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Brainstem – Pons & midbrain

Dr Shajan Koshy
• Has two surfaces - ventral & dorsal surfaces
• Ventral surface is transversely striated
• Basilar sulcus in the median plane which lodges
the basilar artery.
• Laterally the surface is continuous with the
middle cerebellar peduncle.
• Trigeminal nerve is attached to this surface
• Abducent, facial & vestibulocochlear nerves are
attached to the lower border of the ventral
• Dorsal surface is hidden by cerebellum & forms
the upper half of the floor of the fourth

External features 2
Pons External features

Internal structure
• In transverse section pons is divisible into two
parts –
• Ventral or basilar part – is continuous
inferiorly with the pyramids of the medulla, &
on each side with the cerebellum through the
middle cerebellar peduncle
• Dorsal or tegmental part is a direct upward
continuation of the medulla (except the

Basilar part of the pons
• Uniform structure • Longitudinal fibres include
throughout its length the corticospinal &
• Grey matter is represented corticonuclear,&
by the pontine nuclei corticopontine fibres
scattered among • Transverse fibres are
longitudinal & the pontocerebellar fibres –
transverse fibres. beginning from the
• White matter – consists of pontine nuclei to the
longitudinal & transverse opposite half of the
fibres. cerebellum, through the
middle cerebellar

Tegmentum in the pons (lower part)
Grey matter – White matter –
• Abducent nucleus • Trapezoid body –
• Facial nucleus transverse band of fibres
• Vestibular & cochlear nuclei • Medial lemniscus
lie in relation to the inferior • Lateral spinothalamic tract.
cerebellar peduncle
• Inferior cerebellar
• Spinal nucleus of trigeminal peduncle.
• Fibres of the facial nerve
• Salivatory & lacrimatory follow a peculiar course
nuclei (looping around the
• Superior olivary nucleus abducent nucleus).

Pons lower part

Tegmentum in the pons (upper part)
• Trigeminal lemniscus –
Grey matter – contains fibres arising in the
• Motor & superior sensory spinal nucleus of the
nuclei of trigeminal nerve, trigeminal nerve to the
Motor nucleus is medial. thalamus.
White matter – • Lateral lemniscus – is a part
of the auditory pathway.
• Medial lemniscus,
trigeminal lemniscus, spinal • Medial longitudinal bundle –
lemniscus & lateral is made up of fibres that
lemniscus. interconnect the nuclei of the
cranial nerves III,IV,VI & VIII &
• Medial lemniscus – lateral the spinal part of the
spinothalamic tract, accessory nerve – coordinates
fasciculus gracilis, fasiculus movements of head & neck in
cuneatus. response to VIII cranial nerve
Pons upper part

Blood supply
• Pons is supplied by branches from the basilar
• Median part supplied by paramedian branches
• Lateral part - supplied by short & long
circumferential branches.
• Anterior inferior cerebellar & superior
cerebellar arteries
• Connects the hindbrain with
• Anteriorly related to the
• Its cavity is known cerebral
• Passes through the tentorial
notch. • Posteriorly related to the
splenium of the corpus
• Relations - on each side to callosum, great cerebral
the parahippocampal gyri,
vein, pineal body,&
optic tracts, posterior
posterior ends of thalami.
cerebral artery, basal vein,
trochlear nerve & the • In transverse sections two
geniculate bodies. regions tectum & cerebral

Relations (midbrain)

External features of midbrain
ventral aspect

• Two large bundle of fibres – crura

• Crura of midbrain separated by a deep fissure
• Parts of the crura just below the cerebrum is the
interpeduncular space
• Oculomotor nerve emerges from the medial aspect
of the crus of the same side
External features of midbrain
dorsal aspect
• Four rounded swellings – colliculi one superior &
one inferior on each side
• Each colliculus is laterally related to a ridge –
• Superior brachium connects superior colliculus to
lateral geniculate body
• Inferior brachium connects inferior colliculus to
medial geniculate body
• Just below colliculi is superior medullary velum.
• Trochlear nerve emerges from the velum
Midbrain External features

Subdivisions of midbrain
• Tectum is the part posterior • Medial & lateral
to the aqueduct, made up geniculate bodies are
of right & left, superior & situated on the
inferior colliculi. posterolateral aspect of
• Each half of the midbrain the midbrain.
anterior to the aqueduct is • Superior colliculus is
called the cerebral connected to the lateral
peduncle. geniculate body by the
• Each half of the cerebral superior brachium
peduncle is divided into • Inferior colliculus is
crus cerebri, substantia connected to medial
nigra in the middle, geniculate body by
tegmentum posteriorly. inferior brachium.
Internal structure
• Central grey matter contains – • White matter
nucleus of trochlear nerve in the • Crus cerebri contains –
ventromedial part, corticospinal tract in the middle,
Mesencephalic nucleus of frontopontine fibres in the medial
trigeminal nerve in the lateral one sixth & temporopontine,
part. parietopontine & occipitopontine
• Inferior colliculus – receives in the lateral one-sixth.
afferents from the lateral • Tegmentum contains ascending
lemniscus & gives efferents to tracts as follows- lemnisci,
medial geniculate body. decussation of superior
• Substantia nigra – a lamina of cerebellar peduncles, medial
grey matter with deeply longitudinal bundle lies in close
pigmented nerve cells. relation to the trochlear nucleus.
Concerned with muscle tone.

Transverse section of midbrain at the level of inferior colliculi. 17

Midbrain section
(Inferior collicular level)

Midbrain ( Internal Structure)
grey matter
• Central grey matter contains –
nucleus of oculomotor nerve, • Red nucleus is about 0.5 cm in
mesencephalic nucleus of the the diameter.
trigeminal nerve, oculomotor • Receives afferents from the
nucleus of the two sides are superior cerebellar peduncle, the
fused in the median plane. globus pallidus, subthalamic
• Superior colliculus recieves nucleus & the cerebral cortex.
afferents from the retina & Gives efferents to spinal cord,
various other centers. Efferents
to spinal cord as spinotectal reticular formation, thalamus,
tract. olivary nucleus, subthalamic
• Pretectal nucleus lies deep to nucleus it has inhibitory influence
the superolateral part of the on muscle tone.
superior colliculus. Receives • Substantia nigra.
afferents & gives efferents.

Transverse section of midbrain at the level of superior colliculi. 19

Midbrain section
( Superior collicular level )

Midbrain (superior collicular level) white
• Crus cerebri
• Tegmentum contains – lemnisci, decussation of the
tectospinal & tectobulbar tracts form dorsal
tegmental decussation.
• Decussation of rubrospinal tracts forms ventral
tegmental decussation.
• Medial longitudinal bundle.
• Emerging fibres of oculomotor nerve
• Tectum shows posterior commissure connecting the
two superior colliculi.

Blood supply
• Posterior cerebral & superior cerebellar
branches from basilar artery
• Direct branches from basilar artery
• Posterior communicating & anterior choroidal
• Paramedian & circumferential branches of the
• Blood supply to the colliculi – quadrigeminal
artery (circumferential branches)
• Ascending tracts & descending tracts of spinal
• Medulla at three levels
• Pons at two levels
• Midbrain at two levels

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