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Galvanizing Services

2018 Ltd

COVID-19 Update
As we have moved to Alert Level 3 for COVID-19
COVID 19 Pandemic which allows us to
operate but with Strict Guidelines from Ministry of Health. It’s our foremost
duty to follow the guideline and help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
2018 has developed a plan which needs to be followed by all of us which
includes Physical Distancing, Contactless deliveries and Pick-ups,
Pick ups, Using E-
commerce for receiving
ceiving Order no. Main key points to follow
• All Purchase Orders must be sent via Email.
• Deliveries and Pickups Must be contactless
contactless i.e. Driver should contact us
on 096366003 once at our site and we will guide them through our
process. Drivers are expected to remain seated in their vehicle at all
times. Drivers are allowed to un-strap
un the load, once done he must
signal the Forklift Driver and get back in their vehicle.
• GSL 2018 will record the names and details
detail of anyy person visiting our
• A strict Workplacelace entry criterion applies to both Office and Warehouse
i.e. all visitors must make an appointment beforehand.
Please contact Sam or Harinder Singh to arrange an appointment.
Sam: 096366003
Harinder Singh: 0212684845
Under Alert Level 3 – The unusual and challenging time continue. GSL 2018 will
continue to follow any Future NZ Govt and MOH guidelines to prevent any
transmission risks.

Yours Faithfully
Harinder Singh

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