5.3 Leadership Style...

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Techniques of leadership are same as the techniques of
direction. This is quite natural, because the function of a leader is
nothing but directing. The techniques or styles of leadership are as

a) Autocratic or Direction Leadership

b) Participative Leadership
c) Free Rein - Leadership

a) Autocratic or Direction Leadership:

Under autocratic style of leadership, a leader firmly

believes that subordinates should not be given any freedom or
initiative because they do not possess the ability to work on their
own. This style is generally used when subordinates are illiterate,
unskilled and untrained. The main features of the of autocratic
leadership are as follows:
1) Retention of power in the hands of manager.
2) Reliance upon commands or orders in which specific and
minute instructions are given.
3) Close supervision.

1). RETENTION OF POWER: An autocratic manager
dose not delegates any authority to any of his subordinates. This is
advantageous to him in some respects. For instance, a manager can
take quick decisions. Moreover illiterate and untrained workers
cannot be expected to take right decisions. For such subordinates,
This is a right technique. But this technique is not free from
defects. It has its own dangers. Since all powers are concentrated
in the manager, he is overburdened. He cannot give time to all
problems facing him. This many result into delay in decision-
making. Secondly, employees with no authority are eager to leave
enterprise as soon as possible, so that labour turnover rate goes up.
As Koontz and O’Donnell said, “Purely in terms of productivity,
it is questionable whether the firm whose employees are
autocratically directed can compete whit another that received less
restricted direction.”

2). RELYING ON ORDERS ONLY: There are two

methods to get things done: (a) To secure the cooperation through
requests and (b) To issue commands. An autocratic leader relies
on commands and orders. He constantly reminds the employees
that they are his subordinates and he is the boss. But the persons
who are trained in democratic tradition feel disgusted. Especially
educated employees dislike it. However, the technique of relying
on commands is effective in getting action from a subordinate,
who likes to avoid responsibility, since detailed instructions are
given in orders as to how and what is to be dine, subordinates have
no scope to act independently. Managers do not allow their
subordinates to use their imagination and creativeness. He believes
that the best method if doing work is the one specified by him

3). CLOSE SUPERVISION: An important aspect of
autocratic leadership is close supervision. It is the result of lack of
trust by the superior in his subordinates. This may be tolerable to
only those workers who like to be guided by their superior, but will
surely be opposed by a majority of employees, who resent the lack
of the trust in them.
Thus, autocratic style of leadership is justifiable in some
cases, but not so in most of the cases. Where employees are highly
educated mobile and democratic in outlook, this method will not
work. Autocratic leadership will be useful in those cases also
where a uniform policy is to be strictly enforced in all departments
of business unit. Secondly, in matters of safety or in cases of
danger or crisis, this technique is most effective. Finally, with
timid and uneducated subordinates, this technique may work

 When the subordinates are newly recruited and lack any
managerial decision making or when they require specific
instructions in order to get a job done, this method proves useful.
 The autocratic leadership proves successful generally when
prompt decisions are needed, when there is a crisis or when strong
leadership can bring order out of a chaotic situation.
 The method can be effectively used when there is clear chain
of command and a clear-cut division of authority.
 When secrecy in decision-making is essential, this method
has no alternative.

 Misunderstanding develops due to one-way communication
and lack of feedback and leads to breakdown of communication.
 A decision taken by autocratic leaders may prove dangerous
in this technological age.
 It restricts the freedom of employees. The giving of detailed
instruction and skill.
 When employees are educated and conscious about their
duties, this method fails.
 The autocratic manager is not able to attend to multifarious
activities, as he becomes overburdened.
 Because of lack of authority, the employees are likely to leave
the firm as quickly as possible. This contributes to high turnover.
 It leads to misuse of power.
 As employees have no voice in decision making, the business
loses the benefit of various opinions and advice.

(B). Democratic or Participative Leadership:

This is a democratic method of getting things done by the

subordinates. The manager consults his subordinates formal or
informal meetings or conferences are held for this purpose.
The consultative method of leadership is more likely to
succeed. The subordinates put their heart in their work when their
views and opinions are respected and their ego is satisfied thereby.
Where other methods fail, this method can succeed in raising
morale of the problems are ensured. The departmental heads get
opportunity to hear and see the president and other top officials of

the company. They listen to their viewpoints and understand the
forces which have worked behind decisions.
If this method is misused or if the superiors are unable to
employ it effectively, it is likely to fail. Great skill is required in
handling of conference. If in a meeting, they behave in a autocratic
manner, criticise others or do not show respect for members, the
method is not likely to produce desired results.

 The participation raises the productivity and job satisfaction
among employees.
 As their suggestions and opinions are solicited and
considered, the employees feel sense of status.
 Employees are more involved in implementing the decisions
when they feel they have contributed to these decisions.
 Morale and discipline among employees are maintained at
high employees.
 Such a leadership develops trust, cooperation and leadership
among employees.
 It gives an opportunity to employees to develop leadership
 Evils of concentration of power are sought to be removed.

 The method generally succeeds when subordinates are
educated, having a sense of responsibility and organized. However,
such is not always the case.
 This technique of leadership is based on the assumption that
the employees have a real interest in organization. Their individual

goals and organisational goals are in harmony. This assumption is
not always found to be true.
 According to this approach, there should exist full trust
between management and his subordinates, which may not always
be so in actual practice.
 When the suggestions of subordinates are ignored by the
management, their self respect is hurt, they get frustrated and a
feeling of bitterness towards management develops.
 It results into great waste of time. Decisions are taken after
long deliberations and exchange of ideas; hence the decision
making is delayed.
 Most of managers become uneasy with this approach,
thinking that they will lose control over the subordinates.
 Managers try to evade their responsibility on the pretext that it
was the results of group decision.

(C). Free-rein Leadership:

Under this technique of leadership manager believes that

abilities of the employees should be allowed do develop. They
should be encouraged to develop and contribute independent
thought and action. Thus they should be encouraged to help in
attaining enterprise goals. This dose not mean that manager dose
not exercise his supervisory powers. He performs this function in
such a manner that the ego of the subordinates is not hurt. This
method is more useful in developing managers in independent
decision-making. It is preferred most by highly educated and
independent minded persons.

(1) In this technique, a mangers willingly delegates authority
to his subordinate has the capacity to use this authority. Here, the
superior shows trust in his subordinates. In response to it, the
subordinates will put in maximum efforts. They become careful
not to let down their boss. However, sometimes subordinates take a
long time to reach decisions and fumbles. Due to this wrong
decisions may result.
(2) The second important characteristics of this method are
not to give detailed instructions to subordinates but to give only
general instructions. The details are left to be prepared by them.
(3) When the superior adopts this technique, it dose not mean
that he neglects supervision of subordinates. It only means that
there is a minimum of interference in his freedom to make
decisions. He dose not fail to give adequate supervision. Where the
necessity arises, he uses his supervisory powers.
(4) The fourth characteristic of this method is free
communication of superior with his subordinates. When decision
making is left to subordinates, it is certain that he feels difficulties.
He wants a discussion on such matters with his superior. In such
situation, the superior must only guide him, and allow the
subordinate to take his own decisions.

The superior who uses this technique must analyses

past decisions made by subordinates. This involves
discussion with subordinates. He should keep away from
criticizing subordinates for their decisions. He must be
allowed to have his own self criticism and see the mistake
made by him in his decision. This gives him self confidence.
On the basis of evaluation of subordination’s work, the
superior should decide whether the authority assigned is

properly utilized and whether some further authority may be
granted to him.

 It creates an environment of freedom.
 As the free and informal atmosphere prevails, it becomes more
 It is the only suitable method when people are highly educated,
motivated and goal-oriented.
 It develops the latent abilities of subordinations.

 Some members try to butter their own bread, instead of
achieving the group goals.
 The term spirit is affected due to non-cooperation from
some of the subordinations.
 Sometimes, this technique results into disorganized
management, which leads to inefficiency and chaos.
 A sense of insecurity and frustration develops due to lack
of decision making authority and guidance from superior.


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