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Siemens PLM Software

NX for automotive
Driving fast and efficient design
Faster, more efficient
design can help automotive
companies comply with
changing regulatory
standards and capitalize
on growth in emerging

Push your designs to new limits
with speed and efficiency

Reduced emissions, improved fuel econ- design and manufacturing processes. “Reduced the time from styling freeze
omy, weight reduction and alternative The CAD tools in NX are tailored to meet to start of production from 20
technologies all demand faster and the requirements of a broad automotive months to 10.5 months.”
more efficient innovation in automotive customer base, and include special- Nissan
products. You can’t afford to slow devel- purpose capabilities for automotive
opment with unproductive design meth- engineering. “…by implementing NX, we have
ods and technology. NX™ software, the reduced die design costs and time,
product development system from Proven value for automotive design and have increased productivity.”
Siemens PLM Software, can help you With proven value for automotive origi-
MUSCO Stamping
design and deliver improved products, nal equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
and respond quickly and insightfully and suppliers, NX delivers solutions to
“More than 70 percent of our
to new market opportunities and nearly every major automaker and many
top- and bottom-line growth has
challenges. Tier 1 manufacturers. Thirty of the top
come from new high-margin
50 global automotive suppliers use NX
products developed using NX
NX is an advanced computer-aided for design.
design, engineering and manufacturing
(CAD/CAE/CAM) solution that offers Vishwas Auto Engineers
power, control and performance to  
improve and accelerate automotive

Speed and efficiency
throughout design
With NX you work in one unified You can improve speed and efficiency With NX you work in one unified environ-
environment, using the same throughout the entire automotive design ment, using the same model data in each
model data in each stage of process with NX. Integrated tools in a stage of product development, from con-
product development, from single system support all areas of cept through manufacturing. Your teams
concept through manufacturing. automotive design: can communicate and collaborate better
• Concept styling with model-based processes so you can
• Vehicle packaging and interiors design work more efficiently. You can work faster
• Class A surfacing and more flexibly by eliminating delays
• Powertrain and data conversions between depart-
• Body design ments and disparate systems.
• Chassis design
• Component and assembly design Integrated simulation and
• Routed systems design manufacturing
• Drafting and documentation NX is a complete product development
• Tool and fixture design solution, with industry-leading capabilities
• Design and manufacturing validation for simulation/CAE and manufacturing.
• Digital mockup When you design with NX, you create mas-
• Data collaboration and migration ter models that are used directly in NX
engineering and production. Because all
applications are dynamically associated
with the design, your teams can work
concurrently and accelerate change as
the design develops.

Fast, efficient methods and Design faster by using your unique NX can be used to accelerate
technologies knowledge and expertise design by helping you leverage
For complex design challenges, you can NX can be used to accelerate design by your unique knowledge, intellec-
rely on the broad and capable toolset of helping you leverage your unique knowl- tual property, part models, product
NX to get the job done quickly. You have edge, intellectual property, part models, and process expertise and best
the flexibility to choose among high- product and process expertise and best practices.
performance design techniques powered practices. Many tools are available to
by innovative technologies. You can select enable you to capture and re-use knowl-
from 2D and 3D tools, using curves, edge instead of reinventing it. With an
surfaces and solid geometry modeling extensive library of knowledge for re-use
in a single design, or work with mixed at your fingertips, including designs,
geometry representations, including standard parts, design features and
nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) product templates, you can quickly
and faceted geometry. Parametric locate what you need and use it again.
feature-based design, direct modeling Knowledge-driven automation provides an
with synchronous technology, subdivision open environment that includes tem-
modeling for freeform shapes (using NX plates, programming, customization and
Realize Shape™ software for subdivision knowledge-based engineering tools that
modeling), template-based design, modu- you can use to extend and tailor NX solu-
lar design and assembly modeling are tion capabilities to your specific needs.
always available as needed by your design
team, even when they are working with
data from other CAD systems.

Faster design with product
lifecycle management
With NX, you can use visual tools to You company’s agility and productivity can requirements. These capabilities are seam-
gather data, organize information be improved with robust organization and lessly integrated within NX; designers can
and present it in the context of the management of your product information use them quickly and efficiently in a trans-
3D product model to better inform and design processes. When you design parent manner while developing your
and accelerate decision making. with NX, you can use Teamcenter® soft- product.
ware and its leading product lifecycle man-
agement (PLM) tools to manage engineer-
ing data and processes, materials and

Enhance speed and efficiency
with smarter decisions

Automotive design entails hundreds of CAD systems can use this format to inte-
decisions that rely on up-to-date informa- grate with NX for visualization, collabora-
tion. With NX, you can use visual tools to tion, data sharing, assembly mockup and
gather data, organize information and design-in-context applications.
present it in the context of the 3D product
model to better inform and accelerate Move to NX with speed and efficiency
decision making. These visual analytics When you move to NX, you can use robust
help you track work in progress, identify content migration tools, services and train-
and resolve issues, assess change impacts, ing to maximize your return on investment
monitor costs, manage risk and check for (ROI) for legacy product data. Whether you
compliance with standards and adopt NX to align with partners and suppli-
requirements. ers, or to improve your product develop-
ment capability, Siemens PLM Software’s
Collaborate with speed and efficiency content migration reduces the time, effort
With NX, you can easily communicate and and risk required to re-use information
collaborate with other departments, cus- from other systems. Moving to NX often
tomers, suppliers and partners – even if requires less effort and expense than
they are using other CAD systems or no moving to the next version of your current
CAD system at all. For collaborative design, CAD system.
NX makes extensive use of the JT™ data
format, a CAD-neutral exchange standard
for design data that is used widely in the
automotive industry. Partners using other

Concept design

The concept design tools in NX You can quickly capture and refine design ity. For shape manipulation, you can select
give you the power and freedom concepts – and get them into production freely from global shaping, 3D synchro-
to push your creativity, all in one faster – with the integrated tools in NX. nous modeling or feature-based paramet-
system. Your designers have the power and flexi- ric modeling. To help ensure surface
bility to explore as many design alterna- quality and continuity and to optimize
tives as possible so they can quickly and visual aesthetics, NX includes a broad
easily change direction and validate that range of analysis and rendering tools.
concepts meet design requirements. Initial
concepts can be captured digitally in 2D The concept design tools in NX give you
or 3D, from images, physical models, the power and freedom to push your
model-based sketching and direct creativity, all in one system. The design
sketching to surface and solid modeling concepts you develop with NX are fully
or subdivision sculpting. manufacturable digital models: you can
use concept geometry directly in other
For exterior and interior Class A surfaces, development departments for detailed
NX provides pole manipulation and surface engineering, simulation, validation,
alignment tools while giving you full con- tooling and manufacturing.
trol and real-time analysis of surface qual-

Accelerate vehicle packaging
and interiors design
For automotive mechanical and occu- specialized solution for designing and
pancy packaging, NX offers intelligent manufacturing seat trim covers and
special-purpose tools that use industry interior components ensures that the
standards and process knowledge to product is cost effective and efficiently
automate packaging tasks. These tools manufactured by automatically generat-
help certify designs for compliance with ing all needed documentation and
industry and regulatory standards, offer- drawings. The addition of this technol-
ing step-by-step assistance and auto- ogy complements existing NX-based
mated checking. Occupancy packaging processes, enabling the sharing of
and safety compliance capabilities design detail, and drastically reducing
include tools for pedestrian protection, the need for physical prototyping.
seat placement and travel, seat belt
anchorage, controls reach, as well as
direct and mirror visibility certification.

NX can be integrated with the Seat

Design Environment (SDE) portfolio to
support the entire seat trim and interi-
ors panel development process. This


With NX, your powertrain teams NX tools can help you achieve key power- Interpart associativity of geometry and
can quickly create design studies train design objectives for performance, expression and module-based organization
to evaluate powertrains using economy, durability and responsiveness. of parts allows you to design the most
digital mockups of the vehicle Using the comprehensive component and complex cast components and
compartment, subsystems and assembly modeling capabilities in NX subsystems.
components. accelerates design and increases produc-
tivity. As you would expect, NX provides With NX, your powertrain teams can
parametric sketch-driven solid modeling quickly create design studies to evaluate
features such as extrude and revolve, as powertrains using digital mockups of the
well as shape-modifying tools such as form vehicle compartment, subsystems and
drafting and blending. These tools are components. NX gives you all the model-
integrated into the same design environ- ing and design tools required to maintain
ment with high-end surface and solid and apply engine and transmission config-
creation and manipulation features such urations in the vehicle.
as sweep, trim/extend and patching. You
can boost speed and efficiency signifi-
cantly by using product templates that
automate complex design processes with
embedded best-practice knowledge.

Body design

Fast and efficient design can help you NX helps you accelerate and simplify When considering alternative materials,
achieve critical body design objectives body-in-white (BIW) design with special- such as composites for chassis and body
such as distinctive styling, lower weight ized tools that are based on indus- panel design, you can take advantage of
and structural safety. Using a systems- try-best practices. These reduce design NX integration with the Fibersim™ port-
driven approach, you can readily trace time and enable fast evaluation and folio of software for composites engi-
and validate requirements, divide validation of alternatives by automating neering, which addresses the unique
design tasks into manageable subsys- body panel design, side door openings, needs of collaborative composite prod-
tems and communicate across domains hinge locations, glass drop and other uct development. These capabilities
and throughout the value chain. body design tasks. Modular design in NX facilitate the authoring of composite
enables multiple designers to concur- design data to create fully optimized 3D
For styled body surfaces, your design rently develop details of body compo- product definitions and seamlessly
team can use powerful curve, surface nents while Wave interpart modeling export documentation and manufactur-
and freeform modeling tools and technology provides you with the power ing data to production systems. The
reverse engineering techniques to more and control to create advanced BIW result is an efficient process for deliver-
quickly develop and refine Class A sur- templates. You can optimize body ing optimized, high-volume composite
faces. NX analysis and rendering tools designs for manufacturing with NX products.
help ensure surface quality, continuity functions for weld definition and valida-
and aesthetics. tion, dimensional engineering and

NX analysis and rendering

tools help ensure surface quality,
continuity and aesthetics.

Component and
assembly design

NX delivers team-oriented tools NX includes a comprehensive modeling tive and efficient, and provides rich visual
for assembly designs that can toolkit with the power and flexibility to feedback, real-time diagnostics and in-con-
accommodate many parts, improve productivity in component and text validation that helps steer you to suc-
people and locations. assembly design. Your designers can select cessful design solutions.
the most appropriate tools and methods
for every task, using any combination of NX delivers team-oriented tools for assem-
2D and 3D, solid modeling, curve and sur- bly designs that can accommodate many
face design, parametric feature-based parts, people and locations. Optimized for
modeling, template-based design, modu- the largest and most complex products,
lar design, subdivision modeling and direct NX assembly modeling enables individual
modeling functions. For even the most designers to work in the context of the full
complex designs, NX has the tools to get assembly, with exceptional change control
the job done. and full multi-CAD digital mockup.

All of the design functions in NX are avail-

able through a user interface (UI) that is
consistent across all applications and is
adaptable to your designers’ roles, work-
flows and skill sets. Using NX is fast, intui-

Routed systems design

With specialized tools for routed systems

design, you can develop electrical and
hydraulic systems more quickly and easily
than with general-purpose CAD tools. NX
offers both 2D and 3D tools for electrical
cabling, wire harnesses, piping and tubing
design. These unite logical design with 3D
assembly modeling, path creation and
rules checking to ensure that routed sys-
tems are accurate in fit, form and function.

Drafting and documentation

With NX, you can enhance commu- Using NX helps improve communication With NX, you can enhance communication
nication of design and manufactur- throughout the automotive design and of design and manufacturing intent with
ing intent with 3D annotations development process by providing effi- 3D annotations directly on the 3D product
directly on the 3D product models. cient drafting and documentation capabili- models. This product and manufacturing
ties. Your team can use a comprehensive information (PMI) – including geometric
suite of tools for engineering drawing dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T), text
creation, with power and productivity for annotations, surface finish and material
large and complex designs. specifications – can be re-used in draw-
ings, tolerance stackup validations, manu-
Working from the master product defini- facturing, inspections of coordinate-
tion, you can quickly create drawings of measuring machines (CMM) and other
components and assemblies using draw- applications.
ing templates. View creation, dimension-
ing and detailing in NX to comply with
industry and international drafting stan-
dards so you can accelerate creation of
compliant drawings. Innovative light-
weight drawing views deliver superior
performance for large assembly drawings.

Tool and fixture design

NX delivers expert guidance

through all the stages of design
with automated workflows based
on industry-best practices.

You can help ensure an easy transition to For specialized tooling such as molds,
manufacturing with NX tooling and fixture progressive dies and automotive stamping
design. Using NX streamlines the entire dies, NX delivers expert guidance through
tool development process, including part all the stages of design with automated
design, tool assembly layout and detailed workflows based on industry-best prac-
tooling design and validation. By using the tices. By automating tedious tool design
productive technologies of NX, step-by- tasks and streamlining the most complex
step guidance and associativity with part processes, NX helps you develop
designs, you can work quickly and effi- high-quality tools and respond quickly
ciently with even the most challenging to design revisions.
tooling and fixture designs.

Because your tool designs are dynamically

linked to part models, you can easily adapt
to model changes and update tooling and
fixture designs faster. Validation, analysis
and documentation are available to tool
designers to verify functional performance
and prepare for manufacturing.

About Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens
Digital Factory Division, is a world-leading provider of
product lifecycle management (PLM) software, systems
and services with nine million licensed seats and 77,000
customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas,
Siemens PLM Software helps thousands of companies make
great products by optimizing their lifecycle processes, from
planning and development through manufacturing and
support. Our HD-PLM vision is to give everyone involved
in making a product the information they need, when
they need it, to make the smartest decisions. For more
information on Siemens PLM Software products and
services, visit

Headquarters Europe
Granite Park One Stephenson House
5800 Granite Parkway Sir William Siemens Square
Suite 600 Frimley, Camberley
Plano, TX 75024 Surrey, GU16 8QD
USA +44 (0) 1276 413200
+1 972 987 3000
Americas Suites 4301-4302, 43/F
Granite Park One AIA Kowloon Tower,
5800 Granite Parkway Landmark East
Suite 600 100 How Ming Street
Plano, TX 75024 Kwun Tong, Kowloon
USA Hong Kong
+1 314 264 8499 +852 2230 3308

© 2015 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of
Siemens AG. D-Cubed, Femap, Fibersim, Geolus, GO PLM,
I-deas, JT, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge, Syncrofit, Teamcenter
and Tecnomatix are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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