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Climate change.

The war in Syria. Islamist terrorism Hunger. Triumph. The threat of North Korea. The refugee
crisis. A newspaper bombards us with dozens of news that can make us think that the world is
going to sink. No one can guarantee a secure and prosperous future, but the truth is that hundreds
of data that, contrary to what may seem, we are better than ever. The clim

Equality of women:

Although we live in a macho society, because it still is, the rights of women have increased
exponentially in the last century. "100 years ago only a small group of them around the world
could vote, today son an immense majority," recalled Obama. There is nothing to go back so far:
until 1975 in Spain a bank account required the authorization of a man.

Equal marriage

At the beginning of this century there was no country in the world that recognized the right of
people of the same sex to marry. Today there are 23 that have been included in their legislation,
and the number is increasing every year.

Fewer children die

Perhaps it is one of the most striking and striking news: some 120 million children's lives have
been saved since 1990, mainly thanks to vaccines. That year more than 12 million children under
five died; in 2016 they were less than half.

More life expectancy

At the beginning of the last century, humanity had a life expectancy of 32 years. This figure rose to
52 in the 1960s. And, since then, it has only increased to reach the current 72.

Less hunger

There have been significant advances in reducing extreme poverty: 17 years ago, 35% of the
population lived on less than $ 1.9 a day; today 9%. Although it is the first step to get out of
misery, surpassing that amount does not mean overcoming it

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