Historia de Fatima de Portugal

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History of Fatima

Fatima and The Scapular

The Children of Fatima

Jacinta and Francisco Marto, and Lucia dos Santos (1917) The story of Fatima really begins in the
year 1916, when the three little children, Lucia, a nine-year-old girl, Francisco, a boy of eight and
Jacinta, a little girl of six years; They went to the valley of the Cova de Iria near the village of
Fátima in Portugal. This was a common day, when the children took their dogs to graze. On this
particular day at the beginning of the spring of 1916 it started to rain, therefore, the children
climbed one side of the hill south of the valley to a natural cave, called "Cabeço". There they
finished their games, they had lunch, and as was the custom throughout Portugal, they knelt down
to say the Rosary.

The Angel Of Portugal

Before ending the Rosary they felt a strong wind and when they looked, they noticed a strange
light in the distance over the valley. As they watched, the light came closer and closer to the place
where they were kneeling and finally, came to the very entrance of the cave. There the light took
the form of a young boy about fifteen years old. "Do not fear," said the creature of light, "I am the
Angel of Peace, pray with me." Then, prostrating himself with his forehead touching the ground,
he taught the children the prayer that says what is wrong in the world today. This is the prayer
that the Angel of Peace gave to the children of Fatima: "My God, I believe you, I adore you, I love
you and I love you, and I implore forgiveness for those who do not believe you, adore you, trust
you and They love you. " Three times in a row the Angel repeated the prayer, a prayer in which
heaven asks that prayers of Faith, Hope and Love rise up from the earth - the treasures we all
receive at baptism. "Pray like that," said the Angel when he left. The hearts of Jesus and Mary are
attentive to your supplications. "

Oscar Armando Martinez Munguia

N° cuenta: 20191002415
Twice more in the summer of 1916 the Angel visited the children. The second time he came, the
children were playing near the well behind Lucia's house. Suddenly, without warning, he appeared
asking: "What do you do?" Pray, pray without ceasing, offer prayers and sacrifices to the Almighty.
"Lucia confused by the words, dared to ask:" But how - how should we sacrifice? " To which the
Angel replied: "In everything you do, offer a sacrifice to God to pay for the sins that offend you,
above all, accept with submission the sufferings that God will send you."

Later in the valley, the girls explained it to Francisco who had seen the Angel but could not hear his
voice. "But how should we suffer?" Francisco said, "We are not sick, we have enough to eat and a
place to live." But he soon learned its meaning, when his older brother enlisted in the army of the
Second World War. Little Jacinta was also depressed by the worry in her home and the tales of
death on the battlefield, the same as the problem in Lucia's family, when her father began to
spend all his money in the taverns, and extended his little arms and cried saying; "Lord, we offer
you all these sufferings for the conversion of sinners." Then they began to understand the
meaning of suffering and the great mystery of sin.


At the end of summer, the Angel came to "El Cabeco" where they were praying, this cave was
sanctified due to his first visit. In his hand he held a Chalice and above it, a Host bleeding. Kneeling
down he said the moving prayer: "O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you and
offer you the priceless body, blood, soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in the
tabernacles in the world, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifferences for which He is
offended, and for the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I
implore you for the conversion of poor sinners. " Then, giving the Host to Lucia and the content of
the Chalice to Francisco and Jacinta said: "Take and drink of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ,
horribly offended by ungrateful men, make reparation for their crimes and comfort God." This was
the last time the children saw the Angel of Peace.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened during the days that followed. Summer passed, winter
came, spring with its new life, and during that time the children embraced the hope that the
creature of light would return to them.

Our Lady Answers

Oscar Armando Martinez Munguia

N° cuenta: 20191002415
On the thirteenth of May 1917, when they went to the sawmill, the children did not know the
confusion in which the world was. They had not heard the voice of Pope Benedict XV who had
addressed the Mother of humanity, asking Mary to look at the world weeping, to be sympathetic
to the cries of innocent children, and the anguished lamentations of Mothers and wives. However,
this was the day when the Mother of God had decided to answer the Holy Father's plea.

At noon the children were surprised by a sudden flash of lightning. Looking up they saw no sign of
a storm; Heaven had never been so beautiful, nor the valley so peaceful. Again the lightning came
and fearing that a sudden storm would surprise them, they ran in the direction of the small cave.
When they turned, they were surprised to see a beautiful lady standing on one of the nearby little
oaks. "No Teman," said the Fair Lady. Without fear Lucia asked him: "Where are you from?" - "I
come from heaven." "From the sky!" said Lucia ... and asked: "Will I go to heaven?" "Yes". And
thinking of his companions he added: "And Jacinta, will she go too?" "Yes" - "And Francisco, will
you also go to heaven?" Francisco, hearing his name, turned and saw the girls looking towards the
little tree, and seeing nothing, he shouted; "Throw a stone to see if it goes away!" "Why is it that
Francisco does not see it?" Lucia asked the Lady. Then Our Lady answered the words that we must
all take very seriously: "Tell Francisco to say the Rosary and he will see me." Immediately Francisco
took his accounts and began to pray. Before finishing, his eyes opened and he could see the vision
that changed him into one of the greatest apostles of prayer of these times. Little Francisco, who,
like many of us, thought that prayers were not important, never forgot the words of Our Lady.
Then he became an inspiration to others.

One day the girls were so busy playing, that they did not think about Francisco until lunch.
"Francisco", they called - "are you ready to eat?" "No, I do not want to eat." Then they asked him
what he was doing: "I was thinking of Our Lord, who is sad because of the sins committed. Another
day he was called to play and he simply raised his Rosary. And they said, "Oh, say it later!" and he
answered: "Now and then too! Do not you remember that Our Lady said that I would have to say
many Rosaries?

Oscar Armando Martinez Munguia

N° cuenta: 20191002415

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