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on the right-hand side of equation (3.

5), and the second term becomes

d,~ ⌦ ⇢xc1 ⌦ ⇢xc2 ⌦ · · · ⌦ ⇢xcd 1 , (4.13)
x1 ,x2 ,··· ,xd 1

but we can freely re-index the summation as

d,~ ⌦ ⇢xc1 ⌦ ⇢xc2 ⌦ · · · ⌦ ⇢xcd 1 , (4.14)
xc1 ,xc2 ,··· ,xcd 1

because both xk and xck sum over the same range, namely {0, 1}. Now it is clear that this
term is indeed invariant by a simple change of dummy variables.
We end this section by noting the peculiarity of the situation: through its dependence
on Sµ⌫ , the magnetic inversion symmetry Ad depends on the disorder realization of the
ensemble, hence the symmetry itself is disordered. This is exceptional in that the symmetries
of most disordered systems do not depend on disorder realizations. However, the e↵ects of
this disordered symmetry are as real as the conventional cases. In particular, to study the
level statistics we must focus on one block of the Hd that is irreducible under Ad .

5 Sum rules for the Hamiltonian

There are exact sum rules for the Hamiltonian that are valid even without taking the disorder
average. They will account for some salient features of the level statistics we are going to see
in section 6. The sum rules are consequences of the hypercubic geometry and the fact that
the Hamiltonian (2.3) has only nearest neighbor hoppings. The sum rules can be evaluated
in the tensor product representation (3.5) as well. Since this calculation for TrH 4 and TrH 6
in tensor product representation is rather lengthy, we have moved it to appendix A.

5.1 TrAH p
In the study of level statistics, we analyze the energy eigenvalues in the same block under
magnetic inversion symmetry A. So instead of the total moments TrH p , what we really should
be interested in is 12 Tr ((1 + A)H p ). However in this section we will see

TrAd Hdp = 0 for p < d. (5.1)

So for low moments we might as well just study TrH p .

Geometric picture
The magnetic inversion Ad has the physical meaning of particle hopping from one lattice site
to the site sitting on the corresponding longest diagonal. The H p involves p-step hoppings
connecting nearest neighbors. For the trace to be nonzero, we must have at least one hopping
configuration that forms a loop. This means some of the p-step nearest-neighbor hops must

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