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IPSA Poll of the Public on MPs’ Expenses

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2599 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 25 and 29 November 2010. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).

Have you heard of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority?

Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Yes, I have 38%
No, I have not 57%
Don't know 5%

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Please tick one option on
each row)

The new independent regulator for MPs' expenses will make sure MPs are only paid legitimate expenses

Unweighted Base 2599

Base: All GB Adults 2599
Strongly agree 25%
Tend to agree 34%
Neither agree nor disagree 16%
Tend to disagree 10%
Strongly disagree 3%
Don't know 12%

The money it costs to monitor MPs' expenses claims is worth spending

Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Strongly agree 20%
Tend to agree 43%
Neither agree nor disagree 18%
Tend to disagree 7%
Strongly disagree 4%
Don't know 8%

MPs should be able to decide what they spend their office budgets on, rather than having to abide by strict
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Strongly agree 3%
Tend to agree 11%
Neither agree nor disagree 13%
Tend to disagree 30%
Strongly disagree 36%
Don't know 6%

MPs should have to stick to a budget when running their office even if that reduces the services they can offer
to constituents
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Strongly agree 30%
Tend to agree 42%
Neither agree nor disagree 14%
Tend to disagree 6%
Strongly disagree 1%
Don't know 6%
Imagine that you saw an article about MPs' expenses. How likely or unlikely would you be to read it?
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Definitely read it 23%
Probably read it 50%
Probably not read 17%
Definitely not read it 5%
Don't know 5%

Generally, to what extent, if at all, do you trust each of the following? (Please tick one option on each row)

MPs only to claim for legitimate expenses (i.e. expenses that can be claimed under the guidelines of existing
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
A great deal 7%
To some extent 23%
Not very much 35%
Not at all 28%
Don't know 6%

That the MPs’ expenses system will ensure that MPs only receive reimbursement for legitimate expenses
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
A great deal 9%
To some extent 37%
Not very much 30%
Not at all 15%
Don't know 8%

Currently most MPs outside London have two places to live, one in their constituency and one in London. They
can claim certain expenses for one of these properties...

Do you believe MPs should be allowed to claim additional expenses for extra space for any children they

Unweighted Base 2599

Base: All GB Adults 2599
Yes, for children aged up to 5 5%
Yes, for children aged up to 16 14%
Yes, for children up to 18 8%
Yes, for children of any age 2%
No, not for any space for their children 65%
Don't know 7%

Generally speaking, do you think MPs should or should not be able to claim expenses for each of the
following? (Please tick one option on each row)

A hotel if they work so late they cannot get home before midnight
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Should 52%
Should not 40%
Don't know 8%
First class domestic travel
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Should 7%
Should not 89%
Don't know 4%
Newsletters to constituents
Unweighted Base 2599
Base: All GB Adults 2599
Should 54%
Should not 37%
Don't know 9%
A taxi if that is the best way MPs meeting their engagements, even if there is a cheaper alternative

Unweighted Base 2599

Base: All GB Adults 2599
Should 22%
Should not 70%
Don't know 8%

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