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Analysis Outline Template

Complete your sentence outline. Your outline should have Roman numerals and letters just like the
student sample in the lesson and exactly like the template below.


1. Write your outline using complete sentences.

2. Roman numeral I is your thesis statement in response to the writing prompt.
3. Outline at least two body paragraphs (so you will have Roman numerals II and III) and the
specified number of examples and explanations as a minimum. If you would like to outline
additional paragraphs or examples and explanations, just add Roman numerals to your template.
4. You need to include at least two direct quotations in your examples. Quotations need to be
introduced and explained in your sentence outline.

A. At least one quotation is introduced using a colon correctly.

B. At least one quotation is introduced using a signaling phrase correctly. 
5. You need to include at least one paraphrased example in your sentence outline. Be sure to
label your paraphrased example.
6. Remember to use the stop light approach (green = topic sentence, yellow = example, and
red = explanation) to develop your paragraphs.
Writing Prompt:

What makes King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" powerful and effective? After reading King's
letter, answer the question by analyzing how he uses structure and language purposefully in his
text. Provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis.

I. Thesis: King begins by acknowledging the criticism that he is one of many “outsiders coming
in” to cause trouble.

II. Topic Sentence: In the “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King points out that he is not an
outsider since the people of Birmingham invited him…
A. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text: King is letting the clergymen
understand his role in what is going on during their time.

B. Explanation: Ever since I was younger when I began learning about MLK I saw could
tell how all of his intentions were good ones. Also he showed calmness in the face of adversity.
C. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text: Being a fighter of injustice, King says,
he sought to negotiate with the white community of Birmingham, but they refused
to comply.

D. Explanation: The letter serves as a domino effect.

III. Topic Sentence: King reveals the cold truth of how African Americans live their lives in the
United States under racial prejudice and violence.

A. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text: “Like a boil that can never be cured so
long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness”
B. Explanation: King explains how laws can be just and unjust, and that he will only
obey just laws that agree with his morals and disobey laws that do not unlike the
white churches, which permit prejudice and hate even though they should preach
humaneness and love.

C. Example, quote, detail, or fact from the text: “Let us all hope that the dark clouds of
racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our
fear drenched communities,”

D. Explanation: King points out that Negroes will win their freedom in the end because
it is their right and God’s will.

Be sure to look at the student example in the lesson to guide you as you write your outline.

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