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Paradahan I, Tanza, Cavite


Mandy Rock Candy


Prepared by:
Mrs. Maria Shailini T. Latonero
I. Objectives

 To address this low nutritional intake of Filipinos through this eat-

anytime-anywhere food supplement
 To make a very nutritious cheap candy that will entice all Filipinos
in all age groups – the young and the old
 To utilize malunggay not just a supplement or a medicine but as
 To generate income

II. Description


 Malunggay Products: fresh leaves or vegetables, powder or

supplement form, tea. Some product where malunggay leaves is
included are bread, oil (for cooking and cosmetic ingredients),
shampoo and conditioner, ice cream, chips, noodles, etc…

Health Benefits of Malunggay Leaves

 Malunggay leaves helps strengthens the immune system.

 Malunggay can help restores skin condition, control blood pressure, relieves
headaches and migraines.

 Malunggay help normalize blood sugar level therefore preventing diabetes.

 Malunggay has anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) that help stop the

growth of cancer cells.

 Malunggay helps to relax and promotes good night sleep.

 Malunggay help heals ulcers.

 Malunggay is high in calcium (four times the calcium in milk), therefore lactating
mothers are advised to consume malunggay leaves to produce more milk for
their babies.

III. Materials

Cake pop stick or skewer

Mason jar or glasses


IV. Ingredients:

1 cup water

2-3 cups of white sugar

1 tablespoon malunggay extract

Food coloring (optional)

V. Illustration
VI. Procedures

1. Take a plate and add sugar to it. Dip a cake pop stick or skewer into the liquid sugar
mixture or water only then did it into plain sugar to coat the stick. This will give your
Rock Candy something to ‘grow on’. Let them dry for a few minutes until they are
completely dry- if they are still wet when you put them into the hot sugar solution, all of
the sugar coating will fall off and the new crystals will have nothing to grow on.

2. Add the water to the saucepan and bring to a boil - 212°F (100°C).

3. Start adding the sugar a ½ cup at a time, until it no longer dissolves (making a
saturated sugar solution). The more sugar you add, the longer it will take to dissolve.
Be patient and try to get as much to dissolve as possible.

4. Add 1 tablespoon of malunggay extract and food coloring to add color.

5. Take your mixture off the heat and allow cooling - approximately 15 minutes.

6. Set your glasses or jars and carefully add the sugary solution to each glass/jar.

7. Take your sugary skewers and place a peg at the top of each and place into the
glasses (make sure they do not touch the bottom or sides).

8. Now it’s time to be patient. The crystals will start growing in 2-3 days but depending
on how big you want your Rock Candy sticks will depend on how long you will need to
keep them in the glasses.
9. When you are ready to remove them, gently break the top with a sharp object.
Gently remove the cake pop stick or skewer and hang it upside down until the excess
liquid drips off and it dries.

VII. Related Video

VIII. References

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