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1. Carefully review the situation that is presented.

2. Develop an action plan to deal with the situation that includes:

o Diagnosis of the situation and the emotions it creates.

o Action plan that helps you make decisions related to this situation.

3. We recommend reviewing the material seen this week.

4. Use the evaluation criteria that are included in the checklist to assess the action plan.

This is your first year as leader of your neighborhood board; lately, you have thought about
not continuing with this job because some of the residents have been calling you constantly
to complain about the cleanliness of the common areas, the lack of security, and the poor
lighting in the neighborhood.

You have been very patient and you are always willing to listen to your community, and as
such you have even received calls at dawn from complaining neighbors. As much as you
have tried to help and pay attention to them in a cordial way, you question whether
continuing with this commitment is worthwhile since you feel worn down.

You have always been aware of the responsibility that comes with living in a community
and, being a new neighborhood, it needs people who want to participate and be open-
minded like you.
Juan Francisco Niño Olguin


The Dilemma of the Neighborhood Board

This dilemma that we face in the case are part of what a leader faces in his day to day, and
more when there is a disagreement, at the end of the whole we have to understand that also as
a leader has limitations which can frustrate and get discouraged to continue. It is also clear why
the neighborhood is unhappy with everything, because in the end it is where they live and their
children grow up about the topic that is being talked about, we all want to have clean streets as
well as security to have the tranquility that nothing will happen and that our family will be safe.
We know that there are always those types of neighbors who could be martyred or complain
about anything, but in the end as the person who is in charge of making the decisions, but in the
end these types of activities even though of great importance to the community one has to
consider how much it can affect them in their day to day, since even if one tries to carry it with
the best attitude one has to consider whether he feels not only qualified but emotionally apt to
continue with the tasks.

Below we present a series of proposals that could help solve the problems that the community
and the leader face:

1. Together with the community, write a letter to the government signed by the neighbors to
demand that they improve the conditions of the neighborhood, such as installing a new
light fixture and assigning the neighborhood to police routes in a way that would increase
2. Call a neighborhood board to discuss problems and seek solutions among all members
so that we can reach mutual agreements such as proposing to hire a security service to
monitor the neighborhood, or even the implementation of a neighborhood police that it
rotates among the neighbors. In the same way, contribute to maintain the cleanliness of
the neighborhood or hire staff with a fund created by the neighbors to maintain the
necessary areas.
3. This is more than a solution to the neighborhood it would be to the leader of the board,
since if the burden of the responsibility of being the leader of the neighbors really
overwhelms him, he should propose a rotation of the leader's tasks, so that all Neighbors
can become aware that it is not an easy job and more of them do their part to improve
the neighborhood.

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