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Thank you Mr.Toast Master for the time given to me. Alright, my name is Desak and
I’m as a speaker 1 today, nice to meet you all, and I hope topic today is useful for us.

Now I will presenting our topic today, the topic today is Hypertension


Hypertension, also known as high or raised blood pressure, is a condition in

which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. Blood is carried from
the heart to all parts of the body in the vessels. Each time the heart beats, it
pumps blood into the vessels. Blood pressure is created by the force of blood
pushing against the walls of blood vessels (arteries) as it is pumped by the
heart. The higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump. 

Hypertension is a condition in which blood pressure is higher than 140/90

millimeters of mercury (mmHG). The number 140 mmHG refers to systolic
readings, when the heart pumps blood throughout the body. Meanwhile, the 90
mmHG number refers to diastolic readings, when the heart is relaxed while
refilling its chambers with blood.

Hypertension whose cause is not clearly called primary hypertension. But

high blood pressure can also be caused by lifestyle and poor diet. Take for
example, smoking. Smoking just one cigarette can cause a direct surge in blood
pressure and can increase systolic blood pressure levels by 4 mmHG. The
nicotine in tobacco products stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals
that can constrict blood vessels and contribute to high blood pressure.

Most eating salty foods, which contain sodium (processed foods, canned
foods, fast food), and foods or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners can also
increase cholesterol and / or high blood pressure.

Someone who has high blood pressure usually does not show any
characteristics or only experience mild symptoms.

But in general, the symptoms of hypertension are:

• Severe headaches


• Blurred vision

• Nausea

• Ears ringing

• Confusion

• Irregular heartbeat

• Fatigue

•Chest pain

• Difficulty breathing

• Blood in the urine

• A ticking sensation in the chest, neck or ears

Ok, that’s from me, now will continue by the speaker 2, thank you. Time I return to
Mr. Toast Master.
  Based on the cause of hypertension is divided into 2 namely:
1. Primary / essential hypertension is hypertension that has no or unknown cause,
also called idiopathic hypertension. In 95% of cases. Many factors influence such
as genetic, environmental, sympathetic hyperativitis, renin-angiotensis system,
defects in Na excretion, increase in intracellular Na and Ca, and factors that
increase risk, such as obesity, alcohol, smoking and polycythemia.
2. Secondary hypertension. There are about 5% of cases. Specific causes are
known such as estrogen use, kidney disease, renal vascular hypertension,
primary hyperaldosteronism, and cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytosis,
aortic coarctation, hypertension associated with pregnancy, and others.
 Before hypertension attacks us it will be better if we prevent it first. The right
way to prevent hypertension is:
1. Don't smoke because the nicotine in cigarettes can cause a heart beat
    faster and narrow the small blood vessels that cause the heart
    forced to pump stronger to meet the needs of our bodies
2. Reduce salt consumption because excess salt in the blood can cause
  more water is stored and this results in high blood pressure
3. Reduce fat, excess fat will accumulate around blood vessels
   and make it thick and stiff
4. Maintain ideal body weight
5. Exercise regularly
6. Avoid alcohol consumption
7. Eat healthy foods, low in fat, rich in vitamins and natural minerals
But in general, several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing
hypertension are:
• Fatigue
• Diabetes
•Uric acid
• Obesity
•High cholesterol
•Kidney illness
• Alcohol addiction
• Women who use birth control pills
• People who have parents or grandparents with high blood pressure.
Having no risk factors does not mean you will not get hypertension. This factor
is only as a reference. Consult your doctor for further details.
Exercise is more associated with hypertension treatment, because regular
isotonic exercise (such as cycling, jogging, aerobics) can improve blood
circulation so that it can reduce blood pressure. Exercise can also be used to
reduce / prevent obesity and reduce salt intake into the body (a sweaty body
will excrete salt through the skin).
Treatment of hypertension is broadly divided into 2 types, namely:
1. Non-drug treatment (non pharmacological)
2. Treatment with drugs (pharmacological)
a. Non-drug treatment (non pharmacological)
Non-pharmacological treatment can sometimes control blood pressure so that
pharmacological treatment becomes unnecessary or at least postponed. Whereas
in situations where anti-hypertensive drugs are needed, non-pharmacological
treatment can be used as a complement to get a better treatment effect. Simple
between it :
Non-pharmacological treatments include:
1. A diet low in salt / cholesterol / saturated fat
2. Reducing intake of salt into the body.

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