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​Twas the night before a Travis Scott concert.

I was shivering, I had only a light jacket some

blankets and a chair. I suddenly saw white little flakes falling from the sky along with the
whisper of the wind, to me it seemed it couldn’t get any worse, I was wrong. The little flakes
started to make a blanket of white snow. I suddenly felt a sore in my throat. It hurt to swallow
and speak, but I didn’t want to go home. “It’s getting colder as more snow falls, isn't it?” asked
my brother. I stayed quiet for a few seconds, I responded with a nod. I began to wonder if I
should tell my brother. I fell asleep right after that.
A security guard walked out from the building. We didn’t see him as we were somewhere in
the middle of all the people. He said, “ you guys can start heading in.” A wave of people started
rushing past us. We left everything there, I quickly got up and started running in. We ended up in
the back of the first section where i could barely see as I saw no open space where I could fit in.
Then travis Scott walked out on stage. A good thirty minutes in it started to get hot to the point
were I was sweating. Suddenly over the loudspeakers he spoke something I wish he didn’t say.
He yelled out “Rage.” I automatically knew what that meant. It meant that the security guards
would have to let the group of people behind us loose.
I looked behind me barely noticing that the silver lined fence had fallen over, I heard rushing
footsteps and a distant faded creak. People came right behind me and I was instantly trapped. All
I could sense was the sweat dripping off my face. The suffocation was extreme for 8 year old me.
I screamed out “I can’t breathe!” It seemed that nobody really cared that or they couldn’t hear
me shouting. As more people started getting behind us I was pushed back deeper into the
darkness of suffocation. When I hit the back of all the people I could barely breathe. I thought I
was dying. My vision was blurred. I was still out of it, I could barely make out the outline of a
tall man wearing black looking at me. He must've noticed my injuries. He grabbed the sides of
my waist, and started dragging me away from the crowd.
I was suddenly awakened with the creak of a closing door. As my eyes fluttered fluttered
open, I looked around. I thought to myself, “I’m in the hospital ?” I groaned in pain, I could feel
the strong thump in my head. I looked down to see a drip connected to my arm. As my eyes
explored the rest of the room I saw a beautiful vase with fresh sunflowers inside. There were sky
blue curtains with little pastel animals. I instantly knew where I was. I looked down my leg that
was in a white cast and my arm in a dark blue, soft sling. My skin was as pale as a ghost. As I
was about to look inside My head tilted towards the door as I saw it fling open. I saw a beautiful
nurse with black hair tied up in a bun, with dark green sparkling eyes, and a coat of deep red
lipstick. She smiled at me, chuckling. “What happened to me I asked ,” with a serious look on
my face. She responded with a soft voice, “You passed out with broken bones at that concert you
went too.” I felt like an idiot. How could I forget, After almost suffocating I couldn’t think of the
most logical reason why I was in the hospital.
After a while I was released from the hospital, of course with a few medications to take. One
was for the pain, and the other was for my head. I can say that I’ll probably never forget those
days. It has been one of the worst experiences in my life.

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