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HBR Article 1

1. What makes an effective executive by Peter Drucker (pp. 23-36)

Note: Please find this complete article in HBR Ten must read on Leadership.pdf on your VLE
Q 1.1 Drucker opined that one of the eight common practices of most of the effective CEOs is that
they were focused on opportunities rather than problems. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Explain your arguments with appropriate examples.
I do agree with it because opportunities whether on small or big scale it matters a lot as it helps the
organization and people working in it to nourish and grow. Employees develop multiple skills which
make them perfect for the job. Missing an opportunity can make company run over by their
competitors as if the organization is like an immune system that needs to be strong so body can
defend against the bacteria and viruses that wants to reach inside the body and make it weak and after
sometimes it’s of no use.
1. When Nestle first introduce the Tetra packaging and it was a biggest achievement in the
world. The products which used tetra packaging wasn’t only a normal packaging but it made
the food to keep fresh for a longer period. This was the moment of that they capture another
big chunk of the market keeping their top position.

2. When Tesla was about to vanish from the minds of the people Elon Musk came up with an
idea. He used the available resources to safe the company from drowning and make it stand
again which shows that how much you are in a problem even you are going to disbelieve in
success doors to opportunities are always there one should always keep the eyes open.

Q. 1.2 Compare and contrast the eight practices given in this article with the eight rules of
leadership described by Jack Welch in his book ‘Winning’. Comment on the similarities and
differences, if any.
Note: The soft copy of the book ‘Winning’ is made available on VLE as well as through your class’s
Whats App group. Moreover, also refer to
A number of similarities and differences came out after reading the article and eight rules of leadership
by Jack Welch that are discussed below:
1. Leader take risks and defend the organization by getting them solve with the help of team.
2. Communication is the key to understanding and problem solving.
3. Most of the decisions are taken by self and if any problem occur take the blame on themselves.
4. Focusing on opportunities is on priority basis.

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1. In eight rules of leadership vision is shared with the employees and also motivated with or
without rewards but no such thing is discussed in eight practices.
2. In eight rules leaders are focused on celebrating achievements but no discussion is made in
eight practices.
3. In eight practices focusing on making an action plan which is an art discussed clearly but no
signs of it in eight rules.
4. In eight practices things are discussed that are right for organization but nothing discussed at
greater perspective in eight rules.

Q.1.3 Assume that you are serving as the vice president of the healthcare division of a large
pharmaceutical multinational company operating in Karachi (Pakistan). In your leadership
course in your university time, you have learnt that the action plan needs to create a system
of assessing the results against the management’s expectations. How would you ensure that
your action plans best serve the purpose at the point in time when they are required?
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” ― Alan
Lakein, author
By the above mention quote it’s clear that whoever you are if you want your future to be as bright as
sun you need to plan from the very first day because making a plan is not an easy task and needs a lot
of time and efforts. Like scientists during research first they work on smaller scale and after
performing multiple successful tests they go for large scale.
Being a vice president of the healthcare division it’s an opportunity to show your skills. At this
position on having the knowledge and skills to make an effective action plan which can help me to
make a plan that is not only for one time use but with small amendments it can made new. In order to
check that whether my action plan will fulfil what I desire for firstly I will discuss what problems the
people are facing within and outside the organization. After jotting down all the major and minor
problems it’s time to take opinions from the employees. Now I will match the problems and opinions
so that the base of an action plan can be made. After adding my point of views will make a small
group of people from each department who can easily handle the situations. Keeping an eagle eye on
that group and daily analysis will help me to note what results are being achieve. After getting the
results I will compare those with my action plan if any changes needed otherwise if it goes smooth
then I am ready to implement on the whole organization.

Q. 1.4 Illustrate the Power-Control perspective of organization theory and design. How does it
correspond to the philosophy of making and communicating organizational decisions? Is it
influenced by the divergent interests and prevailing bureaucracies of organizations? Explain
in detail.
Power-control theory sets out to explain the gender differences in delinquency based on the power
play going on in the family structure, as well as the parental controls exercised on boys versus girls.
Both have correspondence because in them the discussion regarding how decision power variate from
person to person in an organization. The Power-Control theory implements in family businesses, there
are two types of it patriarchal and egalitarian.

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In a patriarchal family the father’s job puts him in a “command” role. This means that he will give
orders to others. In this type of family, a mother does not work outside of the home, but if she does,
she assumes an “obey” role where she takes orders from others. The other is egalitarian household
which means that both the mother and the father have a job in which they assume either the “obey” or
“command” positions. Or an egalitarian family might be a single parent household where the father is
The decisions are always taken by the supreme authority because he/she owns the business and has
the whole power. Each and everything is done in the organization but can’t be proceed until the owner
or the person in power gives the go ahead.
Q. 1.5 Sense making is an important leadership capability which requires leaders to constantly
assessing changes in the task and macro environments of the business and interpreting their
consequences for their industry and especially for their company. How would you develop
this capability for your own organization?
Note: Please also refer to “In praise of the incomplete leader” (pp. 179-196) written by Ancona, D.,
Malone, T. W., Orlikowski, W. J., & Senge, P.
As it’s clearly seen that how God has gifted human beings with different types of senses in case if any
doesn’t work that it can make the life difficult. More the senses are weak the more it will be difficult
to understand and analyse your surroundings.
To make a strong sense making capability I will firstly develop strong observation skills that what can
I get within and outside the organization. Secondly I will jot down all positive and negative things that
can help me understand and analyse the results that I want to achieve. Being a spy is an art which if
combine with sense making skills will help to understand the practices of your competitor which
directly helps you and from you your organization will be able to develop. Last but not least make
your network strong in every way whether be it in organization or people you meet outside because
these are ones who can help you build strong skills which in contrast increase the compatibility and
profitability of your organization.

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