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GEC04: The Contemporary World


Seatcode: ______________________________________________ Course/Sec: ________________________ Date: __________

Test 1 – Identification (10 points) Read carefully before answering each item. Identify the best
answer only.

_______________ 1. A means of conveying something such as a channel of communication.

_______________ 2. Media theorist who declared that “medium is the message”.
_______________ 3. A broadcast medium that is not simple bearer of message but also a shaper to social
behavior of users and reorient family behavior.
_______________ 4. A phenomenon of media globalization coupled with American hegemony whereby values
and culture of America would overwhelmed all others.
______________ 5. Simply refers to the content of any medium (print, broadcast, digital).
______________ 6. Sociologist who popularized the term ‘global city’ in the 1990s.
______________ 7. Location of SONY’s main headquarters.
______________ 8. Projected increase of global city experience by 2050.
______________ 9. Numbers of corporate headquarters in Tokyo.
_____________10. Considered as today’s one of the culinary capitals of the world and birth place to ‘New
Nordic’ cuisine.

Test 2 – Matching Type (10 points). Choose the letter of the best answer found on column 2.

Column 1 Column 2
_____ 1. Location of the United Nations headquarters. A. Gentrification
_____ 2. Internet and mobile mass communication. B. Banlieue
_____ 3. ASEAN Main headquarters C. European Union
_____ 4. Books, magazines, and newspapers D. New York
_____ 5. Driving out the poor in favor of the newer, wealthier residents E. Jakarta
_____ 6. Social media paid users who harass political opponents. F. Broadcast media
_____ 7. Poor Muslim migrants are forced to leave and have clustered
around ethnic eclaves. G. Digital media
_____ 8. Activism that utilizes special media toorganize and disseminate H. Print media
_____ 9. Found in Brussels I. Trolls
_____ 10. Film J. Arab spring

Test 3 – ESSAY (10 points) Write your answers at the back of this test paper. Compare and contrast
concisely in five sentences the following concepts of media and globalization:

1. “splinternet” vs. “cyberbalkanization” (5 points)

2. ‘Global Village” vs. “Global City” (5 points)

Prepared by:


Course Adviser, GEC 04
GEC04: The Contemporary World

Seatcode:_______________________________________________ Course/Yr.Level: _______________________ Date: ___________

Test 1 – DEFINITION OF TERMS. Define in 1 -2 sentences the following terms in context of global
demography. (10 points)

1. “Carrot-and-stick” approach:

2. Pills:

3. Rural Families:

4. Demography:

5. Population growth:

Test 2 – TRUE OR FALSE. Read each items carefully. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement
is false. AVOID superimpositions and too many erasures. Write your answer legibly. (15 points)

___ 1. Bearing a child is a symbol of successful family life.

___ 2. Less number of children in poorer districts are ideal than having none at all.
___ 3. Urbanized, educated and professional families with two incomes desire more children.
___ 4. Countries in the “less developed regions of the world” that rely on agriculture tend to maintain high
levels of population growth.
___ 5. Global agricultural population in 2011 has declined.
___ 6. UN projects that international migation contributes less to the First World countries’ population.
___ 7. “An Essay on the Principle of Population” was written in 1978.
___ 8. It was the “Population Bomb” article that argued food shortage and mass starvation to happen in
1970s and the 1980s.
___ 9. The highest peak of population growth rate was at 1.8 percent in 1970 alone.
___ 10. Young working population median age is 29.4 years for males and 30.9 for females.
___ 11. The use of population control ensures economic security.
___ 12. TFR pertains to total femininity ratio of males and females.
___ 13. Women’s movement in the 1960s was responsible for the passage and judicial endorsement of a
pro-choice law.
___ 14. The feminist perspective towards population control empower women.
___ 15. Today’s global population estimate is 9.5 billion.

Test 3 – ENUMERATION. List down the following items as required in each subtests. (10 points)

A. Perils (Crisis) of Overpopulation (3)

B. Feminist perspectives on overpopulation (5)
C. Sample methods of population technologies (2)

Prepared by:


Course Adviser, GEC 04

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