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Service Manual Property of Lietsherr- Werk Tels GmbH Crawler Dozers SERIES 2 Table of Contents [= | General Information Special Tools, Application Guldelines Technical Data - Maintenance Guidelines Engine Coupling and Splitter Box Travel Hydraulic Working Hydraullc Hydraulic Components Electrical System Electronic Control Travel Gear Track Components Attachments - front Atfachments - rear Main Frame - Add On Components Tank Installation's Operators Platform, Heater, Alr Conditioner Special Attachments Miscellaneous Informations Sub Group Index Foreword and explanation 14 Safety guidelines 1.2.01 Hand signals 1.2.02 Service items 1.3.01 Table - charts 14 Conversion table 14.01 Tightening torques standard screws 4.4.02 Tightening torques SAE serews 1.4.03 Hole diameter before tapping 4.4.04 Couplings 1.4.05 180 - tolerances 14.06 Code letters + terminal designations electric 15 Bovennng Oosoipion DovonnaTon Type Typear pera pan de LIEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic. ‘Datum Editon Dats RL Litronic i i Blatt 01 01 General information Es, For your information This manual contains technical data, descriptions of design and function, repair and adjustment guidelines as well as numerous drawings, functional views and illustrations LIEBHERR - crawler dozers (PR), crawler loaders (LR) or pipelayers (RL). This manual should simplify competent customer service of our products, does however, not replace expert and qualified training and an attendance of our factory schools. Information which is in trade considered basic knowledge is not included. Operation and spare parts information can be found in separate manuals. The manual will be updated as necessary when changes occur in series. A This symbol is used in the manual for very important notes. During the activities on the machine, accident prevention regulations and safety guidelines must be strictly observed. This manual is intended for the exclusive use of the registered owner and may not be reproduced complete orin part or passed on a third person without written permission This manual is stil on property of LIEBHERR-Werk Telfs GmbH All rights reserved - Printed in Austria. We reserve the right to make changes of technical details on the machine in comparison to the Information and drawings in this manual. Printed and published by LIEBHERR-Werk Telfs GmbH., Service -Training Department. Explanation of structure (page numbers) In order to find specific information and add supplements more easily, the following numbering system is being used main group sub group, model group page No. | 6. 3.1001 oo main group according —_sub group of main group vision based on continuous running to manual index according to sub group information content or number within the model index machine model group _—_group, illustrations or pars list wath 00 may be added at the beginaing or end of each group. Updated pages retain the same page number, but receive a more recent date when mailed. Supplements have a new number. If the page is anly valid for a certain machine model group, it will so be indicated on the page. We hope that with the enclosed information we have taken yet another step to improve the service on the LIEBHERR - crawler dozers, crawler loaders and pipelayers. LIEBHERR-Werk Tolfs GmbH. Service-Training Dept. patron Nyperapartrae PR Litronic LR Litronic: RL Litronic Foreword and explanation Daum Eaton Dale 01 03 General Information 1. Prior and during the performance of tests, adjustments, and repairs, the following guidelines must be followed : ‘© Any type of work may only be performed by qualified personnel or under the supervision of such personnel. Qualified personnel are persons who - based on spezialized training and experience - have sufficient knowledge in the general area of earthmoving equipment and the specific technology of LIEBHERR machines, They must also have knowledge of all applicable laws and general work protection regulations, accident prevention regulations, guidelines and generally approved rules concerning technology, and be able to evaluate if earthmoving equipment is safe to operate and if the necessary work can performed without endangering themselves or third persons © Never operate a machine with a raised cab or canopy! The machine may only be operated with a lowered and secured cab or canopy. © Always adhere to the LIEBHERR adjustment values when performing adjustment work © When performing a Delivery Inspection on a machine, the operator(s) must be trained using a current Operation and Maintenance Manual. The safety guidelines in that manual must be particularly observed and followed as listed. © The same safety guidelines must also be observed when performing repair work. On the other hand, there are instances of specific repair and/or maintenance which, in the judgement of qualified personnel, requier steps and procedures other than as specified in the safety guidelines. in such event, qualified personnel or individuals performing said work under the supervision of such pesonnel, should assure that additional safety precautions necessary to insure the safety of those involved in the repair are taken. Such items of repair and/or maintenance include, but are not imited to, the following : + Itmay be necessary to open the side engine compartment doors while the engine is running for diagnostic and/or component adjustment reasons. In such event, care should be taken to assure that the engine compartment doors are fully secured from unexpected and/or unintended closing during the diagnostic and/or adjustment work effort. Care should also be exercised to assure that there will be no inadvertent or unintended contact of any part of the body with any moving and/or heated parts of the engine. Along these lines, loose clothing, scarves,open jackets, ties and jewelry should be avoided. = Itmay be necessary for purposes of performing repairs, adjustments and/or troubleshooting to. start the engine of the machine and to actuate the travel drive with the cab or canopy tilted. Such should never be done unless the machine has been raised completely off the ground and supported properly and according to all applicable guidelines, However, this procedure can only be performed by a factory certified service mechanic Following please find the Safety Guidelines as listed in the present Operation and Maintenance Manual. Liebherr reserves the right to update any Operation and Maintenance Manual, including but not limited to the revision or addition of safety guidelines. It is, therefore, strongly recommended to also consult the latest Operation and Maintenance Manual of the machine involved. Denennung Description Denomination Typlab Typelirom Typefaperirde LIEBHERR a PR Litronic Datum Eaiion Date Safety Guidelines hae 12 94 iS. 2. SAFETY GUIDELINES (Abstract of the Operaton and Maintenance Manual ise 10/ 94, printed later than 2/12/94) Working with earthmoving machinery may be dangerous, it could result in injury or death ifproper precautions were not taken by you, the operator and / ormaintenance personnel. We urge you toread these safety notes repeatedly and carefully, and to observethem to prevent danger and accidents. This is especially important for any personnel that only works on the machine occasionally, such as during set up and / or maintenance. Careful adherence to the below listed safety information will insure safe operation and maintenance and potentially prevent personal injury to yourself and others and possible damage to your machine. Important safety notes are used throughout the Operation and Maintenance Manual, such as DANGER, CAUTION and / or NOTE, to emphasize important or critical instructions In the Operation and Maintenance Manual, these safety notes are defined as follows: A DANGER Denotes an extreme intrinsic hazard which could result in a high probability of death or serious injury if proper precautions are not taken. der of safety practices or direct attention to unsafe prai taken, which could result in personal injury and/ or damage or destru ces if proper precaution are not n of the machine. Of Note This symbol is used to describe operational and maintenance procedures which should be followed to keep your machine operational and insure long service life and / or to facilitate certain operating procedures. In addition to these instructions, you must follow additional safety regulations applicable to your work environment and job site, any federal, state and local laws governing travel on public roads and highways, and any guidelines issued by trade and professional associations. 2.0.1 PROPER AND INTENDED USE With the standard dozer attachment, the machine may only be used to loosen, move and dump dirt, gravel, broken rocks, or other similar material. Other use for wich this machine is not designed, such as breaking rocks, demolishing buildings, driving piles, transporting personnel, etc. are considered to be improper and unsafe use. Neither the manufacturer nor the daler can be held responsible for any damage ar accident resulting from such or any other unauthorized use of the machine. Any risk in improperly using this machine is the responsibility of the user. Never use this machine in a special application unless it is equipped with the appropriate attachment and safeguards, and supplied with specific operating and safety guidelines and/or decals. The proper and intended use also includes the strict adherence to the operating and maintenance guidelines issued in this Operation and Maintenance Manual and careful adherence to inspection and maintenance schedules and guidelines. 2.4. DECALS ON THE MACHINE Several safety decals are attached to the machine. The must be strictly observed to prevent death or serious injury. The decals and the location of the decals on the machine are shown in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals.(Please use them for more informations). These safety decals must be checked regularly to insure they are still complete and legible. Missing or illegible safety decals must always be replaced immediately. 2.2 GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES Study the Operation and Maintenance Manual before operating or working on the machine. = Make certain that you have additional information for the special attachments of your machine, read it and make sure you understand it # Only trained and authorized personnel may operate, maintain, service or repair this machine. - Make sure you are aware of the permissible minimum operator age, as stated by law. © Utilize only trained or specially trained personnel, make sure that everybody is aware of the person / persons responsible for the operation, installation of attachments, maintenance and repair of the machine © Determine the responsibility of the operator, (to include adherence to traffic regulations) and permit him to refuse to carry out unsafe instructions or practices given by a third person ¢ Do not allow any personnel, either still to be trained or already in training, to work on the machine unless that person is under the constant supervision of an experienced instructor or operator. © Periodically, check to see if all persons observe all safety guidelines and work cautiously, as noted in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Always wear proper clothing when operating or working on the machine. - Avoid wearing rings, watches, bracelets, ties, scarves, open jackets, loose clothing such as unbuttoned or unzipped jackets, etc. they are dangerous, could get caught in the machinery and could cause serious injury! - Wear the proper safety equipment for certain work, such as safety glasses, safety shoes, hard hats, gloves, reflective vests, ear protection, © Consult your employer or supervisor for specific safety equipment requirements and safety regulations applicable to the job site. # Never use the safety lever, control levers or joysticks as handholds. This could trigger inadvertent movement of the machine and cause serious accidents. @ Never jump off the machine! Climb on and off the machine only by using the steps, rails and handles provided. When climbing on or off the machine, use both hands for support and face the machine. © Keep operator's cab, catwalks, steps, handrails and handles clean and free from oil, grease, mud, snow and ice. These precautions will minimize the danger of slipping, stumbling or falling ¢ Familiarize yourself with the emergency exit route through the right cab door. @ Ifno other instructions were given, proceed as follows for maintenance and repairs: ~ Park the machine on firm and level ground and lower the attachment to the ground. = Bring all operating and control levers into neutral position Benennung Description Denomination Frypiab Typertrom Typels partirde LIEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic Datum Edition Date 01 98 Safety Guidelines , _1.2.01.02 Fealite 23 - Turn the engine off and leave the ignition key in contact position. - Actuate the operating lever / joystick several times to relieve pressure in the hydraulic lines. - Bring all operating and control levers into neutral position. - Place the safety lever in the full down position before leaving the machine. - Remove the ignition key. Before any work on the hydraulic circuit, you must also - with the ignition key in contact position - actuate all servo controls (joysticks and foot pedals) in both directions to relieve pressure in the servo and hydraulic system. Then relieve the hydraulic tank pressure. © The safety lever must always be placed in the full down position before leaving the cab. © Secure all loose parts on the machine properly. © Never operate a machine until you have performed a complete walk around inspection. Also, check if all warning decals are on the machine and if all of them are legible. ‘© Check and follow all instructions given on the warning and safety decals. © This machine can only be utilized in the special applications if equipped with the appropriate attachment and safeguards, and if supplied with specific operating and safety guidelines and/or decals. © Never change, add or modify anything on the machine which could influence the safety of the machine without explicit written permission from the manufacturer. This also applies to the installation and adjustment of safety devices and valves as well as for any welding on load carrying machine parts or sections. © Never install any attachments or parts without LIEBHERR’s permission. CRUSHING AND BURN PREVENTION © Never work underneath the attachment unless it and supported, safely placed on the ground or properly blocked © Never use damaged or insufficient load carrying devices, such as chains, ropes, ... Always wear gloves when handling wire ropes. © When working on the attachment, never align bores with your fingers, always use proper alignment tools when installing, changing or servicing attachments. ‘© When the engine is running, make sure that no objects touch the radiator fan. Rotating fans will swirl and throw out objects which can become very dangerous and, in addition to damaging the fan, they can cause severe injury to yourself and others. ‘© Avoid contact with components containing coolant. At or near operating temperature, the engine coolant is hot and under pressure and could cause severe burns. ‘© Check coolant level only after the radiator cap is cool enough to touch. Remove the radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure. * Do not allow your skin to come into contact with hot oil or components containing hot oil. At or near operating temperature, engine and hydraulic oil is hot and can be under pressure. © Always wear safety glasses and protective gloves when handling batteries. Make sure there are no sparks and open flames in the vicinity. © Never permit anyone to hand-guide the attachment to its proper position. ‘© Secure the engine compartment doors in open position to avoid unwanted closing. © Insure that all engine and battery compartment doors are closed and locked before operating the machine ‘© Never work underneath the machine if the machine has been raised with its attachment. Prior to working underneath, the machine and/or its attachment must always be properly blocked and supported with wooden blocks. Do not use steel on steel support. 2.4 FIRE AND EXPLOSION PREVENTION © Always shut off the engine before refueling - Inaddition, the heater must also be turned of before refueling. ‘# Never smoke or allow an open flame in refueling areas and / or where batteries or flammable material are being charged or stored © Always use the proper engine stai n and Maintenance Manual. 1g procedure, as described in the Oper: © Check the electrical system frequently. Correct any defects, such as loose connections, chafed Wiring, or burnt out fuses and bulbs immediately. © Never store or carry any flammable fluids on the machine, except in the storage tank intended for machine operation. © Regularly check all components, lines, tubes, and hoses for oil and fuel leaks and/ or damage. Replace or repair damaged components immediately. Oil and fuel leaks can cause fire © Be certain that all clamps, guards and heat shields are installed. These components prevent vibration, rubbing and heat build up. Install tie wraps to fasten hoses and wires as required, ‘© Cold start ether is extremely flammable! Never use cold start ether near heat sources, open flames, or near anyone who is smoking cigarettes! Use only in well ventilated areas and as directed! ‘© Never use the flame glow plug or preheat system when you use an ether cold start aid. Danger of explosion! ‘# Know the location of the fire extinguishers, make sure you know how to use them properly. Check out the location of where to report a fire and inform yourself about fire fighting capabilities on the job site before you start to work. 2.5 MACHINE STARTUP SAFETY © Before starting the machine, perform a thorough walk around inspection. © Visually check the machine for loose bolts, cracks, wear, leaks, and any evidence of vandalism, ‘© ‘Never start or operate an unsafe or damaged machine. © Be certain that all defects are taken care of immediately. ‘® Make sure that all covers and doors are closed and locked. Check if all warning and safety decals are ‘on the machines, make sure that all of them are legible. © Clean all windows and mirrors, secure all doors and windows to prevent any inadvertent movement. ‘© Always enter the cab through the left door. Use the right door only in emergencies. Genennung Descption Denomination Figen Typeltam Typerapartirce LIEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic Daum Faon Date ait Safety Guidelines 01 98 Ta Pa Featie 26 27 ‘® Make sure that no one is on or under the machine. Warn all personnel in the surrounding area on the job site before operating the machine. © After entering the cab, adjust the operator's seat, the rear view mirror, the arm rests and the seat belt as well as seat belt tethers. Be certain that all controls can be reached so you can work comfortably. © Allnoise level protection de son the machine must be operational during operation. © Never operate a machine without a cab or canopy. ENGINE START UP SAFETY © Before starting the engine, check all indicator lights and instruments for proper function. Place all operating and control levers into neutral position. © Before you start the engine, warn any personnel in the surrounding area by sounding the horn © Start the machine only while seated in the operator's seat, and with the seat belt secured. © If no other instructions were given, follow the engine starting instructions as outlined in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. © Start the engine and check all indicator lights, gauges, instruments and controls. © Start the engine only in a well ventilated area. If necessary, open doors and windows to assure sufficient fresh air supply. Warm up the engine and hydraulic system to bring engine and hydraulic oil to operating temperature, as low oil temperatures cause the machine to be unresponsive. ‘© Check that all attachment functions are operating properly. ‘© Move the machine slowly and carefully into an open area and check all travel and brake functions, the steering function as well as the turn signals and lights. MACHINE OPERATING SAFETY © Make sure you are aware of any special circumstances on the job site, make sure you are familiar with any special guidelines and warning signals. Familiarize yourself with the job site before starting to work, any special hindrances and obstacles influencing operation or movement, the ground conditions, and any special protection required to secure the job site from public highway traffic © Always keep a safe distance from overhangs, walls, drop offs and unstable ground. © Make sure you are especially aware of changing ground conditions, visibility or weather conditions. © Make sure you know the location of utility lines. Be aware of underground cables, gas and water lines. You must be especially careful when working near supply lines. If necessary, contact the appropriate utility company for information and location of utility lines. © Keep sufficient distance from electrical lines with the attachment, avoid working near high voltage electrical lines. - DANGER OF LOSS OF LIFE! - You must inform yourself of proper distances to assure your safety while working © Ifyou do touch an electrical line with the attachment or machine, proceed as follows: - DO NOT leave the machine! - If possible, move the machine a sufficient distance away from the danger area - Warn all personnel in the surrounding area not to come close to the machine and/or touch the machine. - Instruct somebody to turn the electrical power off. = Do not leave the machine until your are assured that the electrical line which has been touched or damaged is no longer energized, and the power has been turned off! * Before moving or working, make sure you always check that the attachments can be operated safely. ‘© When travelling or moving the machine on public roads, highways, or properties, make sure to observe all applicable laws, rules and regulations. After moving a machine it may become necessary to reassemble it and to bring it back to proper operating conditions, © Always turn on the light if visibility is poor or as dusk approaches. ‘© Never allow another person to ride along on the machine. ‘© Always work while seated in the operator's seat and with the seat belt secured. © In the event the machine should tip, remain in the operator's seat, with the seat belt securely fastened. Experience has shown that it is safer to remain in the cab in the event of an overturn. © Report any functional problems or defects immediately, and make sure that all necessary repairs are completed before resuming operation ‘© Be certain that no one is endangered by moving the machine. # Do not get up from the operator's seat as long as machine isstill moving. ‘© Never leave the machine unattended, with the engine running, ‘© When traveling, make sure that the attachment is in transport position and keep the load as close to the ground as possible, * Avoid any working movement which could cause the machine to tip or overturn, However, if the machine does begin to tip or slide or slip on a grade, immediately lower the attachment and load to. the ground and turn the machine downhill. If possible, work downhill or uphill, never sideways on a slope! ‘© Always move slowly on rocky, rough or slippery ground or on a slope ‘© Always adapt your travel speed to working conditions. ‘© Never travel on slopes that exceed the maximum permissible gradeability. © Never travel downhill at maximum speed, always at low speed to prevent loss of control. The engine must be at high idle and the speed must be reduced by preselecting the low speed range. Always change to the low speed range before reaching the slope, never move onto a slope and then change the speed range. ‘© When loading a truck, the truck operator must leave the cab, even if the cab is FOPS protected. © The machine must always be equipped with proper protective devices designed for specific purposes. The machine must be equipped with proper protection when it is utilized in demolition work, land clearing, crane operation, ete. © Always have another person guide you if visibility is restricted, Always take signals from one person only. © Utilize only experienced personnel to attach loads and direct operators. The person giving signals must be visible to the operator or be equipped with a two way radios. ‘© When using a two way radios or Citizens Band radios (CB), the safety lever must be in the full down position. ‘Benennung Description Denomination PiypiabTypeltrom Typela partirde PR Litronic LR Litronic ‘Datum Edition Date 01 98 Safety Guidelines i Pa Featie 28 29 2.10 MACHINE PARKING SAFETY © Park the machine only on firm and level ground. If it becomes necessary to park the machine on a grade, it must be properly blocked with wedges to secure it and prevent any unintentional movement. ‘© Lower the attachment to the ground and lightly anchor it in the ground, © Bring all operating levers and controls into the neutral position, place the safety lever in full down position and turn the engine off, as outlined in the Operation and Maintenance Manual, before you leave the operator's seat. © Lock the machine, remove all keys and secure the machine against vandalism and unauthorized use. © Never park the machine in such a way as to block access to entrances, exits, ramps, fire hydrants, ete. MACHINE TRANSPORTING SAFETY Use only safe transportation with adequate carrying capacity. © If necessary, remove part of the attachment for transport. © Never use a ramp that is steeper than 30° to move the machine onto a transporting vehicle, the ramp should be covered with wooden planks to prevent slipping. ‘© Before moving onto the ramp, remove any snow, ice and / or mud from chains or wheels. ‘© Align the machine with the ramp. © Use another person as a guide to signal you, the operator. Move very slowly and carefully towards the ramp and the transporting vehicle. © Raise the attachment and move onto the ramp. Hold the attachment as close as possible to the trailer platform, © After the loading procedure, lower the attachment onto the trailer platform. © Secure the machine and all remaining parts with chains and wedges to prevent any slipping or movement during transport. © Relieve pressures from hydraulic lines and hoses, remove the ignition key, lock the cab and alll covers before leaving the machine, © Carefully check out the transporting route beforehand, check any regulations regarding width, height and weight. ‘© Make sure that there is enough clearance underneath all bridges and underpasses, utility lines and tunnels © During off-loading, use the same care and caution as during the loading procedure. Remove all chains, wedges and blocks. Start the engine as noted in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Carefully move from the trailer platform down the ramp. Hold the attachment as close as possible above the ground. Use a guide to signal you. MACHINE TOWING SAFETY © Always follow the correct procedure: Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual section "Towing the machine”. ‘© Tow the machine only in exceptional cases, such as removing the machine from a dangerous area ‘© Be sure that all towing and pulling devices, such as cables, hooks etc, are safe and adequate, # The cable or towing bar, which is used to tow the machine must be adequate to pull the machine and must be connected to the appropriate bores and couplers. Any damage or accident wich is the direct result of towing this machine is expressly excluded from the manufacturer's and/or LIEBHERR’s warranty. Never allow anyone to stand near the cable or on the machine while pulling or towing Keep the cable tight and free of kinks. # Carefully pull the cable tight, do not jerk! A sudden jerk can cause a slack cable to snap. ¢ When towing, keep the machine straight and maintan, permissible speed and route ¢ When returning the machine to operation, proceed as stated in the Operation and Maintenance Manual @ After the towing the machine, and before continuing operation, be certain to return the machine toa safe operating condition 2.11. MACHINE MAINTENANCE SAFETY © Never perform any maintenance or repairs for which you are not qualified or you do not understand. Any maintenance / inspection should be performed in the intervals noted in the Maintenance Guidelines. To perform any repairs, make sure you have the proper tools. Maintenance work should be performed according to the chart at the end of the Operation and Maintenance Manual. It is also noted who should or may perform what type of work. The operator should only perform items marked OM on the maintenance and inspection chart. The remaining work should only be performed by trained personnel © All spare parts must conform to the technical requirements set forth by the manufacturer. This is only assured by using Original LIEBHERR spare parts. © Always wear proper and safe work clothing, For certain jobs, in addition to hard hats and safety shoes, additional safety equipment is required, such as safety glasses and gloves ¢ Keep unauthorized personnel from the machine during maintenance and repair work. # Secure the maintenance area, as necessary, © Inform operators if any special tasks or maintenance work is required. Appoint one supervisory person to assure that this work has been done properly. Perform all maintenance work with the machine parked on firm and level ground and with the engine turned off, unless otherwise specified in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. © The cab may only be raised if the machine is parked and the engine is turned off! Before raising the cab, make sure no personnel is within the proximity of the cab. Always secure the raised cab with the safety bar before working under the raised cab. The machine may NEVER be moved when the cab is raised! The safety lever must always remain in the full down position! # After any maintenance and repair work on the machine, make sure that all screw connections or fittings, which had to be loosened, are retightened. Benennung Description Denomination Frypiab Typertrom Typels partirde LIEBHERR PR Litro: LR Litronic Datum Edition Date 01 98 Safety Guidelines , _1.2.01.05 Fealite If it becomes necessary to remove any safety devices during maintenance and repair, the safety devices which were removed, must be reinstalled immediately and then be inspected for proper function Before servicing the machine, especially when working under the machine, attach an easily vi "DO NOT OPERATE" sign to the ignition switch. Remove the ignition key. le Before any maintenance or repair, clean off any oil, fuel or service fluids from connections and couplings. Do not use any harsh cleaning fluids. To clean the machine, do not use flammable fluids. Before any welding, cutting or grinding, clean the machine and surrounding area of dust, and assure adequate ventilation - Otherwise, there is a DANGER OF EXPLOSION! Before cleaning the machine with water, steam (high pressure cleaning system) or other cleaning fluids, cover or tape all openings,make sure no water, steam or cleaning fluid enters these openings for safety or functional reasons. Electrical motors, switch boxes and battery compartments are especially endangered. - Make sure that during cleaning work, the temperature sensor of the fire warning system and sprinkler system do not come in contact with the hot cleaning fluid, or the sprinkler system could be actuated, - After the cleaning procedure, remove all covers and tape. - After cleaning the machine, check all fuel, engine oil, and hydraulic lines for leaks, for loose connections, for chafed or damaged areas. - All problems must be remedied immediately. Adhere to the product safety instru substances. ns issued for the handling of oils, greases and other chemics Make sure to dispose of any operating and service fluids as well as replacement parts properly and in an environmentally sound manner. Be very careful when handling any hot component or fluid on the machine as there is the DANGER OF BURNS AND SCALDING. Use combustion motors and fuel operated heaters only in areas with adequate ventilation. Before start up, make sure that the ventilation is adequate. Follow and adhere to any local guidelines and instructions pertaining to the present job site. Perform any welding, cutting or grinding work on the machine only if this work has been explicitly authorized, as there can be a danger of fire or explosion. Do not try to lift heavy parts. Always use appropriate lifting aids and devices with sufficient carrying capacity. =To lift spare parts and component assemblies for replacement on the machine, they must be securely mounted and secured onto the lifting devices, to prevent accidents. Use only suitable and flawless lifting devices, as well as hooks, ropes, slings, shackles etc, with sufficient lifting capacity. = Do not allow anybody to work or remain underneath the lifted load! Do not use damaged or insufficient wire ropes. Always wear gloves when handling wire ropes. Only experienced personnel may attach loads and signal the operator. The person used as a guide must be visible by the operator or be in direct voice contact with the operator via a two way radio. When installing parts higher up or when working overhead, always use safe scatfolding or ladders suited for this purpose! Do not step on any parts to get closer to the working area. You must wear safety belts or similar safety equipment when working higher up. Make sure all handles, steps, walk ways, cat walks, and ladders, etc. are always free of dirt, snow and ice, When working on or changing any part of the attachment, for example when changing the teeth, make sure that the attachment is properly supported. Never use metal on metal supports. @ Never work underneath the machine if the machine has been raised with its attachment. Prior to working underneath, the machine and/or its attachment must always be properly blocked and supported with wooden blocks, © Always block the machine in such a way that any change in the center of gravity will not endanger itsstability. Never use metal on metal supports. ‘@ Only authorized, trained personnel may work on the travel gear, brake and steering system, © If the machine must be repaired while parked on a slope, the track chains or wheels must be blocked to prevent any movement with wedges. The attachment must be brought into proper maintenance position. © Only authorized personnel who have received specialized training may work on the hydraulic system, Always wear gloves when checking for leaks. Never check for leaks with your bare hands. A thin stream of fluid escaping from a smail hole can have enough force to penetrate the skin. @ Never loosen any hydraulic lines or connections until the attachment has been lowered to the ground, the engine has been turned off (with the ignition key in contact position) all servo controls. Goysticks and foot pedals)have been actuated in both directions to release any servo pressure and to release all pressures in the working circuit, and the tank pressure has been released by slowly opening the bleeder screw. © Regularly check all hydraulic lines, hoses, and connections for any leaks and damage. Any defects must be repaired immediately. Any escaping fluid can cause serious injuries and fire. © Before beginning any repairs, you also must make sure all air pressures are relieved in any of the systems you need to gain access to; to be certain, refer to the description of the various component groups and assemblies, # Route and install all hydraulic and air pressure lines properly. Mark and check all connections to prevent any mix ups. All the fittings, including length and quality or type of hoses used must match the requirements set forth by the manufacturer. - For that reason, use only Original LIEBHERR replacement parts. Replace hydraulic hoses and lines in regular intervals, as stated, even if no defects can be seen, © Work on electrical components of the machine may only be performed by a certified electrician or by a person working under the guidance and supervision of such an electrician, and according to electro-technical procedures, rules and regulations. ¢ When working on the electrical system or before any arc welding on the machine, the battery cables must be disconnected. Always disconnect the negative ("-” minus } terminal first, and reconnect it last. In addition, before any welding, always remove the electronic box. © Use only Original fuses with the same amperage. In case of problems in the electrical power supply, turn the machine off immediately. © Inspect / check the electronic components of the machine regularly. Repair any problems or defects, such as loose connections or chafed wires and replace any burnt out fuses and bulbs immediately. © If any work is necessary on energized, voltage carrying parts, a second person must be utilized to disconnect the main battery switch ar emergency off switch in case a problem should arise. Rope the working area off with a red/white safety chain and a warning sign. Use only insulated tools! Benennung Description Denomination Frypiab Typertrom Typels partirde LIEBHERR PR Litro: LR Litronic Datum Edition Date 01 98 Safety Guidelines , _1.2.01.06 Fealite 2.12 2.13 ‘* When working on high voltage carrying components or sections, turn off the power supply, then connect the supply cable to the ground wire and use the grounding rod to ground these parts, such as the condenser, for example. © Check the disconnected parts first to see if they are really voltage free, ground them and then close them off. Insulate the neighboring, voltage carrying parts. SAFETY GUIDELINES TO BE OBSERVED WHEN WORKING ON THE ATTACHMENT © Never work underneath or on the attachment unless it is securely placed on the ground or it is properly blocked and supported to keep it from drifting or falling, ‘© When replacing or changing any part of the attachment, such as blade, cutting edges, teeth, etc., never use metal on metal supports. © Never try to lift any heavy parts. Always select and use appropriate lifting devices with sufficient lifting capacity. ‘@ When handling wire ropes, always wear gloves! © Do not disconnect any lines or hoses or remove fittings, caps or covers while the hydraulic system is pressurized. Always lower the attachment, shut the engine off and release all pressures: with the ignition key in contact position, move alll servo controls (joysticks and foot pedals) into both directions to release the servo pressure and any pressure remaining in the hydraulic circuit, then release the tank pressure by turning the bleeder screw. © After completion of all maintenance and repairs, make sure that all lines and hoses and fittings are properly connected and retightened. © Removing or installing steel pins with a hammer can be very dangerous. Metal chips can cause injury. Always wear gloves and safety glasses! ‘© Always use the appropriate tools for the job (such as pin pullers, punches, etc.). SAFETY GUIDELINES TO BE OBSERVED WHEN LOADING A MACHINE WITH A CRANE © Lower the attachment to the ground. © Place all operating and control levers into neutral position. © Turn the engine off, as described in the Operation and Maintenance Manual and place the safety lever in the full down position before you leave the operator's seat. ‘© Securely close all doors, covers and hoods. © Utilize only experienced personnel to attach loads and direct the crane operators. The person giving signals mustbe visible by the operator or be equipped with a two way radio. © Install the shackles and hooks to the appropriate and designated brackets / bore holes on the machine. ‘© Make sure the length of the lifting device is sufficient. © Carefully lift the machine. © DANGER! Make sure nobody is near or underneath the lifted machine! © When you place the machine back in service, proceed according the guidelines given in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. 2.14 SAFETY GUIDELINES - HYDRAULIC LINES AND HOSES Hydraulic lines and hoses may never be repaired! © All hoses, lines and fittings must be checked regularly, but at least 1 x per year for leaks and any externally visible damage! Any damaged sections must be replaced immediately! Excaping oil can cause injuries and fires! © Even if hoses and lines are stored and used properly, they undergo a natural aging process. For that reason, their service life d. Improper storage, mechanical damage and improper use are the most frequent causes of hose failures. ~The service life of @ hose may not exceed six years, including a storage period of not more than 2 years (always check the manufacturer's date on the hoses). = Using hoses and lines close to the limit ranges of permitted use can shorten the service life (for example at high temperatures, frequent working cycles, extremly high impulse frequencies, multi shift or around the clock operations). ‘© Hoses and lines must be replaced if any of the following points are found during an inspection: = Damage on the external layer into the inner layer (such as chaffings, cuts and rips); - Brittleness of the outer layer (crack formation of the hose material); - Changes in shape, wich differ from the natural shape of the hose or line, when under pressure or when not under pressure, or in bends or curves, such as separation of layers, blister or bubble formation; - Leaks; - Non observance of installation requirements; = Damage or deformation of hose fittings, wich might reduce the strength of the fitting or the connection between hose and fitting; - Any movement of hose away from the fitting; - Corrosion on fittings, wich might reduce the function or the strength of the fitting; Storage or service life has been exceeded; When replacing hoses or lines, always use Original replacement parts. ‘© Route or install the hoses and lines properly. Do not mix up the connections! Benennung Description Denomination Frypiab Typertrom Typels partirde LIEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic Datum Edition Date 01 98 Safety Guidelines , _1.2.01.07 Fealite Hand signals are used when the operator of construction equipment has a restricted field of vision in the working area or in the direction of travel. The signals are designed for instant recognition to enable equipment operators to quickly follow operating instructions from spotters, flagmen, or other designated persons to improve safety. Signals should be given by one person only. This person should face the operator when gi should be outside the danger zone. in Germany, standard (DIN 2408) specifies clear hand signals which, if used throughout the industry, are designed to avoid misunderstandings between the signal person and the operator. Those standards do not apply if other signals are agreed upon or if other safety signal requirements exist. In any case, all hand signals should be agreed upon between the signalman and the operator. ing signals and 1. Hand signals (Excerpt from DIN Norm 24 081) 1.1 General Signals Caution Stop Stop! Danger Raise one arm with open palm. Extend both armshorizontally. Extend both arms horizontally and move forearms in and out. 1.2 Travel signals Startto travel Travel slowly forward Travel slowly reverse Move the raised hand with the Both arms raised and bent at Both arms raised and bent at palm pointing outward back elbow with palms pointing elbow with palms pointing and forth inward outward Senennung Devcipion Denomination Pape typelom TypeTa parroe . PR Litronic Hand Signals LR Litronic Datum Edition Date RL Litronic 01 98 for Construction Equipment k= Pa Featie Travel -turn right Travel - turn left t Point to the left with the left ‘thumb, 1.3 Working signals Raise attachment Point to the right with the right thumb. Lower attachment Open grapple ( mutti purpose bucket) = Point wit the right index finger up and move the left hand up and down. Close grapple (multi purpose bucket) Hold one arm out horizontally with clenched fist. Point with the right index finger down and move the left hand up and down Hold one arm out horizontally with hand pointing down and half open. Tilt bucket in Tilt bucket out Tilt left Tilt right Pints Raise and bend one Lower and straighten Both arms are slightly Both arms are slightly arm with palm bent arm with palm raised and bent. Raise raised and bent. Raise pointing inward. pointing outward. left arm, lower the right arm, lower left right arm arm. Increase engine Decrease engine RPM RPM Shut off machine “hit Point with the right Point with the right Extend both forearms thumbup, hand closed. thumb down, hand. towards the side of the closed. body. Genennung Descption Denomination Figen Typeltam Typerapartirce . PR Litronic Hand Signals LR Litronic Datum Edition Date RL Litronic 01 98 for Construction Equipment k= Pa Featie Service Items Notes for the disposition of service fluids and filter: = Service fluids may not be discharged into the ground, drainage system or waterways. = Different service fluids and filters should be collected and disposed af in separate containers. = Do notuse containers, which previously held foad items or drinks - to prevent danger of mix-ups. Dispose of these items in an environmentally friendly manner according to applicable guidelines and regulations. Observe all state, local and national regulations. Do not use old or incorrectly stored service fluids and filers, dispose of them properly. 1. Service fluids for Diesel engines with turbo chargers 1.4, Engine lube oil Engine lube oils must meet a certain quality and a certain viscosity, depending on their use and ambient temperatures. Problem-free operation can only be ensured only ifthe requirements for both areas are met. 41.1.1 Oil quality. ‘To meet the technical demands, only highly alloyed lube oils are used in modern Diesel engines. They consists of high-quality base oils, mixed with additives. These additives provide the required properties for these oils, For LIEBHERR Diesel engines with turbo chargers, oils ofthe following specications are approved, the higher quality olls are preferred: API- classification CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, Cl-4, (American Petroleum Institute) ACEA (CCMC) - classification E2 (D4), £3 (D5), £4, ES (Association des Constructeurs Européens de I'Automobile) Note: For older machines / Diesel engines, if stil in use, engine olls according to the lower specification as noted in the original operation manuals may be used. However, we recammend the use of these new oils, since the service life of the engine can be extended significantly by using these higher quality oils. The originally noted oil and filler change intervals may be extended. 1.1.2 Gilviscosity Z In addition to the qualty, the oil must also provide a certain viscosity the selection is made according to the SAE - classification (Society of Automotive Engineers) The determining factor for the correct selection of the SAE classification is the ambient temperature. In most regions, SAE 10W-40 is recommended (see chart below). Ifthe viscosity is too high, starting problems can occur, if itis too low, the lubrication efficiency can be endangered, both factors can lead to increased engine wear. The temperature ranges shown in the following chart are guidelines and may be excseded or fallen below for a short time. SC 0 ow 0 ow eae 130 we no ~ ty it Ca ye oe ew wate 140 SAE OW 40 ‘SAE30W-20 SAE SW: 40) 1 For the operation in extreme climate zones, such as in arctic regions, special guidelines apply and are available from the manufacturer. frat Typer Tom Typora patra UEBHERR PRLitrnic LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 04 Service Items 4.1.3 Oil change intervals The oil change intervals noted in the Maintenance and inspection schedules always apply to "normal operating conditions". They apply for normal, central European temperatures, annual operation of approx. 1000 ‘operating hours, use of oils of the required minimum quality and fuels with a sutfur content of less than 0.5%. When using higher quail oils, the operating hours per interval may be doubled - see the following chart. However, the 500 hour interval may not be exceeded. Engine oil and fiters must be changed at least once a year, even if the given change interval has not yet been reached In difficult circumstances, such as repeated cold start, higher sulfur content (above 05.%) in the fuel, more severe climatic conditions (for example continuous temperatures below -10°C) etc., the intervals must be cut in half. This means, for each cifficully, the permitted operating hours per interval must be multislied by a factor of 0.8, Permissible oil change intervals in operating hours: Oil quality: , Applications cF-4, cG-4, cHeA ‘Gil aualltyy eeaaay 3 (D5), £4, 5, Ck4, E2 (D4) i : Ambient | Sulfur content atte ven Change interval Change interval above -10°C 100.5% 250 hrs. 500 hrs. (Normal temperature) _| above 0.5% 125 hrs. 250 hrs. below -10°C 100.5% 125 hrs, 250 hrs Continuous temperature above 0,5% 60 hrs, 125 hrs, 1.2, Diesel fuels Diesel fuels must meet the minimum requirements of the following specifications. ‘The sulfur content may not exceed 0.5%. A higher sulfur content has negative effects on oll change intervals and engine service life. A higher sulfur content above 1% is not permitted Fuels with low sulfur content (for example, according to European regulations <0.05 %) must contain additives to retain the lubrication efficiency according to HFRR(60*)-Test <400um - . Insufficient lubrication causes premature wear of the injection system components, especially distributor injection pumps. The additives should be added by the fuel supplier, as he is responsible for the quality of the fuel. We do not recommend adcition of secondary lubrication additives by the user. Approved fuel specifications: DIN EN 590 + HFRR(60°}-Test <400,m ASTM D 975 - 89a 1D and 2D + HFRR(60°}-Test <400um + cetane rating >45 (recommendation: >50) Diesel fuels in very low temperatures At ambient temperatures below freezing (0 °C), the flow properties of warm temperature Diesel fuel can become insufficient due to paraffin excretion. The same applies to cold temperature Diesel fuels in temperatures below. “15°C In order to prevent operating problems in even lower temperatures, Diesel fuel with an additive is sometimes available, for use in temperatures to -20 ° C. In order to prevent operating problems in even lower temperatures, mix Diesel fuel with normal gasoline or petroleum. Addition of normal gasoline is a makeshift measure and may not exceed 30% per volume. Do not use Super gasoline for mixing, ‘Mixing fuel can diminish engine performance, for that reason, keep the added fuel as low as possible, depending on the ambient temperatures. For safely reasons, mix fuel only in the fuel tank. When refueling, add the lighter additive before the Diesel ful. Then fot the engine run fora short time until the mixture has been distributed throughout the fuel system Diesel fuels - Mixing ratio ( Vol.-%) clan] sumeroisetet | Mi Gags | ie Oestg °C %Fuel_| % Additive | _% Fuel % Addit % Fuel_|% Additive Oto -10 70 30 100 - 00 Si =10t0-15 | 50 50° 100 = too | “1510-20 = “ 70 20 100 = 20 to -25 = = 50 50° 70 30 Ian addition of more than 50% is required, use only petroleum (no regular gasoline). The Diesel fuel part may never be more than 50% Additives to Diesel fuel (flow improvers) ‘Commercially available flow improvers can also improve Diesel fuel properties in cold temperatures. Always read and observe the manufacturers user guidelines and quantities. 1.3. Coolant Coolants, containing unsuitable anti corrosion / antifreeze fluids or wrong mixed coolants could damage the engine or its parts, caused by cavitation or corrosion. Additionally heat isolating deposits could be created on heat transferring parts, which overheat and lead to the damage of the engine. For a long term, fault free operation, the coolant must be filled year round with a mixture of at least 50% anticorosion/antifreeze fluid. This concentration protects the system to approx. -37°C /-34°F. Antifreeze protection chart +c -49 39 20 40 9 Protection to F440 22 4 14 a2 Percentage of antifreeze (6) a 80% Note: Do not use more than 80% anti-corrosion / antifreeze fluids, a higher percentage would actually reduce the cooling and antifreeze protection and causes gel formation in the coolant fluid. Danger of ‘engine damage! HWEBHERR PRLitrnic LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 04 Service Items Coolant fiters are used on some engine series, which filter the coolant in the auxiliary flow and in addition, a chemical additive in the fiter (OCA 4) reinforces the protection against cavitation, corrosion, scale deposits and foam formation. The DCA4 concentration must be between 0.3 and 0.8 units per liter of coolant. See the following chapter ’Coolant with DCA4’. This results in a mixing ration of approx. 48.5 % water, 48.5 % anti corrosion /antifreeze fluid and 3% DCA4, Check the mixing ratio regularly during maintenance work. See instructions in section 3.4. Hf coolant must be replaced, make sure that the given mixing ratios are retained. Do not fall below this ratios nor exceed it, Due to the natural aging process of the coolant, it must be replaced at least once every 2 years. Use only suitable coolant, free of contaminants. Clean contaminated cooling systems. Note the following regulations. ‘To replace or add coolant in larger quantities, mix the given parts outside the cooling circuit in a suitable, clean container first, Fresh water guidelines: To mix coolant fluid, use clean, clear water, which is not too be used. ‘Seawater, brine, brackish water, or industrial waste wateris hard. Often, but not always, regular tap water may not suitable. Approved fresh water quality (as of 2001) for use with anti corrosion / antifreeze fluid - - without DCA4 = with DCA4 ‘Sum of alkaline earths (water hardness}: + 0,6 to 3,6 mmol 0,6 to 2,7 mmol @ to 20°¢) (to 15'd) Ph- value at 20° C 2 6.51085 65 to 8.0 Chioride / ion content + max. 80 mg/l max. 80 mgf Sulfate /ion content 2 max. 100 mg/l max. 60 mg/l Presently approved anti corrosion / antifreeze fluids (as Brand name Agip Antifreeze Plus Agip Langzeit-Frostschutz Antigel OB 486 ‘Aral Kuhler-Frostschutz A AVIA Frostschutz APN (G48-00) BP Antifrost X 2270 A BP Napgol C 2270/1 Caltex Engine Coolant DB Caltex Exionded Life Coolant Castrol Anti-Freeze O Century F.L. Antitreeze Chevron DEX-COOL Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant Deutz Kiihischutzmittel 0101 1490 Esso Kiihlerfrostschutz Fricofin Frostschutz Motorex (648-00) Frostschutz 500 Glacelf Auto Supra Glycoshell AF 405 Glycoshell N Glysantin (G 48-00) Havoline XLC Havoline DEX-COOL Extended Life Anti-Freece/Coolant of December 2003): Manufecturer Agip Potrali S.p.A, Rom/ Italion Autol-Werke GmbH., Wiirzburg / BRD Sotragal SA, St. Priest / Frankreich Aral AG, Bochum / BRD Deutsche AVIA-Mineraiél GmbH, Miinchen / BRD Deutsche BP AG, Hamburg / BRD. BP Chomicals Lid., London / England Caltex (UK) Itd., London / England Caltex Deutsche Castrol Vertriobs-GmbH, Hamburg /BRD Century Oils, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent England Chevron Texaco DEUTZ Service International GmbH, Kéln / BRD Esso AG, Hamburg / BRD Fuchs Mineralosiwerke GmbH, Mannheim / BRD Bucher*Cie, Langenthal / Schweiz Mobil Oil AG, Hamburg / BRD Total Shell Shell BASF AG, Ludwigshafen /BRD ARTECO, Chevron Texaco gol Antigel Type DB Igol France, Paris / Frankreich Labo FP 100 Labo Industrie, Nanterre / Frankreich Motul Antifreeze Motul SA, Aubervilliers Cedex / Frankreich OMV-Kuhlerfrostschutzmittel OMV AG, Schwechat / Osterreich Orgenifreeze Total ZO Frostschutz S Total Deutschland GmbH, Disseldorf / BRD Total Antigel S-MB 486 Total Deutschland GmbH, Dusseldorf / BRD Total Frosttrel Total Deutschland GmbH, Dusseldorf / BRD \Veedol Antifreeze O Deutsche Veedol GmbH, Hamburg / BRD Wintershall Kiihlorschutz Wintershall Mineralol GmbH, Diisseldort / BRO Presently approved anti corrosion / antifreeze fl ):50 Promi (60 % water: 80% comrosionlantireeze fds) (as of December 2003): Brand name Manufacturer Liebhem Anti-Freeze APN mix Id.Nr. 8611 045 - 201 bundle LIEBHERR Caltex Extended Life Coolant Pre-Mixed 50/50 (ready-to-use-version) Caltex Chevron DEX-COOL Extended Life Prediluted 50/50 Antifreeze coolant Chevron Texaco Havoline XLC, 50/50 ARTECO Havoline DEX-COOL Extended Prediluted 50/50 Antifeece coolant Chevron Texaco ‘Organicoo! 50/50 Total Presently approved anti corrosion / antifreeze fluids with DCA4 - ready to use (as of December 2003): Brand name ‘Manufacturer Liebhem Anti-Freeze "pret a l'emploi" Id. Nr. 10005 347-20 bundle LIEBHERR. ‘The given anti corrosion / antifreeze fluids are approved for all Liebherr Diesel engines (with and without coolant fiter/ DCAA). 1.3.1 Coolant with DCA4 (DCA = Diesel Coolant Additive} The additive DCA4 is “used up" during use. The DGAA concentration in the fiter compensates for this loss accordingly, if there is no loss of coolant and the correct filter is used at the given change interval. The DCA concentration must be between 0.3 and 0.8 units per liter of coolant. To check, refer to the "Maintenance and inspection guidelines’, section 3.4. For change intervals for filter and coolant, see "Maintenance and inspection schedule” , section 3.2. Ifthe cooling system is fled intially of refiled after repairs, then DCA 4 in iquid form must be added to the 50% anticorrosion / antifreeze and 50% water mixture. The mixture should be mixed outside the cooling system. Note the safety guidelines issued by the additive manufacturer. PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 04 Service Items This results in a coolant mixture ration of approx. 48.5 % water, 48.5 % anticorrosion / antifreeze fluid and 3% Dead. In addition, use @ new coolant filter, according to the fi Coolant system contents 1g quantity. The correct Id. No. of the filter ean be found in the Parts Manual or the Operation and Maintenance manual of the machine. Overview chart DCA4 and fitter requirements (as of 2001) Required quantity of liquid DCA 4 DCA 4- water filter Liter Container approx.0.5 liter appr. liter 1d. No. 24-39 3 oder 1S 7367 045 40-59 4 oder 2.0 7381 493, 60-79 5 oder 25 7367 052 80-115 8 oder 4 7367 052 Container liquid DCA4 at approx. 0.5 |-Id. No. 7363 898 Liebherr coolant (ready to use, 20 liter, above mixing ratio) -Id. No. 10 005 347 1.3.2 Coolant - special filing - with anti corrosion fluids, without antifreeze fluids In exceptional cases and if ambient temperatures are constantly above the freezing point, for example in tropical regional, where no anticorrosion / antifreeze fluids is proofed available, fresh water and water-soluble anticorrosion flukis (Inhibitors) may be used as coolant. Do not use coolant refiners (anticorrosion oils) with emulsifying capacity. If necessary, flush the cooling system before ref 1. The fresh water quality must meet use with DCA4 - see chart "Approved fresh water quality’. The coolant must be changed once a year. Use of DCAS To provide sufficient protection against corrosion, approximately twice the amount of DCA4 must be used as compared to the above mixing ration, when using anticorrosion /antifteeze fluids and DCA4 - see above “overview chart and fitter requirements". ‘The DCA4 concentration must be between 0.6 and 1.06 units. It must be checked during maintenance work or when the coolant fiter is changed, and corrected, as necessary, This results in a mixing ratio of Us roducts from Caltex / Chevron Ts max. 94 % fresh water and min. 6 % DCA4 additive /Havoline / Total To provide sufficient protection against corrosion with these products, a mixture of 92,5 vol.% coolant and 7,5 vol.% anti corrosion fluid must be kept. The mixture ratio must be checked during maintenance work and corrected, as necessary. The concentration of the anti corrosion fluid must not fall below 5 vol.% nor exceed 10 vol.%. Presently approved anti corrosion fluids (as of December 2003): Brand name DCA4 Diesel Coolant Acditives Caltex CL Corrosion Inhibitor Concentrate Chevron Texaco Heavy Duty Extended Life Corrosion Inhibitor Nitrite Free Havoline Extended Life Corrosion Inhibitor (XL) Total WT Supra Manufacturer Fleetguard Caltex Chevron Texaco ARTECO Total 2, Oil for hydraulic system In the hydraulic system, use only Diesel engine lube oils or special approved oils. 2.4. Oil quality 2.1.4 Approved engine oil classifications API- classification CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, C4, (American Petroleum Institute) ACEA(CCMC)- classification: £2 (D4), E3 (D5), E4, E5, (Association des Constructeurs Europeans de I'Automobile) Note: The API classifications CC, CD, CE and CF are now obsolete, however, in quality, they had been approved for use in the hydraulic system, 2.1.2 Special oils. Approval is given for each mact e type separately. Special guidelines are issued with the release. The following product presently considered to be an environmentally friendly hydraulic fluid Panolin - HLP Synth -VG 48 2.2. Oil viscosity In addition to the quailty, the oil must also provide a certain viscosity, the selection is made according to the SAE classification (Society of Automotive Engineers). The determining factor for the correct selection of SAE classification Is the ambient temperature, single grade olls are preferred If the viscosity is too high, it can cause cavitation, if itis too low, the lubrication efficiency may be endangered. Both can cause failure of hydraulic components. The temperature ranges shown in the folowing chart are guidelines. When operating the machine within the black temperature range, the following warm up procedure should be carried out. Single grade oils Eee * 20 2 10 0 410 +a om +40 20 Si SEW Multi grade ots Viscosity for environmentally friendly hydraulic fluids according to ISO: VG 46 (covers SAE 10W and SAE 20W-20 or SAE 10W-30) For operation in extreme climate zones, such as arctic regions, special guidelines are available from the ‘manufacturer. Warm up procedure: a) In temperatures up to 10° C below the given limit (black range) After starting, run the Diesel engine at medium speed. Warm up the hycraulic system by carefully actuating the hydraulic cylinders. Extend and retract the hydraulic cylinders fully for short periods. After 5 minutes, carefully engage the travel hydraulic as well. Total warm up period is approximately 10 minutes. b) At even lower temperatures: Before starting the Diesel engine, preheat the oil in the hydraulic tank, then proceed as described in paragraph PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 04 Service Items 3. Gear oil The lube oil specification for gears is based on API and SAE classification. The oil chamber in travel gears for double lifetime seal is filled with oil from the hydraulic system - see section 2. 3.4, Oil quality As a general rule, only oils meeting API - classification GL-5 may be used. 3.2, Oil viscosity The following oils must be used in travel gears, and are highly recommended for use in splitter boxes: Viscosity classification SAE 85 W - 140 EP For splitter boxes, ols of Viscosity classification SAE 90 EP or SAE 80 W- 90 EP may also be used. For the operation in extreme climatic conditions, such as in arctic regions or in extreme temperatures ranges, such as in slag applications, special ols may be approved i the prevaling ambient temperatures are known operations. 3.3. Lube oll for final drive - sealing chamber For oil quality and viscosity see section 2, Oil for hydraulic system, but do not use special oils. 4, Lube oil for support shaft bearing For oil quality and viscosity see section 2, Oil for hydraulic system, but do not use special oils. 5. Hoist gear oil - pipe layers Asa general rule, the guidelines noted in the Operation and Maintenance manual and the winch manufacturer should be observed For lubrication technical reasons, we recommend the use of Diesel lube oil, which meets at least one of the following quality and viscosity classifications. 8.1. Oil quality according to API classification CF, CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, C4, ‘ACEA (CCMC) - classification Ez (D4), E9 (D5), E4, E5, 5.2. Oil viscosity according to SAE - classification sow 1SO- classification VG 32 6. Grea 6.1, General lubrication points and track tensioner ‘The grease must meet specification KP 2k - consistency 2 according to NL GI - class and DIN 51818 and DIN 51825 or EP 2 according to NF-T-80 132 ‘The grease must also be lithium based, with a VKA value of at least 2300 N according to DIN 51350 or ASTM D 2596. 6.2. Long term grease / grease to protect against corrosion For the lifetime lubrication of bearing points of li cylinder suspensions and to protect against corrosion at the initial installation of dry bearing points, to protect exposed piston rods, to prevent rust formation, etc., a special calcic, acid free grease should be used. We recornmend LIEBHERR's special paste CTK - Id. No. 8613 313 01 For general conservation - see section 19, Conservation guidelines - other acid free anticorrosion grease may be used. 7. Miscellaneous Always observe all guidelines issued in the Operation and Maintenance manuals, repair manuals and on drawings. 7.1, Rubber seals on doors and covers Use silicon spray or Talcum powder. 7.2. Hydraulic cylinder installation Lubricant for threads of pistons, piston nuts and piston rod bearings - Liebherr High performance lubricant Id. No. 8300 004 Special protection against corrosion for installation of sealing elements - Liebherr Special anticorrosion grease Id. No. 8300 005 Unit of measure | Mutiply by ace by on Tena rm 088 inch BA om 3281 ‘oo 0.305 1089 | ara ost in 621 1609 | on wea cn 9.188 sa. inch ease a 7 roe | sate 0083 mF m 1,196 sq. yard 0.0863 m oe 0386 | sami 258 ia Voume cent 0.061 cus ne 76387 [on 7 asa | cutest 0028 7 1808 cu. yard over | m 61,025 | euinen oo | 0095 cus fet zea ft ost | alon anes‘ 1 1,057 quart 0,946 1 went 5 00a | ee 230 |e 6 2204 ws oss | ke i 102 short osor ft Force N 0,225 Ibs. 4449 N i mare | ts aos wv Tome Ni over | lbs 1388 | Nm Power i 1302 HP 074s [RW PS 0786 ww 1358 (| PS Ps 0.6 He tow |S Pressure bar 148 Pal 0069 | bar (hye) ioe avs I 6085 | ha Ground pressure | koe? 14200 | Ws.samnen| 00708 | Kalen? Kot 0.206 ps. 4.870 | kein Compression en? 3.086 ws. cunen | are fem kgim? 0,062 Ibs. cu. ft 16,13 kg/m? Speed iv eat meh 1308 | vn min 3.261 fn 005 | min Temperature © cones | Cragne [6 “Cc °C+#273, “K “K-273 “c ray Son SOT aa arena LIEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic. RL Litronic Datum Eaton Dae 01 01 Conversion table 44.01.01 Fadite The preload and tightening torques listed in the chart are from VDI guidelines 2230 of July 1986. Installation preload Fu and tightening torques Ms for shaft screws with metric standard or fine thread per DIN ISO 262 and DIN ISO 965 T2 (replacement for DIN 13 part 13) and screw head dimension of hex head screws with shaft DIN EN 24014 (replacement for DIN 931 part 1) or socket head screws DIN EN |SO 4782 (replacement for DIN 912), The chart values are valid for lubricated screws, surface black treated, phosphated or galvanic zinc plated and for ‘dry sorews, surface according to fiZn - LH-Norm 10027432 (replaces DACROMET 500} Medium friction be = 0.12, Always observe the tightening torques and/ or procedures listed in drawings / parts lists, instructions of component descriptions, if noted, they override the factory standards listed in the torque charts. Never use a standard lock washer with 10.9 or 12.9 screws. If a washer is necessary, use only "heavy duty" washers, made from hardened material. Always use torque wrenches with the correct range - the upper third of the range should include the listed torque value according to the chart, ‘When using impact screws, make sure that the given tightening torque Is observed - should be checked before and uring the tightening procedure with torque wrench (Nm x 0,7375 = ftlbs.)! Preload forces and tightening torques for screws with standard metric thread according to factory standard WN 4037 | Wrench size Goev! pease wid ute glvon | bueed or-ssierwraies wr a feeiee andar | eee are given'in Nm Socket head ‘screws se | 109 | 129 | 88 | 109 | 129 | mm | inch | mm | Inch m4 xar | 00] oo] roo| 28| 41| ae| 7 | a2 | 9 = ms xoe | sem| ovo] nao] ss| or| as| e | se | « | saz M6 x4 aaoo| v7] seo} 95| wo| ies] 1 | - 3 = M7 x1 | 1870) 20100] 20a] 185 | 20] ano] | - | - | - M8 x128| 1720] 25000| 200 23 | | 4 | i | 1 | 6 | - mio xis | 27800] 40000) roo] 46 | 68 | 70 | (mis |iina-| 2 | sie Miz x75] 4000] so0o0| eo00| 79 | 117 | 195 | care | @m- | 10 = mia x2 | sso] sooo] ovon| 125 | 195 | ais | @a2i | ca | 12 = mie x2 | rsom| vrc00| womo| 195 | 200 | a0 | a | - | | ano uta x25 | 94000 | 5000] 7000 | 200 | 390 | «00 | 27 | vine | | one M20 x25 | ziow| eco | zoo] 3% | seo | oso | oo | rae | a | - M22 x28 | 15200] ze000| 250000] sa | 750 | v0 | oa] - | wv | - M24 xa 175000| 29000] z000| 670 | 60 | 1120 | 36 | wre | © | sa M27 xa | 2000] ss0000| se5000| 1000 | 1400 | 1650 | 4 | 15@ | 1 | am M30 x35 | 220000] aooc00| 465000 | 1250 | 1900 | 2250 | 48 | rie | 22 | ve maa xas | ss00c0 | a9s000| se0000| 1050 | 2600 | an00 | 50 2 24 = m6 xa | 410000 | ssoc00| cao | 2as0 | aa00 | se00 | s6 | 2ai6 | a7 | vine tae x4 | «000 | roo00r| wooo | so00 | 4300 | sioo | oo | 2a | 2 | wine Senennung Descnpion Denometon Prypan Typetrom Wypers pa de MEBHERR PRuironc Standard screws Ee frome Datum Eaivon Dae 01 04 Tightening Torques ae Factory standard WN 4037 | Pans Preload forces and tightening torques for screws with fine metric thread according to factory standard WN 40371 Wrench size [Pretoad values FM based on| Tightening torques MA are (®) = per DINS3t, for Fine metric | 8¢F0W grades and are given | based on screw grades and Tread inn are givenin Nm Socket head Hex head screws screws as | too | 129 | 88 | 109 | 129 | mm | Inch | mm | Inch M8 xt sean | 27s] szso| 245 | 36 43 18 12 6 = Ma xt | 2800) 26500] azs0| 36 63 2 = 3 = = M10 xf atsoo| 46500] sao| 52 | 76 89 wv | we | 8 a6 M10 x1,25| 29800 | 43000| st00| 49 72 a wv | we | 8 6 M12 x1,25| 45000| 66000| 7700| a7 | 125 | 150 19 3 10 eB M12 xis | 42500| 6200| 7300| a3 | 122 | 145 19 34 70 a M14 x15 | e000 | e9om| wao0| 135 | 200 | 235 2 78 2 _ M16 x15 | e200] 12100 | 1100 205 | 300 | 360 2 = 14 | ans M18 x45 | 110000 | 157000 | 1weo[ s10 | 440 | 520 a | sane | 14 | ane M18 x2 | 1c2000| 148000 | 170000] 290 | 420 | 490 aw [sane | 1 | ane M20 x15 | 139000 | 199000 | 2200] 430 | e20 | 720 so | sane | a7 os M22 x16 | 171000 | 245000 | 285000| 680 | 820 | 960 2 ~ 7 - M24 x18 | 207000 | 205000 | saso00| 760 | 1090 | 1270 36 | te | 9 ia M24 x2 | 196000 | 280000 | a2s000| 730 | 1040 | 1220 36 | tame | 9 ia M27 x18 | 267000 | sei 00 | 4a5000| i110 | 1580 | 1850 a ie | 9 3/4 M27 x2 | 255000 | se5000 | 4z5000| toro | 1500 | 1800 a se | 9 3a M390 x15 | 335000 | 477000 | ss8000| i540 | 2190 | 2560 4% | tin6 | 22 718 M30 x2 | sz1a0| asrom | ssaoco| 1490 | 2120 | 2480 «© [sane | 2 718 M33 x45 | 410000 | seo | easoc0| 2050 | 220 | 3420 50 2 2 = M33 x2 | 65000 | seoo00 | eev000| 2000 | 200 | 3300 50 2 24 = M36 x15 | 482000 | 7oto00 | azooc| 2680 | 3820 | 4470 ss | zane | 27 | +6 M36 x3 | 440000 | €30000 | 740000 2600 | 3600 | 4100 ss | 2sne [27 | 116 M39 x16 | s82000 | #30000 | s7t000| a430 | ¢a00 | 8720 eo | 238 | a | tne maa x3 | 30000 | 750000 | ss0000| 2200 | «600 | 500 eo | 236 | a | t1n6 Note: Observe notes on front page! Tightening torques for screws for SAE split flange installation Not part of factory standard WN 4037 | Listing per LFR - Quality service 20A 6 051 00 as of Oct. 2001 1. Flange and half flange for high prossure (Norm 62) Tightening torques in Nm for screw grade 10.9 flat flange without Flange with reinforcement reinforcement Flange nominal size Half flange z M20 350 250 450 2. Half flange for low pressure (Norm 61) Tightening torques in Nm for Flange nominal size Screw size Scrow grade 8.8 Screw grade 10.9 ee Ms 22 a aw M10 a4 62 a M10 44 62 1% M10 44 62 1A M12 76 108 = M12 76 108 2K M12 76 108 a Mi 122 172 au M16 187 264 a M16 187 264 o M16 187 264 Tightening torques for oil drain plugs at travel gears Not part of factory standard WN 4037 | Listing per LBC - Quality service as of Oct. 2003, Oil drain plug|Tightening torque thread size in Nm M 14x05 40 M 16x15 40 M 18x15 40 M22x1,5 80 M 33x15 160 Senennung Descnpion Denometon Prypan Typetrom Wypers pa de LEBHERR PR Litronic Standard screws LR Litronic ‘Datum Edition Date RL Litronic Tightening Torques eae 01 04 Factory standard WN 4037 | Ps, 1.4,02.02 SAE Grade tor2 5 6or7 8 Quality of screw Standard Minimum Medium Best Commercial Commercial Commercial Min. Tensile | to 1/2-472 | to 3/4-821 to 5/8 -958 1026 StrengthN/mm2 | to 3/4-438 | to 1 -787 | to 3/4-910 to 1-376 Screw head No marking ooo! O | © Screw size inches | Wrenehsize | thread | threads | screw size Torque Value (Nm) mm | inch | series mm Grade 1,2 | Grade5 | Grade6,7| Grade 8 an A UNE 28 is 8 14 % 19 5/16 1a | 9it6 | UNC ae 79 R A 26 s 37a | w prey NE | 28 os | 2 1s | @ 7/16 19 | 3a | UNC % "1 ae be 75 ae 12 22 | 7a | UNC iG 12,7 i ie 115 ia Pa oe a ae Re es ma | [hel te | [me ee en a Note: 1, Always use the torque values listed above when specific torque values are not available 2, The above is based on use of clean, dry threads, 3, Reduce torque by 10 % when engine oil is used as a lubricant. 4, Reduce torque by 20 % if new cadmium plated screws are used 5. Ifscrews grade 5 to 8 are used in aluminum the torque must be reduced by 30%. In addition, the amount of thread screwed into the material should be twice the diameter of the screw. Senennung Devcipion Denomination Pape typelom TypeTa parroe LIEBHERR ron based on issue 1992 ER Gene ‘Datum Falion Dae Tightening Torques RL Litronic 01 98 Tar SAE Screw pos, 14.03.01 4. Hole diamoter for tapping ISO standard Metric (internal) thread Hole diameter limits Drillbit max. min. 0,765] 0,728 | OTS 0,885 0.85 0,985 0.95 4.160 4 1224 125 430 145 1.6 4,75 19 2.05 210 25 29 33 26.5 29.5 M56 M60 Mes Mea Dimensions are in mm mm x 0,03937 = inches frat Typer Tom Typera parece UEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 04 Hole diameter before tapping 2. Hole diameter for tapping ISO fine Metric (internal) thread Hole diameter Hole diameter Thread size limits Drill bit @ Thread size limits Drill bit @ max. min. max. min. Mix02 | 0,821 | 0,783 08 M25x4 | 24,153 | 23,917 24, Mi.ix0,2 | 0,924 | 0833 09 M25 x45 | 23,676 | 23,376 | 235 M1.2x0,2| 1,021 | 0,983 A M25x2 | 23,210 | 22,835 23. Mi4x0.2| 1221 | 1,183 12 M26xi5 | 24,676 | 24,376 | 245 M1.4x0,25| 1,185 | 1,129 1.15 M27 x1_| 26,153 | 25,917 26. M1.6x0,2| 1421 | 1,383 14 M27x1,5 | 25676 | 25,376 | 255 M18x0.2| 1,621 | 1,583 1.6 M27x2 | 25,210 | 24,835 25 M2x0,25 | 1,785 | 1,729 1,75 M28x1_| 27,153 | 26,917 27. M22x0,25) 1,985 | 1,929 1,95 M28x45 | 26,676 | 26,376 | 265 M25x0,35| 2,201 | 1,127 2.15 M28x2 | 26,210 | 25,835 26 M3x0.35 | 2,721 | 2,621 2.65 M30x1_| 29,153 | 28.917 29. M3.5x 0,35] 3,221 | 3,121 3,15 M30x1,5 | 26676 | 26,376 | 285 M4x05 | 3,599 | 3.459 35 M30x2 | 28,210 | 27,835 28 M45x0,5 | 4,099 | 3,959 4 M30x3 | 27,252 | 26,752 27. M5x05 | 4.599 | 4.459 45 M 32x15 | 30,676 | 30,376 | 305 M5.5x0,5| 5,099 | 4,959 5 Ma2x2_[ 30,210 | 29,835 30, M6x0,75 | 5,378 | 5,188 52 M33xi.5 | 31676 | 91,376 | 31.5 M7x0,75 | 6,378 | 6,188 62 Ma3x2 | 31,210 | “30,835 31 M8x0,75 | 7,378 | 7,188 72 M33x3_| 30,252 | 29,752 30, M8x1_| 7,153_| 6,917 7 M35x1,5 | 33,676 | 33,376 | 33,5 M9x0,75 | 8,378 | 8,188 a2 M36x4.5 | 34,676 | 34,376 | 345 Mox1 | 8,153_| 7,917 & M36x2 | 34,210 | 23,835 wh M10x0,75| 9,378 | 9,188 92 M36x3_| 33,252 | 32,752 33, M10x1 | 9,153 | 8,917 g M38x1,5 | 36,676 | 36,376 | 365 M10x1,25| 8912 | 8647 38 M39x1.5 | 37,676 | 37,376 | 37.5 M11x0,75| 10,378 | 10,188 10,2 M39x2 | 37,210 | 36,835 37 Mt1xi_ | 10,153 | 9,917 10. M39x3 | 36,252 | 35,752 36: M124 _| 11,153 | 10,917 14,1 M40x1,5 | 38,676 | 38,378 | 385 M12x4,25| 10.912 | 10,647 10.8 M40x2 | 38,210 | 37,835 38 Mizxis | 10676 [10376 [10,5 M40x3 | 37,252 | 36,752 37, Mi4x1_| 13,153_| 12.917 13, M42x1.5 | 40,676 | 40,376 | 405 M 14x 1,25| 12,912 | 112647 | 128 M42x2 | 40,210 | 39,835 40 Mi4xi5 | 12,676 | 12376 | 125 M42x3 | 39,252 | 38,752 39. M18x4 | 14,153 | 13.917 14. —M42x4_| 38,270 | 37,670 38, MiSx15 | 13.676 | 13.376 135 M45x45 | 43.676 | 43,3768 | 435 M16x1 | 15,153 | 14.917 15, M43x2 | 43,210 | 42,835 43 Misxis | 4676 | 14376 | 145 M45x3 | 42,252 | 41,752 a2 Mi7x1_| 16,193 | 15.917 16 M45x4_| 41,270 | 40,670 at Mi7xi5 | 15,676 | 15376 | 155 M48x1.5 | 46,676 | 46,376 | 465 M18x1_| 17,153 | 16.917 7 M48x2 | 46,210 | 45,835 46 Migxi5 | 18.676 | 16376 | 165 M48x3 | 45,252 | 44,752 45 M18x2 | 16,210 | 15,835 16. M4ax4 [44,270 | 43,670 4, M20x1_| 19,153_| 18.917 19) M50x1,5 | 48,676 | 48,376 | 485 M20x15 | 18676 | 18376 | 185 M50x2 | 48,210 | 47,835 48 M20x2 | 18,210 | 17,835. 18 M50x3 | 47,252 | 46,752 Eid M22x1_| 21,153 | 20,917 21 M52x1,5 | 60,676 | 50,376 | 50,5 M 22x15 | 20,676 | 20376 | 205 M52x2 | 50,210 | 49,835 50. M22x%2 | 20,210 | 19,835 20 M52x3 | 49,252 | 48,752 4. M24xi_| 23,153_| 22.917 23 M52x4 | 48,270 | 47,670 48 M 24x15 | 22,676 | 22,376 | 225 M24x2 | 22,210 | 21,835 22 1, ERMETO screw couplings Excerpt from presently available manufacturer's data. Changes are reserved. 1.1 Types of the most often used couplings Type Description XG Straight screw coupling without union nut XGE Straight female coupling without union nut SWE Swivel coupling (Banjo coupling) vsti End coupling sv. Straight bulkhead coupling wsv Elbow bulkhead coupling GAI Straight male coupling Ri Reducer coupling with internal threads 1.2. Tightening torque MA in Nm Thread data: M=metric 1SO threads (cylindrical) R=Whitworth tube threads (cylindrical) 1.2.1 Journal couplinas Sealed via a sealing edge - Form B DIN 3852 - or Eolastic seal Note: The given values are valid for couplings made of steel with surface protection - phosphated and olled or zinc plated and apply if the counter material is steel () = changed value for journal with Eolastic seal. On Ri Type couplings, use tightening torque for S series. Series/] Thread size, Tnread | a Series/| Thread size, | ma | Thread | nq tube fuse |(N™) tube | metric | finm)] Se. | nm) M10x1 R18" 36 [wi2xis | 35 [ria | 60 ua [mi2xts va" | 50 8 [miaxts | 60 Java" | 60 maxis | 50 [rva"_| 50 sto [mt6x1s | 95 [rae | 110 Lia [mtexts R36" | 80 $12 [wraxis | 120 [r3ie"__| 110 15 [mtexts R12" | 160 14 [w2ox1s | 170[R12" | 170 tte [ma2x1s R12" | 105 $16 [maxis | 190 [R1/2" | 140 22 [m26x1s Raa" | 220 $20 |m27x2 | 320 [rava" | 320 28 [m33x2 Rt” 370 (250) (230) Last [measa Ree | "600 25 [w33x2__ | 500 [r1™ 380 Lar [uaaxe Ria" | 800 $30 |ma2x2 | 600 [R114 | 600 38 [masx2 | 800 [r11/2" | 800 Benennung,Desription Denomination Pypabypertrom Typera paride LIEBHERR PR Litronic based on issue 1992 LR Litronic ‘Daum Falion bate RL Litronic ! 01 98 Couplings 14.05.01 1.2.2 Swivel (Banjo) couplings - SWVE sein] lal, [ma] ‘red [un | ania] tora, [a] ure] mn metric size, tube metric size, tube L& JM12x1,5 40 JR1/4" 45 ss [M14x1,5 55 [R1/4” 45 £10 [M14x1,5 55 [R1/4” 4s $10 [M16X1,5 65 [R3/8" 70 L12_|M16x1,5 65 |[R3/8" 70 $12_[M18x1,5 90 [R3/8" 70 L15 |M18x1,5 90 [R1/2” 100 $14 [M2015 120 [R1/2" 100 18 [M22x1,5 130 |R1/2” 100 $16 [M22x1,5 130 [R1/2" 100 L22_ [M26x1,5 140 | R3/4" 140 s20_|M27x2 150 [R3/4" 140 1.23. End couplings VSTI R/M-ED Metric | Tube | (A, Metric | Tube | (A, mioxt [rive"_| 10 | [waaxts [ri | 60 mi2x15 |= 20 | |ma6xt.s 70 wiaxis [Rie | 30 | [wa7x2 [rava | 90 miexis [Rae | 35 | [waax2 [rim | 140 miexis |= ao | [mazx2 [rtiva” | 240 m20x15 [= 50 | [maex2 [R1s2" | 300 1.3 Installation for conical type sealed couplings Lightly oil O-ring before installation. Insert sealing cone into 24° bowl of the screw coupling. Tighten union nut by hand, then use a wrench and turn an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn, 2. WALTERSCHEID - couplings Excerpts from presently available manufacturer's data. Changes are reserved. 24. Types of the most often used couplings Type Description symbol SNV Straight coupling — EWsD ‘Adjustable Elbow coupling ‘a ETSD ‘Adjustable T- coupling Ao ELsD Adjustable L-coupling HH EGESD —_| Straight female coupling —s REDSD —_| Reducer coupling =H all couplings with sealing cone and O-ring 2.2. Tightening torques ‘Only standard values are given for female couplings and plugs. Thread data: M=metric ISO threads (cylindrical) R=Whitworth tube threads (cylindrical) Note: Lightly oil all threads before installation! The tightening torques apply if the counter material is ste! Thread size Mand R Mioxt Tightening torque in Nm standard Journal coupling Mi2x1 5 30 Miaxt,5 40 Mi6x1,5 60 MiBx1,5 70 M20x1,5 90 M22x1,5 700 M26x1,5 120 M27x2 150 M33x2 250 Ma2x2 400 Magx2 Ria" R1/4" 33 R3/8" 70 R1/2" 90 R3/4" 150 Ri" 220 R11/4" 500 R11/2" 600 Senennung Devciplion Denomination Fiyprab Typelhom Typeva partirce LIEBHERR PR titronic based on issue 1992 LR Litronic Datum Edition Date RL Litronic 01 98 Couplings Tar Pa Featie 23 23.1 23.2 233 Installation AA important: Any deviation in tightening values will reduce the life expectancy of the couplings, resulting in leakages or other failures. Journal couplings and plugs Screw in until you can noticeably feel some resistance. Then continue to turn another rotational angle of 30° (=1/12 turn), Conical seal couplings Lightly oil Hold the screw coupling with a wrench and tighten the union nut to a rotational angle of 120° turn) past the point when resistance can be felt. the O-ring. Insert the sealing cone into the receptacle and tighten the union nut by hand. 13 1 Serew coupling 2 Coupling with sealing cone 2.4 Union nut 22 Ring 23 O-ting 3 Counter piece Elbow coupling RSWV Lightly oil the screw coupling and the O-ring for the hollow screw. Insert the hollow screw through the swivel or banjo housing ( side with smaller shaft ), insert the seal ring into the larger side of the housing and insert the hollow screw by hand. Align the swivel or banjo coupling and tighten the hollow screw with a wrench until noticeable resistance can be felt (pressure point). Continue to tighten the hollow screw, while countering the housing, toa rotational angle of 90° (=1/4 turn) over the pressure point. 3. VOSS- couplings Excerpt from presently available manufacturer's data. Changes are reserved. Tightening torque for journal couplings Thread data: ‘Type of seal: Note: M=metric SO threads (cylin: R=Whitworth tube threads (cylindrical) FormB FormE with sealing edge ith Peflex seal ring The tightening torques refer to steel couplings and a counter piece with a tolerance of = 360 N/mm2. The journal couplings should be lightly oiled before installation sts] Ta fin | enti Le |M10x1 25 | 15 [R1/8" 25 | 20 S6 | M12x1,5 | 50] 50 [R1/4" 60 | 60 L8 [M12x1,5 | 35 | 25 [R1/4" 50 | 50 S8 |M14x1,5 | 60 | 60 [R 1/4" 60 | 60 L12_[M16x1,5 | 80 | 70 [R3/8" 80 | 80 $12 _[M18x1,5 [120] 90 ]R3/8" 110| 90 118 |M22x1,5 | 160] 130]R 1/2" 170| 100 $14 |M20x1,5 [170/130] R 1/2” 200 | 150 22 |M26x1,5 |220]180]R 3/4” 240/180 $16 |M22x1,5 | 190/130] R 1/2” 200 | 150 128 |M33x2_ |300/230[R 1" 370| 230 $20 |M27x2 300] 200] R 3/4" 320 | 200 35 |M42x2 500/330]R 11/4" | 600/330 $25 _|M33x2_ |450/250]R1" 500 | 250 az [9a5x2[s00]soofn v2" [700]soo] |7s30 | aax —|eo0|s00] n+ |eo0|s00 $38 |M48x2_|700/600]R 11/2" | 800/600 LIEBHERR PR Litronic based on issue 1992 LR Litronic Datum Edition Date RL Litronic 01 98 Couplings TE, 14.05.03 150 - Tolerances and fits 1SO is an abbreviation which stands for: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION The purpose of the ISO system of tolerances and fits js to allow the production of interchangeable parts with a minimum number of tools, fixtures and gauges. ‘The basic tolerances are divided into 20 tolerance zones - 01, 0 and 1 to 18 which denote the size of the tolerance. The smaller the number, the smaller the tolerance will be. Basictolerance: 1, Diameter range: 0.236" to 0.393" (6 to 10 mm), Tolerance size 1 um = 0.00004" Basic tolerance: 8, Diameter range: 0.236" to 0.393" (6 to 10 mm), Tolerance size 22 um = 0.0088" Note: Dimensions are given in pm . 1 ym = 0.001 mm - mm x 0.03937 = inches Tolerance zone positions According to ISO the type of fit is divided into three groups 1. Clearance fit 2. Transition fit 3. Press fit Bores Shafts Transition fit Clearance fit Press fit Clearance fit The ISO tolerance system is based on the idea of a standard shaft and a standard bore. ‘The tolerance system of the standard bore is based on a constant bore diameter. The standard dimension is also considered the smaller dimension, which means the tolerance zone “H” applies. It is the shaft diameter which has to be manufactured larger or smaller depending on the type of fit required. Standard bore N_ Nominal dimension H_ Tolerance area of bore 0 Zeroline Clearanceit Transition fit Terennang_ Desigtion Denomination ean an yeaa LIEBHERR PR Litronic based on issue 1992 LR Litronie Daum Faken Bae Ri Livonic 01 98 1SO-Tolerances a Pa Featie The tolerance system of the standard shaft is based on a constant shaft diameter. The standard dimension is also considered the largest dimension, which means tolerance zone "h” applies. It is the bore diameter w! has to be manufactured larger or smaller depending on the type of fit required N_ Nominal dimension H_ Tolerance of shaft 0 Zeroline Standard shaft Clearancefit. Transition ft Press fit Examples: Standard bore (Clearance fit) Standard shaft (Transition fit) Cd 6 7 eran, Dimensions in ues die. | Bore at Dia : ore oe| shat ‘Dis shot 8 rin| 47 | H8 | #7 | 96 | 6 | m8 “mm”| WS | he | ho [O10] 47 | HB | HI | K6 | J6 tromie| +2] +33 -20[- 7] of 0 toms] of of] 0 [+raa|+ar|-a3[+ra0]+ 2] +e wo | 0 | 0 f-a | -20]- 13] -33 wo |- 9|-12]-s2f+ss] of] of of- nfs Tolerance zone position: +100. +100 17s +75: +50, +50. 35 425. ‘ ToT 26 N N =50] 50. ‘Standard bore meter| Bore Running ft Shaft range in Sliding fit] Plain [Rough fit] Push tt [Driving fit] Tightfit | Press fit | Forced ns siding it press fit a7 | He | of | fe | he | he | ant k6. 6 Tom Tg to]? ta] 7] 3 7 0 Os 6+ ofr 8|> [> 16 to 0 o|- 16|-8|-_6|-_ 14} colt ols 2+ aj from a i2pF_ie]-_10/- 4 0 0 O/+ 7/+ 3+ t2[+ 16+ 20 to 0 oj- 22} a2|- a] 18}-75|- ae ate a+ ale 2 from fF 1s/F 22[- 13/- 5 0 0 O[+ 7/+ to|+ 15/+ 19]+ 24 tot 0 O|- 28} 14]- 9-22} go} a] tt + 10+ 15 from 19+ 18]+ 27/-_16|- 6 0 0 O[+ 8[+ 12] _18[+ _23[+ 29 to 4 0 ol- 34}-a7|-af- 27} so}. 3+ t+ 7+ 2+ 8 from qr zif+_33)-_20]- 7 0 0 of+ 9f+ ts[+ 2if+ 2e[+ 35 to 3 0 Ol} 41{-20]- 13] 33} 130}- ale f+] t5|+ 22 from a 25/+ 38/-_25/- 9 0 0 Of+ tif+ te]+ 25|+ 33] 42 to 5 0 o|- 50|-_25|-_16|-_39}-_i60]- 5|+ 2+ 9+ 17/+ 26 from 5+ 30/* 46] 30/- 10 0 0 O]+ t2[+ 21; 30/+ _3a[+ 51 to 8 0 o|- 6o|-_29|- _19|-_a5]- sg0}- 7|+ “2+ 11]+ 20l+ 32 from 80+ 35/+ 54/- _36/- 12 0 0 Ol+ 13+ 25[+ 35/+ 45[+ 59 to 12 0 ol. 7if- 34] -22|-sa}- az0f- a+ 3]+ 13] 23]+ 37 from 120+ 40} 63/- 43-14 0 0 O/+ ia[+ _28}+ 40/+ _52|+ 68 to 18 0 O|- 83|-39|- 25|-63]- 250]- 1i]+ 3]+ 15|+ 27|+ a3 from 180+ 46/4 72[- 50]- 15 0 0 0/+ 16+ 33/+ 46/+ 60[+ 79 to 25 0 O|-96|-_44|-_29/-_72}-_290]-_13]+ a+ 17] 31+ 50 from 250+ 52/+ 81|- 56-17 0 0 O|+ 16+ 36]+ 52/+ 66|+ 88 to 31 0 o]- 108]- 49|- 32]- si]- 320]- 16|+ 4]+ 20|+ 3al+ 56 Dimensions in ym (1um= 0,001 mm) Fit descriptions are in reference to standard bore Standard shaft (Tolerance field H) Shaft Bore mm | 5 | he | ho | oto | H7 | He | Hit | 46 | ke | M6 rom 1, 0 0 OF 60 3]+ ta]F _oo]> 3 oa to -4|- 6]-25|+ 20) 0 0 ol. 6|- al from q 0 0 O[+ 7el+ t2[e 18/+ 75+ ale _2y- to -5|- 8]. 30+ 30) 0 0 Ee ee ee from 4 0 q O/+ 98[+ 15] 22/+ 90+ SIF 2]- | to 10- _6|-_9|-_-36|+ 40 0 0 of al 7] a from 1 0 0 O|+ i20/+ 18/+ 27]+ t10/+ 6f+ 2-4 to 1-8-1] 43+ 50 0 0 of. 5. 3}. 15] from 1 0 0 O/+ 1a9[+ 21; 33] 130+ 8lF _2|- to 3-9 13|-s2l+ 65 0 0 of. 5} na} a7} from 3 0 o O/+ 180[* 25] 39/+ t6o[+ Tol 3]- 4] to 50-_11|-_16|-_62|+ 80) 0 0 ol-6]- 13] 29} from 5 0 0 O|+ 220/+ 30/7 46|- 190/713] a> to 8-13/-_19|- 74/4 100 0 0 of. 6-15]. 2a from 8 0 0 O/+ 260[+ 35|* 54/+ 220[+ tol+ 4]- gl to 100-_15|-22|-_87|+ 120) 0 0 ol; 6]-r8|- asl 35|- 124 from 10 0 0 O/+ 260[+ 35]* 54/+ 220[+ tel a]-__@f 7 to 124-15) 22|-_97|+_120 0 0 ol. 6]- 13-33]. aol from 12 0 0 O/+ 305[+ 40}+ 63/+ 250+ tel+ _4]-__@f q to 180-_18|- _25|-100|+ 145 0 0 ol. 7]. aif 37]. a6) from 18 0 0 O/+ 355[+ 46/+ 72/+ 290[+ 221+ 5]- 9} of to__25-_20|-_28|-_115|+_170 0 0 ol “7]- 2a ail_ 52) from 3g 0 0 O/+ 400[+ s2[ 81) 320[+ as[r 5] —- = to 315- 23]- 32]- 130+ 190] 0 0 of- 7-27] = - Fit descriptions are in reference to standard shaft 0,001 mm) (Tolerance field h) Dimensions in pm (1m Senennung Devcipion Denomination Pape typelom TypeTa parroe LIEBHERR PR titronic based on issue 1992 LR Litronic Datum Edition Date RL Litronic 01 98 1SO-Tolerances — Pas, 14.06.02 In order to identify electrical and electronic systems in a clear and internationally understandable way, the symbols of electrical systems in motor vehicles are marked with a combination of standardized code letters and numbers. The same system is also used in the schematics of Liebherr heavy equipment, Example: Alternator w. regulator G1 - Code letter and code number 31 - Terminal designation B+- Terminal designation D+- Terminal designation 1. Code ( Identification) Letter (according to DIN 40719 / 2) Cod eee Type of device Examples ‘| System, sub-assembly, parts | Carradio, combination unit, trigger box, control unit group B | Transducer for conversion | Sensor, probe, pick up, horn, microphone, speaker on non-electrical variables to electr. variables or vice Condenser and capacitors | Condenser and capacitors of al types D | Binarydevices, memory | Digital device, integrated circuit (IC), impulse counter, timer devices E | Devices not listed All types of lights, heater, air conditioner, spark plugs F | Protection device Fuse, current protection circuit, overvoltage protection device G_| Powersupply Battery, altemator (generator), rectifying device, transformer H | Indicators, alarms, ‘Acoustic alarms, indicator, brake, turn signal, alternator signaling devices indicator and control lights K_[ Relays Battery relay, step relay, safety relay 1 [inductors Coils, windings M_| Motors Blower, fan, wind shield wiper, starter motor N_| Regulators, amplifiers Regulator (electronic or electro-mechanical), voltage stabilizer P| Gauges, instruments Hourmeter, Ammeter, fuel, temperature , pressure indicators | Resistors Flame glow plug, glow plug, resistor, potentiometer, variable resistor (rheostat), fuel sending unit S| Switches Switches/push buttons of all types, pressure switch T_| Transformers Current transformer, ignition coil U | Modulators, Converter DC transformer, converters of all types V_| Semiconductors Diode, rectifier, semiconductors of all types, transistor W__| Transmission paths, ‘Antenna, wiring harness, wires, conductors of all types. conductors, antennas Senennung Devcipion Denomination Fiyprab Typeltom Typerapartiree LIEBHERR based on issue 1992 PR Litronic LR Litronic ‘Datum EaRion Date Code Letters + RL Litronic 01 98 Terminal Designations Tar Electric| 2%. 1-5.01.01 Code ‘fees. ‘Type of device Examples % __] Terminals, plugs, plugand | Electrical connection, terminal, female contact (socket), male socket connections contact (pin), plug Y_| Electrically actuated Permanent magnet, electric fuel pump, electric solenoid valve, mechanical devices proportional magnet Z__| Electrical filters Interference suppressor, filter network 2. Terminal Designation (according to DIN 72552) Ter- Ter- j minal Device/function minal Device/function Tgnition coll, Ignition distributor Starter Low voltage’ 45 Separate starter relay, output: starter: ignition distributor with two separate input (main current) electrical circuits Two starter parallel operation ta To ignition contact breaker! Starting relay for engagement current ib To ignition contact breaker Il aSa Output Starter, 2 Short circuit terminal (Magneto Input Starter | and ignition) 45 Output, Starter ignition coil, ignition distributor, high 48 Terminal on starter and on start- voltage repeating relay for monitoring starting Ignition distributor with two separate rocedure electrical circuits Turn signal flasher (pulse generator) fa From ignition coil terminal 4 49 Input 4b From ignition coil i, terminal 4 490 Output 15 Plus (+) downstream of battery 49 Output, second turn signal circuit {Output of ignition/driving switch] #2¢__|_ Output, third turn signal circuit 15a ‘Output at dropping resistor to ignition coil and starter oH ed _— Glow plug and starter switch a parallel battery switch "7 ae Output forstarter control 19 Preheat 50b ‘Starter control with parallel operation 30 Battery of two starters with sequential control Input from + terminal of battery I ‘Starting relay for sequential control of 12/ 24 V series parallel battery switch the engagement current during 30a input from + terminal of battery II Bie Past etcbetinge of Wo-pateels oo ee ting relay for starter a Ratur ine to battery “Battery Sod | Input at starting relay for starter —— | ten ground, di a : 31D Return line to negative battery a ‘Startlocelngrelay ‘terminal or ground, via switch orrelay — g¢ ‘Ouiae (switched negative) Bt Tani 12/ 24Vseries- parallel battery switch 30, pene repeating relay, Bla Return line to - (minus) terminal of Hy output Bic battery I EE Return line to - (minus) terminal of ‘Alternator battery! 51 Devoltageatrectifier Flecutemotes Se DC voltage at rectifier with choke coil 2 Electric motors for daytime driving 33 Main terminal connection !) Trailer signals 33a Self parking switch - off 52 Signals from trailer to towing vehicle 33b Shunt field 33f for second lower speed range 339 for third lower speed range 33h for fourth lower speed range 33L Counterclockwise rotation 1) Polarity reversal possible at terminals 32/33, BBR Clockwise rotation ey Device/function ae Device/function “SS___]Whermotor Inputtt)______ “Siz | ttinpas— 53a Wiper (+), self parking switch - off 82y 2nd input 53b Wiper (shunt winding) Multiple position switch 53¢ Electr. windshield washer pump. 83 Input 53e Wiper (Brake winding) 83a Output, position 1 537 Wiper motor with permanent magnet 83 b Output, position 2 and third brush (for higher speed 83L_— | Output, left hand position Stop light, 83 | Output, right hand position 54 For light combinations and trailer plug Current relay connections 84 Input actuator 54g Trailer signals and relay contact Pneum. valve for additional retarding 84a Output, actuator brake,electromagnetically actuated __84b__|_Output, relay contact 35 Fog light ‘Switching (step) relay 3a Tight 85 Output, actuator (end of winding to 56a | High beam, high beam indicator light ground or negative) 36b | Lowbeam Input actuator, 56d Head light flasher contact 86 Start of winding 37 ‘Side marker lights, motor cycles, 86a Start of winding or 1st winding mopeds, abroad also cars, trucks, ete. 86 b Winding tap or 2nd winding s7a Parking light Relay contact for break and 57L Parking light, left changeover contacts 57R Parking light, right 87 Input 58 ‘Side marker light, tail light, license 87a ‘st output (break side) plate and instrument panel light 876 2nd output 58b Tail light changeover for single axle 87¢ 3rd output tractors 372 | tstinput 58¢ | Trailerplugand receptacle assembly 87y | 2nd input for single conductor tail light cable 87x 3rd input with fuse in trailer 88 Relay input contact 58d Variable intensity instrument panel Relay input contact and changeover light, tail light, and side marker light contacts sat | Left 88a | istoutput 58R__| Right, license plate light 88b | andoutput Alternator 88 3rd output (Magneto generator) Relay contact for make contact 39 AC voltage, output 88z | tstinput Rectifier, input 88y 2nd input 59a Charging armature, output 88x 3rd input 59b | Tail light armature, output ~~” [Generator and Generator regulator 59¢ Stop light armature, output B+ Battery positive tl ‘Alternator charge indicator Tight 8 Battery negative Tone sequence control device D+ Dynamo positive n Input D Dynamo negative Tha Output to horns 1 +2, low DF Dynamo Fiel Mb Output to horns 1+2, high DFI Dynamo Field 1 72 Alarm switch (rotating beacon) DF 2 Dynamo Field 2 75 Radio, cigarette lighter UV W Alternator, Alternator terminals 76 Speaker Directionat Signals (turn signal flasher) 77 Door valve control c First indicator light ‘Switch co Main terminal connection for separate Break contact and changeover switches indicator circuits actuated by the turn 8 Input ©2 signal switch Bla 1st output, break side C3 Second indicator light B1b 2nd output, break side Third indicator light e.g. when towing Make contact switch two trailers) 82 Input L Turn signal light , left 82a st output R Turn signal light, right 82b | and output LIEBHERR ‘Datum Falion Dae 01 98 ‘Benennung Description Denomination based on issue 1992 Code Letters + Terminal Designations PiypiabTypeltrom Typela partirde PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic are Electric|?2%. Special tools Sub Group Index Special tools Liebherr Diesel engine Special tools general hydraulic repair Special tools hydraulic pressure testing Special tools hydraulic cylinder Special tools general - electric repair ‘Special tools wiring hamess ‘Special tools mech. components Repair welding Installation guidelines Installation guidelines Duo-Cone-Seals Wiring installation guidelines ITT-Cannon plug Wiring installation guidelines Harting plug Wiring installation guidelines AMP plug Datum Eaton Dae 01 01 Benennung Desorption Denomination Special tools Application guidelines 24 2.4.10 2.4.20 24.21 2.4.22 2.4.30 2.4.31 2.1.40 2.2.00 2.3.01 23.01 2.3.02 2.2.03 2.3.04 FTyprab Typalrom Typola partr do Bar Page Fouls PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Description Id.No. Remarks llustration Digital Electronic Impulse 7009 538 | lostrange: Tachometer 400-6000 RPM accuracy all engines +1 RPM Tachometer - mechanical 5003 069, Test range: 100-3000 RPM accuracy: =1RPM Tachometer cable ‘5003 070 To be used with Id.No, 5003 069 D904 TB/ 904 T Tachometer cable extension| 122 902 to be used with Id.No. 5003 070 0904 TB/ 904 T Battery charge / coolant 7408 922 To test the condition of ion tester the battery charge and the percentage of antifreeze in the engine coolant ‘Description Deserpion Deronntion MEBHERR Dann Ean Dae 01 04 Diesel engine Special tools Piypab Typerror Typela parce PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic lMustration Description |d.No Remarks DGAA Test kit 3608 459 | to test ihe DOAS »CC2602M" concentration in coolant. — includes: {est strip container all engines Testkit 50 test strips Dead plastic container eye dropper ‘Compression tester 8008782 | To check ihe engines compression pressure, alll engines [Test adapter for 0524 044 | jo ba used in place of compression tester injoctor when checking compression all engines Injector testor 7361 236 _|1o chock injactor opening pressure all engines High pressure hand pump 7008 318 | o check the injection ‘with accessories, complete pump timing all engines Description Id.No. Remarks Mlustration Slide hammer “Angle method torque fixture 0524 072 to remove injectors all engines Tobe used with Id.No. 0524 072 0524 029 all engines 0524 062 to torque screws - cylinder head - main beerings = rod bearings all engines Engine turning fixture Dial gauge Pos.1 Dial fixture Pos.2 0524045 | mounted on the flywheel housing all engines (not useable at D 9406 TI- PR 752, RL52, use Id.No. 9183 785) To control the Gelvery 7022418 | begin from the distribution 7022420 —_| injection pump alll engines with distribution injection pump MEBHERR Dann Ean Dae 01 04 ‘Description Deserpion Deronntion Diesel engine Special tools Piypab Typerror Typela parce PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Mustration Description Id.No. Remarks V- Belt Measuring Too! 8042 829 [to measure V- Bat Krikit2" tension All engines Holding fixture 0527 462 | fo eliminate staring fuel quantity when adjusting the delivery begin motors with .MW* injection pumps D914i916 928/926 109306/9308 9406/9408 ‘Sampling pump pos. 1 | 8145666 | sod for taking ol samples for the oil 1 Sampling valve for oil analysis. samples pos. 2 7019 068, 2 Oil analysis set German analysis at WEAR 6 samples 7018368 | CHECK Germany, 12 samples 7018 369 | analysis report in German language. Ol analysis set French ‘Analysis at WEAR 6 samples 8503561 | CHECK Boigium analysis report in French language Engine turning fixture ‘9183 785 ‘with 24" square head drive to tum the Diesel engine D 9406 TI- PR 752, RL 52, for adjustments fits on the fan side end of crankshaft Description Id. No. Remarks Mlustration Vacuum pump, complete 7408 148 | for fastor bleeding of with the following accessories: the hydraulic system the vacuum pump can Vacuum pump with electr. produce low pressure cord 7407987 | (appr. 0.4 bar) by Hose assembly 7407985 | reversing the PVC Hose assembly 7407986 | hose. The connecting 7404619 | point for the machine is Fitting LER. 4901110 _| the bleeder screw on PVC hose 7360127 ‘| the hydraulic tank Terminal clamp - pos. 7408 149 Terminal clamp - neg 7408 150 Plug - 2 connectors 7408 154 Temperature gauge 7020372 ‘accuracy: + 2% 12° test range: “18°C - #260°C ‘Adjustment tool ‘commercially | to adjust pump end for BPV 50, 70, 100 available —_| position via eccentric screw Tool to loosen / counter Note: The 12 point Htem.4 socket %4" stub should 12 point socket %* SW13x85 | have an outer diameter of 18 mm over a length Adjustment tool of approx. 35 mm Item.2 Hex head screw handle SW 4x 200 ltem.3 socket wrench SW13 x 120 Hook wrench 7900282 __|0 oosen/ tighten when 58- 62mm adjusting the regulating range of BPV pumps. ‘Adjustment tool for slotted 9792711 | to loosen’ tighten lock nut at HPV 130 nut when adjusting pump end stop - Qeas (also usable when adjusting regulating range at BPV) use together with hook wrench Ig, No. 7900 282 TDeccipton Descipion Denomination HMEBHERR Daum Eaten Date 01 09 General hydraulic repair Special tools Fiypiab Tyrer Type a parce PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Mlustration Description Id. No. Remarks, ‘Adjustment tool for 9749025 | to loosen/ tighten lock - mechanical neutral position nut when adjusting slotted nut mechanical neutral HPV 135.02 position. Clamping tool for clamping 6427 521 to tighten the spring and spring at BPV remove ball socket BPV 35 -200 trumpet tube when changing swash plate bearing Pin puller 6427516 —_| used to remove the pin for pump BPV 35 - 100 for the swash plate bearing cage retainer clip Punch to punch the studs - for stud BPV 70 -100 change of needle bearing segment Swash plate 7413 894 Housing 4713 895 Installation sleeve for radial for correct mounting the shaft seal radial shaft seal on the pump drive shaft BPV 35-70 7404 289 Note: BPV 100 7404298 | install seal rings with Loctite 270 BPV 200 7404 567 Description Id. No. Remarks Ilustration Measuring device for To measure pressure, differential pressure 7025376 _| cifferential pressure contents -230V and used for Data 230V transfers to the PC contents of: measuring device MH 2045 2 prassure sonsors 0-600 bar 2ies tings 2testhoses MK 12m Measuring device for 7025755 | connecting wire - board creut differential pressure adapter wire date anster contents 120V power supply wnt Prossure gauge accuracy: 0-10 5002 865 | + 1% of end value 0-25 7361 289 0-40 7361 288 | all pressure gauges are 0-60 5002 867 —_| ‘glycerin filled” 0-100 5602 903, 0-160 73641 286 0-250 7364 285 0-400 7500 002 0-600 7361 294 0-1000 4801 115 Digital pressure gauge resolution 0,1% of end value 0-100 7412 643, accuracy: 0-500 7412644 | 0.2% of end value Lithium battery for digital 6002780 | gauge range - static: pressure gauge Up to max. 50 % above the listed end value Gauge - coupling To seal the coupling during pressure tests, a RY 7002436 | sealing, Id. No. 7409 794, must be installed Test hose NW2 To avoid loss of pressure during tests, 1000 mm 7002 437 —_| use the shortest 1500 mm 7002 475 —_| possible test hose — 4000 mm 7009 134 3000 mm 7363 732 Test fitting, complete Uunion nut and ferrule mounted on test fiting. R6L 7409 916 R10L 7406 864 R12L 7409 918 ee Descipton Deserpon Deromnaton yap Typerom Types paras MEBHERR PRttonic i i LR Litronic Hydraulic pressure testing RC Ebeee Daum Eavon Dae 01 04 Special tools Mustration Description Id. No. Remarks Serew coupling To connect to addtional machine measuring Maxt 7615321 | points M 10x 5608 462 M 42x15 7409 783 M 44x 5 7406 865 R%" 7409 720 ‘Schott screw coupling to connect shorter test lines or connection M 16x2 7407 070 | between test connection land pressure sensor Test plate A To close high pressure i SAE Tango 7370 092 | ports when checking Sze én mm) system pressures 8 0 Se ont material est plate [arene zara os | 9found resilient steel Sie (a mm ons taper rounded plate SS A 5M ‘ends, round off edges. B coulee (simplifies installation, ea ne sills avo asa prevents damage to3- Size (in mm) ing) ee B 82 or to be made in Gr house Flange, complete (2 each To close high pressure with O - rings and screws) ports when checking for support shaft system pressures and when shaft flange is pRri2ir22 9787796 | removed LR622 RLa\22 also to protect front surface when removing PRrs2i7a2 9787 798 _| support shaft bearings. LR632 RL(4)42_ Fitting To close off control ines for acjustment of hye. as.1 stopper 2x4900038 | motors on the pos.2 union nut 2x 4774001 | PR752 pos 3 elbow fitting 2x 7403 569 pos 4 reducer fitting 2 x 7404 259 pos 5 fitting 2% 7410 458 Machine identification number: 1 PR 712(B) F/N xxx- 103 Piston Wrench 2 PR722(B) FIN xxx- 103 3 PR732(B) FIN xxx -2003-> 4 PR742(B) F/Nxxx-2001-> 5 PR7S2 —FINxx-2001—> 6 7 R622 F/Nxxx-2006—> 8 LR632_—_ FIN xxx-2001—> 9 10 RL(4)22_F/Nxxx-1001-> 11 RL 42 FINxxx-2001-» Id. Ne Piston & Distance Machine identification number e A(mm) B(mm) 3:4:5/6:7:8; 9/0511: 12 9131362 (90 60 . 8007 364 100 5 8007 364 410 6 8007 365 120 88 8007 366 | 130 100 8007 366 140 100 8007 366 150 100 8007 366 160 100 8007 366, 170 100 ° 8007 366 180 100 9196 978 200 125 9196978: 220 125 Benennung Description Denomination Fiypat Type rirom Typers parade LIEBHERR , PR Litronic Hydraulic Cylinder LR Litronie Datum Eation Date RL Litronic 01 98 Special Tools hee, Fealite Mounting and Spreader Sleeve Machine identification number: 1 PR712(B) F/Nxxx- 103-> 2 PR722(B) FIN xxx- 103+ 3 3 PR732(B) FIN xxx-2003-> 4 PR742(B) FIN xxx-2001-> 5 PRI52 _F/Nxxx-2001-» 6 7 UR622_—_ FIN xxx-2006-» 8 R632 FIN xxx-2001- 9 10 RL(A}22_ FIN xxx-1001-> 11 RL 42. FIN exe-2001-+ Mounting | Spreader Machine identification number sleeve sleeve | forPiston a : i i.e. Id. Nr. 1 i818 # Ew a0 pat 9227 161 | 9227 162 90 9998 626 | 9110 405 100 9170 509 | 9170 511 iio 9998 778 | 9110 407 120 ““gg98 62a | 9110 aos [130 9998 623 | sito 409 | 140, 9998 622 | sit04i0 | 150, “9998 621 | sito att | 160 “9107 931 | “sito ai2 | 170° go08619 | 9110 413 180 si07 933. | 110 414 200 “9113 008 [9113 009 [220 Description Id. No. Remarks Ilustration Diagnostics unit CET 08/05 | 10305903 | Required to check With adapter cable adjust the travel drive (consists ofthe folosung parts marked = for all machine models wth") with electronic control / E~ Box Version CEP * Diagnostics unit 10470376 | For application of diagnostics unit, see section 10.4 * Adapter cable 55-pin 9814970 “Adapter CET-14105 for old” | 7413106 | Adapts the diagnostics unit Diagnostics unit 08/03 (box) for all machine models with E-Box Version CEP “Adapter cable 9814970 _ | Necessary for alltesis 55-pin Use for diagnostics units CET 08/03 and CET 08108, ‘Adapter cable - ¥ for oe ‘747 733 |Aunillary cable for special diagnostics unit 08/03 (Box) tests in travel drive Accessories 002 655 Protective cap for plug 6002 654 | Use for diagnostics unit Protective cap for socket CET 08103 Power supply cable 6002 687 | Power supply cable epl. for ,old" diagnostics unit (08103 (Box) consists of: Panel plug 7409 682 Plug 3-pin 7409 676 Shrink tubing for panel plug | 7409 681 Steink tubing for plug pin | 7400 670 Fansite 000738 | Center contact: + Side contact: - Accessories Protective cap for plug 3-pin i u 7409677 | Use for diagnostics unit CET 08/03 Tenenning Deserplion Denomnaron HMEBHERR Daum Eaten Date 01 08 Electric - General Special tools Fiypiab Tyrer Type a parce PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Description Id. No, Remarks E-Box Evaluation kit 9612435 | To read oul error slack E~ Consists of Box CEP 12/08C, CEP 12/20 Pos.1 Disk with and CEP 1/22 Software CEP 12, 7418 329 Pos. 2 Adapter cable 9812 434 Pedal test unit 7414235 | Required for PR-2-Litronic: Check / adjustment of inching / brake pedal LR-2 Litronic: Check / adjustment of steering and brake pedals LIKOM - Service Sot 9793970 | Required to check Consists of: adjust the travol drive LIKOM Sofware Pos. 1 | 9758 76001. |- for all machine models Interface cable Pos.2 | 9784580 | with electronic control / E- [Application description — not Box Version RST shown For application of diagnostics unit, see a section 10.6, pplication accessories: 6140 64501 poe noe 6004 217 Transformer 24/230 V Digital multi meter 6001231 Tor cpl with cable and bag Voltage (V) ‘Amperage (A)- Resistance ()- and Frequency (H2)- tests Optical charge tester 7408 922 _ | To check the batlery charge condition and the antifreeze protection in the coolant Socket wrench 9797 973 for sensor ~ contro! motor / ‘gear or 12 pt. Socket | Rework according to wrench | drawing SW27re- | Notched surfaces must be worked | ground out. > Description ldNo. Remarks Iustration Hand crimp tool - Cannon 7367 086 to produce flawiess crimp connections. M225 20/1-01 application, see .group 2.3.02" Crimp insert - Cannon used with hand crimp too! CT 120090-20 7409 779 Id. No. 7367 086 TH 452 7367 084 | application, see .group 2.3.02" Reference gauge to check the hand crimp tool M225 2013-4 7409718 | Id.No. 7367 086 application, see .group 2.3.02" Tasertion toal for CAB To insert wired crimp Crimp contacts contacts into the plug connectors, CIT-F80-KIT complote 7409 721 consisting of 1 Handle 7409 693 1 Insert cir 20 7409 694 | application, see .group 1 Insert cr 16 7aog.695 — |02.3.02" 1 Insert cr 12 7409 696 Insert cr 8 7409 697 4 Insert cr 4 7409 698 4 Insert cir 0 7409 699 Extraction tools for CA-B To remove wired crimp crimp contacts contacts from the plug connectors: CET-F80-KIT complete 7409 700 depending if socket or consisting of: pin contacts are 1 Handle 7408 701 | removed, the 1 Insert CET 20 7409 702 —_| corresponding side of 1 Insert CET 16 7409 703 the tool insert should be =oh=— 1 Insert cer 12 7409 704 | used. == 1 Insert CET 8 7409 705 | application, see .group =o 1 Insert cet 4 7409706 |02.3.02" 1 Insert cET 0 7409 707 —== Thsortion fool for KPSE ‘application, S80 .grOup crimp contacts 02.3.02." Ms 24256 A16 7409 708, Ms 24256 A20 7409 709 ‘Description Deserpion Deronntion Piypab Typerror Typela parce MEBHERR PRttonic LR Litronic Electric system - wiring harness RL Litronic Daum Eavon Dae 01 04 Special tools Mustration Description Id.No. Remarks Extraction tool for KPSE application, S82 .group crimp contacts 023.02" Ms 24256 R16 7409 710 Ms 24256 R20 7409 714 Insertion tool for SURE ‘application, see ,group SEAL crimp contacts, 023.02" complete cire-ss-1 7367 023 Insertion tip CIT-Ss-1-TIP 7409 712 Contact holder CT 317-8666-005 7409 713 Extraction tools for SURE -P*- valid for extraction SEAL crimp contacts, of socket contacts, complete *S" = valid for extraction CET-SS-P 7367 020 CET-SS-S 7367 022 _| application, see .group 023.02" Extraction tips CET-SS-P-TIP 7409 714 CET-SS-S-TIP 7409 715 Guiding pin - Cannon for: ‘when installing socket CA.B Crimp contacts contacts, guiding pins Size 15S, 16S, 15, 16: must be used. 226-1017-000 7409 716 Sizo 25, 12 protection against 226-108-000 7409717 | damage. SURE SEAL crimp contacts CT 317-8588-000 7409 745 —_| application, see .group 02.3.02. ‘Auxiliary tool - Cannon for device for holding SURE SEAL connectors during insertion and extraction CIEF-SS-5-6-7 7367 085 —_| of crimpad contacts. notch hand crimp tool Tor creating perfect »Buchanan‘* crimp connections on “Harting” plug post - Crimp pliers 8123 551 | connectors, pos? - Positioning sleeve 8123 552 Test gauge Tor inspecting crimp depth in ,Harting™ 05-4 und 2,5 mm 8123 553 | connector 1,5 mm 8123 584 Extraction tool for Harting 8123 556 | for extraction of crimp crimp contacts contacts from the “Harting” - connector Description Id.No. Remarks Mlustration Tnsertion tool for “Harting” 123 555 __|forinsertion of crimp contacts connected crimp contacts into the “Harting” connector Crimp tool To crimp contacts of for MATE -N - LOK MATE-N-LOK crimp contacts connectors for 1,5 mm? 7367 025 for 2.5 mm? 7366 314 Extraction tool AMP ‘extraction toolto push a for crimped contact of the MATE-N-LOK crimp contacts| 7366655 | MATE -N- LOK connectors substitute insert 7015 180 Insertion tool AMP $145 432 | toinsert pin and socket for contacts in connectors MATE-N-LOK Crimp type MATE -N - LOCK" contacts Hand crimp tool - Cannon 2503 647 | tocrimp correct for ,DEUTSCH" Connectors contacts of connectors type DEUTSCH” 5 crimp turet 7409 779 Extraction tool Cannon extraction tool fo push for crimp contacts pin contacts and socket ,DEUTSCH* contacts of AWG 4 8503633 | the, DEUTSCH" AWG 8 8503 632 | connectors AWG 12 10 114733 AWG 16 885 563 714 AWG 20 40144 732 Crimp tool AMP 7415 333 | tocrimp the JUNIOR AMP CertiLock POWER TIMER" contacts Descipton Deserpion Deromnaton yap Typerom Types paras MEBHERR PRttonic Electric system - wiring harness LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eavon Dae 01 04 Special tools a lMustration Description Id.No. Remarks Extraction tool AMP 7370 373 | extraction tool fo remove contact of the “JUNIOR POWER TIMER’ housing Crimp tool 7409 781__| to crimp insulated wire cSA0760 contacts. 0,75 - 6,0 mm+ Example: isolated connectors Crimp tool 7409 782 _| to crimp non insulated CRB 0560 wire contacts 0,5 -6,0 mm? Example: connection to wiper motor see picture group 9 Wire stripper complete To remove the insulation ‘on individual wires on Type 6011-26 7409777 | the electronic wire harness. Spare blades 7a09 778 |0,75 mmr Blade inseris to strip matric Tobe installed in wire /wices with the following wire stripper diameters Id.No. 7409 777 1,5-6,0 mm# 7409 788 0,18 - 2,5 mm# 7409 789 Description Id.No. Remarks Ilustration track component 7402603] application, soo measuring tool group 12.2. =] x R= ring wrench and 16 adjust bearing play of E= adjustment template cross roller bearings: for PR 712 (B) FAT 400523 RE | 9054262" —|*= with new adjustment template bearings. 4006563 R 9790 992 E 8123 439 = with new adjustment 400P553R 9790 992 tomplate and new E 8123 438 pin, can also be Used for newer gear PR 722 (B) FATA50/514 RIE 9054 281* types see Service information 4500564 R 9790 996 11-3-5/94 Litronic) E 8123 440 E= PR +LR622 450P554R 9790 996 vue +R (4)22. E 8123 440 i —____——} PR 732 (B) FAT500/525 RIE gos4 2807 =| != 8123. 445 VY J S00C565R 9790 999 substitution - carrier/ bolt E 8123 442 = 8123445, for wrench IdNr. 9790 992 and PR +LR622 S00PS55R 9790 999 ldNr. 9790 996 E 8123 441 ott dNr. 9790 995 PR 742 (B) FATS50/516 RIE gosd 27a | 1= 8123448 for wrench — IdNr. 9790 999 bolt IdNr. 8123 445 550C586 R 9791 003 E 3123444 | "\= 9123.446 for wrench IdNr. 9791 003, bolt dr. 8123 446 PR+RL42 S50P556R 9791 003 E 8123 443 Special wrench support 10 loosen and tighten shaft the ring nut on the support shaft 9054 840 PR 712722 LR 622 RL(4)22 9785922 PR732/742 LR 632 RL 42 Tescrphon Descnpion Danonnaton ypap typerem Types paras MEBHERR PR Uitonic Mech. components LR Litronic: RL Litronic Daum Eaton Date 01 09 Special tools Mlustration Description Id.No Remarks Socket wrench - size 22 mm ‘9745376 | torelease/ tighten the {for cable fittings on axle flange cable fitings on the support axle PR 732/LR 632 PR 742 RL 42 clamping tool for parking 98146884 | to dissemble and brakes assemble of the parking FAT - Type P/D brake at FAT type - P/D all types measurements for except PR 752 / RL 52 manufacturing the clamping tool see page 24.40.02 press - in punch Tor installation of radial shaft seal in hoist SKE CJ Pos instalation ange cylinder support see chapter 15.2 PR7121722 A) 9786683 | A= fur Pos.12 B| 9786684 = |B = fir Pos.11 2 PR732 A] 9786685 | for dimansions to B| 9786687 | manufacture the punch see page PR742I752 A] 9786686 B| 9786687 Pos.2 screw in handle for all installation flanges 9786 688 puller commercially | To pull out bushings Pos.1 with counter support available toll | Pos.3 ad Pos.4 from Pos.2 for the following hoist cylinder bearing dimensions (in mm) cutopen _ | support bushings, pos. 3 from © 120mm ipRraz|PR742|PR752 fio [20 [20 190 [on [00 ‘ara _|27a [200 {tension tool track adjuster Toinstal and remove Ce A unit the spring in the track roller frame on the PR Pos. 1 - installation flange 9798 353/752, absolutely requires Pos. 2- bar 9798 352 Pos. 3- hex head screw (6 4601217 —_| application, see pieces.) group 12.5.50° M16x310mm - 10.9 Description Id.No. Remarks Mlustration Tnstallation wrench 3416915 ‘Special hook wrench to Tension unit loosen and attach the ting nut Installation tool ‘9416922 ‘Sleeve to push on the Tension unit ring nut — prevents twisting of the ring nut 3er7 062] orinaalaton oF 7 : cule bearings at the | TI Mounting sleeve equalizer bar PR 752 Dimensions to self - manufacture from special tools 1. apf pe Periz PR722 R732 PR raz ; + om | rarsooszs | rarasonre | ratsoosas | rarssnisi of [fT ey (eum) | Fat 400.¢ 563 | Far 450¢ 508 | FAT 500 c 305 | AT 5500 560 f 315 ‘HO 360 305, _———- a 380 400 20 460 2 2 2 2 to i D | Meox25 | Moxas | moox2s | Manns rE 2 4 E 120 150 70 190 F 30 30 30 36 S 16 16 “6 18 on 2 2 zi 25 a1 36 38 38 “4 Dimensions on drawing are valid for all travel gears FAT 400 to 50. Fiypiab Tyrer Type a parce TDeccipton Descipion Denomination UEBHEER PR Litronic Mech. components LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Date 01 09 Special tools Pas .2.4,40.02 2. For disassembly and assembly of the brake housing travel gear FAT - type PD (Id. No. see page Pos. Description ® ldNo, 5 7 washer with nut M20 (welded en) 160 me 814 68S i a 2 washer for machine size X22, X42 160mm ‘984 851 3__| washer for machine size X12, X22 130mm 9814 882 4 screw M20x 110 10.930 4600 161 3 washer AIC “4600222 3. Mandrel for radial seal ring in lift cylinder bearing — a 1 s00 crawler dozers service manual, chapter 15.2.(Id. No. see page 3.1. Screw type handle age - item 2, fits for following installation flanges 3.2. Installation flange page - item 1 A for Pos.12, B for Pos.11 from group 15.2. all dimensions in mm tino, | mata | mage | masc | cmp PRrzi72| a | sees | ons” | oar” @ 2 B_ | eecese | on™ | a5 8 8 par@ | a | svases | one" | ovs™ 4 2 B_ | 97aeea7 | oeo* | aoa 10 18 PRriavs2| A | avesess | ao™ | o110™ 1% 23 B | ovasear | oe" aaa” 10 1 4, Intermediate flange travel pump to regulating pump, see 8.1,01.02 PR712(B) - PR732(B), LR622/LR632, RL(4)22 B With pulling device, IdNo.0624 072 - section, or with screw M10x100 all dimensions in mm ees Oss Prior to beginning any welding on earthmoving equipment, the battery cables and the wires on connection B+ and D- on the alternator must be disconnected and the electronic control box must be removed. In addition, the ground cable of the welding unit must be connected directly to the bare metal of the part to be welded. 1. Preparation of a crack The crack must be free of paint, grease and dirt To prevent the crack from extending during the preparation or the welding process, the end of the cracks should be drilled with a hole of at least 0.32" (8mm) in diameter. ‘The crack should now be ground, chiseled, torch cut or arced out at 2 60° angle. Be certain the edges are clean and extend through the full cross section of the material, without exceeding the 0.04" (1 mm) space in the lower part. On larger grooves, a welding safety should be installed ee 602 8mm mm ——) Certain materials must be preheated to 300°F (150°C) prior to welding Special preparations are necessary when preparing a crack in manganese steel. Due to its hardness, mechanical preparation, such as a chisel or hobbing machine is not possible. We suggest that the crack is prepared with a slow running and water cooled grinding wheel to prevent overheating, Other passibiliies for preparing cracks or removing high alloy welding seams are the use of cutting electrodes of the type UTP 82 AS. 2. Preparation of a weld ‘The area to be welded must be free of paint, grease, oil, moisture and dirt. During rain, the area to be welded must be covered. Materials with a thickness above 0.60" (15 mm), high carbon steel or steel which is difficult to ‘weld, the material must be preheated to approximately 176°- 392°F (80°- 200°C), Pre-heating is also necessary when the ambient or component temperature is below 40°F (5°C) or when the construction of the component prevent the welding stress to be released. 3. Storing Electrodes Use only dry and undamaged electrodes. Electrodes which are rusty or damaged should not be used. Electrodes should be stored in a dry room with a minimum temperature of 59°F (15°C). Open packages should be carefully closed and stored after the welding work is completed. PR Litronic LR Litronic Daum Eaton Dale RL Litronic 01 04 Repar Welding 4, Welding Technique The welding of material with the necessary elactrades (see table under paragraph 7) is in accordance with DIN 1912. The adjustment of the welding machine - dictated by the diferent thicknesses of the electrodes - can be taken from the table of the electrode package. Boginning with a material thickness of 1/4” (8 mm), butt welds must be made in several layers. The wold is applied in several beads. Wide butt welds are filled with several side by side beads, with the last layer covering the center. The electrode should melt evenly without creating burrs and peaks. The valley or crater, which is created when changing electrodes must be filled in and overtapped with the next electrode. To prevent cracks in those craters, care must betaken that they are properly filled Ifthe crack extends towards the outer edge of the material, slag may be trapped or bum holes may be created To prevent this, the following aid may be used: Tack a piece of sheet metal to the outer edge of the material. The welding seam bagins now at the sheet motal in the direction of the arrow. After the welding is completed, the sheet metal is removed and the edge of the material is ground smooth, PP The weld must cool off slowly and should therefore be protected from rain and wind, 5. Reinforcement of the welding seam If the crack of the material is due to an overload or abuse, a reinforcament plate should be welded over the crack. The selection of the correct reinforcement plate is based on the construction and load factors of the component to be repaired For this reason, only general recommendations can be made as to the size and shape of the reinforcement plates, 6. General application of reinforcement plates 6.1. Shape of reinforcement plates ‘The crossover or connection between the reinforced and not reinforced part should be as gradual as possible. This means that the size of the plate should be selected in such a way that new or unacceptable high stress in the repaired parts are avoided. Plates with sharp corners (such as a rectangular plate) should not be used. oS CO Suitable reinforcement plate with Suitable reinforcement plate against high tensile strength. bending and alternating loads. .2. Plate Thickness The thickness of the reinforcsment plate should be up to 2/3 (66%) of the thickness of the material to be reinforced. 6.3. Plato Quality The yield and tensile strength of the reinforcement plate should be equal to the material to be reinforced. .4, Plate Installation The welded area of the crack should be ground so itis smoath and level. ‘The size of the plate must be selected in such a way that the longer sides of the plate extend into the connecting construction of the material to be reinforced. The plate should also overlap the crack on each side by at least 1" (20 mm). The correct position and fit of the reinforcement plate is achieved through clamping and spot welding 6.5, Plate Welding The reinforcement plate should be welded on by running a welding bead altemately on both sides. The welding should always start in the middle of the plate and run towards the outside. Be certain to observe that each welding seam has proper run out apy oy sr Sanremo — Direction of weld — Direction of wold The size of the welding run "a" is figured out in reference to the thickness *k" of the reinforcement plate. 0.5 k Up to a welding run "a" of approx. 1/8" (3 mm) run should be preferred. Use formu! gle run can be made, however, as @ general rule, a double Above a welding run a" of 1/8"(3 mm), the first run provides excellent penetration between the reinforcement plate and the basic material. Subsequent runs are added on top of the first run a-8mm After the welding is completed, clean the welding seam as necessary. Grind the run out between reinforcament plate and basic material PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 04 Repar Welding 7. Selecting the correct electrodes For repair welding, only lime based {Kb} electrodes should be used, and as a rule, the electrodes {additional material) should be “solter’ than the basic material. Exceptions to this rule should be observed Important: To reach the theoretical welding quality, the work must not only be performed in a professional menner, the electrode manufacturer's guidelines must absolutely be observed as well. Welding of vertical-down welds on steel components is not permissible! 7.1, Electrode Selection . ‘ Electrode - Protective gas welding wire Welling:ares, Mater norm description norm description BASIC MACHINE Roller frame - Main S152 -3 according to EN 499: ‘according to EN 440: frame QSIE 380. N £42 5B.42H5 Gasit according to AWS A5.1-91: | according to AWS AS. 18-93: 7018-1 H4 R ER70S-6 TH 600 according to EN 757: ‘according to EN 12534 preheat to app. E696 Mn2NiCiMoB42H5) G3CrNitMo 100-150°C according to AWS A5.5-96: | according to AWS A5.28-96: (210-300°F) E11018-G ER1108-G ‘ATTACHMENT Blade QStESBON | according to EN 499; ‘according to EN 440: Bucket HARDOX 400 £425B42H5 Gasit according to AWS A5.1-91: | according to AWS AS. 18-93: 7016-1 H4 R ER70S-6 Push frame Ste2-3 according to EN 499: ‘according to EN 440: Bucket arm £425B42H5 Gasit RL-Boom according to AWS A5.1-91: | according to AWS AS. 18-93: 7016-1 H4 R ER70S-6 LH 630 ‘according to EN 757: ‘according to EN 12534: preheat to app. E696 Mn2NiCIMoB42H5) G3CrNi1Mo 400-150°C. according to AWS A5.5-96: | according to AWS AS.28-96: (210-300°F) £11018-G ER110S-G Ripper St52-3 according to EN 499: ‘according to EN 440: QStE380N £42 5B42H5 Gasit HARDOX 400 | according to AWS A5.1-91: | according to AWS AS. 18-93: 7018-1 H4 R ER70S-6 WEAR ITEMS ‘Adapter, Tooth adapter | Special steel Root runs, Root runs; Ripper according to EN 499: according to EN 440: E425 B42 H5 Gasit according to AWS A5.1-91: | according to AWS AS. 18-93: 7018-1 H4 R ER 70 S-6 Cover layers with high-strength electrode according to EN 1600 E188MnB22 according to AWS A5.4-92: 307-15 Cover layers with high-strength electrode according to EN 12072: G 188Mn according to AWS A5.9-93: ER3O7 7.2. Steol Table Deseri Explanation Analysis HARDOX 400 |Weldable, low alloy special steelhighy _[C2027% SiS07% wear resistant, tensile strength 1250 N/mm] Mn = 1,6% Crs14% yield strength 1000 N/mm? Mo = 0,6% QSIEZON | Siruclural steel poured at low turbulence | C=0,18% with a guaranteed minimum tensile strength] Si < 0.5% Jof 500 - 640 Nimm and minimum yield [Mn < 1,6% strength of 380 Nimm? ‘Special steel | Highly abrasion resistant steel with a tensile| C = 0.3% strength of 1720 Nimm? Si= 05% — Mo = 0,3% 5152-3 /Stuctural steel powed at low turbulence |C = 0,22% 83551263 with a guaranteed minimum tensile strength] lof 510 Nim? TH 690 Heat treated fine grain structural sieelwith |C0,18% Si0,50% fa tensile strength of 770-940 Nimm? and |Mn<1,5% Mos05% yield strength of 690 Nimm? Nis 15% lightly alloyed with V, Al and Gu 7.3. Welding addition chart 7.3.1 Forare welding Description Explanation | Analysis - Value in % /Use according to EN 499; E = Arc welding, Rod electrode C= 0,07, Si= 0,5, Mn=1,1 425684215 42 = 500-640 Nimm? Tensile strength 5 = Value for resistance to impact For connection and application 8.9. Bohier B = Shielded metal are welding, especially for steel with low FOX EV 50 4/= Reference number for run out and purity and higher carbon content. ‘according to EN 757. E69 6 Mn2NiCrMo B 4.2 HB e.g. Bohler FOX EV 85 ‘according to EN 1600 E188MnB22 2.9, Bohler FOXA7 UEBHERR Datum Editon Date 01 04 type of flow 2 = Reference number for welding positions, H5 = maximum hydrogen content E = Arc welding, Rod electrode 69 = 760-960 Nimm? Tensile strongth 6 = Value for resistance to impact Mn2NiCrMo = Chemical composition B = Shielded metal arc 4 = Roferenca number for run out and type of fow 2 = Reference number for welding positions H5 = maximum hydrogen content E= Are welding, Rod electrode 418 = 620-770 Nimm? Tensile strength 8 = Value for resistance to impact Mn = Chemical composition B = Shielded metal are 2 = Reference number for run out and type of flow 2 = Reference number for welding positions Repar Welding Weldable with direct current, electrode connected to plus terminal (+). No vertical seams: For welding, which require high viscosity and crack resistance. Use for high tensile refined fine-grained stoa! ‘Very low hydrogen content in weld metal. ‘Weldable with direct current, electrode connected to plus terminal (+). No vertical seams (C= 0,1, Si=0,7,Mn=65, Cr= 18,8, Ni=8.8 For connections between various alloyed and steel which is difficult to weld. Weldable with direct current, electrode connected to plus terminal (+). | No vertical sears frat Typer Tom Typera parece PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic 7.3.2 For MIG welding with solid electrodes: Description Explanation Analysis - Value in % / Use ‘according to EN 440: G=MIG welding with solid electrodes | C= 0,1, Si= 1.0, Mn= 1,7 Ga 4 = 500-840 Nimm? Tensile strength Si= Chemical composition For connection and application welding, ©.9. Bohler 1= Reference number for run out and | especialy for steel with low purity and EMK 8 type of flow highor carbon content, Weldable with direct currant, electrode connected to plus terminal (+). Protective gases: Argon + 15-20% CO, (or 100% CO2 No vertical seams according to EN 12534: G3CrNitMo| e.g. Bohler X70-1G G= MIG welding with solid electrodes 3 = 900 Nim? Tensie strength CrNi1Mo = Chemical composition 0.6, Mn=16, Cr=0,25, 0,25, V=0,1 For welding, which require high viscosity and crack resistance. Use for high tensile refined fine-grained steel. Weldable with direct current, electrode connected to plus terminal (+) Protective gases: Argon + 15-20% CO2 co 100% CO, No vertical seams ‘according to EN 12072: G18.8Mn e.g. Bohler ATIG IG welding with solid electrodes 580-730 N/mm? Tensile strength 8 = Value for resistance to impact ‘Mn = Chemical composition For connections between various alloyed and steel which is difficult to weld Weldable with direct current, electrode cannected to plus terminal (+). Protective gases: Argon+max. 2,5% CO, No vertical seams Duo-cone seal design for: sealing against outsi sealing against inside 1 Retainer 2 O-ring 3 Metal ring 4 Sealing surface Note: At the present ime, fr design reasons, we only use seals protocting against the outside Duo-cone seals are precision components made out of chilled cast iron. They are manufactured in pairs and should never be mixed whether they are new ar used. ‘Avoid shocks and beats as the sealing surfaces of the metal seal rings can get damaged. Eliminate sharp edges on the seal-retainers. Before installation the Duo-Cone-Seals and the retainers must be clean and free of grease. The toric or O-rings may not be oiled, Installation: Push the seal rings (with toric ring) with an installation toot into the seal seat. Even pressure must be exerted on the toric ring eround the complete circumference to push the toric ring past the seal retaining ip. ‘A standard instalation tool, as shown on the reverse side, is folded over the seal ring and transfers even pressure directly onto the toric ring If no suitable installation aid is available, place a round rubber cord or coil spring (as shown below) to provide a distance between the seal ring and the O-ring and hold it so that the O-ring cannot roll up on the conical seal ring surface when each half of the seal ring is pressed in ee a4 1 Retainer i) 2 O-ting 3. Metal ring 2 5 Installation tool 6 Installation aid, such as coil spring, rubber cord or rope, ete. If no installation tool is used, the toric O-ring can roll up on the conical seal seat surface. if pressure is exerted only ‘on one side, the seal may not be positioned verticelly and / or the O-ring can be distorted. These installation problems can cause leaks as well as damage to the sealing surfaces, incorrect- incorrect- (7 O-ring Seal distorted is not vertical Before the components are assembled, check if the seal rings protrude evenly. Measure the distance from the seal seat to the seal rings on at least 3 locations, 120° apart. PR Litronic LR Litronic: Installation guidelines RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dale 01 02 Duo-Cone-Seals Listing of available installation tools for travel gear - Duo-Cone seals: The tools may be orderad by the spare parts dept. from Liebherr Work Tolls GmbH. - under the description of "Duo-Cone-Seal installation too!” and the corresponding Id. No Gear- Gear- | Machine- | Duo cone seal - Installation tool - Type Ident-No. | Type PRLRIRL| _Kdent-No. tool number | Ident-No. FAT 400/523 | 9443 650 72 7e10 242 [07990 39022) 1001 7428 FAT 450/514 | 9443 090 722 7610 243 [07590 38886) 1001 7430 FAT 500/525 | 9443 100 732 7610244 [075903880%| 1001 7436 FAT 550/516 | 9443 105 742 7610245 |0759030023| 1001 7433, FAT 400 C663 | 9443410 742 7610 844 [07590 39022] 1001 7428 FAT 450 C 864 | 9443 430 722 7610 545 [07500 38886| 1001 7430 FAT 500 C965 | 9443 450 732 7610 543 [07590 38891| 1001 7436 FAT 560 C 566 | 9443.470 Taz 7610 546 [07590 39023] 1001 7433 FAT 500 P 595 D | 9444 380 x32, 7610244 [07590 38881] 1001 7436 7610 248 _|00100 07500] 1001 8934 FAT 550 P 596 D | 9444 390 x42, 7610245 |07590 39023 1001 7433 7610 548 |07590 41339] 1001 7456 FAT 400P 553 | 9443 340 xi2, 7610242 [07590 39022] 1001 7428 FAT 450P 554 | 9443 270 x22, 7610243 [07590 38886) 1001 7430 FAT 500 P 585 | 9443 310 x32, 7610244 [0759038801| 1001 7436 FAT 550 P 586 | 9443 390 x42, 7810245 [07590 30023) 1001 7433 FAT 400 D683 | 9444 305 xi2, 7610244 [07590 38891 1001 7436 7610 242 [07590 20022] 1001 7428 FAT 450 D 684 | 9444 315 322 7610245 [07590 39023| 1001 7433 7610243 _|07590 38886] 1001 7430 FAT 500 D 985 | 9444 260 x32, 7610237 [0759041338] 1001 7468 7610244 _|07590 38891) 1001 7436 FAT 560 D 986 | 9444 325 x42, 7610 548 [0759041339] 1001 7456 7610245 _|07590 39023) 1001 7433 FAT 650/508 | 9443 630 x52, 7610241 [0010001300] 1001 7472 7610245 [07590 39023] 1001 7433 General repair guidelines Crimp tool and use Installation guidelines - CA - B / CA - COM - B cable connector Installation guidelines - KPSE cable connector Installation guidelines - SURE SEAL cable connector Installation guidelines - DEUTSCH cable connector oorens 1. General Repair Guidelines When working with cable connectors, the following must be observed: + Keep hands, work place and connectors clean, dry and free of grease. ‘+ Always use the spacial installation tool - see paragraph 3.1.31 - for installation. For CA - COM - B connectors Use the same special tool as for CA - B connectors. Check tools for wear before use - a wrong or defective tool 2s well as improper handling can damage the cable connector components. ‘© When cutting cables to proper length, make sure they are the same length and the cutting edge is straight. Do not compress or squeeze the cable. «For 90° cable routing, cut the cable to proper length when in angled position. © The cable covering must reach under the crimp joint. © Check installation guidelines for correct length to be stripped. When stripping the cable, make sure that the Individual wires are not damaged, kinked, bent or soiled. + Before installation, check crimp connections of all contacts: = Individual wires must be visible in the inspection hole of the contact. = Allwires must be tightly caught in the crimp connection. - The wire insulation must reach the contact. ‘+ When removing and reinstalling contacts, make sure to check the flow direction and use isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) as a lubricant, do not twist contacts and tool + Donot reuse damaged parts. Contacts in size 60/100, 160 and 500 can only be crimped hydraulically. If these contacts are damaged, the complete wire must be replaced + Make sure all parts are positioned correctly, check charts. ‘+ On straight cable feeds, insert the contacts from the center fo the outside. On 90° cable feeds, insert them in a row from the bottom to the top. + Even contacts, which are not wired, need to be installed. Close off any empty chambers with a plug ‘© Visually check if all mating ends of the contacts are at the same love ‘+ Route the wires free of tension and fasten them, Tenentung Deserpion Daneriaton ypab param Nypera paras LEBHERR PR Litronic Wiring installation guidelines LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dave 01 04 ITT-Cannon plug Pee 23.02.01 2. Use of crimp tool 2.1, Adjust the manual crimp tool - M22 520/01 - 01 Set the selector dial on the handle to the appropriate diameter, see installation guidelines on “wiring” chart. 2.2. To adjust turret head TH 452 and CT 1200 90 - 20 Install the proper turret head with a 9/64" Allen wrench. ‘Adjust color coded crimp position on knob 2 according to the wiring chart. Push knob 2 in to the stop and push the toot once more Before crimping, strip the wire endings to the length noted in the installation guidelines, using the appropriate tool - see paragraph 2.4.31 Insert the stripped wires into the contact crimp sleeve as far as possible until they are visible in the inspection port Insert contact and wire into the preset crimp tool. Push the tool handles together all the way. Note: The locking mechanism will not allow you to open the tool until the crimping operation has been completed Pull the crimped contact with wire from tool. Check the crimp, see paragraph 1 2.4, Check crimp tool wear. Check the crimping die for wear with a M 22 520 / 3 - 1 gauge (see paragraph, without the crimping head in place. Sot the dial on the handles of the crimp tool to No. 4. Turret both sides of the gauge into the crimp opening of the tool The "GREEN" - side (‘good") must fit easily between the crimp dies, or the adjustment of the tool and the crimp die must be checked The "RED' - side (oversize") may not fit, or the tool are not closed all the way or the crimp dies are worn and must be replaced. A. caution: Do not operate the crimp too! when the gauge is inserted! 3. Installation Guidelines for CA -B/ CA-COM -B Cable Connectors 3.1. Description A= Plug B = Socket Components 1 Grommet 2. Insulator 3. Cylinder barrel 3.1 Seal ting 4° End bell with nut 5 Bayonet coupling nut 5.1 Spring washer (en CA-COM-B) 6 Socket contacts 7 Pin contacts Tightening torque for end bell Size: 10SL max. 3Nm E 32. 8SB-03 ca | oscom| E| 32-| 8sB - 03 =LH L_ Other specifications 14sii4— max. 5Nm Size 20 max. 9Nm Classification 32 max. 15. Nm Type of housing Model 3.2. Overview table Number /Type of Plug Description | Contact-Size | Insertion Tool Crimp Tool Notes jocket, P=Pins Removal CETFaTIS [Toor WA26a07T01 i CA 3106 E 832-888-053 24/S-15 Gontactstes 16 Caos COME 32-088- Instalavon: CHT-Fa0-16 |Turet: TH452 metric oouH Temaval CETFIDS [Toor MW 22Sa0rro1 i Sect (0 gle) on nan ese Contact size 25 wii hares large Installation: CrrF20-12 |Ture: —TH452 metric ; Tamavak ETFS [Toor Ww 225207-01] Contact size 75 A 3108 92,888.04 PATP-15- | potataton:Cr:F80-16 |Turet: TH452 metric lug (30 polo) h ingrumort panel for main Removal CETFIDID [Took Ww 257-0] Contact size 25 twig hares a 6/P-25 ™ =e Installation: CIT-FB0-12 | Turret: = TH 452 metric Terese | Removal” CETFEDTE [Took WZ2E257TGT | — Contact size 7 e Installation: CIT-FB0-16 | Turret: TH 452 metric Famoval CETFEU12 [Took 22620701 CA 3106 E 22-658-03 218-25 Contact size 25 Ghee: instalation: crrF90-12 |Turet: —THas2 metric oe Rer i: CET-F80-8 Socket (23 pole) on main aiseey E wiring hares smal Installation: CIT-FEO8 | yep Itthese crmp contacts yetaulc cmp ootand | fihege oimp cota Removal: GET F504 rate sna ‘smal instrument cable kit 2/8- 160 Installation: CIT-FE0-4 MEBHERR Datum Eaton Dae 01 04 Terenrung Deserplon Denommaion Piyprab Typerrom Type a parr ae Wiring installation guidelines ITT-Cannon plug PR Litronic LR Litronic RL Litronic Number] Type of amess- left/right for sclandid vaives Plug Description | Contact-Size | insertion Tool Crimp Too! Notes socket, Removal’ CETFE0TS | Took — MZ2520101| Gontacl sie 15 16/P -15 Installation: Or7-F80-16 | Turrot: TH 452 metric Removal CETFODT2 | Took W250070"| Contact size 25 A 3106 E 32.8°B-04 217-25 | instalation: Crr-F80-12 Has metric Plug (23 pole) in instrument pana for main Removal: CET FOS ‘wg hamess sal 3/P-60 Installation: C1T-80-8 | jyérauc amp toot ana | M nese crimp contacts ae ae damaxyed. piace Removal: CET BOS pump | smal nrumert able kit 2/P- 160 Installation: GIT F80-4 cA st02 £ 20-27 88.08 N76 _— ins Ae come zozrse- | t4yg.rg _|Removae CETFe0%6 |Took — 6122520'-01] Contact size 15 COLH Socket (14 poe) Installation: Crr--60-16 | Turret: 1H 452 metric ‘en dectonie wing tamessforjaysick CASI06 E 148.6 $6.03 A176 CA08 COME 145-6 88. CS:LH Soctot (6 poe) on Removal: GET80-16, 225201-01| Contact size 15S sdectronewirng hamess | 6/S- 15S seeeene tea agrees Installation: CHT F00-18 TH ase metric potentometr and Eatigger wing hamess- fight ist CASI08 E 1081-36-03 CA08 COME 10 SL. Removal: GET#80-16 |Took —M22520/-01 Gomumeecs)| ees Contact size 158 en oatigger wing Installation: C-F0-18. | Turret: TH 452 metric Famess rol let for electron wing hamess CATIOSE OSL SOS CA05 COME 10SL- ee 3SB0SLH Socket Removal: GETF8015 §M22520-01| Contact size 158 Gpolsponeecronc and | 3/S-15S —|instatation: ore a ehie variable motor wing Foose For guide pins and various additional tools , see paragraph 2.1.31 3.3. Removal of Contacts Note general guidelines in paragraph 1. cover insulation! Unscrew the housing from the cylinder and push the seal over the wires. Cerefully lift the plastic insulation (see manufacturer ’s guidelines), sit it carefully and remove. A Caution: Do not damage the insulation and wires inside the Push out the contacts with appropriate tool out of the insulator - see paragraph 3.2 by applying even and continuous pressure towards the connector, keep the tool parallel to the axis of the plug connector. Stop when the shoulder of the tool touches the front of the insulator. Carefully pull the tool from the insulator. Remove all contacts in the same way, make sure to note different versions / tools: Aa MPEFHant: The too! must ft preperiy into or over the contacts ‘The housing and seal normally stay on the wiring. if necessary, pull the wires and contacts carefully from the seal, remove the housing from the wires. 3.4, To wire the Contacts Contact size] Contact | We diameter ‘Agjusiment - Crimp tool type dri Color Metric | AWG | S=Socket | mm? | AWG Go Dial No. Crimping P=Pin insert E 10 | 18 | 60° i blue 158 | 168 = _ are s ie 6 groen P a 5 ‘green £ 10 | 18 | 60’ 2 tee . ® P 05 6 green e 15 | 16 | 60 e ree P 08 8 red 25 12 . 25 | 12 | 60 = = ‘Strip the wire as noted on chart and crimp - see paragraph 2.1 to 2.3 3.5. Insertion of Contacts Note general guidelines in paragraph 1 Push the plastic insutation over the housing onto the wires. It housing and sealer were removed, push on housing, dip seal into isopropyl alcohol and guide contact with cable from the side marked with letter. Use the appropriate insertion tool AX important: The seal housing must align with the insulator housing! Note the installation position of the wire as noted on number coding plan. Insert contacts into the guide tool, push the insertion tool to the top of the connector tip, (On socket type contacts, insert guide pin. Dip in Isopropyl alcohol and insert straight into insulator untl it snaps into position. Important: Make sure to check number coding chart. Remove guide pin and insertion tool. Slightly pull the wire to check proper seating of the contact, plug chambers with empty contacts. Tenentung Deserpion Daneriaton ypab param Nypera paras BHERR PR Litronic Wiring installation guidelines LR Litronic RL Litronic Daum Eaton Dave 01 04 ITT-Cannon plug Pave 23.02.03 Push sealer and housing into cylinder housing, carefully tighten nut. If necessary, use the counter part of the connector as a retainer. To retain all parts, loosen nut by 1/4 turn and retighten properly, secure with adhesive. Qn electronic wiring harness, insert heat seal (Ray-blocker) on end of insulation and adhere during the following shrinking procedure. Pull shrink fit sleeve over housing and evenly heat with hot air blower until all parts are tightly covered BA Litton: Do not pull the wires during the shrink ft procedure, Do not apply heat above 125° C (257° F). Wr 2,5 mm must be soldered on the central cable harness, Terenrung Deserplon Denommaion Piyprab Typerrom Type a parr ae PR Litronic Wiring installation guidelines LR Litronic Daum Eaton Dave 01 04 ITT-Cannon plug RL Litronic Pag, 23.02.06 6.3. Crimping of contacts See installation instructions, point 1 to 2.4 6.4, Installation of contacts DT Series: Contacts must engage properly at installation (click). Installation is made without tools. Inserted Engaged = = After positioning the contacts, the locking wedge must be inserted, see illustration .DT-Series". Note: Insert the contacts straight, do not kink. Use Isopropyl aleohal (rubbing alcohol) 6.5. Removal of contacts DT Series: Remove the locking wedge and use a small screw driver to loosen the pin or bushing lock and pull the contact, with the cable from the housing 6.6. Installation of contacts HDP Series: Installation is made without tools. Contacts must engage properly (click). Inserted Engaged Note: Insert the contacts straight, do not kink. Use Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) 6.7. Removal of contacts HDP Series: To remove the contacts, use special tool, see section 02.1.31 Pull out Select tool according te cable diameter and push over cable and pin or bushing contact. Push the lock in to loosen and pull out the cable together with contact and tool. Directions for use of Four Notch Hand Crimping Too! 1. Goneral: Protect the pliers from contamination. Do not open with force. When crimping, push the too! together all the way before opening it again Use positioning sleeve for HAN D* contacts, see section 02.1.31 2. Four notch hand crimping tool, see section 02.1.31 Parts list: Pliors Positioning sleeve Locking bar Lock screw Adjustment scale Adjustment screw ookens 2.1, Attach the positioning sleeve Loosen the lock screw 4 on the locking bar, pull the bar 3 back and insert the sleeve 2, close the bar and retighten the lock screw 4, Set the crimping depth. Determine the diameter of the conductor and select the corresponding pin = crimping depth For pin Id. No., see section 2.1.31. Conductor & Pino mm | AWG | HAND 0,50 | 20 1,55 075 | 18 1.55 7,00 | _18 1.55 7,38 | 16, 1,60 7,50 | _16 1,80 210 | 14 1.45 250 | 14 1,55 (Open and close the crimping tool several times and then hold in open position. Turn the adjustment screw, pos.6 until the edge of the indicator bar aligns with the line of the selected pin diameter. Close the tool and check the setting with the pin. Ifset correctly, the pin « must ft without a clearance into the existing tool opening, Caution: When the pin is inserted, do not open or close the tool - danger of breaking correct _incomect om . al 1 t Toranrung Dercnpuon Boveri Tae TT Tae sree LEBHERR PR Litronic Wiring installation guidelines LR Litronie 'g g RL Litronic Datum Eaten Dale 01 01 Harting plug Be 23.03.01 2.2. Crimping Before crimping, insulate the ends of the wire with a suitable tool - see section 02.1.31. 8 mm on 0.75 — 1.50 mm contacts 6 mm on 2.50 mm contacts ——s— Nowe: The cebewea mute vine coral / Al cable wires must be caught in the crimping point. ‘The insulation must reach the contact. Insert the cable with the contact into the pre-set tool. Push the tool together, quickly and all the way. Pull the cable with the crimped contact from the tool and check the crimping, Note: The tool can only be opened when the cable is crimped completely. 2.3. Installation of pin contacts - plug section on instrument panel Set the plug section, pas.1 into the instrument panel. Set the pin contacts, pos.d in to the contact base, pos.2. Screw the base with the plug section, pos.1 2.4. Installation of bushing contacts / plug section central wiring harness Push the shrink fit sleeve or shrink fit part over the cable before installation of the contact base . Push the clamping section, pos.5, rubber seal with washers, pos, screw fitting, pos.3 and plug housing, pos.1 over the cable. For installation of contacts, use insertion tool, see section 02.1.31 Insert the bushing contacts into the contact base, pos. 2, screw the base together with the housing, pos. 1 Caution: The cables can be stuck / damaged when connecting. Screw the screw fitting, pos. 3 into the plug housing and tighten, insert the rubber seal with washers and attach wiring harness with clamping section on the plug housing, pos. 1. Note: Donot use damaged parts. Make sure all parts are positioned correctly, check corresponding plug illustrations (see section 9.2). Visually check the installation position of the contacts, route the cable free of tension. 2.5. Sealing Push the shrink fit sleeve over the clamping section, pos.6 and push in the screw fitting, pos.3 and use a hot air blower to heat evenly until the sleeve is shrunk in place. Note: Do not heat the components of the screw connection above 125°C ( 257°F). 2.6. Removal of pin and bushing contacts For removal, use removal tool, see section 02.1.1 Push the removal tool over the pin or bushing and loosen the lock, push the contacts out. Installation guidelines for MATE-N-LOK and JUNIOR POWER TIMER plug connectors 1, MATE-N-LOK Design: Plug with contact pin Socket with contact bushings 1.4. Use of hand crimping tool Profile 1 Pos.2 Wire diameter 0.5 — 1.3 mm? Profile 2 Pos.3 Wire diameter 1.3— 2.1 mm? Open the pliers, pos. al the way to insert the contact, which is to be crimped (note the correct profile) and slowly push the pliers together until the contact is lightly clamped on the crimping sleeve. Insert the wire, which is to be insulated (insulation length § mm), Push the pliers all the way together. Pull the crimped contact from the pliers and check the crimping. Contact pin with crimped wire Contact bushing with crimped wire Contact notch 12. installation of contacts Installation is made without tools. Note: Check contact notches before installation for damage or breaks. Contacts must audibly olick when engaging in the housing. 1.3. Removal of contacts 12 ‘To remove the contacts, use special tool, see section 02.1.31. Use. Push the tool, pos.2 over the pin or bushing contact and push the contact notches together, pull the contact on the cable from housing, pos. 1 . Bevan CossHuON DONT Tae TT Tae sree LEBHERR PR Litronic LR Litronic. Datum Eaten Dale RL Litronic 01 01 Bia Pas 23.04.01 Feuile 2. JUNIOR POWER TIMER Design: Plug with contact pins Socket with contact bushings Mar Red for cable diameter 0.25 - 1.60 mm? Blue for cable diameter 1,00 - 2.60 mm* Yellow —_for cable diameter 2.70 - 6.60 mm? Open the pliors all the way to insert the contact, which is to be crimped with the seal and slowly push the pliers: together until the contact is lightly amped on the crimping sleeve. Insert the wire, which is to be insulated (insulation length 5 mm). Push the pliers all the way together. Pull the crimped contact 4 from the pliers. Check the crimping with seal 2. 2.2. Installation of contacts Installation is made without tools. Note: Check contact notches before installation for damage or breaks Contacts must audibly click when engaging in the housing, 2.3. Removal of contacts ‘To remove the contacts, use special tool, see section 02.1.31. Use: Push the tool, pos.2 over the pin or bushing contact and push the contact notches together, pull the contact on the cabie from housing, pos. 1. Thank you very much for your reading. Please Click Here Then Get More Information.

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