Why Is Salt Spread Onto Icy Roads?: Why There Is A Spluttering Sound When Water Is Sprinkled On Hot Oil?

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Why is salt spread onto icy roads?

I found out pure water freezes at 32 F or 0 C. Salt water freezes at a lower temperature, about
three or four degrees lower. Adding salt to freezing water lowers the temperature at which the
solution will freeze. In other words, adding salt to ice may make the ice melt not because the salt
raises the temperature but rather because a new solution is formed that has a lower freezing
point. But it still doesn't help.

Actually, dissolving CaCl2 (the most common form of road salt) is exothermic. It actually does give off
some heat as it dissolves and therefore causes some of the ice to melt. The melted ice dissolves more
CaCl2 causing more heat to be released, melting more ice.

The dissolved CaCl2 will then lower the freezing point of the solution of calcium carbonate in water, and
keep the liquid solution from freezing until the temperature drops to the new (lower) freezing point.

Why a fountain pen overflows when you board an

Beacuse of the pressure difference. The small amount of air trapped in the pen will expand when
the pressure in the aircraft reduces. Commercial aircraft pressures are set to about the same as
those at 10,000 feet. There will be a higher pressure inside the pen than in the fuselage, the
pressures will try to equalise out and may force some of the ink out of the pen in the process.

Why there is a spluttering sound when water is

sprinkled on hot oil?
The high temperature and heat vaporises the water droplets into molecules instantly to expand
and explode with a spluttering with each molecule exploding and vaporing instantly.

sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they
heard indistinct noises of people talking"; "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise
reached 98 decibels"
The first is why oil and water don't mix. The second is why oil rises, as opposed
to sinking or staying in place.
First question. There is an old saying in chemistry that like dissolves like. What this means is
that a substance tends to dissolve in another substance if the molecules of the 2 substances
have similar electric dipole moments. Think of an electric dipole like you think of a magnet. The
magnet has a north and south pole, and south end of one magnet is attracted to the north end
of another magnet, and vice versa. The electric dipole has a positively charged end and a
negatively charged end. The magnitude of the positive charge can be greater than that of the
negative charge, or vice versa. The difference between the magnitudes of the 2 charges and the
distance between them determines the moment or strength of the dipole. In general, dipoles
with similar strengths dissolve in each other more readily than dipoles with very different
strengths. Oil (as in hydrocarbon-based oils) and water have very different dipole moments, so
oil and water do not readily dissolve in each other.

The second part of the answer has to do with a force called the buoyancy force. This is the force
that causes some objects to float in water. Suppose you want to dissolve 1 cubic cm of oil in
water. For this to happen, the oil has to displace 1 cubic cm of water. The buoyancy force on
the oil is equal to the weight of that 1 cubic cm of water. Oil is less dense than water, so 1 cubic
cm of oil weighs less than 1 cubic cm of water. Therefore, the upward buoyancy force on the
oil, which is equal to the weight of water displaced, is greater than the downward force of
gravity on the oil, also known as the weight of the oil. This inequality of forces causes the oil to
rise in the water. If the oil were denser than the water, the oil's weight (the downward force)
would exceed the buoyancy force (the upward force), and the oil would sink in the water .
Why is it Called the Dead Sea?

Sounds kinda creepy, doesn't it? The name 'Dead Sea' is actually a kinder, gentler translation
from the Hebrew name 'Yam ha Maved', which means, 'Killer Sea'. The surface of the Dead Sea
is over 1,300 feet below sea level. The very bottom of the sea, in the deepest part, is over 2,300
feet below sea level. The Dead Sea has some of the most saline water on earth; as much as 35%
of the water is dissolved salts! That's almost six times as salty as the ocean! The Dead Sea is
completely landlocked and it gets saltier with increasing depth. The surface, fed by the River
Jordan, is the least saline. Down to about 130 feet (40 meters), the seawater comprises about 300
grams of salt per kilogram of seawater. That's about ten times the salinity of the oceans. Below
300 feet, though, the sea has 332 grams of salt per kilogram of seawater and is saturated. Salt
precipitates out and piles up on the bottom of the sea.

There are no fish or any kind of swimming, squirming creatures living in or near the water.
There are, however, several types of bacteria and one type of algea that have adapted to harsh
life in the waters of the Dead Sea. What you'll see on the shores of the Sea is white, crystals of
salt covering EVERYTHING. And this is no ordinary table salt, either. The salts found in the
Dead Sea are mineral salts, just like you find in the oceans of the world, only in extreme
concentrations. The water in the Dead Sea is deadly to most living things. Fish accidentally
swimming into the waters from one of the several freshwater streams that feed the Sea are killed
instantly, their bodies quickly coated with a preserving layer of salt crystals and then tossed onto
shore by the wind and waves. Brutal!

The guy to the left is actually floating in the Dead Sea. "But,
hey, I thought you said the Dead Sea was DEADLY!" Not to
us. Humans are remarkably adaptable. We can swim in the
Dead Sea, just like we can swim in the ocean. Well, people
don't really "swim" in the Dead Sea - they just "hang out".
That's what's so cool about the Dead Sea. Because of the
extremely high concentration of dissolved mineral salts in the
water its density is way more than that of plain fresh water.
What this means is our bodies are more buoyant in the Dead
Sea - so you bob like a cork. In fact, people are so buoyant in
this water, it makes it kinda tough to actually swim. Most people like to just kick back in the
water and read. It almost looks as though this guy is sitting on an air mattress that has sunk
below the surface, but he's not. He's really just floating, without having to hold is feet in that
position! If you think this is easy, try floating like this in a freshwater swimming pool.

What Caused the Dead Sea to Form?

This lesson takes us back to the subject of plate tectonics. In

this part of the world there is a rift forming where two
crustal plates are spreading apart. The East Rift Valley runs
through most of Africa, but it starts north of the Dead Sea
and runs south along the eastern side of the continent. The
Sea is located right along the Rift Valley where the earth's
crust is being stretched thin. To get an idea of how this "crustal spreading" thing works, take a
bar of taffy, or taffy-like candy and try to pull it apart. You'll see where the candy starts to come
apart it gets really thin just before it breaks. That's what is happening to the earth's crust in the
Rift Valley. Where the earth's crust gets thin that part of the surface sinks downward. You know
what? The Dead Sea is still sinking lower, even today. Scientists figure that the Dead Sea lowers
by as much as 13 inches per year. On a geologic time scale that's incredibly fast!

Why is the Dead Sea so Salty?

We talked about how the surface of the Sea got down so low in elevation, but why is it so salty?
All roads lead to the Sea when it comes to the rivers in the area. The Dead Sea is continually fed
water from the rivers and streams coming down off the mountains that surround it. But the kicker
is this....no rivers drain out of the Dead Sea. The only way water gets out of the Sea is through
evaporation. And boy does it evaporate! This part of the world get plenty hot. When the water
evaporates, it leaves behind all the dissolved minerals in the Sea, just making it saltier. In fact,
it's through the dual action of; 1) continuing evaporation and 2) minerals salts carried into the
Sea from the local rivers, that makes the Sea so salty. The fact that the water doesn't escape the
Sea just traps the salts within its shores.
Dead Sea, Jordan
Deep in the Jordan Valley and 55 km southeast of Amman, is the Dead
Sea, one of the most spectacular natural and spiritual landscapes in the
whole world. It is the lowest body of water on earth, the lowest point on
earth, and the world's richest source of natural salts, hiding wonderful
treasures that accumulated throughout thousands of years.

To reach this unique spot, the visitor enjoys a short 30 minutes drive
from Amman, surrounded by a landscape and arid hills, which could be
from another planet. En route a stone marker indicates "Sea Level", but
the Dead Sea itself is not reached before descending another 400 meters
below this sign.

The sunset touching distant hills with ribbons of fire across the waters of the Dead
Sea brings a sense of unreality to culminate a day's visit to this region. It is
normally as calm as a millpond, with barely a ripple disturbing its surface, but it
can become turbulent. During most days, however, the water shimmers under a
beating sun. Where rocks meet its lapping edges, they become snow-like, covered
with a thick, gleaming white deposit that gives the area a strange and surreal sense.
As its name evokes, the Dead Sea is devoid of life due to an extremely high
content of salts and minerals which gives its waters the renowned curative powers,
therapeutic qualities, and its buoyancy, recognized since the days of Herod the
Great, more than 2000 years ago.

And because the salt content is four times that of most world's oceans, you can
float in the Dead Sea without even trying, which makes swimming here a truly
unique experience not to be missed: here is the only place in the world where you
can recline on the water to read a newspaper.

Scientifically speaking, its water contains more than 35 different types of minerals
that are essential for the health and care of the body skin including Magnesium,
Calcium, Potassium, Bromine, Sulfur, and Iodine. They are well known for
relieving pains and sufferings caused by arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis, eczema,
headache and foot-ache, while nourishing and softening the skin. They also
provide the raw materials for the renowned Jordanian Dead Sea bath salts and
cosmetic products marketed worldwide.

A unique combination of several factors makes Dead Sea's total

attraction: the chemical composition of its water, the filtered sunrays and
oxygen-rich air, the mineral-rich black mud along the shoreline, and the
adjacent fresh water and thermal mineral springs.
Although sparsely populated and serenely quiet now, the area has a
historical and spiritual legacy of its own. It is believed to be the site of
five biblical cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zebouin and Zoar.

A series of new roads, hotels and archaeological discoveries are

converging to make this region as enticing to international visitors today
as it was to kings, emperors, traders and prophets in antiquity.

Seaside facilities include modern hotels with therapeutic clinics and

restaurant/bathing/sports complexes, meeting the needs of day visitors or
parties wishing to spend the night amidst one of the most dramatic and
moving landscapes in the World.
 Hurricane of July, 1502--Was a storm that the great explorer and discoverer of
American, Christopher Columbus, predicted would strike the island of Hispanola. He
used his prediction to warn the Governor of Hispanola, Nicholas de Ovando, who had
30 ships in his fleet set sail back to Spain. However, the governor ignored him, and
refused Columbus' request to stay in port at Santo Domingo. Within two days the
storm struck in the Mona Passage between Hispanola and Puerto Rico, and sank 21
of the 30 ships, and killed approximately 500 sailors.

 Tempest of 1609--At the time that the first ever colony in the United States was
being developed, a strong hurricane menaced the Western Atlantic in the weeks
following the departure of a fleet with 500 colonists left Great Britain for the New
World. The ships then met with the maelstrom head on, and scattering all the
vessels. Most were able to survive the onslaught of Mother Nature except for the
flagship of the fleet, the Sea Venture, which was deposited in the infamous "Isle of
Devils." Nevertheless, those who were on the ship still managed to reach shore, and
received a much better fate than those, who had already situated themselves in the
colony. The story of the Sea Venture was the basis of William Shakespeare's play,
The Tempest.

 Colonial Hurricane of 1635--Was a powerful New England hurricane that struck

the Massachussetts Bay Colony in 1635 some fifteen years after the Mayflower
struck land at Plymouth Rock. This storm had reminded many of the pilgrims and
settlers of past hurricanes that struck in the West Indies or Caribbean. Many of the
pilgrims believed that this storm was apocalyptic.

 1667--The Year Of The Hurricane--At a time when the Mid-Atlantic states of

North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland agreed to temporarily halt production of
tobacco, a strong hurricane ripped through the Mid-Atlantic region on August 27th.
While there was no recorded statistics such as where the storm made landfall, its
track, and its forward speed and intensity. It destroyed 80 percent of the tobacco
and corn while destroying some 15,000 homes in Virginia and Maryland.

 Accomack Storm of October 1693--This storm was captured by Mr. Scarburgh at

his residence in Virginia's Eastern Shore. Described by many weather record keepers
as a very powerful storm, the Accomack Storm "cut inlets as far north as Fire Island,
near New York City."

 The Great Gust of 1724--According to Rick Schwartz's book, "Hurricanes and the
Mid-Atlantic States," two hurricanes brought significant wind and rain to the Mid-
Atlantic region in 1724. The first storm moved through the area around August 12th,
and caused torrential rains and devastating winds. Less than a week later, another
violent storm system came through on August 17th, 18th, and 19th with violent
winds and rain. These two systems are among the most significant tropical storms to
affect the Mid-Atlantic during the colonial period of the late 1600s and 1700s.

 Hurricane of October, 1743--A storm that affected what would become the
Northeastern United States and New England, brought gusty winds and rainy
conditions as far as Philadelphia, and produced flooding in Boston. Central
barometric pressure of the storm was measured to be 29.35 inches of Hg in Boston.
This storm, which wasn't particularly powerful, was memorable because it garnered
the interest of future patriot and one of the founders of the United States, Benjamin
Franklin, who believed the storm was coming in from Boston. However, it was going
to Boston. Nevertheless, it began the long educational journey, which would be our
understanding of hurricanes.

 Hurricane of October, 1749--The storm was perhaps one of the strongest storm
ever in the Mid-Atlantic. According to Rick Schwartz, the hurricane produced a huge
tidal surge of 15 feet. Based upon that observation, many experts believe that this
system was a Category Four on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. It was responsible for
creating Willoughby Spit, a small area of land near Norfolk that was inside the
Chesapeake Bay.

 The Great Chesapeake Bay Hurricane of 1769--This hurricane plagued the Mid-
Atlantic coast from North Carolina up into the Chesapeake over the two days of
September 7-8, 1769, and was probably one of the strongest storms in the Mid-
Atlantic during the 18th Century. It made landfall near New Bern, North Carolina,
and laid that town in ruin as tides rose 12 feet above normal. Most notably, it caused
widespread damage to the Stratford Hall plantation, which belonged to the family of
famous confederate General Robert E. Lee.

 The Independence Hurricane of 1775--With the winds of revolution blowing

about in the fledgling 13 colonies, Mother Nature had a wind that temporarily put a
halt to those rebellious thoughts. A hurricane roared up the East Coast, and
triggered one of the early Revolutionary War skirmishes in the biggest colony of
Virginia. It came close to impacting Georgia and South Carolina on September 2nd
before moving ashore over North Carolina. The storm then picked up steam through
Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. One of the more notable casualties of the
storm was the roof of the Maryland State House, which was replaced by a wind
resistant dome.

 Great Hurricane of 1780--This storm was one of several that year, which was one
of the worst hurricane seasons in the era prior to record taking. Winds were
estimated to be Category Four strength at 135 mph. This storm, which affected the
Southern Windward Islands including Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Martinique, St.
Eustatius, and near Puerto Rico and Grand Turk Island, is believed to have killed
approximately 22,000 people. Of that total, between 4,000 and 5,000 people were
killed on St. Eustatius. Martinique had an estimated 9,000 people killed including
1,000 in St. Pierre, which had all of its homes destroyed.

 The Great Coastal Hurricane of 1785--Hurricanes that occur within weeks of each
other usually take parallel tracks. Take a look at hurricanes Katrina and Rita from
2005 for instance. The Atlantic Hurricane season of 1785 was a very busy one. One
hurricane in early September of that year wrecked the ship called the Faithful
Steward. Weeks later, another storm developed, and brushed the Delmarva
Peninsula. The storm's legacy was the creation of the "long-sought" lighthouse at
Cape Henry, which was opened seven years later in 1792. Lighthouses were
essential in preventing shipwrecks like the Faithful Steward, and another immigrant
ship guided by shipmaster, Captain Smith.

 George Washington's Hurricane of 1788--This hurricane, which began its drive

toward landfall after nearing Bermuda on July 19th, proceeded on a west-northwest
course into the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and then into Virginia. The
Chesapeake Bay region absorbed the worst that the storm had to offer. Most notably
though, this storm is remembered for the way it was described by the father of the
United States, and first president, George Washington. By the time the storm
reached Washington's home in Mount Vernon, it was likely to have been a moderate
tropical storm with winds about 50 mph.

 Hurricanes of 1795--Two hurricanes assaulted Virginia in August 1795, and

destroyed the crops of another hero of the American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson.
The two storms, which were ten days apart, caused the Appomattox River to crest
more than 12 feet above flood stage at the city of Petersburg, which was the highest
level reached in 70 years. Jefferson, who kept a perfect record of regular weather
observations for 40 years between 1776 and 1816, recorded the devastation that the
two storms left behind, especially the heavy losses that he suffered at his plantation,
the famous Monticello.

 Great Coastal Hurricane of 1806--The first major hurricane of the 19th Century
made landfall south of the city of Wilmington on the southern shores of North
Carolina on August 21st, and then proceeded on a gradual northeasterly drift for
about 250 miles over the subsequent 36 hours. Constant gale force winds produced
tremendous beach erosion, and "firmly established" the sandbar of Willoughby Spit
at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk. It was also responsible for the
loss of the ship, Rose-in-Bloom, which founded near Barnegat, New Jersey.

 Great September Gale of 1815--Was the last hurricane to strike New England
before the Long Island Express of 1938. The storm struck on September 23, 1815,
and brought an 11 foot storm surge to Providence, which was the highest storm
surge in the Rhode Island captial prior to the Great Hurricane of 1938, which had a
17.6 foot storm surge. This storm was the first hurricane to strike New England in
exactly 180 years.

 Cape May Hurricane of 1821--The last major hurricane to make a direct landfall in
the Garden State of New Jersey. This storm, which was a Category Four Hurricane,
struck Cape May, New Jersey on September 3, 1821, and had hurricane force winds
go as far west as Philadelphia while folks in New Jersey experienced wind gusts of up
to 200 mph. The storm cut a path of destruction that is similar to that of the Garden
State Parkway. More detailed information on this hurricane is at Greg Hoffman's Real
Lousy Weather Page.

 The Hurricane of 1846--Referred to as "The Great", used its northeast quadrant

that caused havoc on the Delaware all the way up to Camden, New Jersey. This
storm revealed the fact that Delaware Bay is open to southeast winds in the right
quadrant, and water in the Bay would go upriver into cities such as Wilmington,
Philadelphia, and Camden.

 Hurricane of September, 1874--Struck the Carolinas around the end of

September, 1874. This storm is remembered for being the first such hurricane to be
shown on a weather map by the Weather Bureau. At the time it was shown, the
hurricane was located off the Southeast Coast between Jacksonville, Florida and
Savannah, Georgia.

 Hurricane of September, 1875--Was an intense hurricane that struck the

Southern Coast of Cuba as predicted by Father Benito Vines, who began to develop a
tremendous reputation for accurately predicting when and where a hurricane would
strike. His studies of tropical storms and hurricanes during the latter portion of the
19th Century made the Cuban forecasters some of the best hurricane forecasters in
the world at the time.

 Indianola Hurricane of 1886--Destroyed what had been the leading port city in
Texas at the time on August 19-20, 1886. Indianola, which was located in Matagorda
Bay, was hit by this storm, and another one a bit more than a month later. As a
result, business that previously came into that port, moved up the coast to
Galveston, which became the prominent port city in the Lone Star State until it was
devastated by the Great Hurricane of 1900.

 Atlantic Hurricane of 1893--Was a strong Category One Hurricane that struck New
York City with 90 mph winds on August 24th of that year. Barometric pressure was
only 29.23 inches of Hg, but it leved some one hundred trees in Central Park. The
beach and piers on Coney Island was devastated. However, it wasn't as bad as Hog
Island, a sand spit off Rockaway Beach that was wiped off the map.

 Sea Islands Hurricane of 1893--A major hurricane of Category Three strength

that made landfall in Savannah, Georgia on August 27th, but its northeast quadrant
hammered Sea Islands in Beaufort County, South Carolina. As a result,
approximately 2,000 to 2,500 people were killed and upwards of 30,000 people were
left homeless.

 Galveston Hurricane of 1900--The deadliest natural disaster in United States

History, this Category Four Hurricane moved through Cuba into the Gulf of Mexico
before slamming ashore in Galveston, Texas on September 8, 1900 killing 6,000

 The "Hurricane" of 1903--The storm was indicated to be a hurricane by many in

the media at the time, but it was in fact, a tropical storm with 70 mph winds along
the coast. It was the first such tropical storm or hurricane to impact the Jersey shore
in one hundred years. It was also called the "Vagabond Hurricane" since it caused
such a stir in media outlets such as Philadelphia and New York, which had people
covering the storm for the various newspapers in those cities.

 Miami Hurricane of 1926--This storm hit at the worst possible time for the
fledgling city. Incoporated in 1896 following the extension of the Florida East Coast
Railway by Henry Flagler, the city of Miami was at the end of its first boom period
early in 1926. The storm also served as a lesson for those wishing to go outside
during the eye's passage. Forming a few hundred miles to the East of the Lesser
Antilles on September 12th, the storm passed to the north of Puerto Rico on
September 15th. Accompanied by a late issued hurricane warning, the storm arrived
in Miami on the morning of September 18th. Winds peaked at 128 mph, and the
pressure in Miami fell to 27.61 inches of Hg, or 935 millibars. The storm surge
ranged from eight to fifteen feet, and caused $150 million dollars in damage then, or
$1.7 billion today. If a similar storm hit the Miami area today, it would cause an
astronomical $87 billion in damage.

 Lake Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928--Carved a path of destruction throughout

the Atlantic, and over the north shore of Lake Okeechobee during the period from
September 6th to September 20th, 1928. This particular hurricane, which had a
central pressure of 27.43 inches, was fifth all time to strike the United States in
terms of intensity. It was responsible for an estimated 2,500 deaths, and some $25
million dollars in damage (equivalent to $300 million 1990 U.S. dollars). Now ranks
behind Galveston as the second deadliest natural disaster in United States History.

 Chesapeake Bay Hurricane of 1933--A powerful Cape Verde Storm that reached
Category Four strength at one point before weakening to Category Two strength. The
storm ended up striking on August 23, 1933 causing 79 million dollars in damage
according to 1969 estimates, and left some 18 people dead. It also knocked out
service to about 79,000 telephones as well as uprooted some 600 trees in Virginia
Beach. The storm also set a record for storm surge with one that was 9.8 feet above
normal in spots.

 Major Hurricane of September, 1933--1933 was a very active year for tropical
storms and hurricanes with 21 named storms, and 10 of them becoming hurricanes.
In addition to the Great Chesapeake Hurricane of 1933, the Mid-Atlantic was hit by
another hurricane almost exactly a month to the day later when a Category Three
storm emerged from a disturbance in the Bahamas, and came up the coast to make
landfall at Cape Lookout, North Carolina. The storm ended up causing about a
fraction of the damage caused by the Chesapeake Bay storm. Only about 2,000
telephones were knocked out by the storm, and only two people died in Virginia.

 Labor Day Hurricane of 1935--The most powerful hurricane to make landfall in

the United States. A very small storm, this Category Five Hurricane tore through the
Florida Keys with 180 mph winds, and a low pressure of 26.35 inches of Hg.

 Long Island Express of 1938--A classic east coast hurricane, this Category Three
storm moved rapidly from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina into New England in a
matter of just six hours killing 600 people.

 Great Hurricane of September, 1944--Is perhaps a forgotten storm in light of the

Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, and the Long Island Express of 1938. However, this
was a memorable storm in its own right. Cape Henry in Virginia was hit with
sustained winds of 134 mph, and gusts up to 150 mph. Meanwhile, in Norfolk, winds
reached close to hurricane force while gusts went up to 90 mph. The powerful storm
caused tremendous damage along the coast from North Carolina to New England
with some 41,000 buildings damaged, and a death toll of 390 people. The storm cost
some $100 million dollars in damage including $25 million in New Jersey alone,
where some 300 homes were destroyed on Long Beach Island. More detailed
information on this hurricane is at Greg Hoffman's Real Lousy Weather Page.

 Hurricane Easy--Developing in September, 1950, Easy was perhaps one of the

worst storms to hit Cedar Key since the late 1800s. This storm, which did a loop
around the West Coast of Florida twice, had maximum sustained winds of 125 mph,
a minimum pressure of 28.30 inches of Hg, and brought an amazing 38.7 inches of
rain over two days to Yankeetown, Florida.

 Hurricane King--Another powerful storm in 1950, this particular hurricane affected

the Miami area in October of that year. It was a compact, but very powerful
hurricane much like Hurricane Andrew. It only carved a path of destruction some 7
to 10 miles wide, but had wind gusts as high as 150 mph, minimum pressure of
28.20 inches of Hg., and a storm surge of 19.3 feet.

 Hurricane Barbara--Opened up a decade of powerful storms to ravage the

Carolinas in August, 1953. It struck the North Carolina coast between Morehead City
and Ocracoke Island on August 13th, 1953 as a Category One Hurricane with gusts
up to 90 mph, and left one dead and damages over $1 million in 1953 U.S. dollars.

 Hurricane Carol--Opened up a very busy hurricane season for North Carolina in

1954 with a near miss of Cape Hatteras. Winds at Hatteras were between 90 and
100 mph, but minor damage estimated at $250,000 1953 U.S. dollars was left in the
storm's wake.

 Hurricane Edna--Edna followed on the heels of Carol, and had a very similar track
to Carol's as it passed the Carolinas offshore on September 10, 1954. While the
storm left minor damage and beach erosion for North Carolina, Edna ended up doing
much more damage in New England after making landfall in Long Island. Damage
estimates exceeded $40 million 1953 U.S. dollars, and 21 people were killed.

 Hurricane Hazel--A Category Four Hurricane that came ashore in North Carolina in
October, 1954, and then brought hurricane force winds as far inland as Canada.
Passing 95 miles to the East of Charleston, South Carolina, Hazel made landfall very
near the North Carolina and South Carolina border, and brought a record 18 foot
storm surge at Calabash, North Carolina. Wind gusts of 150 mph were felt in Holden
Beach, Calabash, and Little River Inlet 100 mph gusts were felt farther inland at
Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. Hazel carved
a path of destruction that left over 600 dead, and damages exceeded $350 million
1953 U.S. dollars.

 Hurricane Connie--Was the first of three hurricanes to make landfall in the

Carolinas in 1955. Some ten months after Hazel devastated the Tar Heel state,
Connie made landfall over Cape Lookout, North Carolina on August 12, 1955. The
storm produced heavy rains, tornadoes, and wind gusts up to 100 mph. The storm
headed northward, and brought heavy rains in excess of 9 inches in Eastern
Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey while dumping over 12 inches in portions of
New York City.

 Hurricane Diane--First billion dollar hurricane. Made landfall along the Outer Banks
of North Carolina, and caused havoc from the Carolinas to New England in August
1955. Just five days after Connie, Diane came ashore on August 17th over Carolina
Beach. At its peak, Diane produced winds of 125 mph, but at landfall winds were
down 50 mph in Cape Hatteras while Wilmington had a gust of minimal hurricane
force. Its flooding rains proved more devastating as they killed two hundred while
establishing a new benchmark for damage. The havoc wreaked by Diane brought out
Presidential Commission on Storm Modification that eventually led to Project

 Hurricane Ione--Struck a month after Connie and Diane in September, 1955. The
storm struck just west of Atlantic Beach along the North Carolina coast. This was
another storm that made landfall well after it had peaked in intensity with 125 mph
winds and a minimum central pressure of 27.70 inches. Nevertheless, it brought 16
inches of rainfall to parts of the Tar Heel state, and left six dead as well as $90
million in damages before curving out to sea.

 Hurricane Helene--Perhaps one of the most powerful hurricanes during the 1950s
not to make landfall in the Carolinas although it came very close. Helene came within
20 miles of the coast at Cape Fear on September 27, 1958. Winds still reached 135
mph at Wilmington while Southport, North Carolina had winds sustained at 125 mph
with gusts between 150 and 160 mph, and a minimum central pressure of 27.75

 Hurricane Donna--Had a very erratic path in the summer of 1960 that started in
the Caribbean, then went to the Florida Keys, then into the Gulf of Mexico, where it
would make a turn to the north and make a second landfall over Florida at Fort
Myers. It continued northeastward across the Florida Peninsula, and moved back out
into the Atlantic near Daytona Beach. Not done yet, Donna headed up the East
Coast, and made another landfall at Topsail Island, North Carolina. It then finished
its trip by heading into New England, and a final landfall across Long Island. At its
peak, Donna had wind gusts ranging between 175 and 200 mph, a minimum central
pressure of 27.46 inches, and a 13 foot storm surge. Its total damage cost was over
one billion 1960 United States dollars while Donna left 50 people dead.

 Hurricane Carla--Struck between the Port O'Connor and Port Lavaca area of Texas
back in September, 1961. It was the most powerful storm to hit the Texas Coast in
about 40 years. It winds were in excess of 150 mph, and gusts went up to 170 mph.
Tides near Port Lavaca were 18.5 feet above normal, and the barometric pressure
was 27.62 inches of Hg. Estimated damage from the storm was $408 million dollars
while the death toll hit 43. Today, the cost would have been far greater.

 Hurricane Hattie--Struck the then coastal capital of Belize, Belize City on

Halloween in 1961. Hattie was the second or two Category Five Hurricanes from that
season. Leaving some 275 people dead and some $60 million dollars in damage,
Hattie devastated the Belize capital forcing government officials to move government
offices and buildings inland to the city of Belmopan.

 Hurricane Cleo--The first hurricane to strike the Miami area since Hurricane King in
1950, this 1964 storm produced wind gusts of 138 mph, and knee-deep water that
produced some $125 million dollars in damage ($600 million 1990 U.S. dollars).

 Hurricane Dora--Within a few weeks after Cleo in September, 1964, this hurricane
hit the Northeastern coast of Florida at a right angle. It was the first storm ever to
do this since the Great Hurricane of 1880. Dora had winds of 125 mph at St.
Augustine, and produced a 12 foot storm surge.

 Hurricane Betsy--A Category Three Hurricane that struck South Florida and
Louisiana in September, 1965. It would be the last major hurricane to affect South
Florida until Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

 Hurricane Inez--Known as "The Crazy One," Inez carved an erratic path of death
and destruction from the Caribbean to Florida, and to Mexico in October, 1966. It left
some 1,500 people dead, and produced millions of dollars in damage with top winds
of approximately 190 mph. Minimum central pressure with Inez was recorded at
27.38 inches of Hg, which according to the Saffir-Simpson scale that came out into
1970, was equivalent to a Category Four Hurricane.

 Hurricane Audrey--A rare early season major hurricane, this storm struck in Texas
and Louisiana in June, 1957. It was the most powerful hurricane ever in the month
of June, and it rapidly intensified over the Gulf of Mexico before making landfall
leaving many caught off guard.

 Hurricane Beulah--Hurricane Beulah was a Category Four Hurricane on the Saffir-

Simpson scale that Texas in 1967, and produced some 150 tornadoes after making
landfall. The most ever produced on record by a tropical system. Hurricane Frances
in 2004 spawned half that number, which is still quite a bit in its own right.

 Hurricane Camille--Was the last Category Five Hurricane to make landfall over the
United States before Hurricane Andrew did in August, 1992. Hurricane Camille
landfall over Gulfport, Mississippi on August 18, 1969 with winds of 180 mph, and a
record storm surge of 24.3 feet. It left about 250 people dead from Louisiana to
Virginia, and was responsible for approximately $1.421 billion dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Celia--A powerful Category Three Hurricane that came ashore in the
Corpus Christi area during the 1970 season. Sustained winds were 130 mph, which
made it a strong Category Three Hurricane. Winds gusted as high as 161 mph, and
ended up being the costliest storm at the time. Some other areas received wind
gusts as high as 180 mph. Celia became the third major hurricane to strike the
Texas Gulf Coast behind Hurricane Carla (1961) and Hurricane Beulah (1967).
Today, it still ranks quite high as the National Hurricane Center places it 24th on the
all time list with $453 billion dollars in damage. The silver lining in all of this was the
fact that only 11 people died from the storm even though 466 people were injured,
9,000 homes were destroyed, 14,000 homes were significantly damaged, and
another 41,000 suffered minor damage.

 Hurricane Agnes--A minimal Category One Hurricane upon landfall in Apalachicola,

Florida in June, 1972, it proceeded to cause devastating floods in Northeastern
Pennsylvania as it combined with another low pressure system to dump heavy rains
over the area. Damage from this storm was estimated to be about $2.1 billion

 Hurricane Eloise--A powerful hurricane that formed in September, 1975, Eloise was
a Category Three Hurricane with sustained winds of 125 mph, and gusts of up to 156
mph. It produced a 12 to 16 foot storm surge along the Florida Coast from Ft.
Walton Beach to Panama City, Florida. With a minimum central pressure of 28.20
inches, Eloise was the first major hurricane to make a direct hit on this area in the
20th century, and caused some $1 billion dollars in damage as well as 21 deaths.

 Hurricane Belle--A Category Three Hurricane at one point with 120 mph winds,
Belle was the second named storm of the 1976 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The storm
would eventually weaken though to just a tropical storm by the time it came ashore
on Long Island. Shortly afterward, it became extratropical.

 Hurricane David--A powerful Category Five Hurricane that ripped through the
Caribbean with winds of over 155 mph, it struck the coast of Georgia as a Category
One Hurricane on September 4, 1979. It then came up the coast, and hit the
Northeast as a Tropical Storm with winds that knocked down tree branches, and
even spawned some tornadoes on Long Island. Damage estimated from this storm
was $320 million dollars.

 Hurricane Frederick--A major hurricane that slammed into Mobile Bay in Alabama
with 125 mph after struggling to maintain itself over the rugged terrain of Hispanola
and Cuba. The storm caused some $2.3 billion dollars in damage to portions of the
Gulf Coast.

 Hurricane Allen--The first named storm of the 1980 Atlantic Hurricane Season,
Allen became a Category Five hurricane on three separate occasions, and is ranked
as one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Atlantic. Allen's eye didn't touch
land from the time it crossed the Windward Islands including St. Lucia until it came
ashore near Port Mansfield, Texas.

 Hurricane Alicia--A strong Category Three Hurricane with winds of 125 mph, Alicia
was the last hurricane to make landfall in the Galveston, Texas area back in August,
1983. Estimated damage from this storm was $2 billion dollars.

 Hurricane Elena--A very fickle storm, Elena stayed away from land in the Gulf of
Mexico for about a week as upper level winds broke down above the storm. As a
result, it grew from a Category One to a Category Three Hurricane with 125 mph as
it came ashore in Biloxi, Mississippi in September, 1985. Estimated damage as a
result of this storm was $1.25 billion dollars.

 Hurricane Gloria--Termed the Storm Of The Century at one point in its life. This
Category Three Hurricane made landfall over the outer banks of North Carolina, and
then moved up the East Coast of the United States on September 27, 1985.
Estimated damage from this storm was $900 million dollars.

 Hurricane Kate--An unusually strong late season hurricane, Kate was a Category
Two Hurricane that struck the Port St. Joe area of the Florida Panhandle in
November, 1985. It was the latest hurricane ever recorded in a season to strike that
far north in Florida. It ended up causing some $300 million dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Gilbert--The most powerful storm ever recorded in the Atlantic with
winds of 200 mph, and a central pressure of 26.28 inches of Hg, Gilbert came ashore
in the Yucatan, and then proceeded into the Gulf of Mexico before hitting the
Northern Mexican town of Matamoros with only 120 mph winds.

 Hurricane Hugo--This Category Four Hurricane at landfall, carved a path from the
Leeward Islands in the Caribbean to Charleston, South Carolina in September, 1989.
At one point in its lifetime, Hugo reached Category Five intensity with 160 mph
winds, and a minimum central pressure of 27.11 inches of Hg. Rapidly intensifying
over the Gulf Stream, it came ashore in South Carolina with 135 mph winds. This
storm ranks currently second all time in terms of estimated damage at $7 billion

 Hurricane Bob--This Category Two Hurricane was one of the more memorable
storms of 1991 besides the "perfect" Halloween Gale later that year. It moved up the
East Coast before making landfall in New England. Believe it or not, as of 2000, this
storm was ranked 10th all time in terms of estimated damage with $1.5 billion

 Hurricane Grace--Contrary to what was said in the movie, The Perfect Storm,
Grace was only a Category Two Hurricane, but it would combine with a mid-latitude
cyclone to form what would be known as the "Perfect Storm" in Meteorological terms
during the final days of October, 1991.

 Hurricane Andrew--This is probably the most recent memorable hurricanes in

modern history. After struggling to develop in the Atlantic, this Category Five
Hurricane rapidly developed over the Gulf Stream, and devastated South Florida with
165 mph winds on August 24, 1992. It was the costliest natural disaster on record
with some $30 billion dollars in damage.

 Tropical Storm Alberto--Was a strong tropical storm at landfall in early July, 1994,
but it would end up being one of the most memorable tropical storms as it proceeded
to meander over Northwest Florida and Southern Georgia, and dump a tonnage of
rain there. When it was all said and done, it left 31 people dead, and caused some
$500 million dollars in damage.

 Tropical Storm Beryl--Was practically a carbon copy of Alberto except for the fact
that it occurred a month and a half later in August, 1994. Slightly weaker than
Alberto was, Beryl had 60 mph winds, and a minimum central pressure of 29.50.
Nevertheless, it dumped another 9 inches of rain on already waterlogged
Tallahassee, and another 10.7 inches on Apalachicola.

 Hurricane Gordon--One of the most erratic moving hurricanes, and still one of the
most deadly in the last 20 years. Starting out in the Western Caribbean off the coast
of Honduras and Nicaragua, Gordon weaved his way through the Caribbean and
Florida before making its first landfall along the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It
then turned southwestward again, and moved over Florida, where it finally
dissipated. The storm left some $400 million dollars in damage, and 1145 people
dead in November, 1994.

 Hurricane Erin--Was one of a number of tropical storms and hurricanes in 1995. It

actually made two landfalls over Florida. The first occurred on August 2nd at Vero
Beach, and the second a few days later over Pensacola as a strong Category One
Hurricane with 90 mph winds. Rain from this system was felt as far north as Illinois,
and the storm caused some $700 million dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Luis--One of the most powerful hurricanes of the 19 storms from the
1995 Season. Pummeled the Leeward Islands as well as parts of Puerto Rico and the
Virgin Islands with 150 mph winds before turning out to sea in September, 1995.
Caused approximately $2.5 billion dollars in damage and killed 17 people.

 Hurricane Marilyn--Formed on the heels of Hurricane Luis in the Western Atlantic

back in September, 1995, and brought Category Three Hurricane force winds to
parts of the Leeward Islands and the Virgin Islands before turning out to sea. Caused
approximately $1.5 billion dollars in damage, and left 8 people dead.
 Hurricane Opal--This late season storm rapidly developed into a very strong
Category Four Hurricane before weakening to a strong Category Three Hurricane
when it came ashore near Pensacola, Florida in October, 1995. Opal ranks fifth all
time in terms of damage with an estimated $3 billion dollars.

 Hurricane Roxanne--Formed in the Bay of Campeche region of Mexico in the weeks

following Hurricane Opal's landfall near Panama City, Florida. The storm was a
Category Three Hurricane with sustained winds of 115 mph, and a minimum central
pressure of 28.23 inches of Hg. The storm left 14 people dead and some $1.5 billion
dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Bertha--The earliest hurricane to form in the Eastern Atlantic. Developed

just West of the Cape Verde islands in the last week of June, 1996, and made
landfall as a Category Two Hurricane over Wilimngton, North Carolina on July 12,
1996. Killed 12 people, and caused some $275,000,000 dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Fran--The most powerful hurricane to make landfall in the United States
during the 1996 Hurricane Season. Made landfall over North Carolina with 115 mph
winds in September of that year, and caused some $3.2 billion dollars in damage at
the time. Damage estimates are even higher today.

 Hurricane Hortense--Was a hurricane that formed during the Labor Day Weekend
of the 1996 Hurricane Season. While the storm didn't make landfall in the United
States, it ravaged parts of the Caribbean including Puerto Rico with torrential rains.
Damage estimates from this storm is approximately $500 million dollars. After that,
it grew in strength to a Category Four Hurricane.

 Hurricane Georges--A Classic Cape Verde Hurricane that formed in September,

1998, Georges ripped through the Leeward Islands and Caribbean with as high as
150 mph winds. It then hit the Florida Keys before making landfall in Mississippi. Left
602 people dead, and caused about $5.9 billion dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Mitch--A very powerful late season hurricane, Mitch had winds of 190
mph before making landfall in Central America. It devastated Honduras with over 75
inches of rain that spawned devastating floods and mudslides that left about 11,000
people dead in October, 1999.

 Hurricane Floyd--Also termed Storm of the Century at one point, Floyd caused the
largest peacetime evacuation in history that involved 3,000,000 people from South
Florida to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina as it bore down on the Southeast coast in
September, 1999. It later made landfall as a Category Three Hurricane over North
Carolina, and would bring up to 30 inches of rain from North Carolina to New Jersey
spawning terrible floods. Floyd ranks third all time in damage with an estimated $4.5
billion dollars in damage althogh some estimates run as high as $6 billion.

 Hurricane Irene--Is an often forgotten storm from the 1999 Hurricane Season
except for those in Florida. Forming during the middle of October that year, Irene
became a Category Two Hurricane with 100 mph sustained winds, and higher gusts.
The storm also produced some 10 to 20 inches of rain across South Florida while
causing 8 deaths by electrocution, and $800 million dollars in damage.
 Hurricane Lenny--Known by those in the Caribbean as "El Zorito", or "the Lefty",
Lenny was the first ever storm on record to strike the Lesser Antilles from the West
in November, 1999. It was also the most powerful late-season storm on record with
150 mph winds. The storm was responsible for approximately $330 million dollars in

 Hurricane Keith--Powerful Category Four Hurricane that struck the Central

American country of Belize in the first week of October, 2000. Making landfall near
the area of Belize City, the storm caused some two million dollars in damage, and
left 11 people dead.

 Tropical Storm Leslie--Started out as a subtropical depression in the Florida

Straits, and brought some 15 to 20 inches of rain to parts of South Florida. Caused
about 1,000,000 dollars in damage, and killed two people. After flooding South
Florida, it gained more tropical characteristics, and became a minimal tropical storm
in October, 2000.

 Hurricane Michael--Formed in the Western Atlantic in the last weeks of October,

2000, and eventually headed northward into the Canadian Maritimes, where it
brought 100 mph winds to parts of Newfoundland in Canada.

 Tropical Storm Allison--Became the first tropical storm to get its name retired.
Also was the costliest tropical storm on record as it caused some $4 to $5 billion
dollars in damage. Heavy rains from the storm produced tremendous flooding in the
Houston, Texas area in the first weeks of June, 2001.

 Hurricane Iris--A very small and narrow hurricane that brought 145 mph winds to
the central portion of Belize in October, 2001. The storm left some 28 people dead
including tourists from Virginia, and caused millions of dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Michelle--A powerful late season hurricane, Michelle brought 135 mph
winds to portions of Western Cuba and the Isle of Youth before turning east and
avoiding South Florida by going out to sea in November, 2001.

 Hurricane Isidore--A powerful Category Three Hurricane that originally developed

in the Caribbean, Isidore made landfall over the Yucatan Peninsula with 125 mph,
but only made landfall over Louisiana as a tropical storm in September, 2002.

 Hurricane Lili--Another powerful hurricane that formed in the Caribbean on the

heels of Isidore, Lili grew to Category Four Strength with 140 mph winds.
Threatening Louisiana as a major hurricane, Lili encountered hostile upper level
conditions just before landfall, and weakened to just a Category Two Hurricane when
it came ashore over Louisiana in October, 2002.

 Tropical Storm Ana--Usually nothing much would be said about a minimal strength
tropical storm that emerges from a subtropical depression, but Ana, which formed
over Easter Weekend in 2003, was an exception since it became the first ever
recorded storm to form in April.

 Hurricane Fabian--A hurricane that last for about a week, and a tropical system
that lasted for nearly two weeks, Fabian was a Category Four Hurricane at one point
with winds of 145 mph in September, 2003. Responsible for eight deaths and $300
million dollars in damage, Fabian went down as the worst hurricane to strike the tiny
resort island of Bermuda since 1926.

 Hurricane Isabel--A very rare and powerful Category Five Hurricane, Isabel
underwent rapid intensification and was able to stay at the highest level a hurricane
can reach for over 30 hours, which made it one of the longest lasting Category Five
Storms on record. Maximum sustained winds recorded were 160 mph, but gusts
were as high as 234 mph. Although it eventually weakened, Isabel came ashore
along the Outer Banks of North Carolina as a Category Two Hurricane, and was
responsible for 16 deaths and $3.37 billion dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Juan--Was the first hurricane to make landfall near Halifax, Nova Scotia
in Canada in over a century. A Category Two Hurricane, Juan was responsible for
four deaths, numerous power outages, tree damage, and went down as the most
damaging hurricane in the history of Halifax.

 Hurricane Alex--Was the first hurricane of the 2004 Atlantic Hurricane Season, and
even became the season's first major hurricane as well. Alex brushed the Outer
Banks of North Carolina before turning out to sea in early August, 2004. With winds
of 120 mph, it was a solid Category Three Hurricane.

 Hurricane Charley--When it was all said and done, Hurricane Charley went down as
the most devastating hurricane to hit anywhere in Florida since Hurricane Andrew in
August, 1992. It also ended up being the second costliest hurricane in U.S. History
behind Andrew. Charley fooled forecasters by not only rapidly intensifiying, but also
making a turn to the north and east much sooner than anticipated, which spared the
city of Tampa, but devastated the Port Charlotte area on August 13, 2004. Winds
were as high as 145 mph, and the storm left at least 35 people dead, and $14 billion
dollars in damage.

 Hurricane Frances--Not as devastating as Charley, but still a very destructive

storm due to its slow motion. Moving between 5 to 10 mph across the Florida
Peninsula, Frances pounded just about all of the Sunshine state with Tropical Storm
and Hurricane force winds for at least 24 hours on the Labor Day Weekend of 2004.
Prior to that, the third major hurricane of the 2004 season rolled through the
Bahamas with 145 mph winds. The storm left some 49 dead there while forcing the
evacuation of 2.8 million people in Florida as well as knocking out power to about 6
million there as well. Frances was also responsible for producing 75 tornadoes. Final
damage estimate is $9 billion dollars for the storm.

 Hurricane Ivan--A classic Cape Verde storm that formed at unusually low latitude,
Ivan rapidly developed into a Category Four Hurricane during the Labor Day
Weekend of 2004 before briefly weakening to a Category Two for a period. However,
as it moved through the extreme Southern Windward Islands of Barbados and
Grenada, the storm strengthened back to major hurricane status, and destroyed 75
to 90 percent of all buildings on the island of Grenada. The storm then continued to
re-energize, and reach Category Five status. It was the second Category Five storm
in as many years after almost a five year drought following Mitch in October, 1998.
It would eventually weaken somewhat, but it still made landfall near Gulf Shores,
Alabama as a strong Category Three Hurricane with 130 mph winds. Moving farther
inland, Ivan's remains sparked torrential rains, flooding, and 123 tornadoes, which is
second to Hurricane Beulah's 150 in 1967. Ivan was responsible for some 124 deaths
throughout the Caribbean and the Eastern United States. Final damage estimate
from not only the U.S., but also the Caribbean totals $14.2 billion dollars.

 Hurricane Jeanne--Originally not a powerful storm, Jeanne carved a path of death

and destruction from Puerto Rico into Hispanola with 80 mph winds and heavy rains
in September, 2004. The torrential rainfall produced floods and mudslides in Haiti,
which left an estimated 1500 people dead in addition to 31 that were killed in Puerto
Rico and the Dominican Republic. The storm has also been known for its erratic
motion taking an eastward turn away from the United States after going through the
Bahamas, and then turning southward, and westward back toward land. Jeanne
finally made landfall in the United States along the South Central Coast of Florida
near Stuart with winds of 120 mph. It was the fifth storm, fourth hurricane, and third
major hurricane to impact the Sunshine State in 2004. After impacting Florida, the
storm spread northward into the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast, where it
produced flooding rains and tornadoes. Total death toll was estimated to be over
3,000, and the final damage total is estimated to be $6.9 billion.

 Hurricane Dennis--Was a rare powerful July hurricane that formed in the

Southeastern Caribbean a few hundred miles to the West-Northwest of Grenada on
the evening of July 4th, 2005. Gradually strengthening in the days that followed,
Dennis brought heavy rains to Jamaica, the Caymans, and Hispanola, but bore the
brunt of its assault on Cienfuegos, Cuba with 150 mph winds. The coastal Cuban
community was devastated as telephone poles and wires were knocked down. Just
missing Category Five strength on the Saffir-Simpson Scale, Dennis cross the
narrow, but rugged terrain of Cuba, and re-emerged in the Gulf of Mexico as a
Category One storm before rapidly intensifying to a Category Four Hurricane in the
early morning hours of July 10th, 2005. Dennis eventually made landfall near
Pensacola, Florida on the afternoon of July 10th. So far, the death toll from the
storm stands at 32, and inital damage estimates range from $1 billion to $2.5 billion.

 Hurricane Emily--Was another rare powerful July hurricane that formed in the
Atlantic on the heels of Hurricane Dennis during the week of July 10th, 2005. The
storm became the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the month of July after
its winds reached a peak speed of 160 mph, and its minimum central pressure
dropped to 929 mb, or 27.43 inches of Hg. This just surpassed the levels previously
established by Dennis, and made it the first Category Five Hurricane of the 2005
season. Three more Cat Fives would follow. Although Emily ransacked the island of
Grenada, which was still recovering from Hurricane Ivan's impact in September,
2004, the storm mercifully spared the islands of Jamaica and the Caymans as well as
weakened before making landfall in the Yucatan. The storm did regain some steam
after losing its punch over the plateau of the Yucatan Peninsula, and made a final
landfall as a major hurricane in Northeastern Mexico with winds of 125 mph. The
storm was responsible for 64 deaths, and initially $300,000,000 dollars in damage. It
also contributed to the rise in oil prices by forcing the evacuation of employees of
Mexico's primary oil company, PEMEX, from their offshore rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

 Hurricane Katrina--Started out modestly on August 23rd, 2005 in the Bahamas as

a tropical wave that emerged from the remnants of a tropical depression that had
been in the Caribbean. It gradually grew into the season's eleventh named storm
and fourth hurricane prior to making landfall in South Florida as a minimal hurricane
with maximum sustained winds of 80 mph, and gusts up to 95 mph. After quickly
crossing Southern Florida, Katrina emerged again over water in the Southeastern
Gulf of Mexico near the Florida Keys, and strengthened to the 2005 season's third
major hurricane before reorganizing into the most powerful storm in the Central Gulf
since Hurricane Camille, and fourth Category Five Hurricane in three years with
winds as high as 175 mph, and a minimum central pressure of 902 mb, or 26.64
inches of Hg. It became the fourth most powerful hurricane of all time ahead of
Camille and behind Hurricane Gilbert (1988), the Labor Day of Hurricane of 1935,
and Hurricane Allen (1980). After coming ashore as a Category One Hurricane in
South Florida, Katrina struck two more times along the Gulf Coast. First in Buras,
Louisiana with 140 mph winds, and then near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi with 135
mph winds. It created a 27 foot storm surge in Gulfport, Mississippi and a 22 foot
storm surge in Bay St. Louis. Winds as high as 90 mph were felt as far east as
Mobile, Alabama, which experienced its worst flooding in 90 years. To make matters
worse, part of an oil rig broke away in Mobile Bay and hit a nearby causway possibly
causing damage there. Waves as high as 48 feet happened offshore in the Gulf of
Mexico. Some 50 people were killed in coastal Mississippi including 30 in an
apartment complex in Biloxi. Katrina even ripped off part of the roof of the Louisiana
Superdome, where 10,000 people were staying in the facility, which was being used
as a shelter of last resort. Extensive flooding occurred in New Orleans, which was
actually spared the brunt of the storm. The 9th ward in the Crescent City was
underwater as well as 80 percent of the city. People fled to their attics to escape
drowning and some were rescued by helicopters and boats. So far, the latest death
toll is at 1,833 (Louisiana-1582, Mississippi-170, Florida-30, Alabama-48, Georgia-2,
Tennessee-1 with damage estimates now are up to $81 billion. Experts fear that the
total cost for the storm could be $200 billion dollars, which would make Katrina the
costliest hurricane and natural disaster in United States History.

 Hurricane Rita--The seventeenth named storm and fifth major hurricane of the
2005 season, Rita began near the Turks and Caicos Islands as a mere tropical
depression on September 17th, 2005. However, as it passed near the Florida Keys
and South Florida, Rita blossomed into the season's ninth hurricane, and brought
sustained winds of Category Two strength with gusts over 100 mph. Continuing to
strengthen, Hurricane Rita became a major hurricane on September 21st, 2005 as
its eye experienced a 77 millibar drop in just 39 hours. The storm, which followed a
similar track to the devastating Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans and the
Mississippi Gulf Coast on August 29th, 2005, became the third Category Five
Hurricane to emerge in 2005 with 175 mph winds, and a minimum central pressure
of 897 mb, or 26.49 inches of Hg. Hurricane Hunters also found wind gusts as high
as 235 mph. With those statistics, Rita is not only the most powerful hurricane of
2005 so far, but it is also now third on the all time list ahead of Katrina and
Hurricane Allen, and behind only Hurricane Gilbert (1988) and the Labor Day
Hurricane of 1935. The approach of Rita to the Western Gulf Coast, prompted the
evacuation of some 2.7 million people. Poor planning led to traffic jams and cars
running out of gas in Texas. A usual four hour trip from Houston to Dallas ended up
taking as long as 18 hours. Prior to making landfall, the storm had already caused
problems including the deaths of 107 people trying to flee the storm, flooding in
Galveston, and breeches in the New Orleans levee system that was severely
damaged by Hurricane Katrina a month earlier. Twenty-four of those people that
died during evacuation were in a bus that had a fire and explosion on Interstate 45
south of Dallas, Texas, Rita finally made landfall in the Sabine Pass area of the
Texas/Louisiana border in the early morning hours of September 24th, 2005 bringing
with it wind gusts as high as 111 mph in Cameron, Louisiana, and heavy damage in
Lake Charles and Vermillion Parish. Approximately 1.1 million people were initialy
without power in Texas and Louisiana. Damage estimates from the storm are
currently $6 billion dollars, and 54 people were directly killed by the storm including
five who lost their lives in an Apartment Complex in Beaumont, Texas, a man, who
lost his life when a tornado struck in Northern Mississippi, and an East Texas man,
who died at the hands of a fallen tree.

 Hurricane Stan--The eighteenth named storm, and tenth hurricane of the 2005
Atlantic Hurricane Season started out modestly, and only was a Category One
Hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale when it made landfall over Southern Mexico,
but the heavy rains it produced resulted in a deadly toll. Unofficially, as of this time,
there have been up to 1,500 deaths in Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras,
Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Officially, there have been 796 deaths so far throughout
Mexico (71 dead) and Central America including 652 in Guatemala, and another 71
in El Salvador. In addition, the Mexican Government estimates that damage from
Stan will cost approximately $1.9 billion U.S. Dollars while crop damage in El
Salvador is estimated to be about $10 million. The death toll reported so far with
Hurricane Stan makes this storm among the most deadly of all time, and may even
surpass the tally accumulated by Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast of the
United States. Reasons for the high death toll is that the heavy rains from the
dissipating storm produced severe flooding and mudslides. Rainfall amounts ranging
between 15 to 20 inches was reported in the region.

 Hurricane Vince--Well...Ok, you probably think that this storm was nothing special,
but it actually was for several reasons. Forming in the second full week of October,
2005, Vince not only became the 20th named storm and 11th hurricane of the busy
2005 season, but it also marked the first time since the naming of storms began in
1950, that a season reached the "V" named storm. The previous mark was set in
1995 when that season reached the "T" named storm. It also set history in a couple
more ways as well. Forming in the vicinity of the Madiera Islands in the Northeastern
Atlantic, Hurricane Vince was the first hurricane on record to form in this region. In
addition, Vince became the first tropical cyclone of any kind to make landfall in Spain
as it made landfall in the Southwestern portion of the Western European country
near Huelva on October 11, 2005 as a tropical depression with 35 mph winds and a
minimum central pressure of 1002 mb, or 29.59 inches.

 Hurricane Wilma--There is no question about this one being on the list. Wilma
started out modestly as the 24th depression of the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season
on Saturday, October 15th, and battled some ups and downs that weekend, but over
time the storm would become a monster. In a span of 36 hours from Tuesday
morning, October 18th to Wednesday afternoon, October 19th, the barometric
pressure in the storm dropped some 102 mb to an all time low for pressure in the
Atlantic Basin of 882 mb, or 26.05 inches of Hg. Maximum sustained winds increased
to 175 mph. Wilma is now the strongest storm all time in the Atlantic surpassing the
mark set by Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 (888 mb). It also was the 21st named storm,
12th hurricane, and 6th major hurricane of 2005, which equaled marks for storms in
1933 and hurricanes in 1969. Wilma was the fourth Category Five Hurricane to form
in the season as well joining Katrina and Rita, which are also among the five or six
strongest storms on record. After reaching its peak, Wilma gradually decreased in
intensity to a strong Category Four with 140 mph before making its first landfall over
Cozumel, Mexico on Friday, October 21, 2005. Six hours later on Friday night, Wilma
slowly moved over the Yucatan as it made a second landfall in Cancun. After bringing
hurricane force winds to the Yucatan for over 24 hours, the storm gradually
departed, and moved out over the Southern Gulf of Mexico, where it was picked up
by a trough over the Eastern United States, and carried across Florida. Moving as
fast as 25 miles per hour to the Northeast, Wilma made a third landfall over Cape
Romano, Florida some 22 miles to the south of Naples, and brought with it winds of
Category Three strength at 125 mph. Wilma had a devastating effect on much of the
East Coast of South Florida including Fort Lauderdale, which experienced its worst
hurricane in 55 years. Nearby in Key Biscayne wind gusts were as high as 116 mph
while they were 95 at Opa Locka Airport outside Miami. Between three and six
million people were left without power in the hours after the storm. Waves as high as
45 feet came over the sea wall, and battered the capital of Havana in Cuba. Swells
as high as 50 feet were also reported. The storm has already killed some 48 people
in Florida (31 deaths), Mexico and throughout the Caribbean including places as far
away as Haiti. Initial damage estimates are said to be $10 billion dollars.

 Tropical Storm Alpha--Not too many tropical storms get mentioned in this list
unless they are record breakers, or what we call storms of the unusual. Alpha does
meet this criteria as it was the 22nd named storm to form in the Tropical Atlantic
during the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane season, which broke the record previously set in
1933 with 21 storms. It also marked the first time since names have been used in
the Atlantic (since 1950) that a second list of storm names was used for the same
season. There have also been 12 hurricanes in 2005, which equaled the mark set in
1969, and 6 major hurricanes including three Category Five storms, which is also a
record. So far, Alpha has been responsible for some 26 deaths in the Caribbean.

 Hurricane Beta--Like Alpha, Beta is an historic storm for different reasons. Only a
Category One Hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale on October 28th, 2005, Beta
originally developed in the extreme Southwestern Caribbean on October 26th, 2005.
It became the 23rd named storm of the season, and then strengthened to the 13th
hurricane of the season as well. With winds of 90 mph, and a minimum central
pressure of 28.79 inches of Hg, Beta became a record breaking hurricane by placing
2005 in the history books again with the most hurricanes in a season. 2005 broke
the previous mark set in 1969 with 12 hurricanes. On the morning of October 29th,
Beta strengthened to its peak intensity as a major hurricane with 115 mph winds and
a minimum central pressure of 28.35 inches of Hg. making it the seventh major
hurricane of the 2005 season. That tied the season for second all time for most
major hurricanes with 1961, which also had seven major storms. 1950 had the most
major hurricanes with eight. The storm would finally make landfall in Nicaragua some
50 miles to the north of Bluefields on October 29th.

 Hurricane Dean--The fourth named storm of the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season
not only became the first hurricane, but also the first major hurricane of that season.
Forming in the Eastern Atlantic on August 13th, it was the first real Cape Verde
storm of 2007. Gradually strengthening, Dean grew to have maximum sustained
winds as high as 165 miles per hour with gusts up to 200 miles per hour, which
classified it as a Category Five Hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Its minimum
pressure dropped as low as 906 millibars, or 26.75 inches of Hg (Mercury), which
was stronger than Hurricane Ivan back in September 2004, and right behind
hurricanes Camille (1969) and Mitch (1998) among the all time most powerful
storms recorded in the Atlantic. Dean also became the third most intense hurricane
to make landfall in the Atlantic Basin behind the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, and
Hurricane Gilbert. Following a similar track to that of both Ivan in 2004 and Gilbert in
1988, Dean moved through the central portion of the Lesser Antilles including
Dominica and Martinique, then moved south of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and
Hispaniola before battering the island nation of Jamaica as its eye just brushed its
southermost point. The storm also bypassed the Cayman Island chain before coming
ashore in the Yucatan Peninsula near the towns of Costa Maya and Majahual, which
is 40 miles to the East-Northeast of Chetumal at 4:30 PM EDT on August 21, 2007.
After being over the Yucatan for about twelve hours, the storm re-emerged in the
Bay of Campeche as a minimal hurricane, but gradually re-strengthened to a
Category Two storm with 100 mph winds when it made a second landfall along the
Mexican coastline in the early afternoon of August 22, 2007 near Gutierrez Zamora
some 40 miles South-Southeast of Tuxpan. The latest death toll has the storm
leaving behind forty-five people dead including twenty-five in Mexico, and twenty
throughout the Caribbean including nine in Haiti, six in the Dominican Republic, two
in Dominica, two in Jamaica, and one in St. Lucia. The storm has so far caused some
$2 billion in damage including a battering of the oil fields for the Mexican national oil
company, PEMEX, and shutting down a plant run in Jamaica by Pittsburgh based
Aluminum producer, Alcoa.

 Hurricane Felix--The fifth named storm of the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season not
only became the second hurricane, and major hurricane of that season, but also the
season's second Category Five Hurricane. Forming over two weeks after Hurricane
Dean in the Eastern Atlantic on August 31st, it was the second Cape Verde storm of
2007. Rapidly strengthening in the very warm waters of the Southern Caribbean
during the Labor Day Weekend, Felix grew to have maximum sustained winds as
high as 165 miles per hour with gusts up to 200 miles per hour, which classified it as
a Category Five Hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. After the storm experienced
a fall of 78 millibars in 52 hours, Felix's minimum pressure dropped as low as 929
millibars, or 27.43 inches of Hg (Mercury) which was stronger as Hurricane Michelle
from late October, 2001 and as strong as Hurricane Emily from July, 2005 among the
all time most powerful storms recorded in the Atlantic. Its pressure drop is second all
time to Hurricane Wilma from October 2005, which was 83 millibars in 12 hours, and
ahead of Hurricane Allen (1980). Following a similar track to that of both Ivan in
2004 and Emily in 2005, Felix moved through the southern Windwards including
Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and their dependencies, then moved well
south of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Hispaniola before threatening the
usually unscathed ABC islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao in the Nertherlands
Antilles. The storm eventually bypassed Jamaica and the Caymans as well as the
Colombian enclave of Isla de Providencia before coming ashore on the Northern
Coast of Nicaragua near the city of Cabo Gracias A Dios as a Category Five Hurricane
with sustained winds of 160 miles per hour, and a minimum central pressure of 935
millibars, or 27.61 inches. The storm then proceeded to cross Central America with
heavy rains that produced flooding and mudslides in interior portions of Nicaragua,
Honduras, Guatemala, and the Chiapas region of Southern Mexico. As of now, Felix is
responsible for 130 deaths along coastal Nicaragua. Prior to landfall, Felix had
reintensified into a Cat Five storm after weakening to a minimal Category Four storm
with 135 mile per hour winds, and 160 mile per hour gusts late Sunday, September

 Hurricane Humberto--Putting this storm on the list is debatable. However,

Hurricane Humberto from the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season is significant for
several reasons. First, it was a storm that went from depression status to a Category
One Hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale with 85 mile per hour winds over a span
of just 14 hours. In addition, the storm's formation in the oil platform rich area of the
Western Gulf of Mexico pushed oil prices up to over $80 per barrel. Finally, and most
significantly, Humberto's landfall was the first landfall by an Atlantic Hurricane along
the U.S. coastline since Hurricane Wilma back in October 2005. The storm crossed
the Texas shoreline near High Point, Texas, and peaked at 85 mile per hour winds,
105 mile per hour wind gusts, and a barometric pressure as low as 29.12 inches of
Hg (Mercury), or 986 millibars. The storm left approximately $500 million dollars in
damage in Texas and Louisiana.

 Hurricane Noel--Like Humberto, it was a minimal storm, but this Category One
Hurricane was the deadliest and most costly hurricane of the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane
Season. The storm, which formed 185 miles South-Southeast of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
left some 163 people dead as well as 59 missing. In addition, Noel left behind some
$742 million in damages including $500 million on the island of Cuba alone.
Maximum sustained winds were 80 miles per hour with gusts up to 95 miles per
hour. Minimum central pressure dropped to 28.94 inches, or 980 millibars.

Why does oil float on water?

The oils have low density as compare to water and oils are non polar organic compounds while water is
a polar compound, so water can not mix with water and floats on water surface.

Liquids of different densities (that dont become a solution) separate into layers...Density is measured in
kg/m³ meaning....kilogrammes per cubic metre.Pure waters density is 1000kg/m³...therefore one cubic
metre of pure water weighs one metric tonne. Oil is usually around the 800kg/m³ area (as there are
many oils which all have different densities) this means a cubic metre of this oil is 800 kg. Therefore the
lighter less dense fluid floats to the top...Just like helium is lighter than air, a balloon full of helium would
fly upwards, as oil does in water.

ps...for reference sea water is usually 1015kg/m³. Also, density of fluid affects bouyancy of an
object...did you know if a ship moves from sea water to river water the ship will sink slightly. This is
because to allow the ship to continue to float, the weight of the water displaced by the ship...must equal
the weight of the ship. As density of fresh water is less than sea water, the ship has to sink a little further
into the water to displace the extra 15kg per m³. So, mariners must calculate a fresh water allowance if
they plan to go from sea water to fresh water, to prevent the ship from becoming unstable in the fresh

Discovered in 1669, phosphorus exists in three common allotropes:

1. White phosphorus is a white, waxy substance. It is soft, very reactive and
consists of P4 molecules. It is so unstable that it turns yellow (as shown above)
then reddens in light, and glows in the dark - hence "phosphorescence". It is
the most volatile and explosive of the three basic allotropic forms. Hence
white phosphorus is kept under water to isolate it from the air. This allotropic
form of phosphorus is also the most useful in the production of other
compounds of phosphorus.
2. Red phosphorus, as shown above, is formed by exposing white phosphorus to
sunlight or heating it under pressure to above 275oC. This form is fairly stable,
but the heat from simple friction is enough to convert it to explosive white
phosphorus. This feature is used to great advantage in the manufacture of
safety matches.
3. Black phosphorus is also produced by heating white phosphorus in the
presence of a mercury catalyst and a seed crystal of black phosphorus. Black
phosphorus is the least reactive, does not ignite easily and has the least
commercial value.

Phosphorus is wide-spread throughout the world in rock structures such as phosphate

rock (Ca3(PO4)2) and the apatites. Guano deposits found on islands frequented by sea
birds are also an important source of phosphorus. The element is obtained industrially
by the heating phosphate rock in sand (SiO2) and coke (carbon) in an electric furnace
of 1450oC. The phosphorus produced is P4 and collected under water as white

Phosphorus is a nonmetal. The most common form of phosphorus, as well as some of

its compounds, are noted for their ability to glow in the dark. Phosphorus produced
today are used in:

 fireworks and pyrotechnic devices.

 fertilizers. Phosphorus is essential for plant growth and phosphorus
compoudns are constituents in many fertilizers. The most common common is
 safety matches.
 organophosphorus pesticides, which contains P4S10.
 gaskets and O-rings in spacecrafts. These use polyphosphazenes, which have
properties similar to silicones. Materials made out of polyphosphazenes are
water repellent, flame and solvent resistant, and flexible at low temperature.
 food industry. H3PO4, phosphoric acid, is an ingredient in Coca-Cola. An
aqueous solution of this acid has a tangy taste.
 detergents industry.
 flame retardants. Phosphorus compounds such as tricresyl phosphate,
phosphorus oxychloride, and phosphoric anhydride are substances that
reduces the combustibility of a material.

Phosphorus is an essential constituent of the living tissue and bones. It plays a very
important part in metabolic processes (as adenosine triphosphate), muscle action
and hardening on bones and teeth (as hydroxyapatite).

Lead and Drinking Water

Lead is a soft, silvery-grey heavy metal that has been used since Roman times for many useful
purposes. Unfortunately, lead is also quite toxic to people, especially children.

Where is Lead Found?

Lead is mined from rocks and soil. The most common sources of human exposure to lead are
paint, soil, and dust. The primary source of lead in drinking water is household plumbing that
can introduce lead from lead pipes, lead solder, or fixtures with lead alloys such as brass. Lead
can also be found in the piping and submersible pump systems used in private wells. Lead levels
in drinking water increase with acidic and soft water and with the length of time the water is left
standing in a leaded plumbing system. Lead plumbing was eliminated from new construction in
the 1950s and lead solder was banned in the late -1980s.

Is Lead a Health Concern?

The maximum acceptable concentration for lead in drinking water is 0.01 mg/L (Ontario
Drinking Water Standards). Although high concentrations of lead can be harmful to all people,
fetuses and children up to six years of age are most susceptible to the adverse health effects of
lead. Studies show that exposure to even low levels of lead prior to birth (e.g., as a fetus) or
during early childhood can cause damage to intellectual and behavioural development.
Water with lead levels above 0.01 mg/L should not be used to prepare powdered or concentrated
baby formula. If your water does have elevated lead levels, you should prepare baby formula
with water from an alternative source that is known to be safe.
The safest source of water for all those at risk is a municipal drinking water supply that has not
been delivered through lead pipes.

What can I Do?

Determine if your plumbing contains lead and consider replacing some or all lead piping. If you
rent an older apartment or old house (built before the mid 1950s), ask your landlord about having
the pipes replaced. If you have lead plumbing, do not use water from the hot water tap for
drinking or cooking. Hot water dissolves lead more quickly than cold water. If water has been
standing in pipes for more than five hours (e.g., overnight) it should be run for at least five
minutes or until the water turns cold. This flushing only needs to be done for water used for
drinking and cooking.

Can I Test For Lead?

Water can be tested for lead. Home test kits available at many plumbing and hardware stores
only test for the presence of lead and should not be relied upon to provide actual lead levels. For
an actual lead level, a sample must be sent to a professional analytical laboratory for analysis.
Contact your local municipality to find out if a lead testing program for municipal water is

Ques tion: Why does a corked bottle filled with water burst if left
out on a frosty night?
Answer: Because of low temperature the water inside the bottle freezes.
On freezing it expands, thereby its volume increases and pressure is
exerted on the walls.

Why does it often rain near the equator?

The equator is an area of low atmospheric pressure because it recievs the most
sunlight out of any place on earth. This low pressure system creates storms with
large amounts of precipitation.

Why the earth always looked the same?

It actuly doesn`t always look the same. At once africa and Amercias were connected. But there are
plates in the earth. As a resault the plates move very slowly with magma under them. If two plates
colide it causes a earthquake. As the plates move the land moves. Currently we are moving very slowly
now but we cna`t feel it.

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