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Construindo o Saber
Data: ____/ ____ / 2019 6 ANO

Complete corretamente com os artigos A ou AN de forma correta:

1. This is .......... orange. 2. That is ......... book. 3. This is .......... hospital. 4. That is ..........
5. He is eating .......... apple. 6. This is .......... umbrella. 7. That is ......... university.
8. I'll be away for ........... hour. 9. What ......... nice day! 10........... horse is ........... animal.

Complete as duas passagens abaixo com a ou an.

“Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is ..... book, ..... pencil case, ..... apple and .....
egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days he also buys ..... ice-cream for dessert.”

“Today he has ..... English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes ..... short story about .....
adventurer. The story begins like this: “It is ..... special day for Oliver. At ten o ́clock in the morning he
gets on ..... plane. His destination is Australia...”

Coloque o artigo indefinido correto.

1____ car. 2.____ toy. 3.____ engineer. 4.____ apple. 5.___ notebook. 6.____ umbrella.
7.____ girl. 8.____ aunt. 9.___ table. 10.____ university. 11.___ window.
12.___ student. 13.___ driver. 14.___ orange. 15.___ hour. 16.___ uncle. 17.___ watch.
18.___vring. 19.___ car. 20.__ computer.

Complete corretamente abaixo com there is/ are de acordo com cada termo abaixo.

_____________ many pencils _____________ a doll here _____________ books

_____________ tables _____________ a good man here _____________ birds flying
_____________ cats in the bed _____________ a pen in the box _____________ pencils in the box

Marque a alternativa que preenche as lacunas com o artigo correto: “Yesterday I ate ___ egg and  ___
apple for breakfast.”
a. ( ) an - an b. ( ) an – a c. ( ) a – an d. ( ) a - a

De acordo com a sentença ao lado: “I have  __ imporant thing to say and __ new for you.”, marque a
alternativa correta.

a. ( ) an – an b. ( ) a – an c. ( ) an – a d. ( ) n.d.a

Marque a alternativa condizente com os espaços das sentenças ao lado: “Julia wants to have __ ice-
cream, Kelly wants __ banana-split, Trevor wants __ avocado dessert and I want __ acai cup.”

a. ( ) an - a - an – a b. ( ) an - a - an – an c. ( ) a - an - an –an d. ( ) an - an - an –an

Escolham o artigo indefinido que melhor preenche os espaços em branco, marcando um X em cada uma
das sentenças abaixo.
I. Jerry definitely is...honest man. a. ( ) An b. ( )A
II. I know where it is common. a. ( ) An b. ( )A
III. Her husband is...European. a. ( ) An b. ( )A
IV. This is called...board. a. ( ) An b. ( )A
V. They lesson every week. a. ( ) An b. ( )A

Sobre o there THERE TO BE estudado em sala, marque a alternativa correta:’ How many pencils ___ in
your bag?”

a. ( ) is there b. ( ) there is c. ( ) are there d. ( ) there are

Sobre o there THERE TO BE estudado em sala, marque a alternativa correta: ...... a lamp in the room.

( ) There is      ( ) There are      ( ) Is there      ( ) Are there

Sobre o there THERE TO BE estudado em sala, marque a alternativa correta: “Susan, .... a chair in the

( ) there is       ( ) is there        ( ) there are    ( ) are there

Sobre o there THERE TO BE estudado em sala, marque a alternativa correta:

“Are there many windows in the house?” “Yes, .......... many.”

( ) there are    ( ) there is        ( ) is there      ( ) are there 

Sobre o there THERE TO BE estudado em sala, marque a alternativa correta: “Is there a dog in
the house? No, ......... .”

( ) there isn’t  ( ) is there        ( ) there is      ( ) there are 

Sobre o there THERE TO BE estudado em sala, marque a alternativa correta: “..... many glasses on the

( ) There is      ( ) Is there        ( ) Are there    ( ) There are

Escreva as sentenças. Observe o exemplo.

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