another creature.
Thus the servants can fetch things, clean, m end, fold
clothes, light fires, serve food, pou r w in e, and s o on.
The servants can go anyw here in the m ansion but
c a n ’t leave it. Furnishings and other ob jects created
by this spell dissipate into sm oke if rem oved from the
m ansion. W h en the spell ends, any creatu res inside
the extradim ensional sp ace are expelled into the open
sp a ces nearest to the entrance.

M o r d e n k a i n e n ’s Pr iv a t e Sa n c t u m
4th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 10 m inutes
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a thin sheet o f lead, a piece
o f opaque glass, a w ad o f cotton or cloth, and
p ow dered chrysolite)
Duration: 24 hours

You m ake an area w ithin range m agically secu re. The

area is a cu b e that can be as sm all as 5 feet to as large
as 100 feet on each side. The spell lasts for the duration
or until you u se an action to dism iss it.
W h en you cast the spell, you decide what sort o f
secu rity the spell provides, ch o o s in g any o r all o f the
follow in g properties:

• S ou n d can't pass through the barrier at the edge o f

the w arded area.
• The barrier o f the w arded area appears dark and foggy,
preventing vision (including darkvision) through it.
• S en sors created by divination spells ca n ’t appear
inside the protected area or p a ss through the barrier
at its perim eter.
• C reatures in the area ca n ’t be targeted by divination
• N othing can teleport into or out o f the w arded area.
• Planar travel is block ed w ithin the w arded area.

Casting this spell on the sam e sp ot every day for a

year m akes this effect perm anent.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 5th level or higher, you can in crease the size
o f the cu b e by 100 feet for each slot level beyond 4th.
T h us you cou ld protect a cube that can be up to 2 0 0 feet
on on e side by using a spell slot o f 5th level.

M o r d e n k a i n e n ’s Sw o r d
7th-level evocation
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a m iniature platinum sw ord with
a grip and p om m el o f cop p er and zinc, w orth 250 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a sw ord-sh aped plane o f force that hovers

w ithin range. It lasts for the duration.
W h en the sw ord appears, you m ake a m elee spell
attack against a target o f your ch oice w ithin 5 feet o f the
sw ord. On a hit. the target takes 3 d10 force dam age.
Until the spell ends, you can use a bon u s action on each You place an illusion on a creature or an object
o f your turns to m ove the sw ord up to 20 feet to a spot you touch s o that divination spells reveal false
you can see and repeat this attack against the sam e inform ation about it. T h e target can be a w illing
target or a different one. creature or an object that isn’t being carried or w orn by
another creature.
M o v e Ea r t h W h en you cast the spell, c h o o s e one or both o f the
6th-level transmutation follow in g effects. T h e effect lasts for the duration. If you
Casting Tim e: 1 action cast this spell on the sa m e creature or object every day
Range: 120 feet for 30 days, placing the sam e effect on it each tim e, the
Components: V, S, M (an iron blade and a sm all bag illusion lasts until it is dispelled.
containing a m ixture o f so ils—clay, loam , and sand) False Aura. You change the way the target appears
Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours to spells and m agical effects, such as detect magic,
that detect m agical auras. You can m ake a nonm agical
C h o o se an area o f terrain no larger than 40 feet on a
object appear m agical, a m agical object appear
side w ithin range. You can resh ape dirt, sand, or clay
n onm agical, o r change the o b ject’s m agical aura so that
in the area in any m anner you c h o o s e for the duration.
it appears to b elon g to a sp ecific sch o o l o f m agic that
You ca n raise or low er the area’s elevation, create or fill
you ch oose. W h en you use this effect on an object, you
in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or form a pillar. The
can m ake the false m agic apparent to any creature that
extent o f any such changes ca n ’t ex ceed h alf the area’s
handles the item.
largest dim ension. S o, if you affect a 40 -foot square,
Mask. You change the w ay the target appears to spells
you can create a pillar up to 20 feet high, raise or low er
and m agical effects that detect creature types, such as a
the sq u a re’s elevation by up to 20 feet, dig a trench up
paladin’s D ivine S en se or the trigger o f a sym bol spell.
to 20 feet deep, and s o on. It takes 10 m inutes for these
You c h o o s e a creature type and other sp ells and m agical
ch a n g es to com plete.
effects treat the target as if it w ere a creature o f that
At the end o f every 10 m inutes you spend
type or o f that alignment.
concentratin g on the spell, you can c h o o s e a n ew area o f
terrain to affect. O t i l u k e ’s Fr e e z in g Sp h e r e
B eca u se the terrain’s transform ation o ccu rs slowly, 6th-level evocation
creatu res in the area ca n ’t usually be trapped or injured
Casting Time: 1 action
by the grou n d’s m ovem ent.
Range: 3 0 0 feet
Th is spell c a n ’t m anipulate natural stone or
Components: V, S, M (a sm all crystal sphere)
stone construction . R o ck s and structures shift to
Duration: Instantaneous
a ccom m od a te the n ew terrain. If the w ay you shape
the terrain w ou ld m ake a structure unstable, it A frigid globe o f cold energy streaks from your fingertips
m ight collap se. to a point o f your ch oice w ithin range, w here it explodes
Similarly, this spell d oesn ’t directly affect plant in a 60-foot-radius sphere. E ach creature w ithin the
growth. T h e m oved earth carries any plants along with it. area m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, a creature takes 10d6 cold dam age. On a
N o n d e t e c t io n su ccessfu l save, it takes h alf as m uch dam age.
3rd-level abjuration If the globe strikes a b od y o f water or a liquid that is
Casting Tim e: 1 action principally water (not including w ater-based creatures),
Range: Touch it freezes the liquid to a depth o f 6 in ch es over an area
Com ponents: V, S, M (a pinch o f diam on d dust 30 feet square. This ice lasts for 1 minute. C reatures
w orth 25 gp sprin kled over the target, w h ich the that w ere sw im m in g on the su rface o f frozen w ater are
spell con su m es) trapped in the ice. A trapped creature can u se an action
Duration: 8 hours to m ake a Strength ch eck against your spell save DC
to break free.
For the duration, you hide a target that you touch
You can refrain from firing the globe after com pletin g
from divination m agic. The target ca n be a w illing
the spell, if you w ish. A sm all globe about the size o f
creature or a place or an object no larger than 10
a sling stone, c o o l to the touch, appears in your hand.
feet in any dim ension . T h e target ca n ’t be targeted by
At any time, you or a creature you give the g lobe to
any divination m agic or p erceived through m agical
can th row the globe (to a range o f 40 feet) or hurl it
scryin g sen sors.
with a sling (to the slin g’s n orm al range). It shatters
on im pact, with the sam e effect as the n orm al casting
Ny s t u l ’s M a g ic A u r a
o f the spell. You can also set the globe dow n without
2nd-level illusion
shattering it. After 1 minute, if the globe hasn’t already
Casting Tim e: 1 action shattered, it explodes.
Range: Touch A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Com ponents: V, S, M (a sm all square o f silk) spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by
Duration: 24 hours 1d6 for each slot level above 6th.
O t i l u k e ’s R e s il ie n t Sph e r e (Stealth) ch eck s and c a n ’t be tracked except by m agical
4th-level evocation m eans. A creature that receives this bon u s leaves
behind no tracks or other traces o f its passage.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Pa ss w a l l
Components: V, S, M (a hem ispherical piece o f
5th-level transmutation
clear crystal and a m atching hem ispherical piece
o f gum arabic) Casting Tim e: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S , M (a pinch o f sesam e seeds)
A sphere o f sh im m erin g force en closes a creature Duration: 1 hour
or object o f Large size or sm aller w ithin range. An
unw illing creature must m ake a D exterity saving A p a ssa ge appears at a point o f your ch oice that you
throw. On a failed save, the creature is en closed for can see on a w ood en , plaster, or stone su rface (such as
the duration. a wall, a ceiling, or a floor) w ithin range, and lasts for
N othing—not physical objects, energy, or other spell the duration. You c h o o s e the o p en in g ’s dim ensions: up
effects—can pass through the barrier, in or out, though to 5 feet w ide, 8 feet tall, and 20 feet deep. The passage
a creature in the sphere can breathe there. T h e sphere creates no instability in a structure su rrou nding it.
is im m une to all dam age, and a creature or object inside W h en the open in g disappears, any creatures or
ca n ’t be dam aged by attacks or effects originating from objects still in the pa ssa ge created by the spell are safely
outside, nor can a creature inside the sphere dam age ejected to an u n occu pied sp ace nearest to the su rface on
anything outside it. w hich you cast the spell.
The sphere is w eigh tless and just large en ough to
Ph a n t a s m a l Fo r c e
contain the creature or object inside. A n en closed
2nd-level illusion
creature can use its action to push against the sp here’s
w alls and thus roll the sphere at up to h alf the creatu re’s Casting Time: 1 action
speed. Similarly, the globe can be picked up and m oved Range: 60 feet
by other creatures. Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fleece)
A disintegrate spell targeting the globe destroys it Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
w ithout h arm ing anything inside it. You craft an illusion that takes root in the m ind o f a
creature that you can see w ithin range. T h e target must
O t t o ’s I r r e s is t ib l e Da n c e
m ake an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, you
6th-level enchantment
create a phantasm al object, creature, or other visible
Casting Time: 1 action ph enom enon o f you r ch oice that is no larger than a
Range: 30 feet 10-foot cu b e and that is perceivable only to the target
Components: V for the duration. T h is spell has n o effect on undead
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute or constructs.
C h oose on e creature that you can see w ithin range. The The phantasm includes sound, tem perature, and other
target beg in s a co m ic dance in place: shuffling, tapping stimuli, also evident only to the creature.
its feet, and caperin g for the duration. Creatures that The target can u se its action to exam ine the phantasm
ca n ’t be charm ed are im m une to this spell. with an Intelligence (Investigation) ch eck against your
A dancing creature must use all its m ovem ent to spell save DC. If the ch eck su cceed s, the target realizes
dance w ithout leaving its sp ace and has disadvantage that the phantasm is an illusion, and the spell ends.
on Dexterity saving th row s and attack rolls. W h ile W h ile a target is affected by the spell, the target treats
the target is affected by this spell, other creatures the phantasm as if it w ere real. The target rationalizes
have advantage on attack rolls against it. A s an any illogical ou tcom es from interacting w ith the
action, a dancin g creature m akes a W isd om saving phantasm . For exam ple, a target attem pting to w alk
th row to regain control o f itself. On a su ccessfu l save, a cross a phantasm al bridge that spans a chasm falls
the spell ends. on ce it steps onto the bridge. If the target survives the
fall, it still believes that the bridge exists and co m e s up
Pa ss w it h o u t T r a c e with som e other explanation for its fall—it w as pushed,
2nd-level abjuration it slipped, or a stron g w in d m ight have k n ock ed it off.
A n affected target is s o con v in ced o f the phantasm ’s
Casting Tim e: 1 action
reality that it can even take dam age from the illusion. A
Range: S e lf
phantasm created to appear as a creature can attack the
Components: V, S, M (ashes from a burned lea f o f
target. Similarly, a phantasm created to appear as fire, a
m istletoe and a sprig o f spruce)
p ool o f acid, or lava can burn the target. Each round on
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
your turn, the phantasm can deal 1d6 psychic dam age
A veil o f sh ad ow s and silen ce radiates from you, to the target if it is in the phantasm ’s area or w ithin 5
m ask in g you and your com p a n ion s from detection. feet o f the phantasm , provided that the illusion is o f a
F or the duration, each creature you c h o o s e w ithin 30 creature or hazard that cou ld logically deal dam age,
feet o f you (including you) has a +10 bon u s to Dexterity such as by attacking. The target perceives the dam age
as a type appropriate to the illusion.
Ph a n t a s m a l K il l e r us during ou r foray into the dungeon). You must be
4th-level illusion able to com m u n icate w ith the creature to bargain for
its services.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Paym ent can take a variety o f form s. A celestial might
Range: 120 feet
requ ire a sizable donation o f gold or m agic item s to
Components: V, S
an allied tem ple, w hile a fiend m ight dem and a living
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
sacrifice or a gift o f treasure. S o m e creatures might
Y ou tap into the nightm ares o f a creature you can see exch an ge their serv ice for a quest undertaken by you.
w ithin range and create an illusory m anifestation o f its A s a rule o f thumb, a task that can be m easu red in
d eepest fears, visible only to that creature. The target m inutes requ ires a paym ent w orth 100 gp per minute. A
m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw. O n a failed save, task m easu red in hours requ ires 1,0 00 gp per hour. And
the target b e c o m e s frightened for the duration. At the a task m easu red in days (up to 10 days) requ ires 10,000
start o f each o f the target’s turns b efore the spell ends, gp per day. T h e DM can adjust th ese paym ents ba sed on
the target must su cce e d on a W isd om saving throw the circu m stan ces under w hich you cast the spell. If the
or take 4 d10 psychic dam age. On a su ccessfu l save, task is aligned w ith the creatu re’s ethos, the payment
the spell ends. m ight be halved or even w aived. N on h azardou s tasks
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a typically require only h alf the su ggested payment, w hile
spell slot o f 5th level or higher, the dam age in creases by esp ecia lly dangerou s tasks might require a greater gift.
1dlO for each slot level above 4th. C reatures rarely accept tasks that seem suicidal.
A fter the creature com pletes the task, or w hen the
Ph a n t o m St e e d agreed-upon duration o f serv ice expires, the creature
3rd-level illusion (ritual) returns to its h om e plane after reportin g ba ck to you,
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute if appropriate to the task and if possible. If you are
Range: 30 feet unable to agree on a price for the creatu re’s service, the
Components: V, S creature im m ediately returns to its h om e plane.
Duration: 1 hour A creature enlisted to join your group coun ts as
a m em ber o f it, receivin g a full sh are o f experien ce
A L arge quasi-real, h orselik e creature appears on
points aw arded.
the grou nd in an u n occu p ied sp ace o f your ch oice
w ithin range. You d ecide the creatu re’s appearance, Pl a n a r Bin d in g
but it is equipped with a saddle, bit, and bridle. Any
5th-level abjuration
o f the equipm ent created by the spell vanishes in a
puff o f sm oke if it is carried m ore than 10 feet away Casting Time: 1 hour
from the steed. Range: 60 feet
For the duration, you or a creature you c h o o s e can Components: V, S, M (a jew el w orth at least 1,000 gp,
ride the steed. T h e creature u ses the statistics for a w h ich the spell con su m es)
riding h orse, except it has a sp eed o f 100 feet and can Duration: 24 hours
travel 10 m iles in an hour, or 13 m iles at a fast pace. W ith this spell, you attempt to bind a celestial, an
W h en the sp ell ends, the steed gradually fades, giving elem ental, a fey, or a fiend to your service. T h e creature
the rider 1 m inute to dism ount. T h e spell ends if you use must be w ithin range for the entire castin g o f the spell.
an action to d ism iss it or if the steed takes any dam age. (Typically, the creature is first su m m on ed into the center
o f an inverted magic circle in order to keep it trapped
Pl a n a r A l l y
w hile this spell is cast.) At the com pletion o f the casting,
6 th-level conjuration the target m ust m ake a C harism a saving throw. On a
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes failed save, it is b ou n d to serve you for the duration. If
Range: 6 0 feet the creature w as su m m on ed or created by another spell,
Components: V, S that spell’s duration is extended to m atch the duration
Duration: Instantaneous o f this spell.
A b ou n d creature m ust follow your instructions to the
You b e s e e ch an otherw orldly entity for aid. T h e being
best o f its ability. You m ight com m a n d the creature to
must be kn ow n to you: a god, a prim ordial, a dem on
accom pa n y you on an adventure, to guard a location, or
prince, or som e other being o f co sm ic pow er. That entity
to deliver a m essa ge. T h e creature obeys the letter of
sen ds a celestial, an elem ental, or a fiend loyal to it to
your instructions, but if the creature is hostile to you, it
aid you, m aking the creature appear in an u n occu pied
strives to tw ist your w ord s to achieve its ow n objectives.
sp ace w ithin range. If you k n ow a sp ecific creatu re’s
If the creature carries out your instructions com pletely
nam e, you can sp eak that nam e w hen you cast this spell
b efore the spell ends, it travels to you to report this fact
to request that creature, though you might get a different
if you are on the sam e plane o f existence. If you are on a
creature anyway (D M ’s choice).
different plane o f existence, it returns to the place w here
W h en the creature appears, it is under no com pu lsion
you bou n d it and rem ains there until the spell ends.
to behave in any particular way. You can ask the
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
creature to p erform a serv ice in exch an ge for payment,
spell slot o f a higher level, the duration in creases to 10
but it isn’t obliged to do so. The requested task cou ld
days with a 6th-level slot, to 30 days w ith a 7th-level slot,
range from sim ple (fly us a cross the chasm , or help us
to 180 days w ith an 8th-level slot, and to a year and a
fight a battle) to com p lex (spy on our en em ies, or protect
day w ith a 9th-level spell slot.
Pl a n e Sh if t You extend your hand tow ard a creature you can see
7th-level conjuration w ithin range and project a pu ff o f n oxiou s gas from your
palm . T h e creature m ust su cce e d on a Constitution
Casting Tim e: 1 action
saving th row or take 1d12 p oison dam age.
Range: Touch
T h is sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d12 w hen you reach
Components: V, S, M (a forked, m etal rod w orth at least
5th level (2 d 12), 11th level (3 d 12), and 17th level (4 d 12).
2 50 gp, attuned to a particular plane o f existence)
Duration: Instantaneous Po l y m o r ph

Y ou and up to eight w illing creatu res w ho link hands in 4th-level transmutation

a circle are transported to a different plane o f existence. Casting Tim e: 1 action
You can sp ecify a target destination in general terms, Range: 60 feet
such as the City o f B rass on the E lem ental Plane o f Components: V, S, M (a caterpillar c o co o n )
Fire or the palace o f Dispater on the se co n d level o f the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Nine Hells, and you appear in or near that destination.
If you are trying to reach the City o f Brass, for exam ple, This spell transforms a creature that you can see
you m ight arrive in its Street o f Steel, b efore its Gate o f within range into a n ew form . An unw illing creature
A shes, or look in g at the city from a cross the S e a o f Fire, m ust m ake a W isdom saving throw to avoid the
at the D M ’s discretion. effect. A shapechanger automatically su cceed s on this
Alternatively, if you k n ow the sigil seq u en ce o f a saving throw.
teleportation circle on another plane o f existence, this T h e transform ation lasts for the duration, or until
spell can take you to that circle. If the teleportation the target d rops to 0 hit points or dies. The n ew form
circle is too sm all to hold all the creatures you can be any beast w h ose challen ge rating is equal to or
transported, they appear in the closest u n occu pied less than the target’s (or the target’s level, if it doesn't
sp a ces next to the circle. have a challen ge rating). The target’s gam e statistics,
You can u se this spell to banish an unw illing creature including mental ability scores, are replaced by the
to another plane. C h oose a creature w ithin your reach statistics o f the ch osen beast. It retains its alignm ent
and m ake a m elee spell attack against it. O n a hit, the and personality.
creature m ust m ake a C harism a saving throw. If the The target a ssu m es the hit points o f its n ew form.
creature fails this save, it is transported to a random W h en it reverts to its n orm al form , the creature
location on the plane o f existence you specify. A creature returns to the num ber o f hit points it had before it
so transported m ust find its ow n w ay back to your transform ed. If it reverts as a result o f droppin g to
current plane o f existence. 0 hit points, any ex cess dam age carries over to its
n orm al form . A s lon g as the ex ce s s dam age d oesn ’t
Pl a n t G r o w t h reduce the creatu re’s n orm al form to 0 hit points, it isn’t
3rd-level transmutation k n ock ed u n con sciou s.
The creature is lim ited in the actions it can perform by
Casting Tim e: 1 action or 8 hours
the nature o f its n ew form , and it ca n ’t speak, cast spells,
Range: 150 feet
or take any other action that requ ires hands or sp eech .
Components: V, S
T h e target’s gear m elds into the n ew form . The
Duration: Instantaneous
creature ca n ’t activate, use, w ield, or oth erw ise benefit
T h is spell chann els vitality into plants w ithin a sp ecific from any o f its equipm ent.
area. T h ere are tw o p ossib le u ses for the spell, granting
either im m ediate or long-term benefits. Po w e r W o r d H e a l
If you cast this spell using 1 action, c h o o s e a point 9th-level evocation
w ithin range. All n orm al plants in a 100-foot radius Casting Tim e: 1 action
centered on that point b e c o m e thick and overgrow n. A Range: Touch
creature m ovin g through the area m ust spend 4 feet o f Components: V, S
m ovem ent for every 1 foot it m oves. Duration: Instantaneous
You can exclude on e or m ore areas o f any size within
the sp ell’s area from bein g affected. A wave o f healing en ergy w ash es over the creature
If you cast this spell over 8 hours, you en rich the you touch. The target regains all its hit points. If the
land. All plants in a half-m ile radius centered on a point creature is charm ed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned,
w ithin range b e c o m e enrich ed for 1 year. T h e plants the condition ends. If the creature is prone, it can u se its
yield tw ice the norm al am ount o f fo o d w hen harvested. reaction to stand up. T h is spell has no effect on undead
or constructs.
Po is o n Sp r a y
Po w e r W o r d K il l
Conjuration cantrip
9th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Casting Tim e: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 6 0 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You utter a w ord o f p ow er that ca n com p el on e creature Pr is m a t ic Sp r a y
you ca n see w ithin range to die instantly. If the 7th-level evocation
creature you c h o o s e h as 100 hit points or fewer, it dies.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
O th erw ise, the spell has no effect.
Range: S e lf (60-foot cone)
Po w e r W o r d St u n
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
8th-level enchantment
Casting Tim e: 1 action Eight m ulticolored rays o f light flash from your hand.
E ach ray is a different color and has a different p ow er
Range: 60 feet
Com ponents: V and pu rpose. E ach creature in a 60 -foot co n e must
Duration: Instantaneous m ake a D exterity saving throw. F or each target, roll a d8
to determ ine w h ich c o lo r ray affects it.
Y ou sp eak a w ord o f p ow er that can overw helm the 1. Red. T h e target takes 10d6 fire dam age on a failed
m ind o f on e creature you can see w ithin range, leaving save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
it dum bfounded. If the target has 150 hit poin ts or fewer, 2. Orange. T h e target takes 10d6 acid dam age on a
it is stunned. O therw ise, the spell has n o effect. failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
T h e stunned target m ust m ake a Constitution saving 3. Yellow. The target takes 10d6 lightning damage on a
th row at the end o f each o f its turns. O n a su ccessfu l failed save, or half as m uch dam age on a successful one.
save, this stunning effect ends. 4. Green. T h e target takes 10d6 p oison dam age on a
failed save, or half as m uch dam age on a successful one.
Pr a y e r o f H e a l in g
5. Blue. T h e target takes 10d6 cold dam age on a failed
2nd-level evocation
save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes 6. Indigo. On a failed save, the target is restrained.
Range: 30 feet It m ust then m ake a Constitution saving th row at the
Com ponents: V en d o f each o f its turns. If it su ccessfu lly saves three
Duration: Instantaneous tim es, the spell ends. If it fails its save three tim es,
Up to six creatures o f your ch oice that you can see it perm anently turns to stone and is su bjected to the
w ithin range each regain hit points equal to 2d 8 + your petrified condition. T h e su c ce s se s and failures don’t
sp ellcastin g ability m odifier. T h is spell has no effect on need to be consecutive; keep track o f both until the
undead or constructs. target collects three o f a kind.
At Higher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a 7. Violet. O n a failed save, the target is blinded. It
sp ell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the healing in creases by m ust then m ake a W isd om saving th row at the start o f
1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. your next turn. A su ccessfu l save ends the blin dness. If
it fails that save, the creature is transported to another
Pr e s t id ig it a t io n plane o f existence o f the D M ’s ch oosin g and is no longer
Transmutation cantrip blinded. (Typically, a creature that is on a plane that isn’t
its h om e plane is banished hom e, w hile other creatures
Casting Tim e: 1 action
are usually cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.)
Range: 10 feet
8. Special. T h e target is struck by tw o rays. R oll tw ice
Com ponents: V, S
m ore, rerolling any 8.
Duration: Up to 1 hour

T h is spell is a m in or m agical trick that n ovice Pr is m a t ic Wa l l

sp ellcasters use for practice. You create one o f the 9th-level abjuration
follow in g m agical effects w ithin range: Casting Time: 1 action
• You create an instantaneous, h arm less sen sory effect, Range: 60 feet
su ch as a sh ow er o f sparks, a puff o f w ind, faint m usi Components: V, S
ca l notes, o r an od d odor. Duration: 10 m inutes
• You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a A shim m ering, m u lticolored plane o f light form s a
torch, or a sm all cam pfire. vertical opaque w all—up to 90 feet long, 30 feet high,
• You instantaneously clean or soil an object n o larger and 1 inch thick—centered on a point you can see
than 1 cu b ic foot. w ithin range. Alternatively, you can shape the w all into
• You chill, w arm , or flavor up to 1 cu bic foot o f nonliv a sphere up to 30 feet in diam eter centered on a point
ing material for 1 hour. you c h o o s e w ithin range. T h e w all rem ains in place for
• You m ake a color, a sm all mark, or a sym bol appear the duration. If you position the w all so that it p a sses
on an object or a su rface for 1 hour. through a sp ace occu p ied by a creature, the sp ell fails,
• You create a n onm agical trinket or an illusory im age and your action and the spell slot are w asted.
that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end o f T h e w all sh eds bright light out to a range o f 100
y ou r next turn. feet and dim light for an additional 100 feet. You and
If you cast this spell multiple tim es, you can have up to creatu res you designate at the tim e you cast the spell
three o f its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, can pa ss through and rem ain near the w all w ithout
and you can dism iss such an effect as an action. harm . If another creature that can see the w all m oves to
w ithin 20 feet o f it or starts its turn there, the creature
m ust su cce e d on a Constitution saving throw or b e co m e Pr o d u c e Fl a m e
blinded for 1 minute. Conjuration cantrip
T h e w all con sists o f seven layers, each with a different
Casting Time: 1 action
color. W h en a creature attem pts to reach into or pass
Range: S elf
through the wall, it d o e s so one layer at a tim e through
Components: V, S
all the w all’s layers. A s it p a sses or reach es through
Duration: 10 minutes
each layer, the creature m ust m ake a D exterity saving
throw or be affected by that layer’s properties as A flickering flam e appears in your hand. T h e flame
d escrib ed below. rem ains there for the duration and harm s neither you
The w all can be destroyed, also on e layer at a time, in n or your equipm ent. T h e flam e sh ed s bright light in a
order from red to violet, by m eans sp ecific to each layer. 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
O nce a layer is destroyed, it rem ains s o for the duration T h e spell ends if you d ism iss it as an action or if you
o f the spell. A rod o f cancellation destroys a prismatic cast it again.
wall, but an antimagic field has no effect on it. You can also attack with the flame, although doin g so
1. Red. T h e creature takes 10d6 fire dam age on a ends the spell. W h en you cast this spell, or as an action
failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one. on a later turn, you can hurl the flam e at a creature
W h ile this layer is in place, n onm agical ranged attacks w ithin 30 feet o f you. M ake a ranged spell attack. On a
ca n ’t pass through the wall. T h e layer can b e destroyed hit, the target takes 1d8 fire dam age.
by dealing at least 25 cold dam age to it. T h is sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d8 w hen you reach
2. Orange. T h e creature takes 10d6 acid dam age on 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l
one. W h ile this layer is in place, m agical ranged attacks Pr o g r a m m e d Il l u s io n

ca n ’t pass through the w all. T h e layer is destroyed by 6th-level illusion

a stron g w ind. Casting Time: 1 action
3. Yellow. The creature takes 10d6 lightning dam age Range: 120 feet
on a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l Components: V, S , M (a bit o f fleece and ja d e dust w orth
one. T h is layer can be destroyed by dealing at least 60 at least 25 gp)
force dam age to it. Duration: Until dispelled
4. G reen. The creature takes 10d6 p oison dam age on
You create an illusion o f an object, a creature, or
a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l
som e other visible ph enom enon w ithin range that
one. A passwall spell, or another spell o f equal or
activates w hen a sp ecific condition occu rs. The illusion
greater level that can open a portal on a solid surface,
is im perceptible until then. It must be no larger than a
destroys this layer.
30-foot cube, and you decide w hen you cast the spell
5. B lue. T h e creature takes 10d6 cold dam age on a
h ow the illusion behaves and what sou n ds it m akes. This
failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
scripted perform an ce can last up to 5 m inutes.
T h is layer can be destroyed by dealing at least 25 fire
W h en the condition you sp ecify o ccu rs, the illusion
dam age to it.
springs into existence and perform s in the m anner you
6. Indigo. O n a failed save, the creature is restrained.
described . O n ce the illusion finishes perform ing, it
It m ust then m ake a Constitution saving th row at the
disappears and rem ains dorm ant for 10 m inutes. After
end o f each o f its turns. If it su ccessfu lly saves three
this time, the illusion can b e activated again.
tim es, the spell ends. If it fails its save three tim es,
Th e triggering condition can be as general or as
it perm anently turns to stone and is su bjected to the
detailed as you like, though it m ust be based on visual or
petrified condition. The su c ce s se s and failures d on ’t
audible condition s that o c cu r w ithin 30 feet o f the area.
n eed to be consecutive; keep track o f both until the
F or exam ple, you could create an illusion o f y ou rself
creature collects three o f a kind.
to appear and w arn o ff others w h o attempt to open a
W h ile this layer is in place, sp ells ca n ’t b e cast
trapped door, or you cou ld set the illusion to trigger only
through the w all. The layer is destroyed by bright light
w hen a creature says the correct w ord or phrase.
shed by a daylight spell or a sim ilar spell o f equal or
P hysical interaction with the im age reveals it to be an
higher level.
illusion, b eca u se things can pass through it. A creature
7. Violet. On a failed save, the creature is blinded. It
that u ses its action to exam ine the im age can determ ine
m ust then m ake a W isd om saving throw at the start o f
that it is an illusion w ith a su ccessfu l Intelligence
your next turn. A su ccessfu l save ends the blin dness. If
(Investigation) ch eck against your spell save DC. If a
it fails that save, the creature is transported to another
creature discern s the illusion for w hat it is, the creature
plane o f the D M ’s ch oosin g and is no longer blinded.
can see through the im age, and any n oise it m akes
(Typically, a creature that is on a plane that isn’t its
sou n ds h ollow to the creature.
h om e plane is banished h om e, w hile other creatures
are usually cast into the Astral or Ethereal planes.) This
layer is destroyed by a dispel magic spell or a sim ilar
spell o f equal or higher level that can end sp ells and
m agical effects.
Pr o j e c t Im a g e Pr o t e c t io n f r o m Po is o n
7th-level illusion 2nd-level abjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 5 0 0 m iles Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a sm all replica o f you m ade from Components: V, S
m aterials w orth at least 5 gp) Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 day
You touch a creature. If it is p oison ed , you neutralize the
You create an illusory copy o f y ou rself that lasts for p oison . If m ore than on e p oison afflicts the target, you
the duration. T h e cop y can appear at any location neutralize on e p oison that you k n ow is present, or you
w ithin range that you have seen before, rega rdless o f neutralize on e at random .
intervening obstacles. The illusion look s and sou n ds For the duration, the target has advantage on saving
like you but is intangible. If the illusion takes any throw s against bein g p oison ed , and it h as resistan ce to
dam age, it disappears, and the spell ends. p oison dam age.
You can u se your action to m ove this illusion up to
tw ice your sp eed, and m ake it gesture, speak, and Pu r if y Fo o d a n d D r in k

behave in w hatever w ay you ch oose. It m im ics your 1st-level transmutation (ritual)

m ann erism s perfectly. Casting Tim e: 1 action
You can see through its eyes and hear through its Range: 10 feet
ears as if you w ere in its space. O n your turn as a bon u s Components: V, S
action, you can sw itch from using its se n se s to using Duration: Instantaneous
your ow n, or b a ck again. W h ile you are using its sen ses,
All n onm agical fo o d and drink w ithin a 5-foot-radius
you are blin ded and deafened in regard to your ow n
sphere centered on a point o f your ch oice w ithin range is
purified and rendered free o f p oison and disease.
P hysical interaction w ith the im age reveals it to be an
illusion, b eca u se things can pass through it. A creature
R a is e D e a d
that u ses its action to exam ine the im age can determ ine
5th-level necrom ancy
that it is an illusion w ith a su ccessfu l Intelligence
(Investigation) ch eck against your spell save DC. If a Casting Tim e: 1 hour
creature discern s the illusion for what it is, the creature Range: Touch
can see th rough the im age, and any n oise it m akes Components: V, S, M (a diam on d w orth at least 5 0 0 gp,
sou n d s h ollow to the creature. w hich the spell con su m es)
Duration: Instantaneous
Pr o t e c t io n f r o m En e r g y
You return a dead creature you touch to life, provided
3rd-level abjuration that it has been dead no longer than 10 days. If the
Casting Time: 1 action creatu re’s sou l is both w illing and at liberty to rejoin the
Range: Touch body, the creature returns to life w ith 1 hit point.
Components: V, S T h is spell also neutralizes any p oison s and cu res
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour n onm agical d iseases that affected the creature at the
tim e it died. This spell d oesn ’t, however, rem ove m agical
F or the duration, the w illing creature you touch has
d iseases, curses, or sim ilar effects; if th ese aren’t first
resistan ce to one dam age type o f your ch oice: acid, cold,
rem oved prior to casting the spell, they take effect w hen
fire, lightning, or thunder.
the creature returns to life. T h e spell ca n ’t return an
Pr o t e c t io n f r o m Ev il a n d G o o d undead creature to life.
1st-level abjuration This spell c lo se s all m ortal w ou n ds, but it d oesn ’t
restore m issin g b od y parts. If the creature is lacking
Casting Tim e: 1 action
b od y parts or organs integral for its survival—its head,
Range: Touch
for in stan ce—the spell autom atically fails.
Components: V, S, M (holy w ater or p ow dered silver
C om in g back from the dead is an ordeal. The target
and iron, w hich the spell con su m es)
takes a - 4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throw s, and
Duration: Concentration up to 10 minutes
ability ch eck s. Every tim e the target finishes a lon g rest,
Until the spell ends, on e w illing creature you the penalty is redu ced by 1 until it disappears.
touch is protected against certain types of
creatures: aberrations, celestials, elem entals, fey, R a r y ’s T e l e p a t h ic Bo n d

fiends, and undead. 5th-level divination (ritual)

The protection grants several benefits. Creatures o f Casting Tim e: 1 action
th ose types have disadvantage on attack rolls against Range: 30 feet
the target. T h e target also c a n ’t be charm ed, frightened, Components: V, S, M (p ieces o f eggshell from tw o
or p o s s e s s e d by them. If the target is already charm ed, different kinds o f creatures)
frightened, or p o s s e s s e d by such a creature, the target Duration: 1 hour
has advantage on any n ew saving th row against the
You forge a telepathic link am ong up to eight w illing
relevant effect.
creatures o f your ch oice w ithin range, psychically
linking each creature to all the others for the duration. You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing
C reatures w ith Intelligence s c o r e s o f 2 or less aren’t ability. The target regains 4d 8 + 15 hit points. F or the
affected by this spell. duration o f the spell, the target regains 1 hit point at the
Until the spell ends, the targets can com m u n icate start o f each o f its turns (10 hit poin ts each minute).
telepathically through the bon d w hether or not they have T h e target’s severed b o d y m em bers (fingers, legs,
a co m m o n language. T h e com m u n ication is p ossib le tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 m inutes.
over any distance, though it ca n ’t extend to other planes If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump,
o f existence. the spell instantaneously cau ses the lim b to knit
to the stump.
R a y o f En f e e b l e m e n t
2nd-level necrom ancy R e in c a r n a t e

Casting Tim e: 1 action 5th-level transmutation

Range: 60 feet Casting Tim e: 1 hour
Components: V, S Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute Components: V, S, M (rare oils and unguents w orth at
least 1,000 gp, w hich the spell con su m es)
A black b ea m o f enervating en ergy sprin gs from your
Duration: Instantaneous
finger tow ard a creature w ithin range. M ake a ranged
spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target deals You touch a dead hum anoid or a p iece o f a dead
only h alf dam age with w eap on attacks that u se Strength hum anoid. P rovid ed that the creature has been dead no
until the spell ends. lon ger than 10 days, the spell form s a n ew adult body
At the end o f each o f the target’s turns, it can m ake for it and then calls the sou l to enter that body. If the
a Constitution saving th row against the spell. On a target’s sou l isn’t free or w illing to do so, the spell fails.
su ccess, the spell ends. The m agic fashions a n ew b od y for the creature
to inhabit, w hich likely cau ses the creatu re’s race to
R a y o f Fr o s t
change. The D M rolls a d 100 and consults the follow in g
Evocation cantrip table to determ ine w hat form the creature takes w hen
Casting Tim e: 1 action restored to life, or the DM c h o o s e s a form.
Range: 60 feet
d100 Race
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous 01-04 Dragonborn
05-13 Dwarf, hill
A frigid b ea m o f blue-white light streaks tow ard a
14-21 Dwarf, mountain
creature w ithin range. M ake a ran ged spell attack
22-25 Elf, dark
against the target. O n a hit, it takes 1d8 cold dam age,
and its sp eed is redu ced by 10 feet until the start of 26-34 Elf, high
your next turn. 35-42 Elf, wood
T h e sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d8 w hen you reach 43-46 Gnome, forest
5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). 47-52 Gnome, rock
53-56 Half-elf
R a y o f Sic k n e s s
57-60 Half-orc
1st-level necromancy 61-68 Halfling, lightfoot
Casting Tim e: 1 action 69-76 Halfling, stout
Range: 60 feet 77-96 Human
Components: V, S 97-00 Tiefling
Duration: Instantaneous
T h e reincarnated creature reca lls its form er life
A ray o f sicken in g greenish en ergy lashes out tow ard
and experiences. It retains the capabilities it had in its
a creature w ithin range. M ake a ranged spell attack
original form , except it exch an ges its original race for
against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 p oison
the n ew on e and changes its racial traits accordingly.
dam age and m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw.
O n a failed save, it is also p oison ed until the end o f
R e mo v e C u r se
your next turn.
3rd-level abjuration
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by Casting Tim e: 1 action
1d8 for each slot level above 1st. Range: Touch
Components: V, S
R e g e n e r a t e Duration: Instantaneous
7th-level transmutation At your touch, all cu rses affecting on e creature or
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute ob ject end. If the object is a cu rsed m agic item, its cu rse
Range: Touch rem ains, but the spell breaks its ow n er’s attunem ent to
Components: V, S, M (a prayer w h eel and holy water) the object s o it can be rem oved or d iscarded.
Duration: 1 hour
R e s is t a n c e R e v iv if y
Abjuration cantrip 3rd-level conjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S , M (a m iniature cloak) Components: V, S, M (diam onds w orth 3 0 0 gp, w hich
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the spell con su m es)
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch one w illing creature. O nce before the spell
ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the num ber You touch a creature that has died w ithin the last
rolled to on e saving th row o f its ch oice. It can roll minute. That creature returns to life with 1 hit point.
the die b efore or after m akin g the saving throw. The This spell ca n ’t return to life a creature that has died o f
spell then ends. old age, nor can it restore any m issing b od y parts.

R e s u r r e c t io n Ro pe T r ic k
7th-level necromancy 2nd-level transmutation
Casting Tim e: 1 hour Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a diam on d w orth at least 1,000 Components: V, S, M (pow dered corn extract and a
gp, w h ich the spell con su m es) tw isted loop o f parchm ent)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 hour

You touch a dead creature that has been dead for no You touch a length o f rope that is up to 6 0 feet long.
m ore than a century, that didn’t die o f old age, and that O ne end o f the rop e then rises into the air until the
isn’t undead. If its sou l is free and w illing, the target w hole rop e hangs perpen d icu la r to the ground. At the
returns to life w ith all its hit points. upper end o f the rope, an invisible entrance op en s to an
T h is spell neutralizes any p oison s and cu res norm al extradim ensional sp ace that lasts until the spell ends.
d isea ses afflicting the creature w hen it died. It d oesn ’t, The extradim ension al sp ace can be reached by
however, rem ove m agical diseases, cu rses, and the like; clim bing to the top o f the rope. The sp ace can hold as
if such effects aren't rem oved prior to castin g the spell, m any as eight M edium or sm aller creatures. T h e rope
they afflict the target on its return to life. can be pulled into the space, m aking the rope disappear
This spell c lo se s all m ortal w ou n d s and restores any from view outside the space.
m issin g b od y parts. Attacks and sp ells ca n ’t c ro s s through the entrance
C om in g ba ck from the dead is an ordeal. The target into or out o f the extradim ensional space, but th ose
takes a - 4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throw s, and inside can see out o f it as if through a 3-foot-by-5-foot
ability ch ecks. Every tim e the target finishes a long rest, w in d ow centered on the rope.
the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears. Anything inside the extradim ensional sp ace d rop s out
Casting this spell to restore life to a creature that has w hen the spell ends.
been dead for on e year or longer taxes you greatly. Until
you finish a long rest, you can ’t cast sp ells again, and Sa c r e d Fl a m e

you have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, Evocation cantrip
and saving throws. Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
R e v e r se G r a v it y
Components: V, S
7th-level transmutation Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Tim e: 1 action
F lam e-like radiance d escen d s on a creature that you
Range: 100 feet
can see w ithin range. The target must su cce e d on a
Components: V, S, M (a lodeston e and iron filings)
Dexterity saving th row or take 1d8 radiant dam age. The
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
This spell reverses gravity in a 50-foot-radius, 100- The sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d8 w hen you reach
foot high cylinder centered on a point within range. All 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
creatures and objects that aren’t som ehow anchored to
the ground in the area fall upward and reach the top of Sa n c t u a r y

the area when you cast this spell. A creature can make a 1st-level abjuration
Dexterity saving throw to grab onto a fixed object it can Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
reach, thus avoiding the fall. Range: 30 feet
If som e solid object (such as a ceilin g) is encountered Components: V, S, M (a sm all silver m irror)
in this fall, falling ob jects and creatures strike it ju st as Duration: 1 minute
they w ou ld during a n orm al dow nw ard fall. If an object
You w ard a creature within range against attack. Until
or creature reach es the top o f the area w ithout striking
the spell ends, any creature w h o targets the w arded
anything, it rem ains there, oscillating slightly, for
creature w ith an attack or a harm ful spell m ust first
the duration.
m ake a W isd om saving throw. O n a failed save, the
At the end o f the duration, affected objects and
creature m ust c h o o s e a new target or lose the attack
creatu res fall back dow n.
or spell. T h is spell d oesn ’t protect the w arded creature
from area effects, such as the ex plosion o f a fireball.
If the w arded creature m akes an attack or casts a spell
that affects an enem y creature, this spell ends.

Sc o r c h in g R a y
2 nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Com ponents: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You create three rays o f fire and hurl them at targets

w ithin range. You can hurl them at on e target or several.
M ake a ranged spell attack for each ray. On a hit, the
target takes 2d6 fire dam age.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, you create one additional
ray for each slot level above 2nd.

Sc r y in g
5th-level divination
Casting Tim e: 10 m inutes
Range: S e lf
Components: V, S, M (a focu s w orth at least 1,000 gp,
such as a crystal ball, a silver mirror, or a font filled
w ith holy water)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes

You ca n see and hear a particular creature you c h o o s e

that is on the sam e plane o f existence as you. The target
m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw, w hich is m odified
by h ow w ell you k n ow the target and the sort o f physical
con n ection you have to it. If a target k n ow s you're
castin g this spell, it can fail the saving th row voluntarily
if it w ants to be observed.

Knowledge Save Modifier

Secondhand (you have heard of the target) +5
Firsthand (you have met the target) +0
Familiar (you know the target well) -5

Connection Save Modifier

Likeness or picture -2
Possession or garment -4
Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, or the like -10

On a su ccessfu l save, the target isn ’t affected, and you

ca n ’t use this spell against it again for 24 hours.
On a failed save, the spell creates an invisible sen sor
within 10 feet o f the target. You can see and hear through
the sen sor as if you w ere there. T h e sen sor m oves with
the target, rem ainin g w ithin 10 feet o f it for the duration.
A creature that can see invisible objects se e s the sen sor
as a lu m in ou s orb about the size o f your fist.
Instead o f targeting a creature, you can c h o o s e a
location you have seen before as the target o f this spell.
W h en you do, the sen sor appears at that location and
d o e s n ’t m ove.
Se a r in g Sm it e s om eon e w h o reach es out to touch you w ou ld bum p into
1st-level evocation you w hile it w as seem in gly still in midair.
A creature can u se its action to in spect a target and
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
m ake an Intelligence (Investigation) ch eck against your
Range: S e lf
spell save DC. If it su cceed s, it b e c o m e s aw are that the
Com ponents: V
target is disguised.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

T h e next tim e you hit a creature with a m elee w eapon Se n d in g

attack during the sp ell’s duration, your w eap on flares 3rd-level evocation
with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra Casting Tim e: 1 action
1d6 fire dam age to the target and cau ses the target to Range: Unlim ited
ignite in flam es. At the start o f each o f its turns until Components: V, S, M (a short p iece o f fine co p p e r w ire)
the spell ends, the target must m ake a Constitution Duration: 1 round
saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire dam age.
O n a su ccessfu l save, the spell ends. If the target or a You send a sh ort m essa ge o f twenty-five w ord s or
creature w ithin 5 feet o f it u ses an action to put out the less to a creature w ith w hich you are familiar. The
flam es, or if som e other effect d ou ses the flam es (such creature hears the m essa ge in its m ind, recog n izes
as the target being su bm erged in water), the spell ends. you as the sen der if it k n ow s you, and can an sw er in a
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell u sing a like m anner im mediately. The spell en ables creatures
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the initial extra dam age with Intelligence s c o r e s o f at least 1 to understand the
dealt by the attack in creases by 1d6 for each slot m eaning o f your m essage.
level above 1st. You can sen d the m essa ge a cross any distance and
even to other planes o f existence, but if the target is on a
Se e In v is ib il it y different plane than you, there is a 5 percent ch a n ce that
2nd-level divination the m essa ge d oesn ’t arrive.

Casting Tim e: 1 action Se q u e s t e r

Range: S e lf
7th-level transmutation
Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f talc and a sm all
sp rinkling o f pow d ered silver) Casting Tim e: 1 action
Duration: 1 hour Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a p ow der co m p o s e d o f diam ond,
For the duration, you see invisible creatures and objects em erald, ruby, and sapphire dust w orth at least 5 ,0 0 0
as if they w ere visible, and you can see into the Ethereal gp, w hich the spell con su m es)
Plane. Ethereal creatures and objects appear ghostly Duration: Until dispelled
and translucent.
By m eans o f this spell, a w illing creature or an object
Se e m in g can be hidden away, safe from detection for the
5th-level illusion duration. W h en you cast the spell and touch the target,
it b e c o m e s invisible and can ’t be targeted by divination
Casting Tim e: 1 action
spells or perceived through scryin g sen sors created by
Range: 30 feet
divination spells.
Components: V, S
If the target is a creature, it falls into a state o f
Duration: 8 hours
su sp ended anim ation. Tim e ce a se s to flow for it, and it
T h is spell allow s you to change the ap pearan ce o f any d oesn ’t g row older.
num ber o f creatu res that you can see w ithin range. You You can set a condition for the spell to end early.
give each target you c h o o s e a new, illusory appearance. T h e condition can b e anything you ch o o s e , but it
A n unw illing target can m ake a Charism a saving throw, must o c cu r or b e visible w ithin 1 m ile o f the target.
and if it su cceed s, it is unaffected by this spell. E xam ples include “after 1,000 y ea rs” or “w hen the
T h e spell d isgu ises physical appearan ce as w ell as tarrasque aw akens.” T h is spell also en ds if the target
clothing, arm or, w eapon s, and equipm ent. Y ou can m ake takes any dam age.
each creature seem 1 foot shorter or taller and appear
thin, fat, or in betw een . You ca n ’t change a target’s body Sh a pe c h a n g e

type, s o you m ust c h o o s e a form that has the sam e 9th-level transmutation
basic arrangem ent o f lim bs. O therw ise, the extent o f Casting Tim e: 1 action
the illusion is up to you. The spell lasts for the duration, Range: S e lf
u n less you u se your action to d ism iss it sooner. Components: V, S, M (a ja de circlet w orth at least 1,500
The ch a n g es w rou gh t by this spell fail to hold up to gp, w hich you must place on your head b efore you
physical in spection. F or exam ple, if you use this spell cast the spell)
to add a hat to a creatu re’s outfit, objects pass through Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
the hat, and anyone w h o tou ches it w ou ld feel nothing
or w ou ld feel the creatu re’s head and hair. If you use You assu m e the form o f a different creature for the
this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of duration. T h e n ew form can b e o f any creature with
a challen ge rating equal to your level or lower. The
creature ca n ’t be a con stru ct or an undead, and you Sh ie l d
m ust have seen the sort o f creature at least on ce. You 1st-level abjuration
transform into an average exam ple o f that creature, one
Casting Tim e: 1 reaction, w hich you take w hen you are
w ithout any cla ss levels or the S p ellcastin g trait.
hit by an attack or targeted by the magic m issile spell
Your gam e statistics are replaced by the statistics
Range: S elf
o f the ch osen creature, though you retain your
Components: V, S
alignm ent and Intelligence, W isdom , and Charism a
Duration: 1 round
scores. You also retain all o f your skill and saving
th row proficiencies, in addition to gaining th ose o f the A n invisible barrier o f m agical force appears and
creature. If the creature has the sam e proficiency as you protects you. Until the start o f your next turn, you have a
and the bon u s listed in its statistics is higher than yours, +5 bon u s to AC, including against the triggering attack,
u se the creatu re’s bon u s in place o f yours. You ca n ’t use and you take no dam age from magic missile.
any legendary actions or lair actions o f the n ew form .
Sh ie l d o f Fa it h
You assu m e the hit poin ts and Hit D ice o f the new
form . W hen you revert to your norm al form , you 1st-level abjuration
return to the num ber o f hit points you had b efore you Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
transform ed. If you revert as a result o f droppin g to Range: 60 feet
0 hit points, any e x ce s s dam age carries over to your Components: V, S, M (a sm all parchm ent with a bit o f
n orm al form . A s long as the e x cess dam age d oesn ’t holy text w ritten on it)
reduce your n orm al form to 0 hit points, you aren’t Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
k n ock ed u n con sciou s.
A sh im m ering field appears and surrou nds a creature
You retain the benefit o f any features from your class,
o f your ch oice within range, granting it a +2 bon u s to AC
race, or other sou rce and can use them , provided that
for the duration.
your n ew form is physically capable o f doing so. You
ca n ’t u se any sp ecia l se n se s you have (for exam ple, Sh il l e l a g h
darkvision) u n less your n ew form also has that sen se. Transmutation cantrip
You can only sp eak if the creature can norm ally speak.
Casting Tim e: 1 bonus action
W h en you transform , you c h o o s e w hether your
Range: Touch
equipm ent falls to the ground, m erges into the n ew
Components: V, S, M (m istletoe, a sh a m rock leaf, and a
form , or is w orn by it. W orn equipm ent fu nction s as
club or quarterstaff)
norm al. The D M determ ines w hether it is practical for
Duration: 1 minute
the n ew form to w ear a p iece o f equipm ent, ba sed on
the creatu re’s shape and size. Your equipm ent d oesn ’t The w o o d o f a club or quarterstaff you are holdin g is
change shape or size to match the n ew form , and any im bued with nature’s pow er. For the duration, you can
equipm ent that the n ew form ca n ’t w ea r must either fall u se your spellcastin g ability instead o f Strength for
to the ground or m erge into your n ew form . Equipm ent the attack and dam age rolls o f m elee attacks using
that m erges has n o effect in that state. that w eapon , and the w eapon 's dam age die b e co m e s
D uring this sp ell’s duration, you can u se your action to a d8. T h e w eap on also b e c o m e s m agical, if it isn’t
assu m e a different form follow in g the sam e restrictions already. T h e spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go
and rules for the original form , w ith on e exception: if o f the w eapon.
your n ew form has m ore hit points than your current
one, your hit points rem ain at their current value. Sh o c k in g G r a sp
Evocation cantrip
Sh a t t e r
Casting Tim e: 1 action
2nd-level evocation Range: Touch
Casting Tim e: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 60 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (a chip o f m ica)
Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a sh ock to
Duration: Instantaneous
a creature you try to touch. M ake a m elee spell attack
A sudden loud ringin g n oise, painfully intense, erupts against the target. You have advantage on the attack roll
from a point o f your ch oice w ithin range. E ach creature if the target is w earin g arm or m ade o f metal. On a hit,
in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must the target takes 1d8 lightning dam age, and it ca n ’t take
m ake a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes reaction s until the start o f its next turn.
3d8 thunder dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch The spell’s dam age in creases by 1d8 w hen you reach
dam age on a su ccessfu l one. A creature m ade o f 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
inorganic m aterial such as stone, crystal, or m etal has
disadvantage on this saving throw. Si l e n c e

A n onm agical object that isn’t bein g w orn or carried 2nd-level illusion (ritual)
also takes the dam age if it’s in the spell's area. Casting Tim e: 1 action
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell u sing a Range: 120 feet
spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age in creases by Components: V, S
1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
For the duration, no sou n d ca n be created w ithin or If the sim u lacru m is dam aged, you can repair it in an
pass through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a alch em ical laboratory, u sing rare herbs and m inerals
point you c h o o s e w ithin range. A ny creature or object w orth 100 gp per hit point it regains. T h e sim ulacrum
entirely inside the sphere is im m u ne to thunder dam age, lasts until it d rops to 0 hit points, at w h ich point it
and creatures are deafened w hile entirely inside it. reverts to sn o w and m elts instantly.
Casting a spell that includes a verbal com pon en t is If you cast this spell again, any currently
im possible there. active duplicates you created w ith this spell are
instantly destroyed.
Si l e n t Im a g e

1st-level illusion Sl e e p

Casting Tim e: 1 action 1st-level enchantment

Range: 60 feet Casting Tim e: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f fleece) Range: 90 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f fine sand, ro se petals,
or a cricket)
You create the im age o f an object, a creature, or som e
Duration: 1 minute
other visible p h en om en on that is no larger than a 15-foot
cube. The im age appears at a spot w ithin range and T h is spell sen ds creatures into a m agical slumber.
lasts for the duration. The im age is purely visual; it isn't Roll 5d8; the total is h ow m any hit points o f creatures
a ccom p a n ied by sound, sm ell, or other sen sory effects. this spell can affect. Creatures w ithin 20 feet o f
You can u se your action to cau se the im age to m ove to a point you c h o o s e w ithin range are affected in
any spot w ithin range. A s the im age changes location, a scen din g order o f their current hit points (ignoring
you can alter its appearan ce s o that its m ovem ents u n con sciou s creatures).
appear natural for the im age. F or exam ple, if you create Starting w ith the creature that has the low est current
an im age o f a creature and m ove it, you can alter the hit points, each creature affected by this spell falls
im age so that it appears to be w alking. u n con sciou s until the spell ends, the sleeper takes
P hysical interaction with the im age reveals it to be an dam age, or som eon e u ses an action to shake or slap the
illusion, b eca u se things can pass through it. A creature sleeper awake. Subtract each creatu re’s hit points from
that uses its action to exam ine the im age can determ ine the total b efore m oving on to the creature w ith the next
that it is an illusion w ith a su ccessfu l Intelligence low est hit points. A creatu re’s hit points must b e equal
(Investigation) ch eck against your spell save DC. If a to or less than the rem aining total for that creature
creature discern s the illusion for w hat it is, the creature to b e affected.
can see through the im age. Undead and creatures im m une to being charm ed
aren’t affected by this spell.
Si m u l a c r u m
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
7th-level illusion sp ell slot o f 2nd level or higher, roll an additional 2d8 for
Casting Tim e: 12 hours each slot level above 1st.
Range: Touch
Sl e e t St o r m
Components: V, S, M (sn ow or ice in quantities
sufficient to m ade a life-size cop y o f the duplicated 3rd-level conjuration
creature; so m e hair, fingernail clippings, or other Casting Tim e: 1 action
p iece o f that creatu re’s b od y p laced inside the sn ow Range: 150 feet
or ice; and p ow dered ruby w orth 1,500 gp, sprinkled Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f dust and a few
over the duplicate and con su m ed by the spell) d rops o f water)
Duration: Until dispelled Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute

You shape an illusory duplicate o f on e beast or Until the spell ends, freezin g rain and sleet fall in a
hum anoid that is w ithin range for the entire casting 20-foot-tall cylinder w ith a 40 -foot radius centered on
tim e o f the spell. T h e duplicate is a creature, partially a point you c h o o s e w ithin range. The area is heavily
real and form ed from ice or snow, and it can take obscu red, and e x p osed flam es in the area are dou sed.
actions and oth erw ise be affected as a n orm al creature. T h e grou nd in the area is covered w ith slick ice,
It appears to b e the sam e as the original, but it has half m aking it difficult terrain. W h en a creature enters the
the creatu re’s hit point m axim u m and is form ed without sp ell’s area for the first tim e on a turn or starts its turn
any equipm ent. O therw ise, the illusion u ses all the there, it m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw. On a failed
statistics o f the creature it duplicates. save, it falls prone.
The sim u lacru m is friendly to you and creatures you If a creature is concentratin g in the sp ell’s area, the
designate. It obeys your sp oken com m a n d s, m oving creature must m ake a su ccessfu l Constitution saving
and acting in a ccord a n ce with your w ish es and acting th row against your spell save D C or lose concentration.
on your turn in com bat. The sim ulacrum lacks the
ability to learn or b e c o m e m ore pow erful, s o it never
in creases its level or other abilities, nor can it regain
expen ded spell slots.
Sl o w m outh and can ’t be undead. T he spell fails if the corp se
3rd-level transmutation w as the target o f this spell w ithin the last 10 days.
Until the spell ends, you can ask the c orp se up to five
Casting Tim e: 1 action
questions. The co rp s e k n ow s only what it kn ew in life,
Range: 120 feet
including the languages it knew. A n sw ers are usually
Components: V, S, M (a drop o f m olasses)
brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and the c orp se is under no
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
com pu lsion to offer a truthful answ er if you are hostile
You alter time around up to six creatures o f your to it or it recog n izes you as an enemy. This spell d oesn ’t
ch oice in a 40 -foot cu b e w ithin range. E ach target must return the creature’s sou l to its body, only its anim ating
su cceed on a W isd om saving th row or be affected by spirit. Thus, the c orp se can ’t learn new inform ation,
this spell for the duration. d oesn ’t com prehen d anything that has h appened since it
A n affected target’s sp eed is halved, it takes a - 2 died, and ca n ’t speculate about future events.
penalty to AC and D exterity saving throw s, and it ca n ’t
use reactions. On its turn, it can u se either an action or Sp e a k w it h Pl a n t s
a bon u s action, not both. R eg ardless o f the creatu re’s 3rd-level transmutation
abilities or m agic items, it can ’t m ake m ore than one Casting Time: 1 action
m elee or ranged attack during its turn. Range: S e lf (30-foot radius)
If the creature attem pts to cast a spell w ith a casting Components: V, S
tim e o f 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell Duration: 10 m inutes
d oesn ’t take effect until the creatu re’s next turn, and the
creature m ust use its action on that turn to com plete the You im bue plants w ithin 30 feet o f you with lim ited
spell. If it ca n ’t, the spell is w asted. sen tience and anim ation, giving them the ability
A creature affected by this spell m akes another to com m u n icate w ith you and follow your sim ple
W isd om saving throw at the end o f its turn. On a com m a n d s. You can question plants about events in the
su ccessfu l save, the effect ends for it. sp ell’s area w ithin the past day, gaining inform ation
about creatu res that have passed, weather, and other
Sp a r e t h e D y in g circu m stan ces.
Necrom ancy cantrip You can also turn difficult terrain cau sed by plant
grow th (such as thickets and undergrow th) into ordinary
Casting Tim e: 1 action
terrain that lasts for the duration. Or you can turn
Range: Touch
ordinary terrain w here plants are present into difficult
Components: V, S
terrain that lasts for the duration, causing v ines and
Duration: Instantaneous
bran ch es to hinder pursuers, for exam ple.
Y ou touch a living creature that has 0 hit points. The Plants m ight be able to perform other tasks on your
creature b e c o m e s stable. This spell has no effect on behalf, at the D M ’s discretion. The spell d oesn ’t enable
undead or constructs. plants to uproot them selves and m ove about, but they
can freely m ove branches, tendrils, and stalks.
Sp e a k w it h A n im a l s
If a plant creature is in the area, you can com m u n icate
1st-level divination (ritual) with it as if you shared a co m m o n language, but you
Casting Tim e: 1 action gain no m agical ability to influence it.
Range: S e lf T h is spell can cau se the plants created by the entangle
Components: V, S spell to release a restrained creature.
Duration: 10 m inutes
Sp i d e r C l im b
You gain the ability to com preh en d and verbally
2nd-level transmutation
com m u n icate with beasts for the duration. T h e
kn ow led ge and aw aren ess o f m any beasts is limited Casting Time: 1 action
by their intelligence, but at m inim um , beasts can Range: Touch
give you inform ation about nearby locations and Components: V, S, M (a drop o f bitum en and a spider)
m onsters, including w hatever they can perceive or have Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
p erceived w ithin the past day. You might be able to Until the spell ends, one w illing creature you touch
persu ade a beast to perform a sm all favor for you, at the gains the ability to m ove up, dow n, and a cross vertical
D M ’s discretion. su rfaces and upside dow n along ceilin gs, w hile leaving
its hands free. The target also gains a clim bin g sp eed
Sp e a k w it h D e a d
equal to its w alking speed.
3rd-level necromancy
Casting Tim e: 1 action Sp i k e G r o w t h

Range: 10 feet 2nd-level transmutation

Components: V, S, M (burning incense) Casting Tim e: 1 action
Duration: 10 m inutes Range: 150 feet
You grant the sem bla n ce o f life and intelligence to a Components: V, S, M (seven sharp thorns or seven
c orp se o f your ch oice w ithin range, allow ing it to answ er sm all tw igs, each sh arpen ed to a point)
the questions you p ose. T h e co rp s e must still have a Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 m inutes
T he ground in a 20 -foot radius centered on a point St a g g e r in g Sm it e
within range tw ists and sprouts hard spik es and thorns. 4th-level evocation
T h e area b e c o m e s difficult terrain for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
W h en a creature m oves into or w ithin the area, it takes
Range: S e lf
2d4 piercing dam age for every 5 feet it travels.
Components: V
The transform ation o f the grou nd is cam ou flaged to
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
look natural. Any creature that ca n ’t see the area at the
tim e the spell is cast m ust m ake a W isd om (P erception ) The next tim e you hit a creature with a m elee w eapon
ch eck against your spell save D C to r ecog n ize the attack during this sp ell’s duration, your w eap on pierces
terrain as hazardou s before entering it. both b od y and mind, and the attack deals an extra
4d 6 psych ic dam age to the target. The target must
Sp ir it G u a r d ia n s m ake a W isd om saving throw. On a failed save, it has
3rd-level conjuration disadvantage on attack rolls and ability ch eck s, and
Casting Tim e: 1 action can't take reactions, until the end o f its next turn.
Range: S e lf (15-foot radius)
St in k in g Cl o u d
Components: V, S, M (a holy sym bol)
3rd-level conjuration
Duration: C oncentration, up to 10 m inutes
Casting Time: 1 action
You call forth spirits to protect you. They flit around you
Range: 9 0 feet
to a distance o f 15 feet for the duration. If you are g ood
Components: V, S, M (a rotten egg or several skunk
or neutral, their spectral form appears angelic or fey
cabbage leaves)
(your choice). If you are evil, they appear fiendish.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
W h en you cast this spell, you can designate any
n um ber o f creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. You create a 20-foot-radius sphere o f yellow, nauseating
A n affected creatu re’s sp eed is halved in the area, and gas centered on a point w ithin range. The cloud spreads
w hen the creature enters the area for the first time on around corn ers, and its area is heavily obscu red . The
a turn or starts its turn there, it m ust m ake a W isdom cloud lingers in the air for the duration.
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 Each creature that is com pletely w ithin the cloud at
radiant dam age (if you are g o o d or neutral) or 3d8 the start o f its turn m ust m ake a Constitution saving
n ecrotic dam age (if you are evil). On a su ccessfu l save, throw against p oison . On a failed save, the creature
the creature takes h alf as m uch dam age. sp ends its action that turn retching and reeling.
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a Creatures that d on ’t need to breathe or are im m une to
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age in creases by p oison autom atically su cce e d on this saving throw.
1d8 for each slot level above 3rd. A m oderate w ind (at least 10 m iles per hour) d isperses
the cloud after 4 rounds. A stron g w ind (at least 20
Sp ir it u a l W e a po n m iles per hour) disp erses it after 1 round.
2nd-level evocation
St o n e Sh a pe
Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
4th-level transmutation
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 m inute Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (soft clay, w hich m ust be w orked
Y ou create a floating, spectral w eap on w ithin range that
into roughly the desired sh ape o f the stone object)
lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again.
Duration: Instantaneous
W h en you cast the spell, you can m ake a m elee spell
attack against a creature w ithin 5 feet o f the w eapon. On You touch a stone ob ject o f M edium size or sm aller or
a hit, the target takes force dam age equal to 1d8 + your a section o f stone n o m ore than 5 feet in any dim ension
spellcastin g ability m odifier. and form it into any shape that suits your p u rpose. So,
A s a bon u s action on your turn, you can m ove the for exam ple, you cou ld shape a large ro ck into a w eapon,
w eap on up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a idol, or coffer, or m ake a sm all pa ssage through a wall,
creature w ithin 5 feet o f it. as lon g as the w all is less than 5 feet thick. You cou ld
T he w eap on can take w hatever form you ch oose. also shape a stone d o o r or its fram e to sea l the d oor
C lerics o f deities w h o are a ssocia ted with a particular shut. The object you create can have up to tw o hinges
w eap on (as St. Cuthbert is k n ow n for his m ace and a latch, but finer m ech an ica l detail isn’t possible.
and T h or for his ham m er) m ake this sp ell’s effect
resem ble that w eapon. St o n e s k in

A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a 4th-level abjuration

spell slot o f 3rd level or higher, the dam age in crea ses by Casting Tim e: 1 action
1d8 for every tw o slot levels above the 2nd. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (diam ond dust w orth 100 gp,
w hich the spell con su m es)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Th is spell turns the flesh o f a w illing creature you touch The target must m ake a W isd om saving throw. O n a
as hard as stone. Until the spell ends, the target has failed save, it pu rsues the co u rse o f action you d escribed
resistan ce to n onm agical bludgeoning, piercing, and to the best o f its ability. T h e su ggested cou rse o f action
slashing dam age. can continue for the entire duration. If the suggested
activity can be com pleted in a shorter time, the spell
St o r m o f V e n g e a n c e
ends w hen the subject finishes w hat it w as asked to do.
9th-level conjuration You can also sp ecify condition s that w ill trigger a
Casting Tim e: 1 action sp ecia l activity during the duration. For exam ple, you
Range: Sight m ight suggest that a knight give her w arhorse to the
Components: V, S first beggar she m eets. If the condition isn’t m et before
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute the spell expires, the activity isn’t perform ed.
If you or any o f your com p a n ion s dam age the target,
A churning storm cloud form s, centered on a point you
the spell ends.
can see and spreadin g to a radius o f 3 6 0 feet. Lightning
flashes in the area, thunder b oom s, and strong w in ds Su n b e a m
roar. Each creature under the cloud (no m ore than 5,0 0 0
6th-level evocation
feet beneath the cloud) w hen it appears must m ake a
Casting Time: 1 action
C onstitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
Range: S e lf (60-foot line)
takes 2d 6 thunder dam age and b e c o m e s deafened
Components: V, S, M (a m agnifying glass)
for 5 m inutes.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Each round you m aintain concentration on this spell,
the storm p rod u ces additional effects on your turn. A b ea m o f brilliant light flashes out from your hand
Round 2. A cidic rain falls from the cloud. in a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-lon g line. E ach creature in
E ach creature and object under the cloud takes the line m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. On a
1d6 acid dam age. failed save, a creature takes 6d8 radiant dam age and
R ound 3. You call six bolts o f lightning from the is blinded until your next turn. On a su ccessfu l save,
clou d to strike six creatu res or objects o f your ch oice it takes h alf as m uch dam age and isn’t blinded by this
beneath the cloud. A given creature or object ca n ’t be spell. U ndead and o o z e s have disadvantage on this
struck by m ore than on e bolt. A struck creature must saving throw.
m ake a Dexterity saving throw. T h e creature takes You can create a n ew line o f radiance as your action
10d6 lightning dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch on any turn until the spell ends.
dam age on a su ccessfu l one. F or the duration, a m ote o f brilliant radiance sh in es in
Round 4. H ailstones rain dow n from the your hand. It sheds bright light in a 30 -foot radius and
cloud. E ach creature under the cloud takes 2d6 dim light for an additional 30 feet. T his light is sunlight.
bludgeon ing dam age.
R ound 5 -1 0 . G usts and freezin g rain assail the Su n b u r s t

area under the cloud. T h e area b e c o m e s difficult 8th-level evocation

terrain and is heavily ob scu red. E ach creature there Casting Tim e: 1 action
takes 1d6 cold dam age. R an ged w eap on attacks in Range: 150 feet
the area are im possible. T h e w in d and rain coun t as Components: V, S, M (fire and a p iece o f sunstone)
a severe distraction for the p u rp oses o f m aintaining Duration: Instantaneous
concentration on spells. Finally, gusts o f stron g w ind
Brilliant sunlight flashes in a 60 -foot radius centered
(ranging from 20 to 50 m iles per hour) autom atically
on a point you c h o o s e w ithin range. E ach creature in
disp erse fog, m ists, and sim ilar ph enom ena in the area,
that light m ust m ake a Constitution saving throw. O n a
w hether m undane or m agical.
failed save, a creature takes 12d6 radiant dam age and is
Su g g e s t io n blinded for 1 minute. On a su ccessfu l save, it takes h alf
2nd-level enchantment as m uch dam age and isn’t blinded by this spell. U ndead
and o o z e s have disadvantage on this saving throw.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
A creature blinded by this spell m akes another
Range: 30 feet
C onstitution saving th row at the end o f each o f its turns.
Components: V, M (a sn ake’s tongue and either a bit o f
On a su ccessfu l save, it is no longer blinded.
h on eycom b or a drop o f sw eet oil)
This spell dispels any darkn ess in its area that w as
Duration: C oncentration, up to 8 hours
created by a spell.
You suggest a co u rse o f activity (lim ited to a sentence
or tw o) and m agically influence a creature you can Sw if t Q u iv e r

s ee w ithin range that can hear and understand you. 5th-level transmutation
C reatures that ca n ’t be charm ed are im m une to this Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
effect. T he su ggestion must be w ord ed in such a m anner Range: Touch
as to m ake the co u rse o f action sou n d reasonable. Components: V, S, M (a quiver contain in g at least one
A skin g the creature to stab itself, th row itself onto p iece o f am m unition)
a spear, im m olate itself, or d o so m e other obviously Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 minute
harm ful act en ds the spell.
You transm ute your quiver so it p rod u ces an en dless it is incapable o f m eaningful com m u n ica tion and has
supply o f n onm agical am m unition, w hich seem s to leap disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
into your hand w hen you reach for it. Fear. E ach target m ust m ake a W isd om saving th row
On each o f your turns until the spell ends, you can use and b e c o m e s frightened for 1 minute on a failed save.
a bon u s action to m ake tw o attacks w ith a w eap on that W h ile frightened, the target d rops w hatever it is holding
u ses am m unition from the quiver. E ach tim e you m ake and must m ove at least 30 feet away from the glyph on
such a ranged attack, your quiver m agically replaces each o f its turns, if able.
the p iece o f am m unition you u sed with a sim ilar piece H opelessn ess. E ach target m ust m ake a C harism a
o f n onm agical am m unition. Any p ieces o f am m unition saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
created by this spell disintegrate w hen the spell ends. If overw helm ed with despair for 1 minute. D uring this
the quiver leaves your p ossession , the spell ends. time, it c a n ’t attack o r target any creature w ith harm ful
abilities, spells, or other m agical effects.
Sy m b o l Insanity. Each target must m ake an Intelligence saving
7th-level abjuration throw. On a failed save, the target is driven insane for
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute 1 minute. A n insane creature ca n ’t take actions, can't
Range: Touch understand what other creatures say, can ’t read, and
Components: V, S, M (mercury, ph osph orus, and speaks only in gibberish. The DM con trols its m ovem ent,
p ow d ered diam on d and opal with a total value o f at w hich is erratic.
least 1,000 gp, w hich the spell con su m es) Pain. Each target m ust m ake a Constitution saving
Duration: Until dispelled or triggered th row and b e c o m e s incapacitated with excruciating pain
for 1 minute on a failed save.
W h en you cast this spell, you in scribe a harm ful glyph
Sleep. Each target m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw
either on a su rface (such as a section o f floor, a w all, or
and falls u n con sciou s for 10 m inutes on a failed save. A
a table) or w ithin an ob ject that can be closed to con cea l
creature aw akens if it takes dam age or if som eon e u ses
the glyph (such as a book, a scroll, or a treasure chest).
an action to shake or slap it awake.
If you c h o o s e a surface, the glyph can cover an area o f
Stunning. Each target must m ake a W isd om saving
the su rface no larger than 10 feet in diameter. If you
throw and b e com es stunned for 1 minute on a failed save.
c h o o s e an object, that object must rem ain in its place; if
the object is m oved m ore than 10 feet from w here you Ta s h a ’s H id e o u s La u g h t e r
cast this spell, the glyph is broken, and the spell ends 1st-level enchantment
without bein g triggered.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
The glyph is nearly invisible, requiring an Intelligence
Range: 30 feet
(Investigation) ch eck against your spell save
Components: V, S, M (tiny tarts and a feather that is
D C to find it.
w aved in the air)
You d ecide w hat triggers the glyph w hen you cast the
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute
spell. F or glyphs in scribed on a surface, the m ost typical
triggers include touching or stepping on the glyph, A creature o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin range
rem oving another object coverin g it, approach in g w ithin perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls
a certain distance o f it, or m anipulating the object into fits o f laughter if this spell affects it. The target
that holds it. For glyphs in scribed w ithin an object, must su cceed on a W isd om saving th row o r fall prone,
the m ost com m on triggers are open in g the object, b ecom in g incapacitated and unable to stand up for the
approaching w ithin a certain distance o f it, or seein g or duration. A creature w ith an Intelligence sco re o f 4 or
reading the glyph. less isn’t affected.
You can further refine the trigger so the spell is At the end o f each o f its turns, and each tim e it takes
activated only under certain circu m sta n ces or a ccord in g dam age, the target can m ake another W isd om saving
to a creatu re’s physical characteristics (such as height throw. The target has advantage on the saving th row if
or weight), or physical kind (for exam ple, the w ard could it’s triggered by dam age. On a su ccess, the spell ends.
b e set to affect hags or shapechangers). You can also
sp ecify creatures that don ’t trigger the glyph, such as T e l e k in e s is

th ose w h o say a certain passw ord. 5th-level transmutation

W h en you in scribe the glyph, c h o o s e one o f the Casting Tim e: 1 action
options b elow for its effect. O nce triggered, the glyph Range: 6 0 feet
glow s, filling a 60-foot-radius sphere with dim light Components: V, S
for 10 minutes, after w hich tim e the spell ends. Each Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
creature in the sphere w hen the glyph activates is
You gain the ability to m ove or m anipulate creatures
targeted by its effect, as is a creature that enters the
or objects by thought. W h en you cast the spell, and as
sphere for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
your action each round for the duration, you can exert
Death. E ach target must m ake a Constitution saving
your w ill on on e creature or object that you can see
throw, taking 10d 10 n ecrotic dam age on a failed save, or
w ithin range, causing the appropriate effect below . You
h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l save.
can affect the sam e target round after round, or ch o o s e
D iscord. E ach target m ust m ake a Constitution saving
a n ew one at any time. If you sw itch targets, the prior
throw. On a failed save, a target bickers and argues
target is no longer affected by the spell.
w ith other creatu res for 1 minute. D uring this time,
Creature. You can try to m ove a H uge or sm aller you. Your fam iliarity w ith the destination determ ines
creature. M ake an ability ch eck with your spellcastin g w hether you arrive there su ccessfu lly. T h e DM rolls
ability con tested by the creatu re’s Strength check. If d 100 and consults the table.
you w in the contest, you m ove the creature up to 30 feet
in any direction, including upward but not beyon d the Similar O ff On
range o f this spell. Until the end o f your next turn, the Familiarity Mishap Area Target Target
creature is restrained in your telekinetic grip. A creature Permanent circle — — — 01-100
lifted upward is su sp ended in mid-air. Associated object — — — 01-100
On subsequent rounds, you can use your action to Very familiar 01-05 06-13 14-24 25-100
attempt to maintain your telekinetic grip on the creature Seen casually 01-33 34-43 44-53 54-100
by repeating the contest. Viewed once 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-100
O bject. You can try to m ove an object that w eigh s
Description 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-100
up to 1,000 pou nds. If the object isn’t being w orn or
False destination 01-50 51-100 — —
carried, you autom atically m ove it up to 30 feet in any
direction, but not beyon d the range o f this spell.
If the object is w orn or carried by a creature, you must
Familiarity. “P erm anent circle” m eans a perm anent
teleportation circle w h o s e sigil seq u en ce you know.
m ake an ability ch eck w ith your spellcastin g ability
“A ssociated o b ject” m eans that you p o s s e s s an object
contested by that creatu re’s Strength check. If you
taken from the desired destination w ithin the last six
su cceed , you pull the ob ject away from that creature and
m onths, such as a b o o k from a w iza rd ’s library, bed
can m ove it up to 30 feet in any direction but not beyond
linen from a royal suite, or a chunk o f m arble from a
the range o f this spell.
lich’s secret tom b.
You can exert fine control on objects with your
“Very fam iliar” is a place you have been very often, a
telekinetic grip, such as m anipulating a sim ple tool,
place you have carefully studied, or a place you can see
open in g a d oor or a container, stow ing or retrieving
w hen you cast the spell. “S e e n casu ally” is som ep la ce
an item from an open container, or pou ring the
you have seen m ore than on ce but w ith w h ich you aren’t
contents from a vial.
very familiar. “V iew ed o n ce ” is a place you have seen
Te l e pa t h y on ce, p ossib ly using m agic. “D escription ” is a place
8 th-level evocation w h ose location and appearan ce you k n ow through
som eon e else’s description, perhaps from a map.
Casting Tim e: 1 action
“False destination” is a place that d oesn ’t exist.
Range: Unlim ited
Perhaps you tried to scry an en em y’s sanctu m but
Components: V, S , M (a pair o f linked silver rings)
instead view ed an illusion, or you are attem pting to
Duration: 24 hours
teleport to a fam iliar location that no longer exists.
You create a telepathic link betw een y ou rself and On Target. You and your group (or the target object)
a w illing creature with w hich you are familiar. The appear w here you want to.
creature can be anyw here on the sam e plane of O ff Target. You and your group (or the target object)
existence as you. The spell ends if you or the target are appear a random distance away from the destination
n o longer on the sam e plane. in a random direction. D istan ce off target is 1d10 x
Until the spell ends, you and the target can 1d10 percent o f the distance that w as to be traveled.
instantaneously share w ords, im ages, sou n ds, and For exam ple, if you tried to travel 120 m iles, landed off
other sen sory m essa ges w ith one another through the target, and rolled a 5 and 3 on the tw o d 10s, then you
link, and the target r e co g n iz e s you as the creature it w ould be o ff target by 15 percent, or 18 m iles. The DM
is com m u n ica tin g with. T h e spell enables a creature determ ines the direction o ff target random ly by rollin g a
with an Intelligence sc o r e o f at least 1 to understand d8 and designating 1 as north, 2 as northeast, 3 as east,
the m eaning o f your w ord s and take in the s c o p e o f any and so on around the points o f the com p a ss. If you w ere
sen sory m essa ges you sen d to it. teleporting to a coastal city and w ou n d up 18 m iles out
at sea, you cou ld be in trouble.
T e l e po r t Sim ilar A rea. You and your group (or the target
7th-level conjuration object) w ind up in a different area that’s visually or
Casting Time: 1 action them atically sim ilar to the target area. If you are
Range: 10 feet heading for your h om e laboratory, for exam ple, you
Components: V might w ind up in another w iza rd ’s laboratory or in
Duration: Instantaneous an alch em ical supply sh op that has m any o f the sam e
tools and im plem ents as your laboratory. Generally,
T h is spell instantly transports you and up to eight
you appear in the closest sim ilar place, but sin ce the
w illing creatu res o f your ch oice that you can see w ithin
spell has no range limit, you cou ld conceivably w in d up
range, or a single object that you can see w ithin range,
anyw here on the plane.
to a destination you select. If you target an object, it
Mishap. The sp ell’s unpredictable m agic results in a
must be able to fit entirely inside a 10-foot cube, and it
difficult journey. Each teleporting creature (or the target
ca n ’t be held or carried by an unw illing creature.
object) takes 3 d10 fo rce dam age, and the DM rerolls on
Th e destination you c h o o s e must be kn ow n to you,
and it must be on the sam e plane o f existence as
the table to see w here you w ind up (multiple m ishaps T h a u m a t u r g y
can occu r, dealing dam age each time). Transmutation cantrip

Te l e p o r t a t io n C ir c l e Casting Tim e: 1 action

5th-level conjuration Range: 30 feet
Components: V
Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
Duration: Up to 1 m inute
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, M (rare chalks and inks in fused with You m anifest a m inor w onder, a sign o f supernatural
preciou s gem s w ith 50 gp, w h ich the spell con su m es) pow er, w ithin range. You create on e o f the follow in g
Duration: 1 round m agical effects within range:

A s you cast the spell, you draw a 10-foot-diam eter • Your v oice b o o m s up to three tim es as loud as n orm al
circle on the ground in scribed w ith sigils that link for 1 minute.
your location to a perm anent teleportation circle of • You cau se flam es to flicker, brighten, dim , or change
your ch oice w h o s e sigil seq u en ce you k n ow and that is color for 1 minute.
on the sa m e plane o f existence as you. A sh im m ering • You cau se h arm less trem ors in the grou nd for 1
portal op en s w ithin the circle you drew and rem ains minute.
op en until the end o f your next turn. Any creature that • You create an instantaneous sou n d that originates
enters the portal instantly appears w ithin 5 feet o f the from a point o f your ch oice w ithin range, such as a
destination circle or in the nearest u n occu pied sp ace if rum ble o f thunder, the cry o f a raven, or om in ou s
that sp ace is occu pied. w hispers.
M any m ajor tem ples, guilds, and other im portant • You instantaneously cau se an u n lock ed d oor or w in
p la ces have perm anent teleportation circles in scribed dow to fly open or slam shut.
som ew h ere w ithin their con fin es. E ach such circle • You alter the appearan ce o f your eyes for 1 minute.
includes a unique sigil seq u en ce—a string o f m agical If you cast this spell multiple tim es, you can have up to
run es arranged in a particular pattern. W h en you first three o f its 1-minute effects active at a tim e, and you can
gain the ability to cast this spell, you learn the sigil dism iss such an effect as an action.
seq u en ces for tw o destinations on the M aterial Plane,
determ ined by the DM. You can learn additional sigil T h o r n W h ip
seq u en ces during your adventures. You can com m it Transmutation cantrip
a n ew sigil seq u en ce to m em ory after studying it Casting Tim e: 1 action
for 1 minute.
Range: 30 feet
You can create a perm anent teleportation circle by
Components: V, S, M (the stem o f a plant w ith thorns)
casting this spell in the sam e location every day for one
Duration: Instantaneous
year. You n eed not use the circle to teleport w hen you
cast the spell in this way. You create a long, vine-like w hip covered in thorns that
lashes out at your com m a n d tow ard a creature in range.
T e n s e r ’s Fl o a t in g D is k M ake a m elee spell attack against the target. If the
1st-level conjuration (ritual) attack hits, the creature takes 1d6 piercing dam age, and
if the creature is Large or sm aller, you pull the creature
Casting Time: 1 action
up to 10 feet closer to you.
Range: 3 0 feet
T h is sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d6 w h en you reach
Components: V, S, M (a drop o f m ercury)
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Duration: 1 hour

T h is spell creates a circular, h orizontal plane o f force, T h u n d e r o u s Sm it e

3 feet in diam eter and 1 inch thick, that floats 3 feet 1st-level evocation
above the ground in an u n occu p ied sp ace o f your ch oice Casting Tim e: 1 bon u s action
that you can see w ithin range. T h e disk rem ains for the Range: S e lf
duration, and can hold up to 5 0 0 pou nds. If m ore w eight
Components: V
is placed on it, the spell ends, and everything on the disk
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
falls to the ground.
The disk is im m obile w hile you are w ithin 20 feet o f T h e first tim e you hit w ith a m elee w eap on attack
it. If you m ove m ore than 20 feet away from it, the disk during this spell’s duration, your w ea p on rings with
follow s you so that it rem ains w ithin 20 feet o f you. It thunder that is audible w ithin 3 0 0 feet o f you, and the
can m ove a cro ss uneven terrain, up or dow n stairs, attack d eals an extra 2d6 thunder dam age to the target.
slop es and the like, but it ca n ’t c ro s s an elevation change Additionally, if the target is a creature, it m ust su cceed
o f 10 feet or m ore. F or exam ple, the disk ca n ’t m ove on a Strength saving th row or be pu sh ed 10 feet away
a cross a 10-foot-deep pit, nor cou ld it leave such a pit if it from you and kn ock ed prone.
w as created at the bottom .
T h u n d e r w a v e
If you m ove m ore than 100 feet from the disk (typically
1st-level evocation
b eca u se it ca n ’t m ove around an obstacle to follow you),
the spell ends. Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: S e lf (15-foot cube)
Components: V, S T r e e St r id e
Duration: Instantaneous 5th-level conjuration
A w ave o f thunderous force sw eep s out from you. Each Casting Tim e: 1 action
creature in a 15-foot cu b e originating from you must Range: S elf
m ake a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a Components: V, S
creature takes 2d8 thunder dam age and is pu sh ed 10 Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
feet away from you. On a su ccessfu l save, the creature
You gain the ability to enter a tree and m ove from inside
takes h alf as m uch dam age and isn’t pushed.
it to inside another tree o f the sa m e kind w ithin 500
In addition, u n secu red ob jects that are com pletely
feet. Both trees must be living and at least the sam e size
w ithin the area o f effect are autom atically p u sh ed 10 feet
as you. You m ust use 5 feet o f m ovem ent to enter a tree.
away from you by the sp ell’s effect, and the spell em its a
You instantly k n ow the location o f all other trees o f the
thunderous b o o m audible out to 3 0 0 feet.
sam e kind w ithin 5 0 0 feet and, as part o f the m ove u sed
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
to enter the tree, can either pass into on e o f th ose trees
spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the dam age in creases by
or step out o f the tree y ou ’re in. You appear in a spot o f
1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
your ch oice w ithin 5 feet o f the destination tree, using
T im e St o p
another 5 feet o f m ovem ent. If you have no m ovem ent
left, you appear w ithin 5 feet o f the tree you entered.
9th-level transmutation
You can u se this transportation ability on ce per round
Casting Tim e: 1 action for the duration. You m ust end each turn outside a tree.
Range: S elf
Components: V T r u e Po l y m o r ph
Duration: Instantaneous 9th-level transmutation
You briefly stop the flow o f tim e for everyone but Casting Tim e: 1 action
yourself. N o tim e p a sses for other creatures, w hile you Range: 30 feet
take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during w hich you ca n use Components: V, S, M (a drop o f m ercury, a dollop o f
actions and m ove as norm al. gum arabic, and a w isp o f sm oke)
This spell ends if on e o f the actions you u se during Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
this period, or any effects that you create during this
C h oose on e creature or n onm agical object that you
period, affects a creature other than you or an object
can see w ithin range. You transform the creature into
being w orn or carried by som eon e other than you. In
a different creature, the creature into an object, or the
addition, the spell ends if you m ove to a place m ore than
object into a creature (the object must be neither w orn
1,0 00 feet from the location w here you cast it.
nor carried by another creature). T h e transform ation
To n g u e s
lasts for the duration, or until the target d rops to 0 hit
points or dies. If you concentrate on this spell for the full
3rd-level divination
duration, the transform ation b e c o m e s perm anent.
Casting Tim e: 1 action Sh a pech an gers aren’t affected by this spell. An
Range: Touch unw illing creature can m ake a W isd om saving throw,
Components: V, M (a sm all clay m od el o f a ziggurat) and if it su cceed s, it isn’t affected by this spell.
Duration: 1 hour C reature into Creature. If you turn a creature into
T h is spell grants the creature you touch the ability to another kind o f creature, the new form can be any kind
understand any spoken language it hears. M oreover, you c h o o s e w h ose challen ge rating is equal to or less
w hen the target speaks, any creature that k n ow s at than the target’s (or its level, if the target d oesn ’t have a
least one language and can hear the target understands challen ge rating). The target’s gam e statistics, including
what it says. mental ability s cores, are replaced by the statistics o f
the n ew form . It retains its alignm ent and personality.
T r a n s po r t v ia Pl a n t s The target a ssu m es the hit points o f its n ew form ,
6 th-level conjuration and w hen it reverts to its norm al form , the creature
Casting Tim e: 1 action returns to the num ber o f hit points it had before it
Range: 10 feet transform ed. If it reverts as a result o f droppin g to
Components: V, S 0 hit points, any ex cess dam age carries over to its
Duration: 1 round n orm al form . A s long as the ex ce s s dam age d oesn ’t
reduce the creatu re’s n orm al form to 0 hit points, it isn’t
This spell creates a m agical link betw een a Large or kn ock ed u n con sciou s.
larger inanim ate plant w ithin range and another plant, Th e creature is lim ited in the actions it can perform by
at any distance, on the sa m e plane o f existence. You the nature o f its n ew form , and it ca n ’t speak, cast spells,
m ust have seen or tou ched the destination plant at least or take any other action that requ ires hands or sp eech
o n ce before. For the duration, any creature can step into unless its n ew form is capable o f such actions.
the target plant and exit from the destination plant by Th e target’s gear m elds into the new form . The
using 5 feet o f m ovem ent. creature ca n ’t activate, use, w ield, or oth erw ise benefit
from any o f its equipm ent.
O bject into Creature. You can turn an ob ject into target’s defen ses. On your next turn, you gain advantage
any kind o f creature, as long as the creatu re’s size on your first attack roll against the target, provided that
is no larger than the o b ject’s size and the creatu re’s this spell hasn ’t ended.
challen ge rating is 9 or lower. T h e creature is friendly to
you and your com pa n ion s. It acts on each o f your turns. T s u n a m i

You d ecide what action it takes and h ow it m oves. The 8 th-level conjuration
DM has the creatu re’s statistics and resolves all o f its Casting Tim e: 1 m inute
actions and m ovem ent. Range: Sight
If the spell b e c o m e s perm anent, you no longer control Components: V, S
the creature. It m ight rem ain friendly to you, depen din g Duration: Concentration, up to 6 rounds
on h ow you have treated it.
A w all o f w ater springs into existence at a point you
C reature into O bject. If you turn a creature into an
c h o o s e w ithin range. You can m ake the w all up to 3 0 0
object, it transform s along with w hatever it is w earin g
feet long, 3 0 0 feet high, and 50 feet thick. The w all lasts
and carryin g into that form . The creatu re’s statistics
for the duration.
b e c o m e th ose o f the object, and the creature has no
W h en the w all appears, each creature w ithin its area
m em ory o f tim e spent in this form , after the spell ends
must m ake a Strength saving throw. O n a failed save,
and it returns to its n orm al form .
a creature takes 6 d10 bludgeon ing dam age, or h alf as
T r u e R e s u r r e c t io n m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l save.
9th-level necrom ancy At the start o f each o f your turns after the w all
appears, the w all, along w ith any creatu res in it, m oves
Casting Tim e: 1 hour
50 feet away from you. A ny H uge or sm aller creature
Range: Touch
inside the w all or w h ose sp ace the w all enters w hen
Components: V, S, M (a sprin kle o f holy water and
it m oves m ust su cceed on a Strength saving th row or
dia m on ds w orth at least 2 5 ,0 0 0 gp, w hich the
take 5 d10 bludgeon ing dam age. A creature can take
spell con su m es)
this dam age only on ce per round. At the end o f the turn,
Duration: Instantaneous
the w all’s height is reduced by 50 feet, and the dam age
You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer creatures take from the spell on subsequent roun ds is
than 2 0 0 y ears and that died for any reason except reduced by 1d10. W h en the w all reach es 0 feet in height,
old age. If the creatu re’s sou l is free and w illing, the the spell ends.
creature is restored to life w ith all its hit points. A creature caught in the w all can m ove by sw im m ing.
This spell c lo se s all w oun ds, neutralizes any poison, B ecau se o f the force o f the wave, though, the creature
cu res all d iseases, and lifts any cu rses affecting the m ust m ake a su ccessfu l Strength (Athletics) ch eck
creatu re w hen it died. T h e spell replaces dam aged or against your spell save D C in order to m ove at all. If it
m issin g organs and lim bs. fails the check, it ca n ’t m ove. A creature that m oves out
T h e spell can even provide a n ew b od y if the original o f the area falls to the ground.
no longer exists, in w h ich ca se you m ust sp eak the
creatu re’s nam e. The creature then appears in an U n se e n Se r v a n t

u n occu p ied sp ace you c h o o s e w ithin 10 feet o f you. 1st-level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
T r u e Se e in g
Range: 60 feet
6 th-level divination
Components: V, S, M (a p iece o f string and
Casting Tim e: 1 action a bit o f w o o d )
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (an ointm ent for the eyes that
T his sp ell creates an invisible, m indless, shap eless
co sts 25 gp; is m ade from m u sh room pow der, saffron,
force that perform s sim ple tasks at your com m a n d until
and fat; and is con su m ed by the spell)
the spell ends. The servant springs into existen ce in an
Duration: 1 hour
u n occu p ied sp ace on the ground w ithin range. It has AC
T h is spell gives the w illing creature you touch the ability 10, 1 hit point, and a Strength o f 2, and it c a n ’t attack. If
to see things as they actually are. For the duration, the it d rop s to 0 hit points, the spell ends.
creature has truesight, n otices secret d oors hidden by O nce on each o f your turns as a bon u s action, you can
m agic, and can see into the E thereal Plane, all out to a m entally c om m a n d the servant to m ove up to 15 feet and
range o f 120 feet. interact w ith an object. T h e servant can perform sim ple
tasks that a hum an servant cou ld do, such as fetching
T r u e St r ik e things, cleaning, m ending, folding clothes, lighting
Divination cantrip fires, serving food , and pou rin g w ine. O nce you give the
Casting Time: 1 action com m a n d , the servant perform s the task to the best o f
Range: 3 0 feet its ability until it com pletes the task, then w aits for your
Components: S next com m and .
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round If you com m a n d the servant to perform a task that
w ou ld m ove it m ore than 60 feet away from you,
You extend your hand and point a finger at a target in
the spell ends.
range. Your m agic grants you a brief insight into the
Va m p ir ic To u c h Wa l l o f Fo r c e
3rd-level necromancy 5th-level evocation
Casting Tim e: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: S elf Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a pinch o f p ow d er m ade by
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute cru sh in g a clear gem stone)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
T he touch o f your shadow -w reathed hand can siphon life
force from others to heal your w oun ds. M ake a m elee A n invisible w all o f force springs into existence at a
spell attack against a creature w ithin y ou r reach. On point you c h o o s e w ithin range. The w all appears in
a hit, the target takes 3d 6 n ecrotic dam age, and you any orientation you ch o o s e , as a h orizontal or vertical
regain hit points equal to h alf the am ount o f n ecrotic barrier or at an angle. It can be free floating or resting
d am age dealt. Until the spell ends, you can m ake the on a solid surface. You can form it into a h em ispherical
attack again on each o f your turns as an action. dom e or a sphere with a radius o f up to 10 feet, or you
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell usin g a can shape a flat su rface m ade up o f ten 10-foot-by-
spell slot o f 4th level or higher, the dam age in creases by 10-foot panels. E ach panel must b e contigu ou s w ith
1d6 for each slot level above 3rd. another panel. In any form , the w all is 1/4 inch thick.
It lasts for the duration. If the w all cuts through a
V ic io u s M o c k e r y creatu re’s sp ace w hen it appears, the creature is pushed
Enchantment cantrip to on e side o f the w all (your ch oice w h ich side).
Casting Tim e: 1 action N othing can physically p a ss through the w all. It is
Range: 60 feet im m une to all dam age and ca n ’t b e dispelled by dispel
Components: V magic. A disintegrate spell destroys the w all instantly,
Duration: Instantaneous however. T h e w all also extends into the Ethereal Plane,
block in g ethereal travel through the wall.
You unleash a string o f insults laced w ith subtle
enchantm ents at a creature you can see w ithin range. If Wa l l o f Ic e
the target can hear you (though it n eed not understand 6 th-level evocation
you), it m ust su cceed on a W isd om saving th row or take
Casting Time: 1 action
1d4 psychic dam age and have disadvantage on the next
Range: 120 feet
attack roll it m akes before the end o f its next turn.
Components: V, S, M (a sm all p iece o f quartz)
T h is sp ell’s dam age in creases by 1d4 w hen you reach
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
You create a w all o f ice on a solid su rface w ithin range.
Wa l l o f Fir e You can form it into a h em ispherical d om e or a sphere
4th-level evocation with a radius o f up to 10 feet, or you can shape a flat
Casting Tim e: 1 action su rface m ade up o f ten 10-foot-square panels. Each
Range: 120 feet panel must b e contigu ou s w ith another panel. In any
Components: V, S, M (a sm all p iece o f phosph orus) form , the w all is 1 foot thick and lasts for the duration.
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 m inute If the w all cuts through a creatu re’s sp ace w hen it
appears, the creature w ithin its area is pushed to one
You create a w all o f fire on a solid su rface w ithin
side o f the w all and m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw.
range. You can m ake the w all up to 60 feet long, 20
On a failed save, the creature takes 10d6 cold dam age,
feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed w all up to 20 feet
or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l save.
in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. T h e w all is
T h e w all is an object that can be dam aged and thus
opaque and lasts for the duration.
breached. It has AC 12 and 30 hit points per 10-foot
W h en the w all appears, each creature w ithin its area
section, and it is vulnerable to fire dam age. R edu cin g
must m ake a D exterity saving throw. O n a failed save, a
a 10-foot section o f w all to 0 hit points destroys it and
creature takes 5d8 fire dam age, or h alf as m uch dam age
leaves behind a sheet o f frigid air in the sp ace the w all
on a su ccessfu l save.
occu pied. A creature m oving through the sheet o f frigid
O ne side o f the w all, selected by you w hen you cast
air for the first tim e on a turn m ust m ake a Constitution
this spell, deals 5d8 fire dam age to each creature that
saving throw. That creature takes 5d6 cold dam age on a
ends its turn w ithin 10 feet o f that side or inside the
failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
wall. A creature takes the sam e dam age w hen it enters
A t H igher L evels. W h en you cast this spell using a
the w all for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
spell slot o f 7th level or higher, the dam age the w all
T he other side o f the w all deals no dam age.
deals w hen it appears in creases by 2d6, and the dam age
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
from passing through the sheet o f frigid air in creases by
spell slot o f 5th level or higher, the dam age in creases by
1d6, for each slot level above 6th.
1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
Wa l l o f St o n e m ake a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 7d8 slashing
5th-level evocation dam age on a failed save, or h alf as m uch dam age on a
su ccessfu l one.
Casting Time: 1 action
A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using a
Range: 120 feet
spell slot o f 7th level or higher, both types o f dam age
Components: V, S, M (a sm all b lo ck o f granite)
in crease by 1d8 for each slot level above 6th.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes

A n onm agical w all o f solid stone springs into existence Wa r d in g Bo n d

at a point you c h o o s e w ithin range. T h e w all is 6 inches 2 nd-level abjuration

thick and is co m p o s e d o f ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Casting Tim e: 1 action
E ach panel m ust be contigu ou s w ith at least on e other Range: Touch
panel. Alternatively, you can create 10-foot-by-20-foot Components: V, S , M (a pair o f platinum rings w orth at
panels that are only 3 in ch es thick. least 50 gp each, w h ich you and the target must w ear
If the w all cuts through a creatu re’s sp ace w hen it for the duration)
appears, the creature is pu sh ed to one side o f the wall Duration: 1 hour
(your choice). If a creature w ou ld b e surrounded on all
sides by the w all (or the w all and another solid surface), T h is spell w ards a w illin g creature you touch and
that creature can m ake a D exterity saving throw. On a creates a m ystic con n ection b etw een you and the target
su cce s s, it can u se its reaction to m ove up to its sp eed so until the spell ends. W h ile the target is w ithin 6 0 feet o f
that it is no longer en closed by the w all. you, it gains a +1 bon u s to AC and saving throw s, and
T h e w all can have any shape you desire, though it it has resistan ce to all dam age. A lso, each time it takes
ca n ’t o ccu p y the sam e sp ace as a creature or object. dam age, you take the sam e am ount o f dam age.
The w all d oesn ’t need to b e vertical or rest on any firm T h e spell en ds if you d rop to 0 hit points or if you
foundation. It must, however, m erge with and b e solidly and the target b e c o m e separated by m ore than 60 feet.
supported by existing stone. Thus, you can use this spell It a lso ends if the spell is cast again on either o f the
to bridge a chasm or create a ramp. con n ected creatures. You can also dism iss the spell
If you create a span greater than 20 feet in length, you as an action.
m ust halve the size o f each panel to create supports.
Wa t e r Br e a t h in g
You can crudely shape the w all to create crenellations,
3rd-level transmutation (ritual)
battlem ents, and s o on.
T he w all is an object m ade o f stone that can be Casting Tim e: 1 action
dam aged and thus breached. E ach panel has AC 15 and Range: 30 feet
30 hit points per inch o f th ickness. R edu cin g a panel Components: V, S , M (a short reed or p iece o f straw)
to 0 hit points destroys it and m ight cau se con n ected Duration: 24 hours
panels to collap se at the D M ’s discretion. T h is spell grants up to ten w illing creatu res you can see
If you maintain your concentration on this spell for w ithin range the ability to breathe underw ater until the
its w hole duration, the w all b e c o m e s perm anent and spell ends. A ffected creatures also retain their norm al
ca n ’t be dispelled. O therw ise, the w all disappears w hen m od e o f respiration.
the spell ends.
Wa t e r Wa l k
Wa l l o f T h o r n s
3rd-level transmutation (ritual)
6 th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Tim e: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (a p iece o f cork)
Components: V, S, M (a handful o f thorns) Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
T h is spell grants the ability to m ove a cross any liquid
Y ou create a w all o f tough, pliable, tangled brush su rface—such as water, acid, mud, snow , quicksand,
bristling with n eedle-sh arp thorns. T h e w all appears or lava—as if it w ere h arm less solid ground (creatures
w ithin range on a solid su rface and lasts for the crossin g m olten lava can still take dam age from the
duration. You c h o o s e to m ake the w all up to 60 feet heat). Up to ten w illing creatu res you can see within
long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick or a circle that has range gain this ability for the duration.
a 20 -foot diam eter and is up to 20 feet high and 5 feet If you target a creature su bm erged in a liquid, the
thick. The w all b lock s line o f sight. spell carries the target to the su rface o f the liquid at a
W h en the w all appears, each creature w ithin its area rate o f 60 feet per round.
m ust m ake a D exterity saving throw. On a failed save,
a creature takes 7d8 piercing dam age, or h alf as m uch W eb
dam age on a su ccessfu l save. 2 nd-level conjuration
A creature can m ove through the w all, albeit slow ly
Casting Tim e: 1 action
and painfully. For every 1 foot a creature m oves
Range: 60 feet
through the wall, it must sp end 4 feet o f m ovem ent.
Components: V, S, M (a bit o f spiderw eb)
F urtherm ore, the first tim e a creature enters the w all
Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
on a turn or ends its turn there, the creature must
You conjure a m a ss o f thick, sticky w ebbin g at a point o f You and up to ten w illing creatures you can see
your ch oice w ithin range. T h e w eb s fill a 20 -foot cube w ithin range assu m e a gaseou s form for the duration,
from that point for the duration. T h e w eb s are difficult appearing as w isp s o f cloud. W h ile in this cloud form ,
terrain and lightly ob scu re their area. a creature has a flying sp eed o f 3 0 0 feet and has
If the w eb s aren’t an chored b etw een tw o solid m a sses resistan ce to dam age from n onm agical w eapon s. The
(such as w alls or trees) or layered a cross a floor, wall, only actions a creature can take in this form are the
or ceiling, the con ju red w eb colla p ses on itself, and the D ash action or to revert to its n orm al form . Reverting
spell ends at the start o f your next turn. W eb s layered takes 1 minute, during w hich tim e a creature is
over a flat su rface have a depth o f 5 feet. incapacitated and ca n ’t m ove. Until the spell ends, a
E ach creature that starts its turn in the w eb s or that creature can revert to cloud form , w hich also requires
enters them during its turn must m ake a Dexterity the 1-minute transform ation.
saving throw. O n a failed save, the creature is restrained If a creature is in cloud form and flying w hen the effect
as long as it rem ains in the w ebs or until it breaks free. ends, the creature d escen d s 60 feet per round for 1
A creature restrained by the w eb s can use its action to minute until it lands, w h ich it d o e s safely. If it ca n ’t land
m ake a Strength ch eck against your spell save DC. If it after 1 minute, the creature falls the rem aining distance.
su cceed s, it is no longer restrained.
T h e w eb s are flam m able. Any 5-foot cube o f w ebs W in d Wa l l

ex p o se d to fire bu rns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire 3rd-level evocation

dam age to any creature that starts its turn in the fire. Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
W e ir d
Components: V, S, M (a tiny fan and a feather o f
9th-level illusion exotic origin)
Casting Tim e: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 120 feet
A w all o f strong w in d rises from the ground at a point
Components: V, S
you c h o o s e w ithin range. You can m ake the w all up
Duration: Concentration, up to on e minute
to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. You can
D raw ing on the deepest fears o f a group o f creatures, shape the w all in any w ay you c h o o s e s o long as it
you create illusory creatu res in their m inds, visible m akes one continu ou s path along the ground. T h e w all
only to them . E ach creatu re in a 30-foot-radius lasts for the duration.
sphere centered on a point o f your ch oice w ithin W h en the w all appears, each creature w ithin its area
range m ust m ake a W isd om saving throw. On a failed m ust m ake a Strength saving throw. A creature takes
save, a creature b e c o m e s frightened for the duration. 3d8 bludgeon ing dam age on a failed save, or h alf as
T h e illusion calls on the creatu re’s deepest fears, m uch dam age on a su ccessfu l one.
m anifesting its w orst n ightm ares as an im placable The stron g w ind keeps fog, sm oke, and other gases at
threat. At the start o f each o f the frightened creatu re’s bay. S m all or sm aller flying creatu res or ob jects ca n ’t
turns, it m ust su cce e d on a W isd om saving th row or pass through the wall. L o o se , lightw eight m aterials
take 4 d10 psychic dam age. On a su ccessfu l save, the brought into the w all fly upward. A rrow s, bolts, and
spell ends for that creature. other ordinary p rojectiles launched at targets behind
the w all are deflected upward and autom atically m iss.
W in d Wa l k (B ou lders hurled by giants or siege engines, and sim ilar
6 th-level transmutation projectiles, are unaffected.) Creatures in gaseou s form
Casting Tim e: 1 minute ca n ’t pass through it.
Range: 30 feet
W is h
Components: V, S, M (fire and holy water)
Duration: 8 hours 9th-level conjuration
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Range: S elf
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous

Wish is the m ightiest spell a m ortal creature can

cast. By sim ply speakin g aloud, you can alter the very
foundations o f reality in a ccord w ith your desires.
T h e basic use o f this spell is to duplicate any other
spell o f 8th level or lower. You d on ’t n eed to m eet any
requirem ents in that spell, including costly com pon ents.
Th e spell sim ply takes effect.
Alternatively, you can create on e o f the follow in g
effects o f your choice:

• You create on e object o f up to 2 5 ,0 0 0 gp in value that

isn’t a m a gic item. T h e object can b e no m ore than
3 0 0 feet in any dim ension, and it appears in an u n o c also en ds if the target is ever outside the sp ell’s range or
cupied sp ace you can see on the ground. if it has total cover from you.
• You allow up to tw enty creatu res that you can see to A t H igher Levels. W h en you cast this spell using
regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them a spell slot o f 2nd level or higher, the initial dam age
d escrib ed in the greater restoration spell. in creases by 1d12 for each slot level above 1st.
• You grant up to ten creatures that you can see resis
tance to a dam age type you ch oose. W o r d o f R e c a l l

• You grant up to ten creatures you can see im m unity to 6 th-level conjuration
a single spell or other m agical effect for 8 hours. For Casting Tim e: 1 action
instance, you cou ld m ake y ou rself and all your co m Range: 5 feet
panion s im m une to a lich ’s life drain attack. Components: V
• You undo a single recen t event by forcin g a reroll o f Duration: Instantaneous
any roll m ade w ithin the last roun d (including your
You and up to five w illing creatu res w ithin 5 feet o f you
last turn). Reality resh apes itself to a ccom m od a te the
instantly teleport to a previously designated sanctuary.
n ew result. F or exam ple, a wish spell cou ld undo an
You and any creatures that teleport w ith you appear in
op p on en t’s su ccessfu l save, a fo e ’s critical hit, or a
the nearest u n occu pied sp a ce to the spot you designated
friend’s failed save. You can force the reroll to be m ade
w hen you prepared your sanctuary (see below ). If you
w ith advantage or disadvantage, and you can c h o o s e
cast this spell w ithout first preparin g a sanctuary, the
w hether to use the reroll or the original roll.
spell has no effect.
You m ight be able to achieve som eth in g beyon d the You must designate a sanctuary by casting this spell
s c o p e o f the above exam ples. State your w ish to the DM w ithin a location, such as a tem ple, dedicated to or
as precisely as p ossib le. T h e DM has great latitude in strongly linked to your deity. If you attempt to cast the
ruling w hat o c cu rs in su ch an instance; the greater the spell in this m anner in an area that isn’t dedicated to
w ish, the greater the lik elih ood that som eth in g goes your deity, the spell has n o effect.
w ron g. This spell m ight sim ply fail, the effect you desire
m ight only b e partly achieved, or you m ight suffer som e W r a t h f u l Sm it e
u n foreseen c on seq u en ce as a result o f h ow you w orded 1st-level evocation
the w ish. For exam ple, w ish in g that a villain w ere dead
Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
m ight propel you forw ard in time to a p eriod w hen that
Range: S e lf
villain is no longer alive, effectively rem oving you from
Components: V
the gam e. Similarly, w ish in g for a legendary m agic item
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
or artifact m ight instantly transport you to the presen ce
o f the item ’s current owner. T h e next tim e you hit w ith a m elee w ea p on attack
T h e stress o f casting this spell to produ ce any effect during this sp ell’s duration, your attack deals an extra
other than duplicating another spell w eak en s you. After 1d6 psychic dam age. Additionally, if the target is a
enduring that stress, each tim e you cast a spell until creature, it must m ake a W isd om saving th row o r be
you finish a lon g rest, you take 1d10 n ecrotic dam age frightened o f you until the spell ends. A s an action, the
p er level o f that spell. T his dam age ca n ’t b e redu ced or creature can m ake a W isd om ch eck against your spell
prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops save D C to steel its resolve and end this spell.
to 3, if it isn’t 3 or low er already, for 2d4 days. F or each
Z o n e o f T r u t h
o f th ose days that you sp en d resting and doin g nothing
2 nd-level enchantment
m ore than light activity, your rem aining recov ery time
decrea ses by 2 days. Finally, there is a 33 percent Casting Time: 1 action
ch a n ce that you are unable to cast wish ever again if you Range: 60 feet
suffer this stress. Components: V, S
Duration: 10 m inutes
W it c h B o l t
You create a m agical zon e that guards against deception
1st-level evocation
in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point o f your
Casting Tim e: 1 action ch oice w ithin range. Until the spell ends, a creature
Range: 30 feet that enters the spell’s area for the first tim e on a turn
Components: V, S, M (a tw ig from a tree that has been or starts its turn there m ust m ake a C harism a saving
stru ck by lightning) throw. On a failed save, a creature c a n ’t sp eak a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute deliberate lie w hile in the radius. You k n ow w hether
A b ea m o f crackling, blue en ergy la n ces out tow ard each creature su cce e d s or fails on its saving throw.
a creature w ithin range, form in g a sustained arc o f A n affected creature is aw are o f the spell and can thus
lightning b etw een you and the target. M ake a ranged avoid an sw erin g questions to w h ich it w ou ld norm ally
spell attack against that creature. O n a hit, the target resp on d w ith a lie. S u ch a creature can be evasive in
takes 1d12 lightning dam age, and on each o f your turns its an sw ers as long as it rem ains w ithin the bou n daries
for the duration, you can u se your action to deal 1d12 o f the truth.
lightning dam age to the target automatically. T h e spell
en ds if you u se your action to do anything else. The spell

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