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Submitted To Meet One Of The Requirements In Completing

Duty english in nursing

Lecturer : Mrs. Ratih Inayah, M. Pd

Arranged by:

Syafitri Damayanti





A. Page 81 part 2
Complete yhe sentences with the word below.
1. An antimicrobial agent will kil microorganisms
2. Use a sterile swab to get a sample from the back of the throat.
3. Our bodies have ways to kill pathohens such as viruses and bacteria.
4. The old, the young, and the ver ill are most susceptible to hospital infection.
5. Staphylococcus is resistance to most antibiotics.
6. There is a risk of contamination from urine and blood.
7. Wash floor and door handles with disinfectant
8. A home doesn’t have to be spotless ,but it does have to be clean.

B. Page 72 art Language spot part 2

Complite the sentences with nees to, must, need(s). Don’t have to mustn’t, has to Use
the verbs below
1. You’ll need to mop the floor-there’s been a spillage
2. You must change gloves after contact with each patient.
3. The bins need emptying -they’re all full.
4. You don’t have to cut Mr mills’s nails –I’ve just done them.
5. You mustn’t use your mobile phone inside the building.
6. The Ward must complete sister a hygiene report every month.
7. My hair needs cutting -I can’t keep it all under my hat.
8. I need to order some more paper towels-they’ve nearly all gone.
C. Please make a sentences by using the key word
1. Bacteria
The airborne bacteria infected all of the people on the trip
2. Bin
She grabbed a handful of beads and dumped them into the bin, stopping when the
flash of red caught her attention.
3. Catering
sometimes I refuse to psy cleaning and catering companies if I’m not happy with
4. Disinfectant
The faint smell of disinfectant soap was washed away by expensive cologne.

5. immune system
Other data illustrating the importance of the immune system in healthy aging
come from studies on centenarians.
6. Infection
The x-rays were conclusive and indicated a bad infection in the lower lobe of one
7. Resistant
They are the most resistant to unfavourable conditions of environment, and are
able, by a process of parthenogenesis, to give rise to ordinary, indifferent forms
again, which can repopulate the gnat.
8. Virus
HIV is the virus which is believed to cause 
D. Page 87 part Vocabulary- mental illness number 1 until number 10.
Match each word with its definition.
1. Posture → G. A way of standing or sitting
2. Unemotinal → F. Not showing your feeling.
3. Hallucinations → J. Occasions when you imagine you see things
that are not relly there.
4. Manic → E. Behaving in an abnormally excited way
5. Paranoia → A. The false belief that somebody is trying to
harm you, or that you are somebody very important
6. Disoriented → B. Not sure where you are
7. Uncommunicative → C. Not wanting to talk to people
8. Delusions → I. Strange and false ideas that somebody
believes are true
9. Irrational → D. Not logical; not making sense
10. Depression → H. Feelings of extreme, uncontrollable

E. page 87 part Language Spot , Grammar exercise Present Perfect number 1 until
number 9.
1. We’ve (have) finished the assesment. You’ll get the report tomorow.
2. The doctor’s (has) seen the patient three times today
3. I started working here a year ago.
4. Mrs.Linton is no longer in hospital. She’s (has) gone home
5. I’ve (have) written three letters to the consultant, but he hasn’t (has not) replied
6. I studied until ll o’clock last night.
7. The patient’s (has) attend the clinic since January.
8. The patient’s (has) been in hospital for a week now.
9. Have you ever had a general anaesthetic?

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