Jejak: International Trade and North-Sumatra's Local Economy

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Jejak Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323-337, DOI:


Journal of Economics and Policy

International Trade and North-Sumatra’s Local Economy

Jongkers Tampubolon1✉, Tongam Sihol Nababan2

Agricultural Faculty, Nommensen HKBP University, Medan
Economics Faculty, Nommensen HKBP University, Medan


Received: April 2018; Accepted: July 2018; Published: September 2018

North Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia with high levels of economic openness. On average, since 2000, the contribution
of export value to the Regional GDP reached 40 % and import value of 28%. Using Granger causality method, the study aims to
investigate causal relations between international trade and North Sumatra’s local economy especially the impact of exports and
imports on Regional GDP, Regional GDP per capita, employment and poverty reduction. The empirical results of present study
discovered that (i) the exports and imports respectively have positive and significant impact on regional GDP, regional GDP per
capita, employment and poverty reduction, (ii) there is a bi-directional causality between imports and regional GDP, where GDP
growth rate would boost imports over-proportionally, (iii) both exports and imports are dominated by intermediate goods as the
raw materials for further processing industry, (iv) export structure which is dominated by the agricultural-based intermediate good
is proverty-reduction through factor market in the upstream sector making the rural peoples benefited from the exports.

Keywords: North Sumatra; Granger causality and cointegration; trade and regional economic development; trade and
employment; trade and poverty alleviation

How to Cite: Tampubolon, J., & Nababan, T. (2018). International Trade and North-Sumatra’s Local
Economy. JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 11(2), 323-337.

© 2018 Semarang State University. All rights reserved

Corresponding author : ISSN 1979-715X
Address: Unversitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
324 Tampulolon and Nababan, International Trade and North-Sumatras’ Local Economy

INTRODUCTION Grossman & Helpman (1990) added more

International trade will provide benefits international trade benefits especially for
to the countries involved therein. According developing countries, where with the
to Adam Smith, trading itself takes place on integration of economy, growth can be
the basis of absolute advantage, which in the accelerated through a variety of channels
text book of international economics among including increased innovation, techno-
others by Salvatore (2013) and Krugman et al. logical spillovers and elimination of
(2012) describes the model of two countries replication in research and development
and two commodities where the efficiency of (R&D).
labor (as the only factor of production) Empirical studies on the relationship
differs in the production of commodities in between exports and economic growth is so
both countries. The next thought develop- far become an object of abundant papers, for
ment is focused on the reasons why trade example, Giles & Williams (2000) made 150
takes place, where David Ricardo showed empirical literatures as the object of their
that the absolute advantage is just a special studies. Early on, the objective of the study is
case of a comparative advantage and the to discover the relationship between export
advantage is viewed from the perspective of growth and economic growth (GDP or GDP
opportunity cost of the commodities per capita) in time-series and cross section
produced. With this concept, a trade still data with country groupings variation
takes place although one of the countries examined based on economic progress
experience absolute disadvantages on both measured in per capita income or the
commodities, as long as the opportunity cost proportion of exports in GDP.
to produce them in both countries is A very high correlation between export
different. Furthermore, Heckscher and Ohlin growth and economic growth found in
stated that comparative advantage measured numerous study has postulated that exports
at a lower opportunity cost originated from is driving force of growth, which is also
different factors endowments in respective popularly coined as export as engine of
countries so that each country has a unique growth. More specifically, Yang (2008)
production factor proportion. Meanwhile, a showed that at the time of high economic
preliminary thesis on welfare improvement growth, from 81 countries observed, 70 of
as a result of international trade remains them experienced higher export growth than
unchanged. Both countries will benefit from GDP growth. Next, the study on exports and
the welfare improvement illustrated with the economic growth focused much on export-
ability to consume a combination of two led growth hypothesis, be it at cross-
commodities outside a production possibility countries levels, and at regional levels such
curve (frontier curve), which means to reach as Latin America and Caribean
furthest out the social indifference curve. (Kristjanpoller et al, 2016) or at an individual
The availability of goods merely increased as country level such as Bosupeng (2015) for
a result of an exchange, meanwhile, the Botswana.
quantity of production factors remains That a country needs a certain minimum
unchanged. The concept of endogenous level of development as a prerequisite to
growth theory proposed by Romer (1990) and obtain a strong correlation between
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323 – 337 325

economic growth and exports has been growth."It matters more what you export and
discussed by Michaely (1977). In other words, how diversified your exports are than how
the structural transformation of a country much you trade" (Vos, 2007: 14). There is a
will affect the magnitude of export non liniear pattern in trade to growth
contribution on economic growth through a relationship, which Huchet-Bourdon et al.
combination of export commodities. Vollrath (2018:61) formulated as, "that countries more
& Johnston (1991) introduced the hypothesis open to trade and exporting higher quality
of dynamic comparative advantages by products experience higher growth ... the
disaggregating export commodity groups higher the quality of the export basket of the
into 10 categories based on the level of country, the greater the positive impact of
industrialization/ technology producing trade on economic growth". Quality is
commodities, then by grouping countries sourced from technology and innovation.
into five categories based on their per capita Both technology and innovation play an
income. The test result indicates that the important role in the development, techno-
level of economic development in a country logy that in turn affect trade pattern as found
is in conformity with the composition of the in new industrial countries in East Asia such
export commodities, where low and upper as China, South Korea and Japan (Guo &
low income countries will export commo- N'Diaye 2009; Zang & Baimbridge 2012).
dities of agriculture, fish and forestry as well Within international trade literatures,
as mining while the upper middle and high unemployment has not been separately
income countries will export basic inter- discussed, rather as a dynamic part of the
mediates, finished capital and high exchange process for trade. By referring to
technology goods. In line with that, Hesse the Hecksher-Ohlin model, the impact of
(2008) put forth that export diversification trade on unemployment is conditional.
and per capita income growth have been Salvatore (2013) and Krugman & Obsfeld
closely associated over some stage of their (2012), as in the textbook mentioned above,
development path. This is examined by describes the Samuelson-Stolper theorem as
Agosin et al., who compared the economic follows: If one country is relatively abundant
development of Asian countries with Latin with capital factors compared to the rest of
America and Caribbean, in that both GDP the world, then the country will have
and exports consistently grew faster in the comparative advantages in a capital-
Asian countries than in Latin America and intensive commodity trade. The trade will
the Caribbean. In fact, the ratio of GDP increase world demand for commodities so
growth to export growth is practically that the country, which produces the
identical in the two regions for the two commodities would boost production.
periods analyzed but Asian countries’ exports Increased production means increased
not only grew faster but were also of higher demand for production factor (in this case
“quality”; that is, they were considerably capital and labor) so that the level of
more diversified (Agosin et al. 2012). unemployment and real wages will increase.
Export diversification means multiplying On the contrary, this country will import
the commodities with high added value labor intensive commodity, which will lower
which replaces low quality commodities. domestic commodity prices thus labor
Hence, exports do not automatically increase intensive commodity industries will reduce
326 Tampulolon and Nababan, International Trade and North-Sumatras’ Local Economy

production with the extended effects of trade promotes growth and with the
demand for production factor (capital and increased income as a result of fast economic
labors) will drop leading to rising unemploy- growth, the government may provide
ment rate and low wage rate. financing for poverty alleviation programs
Furthermore, countries whose exports (the recent empirical finding from Central
composition is dominated by raw materials Java, Indonesia, delivered by Sriyana 2018).
with increased export rate will somehow Thus, the growth reduces poverty. Bhagwaty/
increase unemployment rate as generally Srinivasan (2002) mentions that growth is a
experienced by most countries in Africa principal driver of reduced poverty, as found
(Drabo 2013). Meanwhile, countries that in China and India. Poverty in China
import more raw materials will experience a dropped from 28 % in 1978 to 9 % in 1998,
rising employment rate as compared to while poverty in India dropped from 51 % in
countries whose imports composition is 1977/78 to 27 % in 1999/2000. Furthermore,
dominated by final products. Berg & Krueger (2003) put forth that trade
liberalization increases growth in average per
In general, protectionism will increase
capita income through out productivity
unemployment rate, while openness will
growth, on the other hand there is no
reduce unemployment rate (Dutt et al. 2009
evidence that liberalization will worsen or
and Felbermayr et al. 2011). Dritsakis &
improve inequality, thus the income of the
Stamatiu (2017) stated that the exports have
poor tends to grow proportionally with per
an effect on unemployment through econo-
capita growth.
mic growth. Exports as well as FDI have a
positive effect on economic growth and The relationship between trade liberali-
afterwards economic growth has a negative zation and poverty through factor markets is
effect on unemployment. While Felbermayr not automatic but conditional. Trade
et al. (2011) argues that economic openness liberalization increases efficiency through
affect unemployment through the role of increased productivity. Whether increased
total factor productivity. More openness productivity resulted in a reduced input use
forces unproductive firms to quit allows or increased output, both will affect exactly
more productive ones to expand. The the opposite poverty reduction. If higher
average firm’s productivity increases, its productivity reflected declining inputs rather
revenue per match relative to the cost of than increasing output, the effect could be to
vacancy creation goes up, and so do its reduce employment and hence exacerbate
incentives to create jobs. More detail poverty (Winters et al. 2004). In this case it
channels on the linkage between trade and applies that the trade increases growth and
growth/productivity growth could be seen at more poverty reduction, depending on what
Busse & Königer (2012). is exported and how diversified the exports
are rather than how much the trade (Vos
Stolper-Samuelson theorem further
2007). That is the reason trade liberalization
elaborates that exports will increase
produces a different impact on poverty in
commodity price which labor-intensive in
developing countries. Multi-lateral trade
production and further increase real wages,
liberalization will reduce overall poverty in
then exports will alleviate poverty through
Indonesia, Philippines, Uganda, and Zambia,
factor markets and wages rate. Meanwhile,
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323 – 337 327

but increase overall poverty in Brazil, Chile, recommendations on exports policies or

and Thailand (Hertel & Reimer 2005). other alternatives that aim to make the most
Winters (2002) has proved that the of the benefits of economic integration.
complexity of the links between trade and Furthermore, export promotion as an
poverty, as poverty is analyzed at the house- instrument of regional development can be
hold level where each household-member is implemented proportionally.
associated with the market (directly affected So far, studies on international trade and
by price changes for trade), indirectly development have been conducted at a
affected by decision adjustment made by the country level (individually) or countries
firm on wages and employment and directly group (cross-countries or regional). For
affected by government spending sourced Indonesia in particular, where its total land
from economic growth. The links between area is vast with various socioeconomic
trade and poverty are conceptually complex conditions, availability of resources and
and empirically, the calculation of poverty openness to the very diverse global market,
and imbalances also experienced the an analysis at a country level can be
complexity that emanates from dubious data misleading. Therefore, as part of the process
and technical calculations that cause bias as of decentralization since 2001, a study at a
indicated by Wade (2004). local level is highly needed. In line with that,
In general, the impact of trade reform on the objective of this study is to investigate
poverty are positive because trade protection the causal relationship between international
favoured skilled labor and capital relative to trade and North Sumatran regional economy
unskilled workers, so that its removal lifts in Indonesia. In details, we also investigate
unskilled workers, the primary source of the impacts of exports or imports on (i) gross
income for many of the world's poor regional domestic product, (ii) per capita
(Anderson et al. 2005). This positive impact income, (iii) employment opportunities and
will grow if accompanied by supporting (iv) poverty reduction.
policies such as infrastructure development
that facilitates transportation, so that price RESEARCH METHODS
transmission can reach the rural population In the last 17 years, the average export
that are far from the price border (Hertel & value of North Sumatra reached 40 % of
Winters 2005). In terms of trade policy, as for Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and
developing countries, the elimination of the import value reached the average of 28 %
import tariffs by the developed countries has (all in real term with 2000 as basis year). On
more positive impact on poverty in the other hand, both exports and imports
developing countries as compared to the have been dominated by industrialized
demands for full reduction of domestic intermediate goods which will become the
support in the developed countries (Ivanovic, raw materials for further processing. The
2005). composition of capital-goods imports are at
It is imperative to understand the causal the average of 20%. With the magnitude of
relationship between international trade and exports and imports value along with the
economic growth and wider regional composition of the types of goods, it is
development in order to be able to provide expected that the value of exports and
328 Tampulolon and Nababan, International Trade and North-Sumatras’ Local Economy

imports will have a positive impact on (iii) There is a bi-directional causality, if

Regional GDP and Regional GDP per capita. ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖 dan ∑𝑚
𝑗=1 𝛿𝑗 ≠ 0.
Using Indonesian currency (IDR) for export (iv) yt is independent of xt, if
value, the import values and Regional GDP in ∑𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖 and ∑𝑚
𝑗=1 𝛿𝑗 = 0.
real (2000 = 100) causal relationship value
between exports and economic growth and Granger causality shows a short-term
relationship, so that even though there is no
between imports and economic growth will
be analyzed using granger causality method. relationship between the two variables in the
short term, there is still the possibility of a
Granger causality method was first
long-term relationship. The relationship
introduced by Granger (1969) and was
between the variables under Granger non-
developed by Engle & Granger (1987) for no
causality can be further tested using
causal relationship cases. This method is a
cointegration test with the following four
standardized approach in testing the export-
led growth hypothesis (the latest by
Abosedra & Tong 2018 to MENA countries Step 1: to test each variable to determine its
order of integration. The augmented
with data from 1980 - 2002 and by Topcu &
Payne, 2018 who investigates the impact of Dickey-Fuller (ADF) will be applied
in order to infer the number of unit
trade on energy consumption in OECD
countries using data from 1990 – 2015, and roots (if any) in each of the variable.
for Indonesia’s context can be seen in Three possible results that will be
obtained, (i) both variables are
Subiyakto & Algifari 2016).
stationery (I(0)), in this case classical
Granger causality approach is used to
regression analysis can be applied,
observe the causal relationship between the
(ii) the variables are integrated of
two variables, in terms of (i) interplay (bi-
different order, it is possible to
directional), (ii) unidirectional, or (iii) no
conclude they are not cointegrated,
relationship at all. The model was formulated
and (iii) both variables are integrated
by referring to Asteriou/Hall (2016) as
in the same order, then the step two
will be proceed.
𝑦𝑡 = 𝑎1 + ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝛽𝑖 𝑥𝑡−1 + ∑ 𝑦𝑗 𝑦𝑡−𝑗 + Step 2: if the result of step 1 indicate that
𝑗=1 both variables are integrated in the
𝑒1𝑡 (1) same order, the next step is to
𝑥𝑡 = 𝑎2 ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝜃𝑖 𝑥𝑡−𝑖 + ∑𝑚
𝑗=1 𝛿𝑗 𝑦𝑡−𝑗 + 𝑒2𝑡 (2)
estimate the long-run equilibrium
relationship in the form:
The results of two linear regression
equations above will yield four possible 𝑌𝑡 = 𝛽1 + 𝛽2 𝑋𝑡 + 𝑒𝑡 (3)
interpretations of the value of the coefficient If the variables are cointegrated, OLS
generated: regression can be used to estimate
(i) xt affects yt, if ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖≠ 0 on the the cointegrating parameter𝛽̂ 2.
equation (1) and ∑𝑚 𝑗=1 𝛿𝑗 = 0 on the Step 3: to perform a Dickey-Fuller test to the
equation (2) residual series obtained from the
(ii) yt affects xt, if∑𝑚 𝑛
𝑗=1 𝛿𝑗≠ 0 and∑𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖 = 0. equation (3) to determine their order
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323 – 337 329

of integration. The form of DF test is 𝛽

𝑌𝑖 = 𝛼𝑖 𝑋𝑖 𝑖 𝑢𝑖 (7)
the following:
Where, Yi is the Regional GDP, Regional
∆𝑒̂ t = 𝑎1 𝑒̂ t-1 + ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝛿𝑗 ∆𝑒̂ t-i+ 𝑣𝑡 (4) GDP per capita, employment or head count
poverty, Xi is the export value or import
Step 4: if the variables are cointegrated, the
value in real IDR. In case there is a bi-
residual from the equilibrium
directional Granger causality, Yi will be the
regression will be used to estimate
export or the import and Xi is Regional GDP
the error correction model and to
or Regional GDP per capita respectively.
analyse the long-run and short run
effects of the variable. From the above equation, βi is the
coefficient Xi as well as the elasticity of the
The relationship between Yt and Xt with
export value and import value of Regional
an error correction model (further ECM) is
GDP, Regional GDP per capita, employment
specified as:
or head count poverty. If the exports or
∆𝑌𝑡 = 𝑎0 + 𝑏1 ∆𝑋𝑡 − 𝜋𝑢̂t-1+ 𝑌𝑡 (5) imports values rose by 1 %, then it is
expected that the employment rate will rise
In this model, b1 is the impact multiplier
by βi %, while the head count poverty rate
(the short-run effect) that measures the
will drop by βi %. Particularly for poverty,
immediate impact that a change in Xt will
this procedure is operated to North Sumatra
have on a change in Yt. On the other hand π
(total poverty), then to urban and rural areas
is the feedback effect, or the adjustment
effect, and show how much of the disequi-
librium is being corrected, i.e. the extent to The data on regional GDP, employment
which any disequilibrium in the previews and head count poverty were collected from
period effects any adjustment in Yt. North Sumatra in Figure while export and
import data were obtained from Foreign
In the present study, the elationship
Trade Statistic - Exports/Imports of North
between the tested variables are as follows
Sumatra each published by Statistic Agency
(Table 1):
of North Sumatra Province (BPS) in various
year issues.
Table 1. Granger Causality Relationships test
between the variables
Variable 1 Variable 2
Regional GDP Export or Import Since the colonial era, North Sumatra
Regional GDP per capita Export or Import has been engaged in an international trade.
Employment Export or Import Palm oil was first commercially its line of
Total Poverty Export or Import business in 1911. Its total land area and its
Urban Poverty Export or Import total production at that time grew signi-
Rural Poverty Export or Import ficantly since request from the world market
continued to increase. The Dutch colonial
OLS (ordinary least square) model that will
government made the east coast of Sumatra,
be used in general is:
especially Deli as the hub for palm oil
𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑌𝑖 = 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝛼𝑖 + 𝛽𝑖 𝐿𝑜𝑔𝑋𝑖 + 𝑢𝑖 (6) production (Badrun, 2010). In the last 17
years (2000 - 2016), Trade Index that served
re-formulated as:
330 Tampulolon and Nababan, International Trade and North-Sumatras’ Local Economy

as openness parameter {(Export + Import)/ the composition of consumed goods (final

Regional GDP} of North Sumatra ranged goods) was just around 23 - 29 % (figure 1).
between 50 - 78, while Export Index (Export/ Two-thirds of the export values are
Regional GDP) was 34 - 44. The exports sourced from oil and vegetable fat and crude
proportions in Regional GDP was way above rubber, synthesis and additions of groups of
Indonesia’s average. The volumes and the goods code number 1 and 2 on SITC double
value of both exports and imports continued digits. By classifiying exports goods into five
to increase and the balance of trade has levels of industrialization based on SITC
always experienced a surplus, while Indone- single digit goods group in compliance with
sia experienced a deficit in the balance of Athanasoglou et al. (2010), I for Foodstuff
trade in 2012 - 2014. (product code number 1, 2 and 5 on SITC
Exports were dominated by industrial single digit) , II for raw materials excluding
sector with the proportion between 76 - 86 % fuel (3), III for Chemicals (6), IV for
followed by agricultural sector by 11 - 19 %. Machinery group (8) and V for Manufactured
Likewise, industrial products exported were product (7 and 9), it was revealed that
dominated by intermediate goods (raw agriculture-based foodstuff product is not
material) for further processing since the only the dominant group but also showed a
proportion of exported commodities were very rapid growth. While exports for
based on types of goods which were industrial manufactured products (V)
dominated by raw materials (70 - 78 %) while continuously suffered a decline on a lower
level (figure 2).

Exports by Sectors
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Agriculture Mining Industry

Exports by Economic Goods Group

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Capital Intermediate Consumption

Figure 1. Composition of North Sumatra exports according to the sector and types of goods, 2001-2016
(in thousand Tons)
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323 – 337 331










Figure 2. Composition of North Sumatran exports by Levels of Industrialization, 2000 – 2016 (in
thousands of tons)

Note: The product categories presented here correspond to the single digit SITC codes in parentheses,
as follows:
I. Foodstuff products: food and live animals (1), beverages and tobacco (2) animal and
vegetable olis/fats (4).
II. Inedible raw materials excluding fuel (3).
III. Chemicals: chemical and pharmaceuticals (6).
IV. Machinery: machinery and transportation equipment (8).
V. Manufactured products: manufacture goods (7) and miscellaneous manufactured goods

The composition of North Sumatra’s The result of the relationship between

import showed a similar pattern to that of the variables indicated that almost all
the composition of exports, where the pro- variables hold causality between exports or
portion of imports are dominated by imports with Regional GDP, Regional GDP
industrial sector yet in the form of per capita, Employment and Poverty
intermediate goods (raw materials) by 39 - 63 respectively. There is a bi-directional
% and consumer goods (final goods) by 18 - causality relationship between Regional GDP
34 % and the remaining are capital goods by and imports. There is no causal relationship
13 - 32 % (figure 3). With this composition of between Export and Regional GDP as well as
exports and imports, it is expected that between Export and Regional GDP per
exports and imports related to the economic capita, however the cointegration between
activity especially the processing industry those both variables pairs is existed. The
will have a positive effect on providing relationship between variables indicated is
employment opportunity and further poverty summarized in Table 2.
reduction through employment.
332 Tampulolon and Nababan, International Trade and North-Sumatras’ Local Economy

Import by Sector
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Agriculture Mining Industry

Import by Economic Goods Group

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Capital Intermediate Consumption

Figure 3. Composition of North Sumatran imports according to the sector and types of goods, 2001-2016
(in thousand tons)

Table 2. Granger Causality Test Result

Variable 1 Variable 2 Test Result
Regional GDP Export no Granger causality*
Regional GDP Import bi-directional causality
Regional GDP per capita Export no Granger causality*
Regional GDP per capita Import one direction causality
Employment Export one direction causality
Employment Import one direction causality
Total Poverty Export no Granger causality*
Total Poverty Import one direction causality
Urban Poverty Export one direction causality
Urban Poverty Import one direction causality
Rural Poverty Export one direction causality
Rural Poverty Import one direction causality
*) further test indicated cointegration between variables.
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323 – 337 333

The results of parameter estimation easily forcasted. But as for poverty, it is not
showed an effect of trade on economic as simple as that. The effect of processing
growth in North Sumatra are presented in industrial activity for the production of
Table 3. As it was hypothesized, with the export commodities or for further processing
composition of exports dominated by indus- of imported raw materials will not be of
trial goods, even if it is simple processed poverty reduction if both industries require
intermediate industrial goods, the exports skilled labors (Winters et al. 2004 and
have a positive and significant effect on Anderson et al. 2005). Overall, the exports
economic growth (measured in Regional and imports reduce poverty in North
GDP and Regional GDP per capita). The Sumatra. But this effect is more evident in
same is true for import, with the composition rural areas as compared to urban areas. As to
of imported goods dominated by raw the economic growth and employment rate,
materials for further processing and with a the effect of exports to reduce poverty is
small proportion in the form of capital higher and more significant than the effect of
goods, the imports are mainly aimed at imports. This indicates that an increased
meeting the demands of industry. Industrial production of processing industry in catering
activities that produce added value and to exports growth will create more
absorb manpower will have a positive and employment opportunity in the upstream
significant effect on economic growth. On sector (a relatively labor-intensive agricul-
the other hand, a significant economic ture with unskilled labor qualification) rather
growth will increase the demands for than in the processing industry (plants)
imports over proportionally, where each which is more capital-intensive with skilled
economic growth measured in the increased labor qualifications that serve machinery and
of Regional GDP by 1 % will soon increase management supply chain from pabric to
imports by 1.44 %. harbor. In this case, poverty reduction is
From the composition of exports and achieved through employment.
imports, the effect of exports or imports on
economic growth and employment can be

Table 3. Results of Parameters Estimates of the effect of trade on economic

growth and employment, North Sumatra, 2001 – 2016
Model: Yi = αiXiβiui
Y X β R2
Regional GDP Export 0.9583 0.9798
Regional GDP Import 0.6758 0.9744
Import Regional GDP 1.4419 0.9744
Regional GDP per capita Export 0.8376 0.9776
Regional GDP per capita Import 0.5912 0.9738
Employment Export 0.1563 0.7381
Employment Import 0.1140 0.7857
Source: Author’s calculation.
Note: *) All coefficient estimation significant at level of confidence 99 % (α = 0.01)
334 Tampulolon and Nababan, International Trade and North-Sumatras’ Local Economy

Agricultural census of 2013 revealed that composition of imports volume of 72 % of

in North Sumatra, 938.842 households intermediate goods will be the raw materials
involve in smallholder plantion, who run for further processing industry and 3.5 % of
more than 800.000 hectares of palm oil and capital goods. It is forecasted that the North
rubber production. Therefore, any increases Sumatra’s exports and imports will have a
in price due to increasing demand in agro- positive and significant effect on economic
industry sector to response to the global growth, as the exports and imports activities
demand, will benefit millions of people in are dominated by processing industry
term of employment and income, which lead activities. The results of the analysis
to poverty reduction. Most of these people discovered that there is a high elasticity of
are living in rural area. Results of parameters exports and imports to Regional GDP and
estimation of the effect of trade on poverty Regional GDP per capita with the value of
reduction in North Sumatra are presented in 0.96 and 0.84 for exports and 0.68 and 0.59
Table 4. for imports.
Likewise, the effect of exports and
Table 4. Results of parameters estimation of import on employment is not too significant.
the effect of trade on poverty The elasticity of exports to employment is
reduction in North Sumatra, 2001- only 0.16 and the effect of import is 0.11.
2016. Therefore, the effect of exports and imports
on Regional GDP is scantily achieved by the
Model: Yi = αiXiβiui
Y X β R2 absorption of labor in the processing
Poverty (total) Export - 0.2524*** 0.8114 industry sector. The analysis of poverty
Poverty (total) Import - 0.1829*** 0.8515 reduction provides an indication that the
Urban Poverty Export - 0.0913* 0.2025 exports and imports are more influential in
Urban Poverty Import - 0.0611* 0.1815
the factors market for raw materials.
Rural Poverty Export - 0.3676*** 0.7535
Rural Poverty Import - 0.2698*** 0.8121 Increased exports increase the demands for
Source: Author’s calculation raw materials, which for the case of North
Note: Sumatra is dominated by agricultural based
***) coefficient estimation significant at level of natural resources in the forms of palm oil
confidence 99 % (α = 0.01).
*) coefficient estimation significant at level of fresh fruit and raw latex. Increased demands
confidence 90 % (α = 0.10). will increase the prices and subsequently
increase farmers’ income and thereby reduce
CONCLUSION poverty. This mechanism leads to poverty
The magnitude of the value of North reduction through higher export or import in
Sumatra’s exports since 2000 was at an rural areas rather than in urban areas. It
average of 40 % of the Regional GDP, with means that North Sumatran economic
the composition of export volume by 75 % of growth that emanates from international
the intermediate goods processed from trade is dominantly benefited by rural
natural resources, especially fresh palm oil farmers.
fruits into crude palm oil (CPO) and latex The results of classification of exports
into crumb rubber on one hand and on the based on the levels of industrialization
other hand, the imports value reached an indicated that there is a structural problem
average of 28 % of Regional GDP with the
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 11 (2) (2018): 323 – 337 335

in the economy of North Sumatra. gains from trade and have wider benefits, a
Manufactured goods exports seem not only structural policy reform is needed within the
low in proportion, but also continuously economy of North Sumatra. Industrialization
declined. This is in line with the decline of must be encouraged to process more CPOs
industrial sector contribution to the Regional and crumb rubbers into final goods so that
GDP. In 2000, this contribution was 20.52 %, the products manufactured/ exported could
while in 2016, the number dropped by 14.9 %. move and develop from the types of
The trend analysis confirmed this commodities exported since 100 years ago in
phenomenon with the trend of a significant the early plantation era of Sumatra, to
reduction with coefficient of - 0.5. become more varied and have high added
In order to be able to make export as value (two things that guarantee exports
engine of growth in North Sumatra, increase contribute to economic growth).
income, increase employment rate and Traditional trade policy such as export
poverty reduction rate, some steps need to promotion and control exchange rates no
be implemented. longer apropriate for the structural reform.
Household who runs smallholder Hence, the efforts of local government to
plantation palm oil and rubber businesses is bring in investors both foreign and domestic
expecting to be mentoring. The mentoring is ones to build and operate the further
intended for main purposes; increased processing industry in North Sumatra are
production and replanting of unproductive needed.
area. At present, a production gap between It is the challenge for the local govern-
smallholder plantation and state own as well ment to provide hard infrastructures
as private enterprise plantation reached 30%. (transport and power/electricity) and soft
This in contrary with total land area under infrastructure (regulation and incentives) to
smallhoders’ which is doubled (812,328 ha). attract more investors to do business in North
To catch up with that, smallholder household Sumatra. Improved transport and market
needs an access to financing and extension structure, in addition to support exports
education in order to apply appropriate directly, will also increase the gains from
agricultural technicalities. Similar steps can imports in the form of price transmission
be applied to other six percent of the total where local customers can enjoy the benefit
area of smallholder plantation (50,354 ha) of declined prices of imported commodity as
which is currently unproductive and in need the margin between the border price and the
of big funding for replanting. Both of these consumer price is small. In addition,
matters will promote increased production to infrastructure improvement will encourage
cater to the needs of the imports and the development of other sectors outside the
domestic industries that continues to grow. sector of international trade.
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