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asnp "VeeamPSSnapIn" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Configuration
# vCenter server
$vcenter = ""
# To Exclude VMs from report add VM names to be excluded as follows

### reset variables for debugging only

$backups_with_errors = $nul
$number_of_backups_with_errors = $nul
$failedbackups = $nul
$backups_with_errors = $nul
$numberofprotectedvms = $nul

$vcenterobj = Get-VBRServer -Name $vcenter

$backups_with_errors = $nul

# Build hash table with excluded VMs

foreach ($vm in $excludevms) {
$excludedvms.Add($vm, "Excluded")

# Get a list of all VMs from vCenter and add to hash table, assume Unprotected

# only monitor those VMs on Production. To monitor all VMs registered on vCenter,
just remove the and -match
foreach ($vm in (Find-VBRObject -Server $vcenterobj -WarningAction
"SilentlyContinue" | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "VirtualMachine" -and
$_.Datastores -match "DATASTORE_PRODUCTION" })) {
if (!($excludedvms.ContainsKey($vm.Name) -or $vms.ContainsKey($vm.Name))) {
$vms.Add($vm.Name, "Unprotected")

# Find all backup job sessions that have ended in the last 24 hours

$vbrsessions = Get-VBRBackupSession | Where-Object {$_.JobType -eq "Backup" -and

$_.EndTime -ge (Get-Date).addhours(-24)}

# Find all successfully backed up VMs in selected sessions (i.e. VMs not ending in
failure) and update status to "Protected"
foreach ($session in $vbrsessions) {
foreach ($vm in ($session.gettasksessions() | Where-Object {$_.Status -ne
"Failed"} | ForEach-Object { $_ })) {
if($vms.ContainsKey($vm.Name)) {

#$number_of_backups_with_errors = 0
# Output VMs in color coded format based on status.
foreach ($vm in $vms.Keys)
if ($vms[$vm] -eq "Protected") {
#write-host -foregroundcolor green "$vm is backed up"

} else {
#write-host -foregroundcolor red "$vm is NOT backed up"
$backups_with_errors = $true
$number_of_backups_with_errors = $number_of_backups_with_errors+1

if ($backups_with_errors -eq $false){

$numberofprotectedvms = (Get-VBRRestorePoint | select {$_.VmName} -uniq).Count
Write-Host "OK: $numberofprotectedvms VMs are protected with Veeam"
exit 0

} else {
if ($number_of_backups_with_errors -eq $nul)
{Write-Host "No failed backups on DATASTORE_PRODUCTION."
exit 0
} else {
Write-Host "$number_of_backups_with_errors missing Veeam Backups $failedbackups"
exit 1

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