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Republic of the Philippines Department of Finance BUREAU OF A 1. REVE? WIL V7, RECORDS MGT. DIVISION +May U4. 2020 REVENCE REGULATIONS NO._[&- 2O2LO0 Amends Revenue Regulations 10-2020, as amended by Revenue Regulations No. 11-2020, relative to the evtension of statutory deadlin and timelines for the filing and submission of any document and the payment of taxes pursuant to Section 4 (7) of Republic Act No. £1469, otherwise known as “Bayanihan to Heal Ay One Act™ TO: Ail Internat Revenue Officials and Others Concerned SECTION |. Anew n a RPOSE. - Pursuant to Sei ‘han w Ueal Ay One Act ian 4 (7) of Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise declaring the existence of « national emergency sing from the Coronasirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and in constderation af the revenue, need of the government, these Regulations are hereby promulgated to amend certain provsions of RR No. 10-2020, as amended by RR No. 11-2026 Particularly on the extension of deadies 10 submit. fte and or pay the accessary documents andor taxes required under the Lay Code, as amended. as well as in the existing revenue regulations, SECTION 2, AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2, Sectton 2 of RR No, 10-2020, as amended by Section 2 of RR No. 11-2020, is hereby further amended to read ats follows. “The follow-ng statutory deadlines for the submnsion and or filing of the following documents and/or returns. ay well as the payment of the following taxes, are extended as follows SNK ORXE XXX “the extension of duc dates shall be made applicable throughout the Philippines. 0 the now extended! due dates fall on a holiday or non-working day, Uen, the submission and ur filmg contemplited rervin shall he made on the next working day Further. the tem ntine” used herein shall mean any announcement by the \anenal Goverment resulting to hinuted operations and mobility, including, but not limited Ww. caqument yuuranmne, enhanced community quarantine, and medified enhanced community quarantine.” g SECTION 3. REPEAL OF SECTION 3, - Section 3 of RR No. 10 2020, ay amended by Section FoF RR No, 11-2020, is hereby repealed. The defined evtended due dives under Seecuon 2 of RR No. 11-2020) shall remain im effeet regardless of any extension or nodtiticahon of quarantine |. FILING OF TAN RETURNS AND PAYMENT OF TAXES: caullines provided in RR-11-2020 remain in ef ‘ums pay tives on oF before the deadlines proved therein DUR. Since taxpayers are remmnded to faypayers are likew ive reminded that if they file their tax returns within the original deadine or prior te the estended deadhne, they can amend their tax retuns att any time on or before fiw extended due die. An amendment that will result in adlitionsll tax to be paud, ean stll be paxd without the mausimon of corresponding. pen: ies «surcharge, interest and compromise penalties) 4f the saine shall be done not later than the extended deadline as provided under etsting rules and regulations A taxpayer whose amended returns will result in overpayment of taxes pard. can npt to carry over the overpaid ty as eredit against the tax due for the same tax type in the sueceeding periods’ tay returns, aside from filing for elaim for refund (HONS, IssANeES oF SECTION 5, REPEALING CLAUSE. All existing ruley and reg party thereof, whiel are inconsistent with the provisiony of these Reyulationy, are hereby repealed, amended. or modified accordingly SECTION 6, SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. If any chiuse, sentence, provision or section of ons shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, the remaming parts thereot shall not be affected then by SECUION 7. EFFECTIVITY. These Regulutions shall tuke effect immediately CARLOS G. DOMINGUEZ IIL Seerctary of Finance MAY 7.0 20 ARR. DUL Comniisstoney i Duternal Revenue . 035063 WIA 4 RECORDS MGT. DIVISION

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