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Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816

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Screening of native plant species for phytoremediation potential at a

Hg-contaminated mining site
José Marrugo-Negrete a, Siday Marrugo-Madrid a, José Pinedo-Hernández a,
José Durango-Hernández a, Sergi Díez b,⁎
University of Córdoba, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Water, Applied and Environmental Chemistry Group, Laboratory of Toxicology and Environmental Management,
Montería, Colombia
Environmental Chemistry Department, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, IDÆA-CSIC, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain


• Phytoremediation of Hg in native plants

was examined at a gold mining site.
• Atmosphere Hg concentrations must be
considered when assessing plant up-
• Thus, the Translocation Factor does not
characterise plant uptake capacity.
• In gold mining sites, bioconcentration
and accumulation are the best factors
to use.
• Herbs and sub-shrubs are promising
native plants for remediation.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is the largest sector of demand for mercury (Hg), and therefore,
Received 1 June 2015 one of the major sources of Hg pollution in the environment. This study was conducted in the Alacrán gold-
Received in revised form 19 October 2015 mining site, one of the most important ASGM sites in Colombia, to identify native plant species growing in Hg-
Accepted 23 October 2015
contaminated soils used for agricultural purposes, and to assess their potential as phytoremediation systems.
Available online 7 November 2015
Twenty-four native plant species were identified and analysed for total Hg (THg) in different tissues (roots,
Editor: D. Barcelo stems, and leaves) and in underlying soils. Accumulation factors (AF) in the shoots, translocation (TF) from
roots to shoots, and bioconcentration (BCF) from soil-to-roots were determined. Different tissues from all
Keywords: plant species were classified in the order of decreasing accumulation of Hg as follows: roots N leaves N stems.
Translocation THg concentrations in soil ranged from 230 to 6320 ng g−1. TF values varied from 0.33 to 1.73, with high values
Accumulation in the lower Hg-contaminated soils. No correlation was found between soils with low concentrations of Hg and
Bioconcentration plant leaves, indicating that TF is not a very accurate indicator, since most of the Hg input to leaves at ASGM sites
Soils comes from the atmosphere. On the other hand, the BCF ranged from 0.28 to 0.99, with Jatropha curcas showing
Gold mining
the highest value. Despite their low biomass production, several herbs and sub-shrubs are suitable for
Jatropha curcas
phytoremediation application in the field, due to their fast growth and high AF values in large and easily harvest-
able plant parts. Among these species, herbs such as Piper marginathum and Stecherus bifidus, and the sub-shrubs

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Díez).
0048-9697/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
810 J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. / Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816

J. curcas and Capsicum annuum are promising native plants with the potential to be used in the phytoremediation
of soils in tropical areas that are impacted by mining.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cover, which increases erosion. Furthermore, in many areas exploited

by mining, this activity results in the emergence of a mosaic of second-
Mercury (Hg) is a naturally occurring element that is found in air, ary plant communities in different successional stages, according to the
water, and soil, and is a toxic environmental pollutant, since it can time and intensity of disturbance (Díaz and Elcoro, 2009). Some authors
cause severe damage to humans and wildlife (Díez, 2009). The primary (cf. Ash et al., 1994) have indicated that the presence of plant commu-
means by which humans are exposed to Hg are through the consump- nities at a particular site depends on the potential for seedlings to sur-
tion of contaminated food (methylmercury, MeHg, especially fish) and vive and reproduce. Establishment of plant species in contaminated
the inhalation of air (mainly elemental Hg, Hg0). These two chemical soils indicates that they are adapted to the contaminant and as such,
forms of Hg are of particular interest regarding artisanal small-scale can remove or retain it, reducing its toxicity in soil (Chaney et al., 2000).
gold-mining (ASGM) areas (Steckling et al., 2011). Mercury is used to Plants known as hyperaccumulators can tolerate, absorb, accumu-
extract gold from ore and is discharged in a vaporised form (Hg0) into late, and translocate high levels of heavy metals (Chen et al., 2001;
the environment, where it poses a hazard to human health. Moreover, Thangavel and Subhuram, 2004); and have been used in
once released to environment, Hg undergoes a series of complex trans- phytoremediation, to remove, accumulate, and inactivate these con-
formations and cycles (e.g., biotic and abiotic methylation of inorganic taminants (Padmavathiamma and Li, 2007).
mercury) that produce MeHg, which fish accumulate from water Our research hypothesis was that through the identification of the
(Carrasco et al., 2011). specific flora at the El Alacrán mine, we could identify the most useful
In Colombia, the largest gold-mining area is located in northern plant species for the phytoremediation of Hg in soils used for agricultur-
Antioquia and southern Bolívar, and emissions to the atmosphere are al purposes, and identify potential impacts based on the plant use
~ 80 to 100 t of Hg per year (Telmer and Veiga, 2008; Veiga, 2010; (Table 1). The aim of this study was to identify autochthonous plants
Cordy et al., 2011). According to data from Cordy et al., 2011, approxi- growing on a mining Hg-contaminated site, to assess their potential as
mately 130 t of metallic Hg was imported into Colombia in 2009. The phytoremediation systems. To this end, we determined THg content in
Alacrán gold mine is located in the Basin of the San Jorge River, Depart- different tissues (roots, stems and leaves), in the underlying soil sam-
ment of Córdoba, where Hg is used in the amalgamation process for the ples, and Hg translocation (TF) and bioconcentration factors (BCF) in
recovery of the precious metal (Marrugo et al., 2007) during the ASGM the plants. A further aim was to analyse these factors in more detail
process. Improper handling of Hg has led to the contamination of many prior to making decisions concerning suitable plant selection for en-
environmental compartments, threatening surrounding towns; a repre- hanced phytoremediation of Hg in mining areas.
sentative case is the Santa Cruz mine in the Bolivar department, where
high Hg concentrations in humans have been reported (Olivero and 2. Materials and methods
Johnson, 2002).
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining cause alterations of the local 2.1. Study area
ecosystems, and generates serious public health problems, because
once released, Hg can be transported from the soil and bodies of water This study was conducted at the Alacrán mine (Fig. 1), located in the
to humans (Islam et al., 2007). This type of mining is also considered upper part of the basin of San Jorge River at 7°44′29.01″N to 75°44′10.8″
very detrimental to the environment, due to the removal of vegetation W. First, the three-dimensional area occupied by the El Alacrán mine

Table 1
Collection of the autochthonous plant species reported in the Alacrán mine.

Family Scientific name Codea GH Utility

Bignoniaceae Tabebuia rosea L. 4950 Tree Wood

Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata L. 4937 Tree Wood
Cyperaceae Cyperus ferax L. 4956 Herb Weeds
Cyperaceae Cyperus luzulae Retz. 4940 Herb Weeds
Cyperaceae Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) Roem. 4941 Aquatic herb Ornamental, artisanal
Cyperaceae Oxycaryum cúbense Poepp & Kunth. 4957 Herb Weeds
Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas L. 4942 Sub-shrub Ornamental, fences of properties
Euphorbiaceae Phyllantus niruri L. 4943 Sub-shrub Medicinal
Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis L. 4944 Sub-shrub Ornamental, medicinal
Fabaceae Inga spp. 4945 Tree Ornamental, artisanal, food
Fabaceae Senna alata L. 4946 Shrub Degraded soils recovery
Gleicheniaceae Stecherus bifidus Willd. 4947 Herb Ornamental
Lamiaceae Plectramthus spp. 4948 Herb Medicinal, ornamental
Malvaceae Ceiba pentandra L. 4952 Tree Wood
Malvaceae Guazuma ulmifolia L. 4955 Tree Artisanal, cattle food
Marantaceae Thalia geniculata L. 4938 Aquatic herb Ornamental, artisanal
Marantaceae Calathea lutea Aubl. 4958 Herb Cultural, artisanal housing construction
Melastomataceae Clidemia sp. 4949 Shrub Ornamental
Mutingiaceae Mutingia calabura L. 4951 Shrub Ornamental, sweet fruit
Myrtaceae Psidium guajaba L. 4939 Tree Ornamental, food
Onagraceae Ludwigia octovalvis L. 4960 Herb Weeds
Piperaceae Piper marginathum L. 4953 Herb Ornamental
Pteridaceae Pytirogramma colomelanos Kaulf. 4954 Herb Ornamental
Solanaceae Capsicum annum L. 4959 Sub-shrub Food

GH: growth habit.

Code of the plants deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Córdoba (HUC).
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. / Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816 811

Fig. 1. Maps of Colombia and the San Pedro river basin, with the location of the Alacran gold mining site, Department of Córdoba.

was determined. This included mapping the slope and drainage, and were crushed and sieved to b 2 mm to remove stones and roots, and
runoff directions using ArcGIS software version 9.3.1. were stored in labelled sealed plastic bags in a refrigerator.
The total area of exploitation (or the area of intervention) of the Three plants of each plant species were collected using clean dispos-
mine that has been in operation since the 1970s, is 23.5 km2 (Fig. 1). able gloves and were placed into individual paper bags. Samples were
Local miners transport and accumulate tonnes of gold ore that are kept cool and moist after collection, and were placed in a cooler with
mined in the surrounding hills, to Alacrán Village. Gold ore is processed ice packs to store them during on-site sampling, and were transported
in processing centres or entables that are located beside residences, to the laboratory as soon as possible. Once in the laboratory, fresh plants
schools, and stores. These entables operate in the village and amalgam- were pressed in newsprint, for taxonomic determination in the herbar-
ate the whole ore and burn gold amalgam without any filtering or con- ium of the University of Córdoba (HUC), using specialised literature
densing system. Miners and residents of the town are classified as rural, (Geantry, 1995). Plants were sorted by species and were thoroughly
with a low education level, poor socio-economic status, and a low cov- washed with running tap water, and rinsed with deionised water to re-
erage of programmes developed by the national government (Doria move any sediment particles attached to the plant surface. The identity
et al., 2013). of each specimen was determined in the HUC and was referenced with
the codes 4937–4960. Twenty four species of plants were reported,
which were grouped into 16 families. Plant tissues were separated
2.2. Sample collection into roots, stems, and leaves, and were dried at 40 °C in a forced convec-
tion oven. They were then placed in labelled sealable plastic bags and
During sample collection along a linear transect (Fig. 1) samples of stored in a cool (4 °C), dark and dry environment until analyses.
soil and the most common plant species were selected at each site. At Different surveys were carried out in the Alacrán mine area (i.e., area
each site, three adjacent plots were randomly chosen and at each plot, of intervention and the Alacrán village) with the aim of describing the
one plant was randomly selected. Under the canopy of the same plant, Hg content in the air–soil system. Atmospheric Hg emissions were stud-
topsoil samples were collected (one composite sample obtained from ied using gaseous mercury (TGM) surveys, including 995 TGM determi-
three sub-samples). In total, 72 samples of roots, stems and leaves and nations. Data were obtained by Zeeman effect Atomic Absorption
72 samples of soil were analysed: one plant and soil sample per plot, Spectrometry with the High Frequency Modulation technique (ZAAS-
for three plots, at 24 sites. All soil samples were collected from the top HFM), using a number of LUMEX-RA-915 series devices (Sholupov
layer (0–20 cm) using a stainless steel spade whilst wearing clean sam- et al. 2004).
pling gloves; three soil subsamples were collected from the same area
where the plant sample was collected, and were mixed and 2.3. Sample analysis
homogenised to create a composite sample. The composite sample
was placed in a labelled clean polyethylene plastic bag, and was For the analyses of THg in plants, approximately 0.5 g plant material
transported to the laboratory in a covered cooler with ice packs. In the (dry weight basis, dw) was subjected to assisted digestion by a micro-
laboratory, soil samples were air-dried at room temperature to constant wave with a mixture of HNO3/H2O2 (5:2) (Jedrzejczak et al., 1996). Sim-
weight, and were mixed well to homogenise the soil. Finally, samples ilarly, 0.5 g soil dw was microwave-digested using 10 mL 65% HNO3
812 J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. / Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816

solution according to the EPA method 3051A (USEPA, 2007). The micro- the statistical software Statgraphics Centurion 15.2.06. The criterion for
wave oven used was a Milestone ETHOS TOUCH 127697 series with a significance was set at p b 0.05.
temperature range of 100–175 °C and a pressure of 1500 kPa. The THg
was determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy (CV- 3. Results and discussion
AAS) using a Thermo Scientific iCE 3000 series analyser. Analytical qual-
ity control of the methods was evaluated in triplicate with certified ma- 3.1. Floristic composition
terials for tomato leaves (CRM 1753a, 34 ng g− 1), and soil/sediment
(CRM008–050, 720 ng Hg g−1), and the percentage recovery was 98% The floristic composition of the Alacrán mine, based on its character-
and 97%, respectively. The detection limit for THg was 14 ng g−1 dw, istics and usefulness, is shown in Table 1. Twenty-four species were ob-
calculated as three times the standard deviation (SD) of the blank. served and grouped into 16 families. Most of the inventoried species in
The content of organic matter was determined as a percentage of the the El Alacrán mine are common for areas disturbed by mining (Díaz
loss by ignition of 2.0 g soil in a furnace at 450 °C (Muffle furnace and Elcoro, 2009) and in general, these species are characterised by
Terrígeno D8) for 4 h (Coquery and Welbourn, 1995). The pH of the rapid growth, and those in the Cyperaceae family are considered to be
soil was measured using a WTW, 330i pH meter. pioneer species during colonisation at the creation of an ecosystem
(Reyes et al., 2006).
2.4. Translocation, bioconcentration, and accumulation factors These herb species, shrubs and sub-shrubs that are representative of
the Euphorbiaceae family (Jatropha curcas, Phyllanthus niruri, Ricinus
BCF and TF factors were estimated using the determined Hg concen- communis), Solanaceae (Capsicum annuum) and Piperaceae (Piper
trations. The BCF was expressed as the ratio of the metal concentration Marginathum) are common in mining areas of tropical regions, and be-
in the roots to that in soil (Yoon et al., 2006). The TF for the metals with- come established after several months of mining activity (Reyes et al.,
in a given plant was calculated as the ratio of the metal concentration in 2006). In isolation, we also observed tree species that exist in a primary
the shoots to that in the roots (Zu et al., 2005). Plants with a BCF and TF forest, particular in rainforests, consisting of Tabebuia rosea, Ceiba
both greater than one (TF and BCF N 1) have the potential to be used for pentandra and Cecropia peltata.
phytoextraction (Raskin and Ensley, 2000; Yoon et al., 2006). Moreover,
to optimise and improve the phytoremediation process, the optimum 3.2. THg in soils
scenario is to concentrate the metal(s) in the above-ground portion of
the biomass, and to harvest and recover metals from the biomass, if Mercury is naturally present in soils at concentrations ranging from
practical (Jee, 2007). For this, the accumulation factor (AF), calculated 0.003 to 5 mg/kg (Steinnes, 1997), although in most cases, is below
as a ratio of metal in the harvestable part of the plant (i.e., shoots) to 0.5 mg/kg (Schlüter, 1993). The THg in soils of the El Alacrán mine are
that in the soil, is required for the design considerations of shown in Table 2. The concentrations are relatively low (range
phytoremediation systems. 230–6320 ng g−1) compared to other Hg-contaminated areas world-
wide, such as the mining district of Almaden in Spain
2.5. Statistical analysis (0.13–2695 μg g− 1) (Molina et al., 2006), or Santa Cruz mine in
Colombia (500–30,000 ng g− 1) (Pérez-Castro, 2010), but are higher
Analyses of THg in tissues and soils was reported as the mean ± SD than values for Colombian soils and soils engaged in agriculture
of triplicate determinations from three plants and three soils (Table 2). (Alloway, 2005). Moreover, according to UNEP (UNEP, 2002), prelimi-
Initially, data were log-transformed, and normality tests (Ryan–Joiner) nary critical limits to prevent ecological effects due to Hg in organic
and variance homogeneity (Levene) were applied. The Spearman corre- soils have been set at a soil THg content of 0.07–0.30 mg/kg. Taking
lation was performed to establish relationships between variables using into account that elevated Hg concentrations were found in some

Table 2
Mean and standard deviation (±SD) of total mercury (THg) in soils (n = 3) and tissues of the plant species (n = 3) reported in the Alacrán mine, Colombia. Translocation (TF),
bioconcentration (BCF) and accumulation (AF) factors are also reported.

Family Scientific name THg (ng g−1) TF BCF AF

Soil Root Stem Leaf

Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas 6022 ± 3 5983 ± 2 954.1 ± 0.6 2782 ± 1 0.62 0.99 0.62
Marantaceae Thalia geniculata 4077 ± 4 3696 ± 2 429.0 ± 0.7 979.2 ± 0.2 0.38 0.91 0.35
Piperaceae Piper marginathum 5130 ± 3 4685 ± 4 525.6 ± 0.5 2178 ± 1 0.58 0.91 0.53
Cyperaceae Cyperus ferax 3676 ± 4 3216 ± 4 235.6 ± 0.2 852.1 ± 0.4 0.34 0.87 0.30
Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis 6267 ± 5 5205 ± 2 649.8 ± 0.1 1900 ± 1 0.49 0.83 0.41
Pteridaceae Pityrogramma colomelanos 401.5 ± 2.2 333.4 ± 0.4 75.2 ± 0.8 108.2 ± 0.6 0.55 0.83 0.46
Solanaceae Capsicum annuum 340.4 ± 1.7 284.1 ± 0.6 109.5 ± 0.5 229.2 ± 0.3 1.19 0.83 1.00
Gleicheniaceae Stecherus bifidus 1268 ± 4 1018 ± 4 231.3 ± 0.4 535.6 ± 0.7 0.75 0.80 0.61
Malvaceae Guazuma ulmifolia 228.5 ± 0.5 174.3 ± 0.3 46.4 ± 0.4 68.6 ± 0.2 0.66 0.76 0.50
Fabaceae Senna alata 226.5 ± 2.1 169.8 ± 0.1 63.6 ± 0.2 71.7 ± 0.5 0.8 0.75 0.60
Bignoniaceae Tabebuia rosea 4970 ± 3 3633 ± 4 547.4 ± 0.5 1018 ± 1 0.43 0.73 0.31
Marantaceae Calathea lutea 1692 ± 4 1226 ± 6 185.1 ± 0.7 499.6 ± 0.8 0.56 0.72 0.40
Cyperaceae Eleocharis interstincta 490.1 ± 2.9 341.1 ± 0.2 84.3 ± 0.8 177.2 ± 0.9 0.77 0.70 0.53
Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata 1503 ± 4 1033 ± 2 147.8 ± 0.2 204.7 ± 0.4 0.34 0.69 0.23
Cyperaceae Oxycaryum cúbense 729.8 ± 2.1 496.4 ± 0.7 123.4 ± 0.4 222.2 ± 0.3 0.7 0.68 0.47
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus niruri 319.6 ± 2.1 187.2 ± 0.3 62.2 ± 0.4 147.5 ± 0.7 1.12 0.59 0.66
Myrtaceae Psidium guajava 6322 ± 4 3419 ± 7 722.5 ± 0.9 958.4 ± 0.5 0.49 0.54 0.49
Cyperaceae Cyperus luzulae 340.5 ± 1.8 159.5 ± 0.4 63.7 ± 0.4 88.5 ± 0.2 0.95 0.47 0.45
Malvaceae Ceiba pentandra 3214 ± 2 1257 ± 3 153.4 ± 0.6 260.5 ± 0.2 0.33 0.39 0.13
Muntingiaceae Muntingia calabura 395.7 ± 1.4 154.1 ± 1.4 28.7 ± 0.2 86.1 ± 0.8 0.74 0.39 0.29
Melastomataceae Clidemia sp. 650.8 ± 5.4 234.1 ± 1.2 111.3 ± 0.4 221.1 ± 0.7 1.43 0.36 0.51
Lamiaceae Plectramthus sp. 444.3 ± 5.9 145.9 ± 2.4 104.5 ± 0.6 148.5 ± 0.6 1.73 0.33 0.57
Onagraceae Ludwigia octovalvis 494.6 ± 1.1 149.4 ± 0.2 53.2 ± 0.4 87.9 ± 0.5 0.94 0.30 0.29
Fabaceae Inga edulis 631.1 ± 3.3 179.4 ± 0.4 84.7 ± 0.6 132.3 ± 0.7 1.21 0.28 0.34
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. / Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816 813

soils, in some cases ~20 times higher than the UNEP recommendation, concentration. They also found that soil Hg concentration influenced
their use for livestock farming and agricultural crop production poses the leaf Hg concentration, and indicated that the soil Hg concentration
a threat to public health, and indicates that there is a need for had a greater influence on foliar Hg concentration when the air Hg con-
remediation. centration is low, which is not the case in the Alacrán gold-mining area,
The soils were acidic (range 4.15–4.09) with low organic matter con- where air Hg concentrations have been found to range from 1 to
tents (3.04 to 3.56%). Based on these soil properties, Hg should be more 46,000 ng m−3.
mobile and more bioavailable, because organic-rich soils lead to a lower The practise of separating Hg from gold by burning the amalgam in a
bioavailability and mobility of metals than those present in mineral soils pan with a blowtorch results in very high direct losses of Hg to the at-
(Olaniran et al., 2013), whereas at low pH values, metals are present as mosphere. Local miners carry gold ore from the mine to the entables
free ionic species or as soluble organo-metals, and these are more bio- in the urban environment. Commonly, miners in entables do not pre-
available (Sandrin and Hoffman, 2007). concentrate the ore, and Hg is added to the whole high-grade material
Soils were characterised as having low (230–500 ng g−1), medium in small ball mills, known as cocos. This whole ore amalgamation pro-
(630–1700 ng g− 1) or high (3200–6320 ng g− 1) Hg concentrations cess maximises Hg losses in tailings and effluent (Cordy et al., 2011;
(Fig. 1). The highest Hg concentrations in soils were found near the Schmidt, 2012). As described by these studies, the air Hg concentration
entables of Alacrán village (~ 0.5 km), with concentrations about 25 in these entables is occasionally nearly 1000 times the World Health
times higher than in the area of extraction (~ 1.0 to 1.5 km distant). Organisation's (WHO) air quality guideline of 1 μg m−3 for chronic ex-
Moreover, the runoff streams might carry loads with a high Hg concen- posure to inorganic Hg vapour (WHO, 2012) and 3000 times the U.S. En-
tration. In fact, effluents from the El Alacrán mining area poured into the vironmental Protection Agency reference concentration of 0.3 μg m−3
basin of San Pedro River, where the content of Hg in sediment samples for chronic inhalational exposure to inorganic Hg (USEPA, 1995). Total
(916 ± 7 ng g−1) and surrounding soils (780 ± 2 ng g−1) increases con- gaseous mercury concentrations (TGM) in the gold-mining area ranged
tinuously, especially due to flooding. from 1 to 46,000 ng m−3. The highest values were found in the village,
inside gold shops (530–46,000 ng m−3) and in the entables
3.3. Mercury accumulation in plants (1900–4000 ng m− 3) (Higueras and Marrugo, unpublished results).
Values of TGM close to the mine are similar to background values
Concentrations of THg in different plants tissues are shown in (1–110 ng m−3), which are much higher than usual background values
Table 2. These species are distributed in the soils of El Alacrán mine (~2 ng m−3) (Higueras et al., 2014). Therefore, the TGM concentrations
and accumulate Hg concentrations in their tissues, indicating that were above the WHO maximum recommended level and the U.S. EPA
these plants are adapted to contaminated soils. reference concentration for chronic exposure. It should be thus
For all species, the root accumulated the most Hg, followed by the highlighted that in some areas of the Alacrán gold mine site, airborne
leaves and the stem, which agrees with other studies (Molina et al., Hg concentrations are more significant than soil Hg concentrations.
2006; Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2015). The amount in the roots was 2.5- The relationship between the amount of Hg accumulated by plants
and 5-fold higher than in the leaves and the stems, respectively, where- and the content in the soil can depend on the taxon (Boening, 2000).
as the leaf concentration was twice as high as in stems. A low distribu- A significant correlation was observed between the Hg concentration
tion of Hg to the shoots was also found in other plant species (Wang in the soil and that in different plant tissues (Fig. 2). THg content in
and Greger, 2004), which is probably due to the high affinity of roots the soil was statistically significantly correlated with the Hg content
for Hg, by trapping most of the bioavailable Hg. This is because the analysed in the 24 species, in the roots (r = 0.96, p b 0.05), stems
roots are directly exposed to Hg in the soil, which mostly is accumulated (r = 0.94, p b 0.05), leaves (r = 0.87, p b 0.05), and shoots (r = 0.90,
in the cell walls, to avoid toxic effects on the aerial parts, especially the p b 0.05). Thus, the accumulated Hg in the tissues of plants in the
development of necrosis and chlorosis in leaves (Marrugo-Negrete Alacrán mine is directly related to the content of Hg present in the soil
et al., 2015). and air due to gold-mining activities. Notably, higher correlations
Notably, Hg concentration was higher in the leaves than in the were found for roots, followed by stems and then leaves, which differs
stems. The main function of the stems is to transport fluids and nutri- from the pattern for the relative Hg absorption by plant tissues, which
ents between the roots and the leaves in the xylem and phloem. One ex- was in the decreasing order: roots N leaves N stems.
planation for the lower Hg concentrations in the stems might be the As previously mentioned, emissions of Hg in the air at the ASGM site
result of this transport function, which does not allow Hg to accumulate, are high, and are comparable to those at other ASGM sites in Colombia,
and instead, facilitates its transport to the aerial parts of the plant for
more permanent storage.
Additionally plant leaves can accumulate Hg from the air. Reported
small-scale experiments indicate that plants can act as both a source
and sink of atmospheric Hg (Leonard et al., 1998; Schwesig and
Matzner, 2000), and can also transport 10% of the total soil Hg to the fo-
liage (Bishop et al., 1998). More recently, Gustin et al., 2004, demon-
strated that for vegetation growing in soil with an elevated Hg
concentration and exposed to elevated air concentrations, the vegeta-
tion acts as a sink for atmospheric Hg, and shading of the soil reduces
emissions from soils. Almost all of the Hg in foliar tissue originates
from the atmosphere (Ericksen et al., 2003), and the root concentrations
reflect the soil Hg concentration (Frescholtz et al., 2003; Cocking et al.,
1995). It is thought that little Hg passes from the roots to the above-
ground component of the plant. Godbold (1988) proposed that al-
though high Hg concentrations might exist in the roots, very little
translocation to the stem occurs, because Hg binds tightly to the cell
walls in the root.
In summary, plants transmit Hg from the soil to the air via the tran-
spiration stream (Leonard et al., 1998), but according to Frescholtz et al. Fig. 2. Correlation between Hg content in soils with roots, leaves, stems and shoots of au-
(2003), leaves accumulate atmospheric Hg as a function of the air tochthonous plants (n = 24) at the Alacrán gold mine.
814 J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. / Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816

such as the Santa Cruz or San Martin de Loba mines, where airborne concentration in the plant and the metal concentration in the under-
values range from 164 to 40,500 ng m−3 and 220 to 27,000 ng m−3, re- lying soil. In all cases, BCFs value was less than one, indicating that
spectively (Olivero et al., 2014). Therefore, the increase in the Hg bur- Hg was transferred to the plant, but not to a significant extent
den in plant leaves due to atmospheric deposition might explain the (Ruíz and Armienta, 2012). The highest value (0.99) was observed
lower correlation found between soil and leaves, in comparison with for J. curcas, and Thalia geniculata and P. marginathum have suffi-
that in soil versus roots and/or stems, because the air concentration ciently high values (0.91) to be considered good accumulators. Fur-
fluctuates over time. thermore, other good candidates such as C. annuum, Pityrogramma
We hypothesise that one of the contributing causes to the lower cor- colomelanos and R. communis, should not be disregarded (marked
relation between soils and shoots is the increase in the Hg burden in the by a dashed line in Fig. 3). In summary, among the recorded species,
leaves that receive external inputs (i.e., atmospheric assimilation J. curcas, P. marginathum, T. geniculata, Cyperus ferax or C. annuun
through the stomata and leaf cuticle) (Molina et al., 2006). This hypoth- displayed a significant increase in the efficiency of Hg bioaccumula-
esis has been corroborated by the fact that at elevated Hg concentra- tion, with J. curcas representing the best potential candidate for
tions in soil (1270 to 6320 ng g−1), the correlation with leaves is high phytoremediation. Studies with J. curcas seedlings (Gao et al.,
and significant (n = 11; r = 0.75; p b 0.05), whereas in the lower con- 2010) demonstrated that Hg accumulates during germination, with
centration range (230 to 650 ng g−1), the correlation is moderate (n = a higher content in the radicle than in the cotyledons and hypocotyl
11; r = 0.4; p = 0.23) and not significant. This indicates that Hg in the and this species also accumulates other heavy metals, showing the
leaves in plants growing in soil with a low-concentration of Hg derives best absorption capacity for Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn in the roots (Chang
primarily from the air, since no significant correlation with soil exists. et al., 2014). However, other species have been assessed for their
phytoremediation potential, such as R. communis, which has been
3.4. Translocation and bioconcentration factors used to remediate lead (Pb) with more storage capacity in the aerial
parts (Rodríguez et al., 2006), or C. peltata (Vidal et al., 2010), which
To evaluate the ability of all plant species to translocate Hg from the accumulates large amounts of Hg without showing toxic effects.
roots to the aerial parts of the plant, the TF was calculated (Table 2). As
several authors have reported (Tu et al., 2003), translocation of Hg from 3.5. Plant selection for phytoremediation in the field
the roots to the aerial parts of the plant (i.e., the shoots) occurs when the
TF is higher than 1. Only five plants, from four different families had a TF Phytoremediation offers significant cost advantages over alternative
value greater than one. The highest value (1.73) was shown by a plant technologies of soil excavation and treatment or disposal. In addition,
from the Lamiaceae family (Plectramthus sp.). The TF value (1.43) for the use of native plants reduces the costs of mowing, replanting, prun-
Clidemia sp. also indicated that Hg is highly transferable for this plant ing and harvesting, with the added benefit of not disturbing the soil if
(Fig. 3). However the experimental design used in this study did not the accumulation of potentially toxic metal(s) occurs in easily harvest-
allow the Hg in plant leaves from the two sources to be distinguished, able plant parts (mainly shoots).
i.e., uptake from the air or transport from the roots. These results sug- Many factors contribute to the suitability of identified plants
gest that in soils with lower Hg concentration, where the atmospheric for phytoremediation of Hg in the Alacrán mine area. According
inputs are probably more significant than Hg translocation from the to McGrath and Zhao (McGrath and Zhao, 2003), phytoextraction effi-
roots, the information derived from the TF is not particularly useful. ciency is determined by two key factors: the ability to accumulate
On the other hand, BCF measures the relationship between the metal metals and biomass production. Consequently, design considerations

Fig. 3. Translocation (TF) and bioconcentration factors (BCF) for native plants species growing in the Alacran gold mine site.
J. Marrugo-Negrete et al. / Science of the Total Environment 542 (2016) 809–816 815

of phytoremediation systems include the accumulation factor (AF) (the 4. Conclusions

ratio of metal in the shoots to that in the soil) and plant productivity
(biomass that is harvestable). In terms of cost-effectiveness, it is prefer- This study demonstrated alternatives for Hg soil decontamination
able that the metal accumulates in the shoots as opposed to in the roots, through the ability of autochthonous plant species to accumulate this
because it can then be cut from the plant and removed; if the metal is metal. Independently of the Hg concentration in the soil, different
concentrated in the roots, the entire plant needs to be removed. Remov- plant species accumulated Hg in their tissues in the order: roots N
ing the metals simply occurs by pruning or cutting the aboveground leaves N stems. The Hg content in their tissues indicates the storage ca-
mass of the plant. Due to specific characteristics at ASGM sites, where pacity of these plants to accumulate Hg by transfer from the soil (BCF)
the shoots accumulate Hg from both the soil and from the air, a fast- or within different parts of the plant (e.g., from roots to shoots), using
growing plant that is easily harvested and that accumulates large con- the TF. Nevertheless, due to the characteristics of ASGM sites, where
centrations of Hg in harvestable tissues is ideal. gold is separated from Hg by burning the amalgam, the atmospheric in-
Firstly, a knowledge on the abundance of the plant species, puts to the plants leaves are expected to be more significant than Hg
together with the AF is necessary to select the most suitable plants translocation from the roots, and therefore, the information derived
for phytoremediation. The operation and maintenance costs of from TF is not very useful. Although Hg in the atmosphere primarily in-
phytoremediation could be reduced, depending on the selection of fluenced foliar uptake, root concentrations were related to the soil Hg
native plants. concentration. According to BCF and AF values, several plants were
In this study, eleven of the reported species are herbaceous identified as promising native plants to remediate Hg-contaminated
(Table 1), which indicates that the areas studied were colonised rapidly soils. Plant species established at the El Alacrán mine have different con-
and from the ecological point of view, these wild plants should be con- centrations of Hg in their tissues, demonstrating that the accumulation
sidered abundant in this ecosystem. This group contains two aquatic of contaminants depends on the morpho-physiological characteristics
plants (e.g., Eleocharis interstincta and T. geniculata), and the latter of each species. The greatest accumulation of Hg was shown by shoots
grows in flooded soils (with high levels of Hg) due to contaminated run- of the species J. curcas, P. marginathum, C. annuum, and S. bifidus.
off from the entables. Shrubs and sub-shrubs are representative of the Among these, J. curcas showed the highest degree of Hg accumulation
Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae and Piperaceae families (seven species in in roots, and a high value in shoots, indicating its potential to be used
total), with J. curcas, R. communis and P. marginathum, growing in the as a natural treatment to decontaminate soils in tropical areas impacted
most polluted soils. Finally, trees are unrepresentative species, with a by ASGM sites.
more limited abundance and consist of perennial species, such as
T. rosea, C. pentandra and C. peltata species, which grow in high-Hg
soils, particularly in the rainforest. Acknowledgements
Different plant species displayed similar trends of accumulation (i.e.
AF values) to those of BCF, with maximum values shown by herb and To the University of Córdoba, the Laboratory of Toxicology and Envi-
sub-shrub species. The highest accumulation was found for the sub- ronmental Management; COLCIENCIAS, for financing the project: “Re-
shrub C. annum and the other values ranged from 0.66 to 0.13. Some moval of mercury in soils by plants that grow in lands contaminated
trees, such as Guazuma ulmifolia and Psidium guajaba showed relatively with metal (El Alacrán mine in the Department of Córdoba and Santa
high AF values (~0.50). Cruz mine in the Department of Bolívar)”, identified with the code
In summary, herbaceous and sub-shrubs species are the most repre- 111248925604 and contract number 472-2009. We appreciate the
sentative plant groups, which are characterised by fast-growing (Reyes anonymous reviewers and the Associate Editor for their valuable com-
et al., 2006), large round leaves, and a high accumulation of Hg, and ments and suggestions to improve the quality of the manuscript.
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