Logic Circuits Design Competition Questions and Solutions

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1. A burglar alarm for a bank is designed so that it senses four input signal lines. Line A is from the secret control switch, line B is from a pressure
sensor under a steel safe in a locked closet, line C is from a battery-powered clock, and line D is connected to a switch on the locked closet door. The
ff. conditions produce logic 1 voltage on each line: A – The control switch is closed; B – The safe is in its normal position in the closet; C – The clock
is between 1000 and 1400 hours; D – The closet door is closed. Write the equations and implement the control logic for the burglar alarm that
produces logic 1 when the safe is moved and the control switch is closed, or when the closet is opened and after banking hours, or when the closet is
opened with the control switch open.
The statement “when the safe is moved and the control switch is closed” is represented by AB’. “When the closet is opened after banking hours” is
represented by C’D’. “When the closet is opened with the control switch open” is represented by A’D’. Therefore,
f(A, B, C, D)= AB’+C’D’+A’D’

2. A bulb in a staircase has 5 switches one switch being at the ground floor and the other one at the first floor. The bulb can be turned on and also can
be turned off by one of the switches irrespective of the state of the other switch. The bulb in the second floor can be turned on if the bulb in the
third floor and fourth floor is turned on. The bulbs in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor will be turned on if they are in a high condition. Likewise all the bulbs
in ground and 1st floor as well as in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor can be at high state if either of them is turned on.
Let A be the bulb in the ground floor;B will be the bulb for 1st floor;C for the 2nd floor;D for the 3rd floor;D for the 4th floor. Bulb A will be high if the ground
floor switch and 1st floor switch is in irrespective state(A xor B). 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor bulbs will be high when all of them is in High state(CDE). Therefore f=
A xor B or CDE

3. In a bank, there were four employees. They are the bank manager, assistant manager, teller and the security guard. The bank has a single vault for
the storage of their money. This vault was designed so that it needs four signals to open it. These four signals are from manager, assistant manager,
teller and the security guard. For the vault to open it needs that no single employer can open the vault. Can be opened with three employees which
includes the manager. Can be opened by the manager together with the assistant manager. Design a logic circuit that will automatically open the
vault if the conditions above where met.
F(A, B, C, D)= ABCD + ABC + ABD + ACD + AB. Simplifying the expressions will lead to F(A, B, C, D)= AB + ACD

4. Simplify the given expression and implement its circuit. (xyz+uv)(x+y’+z’+uv)

5. Design a circuit which has a 5-bit binary input (A, B, C, D, E), with A being the MSB (Most Significant Bit). It must produce an output logic High
for any prime number detected in the input data.
The minterm associated for detection of prime numbers in the five variable inputs are m1, m2, m3, m5, m7, m11, m13, m17, m19, m23, m29 and m31. The
corresponding 5 variable Karnaugh Map using gray code is shown in Fig. x-3 along with the grouping e.g. minterms m1, m3, m7, m5 in positions 00001,
00011, 00111, 00101 can form a group and among them variables A, B and E remain constant with values 0,0,1 respectively. Hence, A′B′E represents that.
Conducting this exercise for other groups we get final expression as Y=A'B'E + B'C'E + A'B'C'D + AB'DE + A'CD'E + ABCE +A'C'DE

6. Rexter’s Automated Cafeteria orders a machine to dispense coffee, tea, and milk. Design the machine so that it has a button for each choice and so
that a customer can have at most one of the three choices. Diagram the circuit to insure that the at most one condition is met.
Input c = coffee button (1 = pushed, 0 = not pushed) t = tea button (1 = pushed, 0 = not pushed) m = milk button (1 = pushed, 0 = not pushed)
Output x = choice verifier (1 = acceptable input–deliver the choice selected; 0 = unacceptable input–light an error light)
X=ct'm' + c'tm' + c't'm
7. The nation of Upper Slobovia has gained a missile defense capability governed by its Security Council. The Council consists of four members: the
U.S. (Upper Slobovian) President and three Counselors (the Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force plus the President’s Uncle Homer). The
missile system is to be activated by a device obeying these rules: each member of the Security Council has a button to push; the missiles fire only if
the President and at least one Counselor push their buttons. Design the rocket firing circuitry.
Input p = President’s button (1 = pushed, 0 = not pushed) x, y, z =Counselors’ buttons (1 = pushed, 0 = not pushed) Output f = fire missiles command (1 =
fire, 0 = don’t fire)
f=pxyz + pxyz' + pxy'z + pxy'z' + px'yz + px'yz' + px'y'z, simplifying, f=px + py + pz
8. Three sensors are attached to a printing device, with three alarms attached to the sensors. The first sensor, "A," detects if the device needs ink. The
second sensor, "B," detects if the device needs repair. The third sensor, "C," detects if the device should jam. If the device jams or needs repair,
alarm 1 sounds. If the device jams or is short on ink, alarm 2 sounds. If two or more problems occur at once, alarm 3 sounds. Implement the circuit
when either of the 3 alarm conditions occurred.
Alarm 1= b+c
Alarm 2=a+c
Alarm 3=a+b+c
F= (b+c)+(a+c)+(a+b+c)=a+b+c
9. An automotive engineer wants to design a logic circuit that prohibits the engine in a car from being started unless the driver is pressing the clutch
pedal while turning the ignition switch to the ”start” position. The purpose of this feature will be to prevent the car from moving forward while
being started if ever the transmission is accidently left in gear. Suppose we designate the status of the ignition switch ”start” position with the
Boolean variable S (1 = start; 0 = run or off), and the clutch pedal position with the Boolean variable C (1 = clutch pedal depressed; 0 = clutch pedal
in normal, unpressed position). Write a Boolean expression for the starter solenoid status, given the start switch (S) and clutch (C) statuses. Then,
implement this Boolean function.
10. An automobile manufacturer needs a logic circuit to perform a specific task in its new line of cars. These cars will be equipped with a ”headlight
left on” alarm that sounds any time these two conditions are met: headlights(H) on and ignition(I) switch off. Implement this alarm(A),
constructed entirely out of NAND gates.

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