To Be: Am I ? Are You ? Is He ? Is She ? Is It ? Are We ? Are You ? (Plural) Are They ?

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To be

I am We are
You are They are

He is You are (Plural)

She is They are
It is

I am not It is not
I’m not It’s not
It isn’t
You are
You’re not We are not
You aren’t We’re not
We aren’t

He is not
He’s not You are not (Plural)
He isn’t You’re not
You aren’t
She is not
She’s not They are not
She isn’t They’re not
They aren’t

Am I…? Is it…?

Are you…? Are we…?

Is he…? Are you…? (Plural)
Is she…? Are they…?
Yes, I am. Yes, it is.
No, I’m not. No, it’s not. (No, It isn’t.)

Yes, you are. Yes, we are.

Short answers

No, you’re not. (No, you aren’t.) No, we’re not. (No, we aren´t.)

Yes, he is. Yes, they are.

No, he’s not. (No, he isn’t.) No, they’re not. (No, they aren’t.)

Yes, she is.

No, she’s not. (No, she isn’t.)

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