GRE Vocab - Movie - TV Project - Movies

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Definition Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 Clip 4

volatile liable to change rapidly Thor: Ragnarok V for Vendetta
cunning having or showing skill Star Wars: A New Hope Inglourious Basterds Barry Lyndon
contempt disregard for something My Cousin Vinny It's a Wonderful Life
decadence cultural or moral decline V for Vendetta Good Night and Good Luck
loathe feel intense disgust or dislike for Barry Lyndon Star Wars: The Force Awakens
apt inclined; suitable; quick to learn Citizen Kane Vertigo
remedial giving or intended as a cure or solution Stand and Deliver Hook
discriminate recognize a distinction; differentiate Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Stand and Deliver
anomaly something that deviates from what is normal Interstellar V for Vendetta
construe interpret in a particular way The Breakfast Club The Bridge on the River Kwai
sanction officially approve Inglourious Basterds Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Traffic
feeble weak; cowardly; ineffective The Incredibles Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Lawrence of Arabia Wayne's World
ascertain find something out; determine Django Unchained My Cousin Vinny Good Night and Good Luck
lament mourn; express grief All About Eve Kind Hearts and Coronets
prudent wise; judicious Gladiator The Man From Earth Barry Lyndon
panache flamboyant confidence; flair Schindler's List Blue Jasmine Django Unchained
credulity believing things readily; gullibility Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End The Wicker Man
woe great sorrow; things that cause sadness Barry Lyndon The Shawshank Redemption
canonize treat with great significance Juno V for Vendetta
infallible incapable of making mistakes 12 Angry Men Barry Lyndon Dangerous Liaisons
visionary imaginative; creative; far-sighted The Prestige The Devil Wears Prada
miser person who hates spending money Scent of a Woman The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
edify instruct or teach Die Hard 2 Alien 3
competent efficient and capable; having skill Good Night and Good Luck The Accused Disclosure
abet help someone do something wrong RoboCop My Cousin Vinny
compromise underine; weaken A Beautiful Mind Oblivion The 40-Year-Old Virgin Traffic
resolute determined; purposeful; single-minded The Kid Who Would Be King Barry Lyndon
transient lasting a short time; impermanent Network Awakenings
dawdle waste time; be slow The Addams Family 12 Years a Slave
covet yearn to possess; desire The Silence of the Lambs The Kid Who Would Be King

COMBINED CLIPS, Group 2, Set 1 COMBINED CLIPS, Group 2, Set 2 Combined Clips, Both Sets

heed pay attention to The Prestige The Color Purple Barry Lyndon
mercenary concerned with only money Star Wars: A New Hope It's a Wonderful Life
subvert undermine; destabilize Dr. Strangelove Super 8 Good Night, and Good Luck
connoisseur an expert in something Disclosure The Wolf of Wall Street
banal lacking originality; boring Network The Fisher King
exploit take advantage of; a daring feat Wayne's World Sherlock Holmes Good Night, and Good Luck
candor honesty Forrest Gump Good Night, and Good Luck
chivalrous courteous and gallant Gone With The Wind The Kid Who Would Be King Barry Lyndon
provoke incite an action The Kid Who Would Be King JFK Blue Jasmine
mimic copy; emulate Focus 2001: A Space Odyssey
complacent self-satisfied Good Night, and Good Luck The Prestige
enchant fill with delight; charm Pride and Prejudice Scoop Cape Fear
reproach rebuke; scold The Last of the Mohicans Ben Hur Scoop
conventional normal; standard My Cousin Vinny V For Vendetta Network
prophetic able to predict the future Hamlet Network
lucrative producing profit Ocean's Eleven Barry Lyndon
rudimentary basic; elementary RoboCop Interstellar
corroborate support The Godfather Part II Good Night, and Good Luck
futile pointless; fruitless Ben Hur My Girl
illusory not real; based on illusion American Psycho Lawrence of Arabia
placate make someone less angry Blue Jasmine Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
entitled authorized; permitted 2001: A Space Odyssey Schindler's List 12 Angry Men Barry Lyndon
expedite make happen sooner The Wolf of Wall Street A Beautiful Mind
manacle shackle; inhibit someone Shutter Island Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Now You See Me
dictate lay down authoritatively The Prestige The Wolf of Wall Street Django Unchained
scorn contempt; feel derision Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 12 Years a Slave
reticent reserved; withdrawn; quiet The 40-Year-Old Virgin 2001: A Space Odyssey
sound logical; well-grounded The Shawshank Redemption Disclosure
subjective open to interpretation The Man From Earth Focus
distressed suffering from pain or anxiety 12 Years a Slave Gone With The Wind Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Barry Lyndon


utterly absolutely The 40-Year-Old Virgin The Kid Who Would Be King The Bridge on the River Kwai Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
foresee predict the future 50/50 Pirates of the Caribben : On Stranger Tides
turbulent violent; unpredictable Malcolm X Hook
appease placate; lower a negative feeling The Wicker Man Pyscho
scrupulous careful; with morals Lawrence of Arabia Kind Hearts and Coronets
deflect push in a different direction Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Dr. Strangelove
peculiar strange; odd; bizarre 12 Angry Men Inglourious Basterds Now You See Me
wayward difficult to control; disloyal Network Juno
credible believable Dr. Strangelove Focus Good Night and Good Luck
incessant continuous; non-stop Barry Lyndon Gladiator
divulge release information Inglourious Basterds Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
inclined likely to do something; in favor of Django Unchained The Man from Earth Pirates of the Caribben : On Stranger Tides
tranquil calm; peaceful V for Vendetta Barry Lyndon
reconcile harmonize; bring two things together Interstellar Inception Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Mans' Chest Kind Hearts and Coronets
noble moral; of high birth Gladiator Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Mans' Chest V for Vendetta
slander false statement to hurt one's reputation Barry Lyndon Good Night and Good Luck
partial in favor of; biased; incomplete Inception Disclosure Barry Lyndon Sherlock Holmes
negligent careless; not paying attention Juno Thor: Ragnarok
base immoral; without scruples Jacob's Ladder Hamlet
vex annoy; bother; frustrate Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Mans' Chest Barry Lyndon
cavalier without regard for decorum and rules My Cousin Vinny Juno
thorough meticulous; covering every detail Pride and Prejudice The Wizard of Oz Inglourious Basterds
prime important; best quality RoboCop Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
abstain to not participate The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 12 Angry Men
veracity truth; accuracy JFK My Cousin Vinny
gratify satisfy (typically a desire) Short Circuit Lawrence of Arabia
discrepancy lack of similarity between two or more facts 2001: A Space Odyssey It's a Wonderful Life
obscure undiscovered; unimportant; not understood The Prestige My Girl 12 Angry Men
revere respect deeply Barry Lyndon The Wicker Man
anoint give high status to; ordain The Wicker Man A Star is Born

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