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Back to School - Information For Students and Parents

STAGE 3 - Pandemic Response Plan

June 2020
Back to School - STAGE 3

Table of Contents

• May 27th - Letter to Families & Staff pgs.3-7

• Aboriginal Education Supports pgs.8-9

• Education Stages for K-12 graphics pg.10-11

• Parent Checklist pg.12

• On Site Registration Package pgs.13-17

Also available online:

o Supplies for the Day pg.13

o COVID-19 Health Questionnaire (mandatory) pgs.14-15

o COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols (mandatory) pgs.16-17

• Food Guidelines During COVID-19 pg. 18

• On Site Learning – SafeWork Procedures pgs. 19-25

• Exposure Control Plan for COVID-19 pgs. 26-39

• Protocols: School Site Procedures – COVID-19 pgs. 40-42

*Any questions related to the STAGE 3 Pandemic Response Plan package can be directed to Dr.
Christine Perkins, Superintendent of Schools: or 250-505-7037

School District 8 Kootenay Lake

May 27th, 2020

Dear Families and Staff of School District 8 – Kootenay Lake:

First and foremost, thank you all for your patience, kindness, and support to date
during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have been able to successfully meet the four
Ministry of Education principles:

Guiding Principles for Ministry of Education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Maintaining a healthy and safe environment for students, families and staff is
2. Providing services to support children of essential workers is our top priority.
3. Supporting vulnerable students who may need special assistance.
4. Providing continuity of educational opportunities for all students.

Please note that our schools continue to operate under the guidelines established by
the provincial health officer – Dr. Bonnie Henry, and BC Centre for Disease Control
(BCCDC) to ensure the safety of all our students and education professionals. These
guidelines include controlling access to buildings, maintaining physical distancing
amongst staff, and implementing distancing strategies for students who are in
schools, as well as, maintaining good hygiene practices.

The five Education stages for K-12 Students for operating our schools under the pandemic
(refer to graphic chart or dial – both versions attached):

Stage 1 In-class instruction: K-12: five days per week (School Density Target is 100%)

Stage 2 In-class instruction: K-7: five days per week (School Density Target is 100%)
In-class instruction: 8-12: two days per week (School Density Target is 40%)
Five days per week available for:
• Children of Essential Service Workers
• Students with disabilities/diverse abilities
• Students who require additional supports
Remote/online instruction: Balance of Learning

Stage 3 In-class instruction: K-5: two days per week (School Density Target is 50%)
In-class instruction: 6-7: one day per week (School Density Target is 20%)
In-class instruction: 8-12: one day per week (School Density Target is 20%)
School District 8 Kootenay Lake 2

Five days per week available for:

• Children of Essential Service Workers
• Students with disabilities/diverse abilities
• Students who require additional supports
Remote/online instruction: Balance of Learning
Parent(s)/guardian(s) have choice for student(s) to return to in-class

Stage 4 Current stage – moving to Stage 3 by June 1

In-class instruction: K-12: limited (School Density Target is 20%)
Five days per week available for:
• Children of Essential Service Workers
• Students with disabilities/diverse abilities
• Students who require additional supports
Remote/online instruction: K-12: Majority of all students

Stage 5 In-class instruction: K-12: None (School Density Target is 0%)

Suspend all in-class instruction for all grades and students
Remote/online instruction: K-12: all students

NOTE: This information is subject to change at any time based on information

from the Public Health Office and Ministry of Education.

Effective May 27th, 2020:

All Exempt staff, including Principals and Vice-Principals, are expected to be back at
school district sites except for those who have contacted Human Resources with their
own individual, or family health concerns. All staff are to use SFE.

Our CUPE employees are invited to return to work at school sites by May 27-29,
except for those who have contacted Human Resources with their own individual, or
family health concerns.

Our KLTF (NDTA and CVTA) employees are invited to return to work at school sites by
May 27-29, except for those who have contacted Human Resources with their own
individual, or family health concerns. Teachers are encouraged to work during
regular hours only.

All staff are to again use SFE for any and all absences.
School District 8 Kootenay Lake 3

Those returning to schools for the first time must complete the site Health &
Safety Orientation with their Principal.

Effective June 1, 2020:

You must register your child’s return, in advance. Contact the school, by phone
or email, and then complete and sign the written package. You may also register

We will be inviting Kindergarten to Grade 5 students back to our schools on an
alternating day basis: A - M on Mondays and Wednesdays and N – Z on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Online learning will continue on Fridays. Sending your child back to school
is entirely by parent/guardian choice for the month of June.


Grade 6 – 12 - 20% of students will be invited on each of Mondays through
Fridays. You will receive an invite for in-person return, with your specific day, from
your secondary school. Students will book their return by using Google
Forms. Sending your child back to school is entirely by parent/guardian choice for
the month of June. Students are to keep their personal items with them in their
backpack at all times: lunch, drinks, books, technology. Students will not be able use
their lockers.

All students will be expected to follow COVID-19 regulations.

The final day for school for students is Thursday, June 25, 2020. Principals, Vice-
Principals, clerical, and staff will be working at school sites for the Admin Day on
Friday, June 26th. Principals, Vice-Principals and clerical will be working in schools
for one additional week until July 3rd. July 1 - Canada Day - is a statutory holiday.


Health & safety for all of our children and adults is our first priority. No one is to
enter an SD8 building if they are sick. Please protect yourself and others by staying
School District 8 Kootenay Lake 4


See the following documents attached containing all COVID-19 Protocols:
• Two Education Stages charts – a dial graphic and a chart graphic (same info on
• Checklist for a Safe Day at School
• On-site Registration Package
• Food Guidelines
• On-site Learning Document
• Exposure Control Plan – COVID 19
• School Health & Safety poster – Mandatory Protocol: School Site Procedures –
Stage 3.

Parents, guardians or guests are NOT permitted in schools at this time. Parent(s) and
guardian(s) are welcome to stay physically-distanced on school playgrounds.

Learning will take place within the regular school hours. Please contact your school.


ARES, Erickson, Hume, and South Nelson schools will continue as ESW sites open from
7am - 7pm.

Hallways will be clearly marked for physical distancing. Our elementary students are
expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves. Lockers will not be available
during this time.

50% of desks, chairs, tables will be stacked at the back of the room. The remainder
will be physically-distanced for students in attendance. Staff and students will
organize their own space and classrooms.

Students should bring district technology with them on school days. All items will be
sanitized daily. All district technology must returned to the district by June 25 so
we can service over the summer.
School District 8 Kootenay Lake 5


All busses will run on their regular schedule for all registered bus students, beginning
Monday, June 1 through Thursday, June 25. However, we encourage parents to drop
and pick up their child(ren) at the school if possible. Bus riding requirements:
• One child per seat sitting closer to window. Front row on both sides is to be left
• Students from the same household can share seats if space is limited.
• Students are to follow our district transportation protocols at all times.


• Masks - Voluntary.
• Gloves and Hand Sanitizer - available at sites.
• Shields and Visors - not available except in specialized classrooms such as shops.

Breaks, including lunch, will be staggered and organized by each school
site. Cafeterias will remain closed. All staff and students who leave a site during
the day (for lunch and/or appointments) will need to complete the Health &
Safety protocols upon re-entrance to the school site.


All staff and students are encouraged to hold classes outside and enjoy the outdoors
as much as possible. Some tennis and pickleball courts have been reopened.

In closing, we would like to thank our families and staff for “weathering the storm” as
we all learn to live, and operate, in our understanding of what “new normal”
means. We continue to focus on excellence for all our learners in a nurturing
environment. We are proud of all of you and look forward to seeing our students back
in school.

Thank you to all of the following for their consultation during the Stage 3 process:

Board of Education: Board Chairperson, Lenora Trenaman

Superintendent of Schools/CEO: Christine Perkins and senior staff
Kootenay Lake Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association: Glen Campbell, Tim
Mushumanski, Janene Stein, Joanne Beddoes, Laury Carriere, Shellie Maloff
Kootenay Lake Teachers’ Federation: Co-Presidents, Carla Wilson (NDTA) and Doug
Kunzelman (CVTA)
CUPE Local 748: Local President, Michelle Bennett; and Vice-President, Anita Early
Lower Kootenay Band
District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC): Chairperson, Lorien Quattrocchi
Student Trustees of School District 8
Aboriginal Education

Aboriginal Education, Stage 3 COVID Response


SD8 ABED will continue to offer supplemental and continuous

support to all students during the pandemic. We can individualize
the support offered! Please be in touch with the ABED staff
at your school for a confidential chat and we can take it from
Aboriginal teachings will help guide the way in how we do this
work: from our hearts, with good intentions, and with enormous

Questions to reflect upon for Aboriginal Education staff to develop continuity of learning
support to all self-identified Aboriginal students:

• Continue with the students in mind. Who are the students? What are their
strengths? What are their needs: literacy, numeracy, academic supports, cultural
supports, social/emotional/mental supports, equity supports etc.
• How do we continue a schedule of continuous support to all ABED students?
• What are the current learning/support priorities?

SUPPORTS AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS: (varies from school to school)

• Google classroom support integrated with teachers, food equity, staff check in’s:
phone calls, emails home, Zoom learning opportunities
• Indigenous Wellness resource list:
• Indigenous resource list:
• Grade 12 Scholarship supports
• Grade 12 Transition supports
• District ABED scholarships available at each high school!
• Continued supplemental supports in academics and culture
• Individualized Grad Honouring Ceremonies at all high schools

School District 8 Kootenay Lake

• Individualized Continuity of Learning continued in consultation with families and
• BCTEA Extracurricular Funding support
• ABED Grad Honouring Ceremonies
• ESW consultation for students from Yaqan Nukiy, continued
Interested in learning more? Find us here:

District ABED website:

Twitter: #sd8abed

District Principal: Gail Higginbottom ~
District Indigenization Coordinator: Jesse Halton ~
District Indigenization Coordinator: Hannah Lunn ~
Education Stages for K-12 Students

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5


K-12: 100% K-7: 100% K-5: 50% K-12: 20% K-12: 0%

8-12: 40% 6-12: 20%

K-12: 5 days/week K-7: 5 days/week K-5: 2 days/week K-12: Limited K-12: None
8-12: 2 days/week 6-7: 1 day/week
8-12: 1 day/week

5 days per week 5 days per week 5 days per week Suspend all in-class
available for: available for: available for: instruction for all
• Children of essential • Children of essential grades and students
• Children of essential
service workers service workers service workers
• Students with • Students with • Students with
disabilities/diverse disabilities/diverse disabilities/diverse
abilities abilities abilities
• Students who require • Students who require • Students who require
additional supports additional supports additional supports

Remote/Online Remote/Online Remote/Online Remote/Online

Instruction: Instruction: Instruction: Instruction:
Balance of Learning Balance of Learning K-12: Majority of Students K-12: All Students

Parent/Guardian choice to
return to in-class instruction
Education Stages for K-12 Students

Stage 3
% | 6-12: 20%
K-5: 50
AR %
TYT : 40 K-
1 2 12 SITY
L 0% RG
N: K-5: 2 days/wk IN-
10 AS

RU 6-7: 1 day/wk

k K-


IN 12: STR

day s/wk 8-12: 1 day/wk Lim UCT
: 5 day
CL ite I
7 Parent
/guardian choice


- :2

to return to in-class







ays ON:






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2: 0%



: No




2 5 days/week in-class available for: Remote/Online Instruction:
• Children of essential service workers
3 2 Balance of Learning 4 K-12: Majority of Students
• Students with disabilities/diverse abilities
4 • Students who require additional supports 3 Balance of Learning 5 K-12: All Students
Parent Checklist

Parent Checklist for a Safe Day at School during COVID-19

Start of the Day
To be successful for their day, children should come to school with:
Clean clothing
Appropriate footwear required. Students do not need extra shoes.
Any work that has been assigned by their teacher
A backpack containing:
Snacks (nut-free)
All required utensils for lunches and snacks
Hearty lunch (nut-free) that child can open independently; no microwaves
will be available.
A full water bottle. Water fountains are closed. Bottle filling stations are
Any required learning materials, including digital devices, pens, pencils and

Health Items:
Take child’s temperature and ensure it is below 38 C.
Go through the BC CDC Self-Assessment tool (
Wash your hands before leaving the house.
Wash your hands upon arrival at the school site.

End of the Day

Health Items:
Wash your hands when you arrive home.
Clean any technology items used at school prior to revisiting.

School District 8 Kootenay Lake

On Site Registration Package

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Welcome back to in-class learning in School District 8. Prior to your child returning to school, we
need to communicate some of our health and safety procedures to you and your child. Please
review the information contained in this package and talk to your child about the expectations.

IMPORTANT: We will require a completed and signed package to be submitted prior to

your child attending on-site learning at school.

1. Complete the Registration ONLINE at


2. Complete this paper version and email or submit to your school Principal.

Supplies for the Day

To be successful for their day, children should come school with:
• Clean clothing
• Appropriate footwear required. Students do not need extra shoes.
• Any work that has been assigned by their teacher
• A backpack containing:
o Snacks (nut-free)
o All required utensils for lunches and snacks
o Hearty lunch (nut-free) that child can open independently; no microwaves will be
o A full water bottle
o Any Required Learning materials, including digital devices, pens, pencils and

All of these items will return home at the end of the day with your child and must be cleaned at

In addition, please ensure that your child has been fed breakfast at home prior to being dropped
off at school or taking the bus in the morning. There will be no food available at school sites.

Students can bring their personal devices from home to use for completing their school work. In
order to assist with the regular cleaning and limiting contact of numerous touch surfaces, no
other electronics games, or toys are allowed at this time.

If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, please let your school principal know in advance of
your child attending school. This will help staff understand the cause of your child’s sneezing in

School District 8 Kootenay Lake

On Site Registration: COVID-19 Health Questionnaire

Prior to your child attending school please complete the following questionnaire to confirm their
health status in regard to COVID-19.

Yes No

Is your child experiencing any of the following?

• Severe difficulty breathing (e.g. struggling to breathe or speaking in single
• Severe chest pain
• Having a very hard time waking up
• Feeling confused
• Losing consciousness

Is your child experiencing any of the following?

• Mild to moderate shortness of breath
• Inability to lie down because of difficulty breathing
• Chronic health conditions that you are having difficulty managing because of
difficulty breathing

Is your child experiencing any of the following?

• Fever
• Cough
• Sneezing
• Sore throat

Is your child experiencing cold, flu or COVID-19-like symptoms, even mild ones?
Symptoms include:

• Fever • Sore throat • Headache

• Chills • Painful swallowing • Muscle aches
• Cough • Stuffy or runny nose • Fatigue
• Shortness of breath • Loss of sense of smell • Loss of appetite
• COVID toes • Kawasaki disease
On Site Registration: COVID-19 Health Questionnaire

Has your child travelled to any countries outside Canada (including the United
States) within the last 14 days?

Did your child have close contact with a person with COVID-19 (probable or
confirmed) while they were ill (cough, fever, sneezing, or sore throat)?

Note: This means you would have been contacted by your health authority’s public
health team.

I confirm that the above is a truthful reporting of my child’s current symptoms and past
My child needs to ride the bus to school and is registered on the __________ Bus Route.

Child’s Name (Printed)

Parent Name (Printed) Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Please call the school if your child is sick.
On Site Registration Package

COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols and Information

Our five (5) primary methods of keeping your child and our staff safe at school are:
1. Limit access to the site to only staff and students
2. Active monitoring for symptoms
3. Maintenance of physical distancing
4. Handwashing
5. Sneezing/coughing etiquette
Through these methods we will limit or eliminate the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and allow
for on-site learning to continue. To do this however, we need your help!
Social distancing of 2 meters must be maintained regardless of the number of
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or caregivers arriving. Parents/Guardians and Students must follow the
instruction of any staff when on site. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must remain outside of the school
unless they have scheduled a meeting with the principal. They must not enter the site unless a
meeting has been scheduled.
Prior to your child attending school each day, a parent or guardian will need to take their child’s
temperature and go through the BC CDC self-assessment tool. (
If the self-assessment tool indicates that your child is sick, they must stay at home. Schools will
not be admitting symptomatic children.
A health check-in will be required daily prior to admission. Staff members may ask some
questions regarding symptoms prior to them being allowed in the building. If your child begins to
show symptoms while at school, they will be moved to a designated sick area. You will be
required to come pick up your child immediately.
Physical distancing of 2 meters is required for youth and adults. Young children are to keep their
hands and feet to themselves. They are permitted closer than adults.
Prior to your child attending school you are required to review the importance of physical
distancing (not touching others) with your child. In addition to disinfection, physical distancing is
one of our primary tools for eliminating any potential spread of COVID-19 within our facilities.
Some suggested phrases include the following:
• “We’re not able to go close to other people because we want to keep our germs to
ourselves and not share them if we have them.”
• “We’re doing this to keep everyone else healthy.”
• “I know you want to hug/play closely with your friends/teachers but right now to keep
people healthy we can’t do that.”
If your child is not following the School Health and Safety Requirements (including physical
distancing), you will be required to keep your child at home.

School District 8 Kootenay Lake

Handwashing is a critical aspect to keep our children and our staff safe. Staff will require that
students wash their hands multiple times a day, as well as before and after certain activities
(e.g. any outdoor play or meal times). Please review the importance of handwashing with your

Sneezing/Coughing Etiquette is critical for controlling the spread of COVID-19. As such we will be
asking that children practice this etiquette while at school. Good Sneezing/Coughing Etiquette
• Sneeze/cough into a disposable Kleenex or your sleeve (elbow/arm).
• Direct the sneeze/cough away from those in the general area.
• Wash your hands frequently.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must review these principles with their child prior to them attending

I understand the importance of:
• Limiting Site Access
• Active Monitoring,
• Physical Distancing,
• Handwashing and
• Sneezing/Coughing Etiquette.
I understand the requirements and have reviewed these topics with my child. I understand that if
my child is unable to follow physical distancing or sneezing/coughing etiquette, I will be
required to keep my child at home. If I have any questions I will direct them to the principal.

Child’s Name (Printed)

Parent Name (Printed) Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Food Guidelines During COVID-19

The following food guidelines are to be used by staff and students when preparing food and
eating food at school. These procedures are based on information provided by the BC Public
Health Office and will be updated regularly as new information arises.

• No use of microwaves to heat up food by students.

• Cafeterias/Food Services are closed until further notice.
• Ensure adequate spacing in the staffroom to allow for physical distancing.
o Staff should use the room to heat food as required, then find a safe space to
eat, including the outdoors.
• No sharing of food or utensils by students or staff.
• Water fountains are closed. Fill stations are open.

School District 8 Kootenay Lake

On Site Learning

On-Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures

These safe work procedures were generated to allow for a safe return to on-site learning in our
schools. These procedures were generated and based on information provided by the BC Public
Health Office and will be updated regularly when new information arises.

• Ensure children and staff are washing their hands for 20 seconds as per Appendix B: When
to Perform Hand Hygiene at School (from the Ministry of Education).
• Use door jambs and holders where possible to keep frequently used interior doors open.
• The current medical information we have received from Public Health is that COVID-19
virus has a very low infection rate in children and youth.
• In BC, less than 1% of children and youth tested have been COVID-19 positive. Most
children and youth are not at high risk for COVID-19 infection.
• We are maintaining distancing between desks.
• Young children are to keep hands and feet to themselves.
• Many children have asymptomatic disease. The BC Public Health Office says, there is no
conclusive evidence that children who are asymptomatic pose a risk to other children or
to adults.
• At the moment, the greatest concern for infection appears to be between adults; as such
please ensure you keep physical distancing of 2m from coworkers and parents.
• If an adult or child is refusing to follow procedures, please inform your principal.
o Principals will inform the person reporting know that action was taken.
• If you have any concerns, please speak to your principal.
• Ensure you have received instruction on the procedures in this document as well as the
general information available for COVID-19.
• Cafeterias and Food Programs should not operate at this time.
• Please note: masks are not necessary for people who are not experiencing symptoms.
However, please feel free to wear them.
• Please let your principal know if you suffer from seasonal allergies as your principal needs
to know the source of your sneezing.
• After arrival, students are advised NOT to leave school grounds. However, if there is an
urgent need to do so, students will repeat all re-entrance protocols.
• Be calm. Be kind. Be safe.

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
On Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures


For a video on handwashing, please watch: How to Wash Hands

In general, the steps are:

• remove jewelry
• wet hands frequently with soap and water
• distribute liquid cleanser/soap thoroughly over hands
• clean hands for 20 seconds following steps 1-9
1. Rub palm to palm
2. Rub right palm over the back of left hand with interlaced fingers and vice-versa
3. Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced
4. Back of fingers on opposing palms
5. Rub thumb rotationally, clasped in opposing hand
6. Rub tips of fingers rotationally on opposing palm
7. Rinse hands thoroughly
8. Dry hands with paper towel
9. Use paper towel to shut off water

BC Centre For Disease Control:

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
On Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures


This safe work procedure establishes a daily sign in for children arriving at a school.

1. Students should wait in the line at the designated school entrance (respecting social
2. Students are called up one at a time to the sign-in station. Students should stand on the
other side of the table while the sign-in is being completed.
3. Parent or student will confirm the student is healthy to return to school.
4. Direct the student to wash their hands.


This safe work procedure establishes how to transition students between outdoor and indoor

1. When entering or leaving the building, have students line up (respecting social
2. The door should then be opened by the teacher, with a wedge put into the door to keep it
3. Students enter/exit the building.
4. The teacher then removes the door wedge and closes the door.
5. Upon returning to the building, students are then taken to the washroom to wash their
6. All activities must be non-contact.

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
On Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures


This safe work procedure establishes how to safely move a student to the designated sick area if
they become sick.

1. If a student becomes ill, place a tissue box on a clean table.
2. Put 2 metres (6’) of distance between yourself, the table, and the student’s path
and have the student retrieve the box of tissues.
3. Encourage the student to sneeze into the tissue or elbow.
4. While maintaining proper social distancing between you and the student, escort
the student to the isolation room set up on site.
5. Have the student sit in the room and close the door.
6. Inform the principal on site of what has occurred.
7. Put on gloves. Schools have been supplied with gloves. Dispose of appropriately
after use.
8. Collect the student’s personal items from the classroom and take them to the
student in the isolation room. Leave them at the door and allow the student to
collect them.
9. The principal on site will phone the parent/guardian or emergency contact and
have them retrieve their child.
10. Once the parent arrives, have the student leave with them.
11. Close the door and do not allow anyone entrance to the room. Post a sign
indicating that the room requires modified cleaning procedures.
12. Note when the student was picked up and what occurred.
13. The principal on site will phone the SD8’s Health and Safety Officer and
Superintendent and inform them of what has occurred.
14. The illness will be reported to Interior Health by the Principal.
15. A cleaning protocol under the direction of the Health and Safety Officer will be
16. Should a student test positive for COVID-19, the school will be immediately closed
by the Superintendent and Director of Operations. All families will be notified of
school closure by the Principal.

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
On Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures


This safe work procedure establishes how staff should leave the school/site if they begin to
develop symptoms while at work.

1. Inform/text the Principal immediately.
2. Staff who begin to develop COVID-19 symptoms at work must leave immediately if able to
do so. Notify Principal and HR.

If unable to immediately leave site:

1. Symptomatic staff should separate themselves into an area away from others.
2. Maintain a distance of 2 metres from others.
3. The staff member must use a tissue or mask, if available, to cover their nose and mouth
while they wait to be picked up.
4. Staff responsible for facility cleaning must clean and disinfect the space where the staff
member was separated and any areas used by them (e.g., classroom, bathroom, common
5. If concerned, contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit to seek further input.
6. Once the staff member leaves the site, close the door and do not allow anyone entrance
to the room. Post a sign indicating that the room requires modified cleaning procedures.

After Staff Member Has Left the Site

7. Note when the staff member was picked up and what occurred.
8. The principal on site will phone the SD8’s Health and Safety Officer and Superintendent
and inform them of what has occurred.
9. The illness will be reported to Interior Health by the Principal.
10. A cleaning protocol under the direction of the Health and Safety Officer will be
11. Should a staff member test positive for COVID-19, the school will be immediately closed
by the Superintendent and Director of Operations. The Board of Education and all families
will be notified of school closure by the Principal.

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
On Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures


Yes No

Are you experiencing any of the following?

• Severe difficulty breathing (e.g. struggling to breathe or speaking in single
• Severe chest pain
• Having a very hard time waking up
• Feeling confused
• Losing consciousness

Are you experiencing any of the following?

• Mild to moderate shortness of breath
• Inability to lie down because of difficulty breathing
• Chronic health conditions that you are having difficulty managing because of
difficulty breathing

Are you experiencing cold, flu or COVID-19-like symptoms, even mild ones?

Symptoms include:

• Fever • Sore throat • Headache

• Chills • Painful swallowing • Muscle aches
• Cough • Stuffy or runny nose • Fatigue
• Shortness of breath • Loss of sense of smell • Loss of appetite
• COVID toes • Kawasaki disease

*Adapted for School Sign in from BC CDC

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
On Site Learning – Safe Work Procedures


When Students Should Perform Hand When Staff Should Perform Hand
Hygiene: Hygiene:
• When they arrive at school and before • When they arrive at school and before
they go home. they go home.
• Before and after any breaks (e.g. recess, • Before and after any breaks (e.g. recess,
lunch). lunch).
• Between different learning environments • Between different learning environments
(e.g. outdoor-indoor transitions, from (e.g. outdoor-indoor transitions, from
the gym to the classroom). the gym to the classroom).
• Before and after eating and drinking. • Before and after eating and drinking.
• After using the bathroom. • Before and after handling food or
• After handling common assisting students with eating.
resources/equipment/supplies or pets. • Before and after giving medication to a
• After sneezing or coughing into hands. student or self.
• Whenever hands are visibly dirty. • After using the bathroom.
• After contact with body fluids (i.e. runny
noses, spit, vomit, blood).
• After cleaning tasks.
• After removing gloves.
• After handling garbage.
• Whenever hands are visibly dirty.

UPDATED: 05/22/2020
Updated May 22, 2020
School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

British Columbia employers have a responsibility to protect their workers from all work-
related hazards, including exposure to infectious diseases. The “Coronavirus 2019"
(abbreviated “COVID-19”) is currently a pandemic within British Columbia.

The World Health Organization is coordinating a global response to the threat of a pandemic.
The Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Centre for Disease Control are closely
monitoring the outbreak and have plans in place to limit exposure to Canadians.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses found mostly in animals. In humans, they can cause
diseases ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV). A new
coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) is the cause of an outbreak of respiratory

The symptoms reported to date are similar to other respiratory illnesses, including the flu and
common cold. They include cough, sneezing, fever, and difficulty breathing. This does not
include seasonal sneezing due to allergies. Changes to this virus have allowed COVID-19 to
infect humans. Spread of the virus occurs mainly through poor coughing/sneezing etiquette or
poor hand washing and then touching of a regular contact surface (door knobs, handles, etc.).
The virus can then be transferred to another person’s hand and in turn their mucus
membranes (eyes, nose, mouth). Infections of COVID-19 are occurring worldwide with varying
degrees of severity. With symptoms similar to regular seasonal influenza, steps need to be
taken in order to help prevent (and respond) to any outbreaks in School District 8 (SD8)

The scope of this exposure control plan includes all staff of SD8. All staff needs to be aware
that this document will be a “living” document and will change as new information becomes

At this time SD8 is aligning its work practices with the expectations and recommendations of
the Provincial Health Officer.

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19


Superintendent and • Follow the direction of the Provincial Health Officer to reduce or
Senior Management restrict contact between individuals in the workplace (ie: workers,
contractors, couriers, public).
• Follow the direction of the Ministry of Education, BCPSEA and
Interior Health.
• As per WorkSafe BC’s guidelines, assess whether employees need to
be present in the workplace or if they can work remotely during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
• Update information for all staff concerning current emergency
• Update the District webpage with information regarding COVID-19 as
it becomes available.
• Provide updates and act as a resource to the Board of Education,
Administrators, Principals/Supervisors, employees and parents.

Principals and Vice- • As per WorkSafe BC guidelines, employers should ensure that the
Principals and/or Site following workers do not come to work:
Supervisors o Workers who are ill, whether or not the illness has been
confirmed as COVID-19;
o Workers who have travelled internationally must remain
away from the workplace for at least 14 days;
o Workers who have an ill person in their home (this means a
person who is experiencing symptoms similar to COVID-19);
o Workers who share a residence with a person who has been
exposed to COVID-19.
• Educate students, staff members, parent(s)/guardian(s) and others
regarding proper washing of hands with soap and water and/or the
use of the sanitizer dispensers.
• Educate students, staff members, parent(s)/guardian(s) and others
on proper sneezing, coughing and social distancing etiquette.
• Isolate students or staff members who become sick at school or at
another district facility until they can go home. Limit the number of
staff who take care of the sick person(s) and if available, provide a
surgical mask for the sick person to wear.
• If a student or staff member develops signs or symptoms of the virus
while at school or at work, send them home as soon as possible and
inform the Superintendent of Schools. Close off areas where person
has been.
• Staff responsible for facility cleaning must clean and disinfect the
space where the staff member was separated and any areas used by
them (e.g., classroom, bathroom, common areas).
• Arrange increased cleaning/disinfection as required.

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

• If an employee must get close to a person who is indicating signs and

symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, they must wear personal protective
equipment such as a mask, if available, and gloves.

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

Employees • As per WorkSafe BC guidelines do not come to work if:

o You are ill, whether or not the illness has been confirmed as
o If you have travelled internationally, you must remain away
from the workplace for at least 14 days;
o You have an ill person in your home (this means a person
who is experiencing symptoms similar to COVID-19);
o You share a residence with a person who has been exposed
to COVID-19.
• Employees with any health concerns that may prevent them from
work must contact HR to explore your options.
• If you are exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19 while at work
notify your Principal/Supervisor. Close off areas where person has
• Staff responsible for facility cleaning must clean and disinfect the
space where the staff member was separated and any areas used by
them (e.g., classroom, bathroom, common areas).
• Follow all Sign-in Procedures
• Follow applicable safe work procedures.
• Participate in proper hand washing procedures and proper
sneezing/coughing etiquette.
• Practice recommended physical distancing.
• Instruct students, with age appropriate techniques, on proper
procedures for washing hands, proper sneezing/coughing etiquette,
as well as physical distancing etiquette.
• Follow this Exposure Control Plan.

Occupational First Aid • Always follow routine practices (universal precautions) for infection
Attendants control.
• Stock the medical rooms with the appropriate personal protective
equipment required for the protection of first aid staff.
• Notify Principal/Supervisor if a student or staff member has signs
and symptoms of COVID-19.
• Isolate the person.
• Notify the Principal/Supervisor when cleaning/disinfection of the
isolation area is required.

Potential Frequency and Risk
Job/Duty Control Measure
Exposure Duration Level
Elimination/Substitution Controls
Classroom Teacher • Co-Workers Daily for the Moderate • Only students and SD 8 staff allowed on
Education Assistant, • Shared work duration of the site.
Principals and Vice- surfaces school day
Principals, • Students Engineering Control
School Clerical Staff, • Protective barriers installed where 2m
Transportation Staff cannot be maintained for clerical
Custodial staff
and any other staff who Administrative Control
interact directly with • Frequent handwashing
students • Do not report to work if unwell
• Daily health checks for students & staff
• Cough/sneeze etiquette
• Physical distancing from others
o Setup of work stations to be 2m
from each other
o Establishing physical distancing
spacers in hallways
o Use of 2m wide tables at sign-in
• Frequent cleaning of high-touch point

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• None Required
School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

Potential Frequency and Risk

Job/Duty Control Measure
Exposure Duration Level
Elimination/Substitution Controls
Non-School Clerical • Coworkers Daily for the Low • No members of the public allowed on
Staff, • Shared work duration of the site.
Board Office Staff surfaces day
Engineering Control
• Protective barriers installed where 2m
cannot be maintained for clerical

Administrative Control
• Frequent handwashing
• Do not report to work if unwell
• Daily health checks for students & staff
• Cough/sneeze etiquette
• Physical distancing from others
o Setup of work stations to be 2m
from each other
o Establishing physical distancing
spacers in hallways
o Use of 2m wide tables at sign-in
• Frequent cleaning of high-touch point

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• None Required

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

Potential Frequency and Risk

Job/Duty Control Measure
Exposure Duration Level
Elimination/Substitution Controls
Custodial • Shared Work Daily Low • No working in occupied rooms
Engineering Control
• None

Administrative Control
• Frequent handwashing
• Do not report to work if unwell
• Cough/sneeze etiquette
• Physical distancing from others
• Frequent cleaning of high-touch point

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• None Required (though other PPE may
be required due to other reasons; ie:
use of cleaning product)

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

Potential Frequency and Risk

Job/Duty Control Measure
Exposure Duration Level
Elimination/Substitution Controls
First Aid Attendants • Direct 2 Infrequent High • Triage at a distance where possible
Exposure Engineering Control
• Coworkers • None
• Shared work
surfaces Administrative Control
• Students • Frequent handwashing
• Do not report to work if unwell
• Cough/sneeze etiquette
• Frequent cleaning of high-touch point
• Proper Donning/Doffing of PPE
• Safe Work Procedures

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• Gloves
• Surgical Mask
• Safety Eyewear

You can call HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1, 24 hours a day/seven days a week to speak to a nurse if
you have more questions or if you are feeling ill. COVID-19 is a virus, and is generally spread
when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Limited Access to Prevent Exposure

The primary means by which COVID-19 exposure will be controlled is through limiting access
to sites. Only individuals who have a need to be at the building should be in the building. By
keeping numbers low, it decreases the risk of exposure to COVID-19, limits the number of
potential transmission opportunities and limits the number of surfaces that require cleaning.
While within the building, staff should only work within their designated spaces. Staff should
not congregate or make use of staffrooms as social spaces at this time. The above steps are
taken to further limit the number of potential transmission opportunities between staff.

Limited Contact with Shared Objects/Items

Secondarily, where reasonable staff should:

• Make use of automatic door openers (without using your hands) where applicable to
avoid touching door handles
• Be conscious of the things you touch with your hands during the day. Try to limit the
number of items and surfaces you make contact with on a regular basis (where
• Avoid sharing items that others may have touched or that may have been within their
breathing zone (phones, pens, hand tools).
School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

Here are eight other simple precautions that can help safeguard everyone’s health:

1. Prior to work, check self for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough and
shortness of breath).
If exhibiting signs/symptoms of the COVID-19 virus refer to the BCCDC website for self-
assessment tool.
BC Center for Disease Control:

2. Stay home when you are sick or have COVID-19 symptoms.

Get plenty of rest and check with a health care provider as needed.

3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Practice physical distancing keeping 2 metre distance from others to minimize risk of

4. Use Proper Sneezing and Coughing Etiquette.

The best way to protect others from COVID-19 is to practice proper sneezing and coughing
Proper Sneezing and Coughing Etiquette
• Sneeze/cough into a disposable tissue or your sleeve (elbow/arm).
• Direct the sneeze/cough away from those in the general area.
• Wash your hands frequently.
Do Not:
• Sneeze/cough without covering your mouth.
• Sneeze/cough into re-usable hankies.
• Sneeze/ cough into your hands (if you do, wash hands immediately.)

5. Wash your hands.

Washing your hands often will help protect you from getting sick. When soap and water are
not available, use school-based hand sanitizers. Staff and students are also encouraged to
bring their own hand-sanitizer and wipes if needed.

Proper Hand Washing

The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19, and most viruses and germs, is by practicing
proper hand washing techniques. These 4 steps can prevent you from inadvertently
transferring the virus/germ from a contact surface (door knob, light switch, etc.) to
susceptible areas (nose, mouth, eyes).

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19

• Wet hands with water.

• Add soap, scrub hands, all sides, top of hands and palms, for 20 seconds.
• Rinse and dry with paper towel.
• Use paper towel to turn off faucet.

Hand Sanitizer Stations

Hand sanitizer stations will be offered at the school or workplace, however:

• These stations are only intended as a supplement to proper hand washing procedures
noted above.
• They will be refilled by SD 8 Operations department as required.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, proper washroom hygiene etiquette is as important as
proper handwashing etiquette. These 4 steps can prevent you from inadvertently transferring
the virus/germ from a contact surface (door knob, light switch, etc.) to susceptible areas
(nose, mouth, eyes):

• Enter the washroom and wash hands as directed above;

• Once you have used the facilities, approach the sink and turn on the faucet;
• Wash hands as directed above;
• Leave the water running from the faucet, dry hands with paper towel and turn off the
faucet using paper towel (be careful not to touch sink with your hands. Using the
paper towel, open the door of the washroom, discard the paper towel into the nearest
garbage can).

6. Maintain the social distancing of 2 meters.

Do not sit in crowded staff rooms/areas for lunch or breaks. Find alternative locations where
you can eat safely such as outdoors or in a classroom. Do not visit coworkers in their spaces.

7. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

You can become ill by touching a surface contaminated with COVID-19 and then touching your
eyes, nose or mouth.

8. Practice other good health habits.

Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage stress, drink plenty of fluids, eat nutritious
foods, avoid smoking and vaping (which may increase the risk of serious respiratory

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19


The District will inform all workers of the risk related to COVID-19 and recommended
prevention controls. The District will educate all workers on contents of the Exposure Control
Plan and any applicable Safe Work Procedures.

Note: contact the District Health & Safety Officer at 250-505-8242 for clarification
and/or questions.

If a worker is exhibiting signs and/or symptoms of COVID-19 while at work their
Principal/Supervisor will direct the worker to return home immediately and direct them to
the BCCDC website for the self-assessment tool.

• The Principal/Supervisor will alert the Superintendent of Schools and the Director of
Operations (Operations-Facilities) of the possible exposure of COVID-19. Close off areas
where person has been.
• Staff responsible for facility cleaning must clean and disinfect the space where the staff member
was separated and any areas used by them (e.g., classroom, bathroom, common areas).

Documentation associated with the exposure to COVID-19 will be maintained. The
documentation includes, but is not limited to:
• Exposure Control Plan and Safe Work Procedures for COVID-19
• Education and training records related to COVID-19
• First aid records pertaining to exposures to COVID-19
• Incident investigation reports pertaining to exposures to COVID-19
• WorkSafe BC inspection reports, if applicable
• Refusal of Unsafe Work related to exposure to COVID-19

School District 8 Kootenay Lake – Exposure Control Plan – COVID-19


• Should a child at a school become ill, they will immediately be isolated into an isolation
• Adults are to proceed directly to formal medical care.
• If the person is a student, the Principal or Vice-Principal will call the parent(s) and/or
guardian(s) for pick-up. The Principal will also phone the Superintendent and the SD8
Health, Wellness & Safety Officer. The illness will be reported to Interior Health.
• Close off areas where person has been.
• Staff responsible for facility cleaning must clean and disinfect the space where the staff member
was separated and any areas used by them (e.g., classroom, bathroom, common areas).

Should we ultimately learn, officially, a staff member or student has tested positive for
COVID-19, the school will be immediately closed. Interior Health will be notified.

BC Center for Disease Control

Interior Health website

WorkSafe BC

Government of British Columbia website

Version Date Updated Changes
1.0 March 27 2020 Initial Creation
2.0 May 13 2020 Updated Risk Assessment, Minor Edits
2.1 May 15 2020 Minor Edits, Added Safe Work Procedures to First Aid Attendant,
changed PPE.
2.2 May 22, 2020 Edits – updates as per PHO and MoE

Covid-19 Mandatory Protocol:

*UPDATED MAY 21st, 2020

On March 17, 2020 the British Columbia government declared a provincial state of emergency to support
the province wide response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The primary directive from the Federal and BC Provincial governments is aimed at limiting potential
exposure of Canadians to COVID-19. Employees are to review operations and take preventative measures
to ensure workers are not exposed; everyone must do their part to help reduce the spread of the virus
and help flatten the curve.

SD8 is directing staff to begin the following operational arrangements:

COVID-19 Preventative Measures
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose,
coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.
• If you have to cough or sneeze, try to do it into your elbow or a tissue, and then throw out the tissue if used
and wash your hands afterwards.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Stay home when you are sick. If you have a fever, a new cough or are having difficulty breathing, call 8-1-1.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
• If you have questions about whether or not you should have be tested for COVID-19,
use the self-assessment tool at

Entering/Leaving the Building Daily Sanitizing Routines

• Maintain safe social distancing guidelines of six • Wash your hands when you arrive at school.
feet/two metres between people when entering • Use available disinfectant to disinfect your work
and leaving the building. space as needed.
• Do not enter or leave the building in groups! • If you must meet in a shared space or meeting
• Each school will identify entrances and exits to be room, disinfect any surfaces, handles, equipment,
used by all staff and students. furniture, etc. that have been used following the
• No parents or outside guests are permitted at this meeting.
time. • Disinfect any shared surfaces, handles,
equipment, furniture, etc. after you use it. This
includes any appliances in the kitchen.
• Do not share food/drinks


School Hours/Access Photocopier

• School bell times will remain the same. • If you need to use the photocopier wash your
• Use the designated entrance(s) and exit(s). hands before you begin.
• Schools will lock their doors during the day to limit • When you are done, disinfect the
public access. No access outside of posted hours. photocopier.
• Custodians will be reassigned to day shifts.
• Disinfect any shared surfaces or equipment at
the photocopy area such as staplers, hole
Social Distancing punches, etc that you used.
• Follow safe social distancing guidelines of maintaining • Only one person allowed at the photocopier
6 ft or two meters distance between people. area at a time.
• Work in your classroom, office or workspace as much as • When you are finished at the photocopier,
possible. wash your hands again before you go back to
your office or work space.
• If you need to talk to someone, make sure you stay six
feet or two metres away or use your phone.
• Ensure social distancing measures are followed when Bathrooms
working in groups.
• Follow COVID-19 handwashing guidelines as
• Use Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams much as posted in the bathrooms
• Make sure to wash your hands when you leave
the bathroom.
Daily Communication Routines
• When you arrive at school, head straight to your
• Check your email regularly for updates.
• Staff who do not have individual computers will be
assigned a computer to be used while in the building.
• Call, email or verbally check out at the office when you
are leaving the building at the end of the day.

• If you are sick, stay home and log a sick leave.
• If you start to develop symptoms while at work, let
your supervisor know via email or phone and go home.
• If you are not sure whether you should stay home use
the self-assessment tool at

BC Centre For Disease Control:



Staff room and Breaks Know the Facts

• Wash your hands before you go into the staff room. Using reliable sources of information will ensure that
what you do learn is fact, not fear-based.
• The staff room will not be available for eating. It can
be used for food storage, accessing appliances, etc. The BC Centre For Disease Control:
• Bring your own lunch. We are asking you not to leave
the building for lunch to limit potential exposure. If
Health Link BC:
you have to leave make sure you follow the same
protocols that you did when you arrived.
• Bring a lunch/snack that does not require a lot of Health Canada:
preparation (to limit microwave use, surface use,
utensil use, etc.). health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-
• Disinfect the areas, surfaces, appliances, etc. that you
use in the staff room. The World Health Organization:
• When you are finished wash your hands again before
you go back to your classroom, office or workspace.
• Do not share food or drink or utensils. Practise Self-care
Build self-care into your day. All the things you do
Other Shared or Specialty Spaces to take care of yourself will help manage your
• Administrators will develop protocols for use of other stress. And by taking good care of yourself, you’ll
be better prepared to take care of others.
shared spaces within their individual buildings (libraries
Some self-care ideas:
• Gymnasiums are closed to staff for personal use.
• Weight rooms are closed to both staff and students. • Meditate
• Protocols for these spaces must be in line with district • Play a board game
protocols. • Practise deep breathing
• Take a bath
• Read about something other than the virus
• Start a digital detox (leave your phone
alone for awhile).
• Exercise

Call 1-888-COVID-19 or text 604-630-0300 for
details, advice, and further information on the virus Additional information may be found on the
in British Columbia. District website:

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