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Construindo o Saber
Data: ____/ ____ / 2019 7 ANO

Sobre o estudo dos quantitativos no inglês, marque a correta: “There is ____ cheese in the fridge.”

a. ( ) many b. ( ) much c. ( ) a lot of d. ( ) a few

Marque a alternativa correta: “How ___ did your cshoes cost?”

a. ( ) many b. ( ) some c. ( ) any d. ( ) much

Em relação aos substantivos abaixo, classifique-os em C para countable ou U para uncountable.

____ chair ____ notebooks ____ sand ____ pens ____ hours
____ person ____ mothers ____ hat ____ pain ____ butler

Associe os substantivos dados para formas expressões constáveis e incontáveis.

1 (of bread) 2 (of coffee) 3 (of meat) 4 (of bean) 5 (of pizza)
6 (of pie) 7 (of buttle) 8 (of water) 9 (of Coke) 10 (of milk)

( ) a bar ( ) cup ( ) a carton ( ) a piece ( ) a bottle

( ) a glass ( ) a bowl ( ) a kilo ( ) a slice ( ) a piece ( ) a loaf

Observe a sentença ao lado e marque a alternativa correta: “Very ____ people fly now because of
terrorist activities.” [Muito ___ pessoas voam agora por causa de atividades terroristas]

a. ( ) little b. ( ) much c. ( ) many d. ( ) few

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “When John went to Brazil, he had....... money to spend.”

A) Little B) A little C) Few

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “There are.... people who are religious.”

A) More B) Many C) Most

Marque a alternativa que mostra a forma correta do quantitative a ser usado: “Of all the pupils in the
class, he has the..... chance of succeeding.”

A) Less B) Lesser C) Least

Marque a alternativa que mostra a forma correta do quantitative a ser usado:: “.....people each year are
becoming home owners.]’

A) Much B) More C) Most

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “There's not..... rice in the larder.]’

A. Much B. Many C. Most

Selecione a alternativa de acordo com a frase ao lado: “If we don't move faster, we'll miss our transfer
to Munich. There isn't ___ time to waste.” [Se não nos movermos mais depressa, perderemos a nossa
transferência para Munique. Não há tempo para perder.]

a. ( ) little b. ( ) a lot of c. ( ) many d. ( ) few e. ( ) a few

Leia a sentença ao lado e responda corretamente: “Unfortunately, I haven't got ___ time for watching
TV.” [Infelizmente, eu não tenho muito tempo para assistir TV.]

a. ( ) few b. ( ) no c. ( ) much d. ( ) a little e. ( ) little

Marque a correta: “There is ___ juice left, so drink only if you must.” [Há pouco refrigerante restante,
então beba somente se for necessário.]

a. ( ) some b. ( ) little c. ( ) few d. ( ) much

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “Jenny has got......contacts to help her with her business.”

A) Few B) A few C) Little

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “We all wondered how.......... hamburgers he had eaten.”

A. Much B. Many C. More

Leia a sentença ao lado e responda corretamente: “Harry saw _____boys running across the field.”

a) Many b) A few c) Much d) A little

Leia a sentença ao lado e responda corretamente: “There are ___ candidates who want to work in our

a) Much b) A few c) Many d) Any

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “Do you have ___cousin?”

a) Any b) Many c) A few d) Some

Marque a alternativa correta na sentença: “Anne’s mother needs ___sugar for an apple pie.”

a) A few b) Much c) A lot d) A little

Complete com os quantitativos estudados:

How ___________ time do you need to finish the work?

There are too ___________ students in the library.
____________ people know as much about linguistics as John does.
They say _____________ knowledge is a dangerous thing.
He's having  ______________ of trouble passing his driving test.
He knows a _______________  English. He knows enough English to manage.

Escolha em cada sentença o quantitative correto.

Complete corretamente com much ou many.

1. I haven’t got ___________ time. 2. Do you play ___________ football?

3. I don’t eat ___________ meat. 4. There aren’t ___________ people here.
5. We don’t have ___________ rain in summer. 6. Are there ___________ American in your country?
7. Have you travelled to ___________ countries? 8. Was there ___________ traffic on the road?

Em cada sentença escolha o quantitativo correto:

1. Have got _______ friends? A) many B) much C) a lot of

2. There are _______ people in the room. A) much B) a little C) a lot of
3. Can I have _______ sugar, please? A) a few B) a little C) little
4. How _______ oranges are on the table? A) many B) a few C) much
5 How _______ money has Fred got? A) many B) little C) much
6. There are _______ monkeys at the zoo. A) much B) a few C) a little.

Complete agora com little ou few;

1. There are ___________ apples in the bowl.

2. Look! ___________ seagulls are flying over our ferry.
3. ___________ tourists visit Greece in the winter.
4. There are very ___________ sailboats out today as it is so windy.
5. ___________ of the chairs were painted blue- others were white.
6. The sky is so blue-there are _______ clouds in the sky.

Complete com little/a little ou few/a few.

1. Spending ___________ hours in the sun every day is pleasant.

2. We have been to the Greek islands ________ times.
3. There were very __________ people in the taverna last night.
4. Would you like ___________ milk in your coffee?
5. I’d like to spend _________ more time on the beach today.
6. He has _________ patience for rude customers.
7. Let’s see if there’s ___________ coffee left in the pot.
8. Oh no! There’s so ________ coffee, we’ll have to make more.

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