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The story of Atreus the surviving one.

Raised among Cast-offs that took refuge in the old ruined city of Kharyrll situated just beyond the
Kourend mountains high ranges in Forinthry between the 3 great powers of the continent of
Domanthyr. It was a lawless place were people who were not welcomed by their own could find
their place into the world. Bastard children, unwanted family members, people that run from
conviction or from war. All these people had a place in this city of Kharyrll. Humans to Orcs,
Halflings to drow, Dragonborn to goliaths and Gnomes to goblins. Everyone was welcome in this
unforgiving ruined city who true name and glory was lost to the ages.

We follow the story of a child names Atreus that came into the care of a gentle orc named Oghash.
An orc that oversaw the gladitorial ring in the city. Oghash had taken over the largest tower in the
city and made it a fighting ring all the way on the top floor all those years ago for entertainment and
for regulating the violence that was so prominent in this city

The reason Oghash took care of this human child was because he owed his life to his mother named
Alistina . She was the only who dared to threat the sick orc from the Ripley disease “a infectious
disease that causes victims to profusely bleed from their pores with a near 90% death rate”.
Oghash was lucky with his own endurance and the care of Alistina he managed to recover and
swore and oath to someday repay her for what she had done for him.

Atreus father used to be an gladiator who would fight from time to time in the ring to gain money to
survive but died in a fight versus a creature called a Blemmyes”A headless giant that has a large
mouth in its chest, with eyes bulding on eith side of it” that was captured while it was roaming the
Wilderness of Forinthry. He died before he or Alistina knew that they had a child comming.

Alistina died during child labor and her last request was that Oghash would take care of her child
as payment for saving his life all those years earlier. And so it was done. A human baby came into
the care of an orc who owned a gladitorial fighting pit in a lawless city.

Atreus as a meek child at young age but was always enthralled at the cheering and fighting and
combat that was used in the arena. Against the beasts and creatures that roamed the wilderness as
well as group fights or duels in the arena. This didnt go unnoticed by the now old orc Oghash and
he asked if he wanted to follow his fathers footsteps in the arena. Without much hesistation Atreus

Under the watchfull eye of the orc he trained using all sorts of weapons from flails and whips to
maces and daggers. However you were most comfortable with the spear and shield.. A good
combination in the eyes of of Oghash.

During your training you overhead and listened to the many stories of great weapons and even
greater warriors who used these weapons. Weapons from a bygone age that would unlock your
deepest prowess of a warrior, as you grew these mighty weapons would grow with you, unlocking
even greater power within. They could be used to even slay the mightiest creatures. Some even so
outlandish that they could kill divine beings themselves. All of these weapons had names such as
Lash of Shadows, Ruin's wake, The black crown, Grimoire infinitus,Gungnir and laevatein to name
a few.
After training and growing in expertise with the weapons for years Atreus came of age to be old
enough to be allowed in the arena that he so craved for. He wanted to bathe in the glory and thrill
for the fight . His first fight was planned after a few days he came of age. However this would not
be a story of a glorius fight and cheers.

Just before his coming-of-age there was a tribe of goliaths had entered the city to sell their hunt and
furs. Now this was something that wasnt uncommon in the city. But they were infected by the same
disease that struck down his surrogate father. But it changed, while still bleeding from their pores
they also become infatuated with bloodlust and to make matter worse. It spread through the city like
wildfire spreading the infected blood by insects and creatures the like.

People started killing each other mindlessly where ever they would meet in the streets in the shops
in their houses. In just a few days the city from becoming a battlefield it became a ghost city. The
lights died out the sounds of people dissipated into the night sky and the city became a ruin once
again like it did all those years ago.

In the meantime while all this was happening in the city, Atreus was furious. His fight that he
trained for, his start of becoming a gladiator was all crumbling before him as he saw what his home
city turned into. He dispised the Goliath tribe the Andrannars. It was these goliaths that brought this
upon this city. They were the first to spill blood in the streets. THEY DENIED YOUR GLORY.
You wanted nothing more then to fight in this city yourselves but you were stopped by the other
gladiators and your master.

You were beckoned by Oghash to leave the city while it was still possible, as it was only a matter of
time until the High Ascendance tower would fall to either the bloodlusted inhabitants or the disease

After much debate and rather unpleasant answer you were convinced to leave and forge your own
path, take what you learned and venture out. To look for the glory that was taken from you. To look
for the cause that took your city from you. To look for the mighty weapons that you heard these
legendary tales from. Into the wide open turmoiled world that is called Domanthyr.

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