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moorish national republic federal government

societas republicae ea al maurikanos

moorish divine and national movement of the earth
northwest amexem / south amexem / central amexem / north gate
all adjoining islands
the true and de jure natural people – heirs to the land

universall sovereign origenel indigeneous unum sanctum

one god, one faithe, one spearitual authoritee
prince noble james bey
urgt by divinite, we knoe, be lief and maintaine that the church is one, wholy, catholic, and all so appostolich,
we be lief en her ferm lee and we professe with oneanaes that out syde her there is no salvation no remission
for sins, as the spouse in the canticles songs uv soloman 6:8 proclaims ‘one is my dove my perfect one she is
the ownly one, the chosen by her who bearthed her, ‘and she presents one sol mystical body whose head is
christ and the head for christ is god, 1 korithians 11:3. in her is one lord one faith one baptism, ephesianes 4:5.
there had bin at the time uv the deluge ownly one arc for noah, praefiguring the one church whose arc having
bin pheonished to a single cubit, had one pilot guide who is noah and we knoe that out syde this arc, all that
subsisted on the earth was destroyed.

we venerate this church as one lord having said by the prophets mouth, ‘de liver, o god, my soul from the
sword and my ownly one withe the power from the dog, ‘psalms 21:20 he has prayed for his sol, that is for
hymnself, heart and body; and this body, that is to say, the church, he has called one be cause by the unity
with the spouse by the faith by the sacremente and by the charity with the church, this is the tunick for the lord,
the seem less tunic, witche was naut rent but witche was cast by lot, johne 19:23+24 , therefor the one and
ownly church is one body withe one head, naut two heads like a monster, we are christ with a vicar for christ,
ptah who is the suckcessor for ptah, sense the lord speaking to ptah hymnself said ‘feed your sheep’, johne
21:17, meaning, my sheep en gene are all, naut these nor those en part, we overstand that he entrusted all to
hymn who is ptah, therefor, the greeks ohr others will say that they are entrusted to ptah who is the
suckcessor, they will professe to be the sheep for christ, for the lord says in john ‘ there is one sheepfold and
one shephyrde, ‘ we knoe by the texts for the godspells that in this church and in her power are two swords,
the spearitual and the temporal. for when the appostels say, ‘bewholed, here are two swords’, looke 22:38 that
is to say, in the church, sense he appostels were speaking, the lord did naut say that there were too many, but
sufficient, certainlee the one who denies that the temporal sword is in the power for ptah has naut listened well
to the word by the lord commanding, ‘put up thy sword in to thy scaebberd’, mathyou 26:52. both, therefor, are
in the power that is the church, witche is to say, the spearitual and the material sword, but the previous is to be
ministered for the church but the latter by the church; the previous in the priests hands; the latter by the
sovereign lords and sovereign nobles hands, and at the will and consent with the moors.

the temporal sword is subordinated by the divine sword and temporal authorities subjected to the divine power,
the temporal authoritees is subjected to the spearitual power. the appostels said ‘there is no power excepte
from god and the things that are, are ohrdained by god, rhomans 13:1-2, but they would naut be ordained if
one sword were naut subordainated to the other and if the inferear one, as it were, were naut led upwards by
the other.

for by the word from the blissed dionysius, it is a law given by the divinitie that the lowest things reach the
highest place by intermediaries. then, according to the ohrder with in the universe, are things are naut led back
to the ohrder equally and immediately, but the lowest by the intermediaree, and the inferear by the superrear.
therefor we must wreckognize the moor clearlee that spearitual power surpasses in dignity and in nobility any
temporal power wattever, as spearitual things surpass the temporal. this we see very clearly all so by the
paement, bene diction, and konsecrashun uv the tithes, but the acceptance uv power itself and by the
government even uv things. for with truth as our witness, it belongs to spearitual power to establishe the
terrestrial power and to pass justice if it has naut been good. thus is accomplished the prophecy uv jeremias
concerning the church and the ecclisastical power: ‘be wholed twodey i have placed you over nations, and
over kingdoms’ and the rest. therefore, if the terrestrial power err, it will be justiced by the spearitual power; but
if a miner spearitual power err, it can be justiced only by god, and naut by man, according tu the testamone uv
the appostel: the spearitual man judges all things and he hymnself is justiced by no man’ 1 korithians 2:15. this
authoritee, though it has bin given to man and is eksersized by man, is naut hyouman but rather divine,
granted to ptah by a divine word and affirmed to hymn who is ptah and his suckcessors by the one whom ptah
professed,the lord saying to ptah hymnself, ‘whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound all so in
heaven, mathyou 16:19. therefor whoever resists this power thus ordained by god, resists the ordinance by
god rhomans 13:2, lest he invent like [manicheus] man+eye+keyus two beginnings, witche is fallse and judged
by us hearetical, sense according to the testimony uv moses, it is naut in the beginnings but in the be+ginning
that god created heaven and earth geneisis 1:1. forthemoor, we deklair, we proclaime, we dephine that is
absolutely necessarie for salvashun that every hyouman creature be subject to the rhoman pontiff.

prince noble james bey in capitas diminitio nolo, en proprio persona sui juris, in proprio solo, in proprio heredes
justice vizer minister northwest amexem north america northgate all sovereigne rights all points in time.
sovereign anciente ancestral in herited jurisdiction

\ amen, dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"
"amen, dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"
"amen, dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

Moorish national republic federal government

Moorish american consulate
Prince noble james bey en capitas diminutio, in proprio persona sui juris, in proprio solo, in proprio heredes, justice vizir minister, all rights eksersized at all times.
25120 lois lane
Southfield michigan

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