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1.If you put a potato with buds and a rotten mango seed in the soil. What will
(i) New plants will grow from both
(ii) New plant will grow from mango seed but not from potato.
(iii) New plant will grow from potato and not from mango
(iv) None of these.

2.I have left dandelion , pea and coconut seeds to dry in the sun on a paper on the
terrace . A slight wind blows and after some time when I go back to look at the seeds
,I find one of the types of seeds to be scattered. Which one do you think it will be ?

3.I take 3 jars A,B and C with healthy gram seeds and near my window with
adequate sunlight.
In Jar A ,I have just put the seeds without any water.
In Jar B, I have put the seeds in moist damp cloth while in Jar C,I have completely
submerged the seed.
Which one, after few days will show a healthy growth of baby plant from it?
(i)Jar A
(ii)Jar B
(iii)Jar C
Also state the reason.

4.We take two sweet potatoes. In one of them, we cut the buds and put in the soil.
And the other we put the whole potato in a bottle containing water using toothpick.

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Phone No: 7595947870/9163220583
Address: 482 Ashoke Road, P.O. Garia , Kolkata – 700084 Page 1
Which one of them will show growth of new plants.
(i)The one with toothpick in the bottle
(ii)The one with the buds cut.
(iii)Both of these

5.Name the following :

a. Agents of dispersal
b. Ways of reproduction in plant
c. Conditions required for Germination
d. Dicotyledonous plants
e. Tiny root of the embryo

6. Match the following:

Column A Column B
A. Small young baby plant i. Agents
B. Ginger ii. Growth of Seeds
C. Balsam iii. Embryo
D. Bee iv. Stem
E. Germination v. Explosion

7.Fill up
a. The place where the the seed was attached to the fruit is ________
b. ___________ is an example of monocot seeds.
c.The process of scattering of seeds from their parent plants is called ______.

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Phone No: 7595947870/9163220583
Address: 482 Ashoke Road, P.O. Garia , Kolkata – 700084 Page 2

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