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Neonatal Meningitis: What Is the Correlation Among Cerebrospinal Fluid

Cultures, Blood Cultures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Parameters?

Harmony P. Garges, M. Anthony Moody, C. Michael Cotten, P. Brian Smith, Kenneth
F. Tiffany, Robert Lenfestey, Jennifer S. Li, Vance G. Fowler, Jr and Daniel K.
Benjamin, Jr
Pediatrics 2006;117;1094
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-1132

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Neonatal Meningitis: What Is the Correlation Among

Cerebrospinal Fluid Cultures, Blood Cultures, and
Cerebrospinal Fluid Parameters?
Harmony P. Garges, MD, MPHa, M. Anthony Moody, MDa, C. Michael Cotten, MDa, P. Brian Smith, MDa, Kenneth F. Tiffany, MDa,
Robert Lenfestey, MDa, Jennifer S. Li, MDa,b, Vance G. Fowler, Jr, MDc, Daniel K. Benjamin, Jr, MD, PhD, MPHa,b

Departments of aPediatrics and cMedicine, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; bDuke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

BACKGROUND. Meningitis is a substantial cause of morbidity and mortality in neo-
nates. Clinicians frequently use the presence of positive blood cultures to deter-
mine whether neonates should undergo lumbar puncture. Abnormal cerebrospi- peds.2005-1132
nal fluid (CSF) parameters are often used to predict neonatal meningitis and doi:10.1542/peds.2005-1132
determine length and type of antibiotic therapy in neonates with a positive blood
Key Words
culture and negative CSF culture. CSF pleocytosis, neonatal sepsis, spinal tap
METHODS. We evaluated the first lumbar puncture of 9111 neonates at ⱖ34 weeks’
CSF— cerebrospinal fluid
estimated gestational age from 150 NICUs, managed by the Pediatrix Medical LP—lumbar puncture
Group, Inc. CSF culture results were compared with results of blood cultures and WBC—white blood cell
EGA— estimated gestational age
CSF parameters (white blood cells [WBCs], glucose, and protein) to establish the CBC— complete blood cell count
concordance of these values in culture-proven meningitis. CSF cultures positive IQR—interquartile range
RBC—red blood cell
for coagulase-negative staphylococci and other probable contaminants, as well as
Accepted for publication Oct 3, 2005
fungal and viral pathogens, were excluded from analyses.
Address correspondence to Daniel K.
Benjamin, Jr, MD, PhD, MPH, Department of
RESULTS. Meningitis was confirmed by culture in 95 (1.0%) neonates. Of the 95 Pediatrics, PO Box 17969, Duke Clinical
patients with meningitis, 92 had a documented blood culture. Only 57 (62%) of 92 Research Institute, Durham, NC 27715. E-mail:
patients had a concomitant-positive blood culture; 35 (38%) of 92 had a negative
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
blood culture. In neonates with both positive blood and CSF cultures, the organ- Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2006 by the
isms isolated were discordant in 2 (3.5%) of 57 cases. In each case, the CSF American Academy of Pediatrics

pathogen required different antimicrobial therapy than the blood pathogen. For
culture-proven meningitis, CSF WBC counts of ⬎0 cells per mm3 had sensitivity at
97% and specificity at 11%. CSF WBC counts of ⬎21 cells per mm3 had sensitivity
at 79% and specificity at 81%. Culture-proven meningitis was not diagnosed
accurately by CSF glucose or by protein.
CONCLUSIONS. Neonatal meningitis frequently occurs in the absence of bacteremia
and in the presence of normal CSF parameters. No single CSF value can reliably
exclude the presence of meningitis in neonates. The CSF culture is critical to
establishing the diagnosis of neonatal meningitis.

1094 GARGES, et al
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N EONATAL MENINGITIS IS a devastating infection that
is often difficult to diagnose.1–5 Signs of meningitis
are often subtle in the neonate; thus, the diagnosis of
ported from a ventricular tap or shunt. The total sample
size in this analysis was 9111 patients.

meningitis must be made by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Data Source

examination.6 However, lumbar puncture (LP) is often The Pediatrix Group database is an administrative data-
not performed as part of the initial neonatal sepsis eval- base and the method of data collection has been de-
uation in the first days of life.7,8 Instead, the decision to scribed previously.15–18 We collected data on birth
perform an LP is often based on the isolation of a poten- weight, EGA (based on the examination of the neona-
tial pathogen from blood cultures. Although basing the tologist), gender, race, Apgar scores, admission type, day
decision to perform LP on blood culture results occurs in of life, maternal age, peripheral complete blood count
clinical practice, the diagnostic accuracy of this strategy (CBC), blood and CSF culture results, CSF parameters
is unknown. and mortality. CSF data were codified and triple checked
Maternal antibiotic prophylaxis or delayed LP in an- for accuracy.
tibiotic-treated neonates make interpreting CSF cultures
difficult, because CSF cultures may be negative within Definitions
hours of antibiotic administration.9,10 In these cases of Meningitis was defined by a positive CSF culture for
antibiotic pretreatment, clinicians must rely on the CSF bacteria. CSF cultures positive for organisms generally
parameters to determine the presence of meningitis. The considered contaminants (coagulase-negative staphylo-
cellular and biochemical abnormalities in the CSF of cocci, other skin flora [viridans streptococci and dipthe-
older patients with bacterial meningitis are present for roids], or mixed organisms) were not included in the
44 to 68 hours.11 Similar values for neonates are un- positive CSF results. Blood cultures taken within 3 days
known. Several studies have examined the CSF param- (average time for bacterial cultures to be read and or-
eters of the noninfected neonate to define the normal ganisms identified) of the CSF culture were reviewed for
values. These studies, although small and often from a concordance. Blood and CSF cultures were considered
single center, have resulted in the widespread teaching concordant if both were positive with the same organ-
that 21 WBCs per mm3 in the CSF is a normal value.12–14 ism. CSF and blood cultures were considered discordant
However, the clinical use of CSF parameters in the iden- if the CSF was positive and the blood culture was neg-
tification of subsequent culture-confirmed meningitis ative or if the organism isolated from the CSF was a
different organisms than the blood isolate.
has not been evaluated previously.
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the
Statistical Analysis
accuracy of current clinical diagnostic strategies in the
Only the first CSF result for any patient was included in
identification of meningitis among term or near-term
this investigation. Only blood cultures obtained within 3
neonates. To accomplish this goal, we examined CSF
days of the LP were considered in the analyses. In the
parameters from ⬎9000 term or near-term neonates in
primary analysis, positive blood and CSF cultures and
an attempt to develop an algorithm for predicting neo-
CSF parameters were tabulated. We calculated sensitiv-
natal meningitis. We compared blood and CSF culture
ity, specificity, and likelihood ratios for CSF parameters
positivity rates and looked for the presence of concor-
to diagnose meningitis. We evaluated different CSF
dance between these results.
WBC counts as threshold values for a negative test. We
conducted the data analysis using Stata 8.1 (Stata Corp,
METHODS College Station, TX). Secondary analyses using blood
cultures obtained within 10 days of the LP, CSF and
Patient Selection RBCs ⬍100 cells per mm3, were also conducted and
The Duke University Institutional Review Board ap- yielded similar results to the primary analysis. Therefore,
proved this investigation. We assembled a cohort of ne- only the primary analysis is reported.
onates from an administrative database. Clinical data for
these neonates were recorded prospectively for the da- RESULTS
tabase and analyzed retrospectively for this article. Ne- A total of 9111 infants ⱖ34 weeks’ EGA with no ven-
onates eligible for inclusion in the study were discharged tricular shunts underwent LP during the study period
from 150 NICUs managed by the Pediatrix Medical (Table 1). The mean EGA was 38 weeks (range: 34 – 44
Group, Inc, from 1997 through 2004, were ⱖ34 weeks weeks), and the mean birth weight was 3.16 kg (range:
in estimated gestational age (EGA), and had an LP per- 0.55–5.7 kg); 56.4% of the cohort were male infants,
formed. The Pediatrix Group cared for 16 395 neonates and 43.5% were female. Admission to the NICU was
during this time who underwent LP; 9171 neonates variable, with 41.5% of admissions from the newborn
were ⱖ34 weeks’ EGA and had a report of a CSF culture. nursery, 35.8% of admissions from the hospital delivery,
We excluded 60 patients in whom the culture was re- 3% of admissions from home delivery, and 11.7% of

PEDIATRICS Volume 117, Number 4, April 2006 1095

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TABLE 1 Demographics of the Cohort (n ⴝ 9111) bacterial pathogen (Table 2) and included Gram-positive
Demographic n % organisms other than skin flora (62 of 95 [65.3%]) and
Gestational age, wk Gram-negative rods (31 of 95 [33.6%]). Mortality data
34–37 3121 34.2 are available on 8550 patients, and those with culture-
38–40 5162 56.7 confirmed meningitis were significantly more likely to
⬎40 828 9.1 die than neonates with CSF cultures yielding no growth
(4 of 73 vs 40 of 8477; relative risk: 11.61; 95% confi-
Female 3970 43.5
Male 5139 56.4 dence interval: 4.27–31.61).
Missing 2 0.01
Race Blood Culture Discordance
White 3744 41.1 CSF cultures were matched to a blood culture within 3
Black 1433 15.7
days of the LP in 8596 (94.1%) infants, and 398 (4.5%)
Hispanic 3183 34.9
Other 751 8.3 of 8596 blood cultures were positive (Table 2). Of the
Birth weight, kg 95 patients with a CSF culture positive for a bacterial
⬎2.5 7664 84.1 pathogen, 92 (96.8%) had a documented blood culture
1.5–2.5 1299 14.3 within 3 days of LP. Of those 92 neonates, the majority
⬍1.5 55 0.01
65 (71%) of 92 had blood and LP cultures performed on
Missing 93 0.01
Apgar score at 1 min the same day. The remaining neonates had a time dif-
0–3 647 7.1 ference between the blood culture and CSF culture of 1
4–6 1105 12.1 day (21 of 92 [22.8%]), 2 days (4 of 92 [4.3%]), or 3
7–10 7103 78 days (2 of 92 [2.2%]).
Missing 256 2.8
Of those neonates with accompanying blood cultures,
Apgar score 5 min
0–3 90 1 57 (62.0%) of 92 patients had a concomitant positive
4–6 371 4.1 blood culture; 35 (38.0%) of 92 had a negative blood
7–10 8392 92.1 culture. Of those 35 neonates with discordant blood and
Missing 258 2.8 CSF cultures, 21 (60%) of 35 had a blood culture and LP
Maternal age, y
on the same day, and 11 (31%) of 35 had 1 day between
13–19 1464 16
20–29 4661 51.2 the time of blood and CSF culture. Of the remaining
30–39 2803 30.8 neonates, 3 (9%) of 35 had 2 or 3 days between blood
40–49 179 1.9
Missing 4 0.1
Admission type
From hospital delivery 3259 35.8 TABLE 2 CSF and Blood Culture Data From 9111 Infants
From home delivery 289 3.1 Variable CSF Blood
From newborn nursery 3782 41.5
n % n %
Hospital transfer 1035 11.4
Other 498 5.5 Negative 8912 97.8 8375 95.5
Missing 248 2.7 Positive for bacteria 184 2.2 398 4.5
Day of life at time of culture Contaminants 89 112
0 2450 26.9 Pathogens 95 1.0 286 3.4
1 2489 27.3 Gram-positive organisms 62 65.3 217 75.9
2 1362 14.9 Enterococcus spp. 6 10
3 687 7.5 Group B streptococcus 37 151
4–7 919 10.1 Listeria monocytogenes 1 1
8–28 1021 11.2 Staphylococcus aureus 4 22
29–60 144 1.6 Streptococcus pneumoniae 2 4
61–150 33 0.4 Gram-positive cocci not specified 12 29
Missing 6 0.1 Gram-negative organisms 32 32.6 56 19.6
Acinetobacter spp. 3 2
Citrobacter spp. 1 1
E coli 12 37
admissions from hospital transfers. Median Apgar scores Enterobacter spp. 4 1
at 1 and 5 minutes were ⬎7 (78% and 92%, respec- Haemophilus influenzae 2 2
tively), and the majority of the LPs, 6988 (76.6%) of Klebsiella 0 3
9111 , were performed in the first 3 days of life. Proteus spp. 1 1
Pseudomonas spp. 3 2
Of the 9111 LPs performed, 184 CSF cultures were Salmonella spp. 1 0
positive for bacterial growth. CSF cultures positive with Serratia spp. 2 2
a mixture of bacterial organisms, coagulase-negative Stenotrophomonas multiphilia 0 1
staphylococci, and other skin flora were excluded. Nine- Neisseria spp. 2 2
ty-five (1.0%) of 9111 CSF cultures grew a potential Gram-negative rod not specified 2 4

1096 GARGES, et al
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and CSF culture. In those neonates with both positive old led to a sensitivity of 79% and a specificity of 81%.
blood and CSF cultures, the organisms isolated were The CSF glucose values were less sensitive predictors
discordant in 2 (3.5%) of 57, as shown in Table 3. In of culture positivity but had higher specificities than CSF
both discordant pairs, the CSF pathogen required differ- WBCs, as shown in Table 4. We attempted to con-
ent antimicrobial therapy than the blood pathogen. struct an algorithm that could be used to predict men-
ingitis in the absence of a CSF culture. However, given
CSF Parameters the variability in the CSF parameters and the lack of
We evaluated CSF parameters to determine their predic- sensitivity and specificity of traditional threshold values,
tive value in diagnosing meningitis, and these results are we were unable to develop an algorithm that would
shown in Table 4. Neonates with negative CSF cultures accurately and precisely predict meningitis based on CSF
had a range of 0 to 90 000 CSF WBCs per mm3, with a parameters alone. Detailed information regarding the 12
median of 6/mm3 (interquartile range [IQR]: 2–15). In neonates with culture-proven meningitis and CSF WBC
neonates with bacterial meningitis, the range of CSF counts of ⱕ21 cells per mm3 is shown in Table 5.
WBCs was from 0 to 15 900/mm3, with a median of
477/mm3 (IQR: 38 –1950). However, 5% of neonates Peripheral WBCs
with bacterial meningitis had either 0 or 1 CSF WBCs per Peripheral WBC data obtained within 3 days of the LP
mm3, and 10% of neonates with bacterial meningitis was also analyzed, because the CBC is often used in
had ⱕ3 CSF WBCs per mm3. conjunction with blood culture data to determine
CSF glucose and protein values were highly variable whether an LP should be completed. CBC data were
in infants both with and without meningitis. Neonates available on 8312 (91.2%) of 9111 patients. Of the
without meningitis had CSF glucose values ranging from 8312 neonates with CBC data, 66 (0.8%) had WBC
0 to 1089 mg/dL, (median: 49 mg/dL; IQR: 43–58). counts of ⬍3000/mm3, 1438 (17.3%) had WBC counts
Neonates with bacterial meningitis had CSF glucoses between 3000 and 10 000/mm3, 2416 (29.1%) had
ranging from 0 to 199 mg/dL (median: 20 mg/dL; IQR: WBC counts between 10 001 and 15 000/mm3, and
3–55). Infants without meningitis had CSF protein 2156 (25.9%) had WBC counts between 15 001 and
levels ranging from 3 to 4122 mg/dL (median: 103 mg/ 20 000/mm3. There were 2236 neonates (26.9%) with
dL; IQR: 77–142). Infants with bacterial meningitis had WBC counts ⬎20 000/mm3. The peripheral WBC
CSF protein ranging from 41 to 1964 mg/dL (median: count was neither sensitive nor specific for bacterial
273 mg/dL; IQR: 125–550). CSF RBC values are likewise meningitis. There were 85 neonates with a positive CSF
highly variable. CSF RBCs ranged from 0 to 4 070 000 culture with a pathogen and with a peripheral CBC
cells per mm3, with a median of 190 RBCs per mm3 within 3 days. Of these neonates, 17 (20%) of 85 had
(IQR: 12–2250). Infants with bacterial meningitis had a WBC counts of ⬍3000/mm3, 36 (43.4%) of 85 had
median of 257 RBCs per mm3 (IQR: 26 –1400). WBC counts of ⱖ3000 and ⬍10 000/mm3, 13 (15.3%)
of 85 had WBC counts of ⱖ10 000 and ⬍15 000/mm3,
Diagnosis and 9 (10.6%) of 85 had WBC counts of ⱖ15 000
We determined the sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood and ⬍20 000/mm3. In all of the cases, using peripheral
ratios of CSF WBC counts, glucose, and protein to pre- WBCs as a predictor for meningitis had a positive like-
dict the presence of meningitis using different thresholds lihood ratio ⬍1.0.
for these values (Table 4). Highest sensitivity was ob-
tained when the threshold was any presence of WBCs in DISCUSSION
the CSF (97%), but this also led to the lowest specificity Prior studies have described the difficulties of diagnosing
(11%). Using 21 WBCs as the upper limit of the thresh- neonatal meningitis based on clinical examination and

TABLE 3 Discordance Among CSF and Blood Culture Results

Variable Discordant Results Concordant Total
Negative Positive Positive
Blood Culture Blood Culturea Blood Culture
(Organism Different (Organism Same
From CSF) as CSF)
Positive CSF culture 35 2 55 92
Gram-negative rod 12 2b,c 16 31
Gram-positive cocci 23 — 39 62
a Discordant pair (CSF pathogen/blood pathogen).
b Pseudomonas: group B streptococcus.
c Enterobacter: streptococcus spp.

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TABLE 4 CSF Parameters by Culture Results Showing Test Parameters and Positive (ⴙ) and Negative (ⴚ) Likelihood Ratios
Variable Negative Positive Sensitivity, % Specificity, % LR⫹ LR⫺
(n ⫽ 8912) (n ⫽ 95)a (95% CI) (95% CI)
WBC count, mm3
0 506 2
1–8 2293 8 97 (88–99) 11 (10–12) 1.09 0.92
9–21 891 2 83 (71–91) 61 (60–63) 2.13 0.47
22–100 591 8 79 (67–89) 81 (80–82) 4.16 0.24
⬎100 285 38 66 (52–78) 94 (93–95) 11 0.09
Unknown 4346 37
Glucose, mg/dL
⬍20 25 24 44 (30–58) 98 (97–99) 22 0.05
20–60 3504 25 89 (78–96) 20 (18–21) 1.11 0.90
⬎60 860 6
Unknown 4523 40
Protein, mg/dL
0–40 83 0
41–90 1616 9 100.00 (84–100) 2 (1–3) 1.02 0.98
90–120 1073 4 84 (71–92) 28 (27–29) 1.17 0.86
⬎120 1624 42 76 (63–87) 63 (62–64) 2.05 0.49
Unknown 4516 40
LR indicates likelihood ratio; CI, confidence interval.
a Coagulase-negative staphylococci and known skin flora are excluded here.

TABLE 5 Parameters of 12 Neonates With Meningitis and Normal CSF WBC Countsa
Organism CSF WBC, CSF CSF Blood CSF Bacterial Gestational Day of
cells per mm3 Glucose, Protein, Culture Gram-stain Antigen Age, wk Life at
m/dL mg/dL CSF Culture
Acinetobacter 3 — — — — — 39 26
E coli 1 58 56 Pos — — 40 3
Enterobacter 5 52 81 Neg — Neg 36 0
Enterococcus 3 59 216 Neg — — 36 0
Enterococcus 0 45 41 Neg Neg — 39 6
Gram-positive cocci 3 49 126 Neg — — 40 1
Gram-positive cocci 1 52 43 Neg — — 40 17
Gram-positive cocci 3 74 167 Pos Neg — 34 1
Group B streptococcus 15 — — Neg — — 37 3
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2 60 102 Neg — — 35 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 13 60 159 Neg — — 38 0
Staphylococcus aureus 0 51 110 Neg — — 42 1
Neg indicates negative; Pos, positive; — missing values.

laboratory data (such as CBC and blood culture).1,2,6,19–22 neonates based on CSF findings. However, we were
These studies have been limited by sample size20–22 and unable to do this, because our analysis of CSF parame-
lack of CSF parameters2 or focused on premature neo- ters confirmed that meningitis can occur in the presence
nates.1 Our study focuses on the near-term and term of normal CSF WBC, glucose, and protein levels. Our
infants, has a large sample size, and includes data on CSF study results reinforce the finding of others studies that
parameters. report that a substantial proportion (33% [ref 2] to 53%
The most common pathogens (group B streptococcus [ref 25]) of neonates with culture-proven meningitis
and Escherichia coli) we report are similar to those re- have negative blood cultures. We suspect that our rate
ported by Wiswell et al.2 Similar to previous reports,22–24 (38%) may be related to an increased use of antibiotics
we also found that the finding of a positive CSF culture that has been advocated to prevent group B streptococ-
in neonates who have an LP is rare: 10 in 1000. How- cal disease.25 Even more disturbing are the 2 neonates
ever, these results underestimate the true incidence of with Gram-negative rod meningitis who had Gram-pos-
disease, because many of the CSF cultures were obtained itive organisms in blood culture (Table 3). If LP had not
after antibiotics were started or from neonates born to been performed in these neonates and presumptive
mothers who had received antibiotics. therapy based on the blood culture, these cases would
We had hoped to identify factors that would allow have been missed, or the diagnosis delayed, with likely
clinicians to rapidly assess the likelihood of meningitis in serious consequences.

1098 GARGES, et al
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Even more problematic, we were unable to find any negative CSF culture, and elevated CSF WBC count (21
CSF parameter that could be used to exclude meningitis. cells per mm3), 48 hours of antibiotics21 followed by
The commonly used threshold value of 21 cells as the either in-hospital observation or outpatient scheduled
upper limit of normal for the term neonate12–14 would clinic visit 48 to 72 hours after discharge may be war-
have lead to 12.6% of meningitis cases being missed. ranted.20
Our analysis of CSF parameters demonstrates that men- Neonatal meningitis remains a substantial cause of
ingitis can occur in the presence of normal CSF WBC, sepsis-related morbidity and mortality in the term and
glucose, and protein levels. All of the cases outlined in near-term infant. Our data demonstrate that there is no
Table 5 would have been missed without LP results set of clinical parameters that excludes the diagnosis of
except for the 2 that also had a positive blood culture meningitis in a neonate other than CSF cultures. The
with the same organisms. Because meningitis occurs in diagnosis of meningitis is, therefore, dependent on ob-
the face of normal CSF parameters, it is impossible to taining a timely and adequate culture of the spinal fluid.
construct an algorithm to predict meningitis based on
abnormal CSF values. This finding reinforces the need to CONCLUSIONS
perform the LP at the onset of the sepsis evaluation. Neonatal meningitis occurs in the absence of bacteremia
The strengths of this study include the large size, the and in the presence of normal CSF values. No single CSF
focus on term or near-term infants, and the incorpora- value can be used to exclude meningitis, and peripheral
tion of CSF parameters with blood and CSF culture WBC counts are also poor predictors of neonatal men-
results. The study is limited in that it is a retrospective ingitis. The CSF culture is critical to the diagnosis, re-
analysis of an administrative data set and has missing gardless of other laboratory results. These data suggest
data. Although 95% of patients with meningitis had that an LP should be incorporated in a sepsis evaluation
blood culture data available, 42% of patients with men- of an infant.
ingitis and 50% overall were missing CSF parameter
information, which decreased the sample size and may ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
affect the results. Although data are missing, the conclu- Dr Benjamin received support from National Institute of
sions are based on ⬃4500 complete observations and Child Health and Human Development grant HD044799,
provide evidence that neonatal meningitis can be missed and Dr Garges received support from Ruth L. Kirschstein
if the LP is not performed as a routine part of the sepsis National Research Service Award Training grant T32-
evaluation. HD43029. We thank the Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc,
In addition, the study cohort is based on those infants and the Duke Clinical Research Institute for supporting
who had a CSF culture obtained rather than those in- this study. It was completed under a collaborative agree-
fants who had bacteremia. Therefore, we do not capture ment between Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc, and Duke
those neonates who had a blood culture obtained but did University.
not have an LP performed or those neonates with bac-
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1100 GARGES, et al
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Neonatal Meningitis: What Is the Correlation Among Cerebrospinal Fluid
Cultures, Blood Cultures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Parameters?
Harmony P. Garges, M. Anthony Moody, C. Michael Cotten, P. Brian Smith, Kenneth
F. Tiffany, Robert Lenfestey, Jennifer S. Li, Vance G. Fowler, Jr and Daniel K.
Benjamin, Jr
Pediatrics 2006;117;1094
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-1132
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