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Mukachevo State University

Audit of current liabilities

Stoianova-Koval S.S.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Odessa State Agrarian University
Berdnikova V.O.
Odessa State Agrarian University

In the current conditions of economic The main stages of current liabilities’ audit
management and auditing according to the are: preparatory, audit planning, obtaining
International standards the questions occur audit evidence and formation of conclusions
about the reliability of accounting informa- of the auditor.
tion. The task of the audit is the assessment Audit procedures for the verification of
of information, which is provided in the accounts payable for goods and services are
accounting records, and providing the audit to determine by the financial statements a
conclusions. caption limit of materiality; to establish what
Audit of the current liabilities is one of the amounts are reflected in the financial state-
areas of audit, which is aimed at assessing ments and to examine primary documents
the accounting system and detecting the and contracts, resulting in which they arose;
fraud and error. the total number of documents and paying
Current liabilities are also those obliga- the amount received in advance form sam-
tions, which must be repaid in the normal pling; by request and confirmation to verify
course of the operating cycle of the enter- the reality of counterparties and the balance;
prise, or must be repaid during 12 months using repeated procedures to determine the
from the balance sheet date. result of operations and the need to reflect it
Audit of the current liabilities involves in the financial statements.
checking a compliance with the accuracy Selection of object, subject, information
of recording methodological principles of sources, audit procedures, and synthesis of
the formation of information on current debt the results enable the auditor to focus on key
enterprises to other enterprises and organi- points of the audit of current liabilities and is
zations, and disclosure the information in the the basis for the development of methods for
financial statements. auditing other types of current liabilities.


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